Support Jeremy Brown in Ministry

Monthly Goal:

 USD $4,500

Campaign created by Jeremy Brown

Campaign funds will be received by Jeremy Brown

Support Jeremy Brown in Ministry

I have been engaged in street evangelism for the past 10 years, sharing the good news on sidewalks and street corners, parks, parades, festivals, and at abortion clinics (and also from church pulpits). Over the years I have felt increasingly called to do the work of an evangelist, and help equip the saints for the work of ministry as a full-time endeavor. The eldership of my church agrees with me about this calling, and about the timing of my transition to full-time ministry. 

It is vital to this ministry to raise funds to cover the cost of necessary equipment, literature, signs, transportation, and to provide income to cover basic expenses. Please read the mission statement below, and also how we will be carrying out this mission.


This ministry exists to worship God (Matthew 4:10; John 4:23-24; Hebrews 13:15; Psalm 150:6), be used by God to make disciples of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20), bring the life-giving truth of the gospel to the lost (Mark 16:15; Colossians 1:23; Mark 13:10; Romans 10:18; 2 Thessalonians 2:14), encouragement to Christians (1 Thessalonians 5:8-11), and to bring the law and the gospel into conflict with the kingdom of darkness wherever wickedness is prevalent (Ephesians 5:11-14). And we will stir local bodies of believers up to zealously engage in good works (Hebrews 10:24-25), and build up and equip Christians (Ephesians 4:12) to go out and engage the world with the gospel in whatever they do.

We accomplish this by:

- Abortion Clinic Rescue Ministry: We shine the light of the Law of God on these dark places and bring the hope of the gospel to bear as we work to rescue our smallest, most vulnerable and oppressed neighbors. These are babies in the wombs of their abortion-minded mothers whose lives hang in the balance. We desire to see not only these babies, but their fathers and mothers be blessed both with life, and with life abundantly. And our hope is that through the means of gospel preaching, prayer and faithful witness that God will stop the practice of shedding innocent blood that pollutes the land, and reverse the increase of that innocent bloodshed.

- Street Evangelism (downtown Holland 8th and Central/College, Hope College, Centennial Park, Kullen Park, Dutton Park and beyond): We are a consistent presence in the public places of our cities preaching the gospel and glorifying the name of the LORD openly, sharing gospel tracts and biblical wisdom, distributing gospel literature and Bibles, and compelling our neighbors to attend the Wedding Feast of the Lamb by proclaiming the Good News.

- Tulip Time Festival: We engage thousands of our neighbors annually during the Tulip Time parade, offering free water and snacks, gospel tracts, and free Bibles. We also engage in one-on-one evangelism and open-air proclamation of our blessed hope.

- PrideFest events: As an outreach of love and compassion, we bring the Law and the Gospel to the lost who are celebrating and affirming one another in their sins by reasoning with them and sharing the Good News and hope of salvation with them both one-on-one and through open air evangelism, tracts and signs at the local Holland PrideFest and by joining other ministries at other Pride events in communities such as Grand Rapids, Grand Haven, Lowell, Muskegon, etc. We also see this as an opportunity to shine light on intense darkness, and to claim time and space for the Lord Jesus Christ that we do not concede to Satan and the evil powers and principalities that want to claim that time and space for themselves.

- Civil Magistrates: We speak prophetically to the civil magistrates in our city (and neighboring cities), county, state and nation. We call them to repentance, to establish true justice and correct oppression by upholding God’s righteous statutes. We pray for our magistrates. We reason with them. And we offer support and encouragement for other Christians engaged in this good work, and to the brave, faithful, and bold magistrates who respond in good faith.

- Partnering in the gospel with other local ministries:

- Equipping the churches and cultural engagement: We do this primarily through the podcasts, videos, blogs, books and other content hosted or created by Jeremy Brown, and also as guests on other platforms. We love talking about how the ethics of Scripture are relevant, applicable, and imperative for the issues that we face daily in our culture. This is an endeavor of apologetics, polemics, evangelism, training, correction and rebuke. Christ is set apart as Lord in our hearts. And these engagements are for the glory of God and the good of our neighbors.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 400.00 USD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
8 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
9 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
9 months ago

$ 100.00 USD
10 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
10 months ago

Harbor Reformed Baptist Church of Holland
$ 1000.00 USD
11 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
11 months ago

Stephen Nylen
$ 20.00 USD
11 months ago


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