USD $50,000
USD $390
On January 6, 2021, my beautiful son Christian Secor attended President Trump's rally and like many patriots entered the Capitol. Christian peacefully sat in the House Speaker’s chair and politely left when asked to do so.
Christian was arrested on Fat Tuesday of 2021 and spent forty days and nights in solitary confinement during Lenten.
After an extensive period of home confinement and curfew Christian was ultimately sentenced to three and a half years in prison- over twice the agreed upon sentencing guidelines. This is despite how my son is a college student, was gainfully employed, had no criminal history and had a perfect record awaiting trial.
This campaign is to help reimburse our family for Christian Secor's extensive attorney fees and to keep Christian's commissary fund supplied. Prayers and letters of support are also appreciated. Feel free to write him at:
Christian Secor 30223509,
PO BOX 3007
SAN PEDRO, CA 90733-3007
United States
Stay courageous 😬 and strong Archangel Michael please guide & direct all as Christian is entering into this persecution and unjustly sentenced
Everything has a purpose. He ordains it so.
I will pray in Adoration for you and all the other J6ers. Christ is King.
Miss you man and was sad to hear about what they did to you. Wishing you and the family the best.
Our Day Will Come. Saint Michael, defend us in battle! Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And.. by the power of God cast into Hell Satan & all the evil Marxists who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
"When you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."
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