 AUD $5,000
 AUD $1,100
Campaign funds will be received by Scott Lynch
Our family has created this fund-raiser for Scott due to the sudden news about his health and diagnosis. Scott was recently diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma which is complicated with Amyloidosis that is unfortunately shutting down his kidneys. Sadly the cancer has made his bones extremely weak which has caused his hip to completely shatter and he's now unable to walk. Scott is currently awaiting full hip replacement surgery if radiation therapy makes his bones strong enough to withhold the surgery required.Scott has had to move in with his sister who is providing extensive daily care for him. we are reaching out for donations of any amount so we can help him get to his weekly hospital visits, chemo and radiation therapy, food and living expenses and most importantly to raise enough to buy a wheelchair so it's easier for him to get around. We are grateful and appreciative for any help during his treatment. We know there's no cure for this blood cancer but we can help him slow it down. Many thanks
Sorry I couldn't give ya more bro!
May God Bless you
You’ve got this brother
love you uncle scott
Hope this helps xx
Get well soon
Keep ya head up bro
i hope it all goes well xoxo
Lots of love x
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