USD $200,000
USD $169,235
Campaign funds will be received by Aidan Kearney
Aidan Kearney is an award winning journalist who has uncovered and reported on the coverup of John O'Keefe's murder, and the subsequent framing of his innocent girlfriend Karen Read. While the rest of the mainstream media has chosen not to ask questions directly to the conspirators responsible for John's death, Aidan has repeatedly asked them tough questions in person, and held peaceful protests in Canton to raise awareness about the coverup. For having the audacity to speak out against corruption and murder, the State Police and the District Attorney's Office charged him with 8 felony counts of witness intimidation. The message was sent loud and clear - if you exercise your First Amendment rights and expose police corruption they will send men with guns to your house to arrest you in front of your children's school bus. The Commonwealth will be throwing everything at Aidan in an attempt to silence his voice because he's too effective. He needs aggressive, experienced, and competent representation. To that end we urge you to donate what you can to the legal defense fund, which will go towards expenses related to Aidan's legal defense, including legal and expert fees and costs.
Hang in there TB. I can see you’re struggling tonight. It’s not much, but I thank you for your dedication to free speech and anti-corruption. Much love ~ Hold my halo
LTL replay! #FTB
LTL replay crew! Free Karen and Aiden
LTL fundraiser. Thanks TB for all you do. FTB FKR
LTL Media Chatraiser 3.24.25
Go Aiden! Ltl
Brian, this feels like we pulled out the Encyclopedia Brittanica’s :) with TB 1st speech at the courthouse steps! Be there in 2 weeks from Dallas, TX to support! FKR FTB. Would love to meet all the boots on the ground!! LFG!!! Free Speech isn’t dead!!
From the LTL Crew
LTL CREW love from England 🏴
LTL- Don’t Poke the Turtle
Donating while watching LTL from Alabama - Roll Tide/Turtle Roll!!!
Listening to LTL and wanted to help with the fund. I’m a new sub :)
Thank you for helping us understand the truth and speaking out, peacefully and intellectually.
LTL fundraiser! Free Turtleboy!!
I dont agree with all u say, but as a UNITED STATES CITIZEN u have every right to say it. "WITNESSES" pushed your buttons, called ur bluff, and u exposed. Keep up the good fight
LTL stream- Free TB! Colon did it!
July 5th, 2024
It has come to my attention that an external 60/40 raffle to raise money for my legal defense fund has been started, and that many people have paid for raffle tickets by donating to the legal defense fund. This has to be done separately, which is why our campaign has been temporarily disabled. We hope to get this resolved and have it up and running again. Anyone who donated thinking it was for a raffle is eligible for a refund and should contact support@givesendgo.com.
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.