LION tribe

Monthly Goal:

 USD $400

Total Raised:

 USD $50

Raised this month:

 USD $0

Campaign created by Ronald Hurst III

Campaign funds will be received by The LION tribe

LION tribe

The LION tribe is dedicated to serving the world through protection and honest education of children.

-This organization's purpose is to ensure that more and more unborn children see the light of day and that young families are encouraged to raise them in the traditional nuclear family structure. We also seek to educate about, and protect children from, the dangers of human trafficking. We oppose all forms of indoctrination in school systems. This includes divisive rhetoric such as Critical Race Theory (CRT) which pushes Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, often via Social Emotional Learning (SEL). Put simply, CRT is meant to destroy Judeo-Christian values of the nuclear family (including marriage between one man and one woman), capitalism, and Western ideals of equality and justice. We stand against all forms of sexual perverse reading and imagery being freely (or taxpayer funded) given to children and calling it "liberation." We firmly oppose the lying notion that there are more than 2 genders/sexes and we recognize that the two words are 100% synonymous regarding categories of human being. Boys/men and girls/women may express their distinct genders in a variety of ways, and show an interest in a vast array of hobbies, but NONE of these differences suggests there are more than 2 genders! 

We are a group of capable, knowledgeable, and willing American people. We have an obligation to protect children, the unborn and the born. We are ready to fight legally, verbally, spiritually (those of us who are Christians) and with civility to overcome all dark forces aimed at our children. But we recognize that doing so requires an organized effort through shared information, resources, and money. This campaign is to raise funds for The LION tribe so that our activism can gain traction. We will use these to further construct the media, investigations, messaging, and networking of the organization.

Proverbs 28:1 The wicked flee when no man pursueth, but the righteous are bold as a lion. 

Consider joining the tribe via monetary contribution as a way to help our nation's kids.

#RallyCryforKids #SaveAllChildren #theLIONtribe

Recent Donations
Vegetable Bidet
$ 50.00 USD
9 months ago

This endeavor is the most important one of my lifetime: to protect the children in our public schools from insane medical requirements that physically harm them. I, myself, was forced to take an unnecessary vaccine while serving in the US Navy. I had a horrible adverse reaction that put me in the ER for 13 hours and on medical leave for two weeks. Medical adverse reactions to vaccines is real!


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