USD $50,000
Campaign funds will be received by Cynthia Price
Praying for you both!
The truth is like a lion. It needs no defending; set it free and it will defend itself.
Keep the faith.
God bless you!!
I’m so proud of you both, I pray for you everyday, you are heroes to me and politically persecuted but protected by The King of Kings and Lord of Heaven and Earth. You are a blessing to us all.
Funds for travel to visit your wife Chris; God be with you both and love you both!
God Bless
Psalm 23
Heroes in Christ, and our Nation! Thank you!
Most in the country realize that these prosecutions were political. I hope you find comfort in that.
Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; for Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. Matthew 6: 9-13
May God bless and protect you through this persecution.
Thank you so much for your Grace & Love for God & country. You are both an inspiration & we need your testament to have Truth prevail over corrupt power.
Your strength and tenacity are an inspiration!
This government is out of control
Dear Chris and Cynthia. Plz update us what is going on for you so we know how to pray. Also you might be encouraged by what G_d is saying in these days. The Ekklesia remnant is engaged and proclaiming Gods agenda for this nation. G_d bless you and go before you as David went before Goliath in the name of the LORD.
Continued prayers … Lord bring deliverance from evil, from the suffering and pain inflicted on these your children. Give them strength and provision through this persecution. And bring an end to it quickly.
Let us know how you are doing. It’s hard to find words that adequately convey how sorry we are for all the trauma / persecution you are going through. I pray for strength and supply for you and your family’s every need. God keep you in His grip.
December 14th, 2023
Just to update those who may be following, we have to go back to DC federal court Dec 18th to see if the judge grants our release pending appeal. Wish I had more faith in this court system but I don't. Please pray that the Holy Spirit can touch this judges heart and that he knows and order our release while this goes through Appeal 🙏 God bless those of you who have stood by and supported us!!! U have no idea how much that means 💗 God watch over our country plz 🙏 😢
November 28th, 2023
Sorry it took so long for this update. Many things have happened in the past 6 months. During are trial, as you can probably guess we were both found guilty of all 4 misdemeanors by the DC court system. Shocking I know. We had our sentencing and even with Chris going through current cancer treatments the judge has sentenced him to 45 days in prison. For myself, I decided to take the stand during the trial, and they just didn't want to believe anything I had to say. So for my punishment for my testimony I was given 4 months in prison to start Jan 3 2024.
Our story will not end here and we are filing the appeal and we are going to continue to pursue justice 🙌 Please continue to keep us in your prayers as this has been very difficult for my family. We will get through this and we will reach the other side. I know our actions that day broke no laws and we will push forward til we are vindicated! God bless everyone in our great country 🙏 🇺🇸
March 8th, 2023
We have come so far not to give up here. I wish I could say I'm more optimistic of what the out come is going to be, but the tracks laid out before us do not look so good. Regardless we put complete faith in our Lord to guide and protect us through this no matter what the outcome. We have been so blessed moving through this that I give all the credit to God as there are no other answers. He has provided us with wonderful attorney to be there and fight for us in every way possible. It's something many others could have only hoped for. I'm so appreciative of all the prayers and well wishes and kind words. Please continue to pray for us and pray for the judge also. Pray the Holy Spirit touches his heart to see the truth. Pray that he is actually fair and leaves his feelings at the door. I also even ask you to pray for the prosecution team that is against us. The Lord is most powerful and can even reach them also. Father forgive them for they know not what they do. Thank you all so much for making this possible to carry the fight forward and expose the truth. Understand even if we do not win with the truth on the 20th the battle will continue and off to the appellant's court we go. This is a serious case and it's about us all. It has never been about Chris and I it is about all of America, our Constitution and God. Please continue to pray it is the most important. Thank you so much to those who have supported us and even the haters for making us stronger 💪 ❤️ 🇺🇸 God bless the United States of America and please watch over her 🙏 ❤️ 😊
November 28th, 2022
Our December 5th trial has been postponed, until March 13th. Please continue to keep us and all the j6ers in your prayers and that the truth can be brought to the light. We had our attorney file multiple motions, 2 to dismiss charges, 1 to change venue and 1 for discovery, and of course ALL WERE DENIED... We are not done and have the Armor of God for this battle 🙏 WE WILL NOT BEND WE WILL NOT BREAK WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP WE WILL NEVER GIVE IN 🙏 IN GOD WE TRUST
June 8th, 2022
We have received our trial date and will be having a trial on December 5th. It has not been decided yet if it will be a jury trial or a bench trial. Please continue to keep us in your prayers thank you so much for your continued support, this is far from over 🇺🇸
April 13th, 2022
I wish I could explain in words to each of you how I know that God is moving in such a huge way in all of this evil that is happening. I am seeing it, hearing it, and feeling it, again and again day after day. For just one example, Marie Goodwin felt moved by the Holy Spirit and sent Chris and I story to the Gateway Pundit and Cara felt moved to write this fantastic article. The Holy Spirit has touched each and every single one of you that has set your prayers and help to us.
When this nightmare started I reached out to the Lord and asked for his help and guidance through this and truly believe he has reached all of you. The amount of support from such wonderful, God loving Americans, and I have seen some from abroad, has just made what we are doing mean so much more. This was never about being defiant, and has always been about doing what is right for the future of our country. I have always said this hasn't been my choice to proceed, this is the Lord's choice, and it is him I will follow.
As it pertains to our legal matters, unfortunately our lead attorney Jonathan Mosley had to step down off of our case. He was also representing other very high profile J6 clients which made him a target, and they have temporarily succeeded. He is a think outside of the box and don't back down lawyer, which is exactly why we choose him. Please I ask that you also keep Jonathan in your prayers and that he can get these attacks against him resolved and he can continue to help people 🙏
Fortunately and by no other than the grace of God we have another attorney who is taking over to be filing motions at this time. God has absolutely put the right people in our lives and it has truly been a blessing to experience it. We are so grateful to all of those who have supported us this far. Our next court date will be May 20th. I hope to have more updates after that and maybe some good news.
Please pray for those still held hostage and their families this is extremely hard on them. Please also pray for the judges and the prosecution that they may find the true Lord Jesus Christ and bring our country back to its foundation of fairness. Also the jury, those who are now and the ones who will be. May they look for the actual truth of what happened that day and not just what mainstream media has told them.
Thank you and may God bless each and every one of your lives, and may God bless our United States of America 🇺🇸 🙏 ❤️
January 12th, 2022
America is the greatest country in the world and the people who want freedom here are even greater! I want to thank the Prisoner\'s Record for supporting us and so many other\'s. It has been amazing to have a fellowship in prayer.
We give all the credit for strength to God. Your words, thoughts and prayers of support are extremely moving and we have read all your comments. The words thank you don\'t seem to even be enough but THANK YOU! 🙏
It seems the time has come in our country were a line in the sand has been drawn. Little by little they started taking everything away from us... all of us. Well it\'s just gone to far. We can\'t keep waiting for someone else to do it. It\'s not always going to be someone else\'s problems. They are getting worse everyday. We are just one example. With a choice they would have locked us up also just for being there I\'m sure. We still have laws in this country, I think, and we must make them stick to them. They are literally changing them as they go.
The time is now America 🇺🇸 May God bless you all and may God bless the United States of America 🇺🇲 🇺🇸 🙏 ❤
November 24th, 2021
August 26th, 2021
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