EUR €100,000
EUR €47,407
Campaign funds will be received by Gisela Pelzer
ICIC.law is urgently seeking donations for Dr. Reiner Fuellmich following his unwarranted extradition from Mexico to Germany and forced detention in Göttingen, in order to support him in all necessary matters. Funds will be used to alleviate the overall situation that is affecting Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and his family who are in a extremely precarious financial situation and will provide adequate resources for Dr. Reiner Fuellmich to be able to defend himself and expedite his release.
In the event of Dr. Reiner Fuellmichs' release, any unused proceeds will be made available to ICIC.law to continue ICIC.law's work in accordance with its mission statement and objectives.
On behalf of ICIC and Dr Reiner Fuellmich, we thank you for your support and donations !
Gisela Pelzer | gisela@icic.law
ICIC.law bittet dringend um Spenden, um Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, nach seiner ungerechtfertigten Ausweisung von Mexiko nach Deutschland und seiner erzwungenen Inhaftierung in Göttingen, in allen erforderliche Dingen zu unterstützen. Die Gelder werden verwendet, um die Gesamtsituation von Dr. Reiner Fuellmich und seiner Familie zu erleichtern, die sich in einer äußerst prekären finanzielle Lage befinden, und um Dr. Reiner Fuellmich ausreichende Mittel zur Verfügung zu stellen, damit er sich verteidigen und seine Freilassung beschleunigen kann.
Im Falle der Freilassung von Dr. Reiner Fuellmich werden alle nicht verbrauchten Erlöse ICIC.law zur Verfügung gestellt, um die Arbeit von ICIC.law gemäß seiner Aufgabenstellung und Ziele fortzusetzen.
Im Namen von ICIC und Dr. Reiner Fuellmich danken wir Ihnen für Ihre Unterstützung und Spenden!
Gisela Pelzer | gisela@icic.law
To be used in whatever way is best for Reiner .
Goodonya Reiner. Keep the faith.
I had followed his interviews during the pandemic and must say that he struck me as a knowledgable honest person with common sense in the midst of an authoritarian combined effort to stifle debate and any possible truth.
Courage et merci pour tout l espoir donne, humanite, j espere la fin rochaine de cet injustice.
Our Thoughts and our Prayers are with you Reiner. Stay strong, you will have your day. We are behind you all the way. Justice will be served upon these criminals!
Dr. Rainer Fuellmich hat sehr vielen Menschen in schweren Zeiten geholfen, dafuer herzlichen Dank und Gottes Segen.
May you be lead by the spirit world to vanquish these evil participants. God bless you Mr. Fuellmich and all worldwide honest citizens.
Please give Reiner our best regards we are keeping him in our prayers.
Gisela, please use this money for Reiner's legal fees. He is in my prayers and so is everyone on the 'team' to free him.
Thank you for your sacrifice, Reiner. We are indebted to you.
Alles alles Gute ! Ich wünsche Herrn Fuellmich alsbaldige Freilassung - soviel Unrecht !Ees macht leider nur deutlich das Demokratie ein fremdwort ist in Deutschland.
I pray for your release
All the best Reiner. The 'Truth will out'.
Keep up the good work folks
Massive respect for exposing corruption and pursuing truth
Wishing you all, strength, health and courage to keep up the battle against evil..
We are praying for your release. Your 2.0 simulation of a trial got me through dark days here in the US. I looked forward to watching every weekend.
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