USD $50,000
USD $4,713
Campaign funds will be received by Deborah Sandoval
Glad you are courageous to see the light of Almighty God to help assist as you ride out this storm..
So nice maybe with Kash Patel as FBI. Will be getting tons of support
"Thank you Jake! I will pass this on to my son salvador for their travels and spreading the truth! We appreciate all you do" By Deborah Sandoval
Glad you are courageous to see the light of Almighty God to help assist as you ride out this storm..
"Thank you so much you have been a beacon of light during our storm!" By Deborah Sandoval
God bless!!
"God Bless all you do for us " By Deborah Sandoval
WELCOME HOME SALVADOR!!!!!!!! I’m SO SO SORRY for all you’ve been thru!! I hope you receive a YUGELY restitution for what the real criminals did to you all with the J6 set up. Much love and continued prayers for you and all J6’er’s. I’m a proud J6’er myself. I’m very proud of you!!! You did it!!! So glad you’re out!!!
"Thank you salvador has so many things he has to do to get back what they took. This will help him immensely GOD BLESS YOU MY FRIEND" By Deborah Sandoval
Your young and courageous 😬 never lose that fire!!!
"Nice! Thank you! God Bless" By Deborah Sandoval
Beyond thrilled you Hero son is home. Thank you God and TRump
"Thank you for your generosity and kindness It’s so good to be able to just see my son! Let alone hug him!" By Deborah Sandoval
Thank God finally! welcome home Salvador!
"Angie Thankyou for you kindness throughout this Salvador is getting back into life and it’s always easier with great patriots on our sise" By Deborah Sandoval
Glad you are courageous to see the light of Almighty God to help assist as you ride out this storm..
Glad you are courageous to see the light of Almighty God to help assist as you ride out this storm..
Glad you are courageous to see the light of Almighty God to help assist as you ride out this storm..
Hero you deserve A Medal not this torture If I had a So n I would want him just like you.Your Mother did a great job parenting.
We love and support you Salvador. You are not forgotten. This nightmare is almost over. Stay strong. God Bless you.
"I’m reading him all these wonderful blessings!" By Deborah Sandoval
Glad you are courageous to see the light of Almighty God to help assist as you ride out this storm..
Glad you are courageous to see the light of Almighty God to help assist as you ride out this storm..
Glad you are courageous to see the light of Almighty God to help assist as you ride out this storm..
Glad you are courageous to see the light of Almighty God to help assist as you ride out this storm..
Glad you are courageous to see the light of Almighty God to help assist as you ride out this storm..
March 16th, 2025
There are so many things going on around the country to help us J6ers heal and gather together and tell our stories. Also the tides are turning and we are being listened to and actually thanked for traveling to our nations Capitol and standing up for our constitutional rights freedom of speech. To question our government is our duty and it should be a protected one. The government that has been taking over “the deepstate” has no God our love of country they do not care about its citizens and in fact are thinning the beard and the assault on us was the beginning and only one part of their evil power struggle. They have pushed indoctrination of our children even to the point of changing their sexuality STERILIZATION. I have also witnessed the inside of a corrupt courtroom where the law and history was taunted and abused and a prison system ran criminally. Maybe you know someone who has been locked up and wasn’t given a chance for redemption, were they given a fair trial? I met some and also personally know one. I need help I am working full time and doing my best to pay for the travel costs to attend these events and help my son on his journey to heal but I can’t afford this. All J6ers need to have their voices heard and we are shouting for prison reform against a system that has been stealing and abusing using the imprisonment of Americans to fill their pockets and beat them down. The system is corrupt, their is no rehabilitation just power hungry abominations lining their pockets SLAVE DRIVERS!
I thank you for all you have done and am humbly asking that God puts it on your heart to continue blessing us
March 8th, 2025
My son’s life has taken a new direction After being released, he is traveling the country speaking out against the attack upon us, our country and God! We both felt a calling for prison reform as well. Currently he is helping build homes for veterans and J6ers that need help.
God can turn bad situations into good ones, as stated in Romans 8:28: "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose"
salvador lost more than 2 years of his life, spending nearly a year in solitary confinement and 2 birthdays behind bars. He also lost his Townhome, credit and his truck was stolen as well. He is starting over and could use any help to continue his journey
God Bless America!
February 21st, 2025
Salvador and Brian Mock have joined many J6ers in Washington DC
tyey are telling their truths about the corruption we have faced. I pray Kash exposes all the theft, treason and evil that has been tearing America apart and one day soon we can unite when all will have to face the facts
February 18th, 2025
Getting my son back lifted a weight off my back literally. We weren’t allowed to talk about what happened in DC and Salvador didn’t speak at all. I seen in DC at his trial that he got knocked down and came up and their was a DC cop FANONE standing over people beating them with a baton ( which the judge forbid anyone to talk about) we were only allowed to talk about Salvador pushing him and how that caused fear. Salvador finally told me exactly what happened. He as outside the Capitol no barricades and waiting to go inside as he seen people in there and he wanted to find me. The doors suddenly opened and the cops welcomed them in. When they got in Salvador looked up and there was people staring down at them, he waved and then the doors to the rotunda opened and they pushed a bunch of people in with them and it was extremely crowded and he wanted to get out but they closed the doors and stood around them not letting them out. Then he said it was like a game of pinball and the cops started knocking them down and he was getting crushed under people when he came up he was mad at that time and realized they were being attacked this wasn’t a game
he seen FANONE (DC cop) beating an elderly man who was in a fetal position on the floor with a baton and pushed that monster away. He did grab a shield to try to keep falling on women and dogs and elderly. I have heard so much more from others about the abuse. Salvador said he couldn’t find me and was in fear for me. I was on the other side of the Capitol. I heard FANONE is one of the cops who ran to the mountains and is hiding out with his guns swearing they won’t take him alive. At this point GO GET HIM
make them all pay for what they have done to us.
Salvador is traveling with a fellow J6er Brian Mock who also was in prison with him. They are educating the public about the truth. At this point if people don’t see it and send more hate mail
One day they will burn in hell and I won’t care.
They will make their journey to Texas to heal surrounded by fellow J6ers.
I’m so proud of my son
and I am proud of myself as well, that we stood for what we believed was true and we are part of saving America. God Bless everyone who has suffered by the devil who tried to destroy our country
any contributions are appreciated and will go directly to my son
thank you
January 26th, 2025
Please pray for my son Salvador he was tortured being in AD SEG for a year by the pure isolation and lack of sunlight alone.
As a mother I can see it affected my son.
Salvador’s first vote was for Trump, he studied our Government and saw what Obama was doing and knew we needed Trump.
We seen the evidence of the Michigan state hearing about election fraud and heard Cynthia Johnson call “her people to order” along with intimidating election workers who were brave enough to come forward. All the videos show clear evidence of it.
So we both made the trip to DC
we are witnesses to just how far the DOJ will go to hide a stolen election
January 25th, 2025
5 trips to DC, 1 to Pennsylvania for my lawyer, 2 to Alabama for prison, one to Minnesota to pick up my aon
my car has given up!
Still exceedingly happy!!
God will make a way!
January 23rd, 2025
I’ve been so worried about my son. Someone asked me how I was doing.
I realized how much I buried and finally released a lot of tears with many thankyous to my Lord.
Our Freedom has come at a price
January 22nd, 2025
My son is free!! The prison threatened to arrest me because I kept checking on him but thank God I have my child!
January 16th, 2025
4 days left to see my son!
I bought him some clothes so he doesn’t have to wear the prison Garb upon release! All of his things are packed on a storage unit.
His credit is gone his truck was stolen he lost his home, some precious family (namely my daughter his sister) have turned on him thinking he was brainwashed by me, I pray soon the truth is uncovered and that family will be remorseful but know we Havnt given up on her.
The evil ones who whispered in her ear and turned a daughter against mother and brother well I pray for them as they will face the heat
May God protect Trump and make these pardons speedy!
January 13th, 2025
We are praying that Salvador will be out January 20.
I am going to be waiting outside.
They started charging for phone calls now and make it difficultly for him to communicate.
I pray the truth about what happened to all of us is shown, also for the ones who attacked us further when we came home, I wonder if they have a conscious and how they will feel after their alignment with evil. This has been the hardest thing to overcome. But I am proud of my son and I as we didn’t sit on our couch and grumble about a stolen election we traveled to make our voices heard.
The guilty will end up paying soon!
the judges and prosecutors for their corruption of the legal system and hiding our truth
September 30th, 2024
Salvador was forced to pay his fine of 3200, they froze his spend and told him he would not get any good days until it was paid.
I will be off probation in October and if approved I can see my son, I havnt seen him since December 14,22. The separation and not knowing his safety has taken a toll I am changed. I am blessed to know God he is my only source of strength
September 13th, 2024
The FCI Sandstone bills and takes $500 a month off Salvador’s books they decided to withdraw $2000 and run an investigation ( for what they never said) and since he didn’t have that they froze his spending so he was unable to get commissary or make any purchases.
My son is strong but after experiencing prison myself, I understand when he says mom I just want to come home.
God I pray this is over soon I pray for all of us J6ers and President Trump…
and I pray for the ignorance that follows the corrupt deepstate
they are going to need it when this is exposed!
I did an interview on
Donna Brandenburgnewsnetwork I encourage all to watch her podcast as she interviews J6ers and gets the truth exposed
July 10th, 2024
Have not heard from my son for awhile which always worries me, he finally called and said he has been sick and couldn’t stand by the phone. The were all on punishment for a shank the guard found and n the trash and they finally got their commissary, and cafeteria privilege back as well as being able to go to the gym
June 19th, 2024
Talked to my son today they won’t let him go to a camp even though he qualifies, anyone who is charged with January 6 will not go to camp. All these jailers, prosecutors and judges are the real criminals and I pity the ones who are watching our country be destroyed and our children being groomed for their sick and twisted immorality.
I thanked a veteran for his service to our country and when he found out about my son and I he thanked us for our service
I pray for all this discord everyday
June 6th, 2024
Heading to court with our 3rd sentencing since 1/21
i never in my worst nightmare envisioned being attacked by this evil
pray for us
May 28th, 2024
I know many have been persecuted not only by this corrupt government but by the very ones we loved and cherished many have turned against us. My daughter (who is now 18) has been indoctrinated and calls me delusional. I have to say this hurts I haven't seen her for a year, I always told her when people speak against your mom RUN because I protect you with my life. I pray for the truth to come out for so many reasons
can we restore what has been stolen
pray for my family as I will be praying for mine and yours
I embrace God and the truth always
May 16th, 2024
I have replayed what happened at the Capitol millions of times but the other day one thing came to mind.
During the trial they attacked my son as he went in the Capitol and was shoved out the door he caught his breathe and went back in he knew their were still unarmed protesters being beaten, he was also trying to find his mother.
A child’s love and care for their mom I am so blessed by his life
May 6th, 2024
I haven’t heard from my son salvador Sandoval in 2 weeks, he usually calls me every Wednesday after Bible study, how can you not worry? I was in a women’s prison but do not know about the men’s prison, my son would not want to worry me and tell me if anything is wrong. Please pray for us.
An update
His truck was stolen about 6 months ago, this was an F350 that he worked hard for and was constantly working on, his pride and joy. I have not told him about it as he’s got enough to deal with. Well they found it totally stripped down and burnt.
I know it’s materialistic but he’s lost enough for this country I just didn’t want him to lose anything else.
April 21st, 2024
My sons second birthday in prison 😭
Happy birthday
I’m sitting here thinking what to say I hate that your in their and theirs nothing I can do about that. All I can do is remember the day I gave birth and how overwhelmed I was. You cried and had this deep voice like your dad. And your eyes were bright blue from the day you opened them. You were always so aware of your surroundings and would take in it all with a sense of peace. Banana baby food was your favorite so I always tried to make sure you got that. Every year was amazing watching you grow up. Even though I can’t be with you today you are part of me and I hold you close and remember the day you were separated from my womb to breath on your own. You were still in my heart
Today Even though we are separated I am with you just as the day you were born
and am so proud of your strength to stand your ground in the hardest of times. You stood up to the corruption in this country, And held on to the truth. I thank God for allowing me to be your mom.
One day this will be behind us and I can tell my grandchildren what you and I went thru, this will be a story for generations. We know we stood for God and Country. The deep-state will no longer exist and we were part of uncovering their assassination of AMERICA
Not many mothers and sons can say they’ve done this together.
I love you son
April 18th, 2024
My fiancées sentencing has been changed to June 6. 24 (666)
I know the prosecutor on the case reads this as he brought it up in court. I will tell him what I told him when I first met him
GOD BLESS YOU! It made him cringe before.. I can only hope the spirit of God moves in him and all who prosecute us unjustly.
My son and I were arrested feb 19, 21
and now My fiancée Jason curl in Nov 23.
I stand by my faith and with My President Trump. I’m holding the line and keeping the faith
April 13th, 2024
I still can’t visit my son but am grateful my 82 year old mother is able to go see him, this has definitely taken a toll on her.. she can’t talk to him without crying. Her health has gone down immensely she 105 and can’t seem to eat. Please keep her in your prayers. Salvador told me they are going to take $500 a month from his books to go towards paying for a Capitol we didn’t damage, and if it isn’t their he will be placed on restrictions and may get thrown in the hole. My fiancé will be sentenced 04/24 this has been going on since 2/19/21 God help us all
March 25th, 2024
No matter what this evil has doing I stand with God and love of our country and all who have lost their lives protecting us God bless all who are suffering to preserve our nation and uphold the Christian values that built it. My son is staying strong his attorneys didn’t represent him well and I am still doing things and looking for services to help. I miss him so much it’s hard to bare but I take comfort knowing we both are walking with God and some great patriots who suffer as well. May God comfort us and give strength and power to his chosen to save our nation change the world and all who have suffered under the rule of evil. Next month my fiancé will be sentenced keep him in your prayers
Salvador Jason and I
February 26th, 2024
my freedom is bittersweet as my son is still captive and I am denied seeing him and I just spoke to Audrey Southard-Rumsy (a fellow J6 patriot I met while incarcerated and now call sister) my heart hurts… none of us will be free until we all are reunited with our loved ones, God be with us and save our country from this evil.
February 23rd, 2024
Today my son called me from prison to let me know they denied my visit. I havnt seen him since December 14,22. My kids are my life. God gives me the peace I need to get thru all of this and I feel sorrow for all who do not understand what has been and is going on with our Country. I stand proudly with my son and all who took a stand peacefully against our stolen election and for America
January 30th, 2024
We hold our heads high despite the price we have had to pay.
God is with us and leads us thru the dark times
December 18th, 2023
I spoke with my son the other day he is doing well now that he was able to purchase a sweat outfit, he said it felt heavenly after being in a freezing cell with little to keep him warm.
I miss my son and can say I know what he and all are dealing with in prison after being thrown in one of their cages myself, just losing our freedom especially when you know it was taken unjustly is horrific mind boggling trying to make sense out of what the corrupt have done to your life and knowing the lies they have sold everyone. I am grateful to all who know the truth and support us and to all who don’t.. well I will pray for you… your going to need it one day you will know your failure.
to all who have been attacked by the corrupt Government :
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope” Romans 15:13, ESV.
“The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you” Romans 16:20
December 7th, 2023
Talked to my son yesterday. Their was a fight at the prison so they do mass punishment and took away their commissary except $25 for hygiene. They won’t let them have a Christmas they had given them extra spending and put special items on for the Holidays only to use it as a punishment. He is grateful to not be in solitary confinement and be able to see the grass and outdoors after a year of only being able to stand on a hot roof and look up the sides of a building to see the sky. Salvador asked me how my freedom feels after my incarceration. I’m not free, my heart and mind are always with my son, I pray for him and all J6ers and their families who are suffering at the hands of these demons.
November 27th, 2023
We went to visit my son over the Thanksgiving weekend and after driving 6 hours were stopped n the parking lot and turned away
they are locked down and make no exceptions.
I pray God takes care of all who suffer under this corrupt evil government
November 21st, 2023
We are witnesses to the actual attack on the Capitol. This was a trap set by the corrupt. My heart hurts as I witness the country I love and Government I believed in (and raised my children too as well) attack and criminalize my son.
an example of the corruption and weaponization of the FBI
My son bought a gun when BIDEN threatened to take away our 2nd amendment rights ( gun purchases went up 70%). In court The FBI agent was asked what he removed from my sons home, he left out the gun,why? Because he then called witnesses and talked to them about the gun, and as a result they told the witnesses that if they testified it would now harm my son. Then used the gun to support keeping him ( even though they took it and it had never been fired. And he was within his constitutional rights to possess one) DO NOT SPEAK TO THE FBI they do not serve the people and sadly most are now used against us.
We also had a witness ( disabled veteran) who seen the barricades were down and people dressed like police were attacking unprovoked protestors including himself and the police did nothing. They put two pictures of him at the protest up as a silent threat. As a mom I absolutely stand by my truth but had to take a plea …. This court has no Bible and no swearing in before God
my son stood as a man when asked on his word what can he say to the court to make them believe he wouldn’t run, why they should not hold him until sentencing, he said, “ I would consider that and act of cowardice, and I AM NOT A COWARD.
My guess they didn’t like hearing I’m not running from you I do not fear you.
I have always taught my children to love and honor God and Country. I went with my son to cast his first vote proudly! Donald Trump was my sons first time voting.
My son was sentenced to 7 years and after threatening me with adding 50 years to his sentence I took a plea and served 5 months in the worst prison they could find
my son is at
Salvador Sandoval 30875-509
P.O. BOX 1000
God SAVE America and I pray the truth prevail soon!
November 3rd, 2023
Deborah is out of prison and trying to help others who have also never seen the inside of prison, she did well and has made some life long friends. Salvador was sentenced to 7 years. Just trying to grasp the devastation it has brought to the entire family and a mother who hasn’t seen her son in almost a year. Anyone with half a brain can see this is a political assault that gives a clear message that the installed government intend on punishing anyone who questions it. We know the truth, all who have been arrested know the truth they will not silence us. Deborah is trying to get back on her feet and take care of her son, as most know a mothers love puts her child first please continue to pray.
Thank you for all the donations and the letters and books Salvador is now in Minnesota
July 2nd, 2023
Deborah is currently serving her sentence in Aliceville Alabama, beginning June 19. She is grateful for all the prayers and support. As of this update She still has not been given the medication she requires. Other inmates have been kind and helpful. Please keep them in your prayers as well . God bless.
June 19th, 2023
Trying to say the right words as I stand in the prison parking lot. I love God country and
lets go Brandon!
June 12th, 2023
I leave for Alabama to report in to Aliceville Federal penitentiary 6/19/23. I am sentenced to 5 months. Then under supervised release for a year and restitution $525.00
I know my truth, I have no fear, my faith has grown as I feel Gods presence, I have been blessed with peace in all this chaos.
I know every single person in that courtroom knows the truth but hide behind corruption. Lying is listed in 1 Timothy 1:9-11 as something practiced by the lawless.
There are six things that the LORD hates,
Seven that are an abomination [j]to Him:
Haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
And hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that run rapidly to evil,
A false witness who declares lies,
And one who [k]spreads strife among brothers.
One day they will have to answer to God for their deception. And I pray that day happens soon!
May 27th, 2023
My daughter was told she has to turn herself in June 19 to an Alabama prison. My grandson and daughter wrongfully imprisoned by this corrupt evil. Please pray not only for us but all who are facing the deepstate, I am 81 years old and have always been a proud American, they have taken over and I only wish I had known this so I could have done something to spare my child and grandson. May God have mercy on the evils soul
they will need it
May 20th, 2023
My grandson has been held in a cage only being able to take two steps in all directions in administrative segregation since December 15,22. My daughter will be jailed and told where to go in June. Recently we have been threatened to stop communicating with anyone from January 6 or it will affect her release.
I read all the heartache of all that supported their freedoms with a peaceful protest and I hear the same stories of being attacked and fighting for their lives.
All are strangers with the same story… and are not allowed to speak without threat, I pray the world wakes up, soon this may be their reality and you will have to choose to stand against the tyranny and speak for righteousness and your constitutional rights. I pray to our almighty savior for strength against the evil who are persecuting the just
For Strength in the Battle Against Evil
be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. (Ephesians 6:10–)
May 4th, 2023
Isaiah 54:17
17 no weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed,
and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord
and their vindication[a] from me, declares the Lord.”
May 2nd, 2023
June I turn myself in to the bureau of prisons……….
2 Corinthians 4:9
persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed
We can have thankful hearts toward God even when we do not feel thankful for the circumstance. We can grieve and still be thankful. We can hurt and still be thankful. We can be angry at sin and still be thankful toward God. That is what the Bible calls a "sacrifice of praise" ( Hebrews 13:15
April 25th, 2023
April 22nd, 2023
January 9th, 2023
Beware you may be the next mother packing up her child’s home if you dare to question and stand for God and country
The guilty attacked… lied and deceived they are honored ( By the corrupt) and free
God's Word tells us Jesus' reaction to being wrongly accused: “When they hurled their insults at Him, He did not retaliate; when He suffered, He made no threats. Instead, He entrusted Himself to Him who judges justly” - 1 Peter 2:23
January 9th, 2023
January 9th, 2023
Salvador called he’s staying strong. He is still locked up 22 hours and given reading material focused on re-education written by the corrupt who are persecuting.
We are holding the line….
January 4th, 2023
They took away a mothers defense
and Left her begging the Marshall
(as he placed her sons watch in her hands) to please not hurt her son,
as they cuffed him
Sent home waiting for a call
from her son knowing
he is locked up 22 out of 24 hours.
Praying for this nightmare to end
God help us all
Alexandria Detention center
Salvador Sandoval (281875)
2001 Mill Road Alexandria, VA 22314
January 2nd, 2023
My daughter was coerced into a plea and my grandsons witnesses were intimidated. He stood his ground bravely knowing their was no Justice or truth
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.