Albuquerque Head family


 USD $100,000


 USD $28,035

Campaign created by Amanda Rock

Campaign funds will be received by Amanda Rock

Albuquerque Head family

My name is Amanda and I have made this for Albuquerque Head who is being held with no bond for January 6th. We have 3 kids who are ages 9, 2, and  1. I feel it is important for him and all of us to be able to communicate and keep a healthy relationship with our family.  He was the sole provider for our family for years and they picked him up in April or 2021 with no chance of bond. I am raising money for his girls and to hire him an attorney, because the public defender we have isn't doing a good job and he could potentially be looking at many years, and I want to fight as much as I can to get Albuquerque back home because me and the girls need him. We don't have much other family, none of which can help us in anyway and I am trying to get to work but with the babies being so young it has felt like it's becoming impossible. Anything will help, I appreciate anyone who will help donate to us. 
Recent Donations
Peterekauski Kuboshima
$ 5.00 USD
1 month ago

I am a cat father since 2023 because I gambled and believed that my job, my new family, and the immediate neighbors would help a fantastic life to the homeless 10-month old street-cat. Though poor, I see your family in greater need for the money as your family is desperately fighting the government's emotional splitting of your family. Hire a middle school babysitter and spend +1 day on healing.

$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago

I praise God that your family is finally reunited! I feel I am being led to send you this for all of you to go out and have a celebratory dinner.

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago

Thanks for the great news! The way I look at it, Albuquerque and all the other patriots went to DC on that day not for themselves but for the country. I hope President Trump will find a way to compensate for the loss/pain/suffering of J6 families. If not for my son who was home from college, my wife and I would have gone too! Hopefully this is just the beginning of the justice coming your way.

$ 300.00 USD
1 month ago

God Bless you all and God Bless President Trump! Please let Albuquerque know that Jesus has never left him and never will. He loves you. It's hard to know why some people have to suffer so, but God has a plan for you. I pray that you find a way to help others who have suffered the same.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Keep the faith. Hope is alive thanks to Donald J Trump

$ 120.00 USD
1 month ago

Hope you are ALL together soon. Here's to dinner to celebrate.

Jeff Crouse
$ 300.00 USD
1 month ago

Today is the day girls. I watched Trump sign the pardons tonight. God bless Donald Trump and god bless you. I hope you're all together in a few hours or less. 🙏 Let us know. ❤️

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Joseph Fleckenstein
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Merry Christmas, praying for you, and wishing you the very best! God Bless You Abundantly!

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

I hope your family will become whole soon. Can't wait for Trump to come in and right the awful wrongs. Merry Christmas!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Happy Thanksgiving

Anonymous Giver
$ 113.00 USD
3 months ago

"Contend, Lord, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me. Take up shield and armor; arise & come to my aid... Say to me, “I am your salvation.” May those who seek my life be disgraced & put to shame; may those who plot my ruin be turned back in dismay... Then my soul will rejoice in the Lord & delight in Him." Psalm 35, read whole chapter!

Jeff Crouse
$ 500.00 USD
3 months ago

Hang on girls, help is on the way. Trump is already drafting the pardons for the J6 political prisoners. Can you feel it in the air? The world will soon be right again.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
5 months ago

Praying for you and God Bless you!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 125.00 USD
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 300.00 USD
8 months ago

You are doing a great job raising these wonderful kids. Keep it up and have faith.


Update #129

January 23rd, 2025

Thank you for all the prayers and help through this hard time, daddy is finally home! The girls were so excited to see him, Virginia hasn't left his side. We couldn't have made it without you guys and a big shout out to Donald Trump for bringing daddy home to the girls. 

Update #128

December 23rd, 2024

Now all 3 kids are sick. Hoping they will be better by Christmas. I worked today and have to work Christmas eve and Christmas. Going to go by the stores tomorrow after work and will hopefully have everything I need. The kids getting sick this close to Christmas kinda threw my plans in the air, but that's how it is having kids! Lol Not sure what they have doctor said it's "viral" prayers they get better soon and prayers for me that I don't get sick because honestly I'm feeling a little under the weather today and have had a constant cough. 

Update #127

December 18th, 2024

It's almost Christmas time!!!! The girls are so excited. It's been a little tougher this year, the last few years. I've been working as much as I can to make ends meet and have enough to get the girls stuff for Christmas. Was in the home stretch and Virginia woke up with a temp of 101 this morning so I've had to call out of baby sitter just had surgery Monday so no watching her today, and honestly the healing process from the surgery prob not this weekend or next week either. Not sure what I am going to do. I also have to work Christmas eve and Christmas day. Would love to not have to, but I have to with my job, plus it's my regular days to work so I'd be missing those days if I didn't. I am blessed for everything I have but it's such a struggle sometimes being a single momma doing it all for years now. The kids faces is what keeps me going on these times I feel down and defeated. Keep Virginia in your prayers getting ready to take her to the doctor. 

Update #126

October 3rd, 2024

It's def been a rough week. I live in the part of East TN that got hit with the hurricane. My hometown was not nearly as bad as the towns beside of us. I know so many people who lost their homes. So many people still missing and realizing how bad it actually is. Our 2 main highways broke, so you can make it but about 20 miles up a main interstate until it is just washed away. One of the rivers (nolichuckey)  rose 30ft in 34 minutes!!!! It was such a scary time. We lost power for a few days and didn't have any cell service for 2 days. Thankfully the girls and I hunkered down at home and was safe the whole time. The kids are going to be out of school a total of 20 days before they can go back. I have cried so much at the devastating aftermath and lives lost and they are still finding more each day. Fema has came in and took over, so we have started taking donations to churches to give back out to the people in need instead of taking it to fema. My heart breaks for my little towns in my area after losing everything and have nothing to come back to bc it's all good. It literally wiped out entire cities. Keep us in east TN, S.W. VA, and Northern N C. In your prayers during this difficult time. 

Update #125

September 6th, 2024

Kids are back in school and summer is pretty much over, even tho it's still so hot outside! I'm working a lot of extra shifts this week to try and get enough money to pay for Dollie 4th birthday party this Sunday. Of course the week I really need to make money has been very slow, plus picking up the extra shifts I'm basically made what I would in a regular week for me. Got to go back in tonight and work all weekend and get off Sunday and head straight to where her birthday party is at. She is excited! I hope she loves it as much as I sneaking around getting everything ready for it ♥️ keep us in your prayers, dollie has minor surgery the end of this month and I'm struggling to keep all my bills a float with everything going on 💓💓🙏
Update Update #125 Image
Update #124

July 24th, 2024

Just a couple weeks until school starts. Virginia is so excited. This week my hometown has a thing called Fun Fest that they do every year. It has lots of different things, crafts for kids, a kid central day, food trucks, concerts, a movie night, fireworks, all the works. We went to kid central yesterday and are going this week to look at all the hot air balloons they have and then they set them up in the air early Saturday morning, so we are going to watch them before I head into work. A fun ending to a good Summer. Been trying to get all the last things the kids need for school. It has been rough trying to get all the extra stuff and get everything paid. I don't have a babysitter for nights and weekends like I used to so I've had to take the kids to work with me a couple times last week and will probably have too again tomorrow. Anyone who is a parent knows how hard that is to have your kids at work trying to work and keep them occupied at the same time. The girls have been pretty good with it though, so I am blessed because of that. Just keep praying for us and if anyone can help us out it would be greatly appreciated. 

Update #123

July 17th, 2024

This has by far been one of the hottest summers yet. We've still been doing good. Just working and making the most of every minute I can with the girls. Summer is coming to an end and its almost time to start school. Patience will be starting 7th and Virginia will be starting kindergarten.  Dollie will be moving up to the next class in daycare in August which will be a big change for her, she doesn't like change at all. Virgnia is so excited to be starting school, she was ready to start last year! HAHA! Im still struggling paying the daycare and need to get the kids clothes for school. We seem to still make it each week that goes by so I am so thankful for that! I know there is people out there praying for us because each day we are making it!! 

Can we talk about Trump for a minute!??? I'm so glad he loves moving and talking with his hands, even though he was looking at a screen at that time him moving around like he does, and God protected him that day!!!  We need him. he is our Megaphone in the mist of the chaos! Seeing that happen and then the news coverage over it, as crazy as it sounds it gave me PTSD all over again like it did after Alb got arrested and watching all the news. I stay up to date with everything but i usually don't watch the news. When that happened at Trumps rally, I turned to the news station to see what was going on and watching the news and the things scrolling at the bottom "BREAKING NEWS" etc. really got my PTSD rolling and I had to turn it off. I guess you would have to be a part of it to understand it but i realized a few days ago I still cannot watch the news because of the trauma I endured all those days. I hope I explained that good enough. I just get to thinking it and try to type it the best way I know how.

Update #122

June 25th, 2024

Been a busy few months, just had Virginia 5th birthday party over the weekend. It was great, she loved it. I couldn't be happier with how everything turned out and the excitement of all the kids!!! 

Been able to work and have been able to pay all the bills except for daycare. I give them 100 here and there but it's really hard trying to pay 270 a week for daycare plus all my other bills. I still don't get any kind of state help bc I "make to much" even though my bills exceed what I make in a month. Starting to stress now bc my daycare bill is well over 5,500 and I'm afraid they are going to kick them out of daycare. I need a miracle to happen on the daycare part. I can pay all my other bills but that's all I can do. I've been having to pay full price at daycare since January 1st, but paying lights, rent, water, food, etc is more important that we have a home to come home to than paying daycare. I am going to have to start getting it knocked down tho before they get kicked out and then I won't be able to work at all. Please just keep us in your prayers that a miracle happens and I can get daycare paid up and be able to keep paying it. Come August it will drop to 170 a week bc Virginia will be in kindergarten but Dollie still has 2 years left of daycare before she starts school. I'll try to keep everyone updated more I just stay so busy with the girls and work. 

Update #121

April 5th, 2024

Well everything was going pretty good. Thought I was finally getting ahead, having to pay 270 a week in daycare since the beginning of the year is really starting to hurt me financially and I can no longer pay everything. Still trying to get state assistance but it's like trying to hurd cats. I have turned paper work in 3 times since December 28th.

On top of that I have had to miss work this week due to health issues. At first I just thought I was sick. I went to urgent care and the immediately sent me to the hospital for further testing. First they thought it was cardiac events, then they thought it was a blockage around my heart, now they are saying I have multiple nodules in my lungs and have to go to a lung specialist. I can barely move around the house or have a conversation without getting short of breath. 

I want to go to work tomorrow but honestly I don't know if I'll physically be able to. The girls are doing great, been taking care of mommy and taking my temperature every 30 minutes haha Virginia says your still good momma it's green! Love there little hearts. Please just keep me in your prayers now as I find out what else is wrong and get through this financial struggle once again 😭 😞 sometimes I really feel I can't win for losing. 

Update #119

March 8th, 2024

I have been busy the past few weeks working. The girls have been doing great, growing every day. We had a picnic and went to the park over the weekend. I always try to do a little something with them each week in between working because those are the little things they will always cherish. I am trying to take them on a little getaway trip when Patience has her spring break. I feel like I have to work so much I want to squeeze in any mommy/daughter I can and make wonderful memories they will never forget. I've had a lot of hard choices I've had to make recently regarding people in the girls' lives. Some people may not like or understand my decision, but I am their mother and am always looking out for the girls and what is best for them, and not just now I am thinking about the future. I only want what's best for these girls and I always will. No one will ever look out for children like their mother. People may not like my decision, but I know in the end it is best for these girls. If everyone could just keep me in your prayers as I go through this next rough chapter in our lives I would greatly appreciate it. I would do anything for my girls and that is why I am doing what I have to do. 

Update #119

March 8th, 2024

I have been busy the past few weeks working. The girls have been doing great, growing every day. We had a picnic and went to the park over the weekend. I always try to do a little something with them each week in between working because those are the little things they will always cherish. I am trying to take them on a little getaway trip when Patience has her spring break. I feel like I have to work so much I want to squeeze in any mommy/daughter I can and make wonderful memories they will never forget. I've had a lot of hard choices I've had to make recently regarding people in the girls' lives. Some people may not like or understand my decision, but I am their mother and am always looking out for the girls and what is best for them, and not just now I am thinking about the future. I only want what's best for these girls and I always will. No one will ever look out for children like their mother. People may not like my decision, but I know in the end it is best for these girls. If everyone could just keep me in your prayers as I go through this next rough chapter in our lives I would greatly appreciate it. I would do anything for my girls and that is why I am doing what I have to do. 

Update #118

January 26th, 2024

Of all the people calling my phone, my boss was calling me yesterday while I was in the shower and my phone vibrated off and fell, and broke. I'm so upset because it is through a phone service, and I didn't pay the extra every month for the insurance because the bill was high already. Now I don't know what I am going to do. I have had that phone for close to 2 years. I have to keep that phone number; I am supposed to having important phone calls next week going to that number. On top of that to do my taxes it wanting to send a code to that phone number to verify it's really me so I can't even do my taxes right now unless I go and let them do it and pay hundreds of dollars for them to do it, which I'm not going to do at this moment. Its literally always something. ha-ha Other than that we are doing good here. The babies are doing great and getting so big I'm going to have to stop calling them babies. They will always be momma babies though. My niece had her baby yesterday, so the babies are going to see her after daycare while I'm at work. My 4-year-old is beyond excited to meet her cousin, she kept making me show her pictures of the baby last night. 

Would also like to thank everyone on here for the donations, prayers, and encouraging words. Without all of you all the girls and I would not be where we are because we wouldn't have made it to where we are now if it wasn't for all of you all!!! Thank you so much and keep those prayers coming!

Update #117

January 22nd, 2024

Well, we made it through another year! Tennessee where I live got hit with a huge snowstorm last week, on top of cold weather. It was a bit rough. I missed 3 days of work, and it took me 3 days to shovel the driveway, one day being my birthday so I spent most of it shoveling a steep iced over driveway haha. Then our pipes froze, and it costed over 200 dollars to fix. Did the work myself or it would have been a lot more money to have it fixed, that was just the parts. So, it's been a rough start to a new year it seems. We still are pulling through. The oldest has been out of school for over a week and they are still out as of right now. Hoping they get to go back this week. The 2 youngest are getting smarter every day and learning how to write their names and learning how to add. I feel like they grow so much, I just blink my eyes and they are a little older. Nothing has really changed with Alb he is still in the same place and usually stays locked down. As always just keep us in your prayers, as long as someone is praying for us I know we will make it through. 

Update #116

December 20th, 2023

Its so close to Christmas. The girls are getting excited. Dollie has been having problems with her ears for a while and its only gotten worse. I took her back to the doctor yesterday and they started giving her the shots she has to go for 3 days in a row. Tomorrow is the last day so hopefully she will finally be on the mend. My power steering pump went out Sunday at work, I finally found the part for 200 dollars, but I had to fix it myself. I finally did after a few busted knuckles and 4 hours later. Im just hoping I get everything finished for Christmas, that 200 for the part really hurt. Just pray I make it through the next few days of work and everyone stays healthy.    

Update #115

December 14th, 2023

The girls and I are finally feeling better. We still have that lingering cough but hoping that goes away soon. I was working 3 jobs and trying to make it through Christmas, but I just had to quit it. It was a lot for me, but I was just pushing through. It made too the girls though, so I quit this past week. I did need the extra money, but my girls come first, and I could see my youngest was really having a hard time without mommy being home like I was because it's hard enough doing the 2 jobs. The girls go to daycare and the state helps me that is one of the only things I get help from the state, Well I got a letter in the mail a couple of days ago that said it was going to be terminated on the 21st of this month and I have to start paying it myself. I got approved in September on my recert so there is no reason why this should be happening. I was on the phone for hours with the state with no outcome of help. I also learned the state of Tennessee is doing this and just dropping people because things aren't getting turned in by the workers who are supposed to be your case worker. I went back down to the office yesterday to speak with someone in person, but I still haven't gotten it straightened out yet, which stresses me to death. I take the kids to daycare, work and come home and take care of them. I do everything I am supposed to do and now here we are. I am worried if it doesn't get straightened out, I'm going to have to pick back up a 3rd job just to pay for daycare because I already pay out of pocket for nights and weekends when I work, so the struggle is real! haha I just hope the state gets this figured out because the child care is the biggest thing I need right now, I don't get other assistance, they don't pay my rent. It just frustrates me that I did everything I was supposed to do and they still closed my case because of someone else not doing there job, and right before Christmas and if I have to reapply it's a 3 month minimum wait to get approved again and I will have to pay the 170 a week for child care until then.....Like I've said before the end of the year is always hard for me so just keep us in your prayers and I'm hoping 2024 will be the year I have been needing as single mother just trying to make it and give these girls a good life. 

Update #114

December 1st, 2023

We went to the doctor yesterday and Patience was positive for the flu, which we assumed she would be as sick as she has been. Thankfully the babies are still in the clear and just have drainage from allergies. Dollie still has fluid on her ear, but it is not infected again. I pray the flu stays away from them it's hard enough watching my oldest have the flu I would hate for the babies to get it. I'm still not 100% but I go back to work tonight. Be sure to keep them in your prayers. I talked to Alb this morning, he finally got moved to a better part of the prison where it is not so violent and got a better job. He also got in the grow program which he's been trying to get in since he got there. He is doing the electrical work which is some of the things he did with his job on the outside so he is enjoying that. He finally was able to get the email set up so we should be able to talk to him more and send messages and pictures through email. 

Update #113

November 30th, 2023

Well, I worked all day on Thanksgiving, and it was so busy and so many people. Do people not cook at home with family anymore? It so sad to see the family traditions slipping away. With that being said I ended up with the flu. I have missed a week of work from all my places, which they are not happy because they just want you there sick or not. Patience now has the flu and I think the babies have it now. We are all going back to the doctor here in just a little bit. I have been trying so hard and working so much and it is always something, I am hoping the babies are negative. RSV is also going around bad at the daycare. The elves showed up Monday at the house, so the girls have been so excited seeing the Elves get into silly little things. I am finally starting to feel better this round of flu was by far the worst and worse than the last time I had Covid. Just pray for us and pray the girls are negative on their tests today and maybe just have a cold. Hopefully I will be able to return to work tomorrow, it is hard being the only one working and missing a whole week of work during this time. I am currently working 3 jobs and wearing myself out but it's all I can do. I will update on what the doctors say about the babies. We have talk to Alb some but it's gotten to where it is only about 3-4 times a month because of lockdowns. He is doing good and keeping his head up.  

Update #112

November 14th, 2023

So, it took us a few days to really get into the girl's candy after Halloween, on November 7th the girls were wanting something out of their bag. Dollie wanted her Krispie treat so Patience opened it, and it had a razor in it!!!! I was in full panic and went to searching the rest and found another one in Virginias candy bag as well! It has completely blown me away that someone could actually do this to children. I called the police and made a report, and they said I was the 5th one in the area to make a report about this same thing. So, someone in our hometown did this to this candy for children, I am beside myself over this. The girls were just confused and didn't understand why someone would do this. I ended up throwing all their candy away and we went, and I let them pick them some candy out from the store. I've always heard about these things but have never personally seen it happen until now. It really ruined our views on trick or treating now, and honestly, I don't think we will ever do it again. I am going to think of something else we can do that is still fun. I have sat and thought so much what if Patience hadn't saw it and Dollie actually got it to her mouth and bit down. It certainly sent me into a PTSD moment. The world we live in is such an evil place and it makes me hold my girls tighter. I just recently picked up a 3rd job for the holidays, hoping the sitter works out and I am able to work there. I also hope I can make it thru the holidays and in one piece. I am not sure when I will sleep, but everything is so expensive these days it's sad a single mom has to have 3 jobs just to make ends meet. As always just keep us in your prayers. The girls are doing good and growing with each day that passes. We get to talk to Alb only a couple times a month at this point with the way they keep them locked down.

Update Update #112 Image
Update #111

November 5th, 2023

Since I work every weekend, I hardly ever get to make the girls breakfast anymore. I took advantage of the extra hour we got with time change and was able to make breakfast. It's the little things I cherish the most. Virginia loved it and helped me mix everything together. I think Dollie is getting sick. I sure hope not but she woke up coughing and saying she didn't feel good. I wish I could give them the world but, in their eyes, I think I am. Virginia told me I was the best cook ever so you know that would make anyone feel good. I love these girls with my whole heart, sometimes I wish time would slow down, because they have gotten so big in the last few years since daddy hasn't been here. Everyone just keep little Dollie in your prayers this morning that she is not catching a sickness. 

Update #110

November 3rd, 2023

It's been a little while since I have been on here, the girls are doing good and growing up more and more everyday. Patience just had a birthday and is now 12 years old. I took her out to eat and got her a few things. We didn't get to do a whole lot but she was happy to just be with me for the day. Which melts my heart because now that she is older she doesn't always want to spend time with me. Haha We have been trying to avoid the sickness this time around, Patience did have the flu a while back and got a stomach bug. The babysitter has covid right now so she hasn't been able to watch the girls. I'm hoping she feels better, it has made her very sick this time so keep her in your prayers also. We have talked to Alb but not alot. They always keep that place locked down. It was a year ago this past Friday, on Patience birthday as well that he was sentenced. It was also the last time I saw him. As always just keep us in your prayers, every month is always a little rough with bills especially since lights and water have seemed to skyrocket for everyone, but it seems the last few months of the year is always the hardest. 

Update #109

September 27th, 2023

We still haven't heard from Alb; it's been almost 2 weeks now which is always bad feeling when we don't hear from him. I am out of work all week, which I can't afford but Patience and I both have the flu now!! I am telling you this stuff is horrible. Hoping the babies don't get it, Virginia was starting to cough and say she felt bad so I'm praying somehow it passes them up. I am hoping I can at least be feeling better, and the girls are good so I can go back to work by Friday. Please just keep us in your prayers we sure need them.

Update #108

September 17th, 2023

I am trying to stay up lifted and knowing everything happens for a reason, but its starting to get stressful. Sundays are my doubles. Last Sunday and I can't make this stuff up, lightning struck the heat pump at work, and we had to be closed that day. Today I wake up and 2 out of 3 kids are sick and a text message from the sitter saying she is sick too. Usually that day is when I make my most and now 2 weeks in a row I have lost it. I feel so defeated when things like this happen and try to think everything happens for a reason, but that doesn't change how much I pay for all the bills. I am just getting so overwhelmed and stressed. Going on almost 3 years since they took Alb and everything has doubled or triple since he was here. just my rent, lights, and water a month run almost 1500 a month and that's just 3 bills. If it wasn't for people like you and different foundations over this period of time I don't know where we would be. But now this momma is super stressing missed now the 2nd Sunday of work this month. Thursday night the babies had to come to work with me. It was a nightmare, Do you know how hard it is to try and work and serve tables with your own 3 and 4 year old sitting in your section. I hope I never have to do that again. I mean I am trying so hard I just wish I could feel like I finally caught a break. To the people who has family that helps with their kids be forever grateful because we do not and I have to pay for all of my sitters which runs about 130 a week. So i feel like i have my 2nd job just to pay a sitter. Just keep us in your prayers this momma really needs them this morning. I know I am strong and doing this for my kids and will keep on but man if its just now down right hard sometimes and you feel like that light at the end of the tunnel just keeps getting farther and farther.

Update #107

September 6th, 2023

I know as a mother we think about things more than we should and beat ourselves up over the smallest things. I feel so terrible I have been trying to pick up hours at my job, but it's not been going well, people just don't tip and get out like they have been. So, my mind has been all about the bills and didn't realize until yesterday Dollie birthday is Friday! I haven't even gotten her a present, thought about a cake or anything. I have beat myself for not remembering that's for sure! I have to work Friday but I am going to try and do a little something for her Saturday. I always use to think how could a mom forget her kids' birthday!? Well, that's me I am that MOM now! lol

We haven't got to talk to Alb in a few days again, I am hoping he calls this afternoon. He has been doing ok in there and got a chess book. He sent Dollie a birthday card in the mail I got yesterday, so I know she will be excited when she sees it! They love getting anything from their Daddy!

Update #106

August 26th, 2023

Well once again we all got hit the stomach bug and some kind of "cold" Everyone is doing better now. I was working 2 jobs equaling 40 hours a week, but I quit one of them last week. Sometimes no matter how good of a worker you are you have to elimate yourself from the situation. I have had a couple job offers but they can't work with the schedule I have. I really need them to be day shifts. I am working a few night shifts at my other job but I have to pay the baby sitter, plus day care so sometimes it just isn't worth it. So just pray I find what I need.

Alb isn't getting mail again and is still on restriction with commissary till Mid October. He isn't even allowed to get hygiene stuff! Weve been able to talk him most days, or every few days at the least. The girls love and miss him so much. The 4 year old always ask him if hes still in jail and when he is coming home, it breaks my heart hearing them talk. They just want their daddy home!

Update #105

August 10th, 2023

School started back this week for Patience, so she started her first day in middle school. She decided to take band and theatre, I think it will be good to have those extra activities to keep her busy. Virginia starts pre-k on Monday, I am still in shock she is starting pre-k! Seems like they last few years has gone by so fast but so slow at the same time. Dollie is finally doing better; she goes to the doctor tomorrow and I am hoping her ears are looking better or she is going to have to go to an ear doctor. Finally got all the cleanup from the storm. That was probably one of the worst storms I have been through and was much scarier trying to protect all the girls! 

Ive gotten to talk to Alb a few times. The prison stays on lockdown most of the time. His unit lost commissary, so they were I understand is he can't get it again until October! That place is so rough and stressful I can't imagine how it is for him being in there. He hasn't gotten mail in 6 weeks or more, he thinks they are holding that too. He wanted me to let anyone who writes him know what's going on and be sure that you all knew he still thinks about you all every day. Hopefully he will get his mail back before long.  

Update #104

July 31st, 2023

when it rains it pours. Dollie is still sick. We have been back to the doctor again. They say its just a bas stomach bug and double ear infections. Saturday my hometown got hit with a huge storm. My neighborhood got the worst of it. My road is still closed down. It took down multiple trees on my road and broke 4 light poles infront of my house on my street. It tore all the powerlines down. Trees fell in my yard and tore part of my siding off my house. I talked to Aep again today, the guys working on the road and they said it would be 3 or 4 more days! I just dont know what I am going to do. Thought about getting a hotel so we could take showers and everything but that is just more money. Going to take some clothes to the laundry mat, poor Dollie threw up on her favorite blanket so mommy has to get it cleaned up for. Just keep us in your prayers, I am glad we made it through the storm I thought for sure trees were about to come through the house. 

Update #103

July 29th, 2023

Dollie is currently resting in my bed. Poor thing has been through so much the last few days. We went to the hospital and had test run. They said she just has a bad stomach bug and ear infections. Shes been throwing up since Wednesday and have been to the doctor twice since then. I just worry about her she just isn't her happy self. She hasn't eaten food since Thursday morning, and it was only a few bites. With that being said she also hasn't kept her antibiotics down, so she isn't getting what she needs for her ears. Doctor said to wait a day or so more and see if she can start to keep it down. I pray she wakes up from her nap and is able to keep everything down. I stayed home again from work because she just wasn't well enough to be kept by a sitter. She has wanted to be right by mommy's side and I lay with her so that's what we have done, and I am so glad I did because she needed mommy's hugs and love. Now the guilt of being behind by not working and everything due, and school starting next week has my anxiety on high and my nerves a wreck. It's so hard knowing you only miss 3 days of work and now I am making decisions on what's most important when rent, lights, water, etc. are all equally important. I know there are so many single women in the same boat I am, and I feel so much for each one of them. Everyone please just keep praying for Dollie.

Update #102

July 28th, 2023

It has been a rollercoaster of a year it seems like. So much always going on I feel I am going to give myself a heart attack worrying about everything. Dollie has been really sick the last few days and cant keep anything down, not even zofran or pedialyte. She also has double ear infection but not sure whats causing her to not be able to keep anything down. I took her to the doctor yesterday but she is worse today, so I called out of work and called the doctor and having to take her to the hospital for fluids and to keep an eye on her. If you could please keep us in your prayers especially Dollie right now.

Also talked to Albuquerque, first time in a long time. they have been on lockdown. That place is so crazy and scary its like listening to a horror book. They took his commissary away for a month, he still has some money on it but cant use it right now. I have a way I can get him some commissary if I get some money for him.

I will keep everyone updated on Dollie when i find out more about her. I pray it is just an over welcomed stomach bug, and it passes soon so she can keep down her antibiotics for her poor little ears.  

Update #101

July 11th, 2023

Once again, I like to get on here just to update people, but sometimes I feel like the girls keep me so busy 3 weeks go by, and there is so much animosity with any affiliation, I always get hate back, We don't get to talk to Alb much, the whole prison stays on lockdown most of the time. I've been able to work lately. Weekends are starting to be iffy. I am limited to sitters and their regular jobs are taking over the "side job" I don't have anyone else, so I am hoping something gives. Speaking of something giving I have an older car I drive every day, a 2007 Subaru that has needed nothing but work since I got it seems, but I've kept up the Maintenace and fixed what has been broken, but 2 days ago my exhaust broke off my muffler and basically the whole exhaust is shot. I grinded the muffler off to fix the problem for now, I can fix it myself if I can find the time to do it. I just feel so overwhelmed with all of this. I can get the parts for 200 to do it myself, but they wont get here till July 25th. I don't have that extra money anyway. I don't post a lot on here for many reasons, but I am just a mother that is trying I get so defeated over all of this when I shouldn't, because honestly if I didn't know how to fix cars I wouldn't even be able to drive it right now. I just get so defeated and then to go work on the car for hours only to pacify it for is so hard to swallow. I know people do it everyday but literally being mommy and daddy, working 2 jobs, tending to the kids, mowing the massive yard, cooking dinner, mowing the yard, and fixing the car is really starting to just weigh down on me. I appreciate everyone who has been here for the kids and I through this rough time. 
Update #100

June 20th, 2023

Tomorrow is Virginia birthday. I cant believe she is going to be 4. I took them to the Zoo last week for her birthday. I am going to take cupcakes to daycare tomorrow. I havent gotten her a present to open yet, the small trip to the Zoo broke me and my back working extra! lol Shes wanting everythig she sees, haha...she is wanting a barbie house and all the things that go with it, and a a nappy napper or whatever those sleeping bags are, and of course the latest and messiest candy they have I had today off so I kept the girls home from daycare since its a rainy day anyways, and I sure have missed them since Ive been working on the weekends. 

Albuquerque just had his birthday and fathers day. He got to talk to the girls on the phone and the girls made him fathers day stuff but I just have to put that up for now..

As always keep us in your thoughts and prayers, especially my oldest as she is still having a hard time with everything and have somethings going on with her next week. 

Update #99

June 15th, 2023

Virginia birthday is next week. She is excited about it. I took them to the zoo yesterday, they had so much fun. Albuquerque wants me to bring the girls to see him but I am so unsure about it. For one taking the time off work is hard and i had to work 2 weeks in a row just to keep my bill money up and have extra to pay for the Zoo. Not to mention that wore this ol momma out and I got a full work of week ahead, But I also worry about taking the  girls this prison. This isnt like the other prisons these guys have got sent to. This is a Max federal prison and they dont play around there nor can Alb say much about it because it would get him killed in no time. Hes upset with me for not wanting to expose them to something like that, but as a mother I do not feel they need to be introduced to that or the worry that comes with it. Crazy things happen in that place everyday, what if the day I am up there for visitation with the girls something happened? Its just such a rough place I dont think he is seeing my side. I know he hasnt seen them  in person in over 2 years but I just dont feel comfortable taking them there. Albuquerque birthday is tomorrow if everyone could say a little Happy Birthday for him.

Update #97

June 8th, 2023

We have been enjoying the hot and sunny weather, it finally rained which was great for our garden. The girls have been great. Virginia has water day every Friday at pre-k so she loves that! Work has been going pretty good. My work week will begin tomorrow. Virginia's birthday is in less than 2 weeks so I would love to be able yo take them to a big Zoo just a couple hours away from us. They talk about all the different animals at the Zoo so I think surprising them will be awesome. Everyone keep praying for my oldest, she has been doing good lately. I am thankful for everything God has blessed me with and being able to take care of these girls each day. I couldn't be more blessed with the life we have, even with our own struggles. I just keep my head and thrive each day for these girls.  

Update #97

June 8th, 2023

We have been enjoying the hot and sunny weather, it finally rained which was great for our garden. The girls have been great. Virginia has water day every Friday at pre-k so she loves that! Work has been going pretty good. My work week will begin tomorrow. Virginia's birthday is in less than 2 weeks so I would love to be able yo take them to a big Zoo just a couple hours away from us. They talk about all the different animals at the Zoo so I think surprising them will be awesome. Everyone keep praying for my oldest, she has been doing good lately. I am thankful for everything God has blessed me with and being able to take care of these girls each day. I couldn't be more blessed with the life we have, even with our own struggles. I just keep my head and thrive each day for these girls.  

Update #96

May 31st, 2023

It has been a little bit since I have been on. We have stayed busy. I got a new job but have been training the last 2 weeks. Friday will be my first day not training! Please keep my oldest in your prayers as she is still having a lot to deal with. I worked on Memorial Day and went to the grocery store after, and someone stole my wallet out of my shopping cart. I was hoping someone would at least leave everything else behind but it hasn't been found. I spent all day yesterday at the DMV and the banks. The babies are doing great and growing everyday. Our garden is starting to get blooms so they are very excited about that. 

Update #95

May 8th, 2023

I had kind of lost hope in the 2 interviews I had last week, and yesterday one of them sent an email for a 2nd interview for Thursday so fingers crossed. The girls have been doing good. Still working on the garden and love being outside while mommy is doing stuff. We haven't got to talk to Alb in a week now. I am assuming the prison is on lockdown once again. I hate when he doesn't get to call and especially not being able to talk to the girls. Virginia birthday is next month so she has been picking out the toys she wants. She says she wants a Peppa Pig birthday party and to go to the Zoo! So that's what we are going to try and do. I hope all is well with everyone and I have tried to write everyone back who sends me letters, if I have not yet bare with me I will get them out! lol

Update #94

May 4th, 2023

I had to interviews this week, they are both supposed to be calling me today. I am worried because of my schedule only being able to work days through the week and no weekends is going to hurt me getting this job because they want flexibility. This is so stressful. I hope to find something soon or I dont know what we are going to do. I pray God will place me in the place I need and will allow me to take care of these girls. 

Update #93

May 1st, 2023

It has been a pretty good Monday so far. I went out and talk to a couple of restaurants around town and then put the applications online. I feel seeing people in person does better with me than just putting an application in. Haven't had luck with the online jobs, but the warmer weather and having Patience on a routine schedule now since I was off and get that handled, I think I'll be ok getting a job outside of the home. Then again something can come up that I've already applied for. I was able to get all of the bills paid up for this month, aside from my rent. It is due today. I am just thankful I got everything else paid. I got my last check, and it was $4.71 so that didn't get but a gallon of gas... :) lol We have had some crazy wind here the last couple days, we checked on our garden and they are still holding up strong and my rose bush is just about to bust open some blooms. Going to finish up this last application and go mow this big hill of a yard! :) :)

Update #92

April 30th, 2023

We didn't make it to church this morning, this momma just seems to be having a rough time. However the babies and I did make us a nice breakfast. I have been trying to get state help and havent had any luck. Either I dont qualify and I don't know how that's possible, they have stopped, or they have shut down the portals because there are so many people needing help. I worry so much about everything and then it seems I am defeated before I can even get started. I have the girls but I just feel so alone in all of this and I am supposed to be the bread winner in the house and its just piling up on me. It supposed to be warming up here anytime so the girls and I are getting ready to go paint some rocks to put in our garden and hopefully the beautiful nature and the sun rays can take away some of mine stress and anxiety.
Update #91

April 29th, 2023

For some reason it wont let me add pictures. Im not sure why I have tried multiple times. The girls and I have loved so much looking at our garden each day. The babies get so excited about them. We ainted rocks to put around our plants so hopefully the birds wont mess with them. I havent had a garden here before but we have a lot of deer, squirrels, and prob have to keep an eye on it once we start producing lol No luck on a job yet but I am going to go next week and get one in town hopefully that can work with my schedule. I know I have to go back to work but being home and being the whole part of the kdis life has been so great and thinking about how it could have been had I not went back to work. I just love being the mother who cooks everyday, and is there at all the little things in my childs life. They are only small once and since I have home I have realized how much you can miss im such a small amount of time. I can only imagine how Albuquerque feels missing them growing up, they were so young when they took him and will be almost in double digits by the time he gets out. I just pray through these hard times ahead that God will find a way and I am so blessed to be spending this time at home with the babies.
Update #90

April 25th, 2023

Goodmorning everyone! We are up this morning eating breakfast and getting ready for the day. No luck on an online job yet, trying to wait to go out and get one because of the same situation Ill be in. The oldest has some appointments this week, and we also went and got the papers to sign her up for the boys and girls club this summer. I have added a picture of our little garden we have made. The girls enjoy do much watching them grow and taking care of them. When new leaves or flowers pop out they get so excited and it just melts my heart. 
Update #87

April 22nd, 2023

Still no luck on a job yet, I worry when I do get one with my oldest and all of her appointments that have to be during hours, I can work is going to be hard and I am going to be stuck in the last position I was in. Alb can't get here soon enough, we have been missing him extra this week. April 14th made 2 years since he has been in there, and also our anniversary. The girls and I have been planting our tomatoes and peppers. They love being outside doing stuff with mommy. This year we don't have a garden, I didn't want to put all that work into one and have to move before we could harvest everything, so I used pots I already had. for the peppers I used the girls old plastic swimming pool, it turned out so cool I think! I will post pictures on the next update because we are pretty proud of our work! 
Update #87

April 22nd, 2023

Still no luck on a job yet, I worry when I do get one with my oldest and all of her appointments that have to be during hours, I can work is going to be hard and I am going to be stuck in the last position I was in. Alb can't get here soon enough, we have been missing him extra this week. April 14th made 2 years since he has been in there, and also our anniversary. The girls and I have been planting our tomatoes and peppers. They love being outside doing stuff with mommy. This year we don't have a garden, I didn't want to put all that work into one and have to move before we could harvest everything, so I used pots I already had. for the peppers I used the girls old plastic swimming pool, it turned out so cool I think! I will post pictures on the next update because we are pretty proud of our work! 
Update #87

April 22nd, 2023

Still no luck on a job yet, I worry when I do get one with my oldest and all of her appointments that have to be during hours, I can work is going to be hard and I am going to be stuck in the last position I was in. Alb can't get here soon enough, we have been missing him extra this week. April 14th made 2 years since he has been in there, and also our anniversary. The girls and I have been planting our tomatoes and peppers. They love being outside doing stuff with mommy. This year we don't have a garden, I didn't want to put all that work into one and have to move before we could harvest everything, so I used pots I already had. for the peppers I used the girls old plastic swimming pool, it turned out so cool I think! I will post pictures on the next update because we are pretty proud of our work! 
Update #86

April 17th, 2023

After not working for the last few days or having the worries of work on my shoulders has truly lifted some weight off of me. I am going to have to get back in the working field and have a few applications in for jobs at home but in the meantime being here with the girls and actually getting stuff done at home has felt so nice. Our oldest has a lot of appointments over the next 6 months to a year, so having some time to get those scheduled has been a blessing. I truly believe everything happens for a reason, so I think all of this has been a step in the right direction. It has also given me time to connect with other people and have time to talk to them because believe it or not momma needs to talk too. haha Thank you to each and every one one of you all for all the things you do. It doesn't go unnoticed. <3
Update #84

April 14th, 2023

Each week i think this is going to be the week that things start turning around. Not the case, i lost my job yesterday because I miss too much work with the kids. I have doctors notes for everything. Which means I also lost my daycare I worked so hard for. I could go get another job but I am going to be stuck in the same situation, sick kid, no work. I literally have no one else that can watch them if they are sick or have to miss. Not to mention my oldest has usually one or more appt each week that is during my working hours. PFP (Patriot Freedom Project) was also paying my rent until I went to another j/6 event I went to in Alabama  and because she didn't like them she stopped paying my rent, how unfair was that? Literally did it in text messages to and then blocked me. I paid my rent this month but it is due again on May 1st and all my other bills are due and now I am jobless. I checked with Tennessee and there is no kind of help I can get on my rent through the state either.... The girls also got pink eye from daycare so they couldnt have went anyway. I feeel like I am fighting a losing battle and my ship just keeps taking on more water. 
Update #84

April 14th, 2023

Each week i think this is going to be the week that things start turning around. Not the case, i lost my job yesterday because I miss too much work with the kids. I have doctors notes for everything. Which means I also lost my daycare I worked so hard for. I could go get another job but I am going to be stuck in the same situation, sick kid, no work. I literally have no one else that can watch them if they are sick or have to miss. Not to mention my oldest has usually one or more appt each week that is during my working hours. PFP (Patriot Freedom Project) was also paying my rent until I went to another j/6 event I went to in Alabama  and because she didn't like them she stopped paying my rent, how unfair was that? Literally did it in text messages to and then blocked me. I paid my rent this month but it is due again on May 1st and all my other bills are due and now I am jobless. I checked with Tennessee and there is no kind of help I can get on my rent through the state either.... The girls also got pink eye from daycare so they couldnt have went anyway. I feeel like I am fighting a losing battle and my ship just keeps taking on more water. 
Update #83

April 8th, 2023

I hope everyone has a great Easter tomorrow. I have the girls dresses and they are excited to go to church tomorrow and hunt I got the water problem fixed at home. My lights and water bill are so high this month I am extremely stressed about. I had to change the pressure valve on the hot water heater, the pressure valve on the house itself, and the faucet outside because it blew it all. But no leaking water and I haven't ran out of hot water! I was beginning to think running out of hot water was just normal at this house.

Now on to my oldest, she fell outside at school Monday on the tennis court and scraped her leg up good, well Wednesday morning came and her foot was swollen and was painful so I took her to the doctor. She didnt break anything but they said that would have been better. So she is now in a full boot for 3 weeks, physical therapy, and then has to be put in a brace at the end of the month.....this was also the start of her spring break....

Update #82

April 3rd, 2023

2 steps forward 3 steps back.....On top of the stomach bug that the babies have got, I realized after I got another 700 light bill and a 300 dollar water bill, I go underneath my house to find that hot water is just pouring out of the hot water and for who knows how long. I have had a 500 or more light bill since nov. I just thought it was because of the cold months. I am so upset over this because I am responsible for paying this high light and water bill. I currently have no water because the landlord is having a hard time to find someone to even come fix it. So home again today. I just feel so defeated because it is one thing after another. I dont know how manageble it will be with 3 kids but I am going to start looking for some type of work at home. This day in time it is almost impossible to raise kids as a single parent. I know I couldnt do it without all these Patriots who has helped us. Pray they get someone to come fix our water today so we can have our water back.

Update #81

March 29th, 2023

We are finally all better from the sickness that has been going around. Hoping the warm weather will keep it away as we are over it! lol The girls and I recently were able to go to Mobile Al to speak about all the j/6 families and set up commissary for all the guys where the person sends the money directly to them. I think its great. I met some of the best Christian men and women while we was there, I think God sent us and each person that we met on that trip. My oldest wrote a speech and spoke at the event, which blew me away and made me cry, but I also think it helped her giving her an outlet on how she feels. I think people forget how impressionable life can be on kids and how much they take in, but they dont distribute it the same way as adults. Even without social media and trying to not talk about things infront of your kids somehow they still manage to know everything. I am so blessed for the people that we met as we continue this journey and to know there are so many True Patriots out there, we are not alone. All of you guys praying has helped me so much i can feel my prayer warriors out there. God Bless each and everyone of you. My girls and I will be forever grateful
Update #80

March 10th, 2023

I am finally better from Covid. I have to say that was by far the sickest I have ever been. It took me a full 2 weeks to get over and went to the hospital twice. I couldn't work, all I could do was lay in the bed. Luckily the babies were so good during that time. I think they knew how sick I was. I prayed they did not get Covid, and they did not! Patience is back home as well and is doing well. It has been so hard on us, but we are strong and have faith on our side. I took the girls to church this past Sunday and we all went. It was so overwhelming for me for many reasons. The babies absolutely loved it. Virginia got to go to a classroom, and she was so happy about that. Dollie went to the nursery and they were amazed at how well she talks. They have an amazing youth program that I think Patience will get a lot out of. As for me listening to the preacher that day I felt it was meant for me to hear. We are going back this Sunday and Virginia is counting down the days!!! Thank you for all the prayers while we were sick, I know God heard them because I sure needed him during that time.  

Update #79

February 24th, 2023

I have never felt this bad in my life. I had covid before but not like this. I finally broke my temperature. I still can't smell or taste anything. I have been in the bed all week except when I've had to get up. My eyesight has been messed up, my balance. I feel so beat down even though I haven't done anything compared to a normal day. Our oldest is doing ok it sounds like. I have hated not being able to see her and just feel even further away from her being sick, even though I couldn't go see her anyway. We have a family session tomorrow. I pray this is helping her and getting her back to where she needs to be. The babies and I are going to have an easy night and watch a movie and enjoy the evening.

Update #78

February 23rd, 2023

I just can win for losing. I hadn't felt the best since yesterday, thought maybe it was stress. Today was worse so I got tested for Covid and it came back positive, I have never felt so bad in my life. Trying to keep the babies from getting sick, my temperature is over 103 right now with meds. I am literally drained everyway you could think of. So please say an extra little prayer for me. 

Update #77

February 22nd, 2023

Such a scary world we live in, I have gone back and forth on rather to post this but I'm going to. Suicide is very real, even in kids and the last 2 years have been so hard on us, but I didn't realize just how hard it is on kids. Our oldest is ok but is getting the treatment she needs right now. You don't realize how much kids carry burdens of their parents. The things people say on the internet with no thought about it. She read lots of negative things about us, Albuquerque, the hate mail and the news the way they have made everyone out to be. Kids don't understand how cruel life is and it's so sad no matter how much you tried to keep them from it they will find it. I am just beside myself; I feel like I failed as a mother. I am supposed to be their protector and the last thing I want is for any kid to have these thoughts or actions. So much going on and we are just trying to put ourselves back together. Please just keep praying for us right now

Update #76

February 21st, 2023

Please keep us in your prayers. It has been such a hard rode and only getting tougher it seems. I can't say a whole but please keep our oldest in your prayers as this has become a very difficult time for her especially. This is just the tip of the iceberg for this one. I am also going to have to take more time off work but at this point my baby girls come first. 

Update #75

February 15th, 2023

I was able to work today so that was nice. I took the girls out to a local restaurant for Valentines Day. I think it was much needed for all of us. We all got to talk to Alb so he was so happy to hear the girls. Its been a long day but another good one. I am getting pictures developed tomorrow and going to send them to him on Thursday. I know he will be so excited to have pictures to look at and decorate with.

Update #74

February 13th, 2023

I sit back and think about what I thought 2023 would be like 3 years ago, and it is nothing like what I thought it would be. From being a single mother to the world in general is such a scary thought. People have no work ethics, the think they are supposed to be handed everything with a silver spoon, and the worst is people have lost respect for other people. I worry so much about my girls in the years to come. What will it be like then?? For a small instance, it was ok that the Eagles fans tore everything down in the streets chanting F**CK THE CHIEFS, loitering, trashing the place over a FOOTBALL GAME, and its ok. Nothing is done every time this happens except a team may or may not be fined $$ but people go to try to make a difference and make this world a better place for our children and stand up for what's right and to show all this true evil that's in this world and what happens to them?? They are all getting the max and getting put in some of the worse prisons and getting treated like terrorist. People have let subliminal messaging, performances like the Grammys consume them that they are literally putting it in our face and people are to blind to see. If I do nothing more in this world then give my girls a good life and teach them morals, respect, and to think for themselves, I think I will have done pretty well because this world we live in is a scary place. Sorry for the rant just got a lot of things on my mind this Monday morning.

Update #73

February 13th, 2023

Well let's try this again. I have written this out 3 times. We are finally on the mend of feeling better. The babies went to daycare, Patience County called school out becauae they thought it MIGHT snow. So home today, no work. We talked to Alb he is hanging in there and doing ok it seems. Well I am going to make sure this one goes through and I will write again. Sometimes it eazes my mind writing on here. I know if it wasnt for all the support we have had I know we wouldnt be where we are now. Some days is harder than others but when I look at those girls I want to do everythingI can for them.  

Update #72

February 11th, 2023

Still just taking every day as it is. We can't seem to get over sickness between work, school and daycare. We all have Bronchitis and Pneumonia. So, no work or school the last few days. I feel I stay in a state of constant worry about who is going to be sick, how am I going to pay all the bills this month, is Albuquerque doing ok. I know I am an adult and I have responsibilities; it's still just hard doing this all on your own with the kids. Taking care of them while you yourself are so sick but you're the only one who can. Every day I wake up and keep moving ahead and everything seems to work out. I just worry about the next few months, and 6 months from now. I know we have to take each day one by one but just knowing the weight is all on my shoulders and I don't want to lose what we have or have to move. Thanks for listening to me rant. I fairly stay to myself and try to stay off social media which is probably better for us because we spend a lot of time as a family without all the technology. Took me almost all winter long but I finally got all of my wood busted up and a decent amount in the house where I have been able to keep a fire going because the lights was almost 1000 for 2 months, which is outrageous for where I live I think. Just remember to keep us in your prayers and keep us strong through these tough times.

Update #71

February 6th, 2023

Sometimes I feel like this is the only place I can get on and speak kind of like a diary. Today has become a hard day for me. I was sick and went to the doctor, missed work. After checking me they said I have bronchitis, pneumonia, and a upper raspatory infection, but at the end she asked me some questions about how I breath and then told me it sounds like I have a blockage in my right lung. I am a nervous wreck now. I have noticed I have had issues with that lung but I just thought it was because I am always going or working outside. They have me on a ton of medicine and am in the process of setting up and appointment with a specialist. Please just keep me in your prayers and that I can get better and get  back to work soon. I am hoping I can go tomorrow but we will have to see.   

Update #70

February 4th, 2023

3rd times a charm, right? I have been locked out of most of my things for over 2 weeks now. I have gotten into almost everything. Long story long, I have had a phone service for years never had to use them on anything serious until recently and they just wanted to play the blame game on everyone and not solve anything, so I cut the line off and got a new phone provider. That has made it hard on me though because it has basically locked me out of everything on top of that I've been trying to work, and keep the fire busted up for the house. I learned last week why people bust wood all summer long (not really i knew that) sometimes it's hard to get it done between the kids and let's be honest that is hard work but ive gotten good at it. If I have learned anything through all of this its that the human population won't survive long because they dont know what work is and feel they are entitled to everything, maybe its different where you all are from, but I see this in my work place all the time. I feel like I literally work myself to death and then here people thinking they are entitled because they are on the payroll and nothing more. I stay worried about my girls when they get bigger. I want to instill those work bones in them. No one knows what that is anymore I fear for the future. I dont say this much But maybe Albuquerque was right the world needfs a change but at what cost? You can never change the present nor the past but we past but you can have a dent in the future and if no one speaks up then what do we have?

Update #68

January 14th, 2023

We heard from alb a couple of days ago. We don't get to talk to him very often anymore. He's in good spirits so far. My birthday is next week. The girls made me birthday cards and give them to already. They are growing up so fast. Seems everyday they change. I've been trying to stay focused and keep working for me and the girls. I had a foundation helping pay my rent until the beginning of this month. Things are a little tighter now but I have decided 2023 is my year and I am going to do everything I can to keep this place we got last year and have everything we need. These girls deserve it, and I'll work everyday towards it. Just keep us in your prayers, they are working! 

Update #68

January 14th, 2023

We heard from alb a couple of days ago. We don't get to talk to him very often anymore. He's in good spirits so far. My birthday is next week. The girls made me birthday cards and give them to already. They are growing up so fast. Seems everyday they change. I've been trying to stay focused and keep working for me and the girls. I had a foundation helping pay my rent until the beginning of this month. Things are a little tighter now but I have decided 2023 is my year and I am going to do everything I can to keep this place we got last year and have everything we need. These girls deserve it, and I'll work everyday towards it. Just keep us in your prayers, they are working! 

Update #67

January 8th, 2023

Albuquerque is in Big Sandy. I heard from him, hes doing ok. In Big Sandy for the rest of his time. Just trying to live a regular life with the girls and make it through each day. Sometimes I worry so much. I worry that I myself wont be able to take care of the babies financially by myself for many years. I never thought I would be a single mother to 3 beautiful babies. I know I am stronger than I think though and some way it will all work out. It just gets a lot on the old mind sometimes. Not to mention the world we live in and our kids are growing up in. I worry so much what the world is gonna be like in  years.

Update #66

January 2nd, 2023

We still havent heard from Alb. I hope he is ok. I pray for him everyday. Im hoping this year everyone stays healthy and we make it through another year. The girls are growing so fast, daycare was closed today so we have had a fun day at home. These holidays has really took a toll on my oldest. She misses Alb so much and she has the hardest time with it I think. Just keep us in your prayers as always, thank you all for everything you do

Update #65

December 31st, 2022

We havent heard from Albuquerque since Christmas Eve. He was in Atlanta and has now been taken to Big Sandy. It is a max USP. They have made him as max as they can which we were told in court that was not going to be the case, I worry for all the guys having to go through this because it is not right the extreme they are putting them through. My light bill is 450 this month! I dont know how much longer I can keep with these high bills. Its so hard being a single parent for many reasons, I think the hardest thing is trying to get help from the government. You either have to not work and completely depend on the government, or work just enough to qualify to even get daycare so you can work, but your wages still dont pay the bills!  They want to keep you their pawn, and its not fair! I am a single mother of 3 just trying to make a good living for these girls.

Update #64

December 25th, 2022

Merry Christmas to everyone! The girls are fast asleep, and I am finishing up the last few things before Santa comes. It has been so cold here. It was 0 with windchills of -20 I have never seen it that cold before. Our heat pump couldn't keep up and it was 56 when I woke up this morning. Have had a fire going all day. I had to go outside and bust firewood today, as cold as it was it wasn't too bad out there working hard in it! lol It should be getting warmer here over the next few days. I hope everyone has a wonderful and remember the little things and to cherish the times you spend with people because you never know when or if you will see them again.

Update #63

December 22nd, 2022

We are just 2 days away from Christmas. The girls are about to be out for their Christmas break. Everything is pretty much took care of for the holidays. We don't get to talk to Albuquerque much. He is still in Atlanta USP Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas! Keep these precious baby girls in your prayers.

Update #62

December 15th, 2022

Today makes 611 days that Albuquerque has been away from us, I got to talk to him today for the first time in a while. His shoes were torn up so bad he couldn't take them with him because the new jail wouldn't allow it. He doesn't have any hygiene, underwear, etc. Hes not getting to talk to the girls so its been hard on him especially with Christmas around the corner. Its been a really rough day, and I for see it being a rough end to a year.

Update #61

December 11th, 2022

Today is day #606 since Albuquerque was taken from us. It never gets easier. We finally got to hear from him once. He is in quarantine so he only gets out every 3 days for 15 minutes. I am trying to get him some money together because he is in need of clothes, shower shoes, and basic everyday things like deodorant, shampoo, tennis shoes etc. They are not provided any of this. Thank you all who have helped us during this hard time.

Update #60

December 9th, 2022

They have moved Albuquerque. I have not gotten to talk to him since Saturday. That itself makes me nervous. I pray he is doing well. I know he is a strong person. I also pray everyday that as a mother I am doing everything I can. Some days are tough, but I know that is the days I have to be stronger.  

Update #59

December 5th, 2022

Its been almost 2 years now, and its not gotten any easier. I am not sure but I think Alb got moved and at some point soon will be in the Prison he will be serving the rest of his time at. I think this month has been the hardest so far, I have just had to take off work so much for various but needed reasons. We moved into this new place in April and the bills are just so much trying to keep them up. just between lights and water I owe almost 1000 for less than 2 months. My car broke down as I said before, PFP helped me get that fixed because it was 1500. I would have never been able to pay that. As a mother I am trying my best, I know no matter what though as long as the girls and I are together for Christmas that is all that matters. I just get down on myself because I want the girls to have the best life possible and I try so hard for these girls that look at me everyday with the biggest smiles. Just keep praying for us and Alb as he is traveling. I hope we get to talk to him again soon. 

Update #58

December 3rd, 2022

We made it back home safe, the main water line busted at home so we have been without water. Hoping it gets fixed soon. Christmas right around the corner and this momma just can't catch a break.

Update #57

November 29th, 2022

Well one thing after another. The girls and I had to go out of town which we are now, and my clutch went out on my car. Cheapest place so far is 1600 and that's not even for the tow or the total cost. I am at such a loss now because I feel so defeated being one thing after another. Please keep us in your prayers to figure this out and get back home safe with my car. 

Update #56

November 20th, 2022

I can't go into a lot of detail, but the week after Thanksgiving I have to take the whole week off of work. Just be sure to keep the girls and I in your prayers as a lot will go on that week and that we stay safe. Thank you all. 

Update #55

November 20th, 2022

The girls and I have been having a movie weekend. They love it! Alb is doing good. Still waiting to be moved to where he will spend the rest of his time. Been outside busting wood the last few days, got the newest light bill and its over 300 bucks for one month and it's just now getting cold. So that has given me more energy to bust more wood for the fire place! 

Update #54

November 17th, 2022

I should have everything for the fireplace I need by tomorrow! Thank you all. The girls and I have started decorating for Christmas. I know Thanksgiving is a week away but seeing them in the stores so excited with all the Christmas stuff out was to much to resist, so we went home and started digging through ours! The elves will be here soon so mommy has a lot of ideas to figure out the next month to do with them! :) 

Update #53

November 14th, 2022

Well we are still making it through with everything ok I guess. Always something. My oldest is sick again. The vacuum cleaner broke. I tried to fix it for like 3 weeks now. I give up on it. It's starting to get cold here. I have a fire place that works great and is cleaned out, but I need a fire cage and a mat to go infront it. We have carpet infront of it so it worries me going to sleep at night with hot logs being in it. Still trying to get back to working regularly. Just taking it day by day. Thank you all! 

Update #52

November 8th, 2022

It's been a little rough since i gotten back from DC. Scary times we love in.  The day after I got back someone drove by the house shooting a gun, the babies were on the front porch. It happened a total of 3 times. 3 days in a row. What kind of people do that? I'm hoping they find who it is, I can't say a lot since it is still active and going so sad that my children can't even feel safe at home because of people acting out like this. We are doing good. I finally got back to work again yesterday. It's just been a lot on us but we are strong just keep praying for us because we can feel it and we need it. Thank you all!!! 

Update #51

November 2nd, 2022

I am not going to say much here, because I always have prayers to be asked from all, but please especially during this time I can't say a whole lot but since the sentencing I feel we have become a target. I have had to make multiple reports. This isn't funny anymore. We are a grieving family who are just trying to move on from a hard time in life. Patience also has the flu now.....I will keep everyone updated nc this is not right that my family and other families are being bullied over all of this. 

Update #50

October 30th, 2022

I got to talk to alb a few times since the sentencing. He is holding up ok, just ready to be home to see his girls and give them a big ol hug. The girls talk to him earlier and was so glad to hear his voice. I made it back from DC early yesterday morning. So glad to be back home. 

Update #49

October 28th, 2022

Well now the nasty phone calls have started to my phone,  like they have with others. Why do people have to be like this? Would they like it if their family member and kids were being harassed? I just know I'll be praying for them and hope they can get past this and move forward with their lives like I am trying to do ours. Please just keep albuquerque, me and the girls in your prayers, and maybe pray a little harder these next few days. I appreciate the messages I have gotten from some of you with encouraging and loving messages those don't go unnoticed either, I just don't have to to reply individually. 

Update #48

October 28th, 2022

Albuquerque got sentenced yesterday to 90 months. It was a hard day but was good to get to see him.  The hate messages and calls have already started to my phone. I hate that, people want to send and say terrible things about alb and his family they are no better! Saying the things thing do to someone who is going through such a hard time only to try and degrade them more. It's ok though I'm not letting other people get to me because that's their opinion and I know need to voice my opinion to them because unlike these people who are harassing us I have a good life I don't need to sit behind a keyboard and belittle some one. Thank you for all of your support for the ones who have supported us through such a hard time! 

Update #47

October 24th, 2022

I am just a couple days away from leaving to head up for albuquerque sentencing. I am so nervous for everyone. I worked over the weekend so I wouldn't lose all my hours this week. Patience birthday is Thursday, the same day daddy gets sentenced. She's so heartbroken over that. The da waited until the very end to add things his his documents that is not going to be good for him. They are truly making him out to be a monster he is not. Just please keep us all in your prayers we need it now more than ever. 

Update #46

October 20th, 2022

Just a week away until he is sentenced. I will be going so I can be there with him that day. Pray that they go lower than we are anticipating because they are wanting to give him many years. The girls and I just want daddy home as soon as possible and safe. Prayers for my travels as well. I will give updates next week when we begin this journey. Very scary times we live in right now and I'm praying harder and harder everyday. 

Update #45

October 13th, 2022

We are closer and closer to sentencing everyday. It is just so nerve racking for everyone knowing he is probably going to be gone a long time. It's getting colder here I want to take the girls to a cornmaze/pumpkin patch. Things have gotten so expensive across the board for everything! 

I know I spoke about my car more than once. As of now I have everything fixed, it costed close to 3,500 dollars but it was well worth having a reliable car. 

Update #44

October 10th, 2022

We are just over 2 weeks aways from Albs sentencing hearing. Just trying to stay busy so I don't get overwhelmed. Getting the girls their costumes. They have already picked them out, the babies want to be witches, and P is going to be an inflatable Patrick! They are excited, and that keeps me going! I plan to go up there for sentencing   I think Albuquerque needs me now more than any other day, and I want to be there for him. Our oldest is having a hard time since it is on her birthday. Keep us all in your prayers but may an extra little prayer for Albuquerque and P this month. 

Update #43

October 4th, 2022

another day closer to the sentencing day. My heart aches a little more each day. I want to do more but I feel like I am doing all I could do. It's a mothers' instinct to want to be able to fix anything. As the day nears, I get more nervous because people have lost respect for the human population and there is we can agree to disagree. So much hate in the world today that as a wife and a mother I have to be scared to go to his sentencing because of the hate we receive and get protested against. Kyle Youngs daughter got a terrible voice mail about her father the same day he was sentenced saying things that shouldn't be said first off, much less to his daughter. There is no more innocent until proven guilty, this has become guilty until you can prove your innocent. That still wouldn't even matter at this point i don't think. 

Just please keep all of us in your prayers more now than ever as we reach the days getting closer, and that I have safe travels and am able to be there with him during this dark time of our life. 

Update #42

October 1st, 2022

Alb goes to court next month for sentencing. I am just so nervous because they give his co defendent over 7 years. He is looking at 96. It tears my heart up knowing it could be that long. These babies still talk about him everyday because we have been grateful enough that most days we always get to talk to him.  I am just afraid that as time goes on the babies won't know who daddy really is and how much he loves his girls. I try to show them everyday day and will keep doing so to the best of my abilit

Update #41

September 24th, 2022

Well I think we are finally over covid. The girls now have ear infections though, but getting better. Getting cool weather here quick so that's a big change as well!!!! We are laying around today just enjoying the cool weather! 

Update #40

September 16th, 2022

Day # I don't even know really of the house being sick. Last night was rough,  high Temps, vomiting, and I'm just so fatigue and weak from trying to keep everyone ok. The girls are up right now and playing. Their energy comes and goes but they aren't actually sleeping very well or for a long amount of time. Going tonight will be better. Just keep us in your thoughts 

Update #39

September 14th, 2022

Updating once again very sick. We now all have been struck with the covid. We are ok, just a lot of different symptoms honestly. Fever, chills, no smell, watering eyes, the babies have awful little coughs. Looks like we are all staying at home until next week. Just keep us all in your prayers. Albuquerque worries about his girls not being here when we are so sick. 

Update #38

September 13th, 2022

The girls are doing good, the babies still have an awful cough that won't go away. Now the sickness has hit me and this momma feels rough.  We are all testing positive for covid now.... just keep us in your prayers, I had to stay home from work today even though I really needed to go to work.  I'm praying I can rest up today and get over this fairly quickly. Albuquerque said to tell everyone thank you and he appreciates ask the support and love we have received from you all. We couldn't make It in the world with out the help of others and I hope the world sees that and there will always be God people in life willing to help out others. 

Update #37

September 9th, 2022

Yesterday was our youngest birthday.  She turned 2. We didn't do much but we did had a video chat with Albuquerque first thing yesterday morning and had ice cream cake, cupcakes, and opened presents so daddy could be there with us.  It's so hard celebrating these days and he's not here.  It feels like he has missed so many already. She had a good day, she said all day it wasn't her birthday lol

Now this darn car of mine it's almost new haha.  Had to get a brand new radiater now, I got it and replaced it myself! Took a couple days but its runs so much better now! It really needed that!

They have reset Albuquerque sentence hearing to next month now,  and ironically is on our Oldest Birthday!!! 

Sorry for the long post I usually only have a few minutes. I am finally back to work but still only able to work about 20 hours a week but I am getting there just keep us all in your prayers! 

Update #36

August 22nd, 2022

I am sorry have not updated in a while it really seems like when it rains it pours. I am still shook up from what happened a week ago today. It was the night before Patience first day of school when someone tried to break in Dollie (youngest) bedroom window! She let out the loudest curdling scream, I ran in there as soon as I had her and she was saying theres an animal in the window, and our windows are not low to the ground, I get her safe with the others in my room and walk out the back and go towards the drive way and there was someone there!!!!! I immediately froze and went in being scared myself with these 3 babies I cherish with everything saying to myself oh no this is really happening. I get in and lock all the doors and called 911. They came and said that this is happening bad in my area, and targeting single women with children. If she hadnt woke up I dont know what would have happened. I know God was watching over his children that night and made sure she alerted me. I am typing this now with tears in my eyes because you just dont think something like this will ever happen to you. It is so nerve racking when this really happens to you. I have security now, I did not have before and looking to add more to it as I go. It is still hard to deal with and harder knowing if Albuquerque was here we would have been protected by him who protected us every night before. I feel I am constantly on the tip of my toes since last week.

Was also suppose to start work this week finally and the babies are very sick. Virginia is getting ready to go back to the doctor now because she is so pitiful. Dollie is on the mend and luckily Patience isnt sick. Just keep us in your prayers that we stay safe, the girls get better, and I can get to work. Thank you all for everything.

Update #35

July 31st, 2022

The girls and I are still doing good. Unfortunately I am still waiting on daycare to go back to work. Got most of everything the girls need for now. Will need to get the oldest some fall clothes before long.  The car is coming a long. Got all new tires, new front brakes and rotors, it costed a fortune! Still need back struts but it's well over 1,000 bucks. Can wait on those for now just trying to cover our monthly bills until I get back to work. It's such a struggle being a single mother and not being able to work! I know everything will work out but this momma just worries about the well being of our beautiful babies! 

Update #34

July 17th, 2022

We got to talk to daddy on the phone the last couple of days. It's was bittersweet. The girls didn't want to talk much and VA kept asking him when he was coming to see us. It's been over 17 months since since she has saw him or he has held them. So days are harder than the other....:( 

The yard sale was a total bust! I tried so hard getting everything together and getting it set out, between the kids, the heat, the over all work it takes for one we only made $4 dollars! I felt so defeated we didn't even try again today...I had just a few big items and lots of baby stuff and clothes. We decided we are just going to take all the baby stuff to a shelter down town so we can help someone else and it will be helping us too! Have a great day! We are staying strong!

Update #33

July 14th, 2022

The girls had their first dentist appt, everything went great! Virginia loved it, Dollie not so much. Haha I have a friend that is selling a huge lot of 4t clothes I want to get for the girls,  and Patience starts school next month and I need to get her clothes and school supplies, anything at all would be appreciated.  I am working on having a yard sale this weekend, I am skeptical about having one due to the last time, because of how political this whole thing is people screen shotted my address where I had posted about having a yard sale and posted it in places that wasn't the best place too...I just worry for me and the girls sometimes. 

Update #31

July 11th, 2022

Today is a pretty good day, I almost have the weedeater fixed so I can finish the yard and stop using the battery powered one because the yard is pretty big! The girls have been playing and watching movies with big sis, so all in all it's been a good day. 
Update #31

July 11th, 2022

Today is a pretty good day, I almost have the weedeater fixed so I can finish the yard and stop using the battery powered one because the yard is pretty big! The girls have been playing and watching movies with big sis, so all in all it's been a good day. 
Update #30

July 10th, 2022

We are still making it through these hard times. I'm still unable to work. Working on things every week but there aren't any opens until the fall. I appreciate all the donations we have received and hope to keep receiving. It's hard not being able to work but knowing people are out there to help makes a huge difference in everyday life! Also a huge shout out to PFP (Cynthia) because without her and that foundation we certainly wouldn't be where we are today! 

Albuquerque is ok he is just having a hard time in there and not seeing the girls. The videos don't work half the time and they talk on the phone but the girls are busy in their own little worlds, wanting to play and show him things. 

Update #29

July 5th, 2022

Another Holiday has come and gone. The girls and I had fun. We took it easy today being so hot and we had all of our fun over the weekend. Hopefully they are wore out because this momma is! Work is still asking me to come back which is stressful in itself bc I want to be able to work I am just unable until I can get some sort of daycare. Altho being able to be home this past week fully with the girls showed me something I have missed so much.  Getting to work on our plants and just being able to get the house caught up since we moved is a feeling of accomplishment in itself. Now to just get through the next few months and we can keep on trucking 🚚 😊

Update #28

June 28th, 2022

Sometimes I truly feel there is no light at the end of my tunnel. Every daycare in town is on wait, I have no family help on either side. What friends I do have work. I've been having to take them to work and it is impossible. I was there for just one hour today mostly dealing with them and had to leave because you just can't work like that. I left out crying bc I feel so defeated trying to work and take care of these girls and it just seems impossible. I feel truly defeated today. 

Update Update #28 Image
Update #27

June 19th, 2022

I'm telling ya guys I could write a book. I work at a local restaurant here and I was supposed to be at work with the kids feeding them dinner and was gonna do pancake batter while they ate. Time got away from me and we wasn't there, but 2 of our employees got stabbed last night.  One is still in the hospital and he is a wonderful strong man who is still fighting for his life right now. The other was able to be sent home this morning. I am suppose to go into work in a little bit but my nerves are shot between everyday life,  Albuquerque night mare we are living in,  and having a job I question working at now. What has this world come to!.?

Update #26

June 18th, 2022

Trying to take things day by day. We didnt really celebrate Albs birthday. Fathers day is tomorrow and I have a video chat set up. Im really struggling to work without a sitter. My last 3 days i have gotten 16 hours in and I was getting 10 hours a day. Times are just hard not having any help with a sitter and trying to pay all the bills. I just keep telling myself one day at a time but its getting tough....Happy Fathers Day to all of you out there and be to send an extra prayer for all the men and families who arent going to be able to be with their loved ones tomorrow......My heart breaks for them all.

Update #24

June 16th, 2022

Today is Albuquerque birthday. It's just not the same without daddy here. We get to talk to him on the phone today, but we are saving our video calls for Sunday (fathers day) and Virginia's birthday next week. He was able to get commissary so he is going to make him a cake so he can eat it on the video with her. It melt and also breaks my heart how much he still tries for his girls even tho he is locked up in this night mare

Update #24

June 16th, 2022

Today is Albuquerque birthday. It's just not the same without daddy here. We get to talk to him on the phone today, but we are saving our video calls for Sunday (fathers day) and Virginia's birthday next week. He was able to get commissary so he is going to make him a cake so he can eat it on the video with her. It melt and also breaks my heart how much he still tries for his girls even tho he is locked up in this night mare

Update #22

June 11th, 2022

I meant to also update and tell everyone Alb is still holding in there, but he sure misses his girls. They have grown so much and another birthday for Virginia coming up that daddy won't be here :( I try to send him commissary every week because the food is so bad there if anyone wants to help, no one should have to eat the food they serve!

Update Update #22 Image
Update #22

June 11th, 2022

I meant to also update and tell everyone Alb is still holding in there, but he sure misses his girls. They have grown so much and another birthday for Virginia coming up that daddy won't be here :( I try to send him commissary every week because the food is so bad there if anyone wants to help, no one should have to eat the food they serve!

Update Update #22 Image
Update #21

June 11th, 2022

I feel like all I do is whine on here. It seems like the beginning would have been tougher but that is not the case. The last bit has been so rough.  Alb is back all in the local news which I hate because people come into work to talk about it, I get different looks and letters from people, a lot of the letters or emails are not any good others are very encouraging.  I had mentioned before I changed jobs so was without a pay check for a bit. Well I finally got a paycheck yesterday and they messed it up by over 400 dollars, and it will be weeks before it's fixed. I just can't win for the struggle lately....we love all of you guys! Thank you for everything you all do, and donations and sending g encouraging words!

Update #20

June 8th, 2022

I know I keep saying this, but it seems like it just keeps getting tougher and tougher. Albs mom is no longer watching the girls while I work. I thought it was just going to be this past 10 days but found out she is not gonna do it again. I already missed 10 hours of work this week. Albs upset because he cant talk to the girls like he wants because of the way I work and money. Its so much to talk to him on a daily basis. Our middle daughter is about to be 3 this month, along with Albuquerques birthday. Its just so hard to get in the birthday spirit this year and to just be able to afford it. I know single parents do this everyday but this is just something I never thought would happen and I have been staying so strong I am just ready to see light at the end of the tunnel. 

Update #18

June 5th, 2022

I was able to get the car fixed! It's been another rough week but getting through it. I've lost a lot of hours this week at work due to baby sitting issues. Not sure what next week is going to bring I know we will get through this some how but it seems like it's always something. The girls and I are trying to fix our yard up and put some mulch down to keep from having to weed eat so much and the girls enjoy doing things outside, and we also have our little garden so that's what we are going to do today and keep our minds busy

Update #18

June 5th, 2022

I was able to get the car fixed! It's been another rough week but getting through it. I've lost a lot of hours this week at work due to baby sitting issues. Not sure what next week is going to bring I know we will get through this some how but it seems like it's always something. The girls and I are trying to fix our yard up and put some mulch down to keep from having to weed eat so much and the girls enjoy doing things outside, and we also have our little garden so that's what we are going to do today and keep our minds busy

Update #17

May 31st, 2022

It seems like it's never getting easier,  but I know in time it will. As if build aren't adding up already my car is now messed up and going to take 600 or more to fix it. I don't get to talk to Albuquerque much so I haven't told him. He stressed enough in there as it is so I don't wanna make it any worse. Just seems like it's always something but this momma is doing all she can to stay strong! Keep us in your prayers please!

Update #16

May 26th, 2022

Sorry with the delay on updates. It seems I stay so busy with work and the girls. It has been rough this past money,  we haven't gotten to talk to Alb as much,  and even though I am still working I have went to mostly hourly so that has hurt my income until I get a steady pay check. On top of that because of Alb being locked up and me claiming the girls for the first time,  they have flagged us so I am still waiting on our taxes and they said it could take months! I try to not watch the news much or ready the news articles that gets put out because it only adds to the stress. Alb has been having a rough time being in jail now for over a year and still in a crappy County jail. The girls are getting so big everyday and he's missing out on so much everyday especially when he doesn't get to talk to them for a few days it's like they grow so much! 

Update #15

May 11th, 2022

The girls and I have gotten moved into our new how and still getting settled it. Trying to get all the bills and everything caught up from missing work to move. Its been a little harder talking to Alb lately because of the cost of the calls and video chats, Albuquerque had to take a plea deal last week. It was really the only way he could forward because of his criminial history. It is an 8 year plea so us girls are heartbroken. He goes for sentencing in September. I will keep updating and will have another update soon. The girls are needing mommy!

Update #13

April 18th, 2022

Id be lying if I said the past year has been easy, but Ill tell ya this past week I think has really been the hardest yet. With it being a over a year since he has been gone and still not convicted of anything breaks my heart for our girls. I said before Albuquerque does have a criminal history from years ago when he was a different person, but because of that it is really going to hurt him come sentencing. They are wanting him to sign an 8 year plea, and if he doesnt because of his criminal history they could get him for a lot more. I think about our girls and how much they have missed their daddy. Then I sit back and think about Alb, and how much I know he loves his girls and how heartbreaking this must be for him knowing he is missing all these little things from the girls lives day to day. Also knowing that it could be many more years before he is home with his 4Gs. Just something that has been weighing heavy on this Mamas mind. 

Update #12

April 17th, 2022

This past week has not been easy. April 14th was a hard day being one year simce they took him. Today is Easter and it just isnt the same without daddy here. We did get moved into our new home finally. Still in the process of fixing it all up so the girls can have a home and go back to normal as much as possible. The girls are excited the Easter bunny came and are having candy for breakfast. Happy Easter everyone!

Update #12

April 17th, 2022

This past week has not been easy. April 14th was a hard day being one year simce they took him. Today is Easter and it just isnt the same without daddy here. We did get moved into our new home finally. Still in the process of fixing it all up so the girls can have a home and go back to normal as much as possible. The girls are excited the Easter bunny came and are having candy for breakfast. Happy Easter everyone!

Update #10

April 14th, 2022

Tomorrow will be one year since they arrested Albuquerque and our anniversary....Tomorrow will be a hard day for all of us so please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. 

Update #10

April 14th, 2022

Tomorrow will be one year since they arrested Albuquerque and our anniversary....Tomorrow will be a hard day for all of us so please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. 

Update #9

April 8th, 2022

I am happy to update and say that we found a place!!! I am still working on cleaning it and getting it ready to move stuff in next week. It couldn't have happened without Patriot Freedom Project and the love and support from all of you true Patriots! We still have a long way to go but the girls having a place to call home again makes this Momma happy. Virginia has asked me everyday for 2 weeks she has wanted to go home and it broke my heart so much. Now she knows we are getting the new home so she is super excited. Keep us in your thoughts as we move our stuff out of storage soon because moving it all into storage was not easy, esp Alb having 4 of us we have a lot of stuff! 

Update #8

April 1st, 2022

Alb is doing ok. It's been rough on him knowing he has court dates coming up, and just the unknowing. The girls and I haven't found a place to live yet but hoping that good things are about to happen. I've been praying so much to just guide me in the right direction with these girls. In 2 weeks, it will be 1 year since they arrested him. I know everyone does but please just keep my family in your prayers during these challenging times, those girls miss their daddy so much.
Update #6

March 28th, 2022

I am not one to like to put my business out there, but the past week has been the hardest ever for me and these girls. We had to move out of our house for a few different reasons, and cant find anywhere to rent that is affordorable and in a decent neighborhood for me and the girls. So this week I have had to move everything into 2 storage buildings because the 5 of us have so much stuff and have been together for years. Nowhere really to go becuase we just cant find anything, My oldest is having to stay with my dad right now and I stay at a friends and the 2 youngest stay with me about half the week and with Grandma the other half. It is so hard not having our family together when we have been together from day one! Not only that I pretty much have moved everything myself with only a few people to help. I had to miss work and still am not done. But will get there its has just been really tough. Albuquerque also goes to court on March 31st so I will make another update soon. Just keep this mother and her angels in your prayers because this mother is dealing with more than I ever thought I would have too. But I AM A STRONG WOMAN! 

Update #6

March 28th, 2022

I am not one to like to put my business out there, but the past week has been the hardest ever for me and these girls. We had to move out of our house for a few different reasons, and cant find anywhere to rent that is affordorable and in a decent neighborhood for me and the girls. So this week I have had to move everything into 2 storage buildings because the 5 of us have so much stuff and have been together for years. Nowhere really to go becuase we just cant find anything, My oldest is having to stay with my dad right now and I stay at a friends and the 2 youngest stay with me about half the week and with Grandma the other half. It is so hard not having our family together when we have been together from day one! Not only that I pretty much have moved everything myself with only a few people to help. I had to miss work and still am not done. But will get there its has just been really tough. Albuquerque also goes to court on March 31st so I will make another update soon. Just keep this mother and her angels in your prayers because this mother is dealing with more than I ever thought I would have too. But I AM A STRONG WOMAN! 

Update #4

March 22nd, 2022

Albuquerque goes to court at the end of March, and is having to make the decision to take the plea that is 8 years and has a lot of stipulations to it. If he doesn\'t take the plea deal he will have to go to trial, and they have already told him he wouldn\'t go to trial until at least March of 2023!!!!! Hes doing alright where he is but its not easy. The girls miss him so much but they still get to talk to him. The younger 2 doesn\'t understand so we just go with the flow. Please keep us all in your prayers as we need it at this time now more than ever.

Update #4

March 22nd, 2022

Albuquerque goes to court at the end of March, and is having to make the decision to take the plea that is 8 years and has a lot of stipulations to it. If he doesn\'t take the plea deal he will have to go to trial, and they have already told him he wouldn\'t go to trial until at least March of 2023!!!!! Hes doing alright where he is but its not easy. The girls miss him so much but they still get to talk to him. The younger 2 doesn\'t understand so we just go with the flow. Please keep us all in your prayers as we need it at this time now more than ever.

Update #3

December 2nd, 2021

He had court this week, they have post poned it until January of 2022 which just makes is very surreal that he will not be here for Christmas which is heart breaking. The girls and I are hanging in there. We all had RSV a while back and was very sick, but we are finally recovering from it. We still talk to him everyday which is needed for everyone us. 
Update #2

November 5th, 2021

Hello everyone! Just giving you an update. Alb is still being detained in Northern Neck. He has a court date at the end of this month but it is only a "status' meeting so nothing will come of it other than another court date. Just be sure to keep the girls and I in your prayers because we have been very sick the last few days and its been hard on me staying strong to take care of my sickness and the babies sickness, but god knows I can and thats why I am here. Have a blessed day.
i did not know I could update until now

October 22nd, 2021

I wanted to update everyone on Albuquerque, He is still incarcerted with no bond. He has had "status" meetings but nothing good yet. Yesterday his father passed away so it was a very hard day for all of us. Please continue keeping us in your prayers and now that I know how I will update on here. Thank you all to have donated, it means so much already.

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