USD $14,535
USD $5,733
Campaign funds will be received by Tov Rose
Luca Jo here, I am starting a campaign for my dear friends Tov and Michelle Rose. There are times in all our lives when we get to bless and help each other out, this would be one of those opportunities.
Tov is an accomplished writer, Bible scholar and teacher, I could go on with his accolades, but instead I'll share a link to his website below.
Tov and his parents came to faith in 1973 through the witness of several Christian families, making Tov a second-generation Jewish believer in Jesus. Michelle is also a second-generation Jewish believer. Her father was led to the Lord while a student at UCLA, by Hal Lindsey. Michelle had a work-related injury a few years ago and is no longer able to work.
At this time, I am kindly asking if you would please consider praying for him and his family and/or making a financial gift. Tov's family is in need as the house they are currently renting had a leak, which caused mold to grow in the house. This is causing health issues for Tov, his wife and three of their four children. They will need first and last months rent to move, both vehicles need repairs, help paying utilities and groceries to feed his family.
I personally have known Tov and his family for several years and can tell you with all confidence, this family is good seed to sow into.
Scripture says "I will bless those who bless Israel" Genesis 12:3 I would imagine this isn't only for the nation itself, but His people as well.
Thank you for your prayers and your consideration.
Tov's About Me: https://tovrose.com/about/my-story/
Tov's Newsletter & 2-3 Articles per week (paid subscribers receive bonus content): https://TovRose.Substack.com
Tov's eBooks: https://tovrose.com/store
Tov's Paper Books on Amazon/Kindle/Audible: https://www.amazon.com/Tov-Rose/
May God bless you abundantly
Prayers and love to you guys
You guys are AweSome!!! You are the light of Christ!!!
March 11th, 2025
February 18th, 2025
Thank you for praying for us; we really do appreciate it more than you know. We are back in Kansas, where we've been spending time with our daughter. She's decided to move with us back to Georgia to seek healing with our friends at Be In Health Ministries (seeking our own healing with them is the reason we relocated to Georgia for this season in our lives). This ministry is wonderful and unique.
Would you prayerfully assist us with our daughter's moving and food costs?
The total we are looking to cover in the next four days is: $6000
This includes repairs to our Honda Pilot so it can pull a trailer, trailer rental, fuel, food, and hotels.
Sephina is on a specialized diet for her medical condition, where she must have high-quality organic foods, which cost $1200 per month. The $6000 includes this.
Thank you for prayerfully giving:
Here at GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/GCHUP
Call to Return Ministries: https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/c527882c-9e50-4889-b510-390fd9b3b7df (received by the following Wednesday with no hidden fees)
Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com (received immediately with no hidden fees)
Ca$hApp/Venmo: @tovrose / @tov-rose
Checks: 10955 Nieman Rd, Overland Park KS 66210
Michelle & Tov
December 15th, 2024
Would you please continue praying for our daughter and for those of us supporting her? Right now we are sending $800 per month to cover her expenses, which will go up by another $150 in January.
In addition to financial gifts here is a great way to help:
Buy Tov's books and courses! His new book is a Best Seller on Amazon!
Here's a few of the reviews:
"Tov Rose has written an advanced Old Testament study to show that the message of the Old Testament and the New Testament are completely consistent in presenting Jesus as the Word of God. His book shows that the New Testament is very much a product of 1st Century Jewish thought and messianic expectations. It is meaty enough for a 1st year seminary student, yet easy enough to read for any serious student of the Bible.”
Joel Richardson
New York Times Best Selling Author of The Islamic Antichrist
"Well, I read your book and am glad for it. It will save me a job. I was thinking of writing a book to defend the deity of Yeshua for Jews. I think it is an important book. It deserves to be published.”
Dr. Daniel Juster, ThD
Bible Scholar and Lecturer, Founder Tikkun International, first President of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations
"Jesus the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob" by Tov Rose is a deep exploration of the connection of Jesus to the Old Testament patriarchs. He meticulously explores the role of Jesus in the Old Testament, providing fresh perspectives on well-known biblical narratives.
Rose's scholarly approach, combined with his accessible writing style, makes this book a valuable resource for both theologians and lay readers. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the continuity between the Old and New Testaments and the divinity of Jesus. I highly recommend this for both scholars and lay readers alike!
Dr. Larry Ollison
Larry Ollison Ministries
"Tov Rose has written a resource so thorough that Bible students, ministry leaders, and every believer in Yeshua seeking to understand the unity of both the Hebrew and Apostolic Scriptures, will want a copy in their library.
In our own day, much scholarship, and certainly pulpit ministries, have moved away from advancing the truth that Yahweh’s people must understand how both Testament’s speak His revelation. The result is a rise in what I describe as abhorrent theologies that attempt to negate and reject outright Yahweh’s people Israel, argue against a literal realized eschatology where King Jesus reigns, and a misunderstanding of the role we must play as believers in these days. Tov’s book provides the biblical basis as well as the intellectual weaponry to right these wrongs."
Dr. Mike Spaulding, Pastor and Author
Jesus: The God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob
This book delves into the life of Jesus and His relationship with the God of the Old Testament. It explores Ezra the Scribe's Midrashic Hermeneutic (Bible interpretation method), how it is used by the New Testament writers, and the history of the Bible's manuscripts, including the controversy surrounding the Divine Name.
Tov discusses the names and attributes of God, including the Word of God in the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. It presents evidence from the Hebrew Bible, ancient and modern Jewish scholars, and New Testament writers to support the identity of Jesus as the Messiah, citing fulfilled prophecies, types, and especially how the ancient Jewish marriage structure is on of the main overarching themes or threads woven throughout the Bible that connected both the Old and New Testaments.
Unlike Anything Else
Tov analyzes the personal appearances and references of Messiah in the Old Testament and provides nine ways to find Jesus in the Old Testament. It examines Bible verses stating Jesus is God and discusses His role as "God Among Us." The book also explores the concept of the "Son of God" and Jesus' ultimate purpose of presenting us to His Father.
Tov ends with something few others have attempted, cataloguing the roles of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit revealed in from the Old Testament to the New, highlighting their distinct responsibilities and characteristics.
Get it Here, Amazon and with the exclusive Classes with bonus content at TheHappyTheologist.org
Thank you for prayerfully considering giving:
Michelle & Tov
December 7th, 2024
Michelle and I are asking for your continued prayers and support during this new challenging time for our youngest living with my parents in Kansas.
Here is a recap:
She has been battling severe stomach pains for the past three months, unable to work. My mom is already the full-time caregiver for my dad and Grandma is unable to give our daughter the attention and care she needs.
With Michelle's own health challenges and my need to care for Michelle in addition to my own health issues, our son Josiah is on his way to Kansas City to provide care for our daughter. Her living situation, with her bedroom on the second floor of a home not easily accessible to her grandparents due to their mobility issues, complicates matters further.
Josiah will be staying with dear friends in Nashville tonight. Our friend there had a minor stroke yesterday, but they're insisting he still stays with them. Would you please pray for them as well?
Our Requests:
Your specific prayers and support mean the world to us, and we are truly grateful for all so many of you have done to help us over the past seven months.
Seeking God's touch in this situation.
With love and gratitude,
Tov & Michelle Rose
December 5th, 2024
Dear Friends and Family,
We come to you with a heavy heart, asking for your prayers and support during this new challenging time for our family. Our youngest daughter, who is currently staying in Kansas City, has been battling severe stomach pains for the past three months. These pains have been so intense that she has been unable to work, and we've been assisting with her financially from afar. She's been living with Tov's elderly parents, who are on a fixed income, which adds to the weight of the situation.
Her Health Journey So Far:
The Family's Response:
Our Requests:
Your specific prayers and support mean the world to us, and we are truly grateful for any help you can offer. Let's come together in Messiah Yeshua (Jesus), seeking God's touch in this situation.
With love and gratitude,
Tov & Michelle Rose
November 16th, 2024
Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“Therefore I hope in Him!”
(Lamentations 3:22-24)
The past 12 months have been the most trying and challenging for my family, and myself. After much prayer and struggling to admit its necessity, I decided to take an unannounced break for a couple of weeks to rest my body and soul, as well as to prepare for what is about to come. I spent time in prayer, visiting family in Kansas, and something that can be very draining, but i have a responsibility to engage with due to my own experiences: advising whistleblowers and potential whistleblowers of International House of Prayer of Kansas City, Jews for Jesus, and several other organizations. These include survivors of high control toxic organizations whose organizational cultures can't be changed without extreme measures, as they were created by bad actors, predators, dark personalities, serial sex and spiritual abusers, bullies, true narcissistic personalities and even criminals.
I've been humbled by your love, prayers, support, and encouragement this year as I've been processing and reprocessing.
It's been impressed on my heart that declarative prayer has never been more important, has never been more relevant and needed than in these dark days of hatred, personal and family challenges, and violence against my people worldwide.
Over the next few weeks I will be releasing more Podcast and written content on some similar and different topics. A new Substack focused on supporting Whistleblowers and survivors, another on a book I am writing on Forbidden Archeology--those things that prove the Bible but are suppressed by the Mainstream Media and Academic societies/schools and publications--and a few other topics--all while continuing my current series exploring New Testament statements that are consistently misunderstood, misinterpreted and wrongly applied due to not understanding their original Jewish cultural usage from which they cannot be divorced.
I am also appealing to my friends especially those who are published authors to assist me with some reviews of my soon to be released book, Jesus: The God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob.
Thank you for your prayers and ongoing support. In order to bring the last of our belongings from storage in Kansas City down to GA, we need to 1) Repair our SUV to tow a tailer, which will cost about $2000, 2) Rent a trailer, pay for the fuel and rent storage near us in GA (cost total about $2000).
Thank you for giving as led!
It's the Valley that builds Faith,
- Tov Rose
1 Thessalonians 5:12-18
GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/GCHU
Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$hApp/Venmo: @tovrose @tov-rose
Checks: NEW ADDRESS: 10955 Nieman Rd, Overland Park KS 66210
October 24th, 2024
Hello friends,
We were planning to return to Kansas City to Empty Storage this week, but have been waiting on a check first so that we can fix the a/c in our Honda Pilot. Thanking God for the check arriving yesterday! The a/c will be fixed this coming Monday. We plan to head to Kansas City on 11/3, after we celebrate Michelle's Birthday on 11/2.
It has been a very long time since we did a very nice birthday party for Michelle. Would you be willing to contribute toward making it special? (Please add the note: "For Michelle's B-Day!")
GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/GCHU
Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$hApp/Venmo: @tovrose @tov-rose
PO Box 11656 Overland Park KS 66207
October 16th, 2024
Would you please share this with your friends, families and supporters?
Overland Park, KS – October 15, 2024 – I am thrilled to announce the launch of a fantastic new course: "Jesus in the Old Testament II: The Father's Names, His Attributes, Characteristics, Offices & Duties." This groundbreaking course is now live and available for enrollment!
In this course, we delve deep into the relationship between the Father and us as revealed in the scriptures. As Jesus stated in John 1:18, "No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him." This course aims to uncover the true nature of Abba-Father and His role throughout biblical history.
Course Highlights:
Understanding the Divine Names: Explore the multifaceted names of God in the Old Testament, in New Testament translation and their significance.
Duties and Responsibilities: Learn about the specific roles assigned to the Father and how they differ from those of the Son.
Theological Insights: Challenge traditional perceptions of God the Father and gain clarity on His attributes and characteristics.
Why This Course Matters
Many Christians believe they know the Father simply by recognizing His name, YHWH. However, did you know that only three names in the Hebrew Bible are specifically attributed to the Father? A lot of you just dismissed this outright. Why? What was so offensive? Will the offense I just highlighted in you prevent you from exploring the evidence I present in this class? Having your strongly held belief can hold up to different evidence, right? This course will address questions like:
What are the Father’s unique responsibilities?
How has the theology of the Pharisees shaped modern Christian understanding of God
What does Jesus reveal about His Father that is essential for our faith?
Join us in this intertextual study and gain a deeper understanding of the scriptures. The early bird price is just $37.https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/the-theological-structure-of-the-hebrew-bible-and-new-testament-11
Instructor: Tov Rose, known as "The Happy Theologist," brings over three decades of expertise in biblical texts, providing a rich learning experience that emphasizes the interconnectedness of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament.
Don’t miss this opportunity to enrich your faith and deepen your relationship with God the Father. Enroll now and take the first step towards transformative learning.
For more information and to register, visit [website link].
October 15th, 2024
Tov here! Thank you for standing with us!
This week I launched a new course, which covers the subject, "What if Father God is Less Involved with Creation than You Thought? -An Intertextual Study." Although it covers a lot more than that. It is self-paced and a continuation of my Master Class released in June.
Here are some prayer requests, and Would you prayerfully consider sowing into the following?
1. Michelle has been dealing with some illness issues since returning from her women's conference last month. It's been almost four weeks.
2. Our son, Josiah, and I are planning on returning to Kansas City next week to pack up our storage in two locations and bring it back with us to Georgia. We will be renting Uhaul trailer.
3. We will be towing the trailer with our Honda Pilot. The A/C has officially died in the Pilot and needs to be repaired. Here is why:
4. Michelle has a medical condition that is a reaction to heat. She must have the A/C working for her health and wellbeing (and yes, this is one of the several reasons we have moved close to Be In Health Ministries. They specialize in helping people recover from strange medical conditions)!
5. Before we head back to Kansas City, Josiah and I will be attending a Men's Conference at Be in Health. We are really looking forward to it!
6. We currently rent an apartment that is about an hour from Be in Health Ministries. We want to be much closer. Would you pray into and contend with us for this?
New Course:
Jesus in the Old Testament ɪɪ: The Father's Names, His Attributes, Characteristics, Offices & Duties.
New York Times best selling author Joel Richardson said this about the text book, “This book confronts objections to Jesus’ deity and will leave skeptics with nowhere to hide. This level of persuasive scholarship is sure to inflame critics.”
Consider these words of Jesus:
John 1:18No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son [me], who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him.
Matthew 11:27All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father. Nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.
John 17:25-26O righteous Father! The world has not known You, but I have known You; and these have known that You sent Me. And I have declared to them Your name, and will declare it, that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them."
John 6:46-58
"No one has seen the Father except the one who is from God [me]; only he [me] has seen the Father"
John 14:6-10Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
What if Abba is less involved with creation than you thought, having always delegated interaction with Creation and created beings to His Son/The Word?
Maybe these are the reasons why in John 14:8: Philip says to Jesus, "Lord, show us the Father…”
Consider this, Philip called Jesus, Kurios (Master, Owner).
Divine name
In the Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Bible, kurios is used to translate the Hebrew name YHWH, which is also known as the Tetragrammaton. In the New Testament, kurios is most often used to refer to Jesus, and is considered to be equivalent to the Divine Name Yahweh or Yehovah.
What if, what you think you know about Abba-Father GOD isn't exactly what He is?
What if, many have misidentified who Abba-Father GOD is?
What if, most Christians are following the theology of the Pharisees regarding the identity of the God of the Hebrew Bible, when they should be following the words of Jesus and the words of his students who wrote the New Testament—which says something a little different?
Is that a concerning thought?
In other words, the scriptures are more clear about who Abba-Father actually is, what He is responsible for, and what He does, than you might think.
Get Early Bird Price until 10/16→
If you want a tax deduction, you can give through Call to Return Ministries, which is part of Midwest Hebrew Ministries, founded in 1928 as a non-profit Foundation. Give through Zeffy, which gives 100% of your donation (no fees have to be paid by the Foundation): https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/c527882c-9e50-4889-b510-390fd9b3b7df
These are the several additional ways to give, support and purchase items that will directly help: GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/GCHU
Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$hApp/Venmo: @tovrose @tov-rose
Buy my Testament I Master Class & Course Bundle (with bonuses added: audio books, audio class, ebook): https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/theology-of-the-bible
Buy my NEW book package, "Jesus the Bridegroom of Israel": https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/the-ultimate-jesus-is-the-bridegroom-of-israel-education-bundle
Buy all Tov's eBooks: https://TovRose.com/store these sales are deposited to us within a few days)
Be a Paid Subscriber: https://TovRose.Substack.com
Subscribe to my Podcast! https://TheHappyTheologistPodcast.com
October 9th, 2024
Tov here. Emergency Move Update first:
1. I want to let you know that although we did move most of our belongings to Georgia in August, we did not fully complete moving. Me and our son Josiah plan to return to Kansas the week of October 20th to rent a trailer and clear out all we have in storage at my dad's house and in our storage facility.
2. We plan to rent local storage in Georgia, as all our belongings will not fit in our apartment.
3. Why: We are honoring my parent's. They want to sell their Kansas home and downsize. Removing our stored boxes will give them the peace of mind they need.
Would you prayerfully consider sowing into this?
Trailer/Travel/Hiring Muscle to lift and carry, etc: $2000
I'll list the ways to give at the end of this.
Prayer Requests:
1. Josiah had to leave his job as it was damaging his hearing, and he was born with hearing loss. So it was not a good combination. Pray for strategy! What's next. He's asked me to help him, because training entrepreneurs is what I do for a living. He said he's finally ready to learn and start his own entrepreneur journey.
2. Michelle and I were very sick for most of the last month. Today is the first day we both really feel normal. I am so far behind on my own entrepreneur/self-employment work. Would love your prayers! Also, if you would be willing to help by sharing my classes, services and books with your network, it would really help us bring in some much needed income to pay off outstanding moving debt (estimated at $3000).
3. Josiah & I will be attending the Be In Health Ministries' first annual Men's Retreat, October 18-19, in Thomaston, GA.
4. I am launching a new class next week, and you're the first to know the start date!
What's it about? God. Who exactly is our God, who is our Father, how do we relate to him Him, and what exactly do He and His son, Jesus, do differently? What are they individually responsible for doing in creation and in relation to us?
The course will be a mix of prerecorded, live and study materials at your own pace.
Pre-Register here: https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/the-theological-structure-of-the-hebrew-bible-and-new-testament-11
Also, Have you seen the press release for my new book?
Bible Researcher Presents the Most Comprehensive Defense of Jesus from the Old Testament in New Book
Overland Park, KS, October 4, 2024 - In his new book “Jesus: The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,” Bible researcher Tov Rose provides evidence from Hebrew scriptures and ancient Jewish sources identifying Jesus Christ as the long-awaited Divine Messiah.
Leveraging conceptual archetypes and prophetic templates within canonical Jewish writings, Rose demonstrates internal consistency between the Hebrew Bible and New Testament. He examines connections between messianic expectations in Second Temple Judaism with New Testament depictions of the radical rabbi from Nazareth, Jesus.
“Tov Rose has written an advanced Old Testament study to show that the message of the Old Testament and the New Testament are completely consistent in presenting Jesus as the Word of God. His book shows that the New Testament is very much a product of 1st Century Jewish thought and messianic expectations,” says New York Times bestselling of the The Islamic Antichrist, author Joel Richardson. “It is meaty enough for a 1st year seminary student, yet easy enough to read for any serious student of the Bible.”
In his book, Tov explores links between biblical wedding imagery, the Anointed Savior prophecies, Gospel and other New Testament details about Jesus’ life and ministry. The work thoroughly investigates Old Testament appearances of the Son of God alongside verses explicitly stating the Messiah’s divinity.
Tov explains the ancient Jewish wedding template as a unifying theme interconnecting Scripture’s redemptive narrative. “Jesus: The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob” builds conceptual bridges between Jewish Midrashic and Christian interpretative traditions, demonstrating the New Testament as a product of Jewish culture, and revealing Jesus as the embodiment of God's Glory.
The is available at TheHappyTheologist.org using promo code NEWBOOK for a 20% discount until December 31st.
Tov Rose is founder of the NMV Bible Project & Foundation (NMVBP&F). A nonprofit Bible research organization focused on revealing the Jewishness of New Testament faith. He is also a research fellow with the Institute of Midrashic Studies of the New Testament. Tov provides educational materials and tools aimed at helping readers encounter the wonder of God's Word through its original indigenous Jewish worldview through www.TheHappyTheologist.org.
For more information, visit www.TovRose.com, www.NMVBible.com, contact Tov Rose at tov@tovrose.com, or 952-314-4610
For your Prayerful Giving:
If you want a tax deduction, you can give through Call to Return Ministries, which is part of Midwest Hebrew Ministries, founded in 1928 as a non-profit Foundation. Give through Zeffy, which gives 100% of your donation (no fees have to be paid by the Foundation): https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/c527882c-9e50-4889-b510-390fd9b3b7df
These are the several additional ways to give, support and purchase items that will directly help: GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/GCHU
Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$hApp/Venmo: @tovrose @tov-rose
Buy my Testament I Master Class & Course Bundle (with bonuses added: audio books, audio class, ebook): https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/theology-of-the-bible
Buy my NEW book package, "Jesus the Bridegroom of Israel": https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/the-ultimate-jesus-is-the-bridegroom-of-israel-education-bundle
Buy all Tov's eBooks: https://TovRose.com/store these sales are deposited to us within a few days)
Be a Paid Subscriber: https://TovRose.Substack.com
Subscribe to my Podcast! https://TheHappyTheologistPodcast.com
TAKE A CLASS WITH OUR PARTNER: Israel Institute of Biblical Studies an official partner of Hebrew University, Jerusalem!
Use this direct Link to Register today! We receive $300 for every course you purchase (after 90 days): https://israelbiblicalstudies.com/?pid=1823&tid=1029bf9a024cefc6b5abedd5d24ba7&oid=19&cid=104401&utm_source=Affiliates&utm_medium=TUNE&utm_campaign=104401_19
October 2nd, 2024
Thank you to all who have continued to help us out financially. We do still have unpaid bills from Kansas City that are weighing us down. Please give as God leads you!
New Announcement at the end...
Me, Michelle and Josiah have all been dealing with some kind of Flu. I am on day 16 and still have a sore throat and a few other things going on, but am feeling somewhat better, but not 100%.
I want to focus on the prayer requests and answered prayers.
Prayer Request #1: Our son has been working full-time as a tire-tech for Love's Travel Centers. Two weeks ago he let us know that he has noticed his hearing is being damaged by the loudness of working around heavy equipment. He was born with 30% hearing loss in one ear and 80% hearing loss in the other ear. He can't afford to loose more hearing. We advised him to put in his two week notice the next day, Friday 11 days ago, he gave his two week notice. There are some mixed emotions here. They were about to promote him into their mechanic training program, so this is a real loss for him. He wanted to be a mechanic and have the paid training that comes with free tools. He worked on day of his last two weeks and then came down with something like the Flu, and hasn't been able to work since!
He could use some prayer for both recovery and for finances. He's last two weeks of work and hasn't been able to look for other jobs while being very ill.
As a stop-gap, he will be doing Uber/Lift and Doordash so he has some income and more time freedom.
Prayer Request #2: Prayer for me and Michelle to recover from this terrible illness!
Prayer Request #3: Our daughter in Kansas City has been having health issues since we recently saw her. Please prayer for her?
Prayer Request #4: I'm launching a new online course with a mix of video and written lessons. More about that below.
Prayer Request #6: Income: Hire me. Yes, hire me to help you kickstart your small business/entrepreneur journey, help you create your business, refine your existing business, troubleshoot your problems, and more. I've trained dozens of entrepreneurs fro dream to star-up, to becoming successful (with zero failures), and I consult with companies up to Future 1000. Wherever you're at in the process, book a call, let's see how we can work together to achieve your personal dreams, God dreams and Goals: https://TovRoseCoaching.com/
Prayer Request #7: Give: If you want a tax deduction, you can give through Call to Return Ministries, which is part of Midwest Hebrew Ministries, founded in 1928 as a non-profit Foundation. Give through Zeffy, which gives 100% of your donation (no fees have to be paid by the Foundation): https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/c527882c-9e50-4889-b510-390fd9b3b7df
These are the several additional ways to give, support and purchase items that will directly help: GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/GCHU Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$hApp/Venmo: @tovrose @tov-rose
Buy my Testament I Master Class & Course Bundle (with bonuses added: audio books, audio class, ebook): https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/theology-of-the-bible
Buy my NEW book package, "Jesus the Bridegroom of Israel": https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/the-ultimate-jesus-is-the-bridegroom-of-israel-education-bundle
Buy all Tov's eBooks: https://TovRose.com/store these sales are deposited to us within a few days)
Be a Paid Subscriber: https://TovRose.Substack.com
Subscribe to my Podcast! https://TheHappyTheologistPodcast.com
TAKE A CLASS WITH OUR PARTNER: Israel Institute of Biblical Studies an official partner of Hebrew University, Jerusalem!
Use this direct Link to Register today! We receive $300 for every course you purchase (after 90 days): https://israelbiblicalstudies.com/?pid=1823&tid=1029bf9a024cefc6b5abedd5d24ba7&oid=19&cid=104401&utm_source=Affiliates&utm_medium=TUNE&utm_campaign=104401_19
Finally: Announcement
Pre-Launch Sale!
The Course
Come as you are. Leave changed.
אֲדֹנָי יֱהוִה
There is so much teaching about Jesus in the Church, but so little about his Dad. In this course I want to clear up the confusion.
If you've not taking my Master Class Jesus in the Old Testament I, that tells you every name of God in the Hebrew Bible for Jesus in the Old Testament, and HOW the Name of the Word of God and the Word’s Marriage Ceremony are the Template upon which Bible is constructed, I'd strongly encourage you to go take that one first:
Jesus in the Old Testament I
Most followers of Jesus think they know the Father, because they know about the YHVH, "I've seen the Hebrew Name of God. That's the Father in the Old Testament."
Is it really?
There are many, many, Names for God in the Jewish Bible, but did you know that only three (3) belong to the Father? And did you know that the Father has specific areas of responsibility and duties, while delegating the rest to His Son, also known as The Word of God, who eventually became flesh?
Has anyone ever taught you what duties and responsibilities are the Father's alone, and what exactly He has delegated to the Word, His only begotten Son?
That's what this class is about.
But why is it about that?
Jesus’ very last prayer was that we would know His Father like he himself knows His Father, and that we would be in the Father and fully known as He is in the Father and fully in relationship with his Father. Why do you think his “Farewell Discourse,” is found in chapters 14–17 of the Gospel of John?
Maybe, because it might be the one of the most important things he ever said?
Read on:
The Father & The Son are in Charge – of Different Stuff.
The entire Bible from Genesis to the coming of Jesus is about the Revelation of the Word of God to the world. Most of the Bible is about the Word of God, which was the Father’s will—to give His Son all things (Hebrews 1). But, what did Jesus say was his own mission on Earth? It was to show us his very own Father, whom no one had ever seen, no one had heard the Father Himself speak, no one had ever seen Him. It says so in Luke 10:22.
“All things are delivered to me of my Father: and no man knows who the Son is, but the Father; and who the Father is, but the Son, and he to whom the Son will reveal him.”
So what else does the Word reveal about his Abba?
John 6:46
"No one has seen the Father except the one who is from God [myself]; only he has seen the Father".
John 1:18
"No one has ever seen God; the only begotten Son [Me], who is in the of the Father, He hath declared Him".
There are so many more similar statements by Jesus and his disciples (the other New Testament writers).
These are some areas that the source of love, GOD our Father reveals Himself in the Bible:
Take your class.
You deserve to know your Father. It's time you do something to know Him better.
Thank you for reading through all of this. You are very much appreciated.
- Tov
September 23rd, 2024
Friends, I'd like to share some prayer requests. For those who have stood with us financially, thank you! We do still have some needs that are not yet met, but I want to focus on prayer requests. Is that okay? I think prayer is the most important thing when you're embarking on a new adventure with your King and your family!
So let me jump in:
Prayer Request #1: Our son has been working full-time as a tire-tech for Love's Travel Centers. Last week he let us know that he has noticed his hearing is being damaged by the loudness of working around heavy equipment. He was born with 30% hearing loss in one ear and 80% hearing loss in the other ear. He can't afford to loose more hearing. We advised him to put in his two week notice this past Friday before his graveyard shift, which he did. There are some mixed emotions here. They were about to promote him into their mechanic training program, so this is a real loss for him. He wanted to be a mechanic and have the paid training that comes with free tools. So, would you please lift him up in prayer?
As a stop-gap, he will be doing Uber/Lift and Doordash so he has some income and more time freedom.
Prayer Request #2: Michelle and I went to Kansas City for eight days. She had a women's retreat and I had some loose ends to tie up. We came back from our recent visit to Kansas City with a terrible cold, which our son now also has. We've been laid up in bed. This has delayed my working on my next course and offering for sale to my subscribers on Substack and social media. We could use prayer for healing. And also because we are a behind on income generation for the month.
Prayer Request #3: Our daughter in Kansas City has been having health issues since we recently saw her. Please prayer for her?
Prayer Request #4: We do have some moving related expenses that have not been met. We owe some money we still haven't been able to pay. And there are some things that always come up in your new location that you've moved to. We have some of those that need covering. If you would prayerfully give, thank you!
Prayer Request #5:
I've been working on a new Bible course, planning for lesson one to release this week. I'm looking at a different format going forward that is more affordable on my end. I think I found it!
Prayer Request #6: Income: Would you please hire me? Yes, hire me to help you kickstart your small business/entrepreneur journey, help you create your business, refine your existing business, troubleshoot your problems, and more. I've trained dozens of entrepreneurs fro dream to star-up, to becoming successful (with zero failures), and I consult with companies up to Future 1000. Wherever you're at in the process, book a call, let's see how we can work together to achieve your personal dreams, God dreams and Goals: https://TovRoseCoaching.com/
Prayer Request #7: Give: If you want a tax deduction, you can give through Call to Return Ministries, which is part of Midwest Hebrew Ministries, founded in 1928 as a non-profit Foundation. Give through Zeffy, which gives 100% of your donation (no fees have to be paid by the Foundation): https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/c527882c-9e50-4889-b510-390fd9b3b7df
These are the several additional ways to give, support and purchase items that will directly help: GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/GCHU Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$hApp/Venmo: @tovrose @tov-rose
Buy my Intro Master Class & Course Bundle (with bonuses added: audio books, audio class, ebook): https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/theology-of-the-bible
Buy my NEW book package, "Jesus the Bridegroom of Israel": https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/the-ultimate-jesus-is-the-bridegroom-of-israel-education-bundle
Buy all Tov's eBooks: https://TovRose.com/store these sales are deposited to us within a few days)
Be a Paid Subscriber: https://TovRose.Substack.com
Subscribe to my Podcast! https://TheHappyTheologistPodcast.com
TAKE A CLASS WITH OUR PARTNER: Israel Institute of Biblical Studies an official partner of Hebrew University, Jerusalem!
Use this direct Link to Register today! We receive $300 for every course you purchase (after 90 days): https://israelbiblicalstudies.com/?pid=1823&tid=1029bf9a024cefc6b5abedd5d24ba7&oid=19&cid=104401&utm_source=Affiliates&utm_medium=TUNE&utm_campaign=104401_19
Thank you for reading through all of this. You are very much appreciated.
- Tov
September 9th, 2024
I'd like to share some praise reports and prayer requests!
Thank you again to all who have helped us through prayer and financially during our recent emergency moves because of mold in our last rental house. God has really met most of our needs through you all. We are still unpacking, going to thrift stores, using facebook marketplace and other tools to replace things we had to sell or destroy because of mold. Our son is working full-time as a tire-tech for Love's Travel Centers. That's our first prayer request: He really wants another job. The physicality of the job is getting to him. His knees are hurting from being on the ground so much, even with very good knee covers. We also moved where we did to attend Be In Health Ministries/Hope of the Generations Church, and his work schedule is making it difficult for him to attend. He wants to have his own business, work side-gigs to free up his time, and we are glad to encourage him in any way we can so that he can have more flexible time to grow with God. That's why we are here. Two weeks from now he and I will be at Be In Health's first annual Men's Conference. We're really looking forward to doing it together and with several local friends.
Praise Report: God has given us refunds we did not expect that covered most of our moving expenses not already covered by our generous friends and supporters. One of the refunds was a settlement check we didn't even know we would be getting from the last house we owned and sold.
We do still have one $850 electric bill from Kansas City that has not been paid. We'd appreciate your prayers for God to cover this last bill! We are thankful that Georgia Power charges a lot less for electric than what we were paying in the Kansas City area, and offered a consistent payment every month with no highs and lows, always the same amount to pay every month. Thank God!
We've been here 4 weeks this Wednesday and are still unpacking. We are looking for a Futon/bedroom set for our guest room. We also plan to use it as an office/music room as soon as we get all the extra boxes out of it.
I am headed back to Kansas City this weekend to tie up some things. Michelle will join be for a few days toward the end. She is attending a women's retreat for most of the time we will be in Kansas/Missouri.
I've been working on a new Bible course, planning for lesson one to release this week. I'm looking at a different format going forward, more like Instagram/TikTok.
What do you think? Is that something that interests you?
Speaking of income:
Hire TOV: Yes, hire me to help you kickstart your small business/entrepreneur journey, help you create your business, refine your existing business, troubleshoot your problems, and more. I've trained dozens of entrepreneurs fro dream to star-up, to becoming successful (with zero failures), and I consult with companies up to Future 1000. Wherever you're at in the process, book a call, let's see how we can work together to achieve your personal dreams, God dreams and Goals: https://TovRoseCoaching.com/
Give: If you want a tax deduction, you can give through Call to Return Ministries, which is part of Midwest Hebrew Ministries, founded in 1928 as a non-profit Foundation. Give through Zeffy, which gives 100% of your donation (no fees have to be paid by the Foundation): https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/c527882c-9e50-4889-b510-390fd9b3b7df
These are the several additional ways to give, support and purchase items that will directly help:
GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/GCHU
Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$hApp/Venmo: @tovrose @tov-rose
Give through Call to Return Ministries (tax exempt donation for those who want it): https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/c527882c-9e50-4889-b510-390fd9b3b7df
Buy my Master Class Course Bundle (with bonuses added: audio books, audio class, ebook):https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/theology-of-the-bible
Buy my NEW book packaged with other books on the same subject, "Jesus the Bridegroom of Israel": https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/the-ultimate-jesus-is-the-bridegroom-of-israel-education-bundle
Buy all Tov's eBooks: https://TovRose.com/store these sales are deposited to us within a few days)
Be a Paid Subscriber: https://TovRose.Substack.com
Subscribe to my Podcast! https://TheHappyTheologistPodcast.com
TAKE A CLASS WITH OUR PARTNER: Israel Institute of Biblical Studies an official partner of Hebrew University, Jerusalem!
Use this direct Link to Register today! We receive $300 for every course you purchase (after 90 days): https://israelbiblicalstudies.com/?pid=1823&tid=1029bf9a024cefc6b5abedd5d24ba7&oid=19&cid=104401&utm_source=Affiliates&utm_medium=TUNE&utm_campaign=104401_19
Thank you for reading through all of this. You are very much appreciated.
- Tov
September 3rd, 2024
Thank you to all who have helped us through prayer and financially during this emergency move because of mold in our last rental house, all of living separately in tiny places (THANKFUL for the Spiess Family opening their apartments and rooms for us in our time of need!). God has really met a lot of our needs, most of them in fact. Michelle, our son and I are in a 1300 sq ft apartment. Our son is working full-time as a tire-tech for Love's Travel Centers.
People have asked us, 'Why Georgia?'
We chose this area for job opportunities for our son, as well as the relatively easy drive to connect with our spiritual family of 23 years at Be In Health Ministries in Thomaston, GA. After all we've been through we thought it would be good to plug into what they are doing at Be In Health for a while, serve as God directs and heal our hearts, minds and bodies where it's needed. They specialize in that. Their founder, Dr. Henry W. Wright became one of my mentors after leaving a horrible church spiritual abuse situation where I was a leader in a popular ministry 23 years ago.
We still have some financial needs that have not yet been fully met, however, from this point on I'm going to focus these updates on prayer requests and praise reports. If God encourages you to give or give more, we would certainly appreciate it, but we really feel the focus needs to be changed a bit to praises!
We've been here three weeks unpacking, and have a lot more to do. Michelle is in her second of three days fasting and praying for some specific things: friends in need of healing, our financial provision, for open doors and strategies to accomplish what we know God has for us to do in this season.
God has provided confirmations for us being here in many ways. For example, some of you may not know the connection we have with a certain First Nations leader (American Indian). One of the things we learned from him was that believers of his people do not do anything without God confirming it with signs and wonders first and also after. It was encouraging to us that God mercifully (and because of our relationship with him), provided exactly the kind of signs they look for as confirmation to us the day we started this cross country move: A hawk swooping in front of our car as we went to get the UHaul, a Hawk on the UHaul truck itself, when we parked the truck in front of a telephone pole to load it a Hawk immediately came to land on the pole facing us and spreading it's wings while looking at us. Then at the end of the day at a local pizza place called, Providence, we were given the order number "38", which is significant to our First Nations friend, and that number "38" shows up whenever God is speaking to him about something important.
Since arriving in Georgia we've received refunds we didn't expect and didn't know we were entitled to, some that were withheld but released, and so many friends like you giving sacrificially. And it all came in just when it was needed. Praise God, the Father of our Messiah and King, Jesus!
For the last week or two, Michelle and I have been thrifting. We had to get rid of a lot of furniture and other items because of mold (you can't run the risk of transplanting it). We've found some great stuff we needed at great prices, but still have a number of things to purchase including two bed frames. We feel God wanted us to have a spare room to use as both an office and for guests and we need all the items to set that room up.
During the early days of the most recent move, I fell down the stairs at our one-bedroom apartment, and sprained my left thumb. It's hard to use my left hand to do important things right now, which means even writing and editing is this keyboard. I'm in a lot of thumb pain and would love some prayer for healing!
As you can imagine, because of moving, unpacking and pain, I've not been able to focus on making more courses, writing more books, nor building my consulting business for the past three weeks, so income is down. This week I am attending to those things! Please pray for wisdom, strategy, favor, strength and direction?
Speaking of income:
If you or anyone you know would be interested, I'd love to set you/them up as an affiliate to earn some side income for promoting my products and services.
Hire TOV: Yes, hire me to help you kickstart your small business/entrepreneur journey, help you create your business, refine your existing business, troubleshoot your problems, and more. I've trained dozens of entrepreneurs fro dream to star-up, to becoming successful (with zero failures), and I consult with companies up to Future 1000. Wherever you're at in the process, book a call, let's see how we can work together to achieve your personal dreams, God dreams and Goals: https://TovRoseCoaching.com/
Give: If you want a tax deduction, you can give through Call to Return Ministries, which is part of Midwest Hebrew Ministries, founded in 1928 as a non-profit Foundation. Give through Zeffy, which gives 100% of your donation (no fees have to be paid by the Foundation): https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/c527882c-9e50-4889-b510-390fd9b3b7df
These are the several additional ways to give, support and purchase items that will directly help:
GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/GCHU
Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$hApp/Venmo: @tovrose @tov-rose
Give through Call to Return Ministries (tax exempt donation for those who want it): https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/c527882c-9e50-4889-b510-390fd9b3b7df
Buy my Master Class Course Bundle (with bonuses added: audio books, audio class, ebook):https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/theology-of-the-bible
Buy Tov's NEW book packaged with other books on the same subject, "Jesus the Bridegroom of Israel": https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/the-ultimate-jesus-is-the-bridegroom-of-israel-education-bundle
Buy all Tov's eBooks: https://TovRose.com/store these sales are deposited to us within a few days)
Be a Paid Subscriber: https://TovRose.Substack.com
Subscribe to my Podcast! https://TheHappyTheologistPodcast.com
TAKE A CLASS WITH OUR PARTNER: Israel Institute of Biblical Studies an official partner of Hebrew University, Jerusalem!
Use this direct Link to Register today! We receive $300 for every course you purchase (after 90 days): https://israelbiblicalstudies.com/?pid=1823&tid=1029bf9a024cefc6b5abedd5d24ba7&oid=19&cid=104401&utm_source=Affiliates&utm_medium=TUNE&utm_campaign=104401_19
Thank you for reading through all of this. You are very much appreciated.
- Tov
August 26th, 2024
Friends, thank you to all who have helped us through prayer and financially during this emergency move because of mold in our last rental house, and family crises(s). This is not over yet. We've been unpacking. God has provided confirmations for us being here in many ways. As you can imagine (and if you've been following our sage, you know), we've been through a lot. Most families do not have the resources, the savings, for multiple simultaneous and new crisis events--one after the other. That's what we've been through.
We are still asking for help, because we are still very behind and in-debt financially by at least $6000
Some people prefer to purchase one of my books, products or courses, rather than giving a gift, and that's okay. Thank you in advance for helping in our time of need:
How to Give
Hire TOV: Yes, hire me to help you kickstart your small business/entrepreneur journey, help you create your business, refine your existing business, troubleshoot your problems, and more. I've trained dozens of entrepreneurs fro dream to star-up, to becoming successful (with zero failures), and I consult with companies up to Future 1000. Wherever you're at in the process, book a call, let's see how we can work together to achieve your personal dreams, God dreams and Goals: https://TovRoseCoaching.com/
Give: If you want a tax deduction, you can give through Call to Return Ministries, which is part of Midwest Hebrew Ministries, founded in 1928 as a non-profit Foundation. Give through Zeffy, which gives 100% of your donation (no fees have to be paid by the Foundation): https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/c527882c-9e50-4889-b510-390fd9b3b7df
These are the several additional ways to give, support and purchase items that will directly help:
GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/GCHU
Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$hApp/Venmo: @tovrose @tov-rose
Give through Call to Return Ministries (tax exempt donation for those who want it): https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/c527882c-9e50-4889-b510-390fd9b3b7df
Buy my Master Class Course Bundle (with bonuses added: audio books, audio class, ebook):https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/theology-of-the-bible
Buy Tov's NEW book packaged with other books on the same subject, "Jesus the Bridegroom of Israel": https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/the-ultimate-jesus-is-the-bridegroom-of-israel-education-bundle
Buy all Tov's eBooks: https://TovRose.com/store these sales are deposited to us within a few days)
Be a Paid Subscriber: https://TovRose.Substack.com
TAKE A CLASS WITH OUR PARTNER: Israel Institute of Biblical Studies an official partner of Hebrew University, Jerusalem! These are the courses offered:
Biblical Languages: Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Greek, Biblical Aramaic, Modern Hebrew
Hebraic and Judaic Studies: Holy Land Studies, Biblical Studies, Judaic Studies
Use this direct Link to Register today! We receive $300 for every course you purchase (after 90 days): https://israelbiblicalstudies.com/?pid=1823&tid=1029bf9a024cefc6b5abedd5d24ba7&oid=19&cid=104401&utm_source=Affiliates&utm_medium=TUNE&utm_campaign=104401_19
Finally, Thank you for reading through all of this. You are very much appreciated.
- Tov
August 21st, 2024
Friends and supporters, Thank you to all who have helped us through prayer and financially during this emergency move because of mold in our last rental house, and family crisis. This is not over yet, but we are nearing the finish line. We've been unpacking since we moved in last Wednesday, and our son began working at his job yesterday. We moved to Macon, GA so he would be close.
God has provided in many ways for us, mostly through friends and supporters. Thank you so much! There have been many conformations for us moving here since we arrived. It's been amazing.
Gas costs getting here were higher than we expected. As a result of the emergency move we are still very behind on bills.
Can you help with this TODAY for the following?
1. Our two electric bills for the two Kansas City rentals is: $1200
2. We've had to borrow from our son to move and cover gas overruns: $1000
3. We had an unfortunate message from my wife's short-term disability lawyer. It appears the insurance company is planning to cut off her payments again (after the lawyer's fee, she typically left with $2200/month). We may not see another check until sometime next year. In anticipation, I am increasing my marketing for my books, encouraging more people to become paid subscribers for my Substack community and Master Class, and seeking advertising sponsors (know anyone?). In addition, I am still job searching (remote, hybrid positions).
How to Give
Hire TOV: Yes, hire me to help you kickstart your small business/entrepreneur journey, help you create your business, refine your existing business, troubleshoot your problems, and more. I've trained dozens of entrepreneurs fro dream to star-up, to becoming successful (with zero failures), and I consult with companies up to Future 1000. Wherever you're at in the process, book a call, let's see how we can work together to achieve your personal dreams, God dreams and Goals: https://TovRoseCoaching.com/
Give: If you want a tax deduction, you can give through Call to Return Ministries, which is part of Midwest Hebrew Ministries, founded in 1928 as a non-profit Foundation. Give through Zeffy, which gives 100% of your donation (no fees have to be paid by the Foundation): https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/c527882c-9e50-4889-b510-390fd9b3b7df
These are the several additional ways to give, support and purchase items that will directly help: GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/GCHU
Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$hApp/Venmo: @tovrose @tov-rose
Buy my new Master Class Course Bundle (with bonuses added: audio books, audio class, ebook): https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/theology-of-the-bible
Buy Tov's NEW book packaged with other books on the same subject, "Jesus the Bridegroom of Israel": https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/the-ultimate-jesus-is-the-bridegroom-of-israel-education-bundle
Buy all Tov's eBooks: https://TovRose.com/store these sales are deposited to us within a few days)
Be a Paid Subscriber: https://TovRose.Substack.com
TAKE A CLASS WITH OUR PARTNER: Israel Institute of Biblical Studies an official partner of Hebrew University, Jerusalem! These are the courses offered:
Biblical Languages: Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Greek, Biblical Aramaic, Modern Hebrew
Hebraic and Judaic Studies: Holy Land Studies, Biblical Studies, Judaic Studies
Use this direct Link to Register today! We receive $300 for every course you purchase (after 90 days): https://israelbiblicalstudies.com/?pid=1823&tid=1029bf9a024cefc6b5abedd5d24ba7&oid=19&cid=104401&utm_source=Affiliates&utm_medium=TUNE&utm_campaign=104401_19
Finally, Thank you for reading through all of this. You are very much appreciated.
- Tov
August 15th, 2024
Friends and supporters, Thank you to all who have helped us through prayer and financially during this emergency move because of mold in our last rental house, and family crisis. This is not over yet, but we are nearing the finish line. We moved into a rental apartment in Macon, GA. There were may confirmations and answered prayers along the way that this was the right move.
Can you help with this TODAY for the following? We had to pay rent for TWO apartments this month. The first was in Kansas City, the second was yesterday in Georgia. We will not receive the deposit for the previous month-to-month rental until at least September 12th (that's the law in that state).
1. We had to go $1850 into overdraft to pay our Apartment Rent/Deposit due Yesterday August 14: $1,850
We had to borrow money from our son to buy some groceries.
4. Electric bill due NOW for the previous Kansas City two rentals: $1000
5. A) We had an unfortunate message from my wife's short-term disability lawyer. It appears the insurance company is trying to cut off her payments again. There is a good chance we won't see another check for a while (after the lawyer's fee, she is left with $2200/month). In anticipation, I am increasing my marketing for my books, substack community, courses, and seeking business advertising sponsorships, in addition to job searching (remote, hybrid, preferably in Central Georgia).
How to Support
Hire TOV: Yes, hire me to help you kickstart your small business/entrepreneur journey, help you create your business, refine your existing business, troubleshoot your problems, and more. I've trained dozens of entrepreneurs fro dream to star-up, to becoming successful (with zero failures), and I consult with companies up to Future 1000. Wherever you're at in the process, book a call, let's see how we can work together to achieve your personal dreams, God dreams and Goals: https://TovRoseCoaching.com/
Give: If you want a tax deduction, you can give through Call to Return Ministries, which is part of Midwest Hebrew Ministries, founded in 1928 as a non-profit Foundation. Give through Zeffy, which gives 100% of your donation (no fees have to be paid by the Foundation): https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/c527882c-9e50-4889-b510-390fd9b3b7df
These are the several additional ways to give, support and purchase items that will directly help:
GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/GCHU
Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$hApp/Venmo: @tovrose @tov-rose
Buy Tov's new Master Class Course Bundle (with bonuses added: audio books, audio class, ebook): https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/theology-of-the-bible
Buy Tov's NEW book packaged with other books on the same subject, "Jesus the Bridegroom of Israel": https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/the-ultimate-jesus-is-the-bridegroom-of-israel-education-bundle
Buy all Tov's eBooks: https://TovRose.com/store these sales are deposited to us within a few days)
Be a Paid Subscriber: https://TovRose.Substack.com
TAKE A CLASS WITH OUR PARTNER: Israel Institute of Biblical Studies an official partner of Hebrew University, Jerusalem! These are the courses offered:
Biblical Languages: Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Greek, Biblical Aramaic, Modern Hebrew
Hebraic and Judaic Studies: Holy Land Studies, Biblical Studies, Judaic Studies
Use this direct Link to Register today! We receive $300 for every course you purchase (after 90 days): https://israelbiblicalstudies.com/?pid=1823&tid=1029bf9a024cefc6b5abedd5d24ba7&oid=19&cid=104401&utm_source=Affiliates&utm_medium=TUNE&utm_campaign=104401_19
Finally, Thank you for reading through all of this. You are very much appreciated.
- Tov
August 15th, 2024
Friends and supporters, Thank you to all who have helped us through prayer and financially during this emergency move because of mold in our last rental house, and family crisis. This is not over yet, but we are nearing the finish line. We moved into a rental apartment in Macon, GA. There were may confirmations and answered prayers along the way that this was the right move.
Can you help with this TODAY for the following? We had to pay rent for TWO apartments this month. The first was in Kansas City, the second was yesterday in Georgia. We will not receive the deposit for the previous month-to-month rental until at least September 12th (that's the law in that state).
1. We had to go $1850 into overdraft to pay our Apartment Rent/Deposit due Yesterday August 14: $1,850
We had to borrow money from our son to buy some groceries.
4. Electric bill due NOW for the previous Kansas City two rentals: $1000
5. A) Justice for money withheld and owed and a judgment in our favor regarding the mold rental house owner, which led to this emergency move in the first place.
B) We had an unfortunate message from my wife's short-term disability lawyer. It appears the insurance company is trying to cut off her payments again. There is a good chance we won't see another check for a while (after the lawyer's fee, she is left with $2200/month). In anticipation, I am increasing my marketing for my books, substack community, courses, and seeking business advertising sponsorships, in addition to job searching (remote, hybrid, preferably in Central Georgia).
How to Support
Hire TOV: Yes, hire me to help you kickstart your small business/entrepreneur journey, help you create your business, refine your existing business, troubleshoot your problems, and more. I've trained dozens of entrepreneurs fro dream to star-up, to becoming successful (with zero failures), and I consult with companies up to Future 1000. Wherever you're at in the process, book a call, let's see how we can work together to achieve your personal dreams, God dreams and Goals: https://TovRoseCoaching.com/
Give: If you want a tax deduction, you can give through Call to Return Ministries, which is part of Midwest Hebrew Ministries, founded in 1928 as a non-profit Foundation. Give through Zeffy, which gives 100% of your donation (no fees have to be paid by the Foundation): https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/c527882c-9e50-4889-b510-390fd9b3b7df
These are the several additional ways to give, support and purchase items that will directly help:
GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/GCHU
Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$hApp/Venmo: @tovrose @tov-rose
Buy Tov's new Master Class Course Bundle (with bonuses added: audio books, audio class, ebook): https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/theology-of-the-bible
Buy Tov's NEW book packaged with other books on the same subject, "Jesus the Bridegroom of Israel": https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/the-ultimate-jesus-is-the-bridegroom-of-israel-education-bundle
Buy all Tov's eBooks: https://TovRose.com/store these sales are deposited to us within a few days)
Be a Paid Subscriber: https://TovRose.Substack.com
TAKE A CLASS WITH OUR PARTNER: Israel Institute of Biblical Studies an official partner of Hebrew University, Jerusalem! These are the courses offered:
Biblical Languages: Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Greek, Biblical Aramaic, Modern Hebrew
Hebraic and Judaic Studies: Holy Land Studies, Biblical Studies, Judaic Studies
Use this direct Link to Register today! We receive $300 for every course you purchase (after 90 days): https://israelbiblicalstudies.com/?pid=1823&tid=1029bf9a024cefc6b5abedd5d24ba7&oid=19&cid=104401&utm_source=Affiliates&utm_medium=TUNE&utm_campaign=104401_19
Finally, Thank you for reading through all of this. You are very much appreciated.
- Tov
August 14th, 2024
Emergency mold move update Can you help with this TODAY ?
1. Georgia Apartment Rent/Deposit due right now. Today. $1900
Here on GiveSendGo
Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$hApp/Venmo: @tovrose @tov-rose
August 12th, 2024
Tov Rose here. Thank you to all the dear friends and supporters, donors, buyers and students who have helped us during this emergency move because of mold and family crisis! We still have some major needs, but we did receive the $2800 needed last week to cover a surprise car repair, paying for Uhaul rental and gas for the move! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
We leave for Georgia today, will spend the night with friends in Nashville (Tov was on their podcast last fall--it's pinned at the top of the page at TovRose.Substack.com).
I plan to go live on YouTube during the drive! @OfficialTovRose. So Subscribe ASAP so you get notifications
Can you help with this TODAY for the following?
1. Apartment Rent/Deposit due Wednesday this week, August 14: $1,900
2. ASAP Michelle needs a special living room chair because of back pain that's the result of two car accidents (The kind that lifts to help her stand up from a seated position): $1500 (estimated)
3. Replacement living room couches Wednesday, August 14: we have to replace because of Mold contamination: at least $300-1000 (depending on what we can get on short notice, available and in-stock) couches,
4. Electric bill due NOW for the last two rentals: $1000
5. Prayer Requests: a) we should have a refund of our deposit on our short-term rental of $740. Please pray that the landlord refunds it as soon as possible rather than waiting 30-days, which is the max refund time under state law?
6. Justice for money withheld and owed and a judgment in our favor regarding the mold rental house owner, which led to this emergency move in the first place.
b) Our lawyer has sent a demand letter to our moldy rental's landlord. Under state law the minimum he is required to do is: pay us the rent equal to the end our lease agreement and refund our deposit, equal to a months rent. We are asking for a lot more including damages (we have to replace a lot of furniture, books, mattresses/beds and more, because we can't risk transplanting toxic mold spores into another rental). Please pray for a fast resolution.
c) We had an unfortunate message from my wife's short-term disability lawyer. It appears the insurance company is trying to cut off her payments again. There is a good chance we won't see another check for a while (after the lawyer's fee, she is left with $2200/month). In anticipation, I am increasing my marketing for my books, substack community, courses, and seeking business advertising sponsorships, in addition to job searching (remote, hybrid, preferably in Central Georgia).
How to Support
Hire TOV: Yes, hire me to help you kickstart your small business/entrepreneur journey, help you create your business, refine your existing business, troubleshoot your problems, and more. I've trained dozens of entrepreneurs fro dream to star-up, to becoming successful (with zero failures), and I consult with companies up to Future 1000. Wherever you're at in the process, book a call, let's see how we can work together to achieve your personal dreams, God dreams and Goals: https://TovRoseCoaching.com/
Give: If you want a tax deduction, you can give through Call to Return Ministries, which is part of Midwest Hebrew Ministries, founded in 1928 as a non-profit Foundation. Give through Zeffy, which gives 100% of your donation (no fees have to be paid by the Foundation): https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/c527882c-9e50-4889-b510-390fd9b3b7df
These are the several ways to give, support and purchase items that will directly help:
GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/GCHU
Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$hApp/Venmo: @tovrose @tov-rose
Buy Tov's new Master Class Course Bundle (with bonuses added: audio books, audio class, ebook): https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/theology-of-the-bible
Buy Tov's NEW book packaged with other books on the same subject , "Jesus the Bridegroom of Israel": https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/the-ultimate-jesus-is-the-bridegroom-of-israel-education-bundle
Buy all Tov's eBooks: https://TovRose.com/store these sales are deposited to us within a few days)
Be a Paid Subscriber: https://TovRose.Substack.com
TAKE A CLASS WITH OUR PARTNER: Israel Institute of Biblical Studies an official partner of Hebrew University, Jerusalem! These are the courses offered:
Biblical Languages
Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Greek
Biblical Aramaic
Modern Hebrew
Hebraic and Judaic Studies
Holy Land Studies
Biblical Studies
Judaic Studies
Use this direct Link to Register today! We receive $300 for every course you purchase (after 90 days): https://israelbiblicalstudies.com/?pid=1823&tid=1029bf9a024cefc6b5abedd5d24ba7&oid=19&cid=104401&utm_source=Affiliates&utm_medium=TUNE&utm_campaign=104401_19
Finally, Thank you for reading through all of this. You are very much appreciated.
- Tov
August 8th, 2024
Tov Rose here. Yesterday our car developed a loud rattle. Brought it to the shop today. The repair price will be $530 for parts/labor, PLUS a new windshield being installed at the same location, $300.
Today we need an additional: $830
Can you help with this TODAY?
Today: Tov fell down the apartment stairs and is in pain. We now need an extra couple helpers to pack the apartment, clean it, and pack the truck. Anyone local available to help pack and clean today? You would be most appreciated.
Moving Truck In the past 4 days we have received $1950 through GiveSendGo, orders of my books, online subscriptions to Substack, donations through Call to Return Ministries and an affiliate payment I've been waiting six months to receive that came at exactly the right time today! If we have to use the Moving Truck money for the car repair then we will need to replace it by tomorrow 8:00AM Central.
(we still need an additional estimated $700 for Fuel for the drive). Thank you to everyone who has helped us!
We are picking up the rental truck on Friday 8:00AM Central Time for our move to Georgia. Plan to begin driving on the morning on August 12th, arriving in Central Georgia on August 14th. We are looking for help on both ends to lift and carry. The apartment in Georgia is on the second floor and there is no elevator.
1. Emergency Car Repair: $830
2. Rental Truck/Fuel: $700
3. Apartment Rent/Deposit due next Wednsday, August 14: $1,557.61
4. Replacement furniture Thursday, August 15: we have to replace because of Mold contamination: at least $3000 (couches, Lazboy chairs (Tov and Michelle have back problems), mattresses, and everything else not made of hard wood, hard plastic and metal, and anything with an internal fan/opening that cannot be easily cleaned/decontaminated has to be trashed).
4. Prayer Requests: a) we should have a refund of our deposit on our short-term rental of $740. Please pray that the landlord refunds it as soon as possible rather than waiting 30-days, which is the max refund time under state law?
b) Our lawyer has sent a demand letter to our moldy rental's landlord. Under state law the minimum he is required to do is: pay us the rent equal to the end our lease agreement and refund our deposit, equal to a months rent. We are asking for a lot more including damages (we have to replace a lot of furniture, books, mattresses/beds and more, because we can't risk transplanting toxic mold spores into another rental). Please pray for a fast resolution.
c) We had an unfortunate message from my wife's worker's comp. lawyer. It appears the insurance company is trying to cut off her payments again. There is a good chance we won't see another check for a while (after the lawyer's fee, she is left with $2200/month). In anticipation, I am increasing my marketing for my books, substack community, courses, and seeking business advertising sponsorships, in addition to job searching (remote, hybrid, preferably in Central Georgia).
How to Support
Hire TOV: Yes, hire me to help you kickstart your small business/entrepreneur journey, help you create your business, refine your existing business, troubleshoot your problems, and more. I've trained dozens of entrepreneurs fro dream to star-up, to becoming successful (with zero failures), and I consult with companies up to Future 1000. Wherever you're at in the process, book a call, let's see how we can work together to achieve your personal dreams, God dreams and Goals: https://TovRoseCoaching.com/
Give: If you want a tax deduction, you can give through Call to Return Ministries, which is part of Midwest Hebrew Ministries, founded in 1928 as a non-profit Foundation. Give through Zeffy, which gives 100% of your donation (no fees have to be paid by the Foundation): https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/c527882c-9e50-4889-b510-390fd9b3b7df
These are the several ways to give, support and purchase items that will directly help:
GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/GCHU
Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$hApp/Venmo: @tovrose @tov-rose
Buy Tov's new Master Class Course Bundle (with bonuses added: audio books, audio class, ebook): https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/theology-of-the-bible
Buy Tov's NEW book packaged with other books on the same subject , "Jesus the Bridegroom of Israel": https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/the-ultimate-jesus-is-the-bridegroom-of-israel-education-bundle
Buy all Tov's eBooks: https://TovRose.com/store these sales are deposited to us within a few days)
Be a Paid Subscriber: https://TovRose.Substack.com
TAKE A CLASS WITH OUR PARTNER: Israel Institute of Biblical Studies an official partner of Hebrew University, Jerusalem! These are the courses offered:
Biblical Languages
Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Greek
Biblical Aramaic
Modern Hebrew
Hebraic and Judaic Studies
Holy Land Studies
Biblical Studies
Judaic Studies
Use this direct Link to Register today! We receive $300 for every course you purchase (after 90 days): https://israelbiblicalstudies.com/?pid=1823&tid=1029bf9a024cefc6b5abedd5d24ba7&oid=19&cid=104401&utm_source=Affiliates&utm_medium=TUNE&utm_campaign=104401_19
Finally, Thank you for reading through all of this. You are very much appreciated.
- Tov
August 7th, 2024
Tov Rose here. In the past 3 days we have received $1500 through GiveSendGo, orders of my books, online subscriptions to Substack, donations through Call to Return Ministries and an affiliate payment I've been waiting six months to receive that came at exactly the right time today! That leaves us about $400 short of what we need to pay for the moving truck (on top of that we still need an additional estimated $700 for Fuel for the drive). Thank you to everyone who has helped us!
We are picking up the rental truck on Friday 8:00AM Central Time for our move to Georgia. Plan to begin driving on the morning on August 12th, arriving in Central Georgia on August 14th. We are looking for help on both ends to lift and carry. The apartment in Georgia is on the second floor and there is no elevator.
If we pay for the truck ASAP, we will get a 20% Discount (I was misinformed about the 35% amount, that's for car rentals only).
Can you help with this TODAY?
1. Rental Truck: +$800 still needed
2. Apartment Rent/Deposit due August 14: $1,557.61
3. Prayer Requests: a) we should have a refund of our deposit on our short-term rental of $740. Please pray that the landlord refunds it as soon as possible rather than waiting 30-days, which is the max refund time under state law?
b) Our lawyer has sent a demand letter to our moldy rental's landlord. Under state law the minimum he is required to do is: pay us the rent equal to the end our lease agreement and refund our deposit, equal to a months rent. We are asking for a lot more including damages (we have to replace a lot of furniture, books, mattresses/beds and more, because we can't risk transplanting toxic mold spores into another rental). Please pray for a fast resolution.
c) We had an unfortunate message from my wife's worker's comp. lawyer. It appears the insurance company is trying to cut off her payments again. There is a good chance we won't see another check for a while (after the lawyer's fee, she is left with $2200/month). In anticipation, I am increasing my marketing for my books, substack community, courses, and seeking business advertising sponsorships, in addition to job searching (remote, hybrid, preferably in Central Georgia).
How to Support
Hire TOV: Yes, hire me to help you kickstart your small business/entrepreneur journey, help you create your business, refine your existing business, troubleshoot your problems, and more. I've trained dozens of entrepreneurs fro dream to star-up, to becoming successful (with zero failures), and I consult with companies up to Future 1000. Wherever you're at in the process, book a call, let's see how we can work together to achieve your personal dreams, God dreams and Goals: https://TovRoseCoaching.com/
Give: If you want a tax deduction, you can give through Call to Return Ministries, which is part of Midwest Hebrew Ministries, founded in 1928 as a non-profit Foundation. Give through Zeffy, which gives 100% of your donation (no fees have to be paid by the Foundation): https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/c527882c-9e50-4889-b510-390fd9b3b7df
These are the several ways to give, support and purchase items that will directly help:
GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/GCHU
Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$hApp/Venmo: @tovrose @tov-rose
Buy Tov's new Master Class Course Bundle (with bonuses added: audio books, audio class, ebook): https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/theology-of-the-bible
Buy Tov's NEW book packaged with other books on the same subject , "Jesus the Bridegroom of Israel": https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/the-ultimate-jesus-is-the-bridegroom-of-israel-education-bundle
Buy all Tov's eBooks: https://TovRose.com/store these sales are deposited to us within a few days)
Be a Paid Subscriber: https://TovRose.Substack.com
TAKE A CLASS WITH OUR PARTNER: Israel Institute of Biblical Studies an official partner of Hebrew University, Jerusalem! These are the courses offered:
Click this Link to Register today! We receive $300 for every course you purchase (after 90 days): https://israelbiblicalstudies.com/?pid=1823&tid=1029bf9a024cefc6b5abedd5d24ba7&oid=19&cid=104401&utm_source=Affiliates&utm_medium=TUNE&utm_campaign=104401_19
Finally, Thank you for reading through all of this. You are very much appreciated.
- Tov
August 5th, 2024
We are picking up the rental truck on Friday 8:00AM Central Time for our move to Georgia. We've decided to leave a number of things in storage in Kansas City so we can use a smaller truck to cut costs for this move. Thank you to those who gave $460 last week to assist. We still have a lot of the truck rental to cover this week to rent the truck:
If we pay for the truck ASAP, we will get a 35% Discount!
Can you help with this TODAY?
1. Rental Truck: $2300
2. Rent/Deposit due August 14: $1,557.61
How to Support
Hire TOV: Yes, hire me to help you kickstart your small business/entrepreneur journey, help you create your business, refine your existing business, troubleshoot your problems, and more. I've trained dozens of entrepreneurs fro dream to star-up, to becoming successful (with zero failures), and I consult with companies up to Future 1000. Wherever you're at in the process, book a call, let's see how we can work together to achieve your personal dreams, God dreams and Goals: https://TovRoseCoaching.com/
If you want a tax deduction, you can give through Call to Return Ministries, which is part of Midwest Hebrew Ministries, founded in 1928 as a non-profit Foundation. Give through Zeffy, which gives 100% of your donation (no fees have to be paid by the Foundation): https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/c527882c-9e50-4889-b510-390fd9b3b7df
These are the several ways to give, support and purchase items that will directly help:
GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/GCHU
Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$hApp/Venmo: @tovrose @tov-rose
a. Tov's new Master Class Course Bundle (with bonuses added: audio books, audio class, ebook): https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/theology-of-the-bible
b. My new book packaged with other books on the same subject , "Jesus the Bridegroom of Israel": https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/the-ultimate-jesus-is-the-bridegroom-of-israel-education-bundle
c. All my other eBooks: TovRose.com/store (these sales are deposited to us within a few days)
d. Be a Paid Subscriber: TovRose.Substack.com
Finally, Thank you for reading through all of this. You are very much appreciated.
- Tov
August 4th, 2024
We are picking up the rental truck on Friday 8:00AM Central Time for our move to Georgia. We've decided to leave a number of things in storage in Kansas City so we can use a smaller truck to cut costs for this move. Thank you to those who gave $360 last week to assist. We still have a lot of the truck rental to cover this week to rent the truck:
Needed by Friday, August 9, 8:00AM
1. Rental Truck/Fuel due Friday 8:00am: $2300
2. Rent/Deposit due August 14: $1,557.61
How to Support
Hire TOV: Yes, hire me to help you kickstart your small business/entrepreneur journey, help you create your business, refine your existing business, troubleshoot your problems, and more. I've trained dozens of entrepreneurs fro dream to star-up, to becoming successful (with zero failures), and I consult with companies up to Future 1000. Wherever you're at in the process, book a call, let's see how we can work together to achieve your personal dreams, God dreams and Goals: https://TovRoseCoaching.com/
If you want a tax deduction, you can give through Call to Return Ministries, which is part of Midwest Hebrew Ministries, founded in 1928 as a non-profit Foundation. Give through Zeffy, which gives 100% of your donation (no fees have to be paid by the Foundation): https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/c527882c-9e50-4889-b510-390fd9b3b7df
These are the several ways to give, support and purchase items that will directly help:
GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/GCHUP
Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$hApp/Venmo: @tovrose @tov-rose
a. Tov's new Master Class Course Bundle (with bonuses added: audio books, audio class, ebook): https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/theology-of-the-bible
b. My new book packaged with other books on the same subject , "Jesus the Bridegroom of Israel": https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/the-ultimate-jesus-is-the-bridegroom-of-israel-education-bundle
c. All my other eBooks: TovRose.com/store (these sales are deposited to us within a few days)
d. Be a Paid Subscriber: TovRose.Substack.com
Finally, Thank you for reading through all of this. You are very much appreciated.
- Tov
August 1st, 2024
We are moving! Thank you for praying. Now is push time. It's what we've been focused getting to. We need your assistance more than ever. Will you please give to help us pay for the moving truck?
This is our schedule:
Our loading and cleaning days will be August 9-10th.
Ice-Cream Social going away party at my parent's home in Overland Park, KS, Sunday, August 11, 3pm-5pm
Driving to Georgia Monday, August 12-14, arriving by 5pm on the 14th.
Needed by Friday, August 9, 8:00AM
1. Rental Truck: $2200
2. Fuel: $700
Needed by August 14:
Rent for 18 days $857.61
Deposit: $500
Administration Fee $200.00
Total Charges $1,557.61
How to Give
If you want a tax deduction, you can give through Call to Return Ministries, which is part of Midwest Hebrew Ministries, founded in 1928 as a non-profit Foundation. Give through Zeffy, which gives 100% of your donation (no fees have to be paid by the Foundation): https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/c527882c-9e50-4889-b510-390fd9b3b7df
These are the several ways to give, support and purchase items that will directly help:
Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$hApp/Venmo: @tovrose @tov-rose
a. Tov's new Master Class Course Bundle (with bonuses added: audio books, audio class, ebook): https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/theology-of-the-bible
b. My new book packaged with other books on the same subject , "Jesus the Bridegroom of Israel": https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/the-ultimate-jesus-is-the-bridegroom-of-israel-education-bundle
c. All my other eBooks: TovRose.com/store (these sales are deposited to us within a few days)
d. Be a Paid Subscriber: TovRose.Substack.com
Finally, Thank you for reading through all of this. You are very much appreciated.
- Tov
July 30th, 2024
We are moving! Thank you for praying.
This is our schedule:
Our loading and cleaning days will be August 9-10th.
Ice-Cream Social going away party at my parent's home in Overland Park, KS, Sunday, August 11, 3pm-5pm
Driving to Georgia Monday, August 12-14, arriving by 5pm on the 14th.
Needed this Week:
Deposit: $500
Needed Friday, August 9, 8:00AM
1. Rental Truck: $2200
2. Fuel: $700
Total: $2900
Needed August 14:
Rent for 18 days $857.61
Administration Fee $175.00
Amenity Package Fee $25.00
Total Charges $1,057.61
How to Give
If you want a tax deduction, you can give through Call to Return Ministries, which is part of Midwest Hebrew Ministries, founded in 1928 as a non-profit Foundation. Give through Zeffy, which gives 100% of your donation (no fees have to be paid by the Foundation): https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/c527882c-9e50-4889-b510-390fd9b3b7df
These are the several ways to give, support and purchase items that will directly help:
Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$hApp/Venmo: @tovrose @tov-rose
a. Tov's new Master Class Course Bundle (with bonuses added: audio books, audio class, ebook): https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/theology-of-the-bible
b. My new book packaged with other books on the same subject , "Jesus the Bridegroom of Israel": https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/the-ultimate-jesus-is-the-bridegroom-of-israel-education-bundle
c. All my other eBooks: TovRose.com/store (these sales are deposited to us within a few days)
d. Be a Paid Subscriber: TovRose.Substack.com
Finally, Thank you for reading through all of this. You are very much appreciated.
- Tov
July 27th, 2024
Thank you again to our friend LucaJ for creating this GoFunMe, and thank you to so many who have given to help us (some more than once). In the last 24-hours several friends and new friends have given $1000. We are very thankful and overwhelmed with their generosity!
I addressed in yesterday's update , "Tov, why don't you just get a job?"
I want to address this more intentionally: I have a job. In fact, I have several. I am self-employed. I have take side-gigs as I am able. I have am working with a professional placement agency. They re-write my resume for each application. I've yet to have one interview. I am dealing with my own Chronic Medical Condition that makes many jobs difficult: It is called, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is a group of 13 genetic disorders that affect connective tissues and collagen formation. My symptoms can include: Loose, unstable joints that can dislocate, especially in the shoulders, knees, hips, spine and ankles; and chronically low electrolytes that cause painful muscle cramps. I was recently laid off from a ministry job that did not pay into unemployment (as a matter of fact, everyone was laid off from that organization and my two kids and one God-daughter left their university as a result of all that went on). Michelle is not able to work because of two car accidents that ended her nursing career. Her monthly Worker's Compensation payments are about 25% of what she earned after paying her lawyer. We have income, but we don't have enough income to meet our current multiple very difficult situations.
What I can't say:
There are several situations that I cannot talk about publicly right now that have contributed to our very difficult situations. We do in fact have both Godly and legal counsel. I really do want to share them, but I can't. On some level, I think it might help people understand and maybe some be encouraged to support us that otherwise wouldn't.
What I can say:
Please don't be calloused? Our friend Luca Grapoli set up this Fundraiser for us, because of our serious family's crisis multiple situations, don't you think there might be some valid reasons that a friend who knows us in real life would do that? If you'd like to talk to Luca and confirm our story this is how to contact her directly: Luca@agapefirstministries.org
The need is real:
Our immediate need in the next two weeks is $7000. Will you please help?
If you want a tax deduction, you can give through Call to Return Ministries, which is part of Midwest Hebrew Ministries, founded in 1928 as a non-profit Foundation. Give through Zeffy, which gives 100% of your donation (no fees have to be paid by the Foundation): https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/c527882c-9e50-4889-b510-390fd9b3b7df
These are the several ways to give, support and purchase items that will directly help:
Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$hApp/Venmo: @tovrose @tov-rose
a. Tov's new Master Class Course Bundle (with bonuses added: audio books, audio class, ebook): https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/theology-of-the-bible
b. My new book packaged with other books on the same subject , "Jesus the Bridegroom of Israel": https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/the-ultimate-jesus-is-the-bridegroom-of-israel-education-bundle
c. All my other eBooks: TovRose.com/store (these sales are deposited to us within a few days)
d. Be a Paid Subscriber: TovRose.Substack.com
Finally, Thank you for reading through all of this. You are very much appreciated.
- Tov
July 25th, 2024
GiveSendGo set up by Lucaj Groppoli for Tov & Michelle Rose
From Tov: If you can help, we could use the help.
ELECTRIC Evergy $438.77
Our son's lost income last week and this week: $900
Them: "Tov, just get a job"
Me: Not helpful. Let me frank: I've been looking for months. Working with a placement agency. And the nonprofit I worked for did not pay into unemployment. It is exactly this kind of response that keeps people from asking for help. Which is why I've made a point to ask anyway. Jesus told his students, when someone asks for help, help them. Pardon my frankness, but I intentially challenge people (don't you know that about me?), especially Western Christians and their unbiblical hard-hearted, jaded worldviews? Use your critical thinking skills: if our friend Lucaj set up a Fundraiser for us because of our serious family crisis multiple situations, don't you think there might be some valid reasons and a real need a fried we've known for almost two decades would do that?
Give. Me. A. Break.
Check you own heart and relationship with The Father if this what's in your mind and heart.
Our son who is moving to GA with us was just diagnosed with COVID after missing work last week due to a back injury. So, yeah, more financial strain for us. And our daughter is also sick with the same symptoms and is missing work at her new job.
Give here or there:
Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$hApp/Venmo: @tovrose @tov-rose
If you'd prefer to help by purchasing my course or products, that would be fantastic as well:
a. Tov's new Master Class Course Bundle (with bonuses added: audio books, audio class, ebook): https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/theology-of-the-bible
b. My new book packaged with other books on the same subject , "Jesus the Bridegroom of Israel": https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/the-ultimate-jesus-is-the-bridegroom-of-israel-education-bundle
c. All my other eBooks: TovRose.com/store (these sales are deposited to us within a few days)
d. Be a Paid Subscriber: TovRose.Substack.comUPDATE 25: GiveSendGo set up by Lucaj Groppoli for Tov & Michelle Rose
From Tov: Our son has COVID
If you could help with immediate needs that surprised us this week and kast:
1. ELECTRIC bill from Evergy $438.77 for an 800sq ft apartment.
2. Our son's lost income last week (work injury) and this week (Covid): $1200
Them: "Tov, just get a job"
Me: Not helpful. Let me be frank: I've been looking for months. Working with a placement agency. And the nonprofit I worked for did not pay into unemployment. It is exactly this kind of response that keeps people from asking for help. Which is why I've made a point to ask anyway. Jesus told his students, when someone asks for help, help them. Pardon my frankness, but I intentially challenge people (don't you know that about me?), especially Western Christians and their unbiblical hard-hearted, jaded worldviews? Use your critical thinking skills: if our friend Lucaj set up a Fundraiser for us because of our serious family crisis multiple situations, don't you think there might be some valid reasons and a real need a friend we've known for almost two decades would do that?
Give. Me. A. Break.
Check you own heart and relationship with The Father if this what's in your mind and heart.
Our son who is moving to GA with us was just diagnosed with COVID after missing work last week due to a back injury. So, yeah, more financial strain for us. And our daughter is also sick with the same symptoms and is missing work at her new job.
Give here or there:
Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$hApp/Venmo: @tovrose @tov-rose
If you'd prefer to help by purchasing my course or products, that would be fantastic as well:
a. Tov's new Master Class Course Bundle (with bonuses added: audio books, audio class, ebook): https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/theology-of-the-bible
b. My new book packaged with other books on the same subject , "Jesus the Bridegroom of Israel": https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/the-ultimate-jesus-is-the-bridegroom-of-israel-education-bundle
c. All my other eBooks: TovRose.com/store (these sales are deposited to us within a few days)
d. Be a Paid Subscriber: TovRose.Substack.com
Update #24: I can't believe this electric bill. Can you help?
July 25, 2024. GiveSendGo set up by Lucaj Groppoli for Tov & Michelle Rose
From Tov:
Seriously, we've been in this 1-bedroom 800sq Foot apartment for a Month. The electric bill is more than what it was for our previous 4 bedroom rental! This emergency move from that house has been a whole new financial strain, and just as we are raising funds to move out this month to month rental for Georgia in two weeks.
If you can help with this, we could use the help.
Evergy $438.77
July 25th, 2024
Seriously, we've been in this 1-bedroom apartment for a Month. The electric bill is more than what it was for our previous 4 bedroom rental!
This emergency move from that house has been a whole new financial strain.
If you can help with this, we could use the help.
Evergy $438.77
Give here or there:
Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$hApp/Venmo: @tovrose @tov-rose
July 25th, 2024
Today, Michelle, our son, and I filled out a rental application for an apartment in the Macon, GA area. We decided to move there because he is able to transfer his job and it is pretty close to where he will work. There are a lot of very good future opportunities for employment for him there. W e also have a relationship with Be In Health Ministries in Thomaston, GA. We love them and have wanted to move there for over 20-years. Now is the time. Michelle was in two car accidents several years ago that have made it impossible for her to work, and what they do at Be In Health will greatly benefit her.
We hope to hear in the next several days whether or not our application is accepted. We will keep everyone updated. We plan to move out of our temporary dwellings the first full week of August. This means we will again be asking for assistance physically moving, loading, etc., as well as financially, because this is all very unexpected and we have not had time to save and prepare for TWO major moves within Five Weeks (on top of loosing income, being laid-off, other family crises('s's's's's's), It's been a rough ride on top of a nine months of a rough ride.
For those who have not followed the whole saga, here is the short version: Mold was found in our rental, the landlord did not adequately deal with it, we all became sick on top of ongoing medical issues.
With being laid-off and loosing other income, we were completely unprepared for an emergency move, having to pay rent and deposits for temporary housing, dealing with two cars having major issues that needed (and still some need repairs to be done).
We decided to trust God and pick a date to move. August 6, 2024. After looking for a rental for almost four weeks and finding nothing in our price range that was in a safe neighborhood, we seem to have found one. Please pray?
2. Estimated Rent, Deposit and Utilities setup: $2200
3. Estimated moving trailer, gas and expenses to get to Macon: $1400
Total: $7000
AFTER we move out of our current Kansas City Rental we will need to pay the final Utility Bills here. We are not sure what those will be.
If you'd prefer to help by purchasing my course or products, that would be fantastic as well:
a. Tov's new Master Class Course Bundle (with bonuses added: audio books, audio class, ebook): https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/theology-of-the-bible
b. My new book packaged with other books on the same subject , "Jesus the Bridegroom of Israel": https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/the-ultimate-jesus-is-the-bridegroom-of-israel-education-bundle
c. All my other eBooks: TovRose.com/store (these sales are deposited to us within a few days)
d. Be a Paid Subscriber: TovRose.Substack.com
There are other ways you can give:
1. https://tovrose.com/support/ (Call to Return Ministries)
2. https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/c527882c-9e50-4889-b510-390fd9b3b7df
3. Ca$shApp/ Venmo (@tov-rose, @tovrose)
4. Zelle (nmv@tovrose.com)
Again, thank you so much for helping us through this emotional and financial crisis!
Your brother in Yeshua (Jesus),
July 18th, 2024
Thank you so much to all who have supported us during this difficult season of moving, slitting our family between different locations, all because of mold in our last rental, job loss, being laid off, and more. Yikes. It's a ride.
Here's an update:
1. Our Honda Pilot is getting new shocks/struts this week, thanks to all who helped us get it done.
2. On-the-Job Injury last week: Our now 20-year old son has not been able to work this week due to an on-the-job. He has filed a Worker's Compensation Claim. He is doing better after several days of rest and it appears to be only muscle strain, but he has lost almost a week worth of wages. He will not have PTO until 2025. He will not have any sick days until next week and they are not backward applicable. He will try to go back to work Friday 07/19/2024
BUT we need to ask for more help to make up the $650 he has lost this week.
Would you please assist?
3. Another $3000 is still required to complete car repairs
4. We need $4000 to move to Georgia. We have some friends and friends of friends helping us find housing in or near Macon.
For those who would rather make a purchase rather than give a gift, here is my links to purchasing my new Master Class and Book Bundle:
Take my Old Testament Survey Class to begin going deeper, learning more about the God the BIble! I’ve made it an affordable $37.
Bonus Content Added for no extra cost:
My audio teaching recorded live with questions and answers from the audience
Jesus in the Old Testament eBook
Jesus in the Old Testament Audiobook
And get the Ultimate Add-on!
Book 1, "The Baptism of Jesus from a Jewish Perspective," examines the cultural and theological significance of Jesus' baptism through first century a Jewish and Biblical lens.
Book 2, "Jesus in the Jewish Wedding: Messianic Fulfillment in the Bible and Tradition," explores the parallels between Jewish wedding traditions and the relationship between Jesus, the Bible and his followers. It is a collection of various viewpoints and perspectives intended to provide a broad foundation for studying the topic."
My New Book, exclusive on Teachable.com Book 3, "Jesus: The God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob," offers a compelling case for understanding Jesus within the context of the Hebrew Scriptures and Jewish theology.
Never before released! The video, "Jesus in the Passover Presentation - Recorded Live," presents a live teaching on the Passover celebration and its deep connections to the life and ministry of Jesus (the rest of the story is in the book: Jesus in the Passover).
Finally, Book 4, "Jesus in the Passover: More than an Haggadah," delves deeper into the Passover traditions and their profound implications for Christian faith and theology.
Together, this collection provides readers with a rich and nuanced and more comprehensive understanding of Jesus' Jewish heritage and the ways it is the foundation and shaped early Christian believe and practice, including the writing of the New Testament itself.
Get the package for less than purchasing them all separately.
Total: $138.97
Get it here:
What is a Midrashic Hermeneutic?
Find out:
Preparing the Bride of Messiah to Make Herself Ready for the King,
Tov RoseFounder, NMV Bible Project & Foundation
The New Messianic Version Bible with Tov Rose is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a paid subscriber: TovRose.Substack.com
Disclaimer: The above communication is general in nature and for educational purposes only and should not be considered formal advice. Consult your appropriate professional regarding your specific situation.
July 14th, 2024
Tov here. Thank you again to Luca Jo for setting up this fundraiser. Thank you to all who have have helped us thus far. Here is an update, the good news first:
1. The water company is refunding our $900, but we won't see it for 30-45 days.
2. We've arranged for our Honda Pilot's shocks/struts to be fixed this coming week. The labor will be $150 or less, which is a true God-send. The parts cost $420 with discounts.
3. We have had so many unexpected costs. We did not expect to have to do a short term rental in Kansas City area while looking for housing in Georgia from a distance. We are very thankful to our friends who have let us rent their apartment, and a room in another location for our son.
4. Timeline: We plan to move out of this month-to-month rental by July 31st. We need help finding affordable housing in central Georgia that is clean, big enough, not a dump and not in a bad neighborhood. This has been a challenge so far.
If you happen to know anyone in Central GA, about an hour South of Atlanta, we could use some help finding a 2-3 bedroom rental. Since we can't physically go and tour houses and apartments, having someone local willing to help us out would be wonderful. Anyone out there with ideas?
5. We have a lawyer helping with our previous landlord. The financial hit we've taken do to just emergency move and how they handled their part has been horrible for us.
Things we need still need help with:
+ $2,400 (A/C repair for both cars)
+ $440 (Utility from previous rental)
+ $6,000 (Move to GA, rent, deposit, utilities, unexpected costs)
Prayer Requests:
1. Jobs in Georgia for Tov and our son.
2. Strong sales for
a. Tov's new Master Class Course Bundle (with bonuses added: audio books, audio class, ebook): https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/theology-of-the-bible
b. My new book, which is exclusively available here: https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/jesus-the-god-of-abraham-isaac-jacob-595983
c. eBook sales--especially sales through TovRose.com/store, because these sales are deposited to us within a few days (Amazon/Kindle/Audible are delayed a month).
d. Become a Paid Subscriber for Tov's Articles: TovRose.Substack.com
There are other ways you can give:
1. TovRose.com/give (Call to Return Ministries)
2. Ca$shApp/ Venmo (@tov-rose, @tovrose)
3. Zelle (nmv@tovrose.com)
Again, thank you for helping us during this very challenging time.
Your Brother in Yeshua (Jesus),
July 11th, 2024
I want to share an update after being relatively quiet for most of past week. We've been blessed having so many people reach out to us in person and on calls. We've been invited to some wonderful dinners and worship times with friends in their homes. This Saturday, I'll be spending a few hours with some very encouraging older men that I adore being with and praying with. I was invited to send a letter to a ministry in Minnesota asking them to consider donating their Motorhome to our ministry. Having a motorhome would make things somewhat simpler for a few months, although I don't think our cats would like even less space, but they might enjoy having more windows! These have all been encouraging and healing.
We are very tired, encouraged and discouraged all at the same time, but standing on God's promises! It's a strange mix of emotions, which is understandable after all we've experienced. Suddenly being empty nesters because of multiple crises is a bit traumatic, and one of the hardest to handle emotionally. Our son has made a point to come over and spend time with us, especially because he is feeling disconnected as well and suddenly living apart from us when he wants to live with us. Our son is renting a room a few miles from where we are temporarily renting a one-bedroom apartment. We are thankful for the same family leasing to the three of us.
Our twin goddaughters finish loading their moving truck today. They leave for the west coast tomorrow. Our daughter is still living with my parents until she saves enough to rent a room closer to her new job--which is on the same site our son is currently renting a room (there are only rooms for men at the location).
Starting this weekend we will be reorganizing and repacking all of our boxes and downsizing even more.
This week we've received $150 through GoFundMe. Thank you to those who have helped through that giving site.
We are running behind what we need to raise.
If you can help, it would mean a lot.
Timeline: We plan to move out of this month-to-month rental by July 31st.
We are moving to central Georgia. We have longstanding relationships with people in that area and a church/ministry community (website: BeinHealth.com) that we've maintained relationships with for almost 25 years. Michelle could use some physically healing as she continues to recover from the two car accidents that ended her nursing career (in 2017 and 2019), and they are a great place for us to be for the next season. Our son wants to plug in there as well. He really likes the community.
If you happen to know anyone in Central GA, about an hour South of Atlanta, we could use some help finding a 3-bedroom rental. Since we can't physically go and tour houses and apartments, having someone local willing to help us out would be wonderful.
Amounts and Categories still needing to be covered:
+ $2,400 (A/C repair for both cars)
+ $600 (Shocks/Struts for one car)
+ $440 (Utility from previous rental)
+ TBA (Utilities for current rental)
+ $3,600 - $4,000 (New rental, deposit, utilities, unexpected costs)
+ $3,500 (Moving truck and fuel)
Best Estimated: $11,000 still needed
Prayer Requests:
1. Jobs in Georgia for Tov and our son.
2. Strong sales for
a. Tov's new Master Class Course Bundle (with bonuses added: audio books, audio class, ebook): https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/theology-of-the-bible
b. My new book, which is exclusively available here: https://thehappytheologist.teachable.com/p/jesus-the-god-of-abraham-isaac-jacob-595983
c. eBook sales--especially sales through TovRose.com/store, because these sales are deposited to us within a few days (Amazon/Kindle/Audible are delayed a month#!#).
d. Become a Paid Subscriber for Tov's Articles: TovRose.Substack.com
There are other ways you can give:
1. TovRose.com/give (Call to Return Ministries),
2. Ca$shApp/ Venmo (@tov-rose, @tovrose)
3. Zelle (nmv@tovrose.com).
Again, thank you for helping us during this very challenging time.
Your Brother in Yeshua (Jesus),
July 8th, 2024
Thank you to everyone who has helped us! Thank you to all who have given both online at GiveSendGo, through TovRose.com/give (Call to Return Ministries), Ca$shApp/ Venmo (@tov-rose, @tovrose) Zelle (nmv@tovrose.com), and in other ways!
Still to be covered:
* Both cars need a/c repaired range+ Shock/Struts for one: est. $3000
* Housing in Georgia: New Rental/Deposit Range: est. $3600-$4000
* Moving Truck/Fuel: $3500
Prayer Requests:
1. Jobs in Georgia for Tov and Josiah
2. Strong sales on Tov's new Master Class Course Bundle (with bonuses added: audio books, audio class, ebook), and eBook sales--especially sales through TovRose.com/store, because these sales are deposited to us within a few days (Amazon/Kindle/Audible are delayed a month!).
Become a Paid Subscriber for Tov's Articles: TovRose.Substack.com
July 3rd, 2024
First: Answered Prayers:
Here on GiveSendGoamy friends given over $3000, which is so very encouraging after last week's bad news, and thousands of dollars in unexpected payments.
Thank you to all who have given both online at GiveSendGo, through TovRose.com/give (Call to Return Ministries), Ca$shApp/ Venmo (@tov-rose, @tovrose) Zelle (nmv@tovrose.com), and in other ways!
1. We are raising the money needed to repair the shocks and struts on our Honda Pilot this week, to be able to drive it to Georgia while towing a trailer. The cost $1700
2. We are raising another $1000 for repairs on our Honda Civic
3. At least $3000 for Uhaul Truck + gas
4. New Rent and Deposit for a rental in Georgia: $3000
Prayer Requests:
5. Jobs in Georgia for our son, and Tov, or For Self Employment to really take off:
6. Strong sales on Tov's new Master Class and eBook sales--especially sales through TovRose.com/store, because these sales are deposited to us within a few days (Amazon/Kindle/Audible are delayed a month!).
Take the Class: Master Class: Jewish Betrothal and Marriage: The Theological Structure of the Hebrew Bible and New Testament
By some books: tovrose.com/store
Become a Paid Subscriber for Tov's Articles and Podcast: TovRose.Substack.com
We plan to move to Georgia in 2-3 Weeks!
- Tov
July 1st, 2024
Tov here.
Thank you everyone who has help us! We've received about $3200 of the $10,000 we are hoping for through GiveSendGo.
Update Part:
We have moved out of the Moldy Rental. Our son moved into a paid room nearby. We moved into a one bedroom apartment with the two family cats. We are each doing month to month, as we are actively planning our relocation to the Thomaston/Macon Georgia area region. Our son works for a big company and is able to transfer. Michelle's workers comp payments should continue and are not restricted by location. My self-employment has been more successful this month and last. Which means more income comming in, and I have a placement agency with national contracts seeking well-paid remote and hybrid management and writing positions for me.
The next $6000+ we require from this Fundraiser is for car repairs, a UHaul truck, first months rent and deposit.
We are taking a day off to rest, then we begin phase 2: repacking, pairing down, rental searching in GA.
Thank you again, everyone!
June 27th, 2024
Thank you for everyone praying for us. We were planning on moving in with a friend tomorrow, which would have been a free place to live for 2-3 weeks while we are making arrangements to move to Georgia. As they say, "the best laid plans of mice and men do often go astray." We've found ourself scrambling for housing and signed rent today for 1-month.
These are the new unexpected expenses due TODAY that we could use help covering if you are able:
Rental Application Fee: $50
Water/Sewage Deposit: $155
Lease/Deposit: $1175
Portable Air Conditioner: $500 (Because the window a/c in the apartment is underpowered, is located in the living room and doesn't cool the bedroom at all, and we need to take it with us when we leave in one month).
Total: $1880
June 25th, 2024
First: Answered Prayers:
Some friends gave $510 just after we found out the bad news that we can't stay with our friend starting Thursday, this week. We had planned to stay there for the next three weeks.
Thank you to all who have given both online at GiveSendGo, through TovRose.com/give (Call to Return Ministries), Ca$shApp, Venmo, Zelle, and in other ways!
1. We no longer have a place to go when we move out.
The person who was going to host us for 2-3 weeks. We are looking at extended stay hotels and other similar places that allow cats. This is an additional $400-$600 a week we hadn't planned for.
2. We are packing. All the heavy furniture we are keeping has been moved to storage. Today we are packing our Garage and Gardening stuff. Trying to get all of it into storage. Tomorrow we will try to pack the entire kitchen. Thursday, we will try to pack everything left and move it out so we can CLEAN on Friday and Saturday.
We will need assistance moving our appliances out on Friday, as well as our tables and living room furniture. We are selling out couches and one chair.
3.. Still to be covered:
* Our landlord has informed us that we must have the rental carpets professionally cleaned ($300-$400) THIS WEEK
* Honda Pilot: we are still short what's needed to repair Shocks/Struts by $400-$500
* Both cars need a/c repaired range: $2700-$3000
* Housing in Georgia: New Rental/Deposit Range: $3600-$4000
Prayer Requests:
4. Jobs in Georgia for Tov and Josiah
5. Strong sales on Tov's new Master Class and eBook sales--especially sales through TovRose.com/store, because these sales are deposited to us within a few days (Amazon/Kindle/Audible are delayed a month!).
Take the Class: Master Class: Jewish Betrothal and Marriage: The Theological Structure of the Hebrew Bible and New Testament
Buy some books: tovrose.com/store
Become a Paid Subscriber for Tov's Articles: TovRose.Substack.com
June 25th, 2024
First: Thank you to all who have given both online at GiveSendGo and in other ways!
1. We are packing. All the heavy furniture we are keeping has been moved to storage. Today we are packing our Garage and Gardening stuff. Trying to get all of it into storage. Tomorrow we will try to pack the entire kitchen. Thursday, we will try to pack everything left and move it out so we can CLEAN on Friday and Saturday.
We will need assistance moving our appliances out on Friday, as well as our tables and living room furniture. We are selling out couches and one chair.
2. Still to be covered:
* Our landlord has informed us that we must have the rental carpets professionally cleaned ($300-$400) THIS WEEK
* Honda Pilot: we are still short what's needed to repair Shocks/Struts by $400-$500
* Both cars need a/c repaired range: $2700-$3000
* Housing in Georgia: New Rental/Deposit Range: $3600-$4000
Prayer Requests:
1. Jobs in Georgia for Tov and Josiah
2. Strong sales on Tov's new Master Class and eBook sales--especially sales through TovRose.com/store, because these sales are deposited to us within a few days (Amazon/Kindle/Audible are delayed a month!).
Take the Class: Master Class: Jewish Betrothal and Marriage: The Theological Structure of the Hebrew Bible and New Testament
Buy some books: tovrose.com/store
Become a Paid Subscriber for Tov's Articles: TovRose.Substack.com
June 24th, 2024
At 10am and 6pm we have help coming to move our furniture and appliances to storage.
Packing a house while coping with a tiring mold reaction is exhausting. Me and my wife. No joke. Might hire help.
If you're local, we'd love help, if not, would love help and prayer!
June 21st, 2024
Some people are practical. They don't want to give something for nothing. some people prefer to Give and get. And that's okay.
50+ people are helping us this way!
Here is how you can, too!
Purchase my new Master Class, and get advance exclusive access to buy my new book which expands on what the class teaches (A LOT!): Jesus: The God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob!
I've also set it up so anyone taking the class or ordering the book can resell them as an affiliate and earn a percentage of each sale their friends and followers purchase.
The Happy Theologist
Jewish Betrothal The Theological Structure of the Hebrew Bible and New Testament
Jewish Betrothal The Theological Structure of the Hebrew Bible and New Testament
Enroll in course: Click here https://tinyurl.com/JOTMarriage
The Course
Take a Dive Deep into the fabric of sacred texts with this course, where you'll unravel the intricate theological threads that weave together the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. You'll explore the foundational beliefs, structures, and thematic elements that connect these ancient manuscripts. You'll develop a solid understanding of the framework begun by Moses, expanded by Ezra, and continued by Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Paul.
Whether you're a theology student looking to deepen your scriptural knowledge, a history buff keen on understanding religious influences on culture, or just someone curious about the Bible’s Jewish roots, this course is your ticket to a richer appreciation of Scripture. You'll walk away with not only a better grasp of the Bible’s own theology, but also the ability to draw connections you may not have otherwise seen.
What you will learn
When I started designing this course, my goal was to create something that's not only informative but also incredibly accessible for beginners. I've organized the content so that you can gradually build your understanding of the complex structure of the Bible.
What's really great is that as you dive into the modules, you're going to discover one of the main themes that shaped the early communities of Jesus followers and ancient Israel. This isn't just about academic knowledge; it's a journey that will offer you a deeper appreciation for the biblical narratives that continue to influence our world today. I've seen students come away with my teaching on this subject with a newfound sense of clarity and connection to the Bible, God, and others. The feedback has consistently highlighted how teaching this biblical structure has made the learning process both Click hereenjoyable and deeply insightful.
Enroll in course: Click here
Course Overview and Objectives
Importance of Jewish Marriage and Betrothal Ceremony in Biblical Context
The Role of Ezra the Scribe in Preserving and Compiling the Old Testament
Background and Contributions of Ezra the Scribe
Ezra's Influence on the Formation of the Biblical Canon
Midrashic Hermeneutics and Interpretive Principles
Introduction to Midrashic Interpretation
Community Consensus and Interpretation of Scripture
The Jewish Marriage and Betrothal Ceremony in the Old Testament
Overview of Jewish Marriage Customs in the Old Testament
Examination of Marriage and Betrothal Symbols in Old Testament Stories
The Jewish Marriage and Betrothal Ceremony in the New Testament
Transition from Old Testament to New Testament Marriage Themes
Incorporation of Jewish Marriage and Betrothal Symbols in New Testament Writings
The Transition between 2 Chronicles & Matthew
Impact of the Jewish World on the New Testament
Understanding the Jewish World during the New Testament Era
Historical and Cultural Context of the New Testament Writings
The New Testament & Paul
Going Even Deeper
Jesus: The God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob?
Summary of Key Concepts Covered
show all lectures icon
Choose a Pricing Option
Jewish Betrothal & Marriage
The Theological Structure of the Hebrew Bible and New Testament
or pay in installments:
Click here: Click here
June 19th, 2024
Tov here. We have 11 days to move out. A minimum of $5000 more would be helpful.
1. We have a place to stay for the month of July.
Our son will say at a friend's farm with our three chickens. Our youngest daughter is staying with grandparents. Michelle and I (and our two cats) will stay with a friend.
2. Still to be covered:
* LOCA Moving costs: $500
* Our landlord has informed us that we must have the rental carpets professionally cleaned ($300-$400) NEXT WEEK
* Honda Pilot: we are still short what's needed to repair Shocks/Struts by $400-$500
* Both cars need a/c repaired range: $2700-$3000
* New Rental & Deposit Range: $2200-$2600
Prayer Requests:
1. A job for Tov
2. Strong sales on Tov's new Master Class and eBook sales--especially sales through TovRose.com/store, because these sales are deposited to us within a few days (Amazon/Kindle/Audible are delayed a month!).
Master Class: Jewish Betrothal and Marriage: The Theological Structure of the Hebrew Bible and New Testament
June 18th, 2024
God has provided a temporarily place for us to go June 30 and to stay for one month. It is safe, mold free, clean, in a beautiful location in Olathe, KS, about 5 miles from where my parents live (and our daughters are staying).
Our son, Josiah, will be moving into a home for young men, owned by his former boss, on the farm he worked at for about a year. He helped rebuild/remodel the house he will be In. Michelle's chickens will stay on the farm with Josiah.
An extended family memeber, not a blood relative, gave us a check which will help repair our Honda Pilot, but we are significantly short of what we need for this emergency move.
We understand that some people want to see something in return for what they give. We can help with that. If you prefer to purchase something instead, head over to TovRose.com/store and buy some eBooks. If you want paper books, go through our checkout process and it will ask you that question. Choose paper book option and it will let you order it.
Also, you can go to Tovrose.substack.com and become a paid subscriber.
We see these sales funds within a few days.
Thanks for praying and helping,
June 16th, 2024
A friend has helped us in asking for assistance through GoFundme.com, because we really do need assistance. This emergency Mold Health issue came on suddenly and at the worst possible time for our family. It's a perfect storm of events.
A. Tov's Job Losses
B. Adult kids/renters moving out of our current rental because of Mold-related health problems, resulting in loss of $1000/month in rent and utilities being covered by our two God daughters.
C. We've been underemployed for eight months, have used up our emergency fund, and refuse to open credit cards to cover these things, because that only makes things worse.
Insurance denied our Mold claim.
They decided to take the landlord's word that he "fixed the problem," instead of listening to us that the Landlord refuses to do FULL mold remediation, because everyone is sick from the mold and three have already had to move out of the house. They told us WE have to pay for a mold test. Those tests are incredibly expensive, we can't do the simple tests you buy at the hardware store.
The denial was expected, but not helpful.
We were hoping that insurance would pay for us to stay in a hotel at least, while we moved out. But they won't even do that.
We are back to Plan A:
Moving by June 30th with no where to go and no way to fully pay for a move.
We still need $7500 to finish packing, move out, pay for rent a deposit on another rental by July 1--somewhere.
We also have $2000 in repairs (at least) to complete on our two vehicles. (If we get this ASAP, I can at least start driving for Uber/Lift, providing medical transportation, doing courier work, etc.):
1) a/c for both cars
2) all shocks and struts for our Honda Pilot.
We have a team of people praying for us regularly and helping us with godly counsel.
I am open to working in and have experience in various fields. If you know a business owner, company hiring, please have them contact me, put me in touch, or make an introduction? We are willing to move anywhere!
June 14th, 2024
Insurance denied our claim, but God has moved on hearts to help.
A couple days ago Michelle and I were invited to a prayer meeting, and no one there knew us. The person who invited us was friend of a friend. The prophetic words and words of knowledge from strangers were spot on, and they did something they said they rarely do, they took an offering for us, because one of the leaders said we had an immediate need. It was $325.
So we are buying tires for our Honda Civic, and putting the leftover toward fixing the other car.
The next day, some friends sent us $500 on the Zelle app. Others have asked for our address to send checks. These have been encouraging! Thank you, Abba!
This morning a friend said he wants to talk to me about a job he thinks I'd be perfect for.
And we need a place to live that's affordable.
So, prayers up?
June 13th, 2024
We are asking for assistance because we really do need assistance. This emergency Health issue came on suddenly and at the worst possible time for our family. It's a perfect storm of events.
A. Tov's Job Loss
B. Adult kids/renters moving out because of Mold-related health problems, resulting in loss of $1000/month in rent and utilities being covered
C. We've been underemployed for eight months, have used up our emergency fund, and refuse to open more credit cards to cover these things, because that only makes things worse.
Insurance denied our claim.
They decided to take the landlord's word that he "fixed the problem," instead of listing to us that the Landlord refuses to do FULL mold remediation, because everyone is sick from the mold and three have already had to move out of the house. They told us WE have to pay for a mold test. Those tests are incredibly expensive, we can't do the simple tests you buy at the hardware store.
So, this went as expected.
We were hoping that insurance would pay for us to stay in a hotel at least, while we moved out. But they won't even do that.
We are back to Plan A:
What you'll be helping us cover:
We still need $7500 to finish packing, move out, pay rent, and for deposit on another rental.
We also have $2000 in repairs to complete on our two vehicles. (If we get this ASAP, I can at least start driving for Uber/Lift, providing medical transportation, doing courier work, etc.):
1) front tires for our Honda Civic;
2) all shocks and struts for our Honda Pilot.
Finally, thank you to everyone who has given so far. It really is helping us! It's not going to support frivolous things. We have a team of people praying for us regularly and helping us with godly counsel.
I am open to working in and have experience in various fields. If you know a business owner, or your company is hiring, please CONNCT ME (Tov)? We are willing to move anywhere!
Thank you for helping!
June 11th, 2024
We are waiting for Insurance to decide if they will help us.
A friend came over at 12:30pm and Right after she left I got a call from our internet provider confirming our move out date, because the new renters want to set up service ASAP. They move in July 1.
That's the first we heard about the landlord signing a lease with someone else.
So, no pressure, eh?
Additional links:
Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$happ: @TovRose
Venmo: @Tov-Rose
June 10th, 2024
If we can get one or both of our vehicles repair I can start driving for Uber/Lift, etc.
1. Right now our Honda Pilot needs new struts and shocks all around and the a/c repaired. You need that for transporting people. All together, that almost $2000 with several Estimates.
2. Our Honda Civic needs both front tires and a/c fixed.
3. We still need first and last month rent to move into another rental
4. And the way rentals work after Covid, most places require 3x the rent in income coming in. We are about $1500 short of that, at minimum.
5. We must move twice, a) everythibg in storage at my dad's home has to be moved to a climate controlled storage unit, b. Everything we can keep from the mold rental also has to be moved to the same rented storage unit.
6. We must replace all couches, matresees, and anything else made of permiable materiel so we do not transplant mold from the rental to a new place. This could run into $1000's more.
7. Please pray!
As an incentive, I'm offering for free any of my published books to anyone who gives, starting today.
Starting Wednesday, I Am offering full access to the launch new course to anyone giving $300+
Additional ways to give are available
Zelle: nmv@tovrose.com
Ca$happ: @TovRose
Venmo @Tov-Rose
June 4th, 2024
Today's update
June 4th, 2024
We notified our landlord that we are planning to move out at the end of June due to mold in the house that has made everyone ill. He will start showing the place to new potential renters Tuesday.
A friend of my wife has offered to let us stay in their guest suite for several weeks after we move out, if we need a place.
We're not sure where we will go yet, and I am still looking for day job, and seeking consulting gigs, or partnership with a legit business consulting company.
We are willing to move anywhere.
Would appreciate coninues prayer and support.
Please share?
Not everyone who knows us is seeing these posts. Can you help us make sure they do?
June 1st, 2024
Thank you to everyone who had responded so far. We have received about $2000 of what is needed. Some have given through our ministry, Venmo, Zelle and CashApp.
Our three daughters are staying with my parents. The two oldest are praying and trying to decide where to move next. They have several options locally and in other states. They plan to decide over the next two weeks.
Here are a couple things we need in addition to the Fundraiser:
1-3: I could use help with marketing and promotion for my books, increasing paid subscriptions, and finalizing a course I plan to offer based on my latest book that is finished except for final title and cover/art.
4. Local help packing and transporting boxes and furniture to my parent's house for storage.
May 30th, 2024
Tov here. Thank you to those who have given so far. We have a friend who is helping us acquire a Motorhome RV. It is something me and Michelle (and maybe one of our adult kids) could move into for a season. We have several friends with land, and one whose ministry has a campground, that we could use. Our family in Kansas is letting us store our belongings in their unused basement (the large furniture won't fit down the stairs, however, and we'll have to come up with another option or sell it).
May 29th, 2024
Tov here. I want to thank Luca Jo for setting this up for us. Sometimes, when you're going through a difficult time, it's very hard to ask for help on your own. We've been hit with multiple crises' all at the same time:
1. Loss of my broadcast media/ministry position job due to shut down of the organization
2. Mold found in our rental that has made the whole family sick (the very issue that led to us selling out home in Minnesota to come to Kansas City)
3. Three of our adult daughters have moved out due to the mold (it's frankly shocking, and we feel like sudden empty-nesters with no preparation).
4. Both of our cars need significant and costly repairs when we have lost income and can't afford the repairs.
5. The only jobs I've managed to find are several that are very part-time jobs that are underpaid, and physically harmful to my body, and one that is a full-time commission only job that I've not even begun yet and could take months to see real earnings with.
6. Michelle is still unable to work due to an on-the-job injury in 2020, and ongoing medical issues that stress her and everyone else.
7. Family relationship issues that are very hard to resolve while going through all the above.
Prayer and Practical Request:
The best jobs I've ever had were from referrals by friends. If you're able to assist me getting my resume/CV into some helpful hands, or even better, helping me meet some business leaders, executives, owners, etc., I'd be grateful.
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.