Monthly Goal:
 USD $3,000
Total Raised:
 USD $6,059
Raised this month:
 USD $60
Campaign funds will be received by Fr Joseph Suaidan
Hello. My name is Fr Joseph Suaidan, and I live in Northeast PA with my wife and youngest son. You may know me from our website, NFTU, our YouTube Channel, or my writing/goofing off on Gab or Twitter. We have been providing news and apologetical work from a True Orthodox Christian perspective for years. In May of this year, I participated in a public debate on a much larger YouTube channel than ours. The debate itself had a snowball effect everywhere: we went from relative obscurity to getting weekly requests for missionary assistance. My Bishop and Metropolitan decided that if I was going to publicly represent our Synod, I should be elevated to the priesthood (Having been a deacon for over a decade, this was a shock). In the midst of all this great stuff, I would get hit with what would start out as what I thought would allow me transition to working full-time doing missionary and apologetical work on YouTube (somehow it became monetized at the end of September) instead leading to where I am, which is asking you for help.
In April of this year, I changed my legal name (created by a paperwork error in my grandfather's immigration to France) back to my traditional family name, "Suaidan". (I spelled it as "Suaiden" for 19 years till I reviewed the paperwork. Full story.) Because of the annoyances of changing my name, I changed it first with my bank in June and then with Human Resources at my job in July. A day later, managers at my job of almost two years were asking who was the new person in the Group chat. The next morning, I was fired. In May I was the top customer-reviewed representative in the department. Two months later I was applying for unemployment while looking for work. In the process I found myself helping more people come to the Orthodox faith, and God has given me experiences I would never have imagined as recently as January. Driving across states, baptisms, catechesis. And I followed the rules, applying for work, and waiting on a decision from PA Unemployment. (They denied me Sept 12, and I've discovered this week it's on a false basis, but I was basically told I'd have to sue.) Bills piled up. I began asking for donations, and people helped us get through, for whom I offer prayers every service in my home chapel. It seems like the more I do, the harder the bills get.
To make matters worse, I switched auto insurance companies. A month later my insurance company cancelled me without ever sending a cancellation or even a bill. When I called to pay my bill it turns out I was a few days late and they told me they cancelled me. They have a sister company, however, and offered to insure me that way. All was fine until I got a letter from the PA department of Motor Vehicles effectively saying I had to turn in my registration if I was without insurance and driving (you must sign an affidavit saying you did not drive the car during the uninsured period, with a fine and/or jail time if you are lying.) Having no choice but to let the time elapse, I've since been informed I can skip the penalty for almost $700. Or I can give up my car's plates on the 2nd of November for three months.
I firmly believe there are no such things as coincidences. And that's why I'm here, asking for help on GiveSendGo. I've seen so many stories of lives changed through GiveSendGo that I always thought of it as a "back pocket" solution for people in case of an emergency.
Well, it's now a state of emergency for us. So here goes.
May Our Lord richly bless you.
Your blessing! Hope the season of Lent will be profitable.
Good work
I benefit much from your content, and it's time to give back
I benefit much from your content, and it's time to give back
Helping the cause! Thanks again.
Sending my support and asking for your prayers! Thank you!
January 4th, 2024
Wishing everyone a joyous civil New Year! Expenses have begun to pile up. We are grateful for all assistance. Thank you for your prayers and material support as we continue to get the truth out to as many people as God will allow.
May God bless you and yours!
In Christ,
Fr Joseph
November 29th, 2023
We are a little ahead of schedule in posting this update... frankly unforeseen expenses have started to pile up. Anything you can do to assist will be greatly appreciated.
October 25th, 2023
Thank God, and thank all of you who have assisted! We were able to raise over $900 on GiveSendGo, and combined with other platforms have reached our goal of $3000 a month (basically what I was making before I was fired) up to January! We are now doing this full-time!
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.