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Support This George Floyd Historical Book


 USD $10,000


 USD $2,395

Campaign created by Maryam Henein

Campaign funds will be received by Maryam Henein

Support This George Floyd Historical Book

Operation George Floyd is a book the media, the left, and the right don’t want you to read …

Maryam Henein's exhaustive investigation of George Floyd's murder/assassination/ritual killing is one-of-a-kind, top-notch, real-life journalism. Maryam is fearless as she unravels the mystery of George Floyd's death, an event that, without a doubt, shook America to its core. She goes beyond the headlines and the status quo while lifting layer after layer of mischief, deceit, and political expediency to get at the truth. Her multilevel investigation leaves you breathless and awestruck when all the facts are laid out for us to see. --- Daniel Estulin Tavistock, Best-selling Author
Institute: Social Engineering the Masses

Maryam Henein's unwavering dedication and perseverance in her investigative work are inspiring. She never anticipated spending four and a half years deconstructing one of the most significant psychological operations of our century. However, actual investigations take time, and the result is a landmark book titled Operation George Floyd|| A Multi-Layered Psyop Exposed.

This book reads like a whodunnit deep-state thriller while serving as the most comprehensive and accurate look at the historical event that ushered in a Color Revolution and changed America forever. 

“Want to know the truth? Start with the lies,” Maryam asserts in her documentary The RealTimeLine. 

This approach is not limited to her usual beats, which include functional medicine, biohacking, vaccine dangers, medical freedom, and transhumanism. For her courage, Maryam is undoubtedly the most censored person we know. Covering an NWO psychological agenda like George Floyd and exposing it with receipts can be perilous. To keep the truth hidden, the powers that be arguably co-opted her film The Real TimeLine by making The Fall of Minneapolis a year later. 

The truth, however, doesn’t always fit the right-left dialectic. The book contains proof of informants, sting operations, hush money, cartel laundering, money laundering, government and media collusion, and much more.

She has delivered her documentary. Now, with your support, she can publish this historical tome. Alas, the publisher bailed on the book at the last minute, leaving her to reformat and design the entire book again. She is asking for your support.  


Proofreading: $2000

Formatting: $600

Book Cover Design: $244

ISBN purchase: $295

Publicist: $2000 a month (x 3 months)

With your support, Maryam will be able to release this historical book for everyone to read finally. You can pre-order your copy here.

Maryam Henein is an award-winning journalist and filmmaker. She is also a functional medicine coach and the founder of Maryam finishes what she sets out to do despite attacks and severe censorship. She is a force and an inspiration to many. 

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
9 days ago

real story of GF needs to be told

Anonymous Giver
$ 22.00 USD
16 days ago

Best wishes xo

$ 50.00 USD
16 days ago

All the best in getting the book out.

Maria F
$ 50.00 USD
17 days ago

All the best in getting the book over the finish line!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
19 days ago

More power to you, brave and beautiful lady!

jane aire
$ 25.00 USD
20 days ago

Brave, courageous soul, Maryam -- acknowledgment (and praise) for all you sacrifice to expose "what evil lurks in the hearts of men." Spectacular researcher and analyst. Duly grateful for your dedication and work.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
21 days ago

Bret Hilde
$ 1000.00 USD
21 days ago

Hello, I met you at Anarchapulco (guy with broken neck). I'm in Labelle Florida if you ever need anything semi locally. Bret

david farr
$ 11.00 USD
21 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 30.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Thank you for continuing to fight for the truth!

$ 10.00 USD
4 months ago

Wish I could give more. I ordered the book and am looking forward to reading it.

Terri Hallman
$ 20.00 USD
4 months ago

appreciate your work!

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
4 months ago

$ 10.00 USD
4 months ago

Donna Lomp
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 22.00 USD
5 months ago


jeffrey p lubina
$ 5.00 USD
5 months ago

Ken Swartz
$ 500.00 USD
5 months ago

Saw you at Anarchapulco


My Father Named Me After the Virgin Mary. I need Your Help TODAY

July 1st, 2024


My small hive was supposed to send regular updates, but I am unsure if that is the case. This last month, my website,, was seemingly attacked. I cannot make ends meet, but I work ALL day, every day, 13 hours a day, fixing the immense mess that MATT APONTE made to my website when he maliciously moved my content and deindexed me from Google.

I have so many offerings on,, and

if any of you want a consultation or anything in return. But I need to raise $1400 TODAY. i gave my funds to my team over myself. And now there is no one to help me. I am alone. I have no family to help. My Christian father disowned me over the VAX talk.

I have lost so much for standing up for medical freedom. Every little bit helps. I ONLY have zelle and cashapp left $maryamhenein; please consider all i do to give and give. My show. my substsack. My documentaries. My reports. ALL for no money. I give in service. I need YOUR HELP please.


Update My Father Named Me After the Virgin Mary. I need Your Help TODAY Image

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