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 USD $25,000


 USD $520

Campaign created by Rick Trader for AUN TV Network

Campaign funds will be received by rick trader


AUN TV Network: Urgent Call for Support


Northern California's devastating fires have disrupted countless lives and businesses. Among those severely impacted is the AUN Television Network. The fires destroyed the transmitters for two of our most popular stations, crippling our ability to communicate with a large portion of our audience.

The Importance of Our Mission

At a time when our country faces significant turmoil, it's more crucial than ever to share our perspective. As we approach the presidential election, our mission to uphold the Judeo-Christian ethics envisioned by our founding fathers must continue. We need to counter the misinformation propagated by the left and the Democrat party, including figures like Kamala Harris and Barack Obama, who we believe threaten the American way of life.

Challenges We Face

The influx of illegal immigrants is straining our resources, overrunning schools, clogging the justice system, and filling emergency rooms. It's essential to preserve American culture and prevent government expansion and national bankruptcy. We advocate for:

Revitalizing the American economy

Bringing manufacturing back to the U.S.

Boosting the petroleum industry

Opposing policies like the New Green Deal

Combating inflation

Refocusing education on fundamental subjects

Promoting homeownership and the American Dream

The Impact on AUN TV Network

While buildings and transmitters can be rebuilt, the lost airtime and revenue from donations and commercial partners are irreplaceable.

How You Can Help

We need your financial support to overcome these challenges. Your contributions will help us rebuild and continue our mission. If shows like PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP'S RALLIES, ROGER STONE, DINESH D’SOUZA, JOE MESSINA, STEPHEN MOORE, JAMES O'KEEFE, TONY PERKINS, ALLEN WEST, AMERICAN POLITICAL ZONE, and CONSERVATIVE COMMANDOS matter to you, please consider donating.


The future of the AUN TV Network is at stake. If you value our country as much as we do, please donate generously. Visit... 

.to contribute. Thank you for your support in this critical time. SUPPORT CONSERVATIVE AND FAITH BASED RADIO AND TV SHOWS...

Thank you for generous support of the AUN TELEVISION NETWORK.Your support keeps this network independent and empowers our mission to speak uncensored truth to our audience. You help to keep our amazing team of shows producers, editors, and researchers hard at work. 



A new era of independent news has started with an eye to revolutionizing the way America views the news, as The American Uncensored News made its debut about 2 years ago with the idea of creating a conservative broadcast TV network!  

We now are broadcasting on 11 stations in California and Nevada. 

American Uncensored News Network, (AUN-TV), was founded to solve what may be America’s biggest problem: the near monopoly on television of corrupt and censored news that advances the world view and policies of a small group that is hostile to American Values. These values, such as Liberty and Justice for All, Economic Freedom, and Limited Government have already been severely damaged. The future of America depends on exposing and defeating this monopoly by having a truthful and legitimate alternative.

All the news that's true has a home at the AUN-TV network, The Uncensored News Network! AUN-TV has a mission of creating “uncensored” news, talk and documentary programming from independent media and grassroots production.The network’s goal is to report the news and features other networks are afraid to touch.AUN-TV Network with its sister website: will air and post hard hitting credible stories that no other television network will touch.

AUN-TV operates a 11 station television broadcast network based in Northern California and Nevada. Broadcasting outlets include: Channel 3.10 (San Francisco, CA), Channel 12.10(San Francisco/Marin County) CA, Channel 8.10 (Fort Bragg/North Coast CA), Channel 27.10(Santa Rosa, CA), Channel 45.10(Wine Country, CA), Channel 23.10(Redding, CA), Channel 11.10 , (Chico, CA), and Channel 28.10 , (Sacramento/Chico, CA). All combined, the network covers a market of over 15 million people, with many yearning for AUN-TV’s unvarnishedand uncensored take on news and views. Our latest additions are channels 16.1 and 2.1 in Carson City and Reno, NV.

 AUN-TV and its companion website -, strives to air the news, issues and opinions the main stream media ignores and censors.There is an unmet need in America for uncensored news and investigations. Most TV news sources ridicule and demonize the majority of their own viewers, something unheard of in other industries.For example in polls only 15% of Americans believe that evolution is the sole source of humans, yet that 85% of Americans is ridiculed as if they were an extremist 2% group by most TV news channels. The same is true on other issues. AUN will respect our viewers right to think for themselves.The majority of Americans believe the news media has covered up multiple government corruption scandals, they are right. As someone who has been in the news media I have first hand witnessed news censorship. It is the mission of AUN to end that censorship."

Rick Trader is also the producer and host of the Conservative Commandos Radio Show (CCRS).Over the past 10 years, the CCRS has interviewed a "Who's Who” of thinkers, authors, writers and policy makers from Washington and around the world. 

Our goal is to bring original, thought provoking programs to the viewing public that has a thirst for the truth, and to return our country to the principals of Liberty, Rule of Law and Judeo-Christian ethics our founding father created it for.

Your donations are used to broaden our reach of audiences by expanding our network.

Recent Donations
Warren L
$ 25.00 USD
6 days ago

I'll be praying for your rebuilding and expansion of the AUN network. We need strong faith based conservative programming today to provide a counterpoint to the lies of the leftists.

Patricia Traeger
$ 20.00 USD
28 days ago

I wish I could give more, but I hope this will help. Thanks for your honest broadcasting. It's good to know that there is a source of good, reliable, and honest news reporting like AUN.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

I will help by sharing and posting on social media platforms.

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
1 month ago

We watch AUN every single day. Please go back on air asap.

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago


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