Kitten rescue

Monthly Goal:

 USD $150

Total Raised:

 USD $1,010

Raised this month:

 USD $0

Campaign created by Kent McManigal

Campaign funds will be received by Kent McManigal

Kitten rescue

There are many feral cats in this area and no cat rescue groups are local enough to help. The closest one is across the state line and has said they can't cross the state line to help me.

This puts me in the position of needing to help cats and kittens pretty often, which is more than I can afford. I can spare the time, but not the money.

The immediate need is a kitten that needs medical care for infected eyes. I rescued one in a similar condition last summer and it cost in the neighborhood of $600 for all his care. That's what I'm setting the goal at for now, but depending on how it goes, I would like to make this an ongoing fundraiser to help the cats on a more permanent basis.

I would like to get a few cats "TNR"ed (trapped, neutered, released) to stem the flow of homeless kittens. There are a couple of cats-- one in particular-- who would make great pets and I would love to find loving forever homes for them. If I had room in my house for another cat, I would have already adopted one of them. (Ask about Tobbles.) 

Another ongoing expense is their food. I'm only feeding about 5 of them regularly, but sometimes visitors show up. A neighbor of mine also spends his own money to feed the strays (about a dozen of them in his case), and I would like to get enough money coming in to surprise him with ongoing help with that expense, if possible.

I want to make clear that I am doing this as an individual. I don't have a rescue organization of any kind, nor do I plan on creating one.

So, the ball is in your court. What happens next is up to you.

Thank you for your consideration, whatever you decide to do.

Recent Donations
$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

Hope this helps to cover expenses for treatment or whatever needs are most urgent for the kittens at this time.

$ 210.00 USD
2 months ago

Thanks for your help and dedication to these kitties,

Anonymous Giver
$ 190.00 USD
3 months ago

Thanks for your compassion and helping these beautiful fuzzies. Merry Christmas!

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
8 months ago

Lora M
$ 25.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
1 year ago

Lora M
$ 25.00 USD
1 year ago

N Frederickson
$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

Thanks for taking care of those kittens!

N Frederickson
$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

Thanks for taking care of those kittens!

N Frederickson
$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

Thanks for taking care of those kittens!

N Frederickson
$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

Thanks for taking care of those kittens!

N Frederickson
$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

Thanks for taking care of those kittens!

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
1 year ago

Good luck.

N Frederickson
$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

Thanks for taking care of those kittens!

N Frederickson
$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

Thanks for taking care of those kittens!

N Frederickson
$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

Thanks for taking care of those kittens!

N Frederickson
$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

Thanks for taking care of those kittens!

N Frederickson
$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

Thanks for taking care of those kittens!

N Frederickson
$ 10.00 USD
2 years ago

Thanks for taking care of those kittens!


A cat update

February 28th, 2025

I had a cat die on my porch last night. It was a white one with black patches that I've seen around for a long time (years), but he never was a regular to the porch until the past week or so. I suspected he was in his final days- he looked old, tired, and worn out. At least in his last days he got to eat and had a warm shelter (which is where he died). RIP.

MommyCat is getting larger in her most recent pregnancy. She avoided eating out of the bowl the dying cat ate from, which is probably why she's still around and looking healthy. I fed her separately when she'd show up.

The blind cat I named Greebo has vanished. I didn't find his body, nor did I see him dead on the side of the road anywhere. As with most of the porch cats, he simply disappeared. At least, the antibiotics seemed to have cleared up his infection. I wish he'd trusted me a little more, and had stayed inside my fence. I do what I can.


January 27th, 2025

We got a big (6" is big for here) snow at the same time I got some donations to put toward vet care for the porch cats. The donations are really appreciated and have been helping.

Unfortunately, I have not seen either kitten since the snowstorm. I don't think they made it- if they'd stayed on my porch, I think they would have survived. This makes me sad. 

The loss of her kittens upset MommyCat. Since the storm, she has been extremely skittish and scared. Not spending time on the porch, or even really eating the food I set out for her. I haven't been seeing her nearly as much recently. She acts this way every time she loses her companions- which keeps happening. (When I do see her, she's sitting under the bird feeder, trying to catch birds to eat. I haven't seen her succeed yet.)

This isn't the only trauma she's experiencing, though. A new cat showed up right after the storm. MommyCat avoids any contact with him whatsoever, and I can't blame her for that.

This new cat was so sick when I first saw him, I expected him to be dead the next morning. His entire face was completely covered in pus and blood- I thought both eyes were ruptured. He would sleep on a pillow on the porch most of the day, and visit the food and water periodically. But he couldn't see anything and would bump into things as he tried to find his way to the bowls. His condition hurt me to see.

But he was alive the next day and he seems determined to live. He keeps surprising me. So I'm trying to help.

I saw him wandering out at the fence one day when it was very cold, so I thought I would go out and see if I could gently guide him back to the porch. Instead, he got scared and ran full speed into the bricks of the house. His poor nose started dripping blood. I hadn't helped at all.

He eventually found his way back to the sheltered porch and the food. 

I keep putting food out for him. I put a heating pad on the outside of the straw-filled shelter, to keep him warmer during the worst of the cold. He sleeps inside it most of the time.

I started trying to give him penicillin, hoping his disease is bacterial. But he didn't eat the pill pocket the first few times.

There was a day I didn't see him at all. I suspected he had died inside the shelter. The next day I was getting ready to open the shelter and remove his body when I heard him moving inside. So I left him alone and he later came out. Still looking horrible, but hanging on and eating.

The day before yesterday I tried yet another pill pocket with penicillin, but this time I buried it in tuna and canned food, trying to trick him with varied textures and flavors. It worked! He ate the penicillin!

When I saw him a little later, it was obvious he was getting over his illness on his own, though. For the first time, I saw his eyes. I couldn't see their condition, but they weren't caked over and he was looking around. He could see! The fur is missing around his eyes and he still looks terribly sick, but for the first time, I see some hope. He took his penicillin again yesterday, and I gave him more this morning, but I haven't checked to see if he ate it yet.

If he keeps improving, maybe he will stay around.

I need to find someone who can foster MommyCat, and maybe this new guy, if I can get them spayed/neutered. I can't do it because I can't risk exposing my indoor cats to any diseases they may be carrying. So far, I haven't found any takers. 

Everyone keeps telling me which vets will "fix" strays, but it's always the same story: I have to trap the cats, transport them to the vet, pay for the surgeries, and then house the cats as they recover. I can pay for the surgeries now (I had to spend some of the money on food, medicine, and other cat supplies, but I can still cover the surgeries if I can make them happen before they need more things), but I need, at least, fosters for after the surgeries. I won't risk the health of my indoor cats. Fosters for strays/ferals are really hard to find around here. But I'm trying some other avenues now.

And that brings you up to date.

Thank you!

Update Changes Image
Kitten attrition

November 18th, 2024

We lost the black kitten. It disappeared a few days ago after getting goopy eyes.

I contacted the rescue again, but she says she's still too full to help.

The remaining kittens and MommyCat are doing OK. The white kitten had an infected eye a few days ago, but it looks better now.

I've gotten the shelters ready for them, but haven't seen them go inside. Maybe it's not cold enough yet.

It's pretty discouraging, but I'm doing what I can.

The picture is of the white kitten playing in the backyard next door. I wish they'd stay inside my fence so I could help keep them safer, but they won't.

Update Kitten attrition Image
The kittens are here

October 22nd, 2024

I had a disappointment this week on the kitten front.

MommyCat started bringing her kittens to my porch a week or so ago. As soon as they were here much of the time I texted the woman with the cat rescue who had said she'd help me.

She can't help me now.

She's full of rescues at the moment. She said she might be able to help later. I'm not going to count on it.

MommyCat has three kittens this time: a black, a dark tortoiseshell, and a white. I was hoping to get them rescued soon so the food supply wouldn't be eaten quite as fast. That may not happen.

Update The kittens are here Image
Update #59

October 10th, 2024

My campaign keeps getting unpublished. 

It’s not just about the donations, but about keeping the supporters up to date.

 I’ll write a proper update soon. For more I just wanted to get the campaign back up.

The porch cat/kitten situation

September 16th, 2024

Today MommyCat's newest litter is 6 weeks old. I haven't seen them yet, but they could show up with her any day now. The last litter was a couple of weeks late. I had decided she had lost them before they came around. She lost them all later.

I'm still feeding just the 3 porch cats. MommyCat (when she shows up, which is not at every meal), Minnie (or Mini), and Watcher. Minnie is the most regular- she rarely misses a feeding. 

Minnie has started "talking" to me when I feed her. She was silent up until a few weeks ago. Now she meows to me and doesn't run away when I go out with food. She doesn't get close enough to touch, but she doesn't seem particularly scared anymore. I'm working on her.

Other than waiting on the newest litter, not much has happened. I'm still going to text the cat rescuer who had said she'd help just before MommyCat disappeared to give birth. Maybe I can break the cycle.

The numbers are still down

July 20th, 2024

At the moment, only MommyCat is a regular on the porch or at feeding time.

Sometimes Mini and/or Watcher will show up-- as they both did yesterday morning.

MommyCat still looks lonely and depressed- I know I'm probably anthropomorphizing but she acts differently now, and not in a good way. I'm still trying to make friends with her, but she is skittish as ever. She meows and sometimes hisses as I approach the food bowl- I think she's overwhelmed.

She spends a lot of time napping on the front steps, but she does still wander away from the porch.

I'm doing what I can for her.

Update The numbers are still down Image

June 19th, 2024

GiveSendGo unpublished this campaign due to a lack of activity. I republished it but in case it disappears again, here's my Patreon page with the same campaign:

The state of the porch cat situation

June 10th, 2024

It hasn't been a good couple of months for the porch cats. After losing Scooter, it looks like I've also lost Oliver and Pants, and possibly two more as well.
The fluffy black cat I had nicknamed Booger (because he always had a cold) hasn't been seen in over a month, and the solid gray cat I was calling Cheeks has also disappeared. Plus, the long-haired while with dark gray spots that I think of as Brick hasn't been around for a week or more.
Losing Pants hurts the most. He had been around the longest. For a long time, he was the only porch cat who wanted to be petted, often demanding pets before he would eat. He and MommyCat showed up together a few years ago, and were nearly inseparable. She has been acting much more scared and insecure since he disappeared. And her latest litter of kittens never appeared, so I'm guessing she lost them all. Oliver was nearly always with MommyCat and Pants, so he was a part of the family group.
Right now, Grabie-- the last remaining kitten from MommyCat's July 10, 2023 litter-- is still around. MommyCat still shows up about half the time. Other than the occasional skunk, that's it at the moment. I still see Watcher, and he's doing much better-- barely limping now after healing from his broken leg-- but he has never been a regular at the food bowl (at least, not while I'm watching).
Grabie is very happy to see his mom when she comes to eat, and he still tries to nurse, even though he's larger than she is. Grabie took Scooter's death pretty hard, and then when Pants was lost, he was dealt a double strike. For a while, he lost all his will to live and I wasn't sure he was going to make it, but he seems like he's doing better. After losing all his friends he has become very vocal, meowing to me every time I go out to feed him. And now he lets me pet him at feeding time.
My daughter says it is depressing to look out on the porch now and miss so many of the cats we were used to seeing. But I'm committed to keep caring for those who remain.
We may get a big influx of cats soon. The neighbor who feeds the cats across the street has put his house up for sale. If he moves, all those cats will go hungry and may discover my house. I'm not sure how I'll be able to feed all of them, but I'll do my best.
Update The state of the porch cat situation Image
Another loss

April 21st, 2024

Saturday morning I discovered Scooter, the fluffy orange porch kitten, dead on the street beside my house. She'd been hit by a car.

Someone had the decency to move her body to the curb, but from the blood stain, I know where she was hit.

That means Grabie is the last surviving kitten from the July 10, 2023 litter.

Scooter was nearly always waiting for me at feeding time. I take comfort in knowing she never went hungry. She was healthy after she got past her kitten infections. She seemed happy and playful. I never managed to pet her-- she'd never get close enough. I offered my hand to sniff, but she never did. She'd just wait under the scooter where White Kitten loved to wait, for me to fill the bowl. I respected her space.

She and Grabie were playing hard the day the above picture was taken (April 12). I had given her a little foam rod that White Kitten loved to play with, and she was having fun with it. Grabie wanted to play and he attacked her and they spent several minutes chasing and wrestling with each other while I watched. I wish I'd made a video of that.

In other news, Pants is sick. Gunky eyes, congestion, and a little thin. I hope he pulls through. MommyCat should bring her new litter around sometime in the middle of May (so we can start the whole thing over again). Oliver has been a less frequent visitor-- only showing up a few times each week recently. And not looking quite as healthy when he does. 

The disease vector may be a black fluffy cat I've nicknamed Booger-- she always has bad cold symptoms and a really snotty nose. She's been like this for 6 months or more. She's very friendly and has been hanging around for food more regularly. She'd push her way in the door if I weren't careful. I feel bad that I can't let her come in, but I can't risk the health of the indoor cats.

I've seen Watcher quite a bit. He still has a limp, but seems to be doing pretty well. He has been jumping from the steps up to the rail, which is probably 3 to 4 feet. 

There have been a few other transient visitors. including a really cute, friendly white w/black patches cat that hung around for a few days before disappearing. She or he left the day I mowed, even though I left his/her napping spot intact. I guess it was just too much disturbance.

Trying to help the cats is heartbreaking. All I can do is to make sure they have food. I can't convince them to stay in my fence where it's safe.

Update Another loss Image

March 22nd, 2024

Sunny's vet bill is higher than expected, because they removed more teeth than they expected to. Plus she had an ear infection. 

It's $887

I'm going to have to max out the CareCredit card and scrape together every cent I can find. If you can help, I'd appreciate it.

Rescue, plus 6 years

March 20th, 2024

Sunny, a cat we rescued and brought inside 6 years ago, had to make an urgent trip to the vet today. Her teeth have been bothering her (even after taking her to the vet over this issue last Fall) and it suddenly got much worse overnight. I've been pretty stressed over this for a while now, but I couldn't watch her in pain anymore, so she's going in for surgery tomorrow morning to get all her back teeth removed and get everything else cleaned up. The surgery is estimated to be $700 and I already got $100 to apply to the bill. If anyone else wants to chip in, it would be appreciated.
Update Rescue, plus 6 years Image
Porch cats, post-White Kitten

March 17th, 2024

The porch cats have been different since White Kitten died. They weren't steady about showing up at feeding time for a week or two. I'm not sure what was upsetting them. Or if White Kitten was just a uniting force for them. She was special.

They are coming back to eat again, but only Grabie has been napping on the porch regulatory. Scooter, the orange kitten, has been more skittish. Oliver was scarce for a while, but was napping in the yard yesterday-- it was the first time I'd seen him in a couple of weeks. I'd been afraid something had happened to him.

MommyCat is showing her pregnant belly again. Pants is still his friendly (as long as it's feeding time) self.

Watcher is still around, and still limping from his injury. I guess he's learning to deal with the handicap-- I wish there were something I could do for him. There have been a couple of other visitors, including the fluffy black cat who always has a snotty nose.

I'll keep doing the best I can for them all, under the circumstances.

RIP White Kitten

February 29th, 2024

White Kitten died overnight. I don't know what else to say.

I'm sorry I couldn't give you the life you deserved, little one.

White Kitten's vet report

February 27th, 2024

It wasn't what I wanted to hear.

I did get White Kitten to the vet this afternoon, thanks to those who helped. Her report could have been better.

White Kitten is FeLV positive, so I can't bring her inside with the other cats. Which leaves me really disappointed. This wasn't the outcome I wanted.

She also has a touch of pneumonia, along with the upper respiratory infection.

She got a long-lasting antibiotic shot, a steroid shot, and an anti-nausea shot after she threw up the oral antibiotic the vet gave her But she still threw up the oral antibiotic I gave her this evening, so I don't think I'm going to be able to give her that one. I'll keep trying.

She's confined to a cage on the porch so I can keep trying to medicate her. She is lethargic. I hope it's a side effect of the medications and she gets better by morning. She has food and water, and a small bowl for canned food. She has a pillow and a litter pan-- and she's lying in the litter pan. The cage is multi-level so she can get some exercise if she feels like moving. I've covered a couple of sides with an old bath towel, to keep the sun off of her, if she wants shade. She'll need to be confined for 10 days, or until I run out of/give up on the oral antibiotic.

I know FeLV is pretty much a death sentence (RIP, Kirby!) but I'll do my best for her as long as I can. If I ever find someone who wants to adopt her and make her an indoor cat for the rest of her life, I'll jump at the chance.

White Kitten update

February 25th, 2024

A week and a half ago I decided I had to do something to help White Kitten (I need to name her) because she has had an upper respiratory infection most of her life. I looked through my box of vet supplies and found some oral antibiotics-- it looked like enough to give her a full course, and I decided to try it. She had gotten friendly enough that she was letting me pet her and briefly pick her up. The instructions on the box said to give it for 7 days, but the instructions the vet had given me (for the original patient) was to give it for 5 days. I started her treatments and by the second day I could see an improvement. On the 5th day, she had decided she wasn't going to take the medicine anymore. I had to wait until she was distracted bathing to pick her up and dose her. The 6th day she wouldn't come near me. I waited until she was napping and I picked her up. She ripped me up and tried to bite me, but I got the dose in her. The next day she had no trust in me whatsoever. A 7th dose wasn't happening. That was splitting the difference between the vet's instructions and the box instructions, so I hoped that would do it. She looked so much healthier and happier! The picture here is after just a couple of days of treatment, and she got to looking even better than that. But this morning she again has a snotty nose and crusty eyes. If there's going to be any help for her, I'm going to have to take her to a vet-- which I can't afford to do. It would be rough on her anyway, since I would probably need to cage her to make sure I could finish her treatment. If I did that, and it also turned out she is negative for FeLV and FIV, I would bring her in to make her a housecat. She's tiny. Half the size of her littermates. She ought to be full-size by now, since she's over 7 months old. You wouldn't believe how tiny her paws are. Anyway, do you think I should try?
Update White Kitten update Image
Snow, Watcher, and White Kitten

February 11th, 2024

We had a bit of a snow overnight. I knew it was coming, so I made sure the cats were taken care of as much as possible. They seem fine this morning, although they're spending most of their time inside the shelters.

I saw Watcher yesterday at a house across the street (where he usually stays). He's still unable to use his leg. 

White Kitten is still sick, but she's getting more friendly. She wants to be petted when I go out to feed them, and she purrs and seems very happy when I rub her little head. She's so tiny.

Orange Kitten and Grabey (Gray Baby) are doing well. They are twice as big as White Kitten.

I haven't seen Pants in a few days, and have only seen MommyCat or Oliver a couple of times. I'm hoping they are over at the neighbor's house. The weather may have them hunkering down somewhere.

I got a load of canned food a couple of weeks ago, which may last a month or more. I had to pick up a bag of dry food yesterday, but that should last me a while, too.

Everyone is doing as well as can be expected. 

Update Snow, Watcher, and White Kitten Image
Injured cat

January 29th, 2024

I was plunged into depression as soon as I went out to feed the porch cats this morning.

The "regulars" are doing OK-- other than White Kitten's chronic eye, nose, and ear infection.

What upset me was the cat I call Watcher. He's a black cat with a small white dot on his chest. He was limping along the outside of the fence, crying in distress. He was holding up one of his back legs.

I don't know if it's broken or just otherwise hurt.

He won't let me get close to him, but I talked to him from a distance. He sat fairly normally, so maybe the bone isn't broken.

Watcher rarely comes inside the fence. If he would, and would stay, I could at least keep him safe from cars and dogs, and keep him fed.

I don't have a cat trap, but neither do I have the money to do anything about it if I trapped him. I don't really want a cat trap for that very reason. I feel so useless in these situations.

Basically all I can do is feed them and give them shelter. Anything else is out of reach. Which is why White Kitten still has the infections.

MommyCat and kids

January 4th, 2024

This is a picture of MommyCat (on the right) and her three surviving kittens (born July 10, 2023). White kitten is a runt, as you can see.

Update MommyCat and kids Image
New Year's update

January 1st, 2024

As 2024 begins, I am currently feeding Pants, MommyCat, her three surviving kittens, Oliver, and the occasional visitor.

At the moment I have enough canned food for 3 weeks-- after some difficulty finding the food at an affordable price, it has been available fairly consistently for the past month or so. I try to stock up every chance I get, if I have the money to do so. That hasn't been an issue recently. (Now, if the store will keep it in stock.) The dry food is easier to come by, and I have a month or so of that left.

The kittens are using the straw-filled shelters, at least at night. The days haven't been cold since the little cold snap we had a month or so back.

I still don't know the sex of the orange kitten or the white kitten, but if either of them is a female, I know I'm in for more kittens this year-- above the litter MommyCat will inevitably have. The surviving gray kitten is now larger than MommyCat, and is male (I think). The kittens are still too shy for me to get a good look at-- at least from behind, which is why sexing them has been difficult.

I really appreciate the help I've gotten toward taking care of them-- both on this platform and off. They are good cats and deserve all the help we can give them.

Update New Year's update Image
RIP calico kitten

December 16th, 2023

We had a couple of wet days when I didn't see much of the kittens. The food would still be mostly gone by the next feeding, but the porch cats were mostly staying sheltered inside the straw-filled shelters I provided for them.

Yesterday was dry again, and at the evening feeding everyone was present. But the calico kitten was very skinny, sick, and weak. And there was nothing I could do about it, as I've detailed in other posts.

This morning I found her dead beside the house, and I buried her near Tobbles, Kirby, and her gray adopted littermate.

I'm so sorry I failed you, little one. If I'd had any way, you would have been brought into the house weeks ago.

Update RIP calico kitten Image
The colony has shrunk

December 12th, 2023

The porch kitten that reminded me of Tobbles hasn't been around in a long time. Not sure if something happened to it, or if it went back where it came from. The calico that showed up at the same time (presumably a littermate) was fully adopted by MommyCat and is still around with her and her kittens.

But I lost one of MommyCat's kittens.

I hadn't seen the smaller gray kitten in a few days, so I searched this morning and found his body in one of the straw-fulled shelters I set up for them last week. He was already starting to smell bad. I buried him near Tobbles and Kirby. I'll wash and air out the shelter as soon as the water in the hose thaws, and put new straw inside. 

It makes me really sad to lose one. He had gotten friendly enough that I could pet him sometimes.

I'm going to need to stock up on food soon-- just so I don't get close to running out again. I'm struggling through tons more medical bills, but I can't let the cats down.

She's a good MommyCat

October 16th, 2023

MommyCat seems to have adopted yet another kitten. A little orange who looks like a small Tobbles showed up at the porch yesterday, hanging out with MommyCat and the kittens.

The calico and this new orange are more shy than MommyCat's litter. I suspect they haven't been exposed to humans as much. I'm wondering if these two newcomers lost their mom and have been looking for someone to take her place. They seem to love MommyCat and she acts like they are hers. She does her best to be a good mom. I only know of one of her kittens from previous litters that's still alive, and that's the one my son adopted a couple of years ago.

The orange is much more skittish than the calico; it doesn't come to eat until it's sure I've gone back in the house, and it often runs and hides if it sees me. Hopefully, he'll get more comfortable with me soon.

I love seeing how contented they are after a good meal. 

At tonight's feeding, Pants and Oliver didn't show up. Pants ate a lot this morning, and if I see him show up later I'll give him a little more. Oliver is the least regular, but usually shows up at least once per day. I'm still watching for him tonight.

Update She's a good MommyCat Image
A calico kitten

October 13th, 2023

I think MommyCat adopted a kitten.

A couple of days ago a calico kitten, the same size as MommyCat's kittens, showed up to eat. Today she was rubbing against MommyCat and looking up at her face. MommyCat seemed to accept her.

I have also seen her playing with the other kittens.

Everyone seems to be doing OK. Pants has been really hungry recently, and eager to be petted before he eats. Oliver is still shy and won't let me get too close, but he doesn't stay quite as far from me anymore. MommyCat meows and hisses, equally. She accepts pets on her head when Pants is with her, but not when he's not there.

I've been sneaking a few pets on one of the gray kittens. It comes up to the food bowl as I scoop the food into it and starts eating, and doesn't mind (or doesn't notice) when I stroke its back and head a little as it eats.

I think the white kitten may be lutino. It has some orange in its tail and maybe on its ears, but I think it has red eyes. That's not good news for a feral cat; it probably means it will lose its sight.

I wish I could find it a home!

I got really close to running out of canned food for them. The supply chain wasn't working. I finally got stocked back up-- at least a little. It's always a struggle.

Update A calico kitten Image
Porch kittens at 9 weeks

September 12th, 2023

I'm hoping to hear an update today on the kitten that got placed in a home a few weeks ago. If I do, I'll let you know.

MommyCat and her four kittens seem to be doing well. They are eating through my supply of dry and canned food really fast, which is a problem, but I'm glad they are eating well. I'm hoping I don't run out of food for them.

They aren't friendly, so it's hard to get pictures of them:

I love watching them play and nap.

If you can help me make sure their food doesn't run out, I would appreciate it. If not, I understand. I'll find a way.

I still wish I could get them all into a rescue that would neuter/spay and find a loving indoor home for them all. I love them.

Update Porch kittens at 9 weeks Image
A little good news

August 29th, 2023

I think the lone kitten got lucky. He's been adopted. The girl who originally brought him to me found a home for him.

The person was going to make him a barn cat, but after meeting him has said she may make him her indoor cat and get him fixed, instead. I'm hoping that's how it plays out. He is really loving. She's also going to give him some medicine she has on hand in case he has an upper respiratory infection

She believes it's a female. I think it's a male. Maybe I'm wrong.

I may never know what becomes of him, which is hard for me. But I kept him safe and fed him while he was here.

Update A little good news Image
Yet more kittens...

August 26th, 2023

It turns out MommyCat had 4 kittens. A little orange one showed up just a little while after I posted about the litter. So she has 2 gray/striped, one white, and one orange.

Then, yesterday, a girl showed up at our house carrying an older kitten that has been hanging out by the school. She wanted me to help it. It is wearing a flea collar, but is very thin. It was obviously someone's kitten, but either ran away or got thrown out. He's friendly. Apparently, he has been on Facebook for several days, with people saying "If this is your cat, this is where he is". But no one came to get him. So now he's also on our porch.

Update Yet more kittens... Image
The New Litter

August 24th, 2023

I've been waiting to see if MommyCat's new litter made it this far, and had about decided they didn't. But today-- 6 weeks and 3 days after they were probably born-- they were on the porch with her.
There are three-- a solid white one and two gray/striped ones. I suspect (solid white) Oliver is the dad this time. He was helping MommyCat watch over them.
I love them and they are so cute. They also make me sad since there's nothing I can do for them but keep putting food out to make sure they never go hungry.
After Kirby, I'm afraid they have FeLV. I can't afford to have them checked. Since I don't really have room for another cat, I can't bring one inside even if they checked out OK. (My daughter really wants the white one.)
I still wish there was a local rescue that didn't require me to bear all the costs (and trapping and transportation) of them "helping" me.
Update The New Litter Image
RIP Kirby

March 26th, 2023

It's over. Overnight he got much worse, and by morning it was clear he was suffering. Of course, there are no vets open on Sunday, but a call to our vet's emergency number got a callback and we made the appointment. I buried him next to his friend Tobbles, under the redbud tree. Unfortunately, MommyCat (his mother) had more kittens on March 3. I haven't seen them yet, and don't want to take any of them in, but I'd love to find loving homes for them. I want the same for MommyCat and Pants (Kirby's probable father). I wish I didn't hurt so much for these cats.
Update RIP Kirby Image

March 25th, 2023

I think he's about done.

FeLV has gotten the better of him.

I haven't posted updates because of other matters that have me distracted and occupied in unpleasant ways, but the past month has been rough on Kirby.

He suddenly got weak and sick one Friday evening. We rushed him to the vet the next morning-- as soon as the vet office opened-- and she said it was his FeLV. She gave him some injections and an oral pill (4 per day). He's been on the pills 3 weeks as of today. He improved for a while. But it didn't last.

She did say it was going to be palliative care only and that there was no way to know how long it would help. She hoped it would give him at least another year or more.

He keeps having relapses. But since he recovered after a day or so each time, I held out hope. But I don't think he's getting better this time.

He doesn't seem to be suffering; he just seems to have given up. Unless he shows huge improvement by Monday morning I think it's time to make the hard decision.

Next Friday would be his 1st birthday.

I'm crushed and I'm going in for surgery on April 4th.

Update Kirby Image
Late January Update

January 22nd, 2023

I was afraid something had happened to Pants. I didn't see him around for a few days. MommyCat seemed more nervous and suspicious than usual, but part of that might be that Pants gives her confidence. Oliver wasn't coming around as often, either. Something was different. There were a few of the occasional visitors showing up, though. And Watcher, outside the fence.

But, after a few days, Pants showed up and seemed fine. Maybe he was trapped in a shed. MommyCat seemed relieved and more relaxed again.

Pants has gotten to the point where he demands to be petted a little before he'll even eat.

I'm starting to suspect he doesn't have teeth. I can't get a good look, and he won't let me lift his lips to see, but something about the way he holds his mouth looks toothless. At least it looks like he may be missing his front teeth. So I've started giving him more canned food.

I've wondered if he'd let me brush him. His long fur might be more comfortable if it weren't matted. I may try to introduce him to the idea when I'm petting him at mealtime-- he still won't normally let me pet him-- or approach him-- at other times.

I recently stocked up on food for them, due to a generous supporter's help. Next month is going to be a little tight, but I may have enough to get through it. Thank you all for your help, from the cats and me.

(I keep trying to upload a photo, but I think it keeps crashing the site)

Update #32

January 22nd, 2023

For some reason, I've been unable to successfully post an update. Will try again later.

Thank you!

December 28th, 2022

I just wanted to say Thank you to all who have supported my porch cats. I can assure you they are better off and happier-- and healthier-- than they would have been without your help. They made it through the cold snap, staying inside their boxes most of the time. I fed them extra during the coldest days just so they'd have more fuel for warmth, and I gave them unfrozen water every few hours. Who knows what the next year will bring, and what needs they might have, but with your help I'll keep doing what I can for them. Again, thank all of you!
Update Thank you! Image
Prepping the cats for the cold

December 21st, 2022

Like most of the country, we're getting ready for a blast of cold (with lots of wind). So I've spent the morning getting boxes ready for the porch cats.
I know MommyCay sometimes sleeps in the converted litter box on the porch-- I've gone out at night and disturbed her rest. I suspect Oliver has been in it recently, too. He used to sleep in it a lot before I moved it to the porch. I've never seen Pants in it.
Maybe the cold will convince them to use it more.
I set up a cardboard box, with a smallish opening and some towels, for additional shelter. And I wedged it in place to resist the wind. The two shelter boxes are near each other, and I hope the cats will use them. I should have room for at least 4 cats-- more if they are friendly with each other.
I'm also going to be giving them water several times during the day, and wet food along with their dry food, for extra energy.
I wish they could all be indoors so they could nap by a fire, unconcerned with the weather. I'm glad Kirby and the rest of the indoor cats can.
I'll do my best to keep them as comfortable as possible.
Update Prepping the cats for the cold Image
Late-winter kittens are coming

December 19th, 2022

MommyCat is in heat, so a new batch of kittens will be here too soon.
My dream was to get her spayed (and Pants and Oliver neutered) before this happened. But, unfortunately, this wasn't to be. The funds just aren't available for it, and the rescue groups around here haven't been as helpful as I'd like.
I would love to see MommyCay and Pants rescued, but also I want them adopted together. They are bonded and go everywhere together. It would make me sad to split them up.
Obviously, I want to see Oliver rescued, too. Oliver hangs out with the other two most of the time, but isn't really attached to them. They are just company that accepts him. I realize, if I get the chance to have them rescued I'm not going to be able to be too picky about it. I'll express my wishes, though.

Anyway, things have been going OK otherwise. Everyone seems to be doing better. Kirby is a ball of energy and eats more than any two (or three) of the others.
Thank you.
Update Late-winter kittens are coming Image
Happy Thanksgiving

November 23rd, 2022

Thank you for helping me give a few cats a little better life.
All the porch cats-- Pants, MommyCat, Oliver, and whoever else shows up-- will be getting some special treats for Thanksgiving. I have some fish filets and some canned salmon for them.
And because of your help, I can keep them fed and as safe as they'll let me.
Every cat in the photo except for the chonky boy in front (Boots) is a former rescue-- I hope they have forgotten the time before they were brought in. I'll keep looking for a way to rescue those who live on the porch, too.
Thank you from me, and from the cats.
Update Happy Thanksgiving Image
Update #27-- Kirby's vet visit

November 16th, 2022

Kirby's rescue is now complete: his neuter appointment was today.
Now, unless something unexpected crops up-- like if his eye gets infected-- the rescue portion of his life is done. He can rest easy in his forever home with me.
He isn't happy being isolated from his friends, but his incision site is a little bloody so we're going to try to keep him away from his wrestle buddy for a day or so.
If anyone would like to chip in for the balance of his vet visit, that comes to $93 beyond what I already had for him. Thanks!
Update Update #27-- Kirby's vet visit  Image
The Watcher

October 23rd, 2022

I've mentioned the small black cat who just sits and watches the yard. I finally got a picture of her (?) doing her thing. She's shy and doesn't let me get close, but she likes to watch me and the "porch cats" inside the fence.

Back when Tobbles was alive and Kirby and Whiskers would be in the yard playing with him, the little black cat would come right to the fence and watch. She'd move to different spots to get a better view, depending on what was going on.

I tried to invite her in-- for food if nothing else-- but she wouldn't come in. I've never seen her inside the fence.

She's welcome to come in to eat with Pants, MommyCat, and Oliver-- well, I welcome her. Maybe the problem is that the porch cats don't.

Pants actually raised up and bumped my hand with the top of his head yesterday morning. I took too long to pet him, I guess, and he got impatient. He still won't let me approach unless it's feeding time, but he's trusting me more all the time. MommyCat lets me pet her more, too, especially if I stroke her tail. But she still has to put on the feral act. Oliver still doesn't let me approach, but he doesn't run as fast or as far anymore. He just scoots out of the way.

Kirby is still doing good. He doesn't know he's scheduled to be neutered in a few weeks.

Update The Watcher Image
Kirby's update-- sorry it's late!

October 19th, 2022

 I took Kirby to the vet Friday evening. The great news is that she says his eye doesn't need to be removed at this time.

She says that skin inside his eyelids has grown over his eyeball, and the eye itself has deflated. That's why it looks so bad.
But she says that skin looks healthy and there's no infection or pain. She said the only reason to remove his eye right now would be cosmetic, but that it would be a lot of trauma for him to go through.
If it's not necessary, I'm happy to leave it alone.
She told me what to look for to indicate it is causing pain, just in case.
She also confirmed my suspicion that the eye is the reason he sneezes so much. It still produces tears, but they are just draining into his sinuses, making him sneeze. She doesn't think this is a real problem.
She did say that if he were an outdoor cat, the recommendation would be different. Outdoors it would be likely to get grass seeds, dirt, or debris in it and get irritated and/or infected. Then she'd say to go ahead and remove it to prevent future problems. But being an indoor cat, it's a lot less likely. Good news for him!
(There was some sickness in the household all weekend, so I was a little distracted from posting an update.)
Update Kirby's update-- sorry it's late! Image
Kirby is counting on the hoomans

October 11th, 2022

Usually, when I need some donations for vet care, I can scrape by whether or not I get enough donations to cover the expense. Not this time, though. Due to other circumstances, mostly my own medical bills, Kirby is entirely dependent on donations to get his bad eye removed.

It's just how things are right now.

If you can help, I thank you. If you can't, maybe consider sharing this campaign with anyone you think might like to help.

Thank you!

Update Kirby is counting on the hoomans Image
Kirby's eye

October 11th, 2022

Kirby needs to have his eye removed. The last kitten who needed the same procedure (eye removal and neutering) cost around $400 in total for the surgery.

If anyone can chip in, I would appreciate it. And so will Kirby (eventually, if not immediately).

Thank you!

It must have been a party

September 5th, 2022

A couple of days ago I saw a couple of cats I hadn't seen recently. I don't know what brought them back around, but they were lounging on the patio with Pants and MommyCat. Lari was there, as was a white/gray cat that may be one who used to come over-- but it may have been a new visitor, too. I also caught a glimpse of someone darting around a corner, but I didn't get a good enough look to see who it was. This morning I saw Oliver, the black cat, and the white/gray cat fighting (not too viciously) behind the house. Not sure what the argument was about but it was over quickly. I haven't increased the amount of food I'm putting out, and I want to make sure the 3 regulars keep getting enough to eat. Pants actually lifted his head to be petted the last couple of days. I take that as a good sign. MommyCat still prefers not to be touched, even though I sneak a pet here and there.
Update It must have been a party Image
Pants' progress

August 24th, 2022

Pants, the probable dad of Kirby and the longest-remaining current resident of the patio, has recently been letting me pet him more. He still gives me a shocked look when I touch him, but then he calms down and seems to enjoy it. While MommyCat (and sometimes Oliver) looks at him like he's doomed to be eaten.

I've been sneaky enough to give MommyCat a few pets while she's rubbing against Pants in her joyous anticipation of food, but if she notices she backs away quickly. And often hisses at me. I'll win her over yet.

Oliver never gets within several arm-lengths, so that's going to be harder to accomplish with him.

I'd still like to treat them all for fleas, but Pants' skin seems to be clearer now, like he's not being bitten as much. 

Update Pants' progress Image

August 12th, 2022

I hadn't seen Lari in quite a while, But she showed up again yesterday. I didn't get a picture of her, but she reminds me of Pants, but with fewer white patches and smaller. The shape of her head makes me think "female", but the shagginess of her fur makes it hard for me to see for certain.

I'm not sure she stayed around to eat. Unfortunately, I was mowing and she was not happy about that. She vanished into the cannas and I didn't see her again, but I'm glad to know she's still around.

The other cats

August 5th, 2022

Pants, MommyCat, and Oliver aren't the only ferals I take care of. They are just the only regulars. There's a cat I call Lari-- I think it's a female (if not, its name is Larry). I used to regularly see one I called Steve. I haven't seen Steve in months, so either he is staying at the neighbor's yard, or something happened to him. Then there are several who I only see occasionally, who I haven't named. Many of them stay at my neighbor's house and only wander over to see what I have to eat. I don't have pictures of them, so I'll treat you to another picture of Tobbles.
Update The other cats Image
Sunny's tooth

August 1st, 2022

Sunny came through her tooth extraction fine.

I'm hoping she enjoys life without tooth pain. If so, it was worth the cost. Which was more than I'd like, but less than I feared.
The other cats are fascinated by her scent now, and she'd rather they didn't bother her. She's tired and groggy and just wants to rest. I'm doing my best to keep them away and occupied.
She's going to be getting soft food for a few days now. Probably I'll give her "pudding" like I give one of the other cats-- Butterscotch, one of the two non-rescue cats in the house, who I've worked hard to keep alive for half of her 10 years. (It's been a struggle.)
Butterscotch's "pudding" is just canned cat food put through a blender and mixed with water, until it is like... pudding. Sunny has always loved getting little samples of it anyway. Now she'll get it regularly for a while. That ought to make her happy.
Maybe she'll even sleep in the bed with me tonight. Depending on whether Chocolate and Ghost are there first.
Update Sunny's tooth Image
Dental and Covid updates

July 31st, 2022

Monday, Sunny goes to the vet to have her bad tooth (or teeth) removed. She gave the vets trouble when we took her in to set up the appointment, so I hope things go better tomorrow. She's not the friendliest cat with people she doesn't like, and she really doesn't like anyone but me. With me, she's very sweet. She may be angry with me after tomorrow.

Second, I'm pretty sure Ghost ended up with Covid-- the household humans got it and he displayed similar symptoms to those the humans had. He was really sick-- much sicker than I was-- for days. He finally started acting a little better last night, but he still hasn't started eating yet (other than small nibbles once a day or so). I hope he feels good enough to eat soon.

Kirby is still doing great. Growing and playing. His bad eye doesn't seem to be causing too many issues, except that he has poor depth perception.

More updates on the "porch cats" soon.

Update Dental and Covid updates Image

July 27th, 2022

Ghost hung around on my porch for over a year. He was like my first Tobbles in that respect. He had mouth problems, but since he was a stray I couldn't afford to do anything about it but feed him. He was really friendly, though, and loved to be petted and rub his face on me while he purred. He, like Tobbles, was always really happy to see me come out the door. A year after he had shown up was when Sunny appeared and was brought in. I felt bad for Ghost because I knew he wanted to come in (he had snuck in twice already). Soon, though, I got backed into a corner. Ghost stopped eating. He looked miserable and was drooling badly. He got thin, fast, and wouldn't even close his mouth all the way. His mouth was just too painful. He was dying. So, I scooped him up, took him to the vet, and they removed some of his teeth and gave him antibiotics. And he got to come live inside. He's been indoors now for about 4 years, and is still very loving and happy. He sleeps with me frequently. His tooth/gum problems sometimes recur, but I get him through it. So far he hasn't had to get more teeth removed, but that's always a possibility. He doesn't get along with the other cats very well. Chocolate tolerates him. Sunny and Boots hate him. Whiskers and Kirby love him-- he's the fun uncle who likes to play. Unfortunately, Ghost isn't feeling well today. I'm giving him extra attention, and making sure he drinks water. It doesn't seem like it's his mouth. Someone in the house has Covid, so maybe he caught it, too. He'll probably be fine, but I'm watching closely.
Update Ghost Image

July 26th, 2022

About four years ago, we rescued a young cat who was trying to play with kids in the elementary school playground across the street. The teachers were screaming at the kids to not touch her; "It's diseased!" they said. So we took her in.

I think she was around four months old at the time.

Next Monday she has a vet appointment to remove a bad tooth that is causing her pain. She has a hard time eating right now, but at least she has a little extra weight to spare.

She's not the friendliest cat in the house. In fact, she really only likes me. I love her and end up holding her a lot. It has hurt me to see her in pain, but next Monday was the earliest appointment the vet had for dental work. I'll be glad when she is feeling better and can eat without screaming.

Update Sunny Image
My oldest rescue

July 21st, 2022

My first rescue cat, Chocolate, will be turning 9 years old next month. Chocolate was born on August 19, 2013- around 1 AM. She was stolen from her mother by a dog, and I got her from the dog's people when she was about 12 hours old. She was covered in dried dog-drool mud and was extremely dry and thirsty. I wasn't sure she'd make it, but she did. And she has thrived. I already had two cats, who were a year old at the time. Littermates from my mother's cat's only litter. She managed to fit in eventually. She has been "my baby" ever since I got her. She has a bit of an attitude-- she knows she's one of the people, not a mere cat. (Nor a meerkat.) She has her own FB page, although I'm not very active on that platform anymore. She sleeps with me nearly every night, and demands my attention whenever she needs it. She's a bit haughty. But I wouldn't trade her for anything.
Update My oldest rescue Image
The unnamed black cat

July 16th, 2022

This is a small black cat who sits outside the fence and watches the other cats and people, but hasn't gotten brave enough to come and eat. Yet.

I think she (I'm not sure of the cat's sex) will eventually decide to come eat. If she keeps coming around.

She used to sit and watch me play with Tobbles and Kirby. She'd move around the fence to get a better view as we moved around the yard. I've tried to talk to her and get her to come in, but so far she hasn't.

Update The unnamed black cat Image
Here's Oliver

July 14th, 2022

Oliver is less trusting than Pants or even MommyCat. He always keeps his distance until I leave the food bowl. When Tobbles was alive, Oliver would sit and wait until I was finished petting Tobbles while he ate, then he would come sneak some food.

This morning he was lying on the front steps after breakfast and I was talking to him through the screen door. He was comfortable with that situation.

He looks a little rough. He has some scars. But I care for him even if he isn't convinced I'm on his side.

Update Here's Oliver Image
Meet MommyCat

July 12th, 2022

This is MommyCat. She earned that name by mothering a couple of litters in the past year. Last summer her first litter (that I know of) was composed of two kittens whom she brought to my yard at about 6 weeks of age. I think she gave birth under a neighbor's house. One of those kittens vanished a week or so later, and my son adopted the other soon afterward (he is now named Mikan and is a handsome, spoiled boy-- I'll do a post on him someday. Remind me if I forget.) I have wondered if Tobbles was the second kitten who disappeared, but I doubt it for a couple of reasons. Then, this spring she was obviously pregnant again. On April 6, 2022 she was huge, then on April 8 she showed up for food and was skinny. So I marked the 7th on the calendar as the day she gave birth and waited to see kittens. Six weeks later, she showed up for food one day with 3 kittens. A few days later I discovered there was a 4th kitten, but it was very sick so it had been hiding somewhere. The sick kitten is now Kirby. A day after she left Kirby literally at my door, she took off with the remaining kittens and I haven't seen them again. I suspect they died. A neighbor said every kitten he saw born this year died. It was a kitten holocaust-- respiratory infections, eye infections, and rapid death. That makes me sad. This is why I would like to get MommyCat spayed. She doesn't trust me much. I can sometimes stroke her while she's eating. But she still hisses at me when I pass her on the patio. She is a cute cat, but I have my doubts she'd accept an indoor life. She deserves the best life I can help her get.
Update Meet MommyCat Image
Introducing "The Cat with Pants"

July 10th, 2022

I've been so focused on Kirby, and upset over the loss of Tobbles, that I haven't said anything about the other cats.

Meet Pants. Originally I called him "the cat with pants" because his back legs looked like he was wearing pantaloons-- the way the fur was shaped and colored. I eventually shortened that to Pants.

He has been hanging around for a few years now. He isn't afraid of me, but he's not particularly friendly either. We have an understanding. I have petted him while he was eating, but he gives me a surprised look when I do. He'd really rather I didn't.

Tobbles liked him and treated him like a parent, but Pants only tolerated Tobbles. Tobbles would rub all over him when he'd come over to eat. He was OK with Kirby, but didn't want to play with him. Mostly ignored him.

He has a lot of flea bites (or something like that) on his back. I can feel the scabs under his fur. I'd like to be able to treat him for fleas-- and obviously, get him neutered. I believe he is Kirby's dad, and the father of the kitten I rescued last fall that my son ended up taking. There's no way he'd ever let me brush him, but his mid-length fur needs it.

He's a good cat. Pretty calm and even-tempered, from what I've seen. He's been on his own so long I doubt he'd ever take to being an inside cat, but if anyone wanted to give it a try-- as long as they brought him back if it just wasn't going to work out-- I'd love to give him the chance.

He's one of the cats you'd be helping. More to come...

Update Introducing "The Cat with Pants" Image
Kirby's vet visit

July 8th, 2022

Kirby got good news and bad news.

The good news is-- no eye surgery for now. Maybe never. His eye is covered with scar tissue from the corneal ulcer he had, but it's not infected and-- although he'll never see out of the eye-- shouldn't be a problem as long as it doesn't get infected again. 

The bad news is-- he is FeLV positive, which is also bad news for the rest of the cats in the house. There's no way to keep them separated, and is probably too late anyway. So we'll just have to deal with things as they arise.

His lymph nodes are swollen, but that is probably from the eye infection and upper respiratory infection he had. The vet said it may take a while for the nodes to recover, and the FeLV may make it take longer. But that shouldn't be an issue.

He'll still need to be neutered, but that will come later.

The vet bill today came to $160.50

Update Kirby's vet visit Image
Time to get The Tobbles Memorial Cat Rescue back on track

July 7th, 2022

Losing Tobbles was a devastating personal loss. I expect a kitten with health problems to be at risk, but Tobbles was a healthy young adult. I was very attached to him and I haven't taken his death well. But, it's time to try to move beyond the loss.

I'm going to be thinking of this as The Tobbles Memorial Cat Rescue now. 

Tomorrow Kirby has a vet appointment. A check-up, probably some shots, and I'm expecting an appointment for an eye removal. Not sure what the full cost will be, nor whether inflation will have an impact. I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

Thanks for your support.

Update Time to get The Tobbles Memorial Cat Rescue back on track Image
R.I.P. Tobbles

July 4th, 2022

I lost Tobbles overnight. I'm pretty torn up over it right now.

He got sick and died over the course of a day. I have no idea what happened. Poisoning, maybe?
He never strayed far from my yard. I don't have anything that could have hurt him. It's possible he got into something next door, but I never saw him go there.
I brought Kirby-- the kitten with the bad eye-- inside as soon as Tobbles started acting sick. Yes, it is risky, in case of disease, but...
I buried him under the redbud where he liked to lie on hot days.
Tobbles, you were a good cat. The best, loving boy. I loved how you greeted me and just hung out with me anytime I was outside. I loved petting you and hearing your purrs. You don't know how much I wanted to bring you inside-- and you'd probably still be alive if I had. I'm so sorry that I failed you. You deserved so much better, and I'll miss you more than I can express.
Update R.I.P. Tobbles Image
One success story

June 27th, 2022

Today is the birthday (or what I figured is close to it) of last year's rescue kitten.

I found Whiskers on the side of the street, sick and starving, on the morning of August 1, 2021. I figured he was about 5 weeks old.

Lots of medicine and 2 surgeries later (to remove an infection-destroyed eye and to repair a hernia) and he's the happiest cat in the house. Very loving. Altogether it cost around $600 to get him healthy, and it was worth it. Much of the cost was covered by donations, for which I am very grateful.

That's why I started this project. I'd like to have money coming in regularly so I could handle these situations without having to make an appeal every time.

Update One success story Image
A day of setbacks

June 22nd, 2022

I thought I had found a group that would help.

I was mistaken-- or was misinformed.

I found a lower-cost pet clinic that does spaying and neutering in the Big City 90 miles from here. They directed me to a group they said helps with TNRs ("trap, neuter, release") for feral cats. But after the group finally responded to my message, no, they don't come this far. 

They said I could trap the cats myself, bring them to their vet, stay all day and wait to pick them up in the evening, and take them back with me, and it would cost $100 per cat. 

That's a worse deal than the other place where I would still have to do all the same, but the cost with them is $35 (male) and $45 (female) per cat. Still way out of reach under current financial circumstances.

I also thought the porch kitten-- I'm calling him Kirby-- had found a home, but it looks like that has fallen through as well.

Not the best day for my efforts.

Update A day of setbacks Image
His own space

June 15th, 2022

The porch kitten is now living in a cage on the covered patio. For his safety and my peace of mind.

The young adult cat who hangs out on my patio was starting to get a little aggressive (jealous?) toward him and I was worried.

The good news is, he seems to really enjoy climbing and playing in the cage. I think he feels more secure, especially since he doesn't see well. I still let him out to play, too, as long as I'm there. He's eating well, and the infection in his eyes seems to be clearing up, but it looks like his cornea is ulcerated. We'll see how that goes.

I'm still looking for supporters to help me help the cats. Do you know anyone who might like to pitch in?

Update His own space Image
Update #3 and another option

June 9th, 2022

Porch Kitten is so energetic and playful. A real ball of fire. His eyes are still pretty bad, and I think he's now mostly blind, but it doesn't seem to affect his mood much. I wish I could have gotten enough money for a vet visit when his eyesight might have been saved, but that wasn't to be. I'll do the best I can with the situation as it is.

I've started a Patreon for this project, too. Just to try more options. I'm not going to give up.

Getting a little monthly money to use to help ALL the cats would be great. Yes, the original goal to get the kitten to the vet would also be wonderful, but that won't solve the problem. I need to try to get the local strays neutered. And I'd also like to get something to help with fleas (or whatever causes the scabbing on some of the cats). And to keep feeding them.

It's a bigger project than I'm able to do on my own.

Update #2

June 6th, 2022

I found someone who says they rescue cats in my area, but... over and over they've promised they'll bring me some medicine for him, and then they don't.

They don't have room for another kitten at the moment, but they also don't seem too interested in getting back to me with the medicine, either.

So, I'm still doing what I can. His eyes actually looked a little better a couple of days ago (not the eyeballs, but around them). No further improvement, though.

If I can't collect enough money for a vet visit, I will spend what I collect on food and medicine for him. I'll do what I can.

I hate to admit it, but I'm getting attached.

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Update #1

June 3rd, 2022

The kitten is still doing about the same. His eyes don't seem to be getting worse, but no better, either. I've switched to a different eye ointment, hoping it might work better.

He's still playful. I want to give him a chance-- he deserves a chance.

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