Support For Janet
Dear Friend in Spirit, I am Janet McClure. Very recently I lost my beloved partner Gary. I was his caretaker for some time and the last ten months of his life were so hard in hospitals and nursing homes where he received abuse at the hands of employees which was disgraceful. We prayed together and told each other we loved each other daily. It was a nightmare for him, and I tried so hard to help him staying overnight to protect him. Bringing him food every day and feeding him and no one would help us. I’m very saddened/ brokenhearted by his passing compounded by his brother's cruel treatment of Gary - and also of me. I had been caring for Gary for some time while his brother knowing of Gary’s problems, did nothing to help Gary. When Gary passed his brother was very cruel to me, completely ignoring all the care and attention which I had given to his brother - he now has control of Gary’s house and had me served three days after Gary passed. I will be evicted. Any day now the sheriff will come to remove me from the house.
This is a horrible situation for me. I will be 59 in December, a few years ago I suffered a heart attack and strokes. Thankful to the Good Lord that I am still alive.I am nonetheless handicapped by these conditions. Having always been independent, hardworking and loving to help others, it is sad that I cannot continue my former mode of life but also frightened and disheartened at the aspect of at any moment being homeless.
This terrible situation is compounded by not having any help from the government social services for which I had to pay so much in taxes before all of this occurred. I’ve gone to social services so many times, but they turn a deaf ear.
I have been able to find some part time work, but without other assistance, i cannot make do.
I have always lived in the New York Metropolitan area and now it's difficult to find employment and help here - and find that spiritually so much has plummeted. I need funds to make my car travel worthy and to help with paying for a place to live. Also, if I have to move to a more economical place to live, I will need funds to travel there and find a place to live while finding employment there.
I bless you and thank God for anything the Holy Spirit prompts you to give. My goal is to have $20,000 to be secure enough to make this move. Or if I remain in this area to find the right place in the right location.
Thank you for taking the time to read this request.