Supporting the Tulkkis Scott and Aileen Tulkki


 USD $20,000


 USD $10,785

Campaign created by June Asplin

Campaign funds will be received by Scott Tulkki

Supporting the Tulkkis Scott and Aileen Tulkki

Back in January of 2023, Aileen was diagnosed with stage 4 metastasic breast cancer with a dismal outlook of 4-6 months life expectancy.  Against the odds and with the support, prayers and help of many, she received a clean bill of health in September of 2023.

Unfortunately,  the cancer returned in 2024. Same aggressive cancer with the same dismal outlook. Aileen and Scott are back to fighting this with everything they've got. Treatment last round was high dose drip chemo from March - June, alongside treatments with Dr Jeff - Integrative doctor- in Mankato. The drip chemo isn’t an option for this battle. For conventional treatment her options are limited to surgery, which she did, hormone blockers for the duration of her life, and palliative chemo (expected to extend her time by a couple months). At this time she has chosen to not take the palliative chemo due to the side effects and the length of detoxing from it. Dr Jeff has started high dose Vitamin C with Vitamin K3 infusions in March 2023. After enduring the painful treatment protocol, she achieved NED, no evidence of disease. 

Which brings us to 2025. In January the PET scan lit up. The hormone blockers had ceased working and the cancer metastasized. It’s quite extensive and the conventional treatments offer little hope beyond September. Fortunately, the natural chemo is still a very good option and is expected to give her a path beyond the prognosis. But she needs our help for round three of the fight. We know this battle is a hard one that and we are so grateful for the love and support that so many have shown in so many ways. We hope to continue to support Aileen and her family in all the ways we can as they fight this again. 

This campaign has been created so that we can support them however we might. Funds received go directly to Scott, to be used for treatments, gas, expenses, & memory making time with the family & Aileen. The Tulkki’s extend their heartfelt thank you to you, for being here, and supporting them in their fight. Aileen is in God’s hands, and trusts that His Will will be done. 

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 75.00 USD
1 day ago

$ 100.00 USD
2 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 days ago

Prayers for healing and strength! You are loved!!

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
3 days ago

Prayers for the entire family. From Mark, a friend of Ken, Scott's brother

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
6 days ago

Love & God’s Peace to your whole family! We are remembering you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
12 days ago

With continued prayers and God's Peace. ❤️

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
15 days ago

Suzanne Asplin
$ 500.00 USD
16 days ago

Prayers continue!!

$ 100.00 USD
17 days ago

Prayers for healing. Love and Gods Peace

Mike Coluzzi
$ 50.00 USD
17 days ago

Ken Danaj - friend of Ken
$ 40.00 USD
17 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
17 days ago

Continued prayers with Love and God’s Peace!

Melissa Peterson
$ 100.00 USD
19 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
19 days ago

Our continued thoughts and prayers are with you all as you fight this battle. Love and God’s Peace

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
21 days ago

God’s blessings to the Tulkki family! May you feel his love and comfort in each day.

Jane Johnson
$ 15.00 USD
21 days ago

Prayers and love

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
21 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
22 days ago

Thinking of you and praying for another WIN over cancer!

Sharon Wah
$ 100.00 USD
22 days ago

Thou will keep them in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
23 days ago

Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. -Matthew 11:28 Praying you will call on God for strength as often as you need. You are so loved!


Update #33 - 3/6/25

March 7th, 2025

We went to the biological dentist (Dr Karl Anderson, St Paul) per the recommendation of Dr Jeff. The scan & findings are resulting in 2 procedures/surgeries to clean up necrosis (nasty microbes) within my jaw bones. These cavitations were formed when I had my wisdom teeth removed ages ago. They were identified on the scan at Dr Andersons practice. These scan results show the bone never healed and the necrosis has become trapped without good circulation and immune response in the jaw bone. One root canal is responsible for basically pumping pathogens into my blood stream with each bite I take. Very interesting. My procedures are scheduled to start the end of March, finishing in May. The total will be around $8000. So, thank you - everyone for all of the support! Actually amazing how the Lord has provided so many people/treatments on this journey. 

Scott’s shoulder was shattered in a ladder incident in November, due to the lack of progression in healing, he’s on restrictions & has been home and able to care for me and bring me to treatments. We find out next week the treatment plan for that. Hopefully he will be able to get back to work soon. 

My treatments are over half done, just 2 left!! These are in Mankato & very challenging to complete. I have a countdown to the final session. I’m starting to resume the side effects of the hormone blocking injections, we are certain they are working. How I’m feeling- TIRED. Unbelievably tired. (Which is either concerning, or a side effect of the injections) The insomnia is getting worse, the bone pain is worse (but still very manageable- 4/10) and the hot flashes are ramping up in intensity again. I’m grateful for these signals that indicate my body is responding correctly to the treatment plan. Mostly just tired and severe brain fog. Names & faces, memories, and just day-to-day thinking/doing are all harder right now. That’s the scoop! Prayers for my family would be so appreciated. Love & God’s Peace, aileen 

Book recommendation from Dr Anderson:

Hidden Epidemic by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

Update #32

February 23rd, 2025

I’ve discovered that there’s a bit of a schedule to this whole process. The devastating news of reoccurrence triggers the shock phase. This part is so hard to get through… emotions are high, energy is nonexistent, and the fatigue is crushing. In this stage it’s hard to fathom steps forward. Grief of the future plans, imagining the worst, and getting through each wave of fear make it hard to lean on one’s faith & support system. Thankfully, you guys helped pull me out of that phase… straight into the ‘buckle down and attack stage.’ That’s where it feels I’m at, as I write this. Ready to work.

Here’s the game plan: 

Finish the next 4 rounds of natural chemo, continue with the loading Faslodex shots, continue with the dietary restrictions & supplements, Essiac tea, Fenben/iver and the light use of the Rife machine. I do have options to attack that I’m saving at this time….

I believe the Rife would be effective- used more often and with the proper detox & lymph protocols & supported by diet & supplements. However, I’m confident the natural chemo will work so I’m not leaning too heavily on this option at this point. 

Suppository RSO (cannabis) is also available as a 90 day protocol with maintenance dosing for many months. I am convinced this is also an appropriate action for attack. But… if I add it in now, it wouldn’t be clear if the natural chemo did its work. Considering that I’m 1/3 of the way through the treatment sessions, I want the results to be credited to the actual treatment I’m doing vs wondering which therapy achieved remission. And it’s still in my back pocket should the natural chemo fall short of expectations. 

Currently, I’m feeling good… just tired, for the most part. The pain is minimal (except during infusions) as of now. My other symptoms/side effects are being managed fairly well. I should know in about 4 weeks how my body responds to the shots and their side effects.

Emotionally, I feel I’m over the grief of our families future (for the most part) and feel God’s comfort and presence on the journey. It’s hard to put into words how the suffering also brings the feeling of being carried above the everyday worries and ridiculous politics of our life. It’s like watching it from on top of a mountain. I imagine myself there, sitting under a tree, feeling the wind and knowing how close I am to the heavens and Our Lord Jesus. 

Thank you for the prayers, support, cards, meals and love sent our way. I have been blessed abundantly with your support. I pray for my children’s and Scott’s hearts to be open to the love and blessings as we walk this very bumpy road. The emotional roller coaster ride is crazy intense. I’m secure in the knowledge that I won’t be denied a single breath in Gods plan for my life. I just hope He gives me the mercy to see my children grow more, to see the grandchildren that may be someday. I pray all of you reading this enjoy a small beautiful moment that you perhaps would have forgotten to notice in the busyness of life. May you hold God’s perfect peace in your heart ~Aileen

Update #31 Feb 2025

February 17th, 2025

As most of you know, the cancer has returned and I’m back to treatments in Mankato. We’ve been asked to republish the campaign to keep people informed, as well as a way to support our family. Here is the current situation: The hormone blocker I was on stopped working in December causing the cancer to bloom. It’s extensive- from my jaw to my pelvic floor on the left side. Innumerable spots and high intensity on the Jan 2025 PET scan. The replication rate (the % of cells actively dividing) is at 88% (most breast cancer is slow growing at 10-15%) the cancer I have is the most aggressive Dr Kambal has seen in his career. With no therapies the oncologist (Dr K) estimates I have 4-6 months. 

BUT, I AM doing LOTS of therapies. I started the Faslodex injections (shots) already and they should slow or stop the progression, however… the medication takes 35 days to reach full strength. These injections require trips to Waconia on a regular basis. This is the only conventional treatment I will be using to start with.

Per Dr Jeff’s (integrative/osteopathic doctor) recommendations - I will continue with the supplements & therapies offered at the clinic in Mankato. He is very optimistic the cancer will be knocked down with the 6 sessions of natural chemo, and the continued Iv treatments & supplements alongside the Faslodex shots. This protocol should get me to remission again. However, the Faslodex treatment has extensive and serious side effects. 

Financially, the Iv therapies range from $300-$1000 per session. The supplements in total are about $500/months. This treatment regimen is expected to be around $8000 to get me through March. After that he’s expecting costs of continued therapies to be $1000-$1500/month thru September. Decreasing from then on with each clean PET. 

Then there’s the dental surgery, to treat cavititations within the jaw bone that cause biotoxins and could be another trigger for the reoccurrence. Expected costs are between $1000-10k on the conservative side. 

Dr Jeff referred me to a biological dentist in St Paul, Dr Anderson. I had the scan already and do have at least 3 cavitations, the treatment conference will be before the end of February.

At this time all of the Mankato treatments, supplements, & dental treatments are out of pocket. All funds raised will continue to go for these treatments & therapies. All prayers, and support in any form, are greatly appreciated. We are leaning heavily on our faith and the Lord’s plan. 

Update 9/4/24

September 5th, 2024

Update 9/5/24

Got my scan today. 

“IMPRESSION: No CT evidence of metastatic disease. “

…Thank You Father, for Thy mercy, that has blessed me, on the way…

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers and support. We can breathe a sigh of relief.

Therapies I’m continuing include:

High protein, low carb, organic food plan

Essiac tea daily

Daily Supplements:

•Hormone receptor detox

•Hormone balance


•Vitamins E, k2, D, Methyl Bs, magnesium’s, L-Tyrosine


•Coral calcium & Beef gelatin



Weekly Rife sessions

2 sessions of Ivermectin or Fenbendazole per month 

Update #27 7/16/24

July 16th, 2024

Nothing new… just clarifying a few things. (I keep getting asked) so only read this if you’re actually wondering/interested. Trying to be very transparent about my journey, for those who will walk a similar road at some time.

I try to stay positive, grateful, and keep my focus on my faith & family. I never know how to answer the “how are you doing?” questions honestly. Most of the time, most of the days - I feel ‘normal.’ Which is amazing, that it is even possible for my life!!! But if you’re thinking that I beat cancer -twice! - and came out the other side unscathed, you would be wrong. At times it’s difficult enough that I wonder why He spared me. The emotional roller coaster is going to run every 3 months for many years… before they will consider me ‘in remission.’ But the cancer doctors (insert eye roll) repeatedly tell me that there will be no remission, that it’s not possible, and that’s not the goal. There is no cure. Good thing I don’t really pay attention to their predictions. I listen to my supporters, that speak of faith, and love, and HOPE! But here’s the bare bones:

Deficits that I’m struggling with: insomnia, every single night. I take medication to help with it but…. Yeah. 

Bone pain: they think this is a lack of estrogen (which I’m on a daily medication to block any estrogen that might be available) this will continue to plague me for the rest of my life as any estrogen can trigger a relapse. Mostly it’s more painful at night, as my body has a low tolerance by the days end. Osteoporosis & arthritis are inevitable. Most of the time it’s manageable… every now & then it’s excruciating.

Hot flashes: again due to lack of estrogen. It’s a random, instant internal sauna, often accompanied by nausea - lasting anywhere from 3-20 minutes. I’m now up to 15-25 in 24 hours. Also contributes to the insomnia when a person is awakened to heat pouring out of their entire body. These are expected to last 10-15 years. 

Fatigue: I can clean my kitchen without stopping now!!! So pumped that I can do that… it’s getting so much better. Sweeping the floor used to knock me out, for sure for a whole day, & sometimes for 2! I go to bed exhausted every day but increase my stamina a bit each week. If I overdo it, I can be laid up for a day or 2 to recover - but that’s WAYYYYY better than even a month ago.

Memory loss: it’s a minor thing, but so very sad in some ways. Names are hard. Little things, big things, some are vaguely there - some memories are just gone. Nothing. Sigh. I actually don’t mind forgetting the treatments. High dose chemo & Natural chemo - I know they were absolutely both brutal. Don’t need to remember them, thank you very much!

Current Treatments: Rife machine (thank you, everyone for the donations that allowed us to purchase this!) using it 2x/week, infrared hothouse - will be using this 2-4x/week, nicotine- organic cigarettes (yes, nicotine fights cancer) 2-6/day, medications & Supplements ($500/month), Iv Vitamin C in Mankato- 1x month.

And there you have it. That has been my cancer journey, prayers that this path continues, God willing.

I probably won’t update except at the scans.… just will keep on keeping on. Thank you. I can’t possibly tell you how much all of you mean to me. Your support has made this trial possible to endure. May God’s Peace be with you and yours. ~aileen 

Update #26. 6/7/24

June 7th, 2024

Update #26 - 6/7/24

I’m feeling content, wrapped in God’s love, carried in His tender care. Our prayers have been answered, AGAIN! My heart is singing… these last few months, of watching each one of my precious children struggle under this heavy burden… reassuring them as best I can. Yet, always with the knowledge that I’m not in control of when my time to leave them is. 

My PET scan came back - all previously known metastatic disease has resolved! The radiologist noted a small uptake in one picture but it wasn’t enough to warrant any further testing, and not enough to call it suspicious. I meet with Dr Jeff in a week or 2 to discuss my continued healing program. As of now, I will be using the Rife machine, Essiac tea, diet and Fenbendazol/ivermectin as my protocol. Thank you, to all who have supported me & my family! I wouldn’t have been able to do this without the prayers, equipment, IV treatments, and help! Hoping God’s love and peace wrap around your heart as you read this. All our love, aileen

Update #25 5/8/24

May 9th, 2024

So… I did a dumb thing today. Like, Wow dumb. Impressive actually.

I was convinced this was it: the start of the slide to sheer death, my liver was compromised. The area above my liver, bottom of ribcage was/is inflamed. I was nauseated, bloated, and terrified. (I’m actually fine, btw) 

You want to know why? I was absolutely certain? Because… I figured it out this evening: because I feel guilty. And unworthy. You see, I’m going on vacation. Again. I get to spend a week on a cruise with my love and some dear friends and family. I feel guilty because 

I am going to have fun, make memories, enjoy the beautiful world, experience new things, eat things I haven’t in a long time, not spend time researching treatments, stay out of the doctors (fingers crossed) for a whole week. And how can a person just do that, when we buried a friend so recently who fought so hard and endured so much worse than I? 

When I cheated last night and ate chocolate covered almonds? 

Not only that, I drank a tea that had real sugar in it. It wasn’t even organic.

And it was in a plastic bottle. 

That’s just the start of the list of things I’ve done lately that don’t meet my standards of perfection. I made a promise that I’d fight as hard as I can. During the midst of this morning’s freak out, someone was kind enough to remind me: “as I can” doesn’t mean perfectly, it’s means as much as is reasonable. Fighting to live, is no way to live. Living to live… is another matter. 

How goofy to expect that I would NEED to do all the things, all the time, forever. Shaking my head. That’s not realistic or even possible. The tea I drank (green tea) is supposed to help support and prep my liver and further reduce the cancer. Yes, it wasn’t organic, yes, it was from a plastic bottle, and yes it contained sugar. But a person can’t, or shouldn’t, believe that everything one does is wrong in some way or another. We MUST just do what we feel is right at the moment. I sincerely think that God IS so much more understanding and gracious than we can fully realize. I’m sure He was practically eye-rolling today at me…

Tears streaming, shaking in fear and grief, Mentally organizing funeral arrangements, a final to-do list, the whole nine-yards. Over nothing. Just wow.

Nothing He couldn’t fix in an instant. He doesn’t need us to do all the things. Anything. It’s already done. Accomplished. Yes, I don’t deserve the trip. But, I feel He still wants me to enjoy it. And I will. I’m done feeling guilty. I’m going to accept this incredible gift and enjoy it with a grateful heart, treasuring these moments. 

4 doctors calls, an ER visit, ultrasound, 11 attempts at a blood draw & all my fears were for nothing. Scans & bloodwork normal. 

Like I said, dumb. 

All I really needed to do this morning was trust. Trust that God’s plan is good. And I could have had a peaceful day. I don’t know why something so simple is so hard. May God’s Peace hold you & yours.

Update #24

April 18th, 2024

Update #24 4/18/24

How I’m feeling:

Physically - tired, sore, hot flashes are building but still mild compared to last year, insomnia is a struggle still, infusions (Ivc & K3) 1x/week in Mankato … 3-5 hours are excruciating. Probably due to the recent surgery but they are known to be quite painful regardless. Think root canal, or end of birthing labor - I’m in too much pain to advocate or make decisions. I require my husband by my side to adjust the flow rate and stop the infusions when it’s more than my body can tolerate. Literally incapable of adjusting the IV or much of anything during the actual infusion. The pain tapers off for half hour afterwards and the soreness of my muscles, arms, and jaws take about 24 hours to relieve. 2 more to go. These treatments are considered “natural chemo,” as the vitamin k3 helps destroy the protective protein shells on the cancer cells & allows the vitamin c better killing access to those cells. Normal/healthy cells are strengthened with the infusion. Each treatment protocol is 6 weeks of weekly infusions, I don’t know how many of these treatment sessions (6 weeks) will be required of me. 

Mentally/emotionally: it’s tricky… I still don’t feel like I have cancer. But, with how aggressive my cancer cells are (88% are actively replicating) it’s worrying. Without ANY treatment it’s estimated 4 months before my body is overcome. Obviously, that’s not an accurate expiration timeline due to everything I am doing. Unfortunately, the scans aren’t available except every 3 months. So… we won’t know if I’m making progress, stalling the cancer, or losing ground until the end of June. I feel like I’m fighting as hard as I can… with watching my diet, the 30+ supplement pills/day, the powders, the medications, daily saunas, prayers and positive thinking.

I’m ingesting ozone water, and purchased the Rife frequency machine $2000+ to keep fighting in alternative ways as well. 

Thank you for all the prayers, support, and meals… this would be so incredibly hard, or impossible, without you. May God bless and keep all of you in God’s perfect Peace, aileen.

Update #23 4/3/24

April 4th, 2024

Update 4/3/24

The surgery went well, last Friday, and I think I’m recovering nicely. We enjoyed my sister’s hospitality on Easter, and it was an absolutely gorgeous day. 

My current treatment protocol under Dr Jeff’s guidance:

Daily: Essiac Tea, Fenbendazole, Artemisinin, TurkeyTail, NAC, Zinc, Magnesium, CoQ10, Hormone blockers & balancers, high protein low carb diet, ozone water, ph+ water, and nicotine. (Total of 30-35 pills/day) ewww.

And Essential oils of Frankincense, Myrrh & Lavender

Weekly: 4-6 hours of High dose VitC & K3 infusions 1/week in Mankato 

We purchased the ozone machine, so I will have an option to bathe in ozone water as well as drink it. Brrr tho! Ozone stays in cold water better. (No the ozone machine is not claiming you can or should drink it. That would be against regulations. Diet pop? That one IS ok per the FDA. I really don’t understand this world!)

We were also able to buy a secondhand Rife machine (the gb4000 with Mopa) I’m still in training on how to use it, but I’m anxious to start! So much hope! 

It’s very awkward being in this situation, not once but twice. My entire life feels so surreal, like, every day - all day. I feel mostly fine physically and even mentally/emotionally. So it’s hard to even imagine that this could conceivably be near the end?! It makes no sense. And yet, as a parent, I can’t completely ignore the possibility. I feel it’s my duty to help the kids navigate this situation, prepare for everything to go South, but ???!!!??!!! Seriously. What in the world does a person do?! Ugh. Don’t want to traumatize the kids either. Plus. I beat it once, granted for a short time. We are currently at 2-3x longer than was predicted…. I don’t feel like I have cancer. I feel sick during the infusions and a bit after each handful of pills - but nothing like chemo. 

Oh - yeah - chemo… many have asked why I’m not doing what we did last time. It’s not an option. No one will prescribe that chemo again. And the rest - I am doing - all the rest that I did last time plus a couple more. They did offer palliative chemo, with the hopeful expectation that it would buy me another couple months. We/ I have decided that, for the moment anyways, the side effects of the chemo aren’t worth a couple extra months. I’d rather feel like I do now for as long as I can, God willing, that could be decades. At least I think so. Dr Jeff is very optimistic and knowledgeable. His guidance has been such a blessing, as well as the prayers and support of all of you. Thank you. I’m humbled and grateful and ashamed and hopeful. Probably delusional as well, right?! Take care and God’s Peace to you and yours. 

Update #22 Here we fight… Again

March 23rd, 2024

Quietly reflecting on the last year. It’s been a wild ride. Searching the country for an oncologist willing to look beyond StandardOfCare - boy, I can’t stand that phrase. Something that is made to look reassuring but has become twisted and perverse. SOC = what insurance and the medical industry want a person to do. It sounds good, set a standard and then everyone gets “the best.” But what actually happens is horrid. The doctors are no longer able to treat you as an individual patient, unique, and in your best interest - despite their experience and personal patient/dr relationship. They’re reprimanded or worse for suggesting or following any other path than what has been established as SOC. Sigh. Enough of that. 

Soooo what’s really happening? I have had consults with the Onco (Dr K) and the Radiological Oncologist. Their insights is that I have very little time (insert eye roll here - no emojis on this thing) my response, is and has been, YOU don’t know that. My time of death was established before I was born, is what I believe. God has known me before, and knows me still. My expiration date is in His hands, alone. Admittedly, their scenarios are painting a very grim picture… radiation and oral chemo on top of the insomnia and bone pain, which *could* prolong my life a few months. 

By the way- I feel great, besides the minor pain & persisting insomnia. Why is it when I feel good everyone insists I’m dying immediately? Hmm?!!! Irritating. 

Anywho, where were we… ah. Radiation (if it’s even possible, which I would need to find someone willing to be very risky with my internal organs due to where the tumors are located) radiation & chemo = Pain plus more pain, burns, nausea, vomiting, toxins all over, disintegrating bones, yada yada yada… until I keel over or can’t handle it. No Thank You!

Fortunately, Dr Jeff (Mankato) has some experience in these areas. His take - agrees with doing the hormone blockers and surgery to prevent the ‘grow’ signal from being emitted to any remaining cancer cells is a reasonable suggestion. Scott & I had already started on both those, surgery is Good Friday. And then Dr J described the cancer as “the straw house” in the 3 little pigs story. Fast to grow & build, but not too hard to knock out. He gives so much hope… it’s nice to have a professional give hope instead of dire. Especially, when it’s day after day of fancy degrees all agreeing that I’m doomed in short order. Dr J has tons of letters after his name, not just some MD, not just a couple. Many. I’m grateful to have his assistance. I’m so thankful God has put him in my journey. I need all the support I can get. He adjusted my winning recipe (wink) slightly. Adding in a few things. I am to start 4-6 hour weekly high dose Vitamin K3 & C infusions. They’re painful and nauseating but I feel fine a couple hours after. Plus, they don’t harm my healthy cells. He’s confident that I can do this. I admit I was slacking on the diet and treatments in January and February…. But I also tried a pain management drug from my pcp without researching first. Once I read about it … it apparently can trigger metastatic disease. So combine that with my less aggressive treatments for 2 months = cancer return. Sigh. So we are gearing up. Here comes the fight again. But it’s good. We are so very grateful that I’m here. Also, that I had lots of weeks of feeling good! Enjoying the kids, making memories, THIS is LIVING. And I’m doing it, my way. 

Update #1

March 23rd, 2024

March 18, 2024 by Aileen Tulkki

“Praise God from whom all blessings flow…” I had 6 weeks without pain. And got to go on a week cruise with my love. It was dreamy. My heart was so full of joy and peace. 

Unfortunately, we had to come back to reality. My pet scan came back positive. 2 tumors in the lymph nodes under my liver and the under arm auxiliary lymph area lit up. The cancers back. The oncologist isn’t optimistic- my ki67 % (basically how many cells are replicating) is 88%. He’s never encountered any cancer that high (he’s a well rounded oncologist with a specialty in blood). He can offer palliative chemo pills, and some hormone blockers. The high dose chemo is not an option. He estimates 12-24 months, maybe up to 5 years… but with the ki67 that high it’s unlikely. 

My first steps are to get very aggressive with the diet and Essiac tea. Back to Fenben (now doing double dose of what I did before 4g/day). Artemisinin and turkeytail/ashwaganda Mushrooms as well. Each of these therapies has been effective to cure cancers on their own. Prayers that God will bless my efforts, and give me more time.

I started the hormone blockers from Dr K (oncologist) and will be aggressively searching for a obgyn willing to do the removal surgery asap. This combo will slow down the cancer, but restart the bone/nerve pain and then amplify it. I’m not sure I can tolerate the oral chemo side effects, as well. The insomnia & chest pain returned last night. I expect they will be my companions for the journey ahead. Trying to plan my battle and make my stand. 

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.