Keeping Fr Ambrose Young Comfortable


 USD $60,708

Campaign created by Felicity Vogel

Campaign funds will be received by Felicity Vogel

Keeping Fr Ambrose Young Comfortable

Greetings on behalf of Fr. Ambrose Young. I'm his eldest daughter, Felicity and I'm starting this fundraiser to help my Dad. After a bad fall he was admitted to the hospital and subsequently a rehabilitation nursing home. While the facility is very nice, it's very small and my dad must share a room that's really only big enough for one person, leaving him with the space of a closet. There's no room for visitors and he must put up with his roommates loud t.v. When I talked to my dad he said the roommate had become very unkind, and was lobbing insults on a regular basis. 

I'd like to raise money to get my dad a private room, either where he is or somewhere else. It may require a long term commitment so I'd leave this fundraiser open, indefinitely. 

My dad spent my whole life devoted to the Orthodox church and its many members. Countless hours serving others and God. Please, if you can help at all, my family and my dad would be so grateful.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
3 days ago

A blessed lent 🙏☦️

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
5 days ago


Anonymous Giver
$ 26.00 USD
6 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
6 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
6 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
7 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
7 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
7 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 125.00 USD
8 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
8 days ago

May God help you through the prayers of his most pure Mother and all the Saints!

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
8 days ago

Rdr Gregory
$ 100.00 USD
8 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
13 days ago

$ 100.00 USD
14 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
21 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
25 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
27 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
27 days ago

Please pray for Luke, Brigid, Otto and Leo Ressel.

David Watson
$ 500.00 USD
27 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
27 days ago


March 1st

March 1st, 2025

Good morning everyone. 

Yesterday brought a very unexpected change to our lives...My fiancee lost his job, through no fault of his own. I'm updating today to ask for prayer. We had just paid rent for March, so we're ok there. As I've mentioned,  we live paycheck to paycheck, sometimes narrowly scraping by. It's been only because of your prayers and support that we've been able to care for my dad. 

We lost Matt's work truck, with this job, so we're back down to one car, which is also a difficulty. I use it to work, and I'm the one taking my dad to and from his appointments, and visiting him, etc.

Please keep us all in your prayers. God always provides, I take much comfort in that knowledge. 

As always, THANK YOU ALL!❤️

February 24th

February 24th, 2025

Big big thank yous to everyone who helped get my dad's bill paid! He feels much better and so do I!

We are truly grateful. 

Update #28

February 11th, 2025

Greetings all!

Have to ask for a favor...Saturday I received a bill pertaining to my dad's hernia surgery. Apparently medicaid denied a part of the coverage, leaving a bill of $978. I'll attach the bill to this update. Im barely hanging on, paycheck to paycheck, any help would be great.  My dad doesn't want to leave this world in debt, as he feels it's dishonest,  so I told him I would humbly ask his'fans' (which is how I lovingly refer to all you beautiful helpers)

Thank you, as always, so very much for your prayers and support. It makes my dad feel quite loved and that's so good for his spirits and he told me he is very grateful and that he prays for you all, every day.

February 6, 2025

February 6th, 2025

Greetings all!

My dad asked me to do an update.

We're still trying to build a fund for having family come when he passes. He worries about this, so I said I'd put another update for him.

Again, many many thanks for your prayers and support! I simply couldn't do it without you!

January 22 2025

January 22nd, 2025

Greetings all!

My dad asked that I do an update, just letting everyone know how grateful he is for all your love and support! He knows it would be impossible for me to help him with out it.

When I visited today he was receiving communion from Fr. Andreas, who I like very much, by the way. Very glad my dad has him here for spiritual support and receiving of sacraments. 

From myself, my sister and my dad, THANK YOU ALL!

Please continue to pray for us and share this fundraiser.

Much love-

Dec. 23rd

December 24th, 2024

Greetings all. Wishing everyone a beautiful holiday season!

I know things are tight with holidays, definitely true for me, but Im just asking for help getting my dad a few necessities. He's asked me not to give him a gift, as he says his needs are met. But keeping him in protein shakes and other snacks, (due to his diabetes) to make sure hes set, should and or when, the staff fails to deliver his proper meals, on time. Earlier this week breakfast wasn't served until 10:30 so we were both grateful that he had his protein shakes there. 

I just got him a big case of protein shakes and a few snacks, but if anyone can help me to continue keeping him stay healthy and comfortable, we're very grateful. 

Since my brother's passing, and me taking up my dad's care, I could not have done any of it, without the help we've received from all you wonderful people. So many thanks. ❤️

You'll never know what a blessing your support has been, both spiritually and every other  way, I'm truly grateful!

May God bless you all!

Merry Christmas!

Dec. 19th

December 18th, 2024

Yesterday when I got to my dad's home he had carolers from church choir! It was really lovely and my dad really enjoyed it!

Update Dec. 19th Image
Quick update

December 6th, 2024

Hello all! 

Thank all of you again, for all you do for my dad and our family.

My dad said I should let everyone know about the status of my car.

The mechanic told us it will be $600 to fix he door! It's gonna be a couple days before we can come up with that kind of money.

Please pray for our car situation,  my job and the caring of my dad depend on it! 

Please continue to share this fundraiser. 

With great gratitude I humbly thank you all!❤️

December 5th

December 5th, 2024


Today I took my dad to his follow up after his surgery. As we left my "new" car started screaming that that the drivers door wasn't shut. I immediately pulled over and couldn't figure out why it wouldn't close. My fiancee came and he couldn't figure it out either. He drove my dad back to the home, keeping the door closed with his hand. It was quite a harrowing drive!

Anyway, we're all good but my car can't be worked on til next monday. My fiancee tried to fix it, with no luck. 

What I'm posting this for is to say THANK YOU! Because of your donations I was able to get a big ol case of protein shakes for my dad and some other necessities he needed. This is a small setback, but the evil one will never prevail! Lord have mercy!


November 25th, 2024

Greetings all!

My dad asked me to do an update, for a couple reasons.

The first is that Mother Theodelphi is saving for a trip here to visit my dad. This is something he wants very badly.

If anyone is able and so inclined, would you send any donations for that particular reason, to Mother directly.

The second reason is to ask everyone to share this fundraiser.  I'm working full time now but still struggling to make ends meet while providing my dad with all his needs.  Any and all prayers or donations are gratefully accepted.

Thank you again for all the love and support we've received. For that we are very blessed!

Nov. 19th

November 19th, 2024

Nov. 13th

November 13th, 2024

Hello all!

My dad asked me to do an update after his surgery. 

He's doing well, only bearable pain now. He thanks you all for your prayers! As do I and my sister.

His only request now is that we build a fund that would allow family and close people to come visit, either now or for a his funeral. 

I, personally,  thank you all for your immense support! I couldnt have done this without all of your love, prayers and financial support!

November 5th

November 5th, 2024

My dad is out of surgery and all went well. Thanks so much for all the prayers and support! Much love from the Young family!

Update November 5th Image
Nov. 4

November 4th, 2024

Greetings all!

I pick my dad up at 4:45 tomorrow morning for his surgery. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers!

Thank you all so much for your love, prayers and support!

I'll post an update after surgery tomorrow. 


October 22nd, 2024

Greetings from Colorado!

My dad asked me to do an update and I'd almost forgotten.

His hernia surgery is Nov 5th and he's looking forward to some relief from that.

He had some visitors from back east and he thoroughly enjoyed that. 

It's starting to get colder here now and my dad is asking for a new bathrobe and a few small necessities. 

I am working and still trying to get a head of things since the move down here. Cost of living is lower here but my rent trippled, from what I was paying in Denver because I also maintained the apartment building there. 

Once again, we're all so very grateful for your prayers, love and support!

Please continue to share this fundraiser, my dad would like to start a fund to help get family and church members here at the time of his death.

Oct. 10

October 9th, 2024

Greetings all..

My dad wanted to let everyone know that his hernia surgery has been scheduled for Nov. 5th, that you might pray for him. Those closest to him aren't sure he's up for it, physically, but we allow the Dr to be in charge of that.

Once again, thank you so much for your love, prayers and support. We are eternally grateful!

October 3

October 3rd, 2024

Greetings everyone!

This update is to express our gratitude!

As I mentioned in a previous update, my dad's home doesn't provide Ensure or Boost, any kind of supplement like that. 

I went and purchased several cases for him and I can tell you, they're very expensive. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart! There's no way I could afford this without your help! 

September 25th

September 25th, 2024

Greetings all!

I'm giving this update for my dad, because I have to ask for a little help. 

He hasn't had any appetite for some time now and he's still losing weight. I asked the nursing home if they could give him supplements, like ensure. They said they don't provide that and that families must provide them. Probably because they can be quite expensive. 

I picked up a case for him but if anyone could kindly help with this expense, it would be so appreciated!

I'm working part time now, still searching for something better. 

I ask for your continued prayers regarding my employment.

Thank you again, from The Young family!

September 17th

September 17th, 2024

Greetings all!

Just giving a quick update...

My car was totaled in the accident but we were able to get a rental until we find something affordable to replace it.

We're still waiting for my dad's surgery to be scheduled and I'll definitely keep everyone up to date on that.

Meanwhile I'll be getting scheduled for carpal tunnel surgery asap. Still haven't found a permanent job, and perhaps this is the reason. I struggle with shooting pain and tingling in my hands and fingers, making it difficult for me to do much. I deliver part time for Door Dash and even driving has gotten difficult. Please pray that my surgery will be scheduled soon and that I might finally get some relief.

As always, please know how very grateful we are for your love, prayers and support! Could not be done without your generosity! THANK YOU!

September 5th

September 5th, 2024

Sadly I'm doing this update with more unfortunate news. I was in a bad accident today, T- on a major road. I'm ok, in the E.R. just to be sure. Doc says maybe a slight concussion where my head hit the window. My car is completely crunched and as I've I mentioned in previous updates, we just had it repaired a couple weeks ago. 

Not only is my car how I get to my dad's nursing home, but also how I've been making a living, making deliveries. Not sure what happens next, honestly, I just wanna cry. But I'm praying instead and asking you all for your continued prayers and support and sharing of this fundraiser. 

As always, immensely grateful for everyone of you!

September 1, 2024

September 1st, 2024

Just a quickie to ask for prayer. My dad will be having surgery on a hernia in the next week or so. He continues to lose weight and struggle with very low blood pressure.

I'm now able to see him 2 or 3 times a week, which is such a blessing, facilitated by all you wonderful people, praying and donating! Thank you once again, from the bottom of my heart!

Please continue to pray for my daddy and if you might, for me, as I continue searching for a job.

Thank you all! We're are humbled by the kindness and love shown for my dad and his children.❤️


August 23rd, 2024

Greetings all!

My dad encouraged me to write another update as another week has gone by and I'm still unable to find a job. I've gone on many interviews and still nothing. It's really starting to get me down. It's difficult to keep our heads above water with only one income. So once again I humbly ask for your prayers. We're so grateful for all your love and support.

Please continue to share this fundraiser and keep us in your prayers!

August 11 update

August 11th, 2024

Greetings all!

My dad asked me to post a quick update.

He's lost 10 lbs in the last month and his blood pressure has been chronically low. He has very little energy but still seems to be eating as he normaly would, though he says he doesn't have much appetite. He would like everyone to continue to pray for him and share his fundraiser. 

Unfortunately my car was in an accident last night, I'm fine physically but my car will need a lot of work, it's currently undriveable. I'm still searching for a job and had an interview set up for tomorrow, that I won't be able to keep without my car, so prayers are greatly appreciated. Not sure we'll be able to fix it right now, financially, which would really be my dad n I.

The evil one has been working hard against this situation for some time now and God always makes a way. Of this we are certain.

Thank you in advance, and for all the love, prayers and support that have already been so generously given!

August 2nd

August 2nd, 2024

Greetings all!

Doing a quick update to ask for prayers. My fiancée and I have both been down with covid and due to unforseen circumstances, I am unable to move forward with the job I had, so please pray for the right one to come along.

Also asking for prayers for my sister, Faith, as she checks herself into a clinic for help with her mental health struggles.

My brother's birthday is the end of August and I know it will be difficult for my dad. Please pray for him as well.

The biggest and most humble of thank-yous to all who have helped this family so much. The gratitude is overwhelming!

Please continue to pray and share my dad's fundraiser! 

Glory be to God for all things!

July 23rd

July 24th, 2024

As much as I hate to do this update, for my dad's sake, I have to. 

My fiancée and I managed to get down to the springs, to be closer to my dad. He's working, I'm in the process of getting a job driving a school bus. But rent is coming and we've fallen behind. I won't have a  steady paycheck until I pass my CDL permit.  I take the test next week and then I will, God willing, have a more steady paycheck. 

Please pray for us as we try desperately to fill this gap, financially.  I haven't been able to make enough money to take care of my dad's needs, which makes me feel terrible 

 Without giving the many details, I ask humbly, for your prayers. Please continue to pray and share this fundraiser for my daddy. 

With so much gratitude, I thank you all. 

July 16th 2024

July 16th, 2024

Greetings all! I'm not sure what happened to all the updated here, they seem to have disappeared, so I thought I'd type a quick one so everyone knows how things are going.

My fiancée and I have successfully moved to the springs to be closer to my dad and have more involvement in his care at the home he's in, which I've said in other updates, does not have the funding or staffing to adequately provide good care.

This move would never have been possible without the many prayers and generous donations. THANK YOU! We can't possibly express our gratitude with words, you're all in our hearts and prayers!

My fiancée got the first job he applied for and I'm vigorously searching myself, for something that will allow me to spend time with my dad, while supporting my family. Your continued prayers on this matter would be greatly appreciated. I'm praying to one of my patron saints, St. Xenia. I know the right one will pop up.

I'm leaving this fundraiser up for my dad, to help cover our out of pocket costs going towards his care. I've mentioned before that they  are so short staffed that the patients often only get toast for breakfast or improperly balanced meals, sometimes no milk or coffee is available. With my dad's diabetes, this can be rough. I make sure hes stocked with snacks to make up for their deficiencies. I'd love to get him into a better home down here, but as of right now, financially, it would be impossible.  Please continue to pray for my daddy, his care and his salvation. Your donations from here on out will be gratefully appreciated and put to good use.


Update July 16th 2024 Image
Update #23

April 11th, 2024

Update #22

April 11th, 2024

Update Update #22 Image
Update #21

April 11th, 2024

Update Update #21 Image
Update #20

April 11th, 2024

Update Update #20 Image

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.