Evangelism To The Nations


 USD $7,000


 USD $20

Campaign created by Jack Johnson

Campaign funds will be received by Jack Johnson

Evangelism To The Nations

Passion of the Cross is an Evangelistic Outreach and Bible Teaching Ministry.  Using print and internet media technology, we are, by God's grace and provision, bringing the Gospel to those who have not heard, or have not fully understood.

Passion of the Cross Web Site

The Passion of the Cross web site, www.passionofthecross.org is a focal point of the outreach and teaching ministry.  Purposely kept straight forward and simple - the Gospel is presented boldly and clearly, in as few words as possible... therefore it heavily relies 

on abundant Scripture quotations.  Our powerful Crucifixion photo graphically and Biblically portrays our Lord's suffering at Calvary.

Also included are links to other helpful Christian sites and videos. We plan, Lord willing, to promote the site in various mass media, and to have site material translated into other languages.

Passion of the Cross Video Productions

Utilizing the power of video to reach both young and old, literate and illiterate alike, is a major goal of the ministry.  Short outreach video posts are planned for YouTube and other internet applications.

Literature Distribution

The ministry utilizes printed resources to bring the Gospel to the public in effective ways.  These ways include: Gospel tract distribution, fliers, billboards, yard signs, magazine & newspaper article placements and printed T-shirts.

"To the Jew first..." Evangelism

The Bible teaches that a first priority in our evangelistic outreach should be the Jewish people (Romans 1:16).  Passion of the Cross will support Messianic Congregations in their outreach ministries, and encourage the Body of Christ to do so as well.

Jail Ministry

The ministry will actively support the local Jail Chaplaincy ministries with Gospel materials.

Helping the Poor

The ministry recognizes the many Scriptural commands and admonitions to help the poor, both physically and spiritually.  We will strive to help ministries to the poor... encouraging Christians to sponsor and help poor children here and around the world.

It is our hearts desire to be used of the Lord to bless and encourage His people, and reach the lost for His Name's sake. Please help as the Lord may lead you!

Chaplain Jack Johnson & Tonya Johnson

Passion of the Cross

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
3 years ago


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