Please help my J6er!


 USD $50,000


 USD $8,160

Campaign created by Angela Norwood

Campaign funds will be received by Angela Norwood

Please help my J6er!

Robbie has been so blessed to have had Marina Medvin, who some consider to be one of the best J6 attorneys, take his case. Thanks to the generosity of fellow American patriots, some of the legal fees that come along with having great representation have been paid, but unfortunately, there's still so much more to go.

Joining with several others, Robbie took action to fight the 1512 (c)(2) felony charge. He joined a petition to the Supreme Court for  writ of certiorari. After reviewing the petition, SCOTUS granted certiorari and agreed to hear their case. After both sides presented their arguments, the court eventually sided with the petitioners. They ruled that the DOJ could not charge them with 1512 (c)(2) unless they altered or interfered with some paper documents. 

Due to that decision, the DOJ has decided to retaliate against Robbie. After three and a half years, they are now being vindictive by charging him with 18 U.S.C. 231 (a)(3). This is another felony that he's clearly not guilty of, but that's not going to stop this out of control DOJ. They're using their unlimited resources (our tax dollars) to continue punishing J6ers who are only guilty of a misdemeanor or two (if that) and dragging them thru the mud for as long as possible to add to the stress, costs, and destruction they've wrought on these good men's lives. 

I say all that to say this; Marina Medvin has been a GOD SEND! Without her, Robbie would still be sitting in prison for a crime he didn't commit. He'd have been kept away from his daughter even longer.

Mrs. Medvin's time is very valuable, and we as a family are struggling to pay her what she's owed, much less what she's worth. Robbie lost everything he owned due to being imprisoned for a year pretrial. So it's been tough for him as he's trying to juggle rebuilding his credit and life while dealing with the crippling fear and anxiety of being the target of this out of control and overly litigious DOJ.

So I'm asking, once again, for all our fellow Americans and patriots to please give anything you're able to. Even if it's 1 dollar, 5 dollars, etc. Anything will help!

If every single person who sees this donated just $5, it wouldn't take long to meet and surpass our goal so we can pay Mrs. Medvin hopefully more than enough for taking on a case that nobody knew where the money would come from.

We sincerely appreciate everything and everyone for anything you're able to give, and we also humbly ask for your prayers as we continue having to fight this J6 nightmare after 3.5 LONG and stressful years.

Robbie is dreaming of the day he will be free and able to finally take his little girl (who is now 11) on a daddy/daughter trip somewhere fun and exciting. All he can do is try to catch up on so much unnecessary lost time from his little girl. The DOJ should be ashamed, but that would require a conscience.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
7 months ago

God is good. Trust Him.

$ 20.00 USD
7 months ago

May God bless you and keep you safe!

K Dale
$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

Stay strong. Praying for you.

$ 1000.00 USD
7 months ago

Ship sent me too. Fight!!!!

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
7 months ago

$ 20.00 USD
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 33.00 USD
7 months ago


Anonymous Giver
$ 35.00 USD
9 months ago

God be with you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 year ago

Sending this with love and prayers.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Eli Dumitru
$ 11.00 USD
1 year ago

$ 26.00 USD
1 year ago

For the LORD hears the needy and does not despise His who are prisoners. Psalm 69:33

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Derek Jancart
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 2500.00 USD
1 year ago

Lisa R
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

We need to free all the J6ers! It’s time!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 year ago

Keep the faith, Angela. God is and will provide for you, your son and family. May God richly bless you and yours.

Kathryn B
$ 150.00 USD
1 year ago

MY heart breaks fot those being kept from their life and for our country that has now illegally allowed political prisoning of our patriotic citizens..

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Mike & Robin
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago




July 26th, 2024

Robbie has been so blessed to have had Marina Medvin, who some consider to be one of the best J6 attorneys, take his case. Thanks to the generosity of fellow American patriots, some of the legal fees that come along with having great representation have been paid, but unfortunately, there's still so much more to go.

Joining with several others, Robbie took action to fight the 1512 felony charge. He joined a petition to the Supreme Court for  writ of certiorari. After reviewing the petition, SCOTUS granted certiorari and agreed to hear their case. After both sides presented their arguments, the court eventually sided with the petitioners. They ruled that the DOJ could not charge them with 1512 (c)(2) unless they altered or interfered with some paper documents. 

Due to that decision, the DOJ has decided to retaliate against Robbie. After three and a half years, they are now being vindictive by charging him with 18 U.S.C 231 (a)(3). This is another felony that he's clearly not guilty of, but that's not going to stop this out of control DOJ. They're use their unlimited resources (our tax dollars) to continue punishing J6ers who are only guilty of a misdemeanor or two (if that) and drag them thru the mud for as long as possible to add to the stress, costs, and destruction they've wrought on these good men's lives. 

I say all that to say this; Marina Medvin has been a GOD SEND! Without her, Robbie would still be sitting in prison for a crime he didn't commit. He'd have been kept away from his daughter for another year.

Mrs. Medvin's time is very valuable, and we as a family are struggling to pay her what she's owed, much less what she's worth. Robbie lost everything he owned due to being imprisoned for a year pretrial. So it's been tough for him as he's trying to juggle rebuilding his credit and life while dealing with the crippling fear and anxiety of being the target of this out of control and overly litigious DOJ.

So I'm asking, once again, for all our fellow Americans and patriots to please give anything you're able to. Even if it's 1 dollar, 5 dollars, etc. Anything will help!

If every single person who sees this donated just $5, it wouldn't take long to meet and surpass our goal so we can pay Mrs. Medvin hopefully more than enough for taking on a case that nobody knew where the money would come from.

We sincerely appreciate everything and everyone for anything you're able to give, and we also humbly ask for your prayers as we continue having to fight this J6 nightmare after 3.5 LONG and stressful years.

Robbie is dreaming of the day he will be free and able to finally take his little girl (who is now 11) on a daddy/daughter trip somewhere fun and exciting. All he can do is try to catch up on so much unnecessary lost time from his little girl. The DOJ should be ashamed, but that would require a conscience.


April 16th, 2023

 Thanks, in part, to the donations from everyone on GiveSendGo and other private fundraising, Robbie was able to retain an amazing attorney who is actually defending him. Although he's retained private counsel, he's still got a long way to go in order to pay off his legal bills. Please continue to share this campaign to anyone who may consider contributing to his legal fees! Thank you very much! Here is a snippet of the motion to dismiss count ONE that was filed on Friday the 14th. This is now public record and is the first time any of the truth about Robbie's case has been told."On February 25, 2021, Robbie Norwood of South Carolina, a 40-year-old father with no criminal record, was arrested and charged with misdemeanor and felony offenses related to his entry into the United States Capitol Building on January 6, 2021. On July 28, 2021, the Government obtained a Superseding Indictment to correct for errors made in the first, clarifying that the only felony charge against Mr. Norwood is Obstruction of an Official Proceeding, Count One. The remaining charges are misdemeanors related to trespass and disruption in the Capitol Building and on restricted grounds, along with one charge of misdemeanor larceny related to the taking of two items belonging to Capitol Police, conduct that occurred after Mr. Norwood exited the Capitol Building. Robbie Norwood is not charged with assaulting any officers. Instead, Mr. Norwood defended police officers from belligerent protesters, on two occasions, in different areas of the Capitol, forming a protective circle around officers along with others like Mr. Norwood, who had a similar protective instinct. At least one incident of Mr. Norwood shielding a police officer by forming a circle around him is publicly available at,, and Robbie is heard on video telling protesters not to touch the officers. Robbie Norwood even offered a uniformed officer, who looked parched, a blue Gatorade from his pocket. While Robbie’s colorful language in self-recorded videos inside the Capitol Building was less than polite, to put it mildly, his conduct never matched his words. Moreover, Robbie Norwood never made any comments related to the certification, or the election. In fact, Mr. Norwood didn’t even vote in the 2020 Presidential Election. Instead, Mr. Norwood appears to have wanted to protest in Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office, at one point exclaiming, “Where you at Nancy,” and eventually finding his way to the Speaker’s wing. Robbie did not break anything or cause any damage inside the Capitol Building or any office thereof. Robbie put multiple fallen items back in place when he observed them out of place. He is seen on video putting a fallen item back in its place as he walks past it. The video depicting Mr. Norwood replacing a fallen object in the Capitol hallway is publicly available at Robbie Norwood did not enter any Gallery or any space where a proceeding was taking place or would have been taking place. Mr. Norwood at one point approaches officers near the East Rotunda door asking to be let out of the building and is told that he cannot leave, that the doors must remain closed, at which point a crowd comes up behind Robbie and crushes him into the door, the force of the crowd eventually causing the doors to reopen — this is the most serious conduct in this case, according to the Government. At the last hearing, the Government mischaracterized this incident, stating to this Court on November 2, 2022: “Mr. Norwood was involved with a pretty crucial breach of one of the doors.” The statement was not challenged by Mr. Norwood’s court-appointed counsel in court but requires elucidation.The East Rotunda doors were “breached,” as per the government's verbiage, at 2:24 PM by George Tenney, who pleaded guilty to doing so. The doors were closed at 2:28 PM.CCTV video then shows Mr. Norwood, along with other protesters, appearing by those doors around 2:37 PM. He is seen speaking to the officers. Then Mr. Norwood is then seen forcefully pushed into the East Rotunda doors by the crowd, the force of the crowd causing the doors to reopen at 2:38 PM. Mr. Norwood is seen pressed against the door before he begins crawling along the door back inside and away from the crush of the crowd. Robbie is then seen bending over in pain and coughing. As he moves behind the crowd to wait in the back of the group to exit from the open doors, he sees members of the crowd attacking the police officer in front, who is guarding the doors. Robbie Norwood rushes to the front of the crowd and puts himself in harm's way once again, even after being injured, to defend the officer, along with the help of other protesters, together using their bodies to form a circle to shield the officer. Accordingly, Mr. Norwood’s involvement in the reopening of the East Rotunda doors was not one of voluntary control, and therefore the Government’s claim that “Mr. Norwood was involved with a pretty crucial breach of one of the doors” is a mischaracterization.The video of all events described here is public and available at:,, and "

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