
 USD $2,000


 USD $895

Campaign created by Catherine Watters

Campaign funds will be received by Catherine Watters


Dear Supporters,

 THANK YOU for supporting my First GiveSendGo started April 4th to join the EMERGENCY Gaza Flotilla that has since been Indefinitely detained.

PLEASE SEE FCC Freedom Flotilla to Gaza site for info!

The OSLO Freedom Flotilla started out on it's journey May 1st making it's way around Europe stopping at ports along the way for a few days having rallies, conducting meetings with officials to raise awareness for the Palestinians.

 You can follow the Oslo Flotilla here -

For information on the Emergency Flotilla that was detained, like anyone who speaks the truth, Please see the FCC instagram channel @freedomflotillacoalition

on X @GazaFFlotilla

I am Raising $ for the Flight from US east coast to Barcelona, where I meet the boat, and the RETURN from another country, Marseille France.

Cost -$2000

 Asking for another 1k for food and lodging for 15 days

 The Palestinians are NOT the only people being abused over the decades. They ARE, however, showing the world that the abuse, business as usual, has Gone On for TOO long and MUST END.

Recent Donations
Chuck Murray
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

This is very brave of you Cat. But it will help to continue bringing attention to the genocide

Philip Restino
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

God be with you

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

Good luck

Alan MacKinnon
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

$ 10.00 USD
3 months ago

$ 30.00 USD
3 months ago

With love.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

I shall pray for the safety and health of everyone involved

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 150.00 USD
3 months ago

2 million people have been blockaded for almost 20 years by the Zionist supremacist state and now they are being mercilessly bombed. Good luck to the Flotilla!

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
3 months ago

Scott Ritter
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Good luck!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago


Resigned UN Civil Rights attorney Craig Mokhiber on X space

July 4th, 2024

Leaving NEXT WEEK to meet the Flotilla!

July 4th, 2024

 I will be meeting up with the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza close to the 14th of July in Spain. 

For more info and to follow the boats,,

I will help at the port for 3 days then  sail for 3 days then, help and march at the next port for 3 days.

 For me it's simple. With all the research, work in the study of child abuse, abusive families, enabling communities I tried showing others for decades, the Palestinian genocide has been the same on a larger scale.



June 29th, 2024

Parallels btwn the Persecution of Julian Assange and Palestinian Genocide

June 29th, 2024

Essential insider account of how the DoJ drove deal once UK extradition case against Assange became unwinnable according to US’s own trial lawyers.

Assange was "criminalized" in front of the world for exposing TRUTH, war crimes and was IMPRISONED for a decade. But, somehow the genocide of Palestinians is still "Confusing" for some people.

Israel has intensified its starvation war on the Gaza Strip

June 25th, 2024

Ramy Abdu| رامي عبده (@RamAbdu) posted at 11:06 AM on Mon, Jun 24, 2024:
🚨 Israel has intensified its starvation war on the Gaza Strip by targeting service and aid distribution centers. Within 24 hours, they bombed the United Nations headquarters, killing aid workers. They also bombed a medical clinic where the director of emergency services was… (

"Why can't you feel for us?" 13 year old Rozan al-Rifi screams to the world

June 24th, 2024

The Night Won’t End: Biden’s War on Gaza | Fault Lines Documentary

June 24th, 2024


Working with journalists in Gaza and using forensic analysis, Fault Lines spent months investigating the killing of civilians in Israeli military attacks and the United States' role in the war on Gaza.

The Night Won't End: Biden’s War on Gaza - coming this Friday on @AJEnglish

Musician @rogerwaters talks to @RawPolitik & @MaryNazzal2 about desensitization to the incessant live-streamed genocide!

June 24th, 2024

Anti-Zionist academic successful in claim for philosophical belief discrimination

June 20th, 2024


June 20th, 2024

By now you’ve heard the news: Israel launched a massive operation that rescued four Israeli hostages held by Hamas.

Both the Biden administration and the Israeli government hailed the mission as a success. But others have been critical of the fact that over 270 Palestinians were killed.

Find the entire story on this week's episode of "Reckoning: Israel vs. Gaza"!

Man's WAR with Health, Nature, Children and Palestinians

June 20th, 2024

Growing US Complicity in Gaza Genocide

June 20th, 2024


June 14th, 2024

Catherine Watters of The Family Industrial Complex podcast on Revolution.Radio Studio B Wednesdays 4-6pm ET & Thursdays 7-9pm ET on

I have spoken out about, studied the Dysfunctional, Abusive Family, child abuse and neglect since the early 80s, experienced abuse since 1970 and the Abuser was who was excused and enabled and, I, the healthy truth teller, was shamed and guilted.
Just have to do the Math, the Science, look at the Uncomfortable FACTS.
Minimizing the mistreatment of Children, lowering the Bar, while "Grown" children can't even hold Abusive "leaders" to account as well as a child, teen can is how we arrived where we have!

G. Edward Griffin Agenda 21 video

My Tiktok video - We are ALL under Occupation

 J. Michael Springmann served in the United States government as a diplomat with the State Department's Foreign Service, with postings in Germany, India, and Saudi Arabia. He left federal service and currently practices law in the Washington, DC, area. Springmann has been published in numerous foreign policy publications, including Covert Action Quarterly, Unclassified, Global Outlook, the Public Record, OpEdNews, and Foreign Policy Journal. He holds a JD from American University, in Washington, DC, as well as undergraduate and graduate degrees in international relations from Georgetown University and the Catholic University of America. In 2004, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee recognized Springmann as one of its Pro Bono Attorneys of the Year.

Visas for Al Qaeda

Recommendations by J. Michael Springmann
Gilad Atzmon books
The Wandering Who
Being In Time
Ilan Pappe
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine

Kevin Barrett- Kevin Barrett, Ph.D., is an Arabist-Islamologist scholar and one of America's best-known critics of the War on Terror.

From 1991 through 2006 Dr. Barrett taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris and Wisconsin. In summer 2006 Dr. Barrett was attacked by a group of Republican state legislators who called for him to be fired from his job at the University of Wisconsin-Madison due to his political opinions. Since 2007 Dr. Barrett has been informally blacklisted from teaching in American colleges and universities.

Dr. Barrett ran for Congress in Wisconsin in 2008, and currently works as a nonprofit organizer, public speaker, author and talk radio host. He lives in rural western Wisconsin with his wife, two sons, and a dog named after Salman Rushdie. His website is
USS Liberty Massacre: A Pivotal Moment in the
Hostile Takeover of America


June 13th, 2024

Update ARREST NETANYAHU July 24, 2024 Image
Agenda 21 explained in 2 mins

June 13th, 2024


June 13th, 2024

House votes to Block US funding to Rebuild Gaza

June 13th, 2024

2 Palestinian Children Burned ALIVE!

June 13th, 2024

comparing now the atrocities committed by the Apartheid regime of Israel during the ongoing Genocide, with 1940s Germany

June 13th, 2024

1- Dehumanizing propaganda and lies (example of the fake 30 babies story on October 7 investigated and uncovered by CNN and debunked by Israeli press themselves among others).

2- The killing, burning, or burying alive of 15 000 of real babies and children, with in addition using prohibited chemical weapons like white phosphorus, and drones playing crying baby sound…

3- Starvation and extermination of people based on their ethnicity, skin color or religion, while they were putted into a concentration camp, which is Gaza, with a totally controlled siege and illegal blockade for years (open-air prison).

4- Theft of native people's land and homes and selling them to US & EU settlers, colonization, domination, ethnic cleansing, racism, violence, discrimination, forced displacement, inhumane treatment of detainees, armed checkpoints, and obvious complete destruction of infrastructure and facilities.

5- Unprecedented mass executions by dropping thousands of tons of bombs and missiles on such concentrated population, causing permanent damage to the injured, such as deformities and disabilities, along with the environmental risks resulting from the release of toxic radiation, and the presence of graves with clear signs of torture.

6- Flour Massacres targeting unarmed palestinians seeking food, and shootings on innocents with white flag or in declared « safe zones ».

7- Intentional targeting and killing of international aid workers, ambulances (shocking example of the assassination of 6-year-old Hind Rajab and the rescue team that she called), doctors, 143 journalists, and annihilation of healthcare system, note that experienced war surgeons are reporting apalling injuries unseen before.

8- Disregard for all the global authorities, conventions, human rights and laws.

9- Pillaging or destroying homes, hospitals, universities, schools, churches, mosques, cultural sites heritage, and even UN buildings, with recorded mockery by the IDF.

10- Extensive worldwide documentation, proof, videos, images, articles, interviews, testimonies, names, and online live streaming of all these indisputable facts that the whole world is witnessing !

Don't be distracted. Don't look away. Let's stick to these evidence. We will never forget. We will never stop sharing. It’s not a political or religious question here, it’s a matter of HUMANITY & FREEDOM. Never again means never again for anyone.

And always remember that Palestinians have a recognized right under international law to resist Israeli occupation under Protocol I of the Geneva Conventions. This right is affirmed in the context of the right of self-determination of all peoples under foreign and colonial rule.

The "independent" UN investigation

June 13th, 2024

Tweet by former UN official Craig Mokhiber

June 13th, 2024

Emergency Press Conference: The Danger of Nuclear War Is Real, and Must Be Stopped

June 13th, 2024

مستشفى الشفاء.. جرائم مدفونة - Al Shifa Hospital: The Crimes They Tried To Bury

June 13th, 2024

June 10th, 2024

Update  Image
Pic of Netanyahu

June 10th, 2024

Update Pic of Netanyahu Image
Pic from Rally in DC on Sturday!

June 10th, 2024

Update Pic from Rally in DC on Sturday! Image
Pictures from DC on Saturday for REDLINE! Surround the "White" House

June 10th, 2024

Update Pictures from DC on Saturday for REDLINE! Surround the "White" House Image
UPDATE ON THE HANDALA Boat to Gaza that I will be Joining July 10th!

June 10th, 2024

The Freedom Flotilla Handala ship (20 crew/participants), which began its voyage from Scandinavia May 1, has had very successful port visits in Norway, Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands.

Handala has left Rotterdam on a 4-day sail to Cork, Ireland. Unfortunately, strong storms prevented Handala from going to London, but the Palestine Solidarity groups in London had spirited rallies for Gaza with members of the flotilla coalition.


Follow Handala’s progress

Update #20

June 10th, 2024

Several articles about the history of the flotilla, about participants and by participants have been posted recently:
Huwaida Arraf: The History of the Gaza Flotillas 2008-2024 (with video footage of 2008 when boats got into Gaza, as well as footage of the Mavi Marmara and other ships)

Wisconsin human rights activist frustrated after blocked attempt to bring aid to Palestinians (Cassandra Dixon) Wisconsin human rights activist frustrated after blocked attempt to bring aid to Palestinians

 The Little Flotilla That Almost Could (Barry Riesch and Coleen Rowley

The Little Flotilla That Almost Could

Two articles and Instagram by Ann Wright:
Why Did the US Spend $320 Million on a Rube Goldberg Pier For Gaza?

Why Did the US Spend $320 Million on a Rube Goldberg Pier For Gaza?
Mother Nature Makes Mockery of US Military's $320 Million Pier in Gaza

Mother Nature Makes Mockery of US Military's $320 Million Pier in Gaza
Instagram: Ann Wright's Prediction of Stupid US Military Pier in Gaza Being a Disaster

Instagram: Ann Wright's Prediction of Stupid US Military Pier in Gaza Being a Disaster


June 10th, 2024

Twitter Post - Survivor of the bombing of their home in Nuseirat camp

June 10th, 2024

From under the rubble emerges the steadfast voice of Gaza. Words from Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Gouda, the survivor of the bombing of their home in Nuseirat camp, where his whole family was killed which include other 210 Palestinians.

57 YEARS! since the USRAELI ATTACK on the USS Liberty June 8, 1967 with SURVIVOR ERNEST GALLO

June 4th, 2024

Catherine Watters of The Family Industrial Complex podcast on Revolution.Radio Studio B Wed 4-6pm ET AND 7-9pm ET Thursdays on with returning but, FIRST time on Rev Radio, Survivor of the US AND ISRAEL attack on the USS Liberty June 8th, 1967. "Celebrating" the 57th Anniversary Next weekend with the MURDER of 34 crew members and the injuring of 171 more And ISRAEL GOT AWAY WITH IT.
The USS Liberty Anniversary will be held
Holiday Inn Arlington
4610 N. Fairfax Drive
Arlington, Virginia 22203
(703) 243-9800
And MOST important,,

Reflecting On My Hunger Strike for Gaza - Nurse outside "White" House

June 4th, 2024

We ALL need to STARVE the USraeli of $$/ Taxes!!

Saleem Lubbad tells his story of how the MAVIMARMARA Changed his Life

June 4th, 2024

This is why we sail. A young man from Gaza was able to study abroad in Oxford after our 2010 Freedom Flotilla mission. Israel’s deadly assault on our flotilla, and killing of 10 of our colleagues on the Mavi Marmara, pressured both Israel and Egypt to open the borders. Our missions aren’t just about delivering humanitarian aid and spreading awareness; they are about breaking the siege and ending the blockade of Gaza for people like Saleem Lubbad, for all Palestinians, for all of humanity. Saleem and many others shared their story with us at the London event yesterday where ‘Handala’ unfortunately could not dock due to dangerous weather conditions. But that did not and will not stop our conviction and commitment. We will break the siege and end the blockade.
#mavimarmara #breakthesiege #endtheblockade #freegaza #gaza #rafah #jabalia #palestine #lebanon #jordan #decolonize #freepalestine #wewillsail

Commemoration for the MAVI MARMARA in Istanbul!

June 4th, 2024

Attorney Frank Romano in Istanbul with the FFC, Freedom Flotilla Coalition.

 Tens of thousands in Demonstration to commemorate the Martyrs of the MAVIMARMARA attack BY ISRAELI agents 14 years ago, Saturday June 1st, 2010, to curse the Occupation of Palestine, who has committed GENOCIDE in Gaza since 1948. Organized by IHH and Behesti Ismail, keynote speaker.

The Time To Send Unarmed Peacekeepers To Gaza

June 2nd, 2024

The Handala boat in London

June 2nd, 2024

14th ANNIVERSARY TODAY- Anonymous Witness Testimony of the Deadly Flotilla Mission To Gaza

May 31st, 2024

FOLLOW the Handala boat to GAZA near Rotterdam on Marine Traffic

May 31st, 2024

Names of the victims of the third tent massacre West of RAFAH

May 30th, 2024

1. Ibrahim Khalil Ibrahim Al-Ghafari
2. Rabab Hossam Abdel Abbasi
3. Abdulaziz Abdulqader Abu Al-Kass
4. Amir Ashraf Nassar
5. Abdulmoneim Mohammed Al-Abbasi
6. Saleh Ibrahim Saleh Al-Hams
7. Bisan Ibrahim Saleh Al-Hams
8. Jabr Abdulqader Al-Abbasi
9. Fatima Mahmoud Al-Abbasi
10. Samah Mahmoud Al-Abbasi
11. Samar Mahmoud Abdulqader Abu Al-Kass
12. Sahar Nassar
13. Rahaf Al-Abbasi
14. Lynn Jabr Abu Salem
15. Ashraf Mohammed Ali
16. Ahmed Abdulkarim Al-Tawil
17. Nora Jabr Al-Qaisi
18. Hala Mohammed Al-Qaisi
19. Raghad Nassar
20. Elham Abdulqader Abu Salem
21. Doaa Jabr Abu Salem

President @RTErdogan is calling the Islamic world to take a joint action against Israel.

May 30th, 2024

Mexican protesters escalate outside the Israeli embassy in Mexico City

May 30th, 2024

Mexican protesters escalate outside the Israeli embassy in Mexico City, starting a fire, trying to break through the fence, and throwing Molotov cocktails in protest against Israel's brutal war on Gaza.

Footage from the attack in Rafah May 28 on X

May 30th, 2024

How Palestine fights ecocide with biodiversity and sustainability resistance

May 26th, 2024

For more than 76 years, Palestinians have resisted occupation, dispossession and ethnic cleansing, culminating in Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza.

Yet in the midst of this catastrophic seven months of “ on earth”, it is a paradox that there exists an extraordinary oasis of peace and nature.

Nestling in an Al-Karkarfa hillside at the University of Bethlehem is the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability (PIBS), a remarkable botanical garden and animal rehabilitation unit that is an antidote for conflict and destruction.

    READ MORE: ICC prosecutor seeks arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders
    Other War on Gaza reports

Capitol Police Arrest CODEPINK Staff Member Without Just Cause

May 26th, 2024

CODEPINK Condemns Repression by Capitol Police: Staff Member Arrested for Quietly Exiting Hearing Room

WASHINGTON – A CODEPINK staff member was arrested this afternoon after she quietly exited a room where a hearing was taking place. At CODEPINK, we routinely risk arrest at congressional hearings while we disrupt warmongering politicians – but that was not the case in this instance. Our staff member awaits a court date for a previous arrest and did not intend to be arrested today. At the time of her arrest, she was exiting a hearing room without saying anything or holding up any signs, just holding up her hands for a brief moment. This symbolic action alone has never resulted in an arrest in our last 20 years of protesting on Capitol Hill. No disruption was taking place.  According to the police, she will be held overnight or potentially until her court date in June.

Interview with FFC member FRANK ROMANO in ISTANBUL

May 26th, 2024

IHH HUMANITARIAN ORG in ISTANBUL -Protests for Gaza!! on Instagram

May 26th, 2024


May 26th, 2024

Prayer Requests

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