USD $1,206
Campaign funds will be received by Deborah Conrad
I am a Physician Assistant (PA) of 21 years who was publicly walked out and fired on Oct 6th 2021, by Rochester Regional Health(employed by United Memorial Medical Center) in Batavia New York for reporting COVID-19 vaccine adverse events to the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). I had been a well respected Hospitalist PA at my hospital for 15 years at that time and received many rewards and recognition for my stellar care throughout my tenure. I also was part of administration and leadership, being the first PA to to be considered part of the medical staff and sat on the medical executive board. I was a front-line worker in the hospital and ICU during the Covid pandemic and started speaking out when I began caring for patients in the hospital who felt they were having adverse side effects after receiving their covid vaccines in early 2021. Healthcare workers are required by law, to report adverse events to the VAERS system and per the vaccine provider agreement in which the hospital participated in. file:///C:/Users/debcp/Downloads/COVID19-Vaccination_Program_Provider_Agreement_and_Profile_Form.pdf
In October of 2021, I was fired for purportedly spreading "vaccine misinformation" and for "over-reporting" to VAERS (the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). I also spoke out publicly though many podcasts and interviews about the suppression of reporting adverse events to the VAERS system by my health system. VAERS is a critical early-warning system for vaccine injuries and side effects. This was vital for the experimental/emergency use COVID mRNA vaccines, which was developed at the behest of the Department of Defense at "warp speed". As Brook Jackson, another whistleblower, can attest to, the Pfizer vaccine clinical trials process was fraught with fraud, waste, and abuse. Because this vaccine was rapidly pushed through the EUA approval process, reports to VAERS were even more imperative to protect the public safety. VAERS is the only system we have for assuring vaccines are safe once released to the public and was enacted in 1990 coming out of the vaccine injury act of 1986. On October 6th, 2021 I was brought into a conference room, interrogated, and was escorted out without any due process. Together with my attorney Warner Mendenhall, and the Mendenhall law firm https://warnermendenhall.com/ We are currently suing Rochester Regional Health for damages including back-pay and civil penalties in violation of the False Claims Act.
All vaccine providers were bound by their vaccine provider agreement, and by the False Claims Act, 31 U.S.C.§3729, to report to VAERS adverse events arising from the COVID-19 vaccine. When I noticed several adverse events, including death, occur post-vaccination, I began writing and submitting patient reports to VAERS in my spare time. I was asked several times to "dial it back" and to only create reports for my own patients, not those whom other providers treated. Rochester Regional asked me to "tow the company line", which was to support the vaccine and reduce vaccine hesitancy, despite their legal obligation to report vaccine injuries.
The procedures and protocols for reporting to VAERS were clearly stated by the CDC. https://vaers.hhs.gov/faq.html
The following conditions were to be reported to VAERS, regardless of causality and regardless of the length of time post-vaccination:
Serious Adverse Events (AEs) per FDA are defined as:
◦ Death
◦ A life-threatening AE
◦ Inpatient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization
◦ A persistent or significant incapacity or substantial disruption of the ability to conduct normal life functions
◦ A congenital anomaly/birth defect
◦ An important medical event that based on appropriate medical judgement may jeopardize the individual and may require medical or surgical intervention to prevent one of the outcomes listed above
◦ Cases of myocarditis after a Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, or Novavaxvaccine
◦ Cases of pericarditis after a Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, or Novavaxvaccine
◦ Cases of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in children and adults
◦ Cases of COVID-19 that result in hospitalization or death
◦ Healthcare providers are encouraged to report to VAERS any additional clinically significant AEs following vaccination, even if they are not sure whether the vaccine caused the event.
Please consider supporting our lawsuit! All donations received will go directly towards funding my lawsuit including using the funds to support my travel expenses and speaking expenses required as a result of the filing this lawsuit and helping to educate the public
Links to the filed complaint and how to follow the lawsuit can be found on my website https://iamdebconrad.com
I saw you on The HighWire. Best wishes!
Godspeed, Deborah! We need a lot more people like you!
Thank you for standing up for what's right
Our family is very passionate about supporting medical freedom and fighting the hypocrisy within the current medical system. Thanks for pouring in your time and energy to fight this.
Happy to support a warrior even with this minimal donation. Thank you for going above and beyond and being "one of the good ones"! I applaud you.
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