Campaign funds will be received by Brittany Perkins
UPDATE: Praise God he has been PARDONED and set free!! All donations will now go toward rebuilding and restoring everything that was taken from us! We are starting from the bottom again and any help will be a tremendous blessing.Thank you so much for your help and continued support and helping our family get through the 2 years he was incarcerated. You helped sustain our family. And most importantly thank you for your prayers. God bless you all!
Our Story⬇️
In January 2021 President Trump invited the American people to a peaceful protest in DC where my husband, 14 year old daughter and I along with several church members and friends traveled to the rally. Since that day, our family along with 1300 other American families have been dealing with the dark side of the events that transpired that day. Sadly, my daughter is still dealing with trauma she suffered from that day as she was pepper sprayed and gassed along with the rest of our friends and myself. She also witnessed her father being attacked by a Capitol police officer, which he suffered a black eye from. It’s truly the most devastating thing we’ve ever experienced. We were there for a peaceful protest and our own government attacked us that day. Our hearts are shattered over what has happened. Our faith in our country has been tested and and we’re deeply saddened for everyone including the (innocent) officers who fell into the trap that was laid for us that day. Fast forward to May of 2021 we caught the FBI following us to church and saw them sitting in our neighborhood for weeks. 6 weeks later on June 30th at 545am our home was raided. 50 plus swat agents and homeland security agents, and 4 armored tanks threw flash bang grenades at and in our home. They called us out of our home one by one, my children included with lasers on us at gunpoint. The force they used was so excessive and violent that my pictures in my home were knocked off the walls from the flash bangs, my carpets were burned up. It was so traumatic and when I walked out my front door it looked like a war zone. I could not believe what was happening. I was in shock the first 30 min or so and my poor neighbors thought we were shot and killed. They also drove the armored trucks through our gates to the back of our property and our dog ran away during all of this and she even suffers with ptsd from loud noises now. After the raid the swat team left after clearing the property and about 40 FBI agents came on the scene and came in my home to search for anything they deemed as evidence. The only thing they took was phones, my husbands hoodie, and his shoes. My husband was arrested and he sat in jail for 14 days before finally getting a new judge in DC to grant him bond where he was released on house arrest. He was on house arrest for 16 months. PreTrial conditions were that he was not even allowed to be on our porch, take out the trash or help his father who lives on the same property. He had to be indoors. Unless at work or church. After 16 months we saw God move a mighty mountain and he was taken off of house arrest and placed on stand alone monitoring..Only God!! Since all of this my family has witnessed God’s mighty hand in our lives, and seen him work things together for our good so many times. My husband is not who the media and government has portrayed him to be and my heart hurts for him over all of this. He is a God fearing man who loves Jesus with all his heart. He loves his family and his country and he does not deserve this. We’re saddened but not bitter because God has used this to change us and make us stronger in our faith and for that we are thankful. It’s also caused our family to cling more than ever to the promises of God and we are trusting in him for the strength to get through this. “My help cometh from the LORD, Which made heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:2 He has been our help and our peace in the midst of all the chaos. My husband’s trial was March 6th 2023 and Judge Carl Nichols sentenced him to 48 months even after witnessing the prosecution tamper with and crop videos proving my husband’s innocence. So many evil lies were spewed in court and the government painted my husband as a man who went to overthrow the government with his 14 daughter while leaving his 18 year old son at home. 🤯Thankfully my son had to work and couldn’t go that day but if he truly went for that reason my son would have gone and not my little girl! We have lost of our business and I don’t make enough to pay all our bills. I’ve sold off about everything I can and am still trying to sell his truck to pay off some more debt to make my bills maintainable and so I will need all the help I can get and will be so grateful for any support. I’ve been a stay at home mom for most of our marriage and we depended on his income so this has been such a heavy burden for me and for Michael. I ask more than anything that you lift our family up in prayer. There’s a lot of restoration that needs to happen. We pray for God to be glorified through this and our faith to be strengthened and unmovable, and that others look at us during this fiery trial and see Jesus! Pray for our judge, our public defender, and even the prosecutors. We desire to see their hearts and souls changed and saved by his amazing grace.
If you’re new here please go through and read all the updates over the last 2 years and see how God worked so mightily in our lives through this ordeal.
Go with God
We are fellow Sumter County neighbors, who have attended rally's down near Coleman in support of you. We kept hoping that Trump would win the 2024 election and get you released. Thank God for saving all of you. JP
I rejoice with you in this long-awaited victory over the evil and injustice Michael and your family have endured these past 4 years! To God be the Glory! It was pure joy to see you at the RCOBA meeting today and to meet Michael. Thank you for coming and for your faithfulness and courage and steadfastness in the face of persecution. God bless you as He continues to use you to make a difference.
Dear Perkins family, Thankful that you survived this horrible ordeal. Praying for complete healing and restoration of your family, finances, and hope.
God is good
So horrible what they did to you, Michael, and to your family. Wish I had seen this earlier. Hope this helps. Btw, my wife and I were waiting (in the background) along with Brittany and others, for your release. Prayers answered this morning.
Dear Perkins family, friends, and supporters - The spiritual strength shown in the updates is truly humbling! In spite of everything this horrible regime has put you thru - your faith still SHINES brightly! Prayers that this awful time is coming closer to an end even though there will likely still be challenges ahead. May God bless the NEW year - God bless your family - and God bless America!
"Thank you so much. God bless you❤️" By Brittany Perkins
Britney, Can’t wait until Michael gets home!
"Thank you so much! Happy New Year" By Brittany Perkins
Praying for you and your kids this Christmas! You are not forgotten.
"Thank you. Happy New Year" By Brittany Perkins
Always appreciate your messages. Praying for your family at this holiday season.
"Thank you so much, God bless you!" By Brittany Perkins
Happy Thanksgiving, we're praying for freedom and justice to return to America. Thank you for your sacrifices and hang in there. We love you and can't wait to see how our Lord blesses you and your family.
"Thank you. Happy New Year❤️" By Brittany Perkins
"Thank you so much ❤️" By Brittany Perkins
"Thank you ❤️" By Brittany Perkins
Come home soon Michael. You all are not forgotten.
"Thank you Bryan " By Brittany Perkins
January 23rd, 2025
I have prayed this passage of scripture over my husband over and over the last 2 years. Don’t ever doubt the power of prayer. Jesus hears his children. Thank you all for praying with me, without ceasing! God did it! My family is whole again.
One of the top 10 best days of my life… we started out that morning at a local church that hosted us for an Inauguration watch party. And then the local Republican Assembly of Sumter County gathered as we anxiously awaited the release of the J6 hostages and loved ones outside the facility. It was a very long cold night but at 2 am God opened the prison doors. All 12 men were released at the same time. I can’t describe the feeling of being reunited and hearing the cries of all the loved ones as they finally were set free. It was truly a miracle. I pray we never forget this day! After everyone was set free all the guys went to Ginny and Bryan’s ( Leaders of the Republican Assembly) where they had catered food and cake along with goodies bags for all the men. They all got to hang out until almost 5am together as free men!! The Republican Assembly has been some our biggest supporters and have helped me hold the prayer vigils each month at the facility. They have been beacons of light in the midst of our darkness and have helped carry us through. The love they’ve poured out and demonstrated will forever be dear to my heart. The silver lining in all of this is the amazing people God has brought into our lives. All of you and all of the families we’ve met as we sat through visitation day after visitation day at the facility, sharing our horror stories and then getting to experience them all being let go together was just a God thing! And then the Republican Assembly of Sumter County was also a God thing. I spoke at one of their meetings very early on, and those people truly loved on us and have been by our side, every step of the way ever since. I’m still in awe of all God has done for us. Thank you, Jesus!
Please continue to pray for the few that are still unjustly being held as a last stitch effort to inflict pain. These people are truly Godless and need salvation 🙏🏼
January 3rd, 2025
New Year, same God!
I just wanted to stop in and say I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. We had a very peaceful Christmas season. It was much different then last year. Last year was our first Christmas without Michael and he had just gotten to his current facility and had been put through the ringer and so we were just surviving last Christmas honestly but, God gave us an extra dose of grace this Christmas. There was sadness and a longing for our family to be whole of course and it’s hard to describe but we just had peace and were focused on the true reason for the season. So for that I’m so thankful.
I wanted to share some thoughts and scripture that the Lord had given to me as we head into a new year. I was talking with the lady a couple of weeks ago and just reflecting over everything that had been going on recently and like many of us I was kind of fussing over the the bad stuff I have been dealing with, and after I was done telling her all the things I was going through she asked me a question and it hit me like a ton of bricks. She said “now tell me how did the Lord SUSTAIN you?” And honestly, in that moment, I started looking at everything differently because she was right, the Lord has sustained me and this verse that talks about Jesus being the same yesterday, today and forever, is so true. He’s proven it to me. Everything we’ve walked through the last four years and looking back seeing how he has sustained us and gotten us through the hardest times of our lives. I know he will be faithful in 2025 and sustain us in 2025 because he NEVER changes. So, I am walking into this new year with a new perspective about the same God that I serve. He’s never once failed me and I pray you all have a blessed New Year with the same God!
November 29th, 2024
ThanksGiving 2024.. I sat on my front porch with my coffee and my Bible this morning much like I do most every fall and winter morning being in Florida. I was really missing my morning routine with Michael. We loved cold slow mornings on the porch with our coffee and Jesus and I started to dwell on my situation and that this is another holiday that’s gonna come and go as my husband sits in a lonely prison and we’re faced with trying to live and enjoy a time of year when family truly is to be valued but our family and so many others are ripped apart. How do you begin to put those feelings aside, because I am still trying to figure that out? I was reflecting on how to prepare myself for a day of Thanksgiving when it feels so hard to be thankful. And as I sat and prayed I just started naming every thing in my life I was thankful for and it truly helped my heart not feel so heavy because inspite of all that we’re going through God has been so good. He’s been a faithful friend and provider and he has sent so many amazing like minded people into our lives and I thank God for everyone of you. He gave me his word that I get to run to everyday that helps sustain me. He holds me up when I feel like I can’t take another step and when I dread what lies ahead he reminds me he’s already there and he’s already prepared the way…I hear him whisper in the midst of all my loud roaring thoughts “ trust me” and I am reminded how much I truly need to just trust him. He’s never failed me, he’s never forsaken me. Why would he now? I desire to be thankful in and for all things but it’s hard. I know God and his character and if it’s not good he’s not done and for that I’m thankful. Later today I got a text from sweet friends that were headed to the prison to pray for my husband and the other J6ers there that are missing their families and it really blessed my heart that they would spend their Thanksgiving doing that for us. Thankful for so many ways God is strengthening my heart and faith through all of this. Hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving! God bless you all!
November 6th, 2024
To God be the glory!! Now, bring my husband home.. Free the J6ers!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
November 5th, 2024
It’s always been about “We The People” And no matter the outcome, we still have a responsibility to stand for righteousness and stand against evil and to preach the gospel and to live for God. Our responsibilities as Christians do not change just because the one in the White House changes. May you all have perfect peace today knowing that if you humbled yourself, you’ve prayed, you’ve sought his face, you’ve repented and you voted. You have done all you could and the rest is in the Lord‘s hands.His will will be done. Stay encouraged that God is still on the throne.🇺🇸
October 30th, 2024
Just wanted to thank everyone for all the sweet and encouraging comments and messages. It’s really did my heart good to be reminded that we have so much support and so many likeminded people in our corner lifting us up in prayer. This verse also encourages my heart as we head into this election. Ultimately, God is in control. It is he who sets up kings and removes them. We may feel they stole the election from us last time but they didn’t steal it from God, he ordained it and allowed it to help wake his people up and make us see that we have work still to do. We’ve been silent and complacent for way too long. For the sake of my country, my husband, my family, and the future generations I pray this election is not a repeat of 2020. I pray my daughter who voted the first time yesterday can say her vote helped save America and bring her daddy and all the other J6ers home. May we all remember that no matter who is in the White House, Jesus is still on the throne! ❤️🤍💙
October 11th, 2024
Hey everyone, wanted to give an update. And ask for continued prayer. We are in a rural part of our county and we were in the direct path of hurricane Milton. The eye actually passed 10 miles south of us. I also live in a mobile home and we were under a mandatory evacuation. When we left our home, we knew it was a real possibility that we would be coming home to nothing. But the day before we evacuated, I walked my property and prayed and read Psalm 91 and every other verse I could find about God’s protection. I prayed God would protect our home, protect our lives, protect our neighbors and family and all their properties as well. It was a very scary night. A tornado came through the back of our neighbors property and came up to the start of our property and either turned or fizzled out. It took out three of their trees but missed all of our homes. Thank you, Jesus! As we made our way back home, our neighborhood which is mostly low lying was flooded and our road has no power lines left at all on the west end. Coming down our driveway was an emotional sight…Not one single tree was down. My home was perfectly protected, almost as if God wrapped his arms around it and shielded it. To say I am grateful is an understatement, considering all the devastation across Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee. I do not take it for granted. We watched the biggest storm ever recorded go from a Cat 5 (would’ve been a 6 if a 6 existed) down to a Cat 2 just before landfall. That storm intended to kill, steal, and destroy, but God!!! He still performs miracles..I praise the Lord for his goodness and mercy. All our neighbors were also protected. No homes were damaged. God truly had his hand on our little neighborhood.
I have a few prayer requests..
I’ve had to cancel a lot of my cleaning jobs because a lot of people are without power and honestly the last thing on anyone’s mind is having their cleaning lady come. I live job to job so this is really going to hurt me financially. Also, It’s likely to be a very long time before we have power. Due to the amount of water and power line damage. Pray for our linemen who are working tirelessly. People are making their way back to their homes and so this has caused a shortage on gas. I drove around today looking for gas and couldn’t find any so that means we can’t run our generators. There was also no ice to keep coolers cold so that our food doesn’t spoil. Pray for those in our city that are underwater and so much worse off than us. Thank you all!
July 1st, 2024
May 29th, 2024
For some reason, everyone is having trouble loading the last update, but I just wanted to make sure everyone knows that I am so incredibly humbled and grateful and blown away by the support. I have received all the funds I needed for the new unit…Thank you all so much. I pray God pours out blessings upon your life. God bless you all!!
May 28th, 2024
Just a quick update.. With the donations I’ve received and the help of American Patriot Relief and Sponsor J6 I’ve got a new unit being installed Thursday. Praise the Lord and from the bottom of my heart, thank you all! I’m so overwhelmed and incredibly grateful. I pray the Lord blesses you tremendously.♥️
May 25th, 2024
If there’s one thing this situation has done in my life it has made me continually have to swallow my pride and make me humble myself. I hate asking for help, I hate that this has caused me to constantly feel like a burden because I know EVERYONE is struggling financially. Not just our family. But my savings are gone. There’s no extra anymore for when things like this happen. With that said our AC unit has been out since last Saturday. We have a window unit in a window currently and we’re confined to the living room for the time being. The warranty was up 2 years ago and the unit has since then been a constant money pit. We’ve replaced the fan motor 3 or 4 times, the coils 2 times, and now the new coils leak out and the unit is freezing up again. Freon is $100 a pound and I can’t afford for them to keep putting it in only to leak out again. We need a new unit. I got a quote from a few AC companies and $5600 is what is needed. I’ve reached out to a few J6 organizations for help and I’m still waiting to see how much they are able to help with financially. I’m trying to not have to put it on a credit card because Michael worked so hard to get us out of debt before going to prison so I could manage the necessities and honestly I can’t afford the extra monthly payment on the credit card that will cause me to have to come up with. I just had to purchase a new refrigerator last month on the credit card because we had an electrical fire on it. (When it rains, it pours) But I would be GREATLY appreciative for any help. I’ve already had a few donations and I just want to say thank you so much. I know the labor behind every single dollar and how hard it was worked for and I wish I could repay you but just know I thank God for you.
Also, our family has some very serious spiritual needs right now. Please help me pray for my children and their hearts. Our family has been under constant attack lately. Little problems like your AC going out become magnified when you’re struggling spiritually so please help me pray.
April 17th, 2024
On this day, 365 days ago. We woke up with broken hearts knowing this was the last day we’d be together as a family for a very long time. We had one last devotion and cup of coffee together on the porch swing and then headed to his drop off. I can’t describe the feeling I felt as I watched my children cry as they hugged their father one last time on the street corner at the Marshals office. I remember thinking our little girl would be a grown woman when he returned. And how sad that was. I was asking myself how could this be the Lord’s will? I was fighting every thought and feeling of bitterness that was wailing up inside of me of how unfair and unjust this was. I was telling God my children didn’t deserve this suffering, Michael didn’t deserve this suffering and that I didn’t know how I was going to even make ends meet. How would I keep it all together when my heart was in a thousand pieces? So many thoughts and uncertainties were flooding my mind that day. This has been a year of so much suffering. Satan has relentlessly attacked my husband and my children, time and time again. This has been the hardest year of our life. We’ve been through many hard things the last 24 years but we’ve always had each other to get through it and it’s been hard trying to get through this separated. Not having his shoulder to cry on when I’m falling apart has been the hardest thing. What do you do when all your hopes and dreams are shattered and your heart is broken in a thousand pieces? When you wake up and fight to get out of bed. When you feel like one more disappointment is going to send you over the edge. When the world is calling you back and giving up seems easier than fighting through another day, what do you do? I’ll tell you what I do.. I take my broken heart and give God all the pieces. Over and over again! Every single battle I’ve faced this year I’ve fallen on my face before the Lord begging him for help. I called in reinforcements to help pray me through each battle and although I don’t understand every thing we’re having to walk through, and why certain things have happened, God has proven he’s faithful and in my darkest nights when I’m all alone and I feel like giving up that’s when I feel him close, reassuring me his hand is still on me and my family and reminding me I need to be still and trust him because he is the healer and he has promised to bind up all of our wounds. God never promised a life without suffering but he did promise to walk through it with us and that’s what gives me fighting power. Instead of looking at this as just a year of loss and heartache, I’m choosing to see it as one year closer to having the love of my life back and our family being whole again. I long for that day♥️
March 29th, 2024
Good Friday- The worst day in history. But we serve a God who made it a good day! ”And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.“Romans 8:28
I was studying in John 14 this morning about Jesus at the last supper. And as I read the first verse I began to wept. “Let not your heart be troubled” was the words he was speaking to his disciples. And in that moment he was speaking straight to my troubled heart. And as I took a moment to gather myself Michael called. I could barely say hello. He thought something was wrong and so I told him to give me a second they’re “good” tears..It’s not often he calls while I’m doing my devotion so it was a sweet time we got to share and just praise God for what Jesus did for us on the cross. I was telling him I was listening to my favorite hymn,“Because He lives” and it has new meaning in my life today than it ever has. “Because he lives WE can face tomorrow, Michael said”♥️ This account in John 14 is so sweet because we see the heart of Jesus, his true concern for the hearts and minds of those he loves who he knew would be struggling in the next few days after his death and beyond. The savior knew he was going to the cross and he took the time to sit with his disciples and tell them there’s a dark day coming but because I live, you will live too! His heart was to offer hope and encouragement because there was a day coming that he wouldn’t be with them physically and it was going to look dark and like all hope was gone. He was lovingly telling them everything they needed to know. And gave them precious promises that now, all these ages later I am clinging to..“ Let not your heart be troubled… I go to prepare a place for you and if I go, I will come again, and receive you unto myself… and whatsoever, you ask my name that will I do.. I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you…peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you…. And again he says “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” … We are eternally grateful for the finished work he did on the cross, as unworthy as we are, he loved us still. And because he lives, WE can face tomorrow♥️
God sent His son
They called Him Jesus
He came to love, heal and forgive
He lived and died to buy my pardon
An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
Because He lives, all fear is gone
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living just because He lives
How sweet to hold a newborn baby
And feel the pride and joy he gives
But greater still the calm assurance
This child can face uncertain days because He lives
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
Because He lives, all fear is gone
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living just because He lives
March 12th, 2024
I’ve been meaning to give an update but I’ve been struggling with my thoughts lately. Our family has been dealing with attack after attack lately and I tend to withdraw and get quiet, partly because I never want to discourage anyone by my discouragement. Satan is relentless and often times I’m tempted to believe he’s gotten the best of us but God’s word always has a way of snapping me out of that thought process. I feel as though I’m hanging by a thread and then I read the account of the women who touches and hem of his garment and realize the thread I’m hanging by should be the hem of his garment because it’s not going to break or ever come unraveled. I’m running to his word and praying more than I’ve ever done before and finding that during those times my troubles cease and my mind gets quiet.. maybe that’s why these troubles keep coming, to help push me into his loving and waiting arms so he can prove to me that he is truly my refuge.
Prayer Requests- please pray for my children. They are hurting and struggling. Also pray for Michael’s mental health. The facility has been shutting down outdoor time and it’s always freezing in there so he’s been sick and had many dark days recently. Also, visits have been shut down for about 5 weeks and so that makes it worse on all of us. It’s like we’re doing time as well. Please pray the new warden will not allow the oppression to continue in that facility. Also, please continue to pray for the case that is before the Supreme Court. Ruling is expected in May. Thank you all ♥️
January 23rd, 2024
Hey everyone, we have a prayer request. We are watching an appeal that was submitted to the Supreme Court this month in another J6 case. If the Supreme Court overturns this charge it will bring Michael home this year! God says to call unto him and he will answer us and that’s what I’m asking everyone to please do. We believe God still preforms miracles. We know He is able! ”Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,“ Ephesians 3:20
And NOTHING is too hard for him! ”Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee:“ Jeremiah 32:17
Thank you all!
January 10th, 2024
I hope everyone had a blessed new year.
2023 was a year of very hard firsts without Michael.. First anniversary, first birthday, first Thanksgiving, first Christmas, and first New Year’s Eve. I decided to spend New Year’s Eve alone this year. My children made plans with friends and I rang in 2024 praying and praising the Lord. It was the sweetest time I’ve had with the Lord in a very long time. I’ve found myself so fearful of 2024 and all the what ifs have been weighing so heavy on my heart. My heart is broken for my country and what the future for America will be. But God laid a verse (Psalm112:7) and some thoughts on my heart that I’m going to cling to in 2024 and I hope it’ll encourage you as well. God desires for us to be fearless, not because of who we are and what we can do about our lives but because of who HE is and what HE can do! So in 2024 I choose to fear less! I know saying I’m going to be fearless would be a lie but I’m going to fear less! I’m going to flood my heart and mind with scripture about being fearless because the Bible talks of this kind of faith over 365 times. Since sentencing in August I have been speaking and advocating for the Americans in our country who are being politically persecuted and there’s a common theme with everyone I talk to. Fear! People are fearful, and almost daily you hear bad news. You can’t seem to escape it. But I know God has NOT given his children a spirit of fear, but of POWER and of LOVE and of a sound mind! He also said to fear not because HE is with you where ever you go! One day our enemies will be put in their rightful place and that’s a promise from God! But in the meantime I choose to fear less! The next time you turn on the tv and you hear some “evil tidings” don’t be afraid. Trust the Lord! God bless you all!
We also got to see Michael this past Sunday, all of us this time. And for 5 amazing hours my family was whole❤️
December 20th, 2023
I just wanted to share something with everyone. It may not be of any significance to anyone but it blessed my heart tremendously. A few days ago I was in the store and I walked past a display of Little Debbie Christmas tree cakes. My heart immediately began to ache because I buy those for Michael for Christmas every year. He loves them. I said briefly in my head to myself, “this makes me so sad I know he’d love to have one of those right now, I wish I could send them to him somehow.” I left the store feeling sad over all the things about this that are just hard right now. Well, the next day Michael called me and I asked how his day was and he said it was a long day we weren’t able to go outside so that’s makes for longer days and I asked why not and he said that the warden was there all day giving out Christmas bags to them and so they had to stay in their dorms. I asked what was in his bag and he said “it was a bunch of treats and I even got a Christmas tree cake.” It blessed my heart so much to know God knows every thought we think. And he cares for me more than I even realize. Thank you Lord for that little blessing, it blessed me big time!
December 16th, 2023
This has been our year of firsts. First Anniversary, first Thanksgiving and First Christmas without our family together. If I dwelt on those thoughts for long I’d be a complete mess. I’d live in a constant state of defeat and it’s hard not to when things keep happening and you realize how much of a spiritual battle you are in. Some times it gets to you. This past Sunday my children and I traveled to see Michael and as we arrived we were informed that visitation had been canceled. I can’t describe the low we felt. My heart was crushed. I felt defeated! All the excitement and anticipation built up came crumbling down on my heart. All I wanted was for my children to hug their father and to be together and feel whole again if just for a moment . The next day my daughter and I tried again and we got to spend 2 hours with him. Unfortunately Shayne had to work and still hasn’t been able to see him. But I’m so thankful I got to hug and kiss him. He’s so pale and thin. He’s lost about 45 lbs and is still recovering from the food poisoning he had from the last facility. Please pray as he gets settled into a new place. Pray for his health and his heart. Pray my children get to see him on Christmas. Pray that I can focus and think on things that are important and all the many blessings in my life during this Christmas season and remember the true reason for the season. Because of Jesus I can face tomorrow. God bless you all and I pray you have a Merry Christmas.
December 4th, 2023
Just wanting to thank everyone for the love, support, and prayers up until this point. It has helped get us through this suffering. 8 months ago we hugged Michael goodbye on the side of the road at the Marshal’s office and it felt as though our hearts were left there that day. We didn’t know what the future would hold. We didn’t know how the sentencing would go. We didn’t know how long it would be until we could hug him again. We had no idea the amount of suffering Michael would have to endure. Michael’s sentencing was almost 5 months ago and since that time he’s been bussed all over the place again. He’s been in horrible facilities, that have trampled all over his basic human rights. He’s been mistreated, threatened, cold, hungry, starved to the point where he’s lost 45lbs, and had food poisoning from rotten bologna sandwiches he was fed for every meal in a facility in VA. I will do everything in my power to fight for prison reform and make sure all these guards are held accountable for what they’re doing to people. It has been the longest 8 months of our lives and the trauma and suffering have felt unbearable at times but God’s grace is sufficient and he has gotten us through some of our deepest suffering. Michael is now at his final destination (Praise the Lord) and we have longed for the day we can hug him again and hopefully we get to see him this weekend. Pray for him, he’s had a long hard road. He’s not been outside in 8 months and so thankful to just sit outside . He’s also suffering some anxiety and effects of the long periods of solitary confinement and is still weak from being sick from the food poisoning he has been dealing with for 2 weeks. Pray God settles his heart and mind and that he’ll strengthen him and that he’ll rest and have peace. Thank you all! God bless you!
November 26th, 2023
My children and I decided to spend Thanksgiving alone this year. I just could not put on a fake smile and act as though our hearts aren’t shattered in a million pieces. Holidays magnify Michael’s absence and I didn’t have the emotional capacity to be around anyone. If it weren’t for my kids I’d hide away somewhere until this is all over to be honest. The beach has always been somewhere we go to retreat and recharge and it just felt right. This Thanksgiving was filled with grief like I’ve never felt before mingled with great gratitude. Grief over the fact that this is our first holiday in 23 years that we’ve been separated. Grief because Thanksgiving was the first time he brought me to meet his family all those years ago. Grief because a piece of our heart is missing. Grief because I’ve not spoken to him in 2 weeks because he’s in 24 hr a day lockdown and is alone in a cold dark jail cell on Thanksgiving. As I sat alone on the beach Thanksgiving morning, I poured my heart out to the Lord. I thanked him for my children who give me a reason to get up everyday and for 23 wonderful years with my soulmate. I thanked him for the fact that though we couldn’t be with Michael, I know the Lord is with him . I thanked him that Michael has everything he needs because he has Jesus. I was so overwhelmed with gratitude for the promise that he will not leave you or forsake you and he won’t leave you comfortIess, he will come to you when you need him and just as God came to me and spoke peace to my heart in my time of thankfulness that morning, I know God is speaking peace to him. So, although there was great grief, we also have great gratitude for all the Lord has done and for all that he’s going to continue to do. Please continue to pray that he is safe and protected and he gets to FL quickly . Also, pray that God gives him the strength he needs through his suffering. I know he’s suffering because my heart feels it too💔
November 18th, 2023
Hey y’all, I just wanted to give a quick update and ask for prayer for Michael. He left DC almost 8 weeks ago and since then he has been waiting to come to Florida to serve the rest of his sentence. He spent most of that time in a detention facility in Philly and Monday was taken to New York, and I have checked the BOP website and he is now in Petersburg Virginia. It looks like he’s going to get the diesel therapy treatment once again. This is physical and psychological torture. I haven’t spoken to him in five days.So my heart is heavy and worried for him. Please pray for him. Pray for his safety. Pray for peace. Pray for God to comfort him. Pray for him to be able to get to Florida quickly so that we can see him for Christmas. Thank you all!
October 30th, 2023
As I sit and weep over all the support and precious messages that have flooded in the last 48hrs, from The Gateway Pundit article. I can’t help but feel so humbled and incredibly grateful for every kind word and every prayer that has been uttered to the Father on our behalf. God is teaching my family things I’ve never even fathomed about who he is and all the ways he ALWAYS provides. The scripture that says he knows even the number of hairs on his children’s head has been so evident to me through all of this. He’s proven his faithfulness time and time again. I wish I could hug every single one of you. I wish you could come and sit with me and read over my blessing book at all the ways he’s worked so mightily in our lives but just know I’ve prayed over every soul that’s donated and prayed us through this season. I pray blessing upon blessing for your love and care for us. My husband was in tears this morning over the support and the burden that has been lifted from him. So, from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU ALL! God bless you❤️
P.S Michael is still in Philly. Apparently there is a shortage of southbound buses so he’s been waiting a month to be moved closer to home. Please pray he comes to FL asap! We need to hug him❤️
October 6th, 2023
It’s been a while since I updated, but there wasn’t much to fill you all in about. We were just in a waiting season. Michael has still been in DC since sentencing nearly 8 weeks ago. Which is insane to me that it took that long but yesterday morning they finally took him and he’s in route to wherever they’ve decided he’s going to finish his sentence. He was able to message me this morning and he is currently in Philadelphia. It’s one of 5 stops that he will have to make due to the diesel therapy. I have a few prayer requests. First, I would ask that you would pray for him mentally and spiritually over the next couple of weeks. It will likely take him 4 to 8 weeks to get to where he’s going. Also, pray for every guard and person in prison that he comes across and that he would have boldness to share the gospel and he’d see fruit from that time. Pray that he goes where we have requested so that we can see him often. The BOP, which is the bureau of prisons, and the DOJ have been purposely putting these men far from their families. Pray that the Lord would allow him to be close to home. Pray for my children and their hearts.This is so them. And pray for me as I look for another job. Thank you all for following our story, for praying for us and for supporting us financially, we are truly blessed.
August 19th, 2023
I just wanted to thank everyone again for all the prayers and support especially the last few days. They got us through some very dark days. For those following our story Michael was sentenced to 48months. It’s not the outcome we prayed for but we prayed for God’s will to be done and we know if he brought us to it he will bring us through it. We’re clinging to his promises with every thing we have right now. Please continue to pray for our family as we try to find normalcy and keep our family intact as much as we can. Thank you all for the financial support as well. It has truly been a burden lifted from me as I’ve been struggling through the waiting part of all of this. Please pray I find another job to go along with my part time job so that my children don’t have to work to help me survive. It doesn’t feel natural for them to have this burden placed on their shoulders. Parents should help their children not the other way around. But they have been doing all the can to keep our home going and I’m so proud of them and so thankful for them. Thank you and God bless you all.
August 16th, 2023
We fly to DC in the morning. Please keep our family in your prayers as we travel and for Michael’s sentencing on Thursday morning at 10am. We are so thankful for all the calls, texts, and for the many prayers for our family. Keep them coming❤️ We have peace that passes all understanding. We know our lives are in HIS hands, not the enemies and what ever happens is going to be according to His will. And that’s what we desire, for God’s will to be done. No matter what that looks like, we trust Him! His way is perfect and He is more than able to bring Michael home and I’m believing him for that, but even if that’s not His will. We’re still gonna praise God because He is good! Please pray for Judge Carl Nichols as he renders a verdict and that he’ll do as the Lord says and he’ll have a heart of flesh and God will speak mercy into his heart. Pray for Benet (The lead prosecutor) My hearts desire is for her to come to know the Lord through all of this. As much as my flesh wants to see God punish our enemies, I know He loves her and wants her saved and I don’t want any hate in my heart for anyone, I want to see her saved, so please help me pray for her soul. Thank you all!
August 3rd, 2023
Hey y’all, just wanted to let everyone know Michael’s sentencing is Aug.17th at 10am. My children and I, along with our pastor and a few friends will be traveling to DC to be there for it. Please pray as we travel. My daughter is having some anxiety about going back there and so am I. Also, pray for God to move in the heart of this judge on behalf of Michael. We’ve prayed and trust God to bring him home to us because we need him, he’s our protector and provider and my children and I miss him terribly. He was always right there with them doing whatever they were doing their whole lives. There’s a sadness in our hearts so deep it hurts and will continue until we’re all together again. We are gonna choose to trust God no matter the outcome. We want God’s will in our lives because His will is perfect. We are expecting great and mighty things to come out of this situation because God is good and He will work this together for our good and He’s able! I expect nothing less. Continue to pray for the hearts of all those working on our case, and that through this they’ll be saved and God will be glorified. God bless you all and thank you for your love, kindness, and precious prayers.❤️
July 8th, 2023
Hey y’all. Please be praying for Michael a little extra the next few weeks. They took him to the DC Central Detention Facility on Wednesday. He is in 23 hour a day lock down until next Friday and then he’ll be on 20 hour lockdowns until sentencing. We have no idea when sentencing is going to be. We are waiting on the presentence report and then they have to reschedule the August 16 date because his attorney is not available at that time so it could be sooner or it could be later, depending on what they agree on as far as a date for sentencing.Since leaving FL 2 weeks ago he’s down 20lbs from the stress of being shipped all over the country, missing meals and sitting in holding cells all day at every facility only to be moved again. It’s absolutely maddening to me how he’s being treated. Please be praying for his mental state, being in that horrible facility with no Bible or anything just sitting on a bunk for 23 hours a day is pure torture and inhumane. I don’t know how they can do anybody this way. God help those in authority that make these policies, you will answer to All Mighty God for all the evil one day!! We treat our animals in America better than we treat the people in our prisons. I don’t care what people have done. No one should ever have to endure this kind of torment. I’ve been studying about suffering and our world is full of it. But I take comfort in what the scripture says about suffering, Jesus suffered the most and out of that suffering came salvation to all who will believe. God calls us into that same suffering with Christ. And just like Christ, we’re going to endure some suffering. Suffering never feels good, it never looks good, but we know that our God is a God who takes something bad and turns it into something good. That’s just who he is! God said it’s acceptable for us to take suffering patiently when we endure suffering and grief wrongfully. 1 Peter 3:17 says…For it is better if the will of God be so, that you suffer for well doing, than for evil doing. God’s word says to hide his word in our hearts because something like this could happen one day and you might not be able to have his word. Don’t take your Bible for granted. Please pray daily that God puts a verse on Michael’s heart that he can meditate on. And a song in his heart. Thank you, God bless you!
June 27th, 2023
Hey everyone. It’s been a rough week spiritually and mentally. I feel like I have no more tears to cry. But even in my brokenness, I find peace in knowing that God is still with us he knows where we are and he’s bottling up our tears. I just wanted to give a quick update and ask everyone to pray! Michael’s attorney was trying to get the judge to keep him in FL since sentencing was moved back 30 more days (now Aug .16) She filed the motion on the afternoon of Friday the 16th and the court was closed on the following Monday and so he was shipped to Oklahoma in the middle of the night on that Monday before the judge could even get a chance to review the motion. I 100% believe it was intentional to try to get him to DC for that extra month. Michael was doing so well in FL and had a great ministry there with the men. Now he is back to square one. Since Monday the 19th he’s been without his Bible in a horrific facility in OK and has been extremely sick and worn down from all the travel over the last week. I had just ordered him some food and things he needed and some medicine and he was flown out next day so of course we lost all that money along with the commissary money in the last facility. It is so corrupt how they do that and don’t allow refunds. So from FL he was moved to OK and then to Philly area and then bussed 5 hours to upstate VA. They call this “diesel therapy” You can look it up but it’s basically another form of punishment and they have been doing it to lots of J6 guys. Please help me pray for his health, his peace, his protection and that he gets a Bible soon. He’s trying hard not to let any of this break him because that’s the purpose of all of this. Please pray for my children and I as well. The anxiety of the not knowing where he is and how he is, is a lot. Thank you all for the prayers.
May 31st, 2023
Hey y’all! Just wanted to share an update with you. I’m reminded of the story of Joseph as I witness the work the Lord is doing in and through my husband. Every day I speak to him his faith is stronger and renewed day by day. In Genesis 50:20 we see Joseph not angry or bitter with his brothers for what they did to him. But rather he looked at it through the eyes of Christ and realized what they meant for evil God used it for good and used Joseph to save many people from famine. And I see that in what Michael’s going through. Satan meant to destroy him but he’s still going and still doing all he can to bring hope to the men God has placed in his life and because of that men are being encouraged and saved. God truly is using this for good. Michael is still doing his daily Bible study and prayer meetings at night. He’s led 4 men to Christ now, and many others have rededicated their lives and one even told him he believed God sent him in there just for him because he needed to be reminded to come back to God because he’s been running for way too long and was on a path of destruction. To God be the Glory! Our church has also been sending in Bible’s to the men Michael is ministering to. Please pray for all these men. There are 12 that attend his Bible study and he is encouraged by their interest in God’s word and it’s proven to him this is not in vain and God is not wasting this hurt. He’s already proven himself so mightily. Praise God for his provision and for every fellow believer and American patriot who are being obedient to the Lords voice by helping take care of us through this dark time in our life. We are so blessed and grateful and we covet every prayer. It’s helping us stand when we are weakest. Pray for Michael as he will be flown to DC sometime after June 22nd in preparation for sentencing in July. Pray the DC guards and facility do him no harm and that God gives him favor among them in DC just as he has in PCSO. Also pray for sentencing and that his judge would be just and merciful. Thank you all for the continued support..God Bless you all!
May 4th, 2023
Just wanted to share a quick update and thank everyone that has donated since Michael had to turn himself in. It has allowed me to not have to stress the financial burden of this as much, on top of processing and adjusting. That truly is an answer to prayer and I’m thankful to God for his loving care and provision. Michael is redeeming the time he has in jail. Since starting his Bible study he has had the privilege of leading a precious soul to Christ and is encouraging many others who have strayed from the Lord. God truly never wastes a hurt. He is working in the unseen. He never promised a life without persecution and trouble but he did promise he would be with us wherever we go. And I know he’s with him and giving him strength to endure this “light affliction” that is for but a moment and that is worth so much in light of eternity. The Bible says there’s rejoicing in the presence of angels over one soul that repents “Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.”Luke 15:10 God and Jesus were rejoicing this week over this soul and Michael will be rewarded in eternity for his faithfulness in sharing the Gospel. “It will be worth it all when we see Christ, one glimpse of his dear face, all sorrows will erase, when we see Christ ❤️
Please pray for James as he grows in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus. Pray for Michael as he shares the love of Jesus with all who will listen and pray for him as he leads the men in nightly prayer meetings before bed that he has just started doing in addition to the Bible study. To God be the glory!
April 22nd, 2023
I’ve tried to type an update and have deleted it many times this week because I just couldn’t get my thoughts together enough to say what my heart was feeling. This past Monday April 17th Michael turned himself into the middle district of Florida court marshals for presentence detention which is in July. Our hearts are hurting and our minds are scattered. My poor daughter is devastated . She is a daddy’s girl.. We’re all just devastated to be honest. The first 2 days we just listened to each other cry over our phone calls. We had no words. Michael was stripped of everything, including his family, he couldn’t even get a Bible, he didn’t have a pillow, and he can’t receive any extra food or commissary items until next week so the thoughts of your husband being completely destitute while you try to get through your days, because life does not stop has been the hardest thing we’ve ever faced. But because God is so faithful and is near to the brokenhearted he has sent angels to minister to our family through calls, cards, and visits. Guards have encouraged Michael and some of the inmates have encouraged him as well. One inmate has even made a pillow for Michael and I was able to get a Bible sent in to him which he received Wednesday and since then he’s been in better spirits. He told me last night he was having his first Bible Study with a few inmates this morning (Saturday the 22nd).Praise the Lord! I also praise the Lord for his goodness and favor he’s shown to Michael and our family. I praise him for his provision and for the answers to prayer through all of this. The Lord is teaching me a lot about gratefulness and thankfulness. Or should I say my lack of gratefulness and thankfulness. When I sit down with my children for dinner, and we thank the Lord for our food, it’s different now. To know what my husband has for dinner compared to what we have makes it hard to eat sometimes.It truly does make you start to be really thankful for what you have. I don’t know why our family is walking through this. I don’t know why my husband has to suffer like he does, but I do know that God‘s word says in Romans 8:28 “And we know, that all things work together for good to them that love God to them that are the called according to his purpose,”I know I can trust him. I know his word is true. and I know there’s a purpose for this. There are souls that are precious to the Lord and Michael may be the only one that can reach them for God. They are not letting inmates freely have access to the Bible and they make it so hard to get a Bible so I believe God allowed Michael to be in there to preach his word so the Gospel could be in that place because someone there needs the Lord. That makes this suffering more bearable for me, I know this hurt is not in vain. When you go through this kind of hurt, satan desires for your hope to be destroyed. He wants you to feel hopeless. But God’s word has encouraged me to hope continually even when I feel like all hope is lost. A song that has helped encourage me is called “When God has another plan” by the Rochester family “Alone and brokenhearted, questions fill your mind, changes can be hard, but they come by God’s design. if you could see tomorrow, with a view from heaven’s throne, every unexpected struggle has lead you closer home. When God has another plan, be assured that he knows best, when all your dreams are shattered, rest in his sufficient grace, we don’t have to understand, when God has another plan.” Verses that have encouraged Michael- “For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, And his ears are open unto their prayers: But the face of the Lord is against them that do evil. And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good? But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled; but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ.”1 Peter 3:12-16 He said to thank everyone for the continued prayers and for all those who have written to us, Thank you!! If anyone would like to write him, you can message me through the prayer button and I can give you his mailing information. God Bless you all!
April 12th, 2023
March 23rd, 2023
Just wanted to give everyone a quick update. We are still struggling to come to grips with the reality of this all and we greatly covet your prayers as we walk through the next step. My husband will have to surrender himself in 30 days to await sentencing on July 13th. Our hearts are shattered in a million pieces over this. Please pray for the strength we need to get through this. Pray we don’t grow bitter, especially my children. Please pray I’ll find work and that it’s flexible and doesn’t take me out of the home so much as I still homeschool my daughter and my main priority is my home, also pray my son finds a job as well. My husband has his own business and so my son will also lose his employment being he works for his father. We don’t understand any of this but we trust that God’s ways are not ours and he always knows best. That doesn’t make this any easier but I know somehow he’ll get us through this fire. Thank you all for the continued support. Any financial help from now on will go directly to my bills. God bless you all!
March 17th, 2023
The past 10 days have shook our family to our core. We have been through one of the darkest valleys we have ever had to walk through but we’ve also felt such peace and we praise him for his goodness through it all. God sent complete strangers from all over the country to sit in that courtroom and pray us through. I like to think they were angels because we needed them as we sat there feeling so alone. We were blown away by the support and even though things didn’t go how we had planned we witnessed God reveal the truth, shame our accusers and we walked away able to forgive those who have terrorized our family for the last 2 years. I spent most of the first week of trial wanting to rip those people to pieces over the lies and hurt they’ve caused us but Friday I began to look at them differently, I looked with compassion. Jesus was showing me how he sees them. He loves them and wants them to be saved. They need him. It’s easy to hate them but our God is known by love and I want them to know that love. I’m thankful for the opportunity God gave me to see if I truly practice what I preach…loving and praying for my enemies. He put my faith on trial. I know that verse about loving your enemies but when you have to live it out that’s a whole different story but when I left the courtroom I pulled them all to the side and told them we forgive them and we will continue to pray for them and as those words left my mouth the bitterness I had, left as well! We had hundreds of people all over the country praying and we are so thankful for every prayer. We are still clinging on to every promise in the Bible. We are his children and no parent ever forsakes their children especially God! He has another plan and we know he’s gonna walk us through whatever comes next!
“We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;” 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 .
“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;” Matthew 5:44
Thank you for the support and please continue to pray for sentencing. And to the angels who sat with us in that courtroom you’ll never know the blessing you were to us in that moment. God bless you!
March 5th, 2023
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.