Matt and Lisa Krol crowdfund campaign


 USD $125,000


 USD $27,752

Campaign created by Troy Wright

Campaign funds will be received by Lisa Krol

Matt and Lisa Krol crowdfund campaign

We are asking fellow Patriots to rally in a time of desperate need for funds, to help offset the costs incurred in fighting for freedom. Our dear friend Matt is in the fight of his life, he is incarcerated for allegations stemming from the Capital protest in DC on 1/6, and has been refused bond. This is a politicized attack on all our rights and liberty. 

Please consider donating any amount. Even a dollar will add up if we all chip in. 

Prayers are also requested for the family  

Thank you, and please share with all your Patriotic friends. 

*A note from Matt’s wife*

On February 22, 2022 my husband was arrested by the FBI for allegations stemming from the January 6th Capitol protest.  My husband’s bond was denied.  He is currently in route to Washington DC to await his trial.  

My husband and I both feel the urgency to have a strong legal defense, therefore, this GiveSendGo account was created for his legal fees.  The urgency we have for this strong legal defense is simply my husband’s health.  Six months ago he was diagnosed with a life threatening heart condition and wears a Life Vest 24/7 to monitor his heart function.  He had been hospitalized recently from it and is currently on numerous medications. He is scheduled to undergo a life-saving Pacemaker/defibrillator surgery this coming April. While incarcerated, the undue stress on his heart and his daily medical needs being neglected is of utmost concern to our family and ultimately his much needed heart surgery could be delayed.  

Despite the allegations, first and foremost my husband is a man of great faith and still in the midst of this horrible situation is trusting God.  He is a loving husband of 38 years, father of three and grandfather of two. He is a steadfast patriot, loves his country and the principles it was founded on. 

Throughout his life, my husband has given of his time and money to support those in need going on various missionary relief trips assisting wherever needed in many third world countries and across the United States. He has rallied for constitution rights, protecting our freedoms. He is someone you can always call on and he will be there to help in any way he can.  

Our prayer is for my husband to return home to his family, to be able to regain his health through his life-saving surgery, for his name and reputation to be restored and truth to prevail.  

Our family is so thankful for your generous donations, no matter what the size, and covet your prayers!

Much appreciation,

Lisa Krol

Recent Donations
Jake Lang
$ 1000.00 USD
1 month ago

Welcome home brother!!!!! God bless you!!

Peterekauski Kuboshima
$ 5.00 USD
1 month ago

Find use with this money what you might wish could change the world with or without this money. You will die because doctors feel the pressure to not save you. Doctors are nervous people unlike unlicensed doctors. Perhaps in vegetarianism your family would see him live another day longer. I can't save a heart disease that's not my heart. Hope you live closer to the fullest, America.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

I pray for Matt's release. Please relay to him that he is not forgotten. Jesus please keep Matt safe and bring him home soon!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 135.00 USD
3 months ago

"Contend, Lord, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me. Take up shield and armor; arise & come to my aid... Say to me, “I am your salvation.” May those who seek my life be disgraced & put to shame; may those who plot my ruin be turned back in dismay... Then my soul will rejoice in the Lord & delight in Him." Psalm 35, read whole chapter!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
4 months ago

Joe Fleckenstein
$ 15.00 USD
5 months ago

Keep being the bright light that you are. God Bless You!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
6 months ago

Michael Dupree
$ 50.00 USD
7 months ago

Hoping you are released soon. Keep the faith, brother.

$ 50.00 USD
7 months ago

Praying for you and your family, Matt; keep your faith, hope, and love close at all times. I'm also praying you will get an early release soon.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
8 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 30.00 USD
8 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
8 months ago

Anonymous Source
$ 25.00 USD
8 months ago

I pray that the Lord gives you strength, blesses you and delivers all the J6ers and their families from this evil being carried out against them. In Jesus name Amen


Update #12

July 23rd, 2024

Hello Everyone,

My highest apologizes for such a late update and my warmest THANKS for all the support that is offered in so many ways. THANK you, from the bottom of my heart.

After my sentencing, I was transferred to Federal Medical Center Devens in Massachusetts,  which is a medical prison. My family and I were hoping and praying I would be transferred to a facility in my home state, closer to my wife and family so they could visit me, but sadly this was not the case. Devens is very far away from my family and expensive to visit. Devens is a low/medium facility and I am in one of the low pods. Devens is run like a military prison.

As far as my medical condition/heart condition, although the process is slow, the medical staff are moving towards figuring out my heart health. I continue to go into A Fib even with a 2 1/2-year-old Pacemaker. Howard University Hospital in Washington D. C. told me it needed to be replaced because it was malfunctioning. Devens have scheduled some medical tests and hopefully I will get some answers and necessary treatment sometime soon!

Other than that, I'm adjusting to prison life as well as can be expected. I miss my wife and family very much and cannot wait for the day when I am released and finally home!

Spiritually, I am doing incredibly awesome! I spend much of my daily time with our King and then I humbly attempt to shine the light of Jesus in this dark place. While I was at Central Virginia Regional Jail and then at D.C. Jail, I had daily Bible studies in my cell and a number of men gave or rededicated their lives to Christ. It is much different here at Devens Prison, although I was anticipating it being much the same.

Please continue to pray that God’s love and witness goes forth, even if I don't necessarily see it. I'm not going to give up!

Much thankfulness and love,


Update #11

December 9th, 2023

Sorry for the delay in posting an update on Matt. Time seems to continue to pass slowly and quickly at the same time. It has been almost 22 months since Matt has been held in jail and just recently we have missed another holiday together, Thanksgiving, and coming up to Christmas. This has been one of the most difficult times for our family but we continue to put our faith and hope in God through all of this!

We also believe in the power of prayer so we are asking fellow believers, friends and family to praying for my husband’s upcoming sentencing for God’s favor for his release (time served).

We appreciate everyone who has reached out with your kind words of encouragement and generous donations through these past 22 months. This has helped us tremendously and has helped with my husband’s attorney’s fees. We are so very thankful for all of you.

“For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

God Bless,

Matt & Lisa

Update #10

September 2nd, 2023

It has been about four months since my last update and not much has changed, but I wanted to thank you all so very much for your continued prayers for me and my wife, encouraging words and generous donations. I am so appreciative of your continued support throughout this difficult time over the past 19 months in jail.

As far as my health, I am still hopeful to be released on bond to have the needed medical follow up with my cardiologist. Sadly, I am unable to have the adequate care needed while in jail.

I recently had a status hearing and my attorney is requesting an expedited sentencing date. We are hopeful this will be expedited and we can plan accordingly for the day when I am released.

I continue to look to God for my strength and I am blessed to be involved in a couple Bible studies each day with some wonderful Christian men. No matter the circumstances, God is my refuge and my strength. It is well with my soul. God bless you all, Matt

Update #9

May 7th, 2023

Just wanted to share an update on my husband. Matt was moved to DC Jail on March 17, 2023. This took us both by surprise being transferred so suddenly and also having upcoming medical appointments that he had waited for over ten months and now needs to wait again to be evaluated at a new medical facility. God always gives us the strength to face new challenges each day. Matt has been in good spirts and is in a pod with J6 brothers. Thankfully he is with a great bunch of guys!  

Thank you all for the continued prayers, letters of encouragement and monetary donations. This has helped both of us tremendously. This has not been an easy road but with God’s strength and people like you, we continue to have hope!


Matt Krol, #384105


1901 D St. SE

Washington, DC 20003

Update #8

January 3rd, 2023

Matt wanted to send a Christmas greeting  and  express how much every single card and letter has meant to him during this holiday season.  He is truly so thankful for receiving all the words of encouragement from so many patriots.  As difficult as the circumstances are right now, the true reason we celebrate Christmas remains the same in Matt’s heart and in our family’s heart.  We are thankful to have our savior Jesus Christ to celebrate and the promise of hope that he gives us.  We hold onto this hope!

Please continue to pray for Matt as he has been in jail going on 11 months now.  Please pray for God’s strength and perseverance for the days ahead.   We truly appreciate all your prayers and your continued financial support!     

Update #7

November 28th, 2022

It has been a while since I have posted an update.  As of today, my husband Matt has remained in jail for over 9 months and continues to be denied bond.  This was our first Thanksgiving apart from each other in 38 years which was very difficult for both of us, but even in the midst this difficult time, we continue to find hope and be thankful:

-          *   We are thankful for my husband’s health.

-          *    We are thankful for the continued letters of support from across the country. These truly are a 

          lifeline for my  husband.

-          *   We are thankful for continued prayers for my husband and donations which help greatly. 

-          *  We are thankful for the opportunity God has given Matt to encourage other inmates.  He has been

         able to lead Bible studies in his jail cell and pray with inmates on a daily basis.   

Thank you all again for continued prayers and support of our family!  God Bless, Lisa

Update #6

September 20th, 2022

Today is 210 days that my husband has been in pretrial detention.  It is hard to believe seven months have passed since we saw each other.

Please continue to pray for my husband for his physical and mental health to stay strong.  He has recently heard some devastating news that his step-mother is very ill and not expected to live much longer due to kidney failure.  The sad reality of not being able to say goodbye to her is very difficult for my husband and weighs heavy on his heart. 

 An update on my husband’s heart condition, he recently went to the hospital for further testing to rule out a rare heart condition called cardiac sarcoidosis.  We are still awaiting for the results of this testing.  It is very urgent that Matt receives the medical care and follow up that he needs, which is very difficult while he is in jail and not given the proper medical attention. 

Also, please continue to pray for his release on bond and favor with the Judge so that he will have the ability to get the medical care that he desperately needs. 

Thank you all for your continued prayers for my husband and our family.  We are thankful for your continued support!

Update #5

August 20th, 2022

Today is day #179 that my husband has been held in jail awaiting trial and his due process has been denied.

This update is from Lisa, Matt’s wife, as there have been a lot of wonderful and heartbreaking life changes recently without my husband by my side for support. We experienced our daughter recently getting engaged, but my husband was not here with us to celebrate.  Our future son-in-law had to ask my husband for permission to marry our daughter over the phone in jail which was very difficult for my husband and myself not to have a face-to-face conversation during this wonderful life celebration.  I also have had visits from our children who live out of state over the summer and my husband was not here with us to see his children and grandchildren only with video calls. Lastly, our daughter and grandson recently moved out of state to start a new chapter of their lives.  We are all very close and have helped raise our grandson.  My husband was not able to hug and kiss them goodbye.  These are moments we will never be able to get back as our lives have changed since the day he was unjustly arrested. My husband is missed every day that we have been apart!

My husband continues to remain hopeful, by the grace of God, in this very difficult situation.  He does have an upcoming hearing in September which we appreciate your prayers for this.  Our prayer is for truth and justice to be revealed and for his release on bond. 

 We are so appreciative of your financial contributions as the jail expenses and medical expenses continue to add up and most importantly my husband’s attorney’s fees. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement seen on the donation comments and also those letters sent to my husband.  We cannot express our gratitude for this encouragement. 

God Bless,  Lisa

Update #4

July 9th, 2022

We are approaching five months since my husband's arrest. These have been challenging times for my husband and myself but we continue to trust God in the midst of it all that we will be together again soon! 

Here is a recent message from my husband:

"Thank you all for your prayer support and financial support.  This means the world to me and my wife to know that friends and fellow patriots ( that I have never met) are helping our family!   

I continue to grow deeper in my relationship with Christ as I read God's Word daily and share my faith with other inmates.  

Prayer Requests:

1. Pray for my health as I continue to need to be monitored for my heart condition and other health concerns and that I get the adequate monitoring by health care providers.   

2. Pray for God's favor to be placed in the hearts of the DA and Judge and that they will have grace with my sentencing. 

3. Pray for upcoming status hearing in Sept.  My July status hearing was postponed.  

4. I love and miss my wife! xoxo  Please pray for my wife for continued strength to navigate these waters physically spiritually and financially while I am not with her.

God Bless,


Update #3

June 7th, 2022

Just wanted to update everyone on my husband.  It has been a very long, almost four months, since my husband's arrest. He continues to be detained in jail without bond. He does have a status hearing coming up on July 7th.  Continued prayers are appreciated for this hearing!

Matt is feeling stronger each day after his Pacemaker procedure over a month ago, but it is a slow process along with everything else that is going on within the jail system.  I am so thankful for my husband's faith in God which keeps him strong in spirit and gives him hope each morning to face another day.  He is so appreciative of all the prayers and donations.  He is also grateful to those who sent mail.

His mailing info is the following: 

Matthew Krol, Inmate #00051196

Central Regional Virginial Jail

13021 James Madison Hwy.

Orange, VA  22960

We continue to stand together with him in spirit and in truth until we are together again!


Update #2

May 15th, 2022

Update from Matt:

Please give my heartfelt THANKS to those that have donated and those who have been so kind to send cards and letters.  It means a lot to me!  

I also wanted to update everyone that I did have the Pacemaker implant surgery about a month ago at the urgent advise of the cardiologist because of passing out/dizzy spells. I am feeling better but still dealing with some fluctuations with my heart and head rushes.  They are currently monitoring my heart.

I would also greatly appreciate your prayers for a hearing scheduled for May 16th.  Again, thank you all for your support,


Update #1

April 14th, 2022

Thank you all who have donated, your words of encouragement, and your prayers!  It has been a long two months since my husband was arrested.  He is staying positive under the circumstances.  God is giving him strength each day!    He is in a medical area of the jail to have medical attention available to him.  He will continue to wear his Life Vest to monitor his heart, but ultimately we are praying for him to be released on bond to have his heart surgery.     

We are so thankful for the support of family and friends and especially grateful to Cynthia from the Patriot Freedom Project for generously helping my husband retain an attorney and the support of this group.  This has been a huge answer to prayer!   We are continuing to fundraise for the additional portion of the attorney's fees we will need to cover and also help with paying our bills and additional expenses during this unknown period of time. 

We very much appreciate your financial support and prayers!  God Bless,  Lisa 

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.