 USD $5,195
Campaign funds will be received by Informed Health Choice Missouri
Informed Health Choice Missouri has both a 501c3 and a 501c4 account. Contributions to our 501c3 ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE and are used for educational and related purposes.
Things that your donations are used for;
Thank you for you dedication and service to my fellow Missourians .
Thank you for your continued efforts in promoting informed health choice and choosing government candidates that will support your efforts!
I'm so grateful there are people advocating for health freedom in my new home state!
Event 9-21
Expo payment
Thank you for all you do!
Prayers for continued success!
Donation as payment for Platinum Sponsorship for September 2024 Expo.
Donation as payment for Platinum Sponsorship for September 2024 Expo.
Thank you for all you do
Than you for your continued service and commitment.
I am so grateful for the work of IHCM and want to support their tireless efforts to educate parents on their health choices in raising healthy humans, leading many individuals and to stand firm in their own health choices and guiding our MO legislators to protecting our God-given rights. It takes 'many hands' and I hope that you will consider joining our efforts with both your time and talent.
Keep up the good work of informing Missourians!
I donate for my v-injured brother, Keith Blakey, and many others, so that more education and transparency may be made available and medical freedom is supported for everyone.
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