 USD $200,000
 USD $84,992
Campaign funds will be received by Sheryl Bashlor
You are not forgotten.
You are not forgotten.
Your hardships are undeserved but praying that the good Lord carries you through and brings you miraculous blessings.
Wishing you many blessings going forward.
Praying that you can keep your home.
Please save your home.
You are not forgotten.
God Bless you! I pray your family gets back then fold for everything you have lost.
God bless your family!
You are not forgotten.
You are not forgotten.
You are not forgotten.
You are not forgotten.
January 28th, 2025
I am so sad. I tried so hard to keep everything afloat over the last four years. Now, at the finish line I am going to lose my home. I had someone that was going to help me file bankruptcy so i could keep the house and pay out the $17,000 over 5 years. That money never came through. I can't afford the $17 + thousand needed to reinstate my current loan and since I am disabled with no income, i cannot refinance or get a second mortgage. I've tried so hard, I thought after the pardons, everything would get better. I'm still going to lose my home and all my equity. My heart is so broken. I have lost everything during this nightmare, my home was all I had left. I'm trying to raise $1,500-$2,000 so I can afford a u-haul and storage when they foreclose and evict me. I am still trying to find help and trying to keep the faith, but I don't feel any hope right now. My best hope is that the house gets a good price at auction or that i can raise the money to declare bankruptcy and give myself time to sell on the market. I do need a few repairs that need to be made. I was blessed with a new furnace through a program and the house is cozy and warm. Please help if you can, anything helps. Please keep praying for a miracle for me and my family. I don't want to move away from my children and my grandchildren that are less than two months from being born. I am still planning our festival and hope it will be amazing and that all our newly pardoned Jan 6ers can attend. I will hopefully start fundraising for that soon. I guess first is my home. I really really thought that I would be able to keep it. I have fought so hard for four years. I thought once the pardons came everything else would fall into place for us all. I love you all and thank you for any help that you can give and for what blessings you have all bestowed upon my family. I'm sorry to be so down, but I am pretty low right now. These evil people and what they did to us is incomprehensible. It took my son, my daughter's health, and mine as well. Thank you to every one of you wonderful patriots.
January 7th, 2025
So much has happened since I last updated. I did not move, the housing dropped and i could not sell my home and have enough to get another. It has definitely been a struggle and i am once again trying to keep my home. Thank God that President Trump was certified yesterday and I cannot wait for him to pardon our patriots. Bobby is going to be a dad!! My daughter Alyssa is also expecting!! Bobby is having a little boy and Alyssa is having a little girl. I will be a nana twice over! I am trying to pay the reinstatement on my loan and pray that i can, I do not want to move away from my children!! My daughter and her boyfriend want to move in with me, so i will finally have some help and i can help them with the baby. I won't feel like such a burden. I am so happy! I wrote a letter to President Trump and in it included an invitation to our festival this year. I would honestly fall over if he accepted! I still need to get a website up and running for the foundation, but am feeling optimistic. I want to thank you all from the very bottom of my heart, my family truly could not have made it without you all. We won!! We will make America great again!! It has been a really long and terrifying four years. We still need love and prayers. I've managed to make it, with your help the last four years and feel the delays and obstacles selling my home were placed there, because it was meant to stay in our family. The kids didn't want to sell our home and i truly did not want to. I've tried so hard to keep the faith and it only faltered, truly a few times over the last four years. My foreclosure date is Feb.12th so i will update you with what ends up happening. Thank you all for all the love, help, and prayers over the years, not only for my family, but for all Jan 6th Patriots and their families. I am so excited to see where President Trump leads our country in the next four years. We did it!! Praise God!!
July 27th, 2024
Hello Patriot family, I need to ask for help again. Bobby is in his new home and has a new job in his city, I am so grateful for that. It has taken me longer then expected to get moved out of my home and get it ready to sell. I need finish a couple of projects that i started and have been unable to finish. I have a place to move, but cannot afford the gas and/or truck to move. I am also behind on the storage unit i am using in the interim. My daughter's car is in the shop and is going to be over $1,000 to repair. I know they say it is darkest before the dawn, but ahhhh!! I just need help getting over this final obstacle. Things will be so much better once i sell the house and get into something paid for or with a very small mortgage. I know the decreased stress will greatly improve my health as well. I was so scared of this, now I just pray that it goes smoothly. Please continue to prayer for us. Thank you all so much for any help and prayers you can provide.
June 11th, 2024
Bobby leaves the halfway house on the 14th, we're almost there. I'm almost completely packed. I'm hoping to get a bigger storage unit, so the house will be walk through ready and i will not be under as much pressure to pack in a hurry. Bobby is coming to help get some of the big things after he is out of the halfway house. Thank you all so much for helping us. I pray we will not be in a financial bind much longer. I have the foundation started and as soon as I sell my home I will be much more active in fundraising, our events, and building our website. I pray that selling my home and not being in such financial stress all the time will improve my health. I am so scared, I never imagined leaving here. Please pray that I am guided to the perfect home for me, close to my children and perfect for my health needs. I love you all so much and one day soon I pray i meet you all. My daughter is in her own home, Bobby is moving into his own home, and i will start a new chapter of my life as an empty nest widow. So scary. Thank you all for everything that you have done to help my family. We all appreciate it so much and could not have survived without your help. I read through my update history and am amazed at all that has happened!! I have met some of the most amazing people. Thank you for your ability to see the truth through the web of lies, thank you for supporting all of us Jan 6ers/Jan 6 family members. Thank you for being true and God loving patriots. Please keep us all, and our country in your prayers.
March 19th, 2024
Praise God, Bobby got a job! It was very daunting for him after over three years in prison and his first time seeking employment as a convicted felon. The trauma that our Patriots have been through can never be fully healed and they are all still fighting some sort of ongoing battle due to the fedsurrection. Today was his first day other then orientation, he has to commute nine miles to and from work and we are depending on public transportation which will be a challenge, but he is doing well and is so happy to have a job. I am considering selling my home and am looking at two homes on Friday, they are three and a half hours from here. Please send prayers for guidance, it is so scary. I've lived here for ten years and my husband passed away here, there are so many good memories. You are all such a blessing. I can't express my gratitude for your help and continuing help and support for our family. God bless you all for keeping us in your hearts and prayers.
February 27th, 2024
Hello Patriot Family,
Things are still so tough, but I am blessed. I was approved for the mortgage assistance program and my house was saved from foreclosure. I sold or pawned everything i had the first time, as well as help from some wonderful patriots and jan 6th organizations. I had no idea how I would do it again. Praise God!! I also started my LLC The Jan 6th Truth and Light Foundation, LLC, but the best thing that happened was that we were able to take Bobby away from that horrible Texas prison and drive him to a halfway house in Denver. It is so wonderful to be able to hug him freely and spend so much time with him, we have four hours every Sunday to go to church and spend time together. It is so great to be able to spend time with both of my children. We do need help getting him all new clothes, shoes, and necessities for living in the halfway house. He is currently looking for a job. The government decided after over a week out that they would put an ankle monitor on him. He has never had to look for a job as a felon in an ankle monitor, I pray for his safety and success. I had my first social security appointment and am getting the process started finally, it took so long to even be able to get an appointment. I had to sell my truck to pay some bills, finance the trip to pick him up, and buy a used car so i can still get around. Please continue to pray for us, we still have a long road and I need all the help we can get. I love you all so much and am grateful for all the help that we have received. Thank you and God bless you all.
November 29th, 2023
Hello everyone sorry it has been so long since i have updated you. Bobby is still in Texas, he could use letters and prayers please. I have put off my event in Dallas until later in the year closer to election time. I am wanting to raise funds to get everything started officially. I do still need internet and as everyone knows, my health has been bad. I want to dedicate all my time and focus to my children, my Jan 6 family, our events, and my social media pages. I am working on monetizing those, but need internet to be able to be active effective. I live in the forest and my cell phone works on wifi, so i'm doing what i can currnetly. It isn't enough! My house is in foreclosure and is supposed to be sold on January 10th. I am working with a HUD counselor,so please pray for us, the probation board has already approved my home and Bobby is supposed to be released to a halfway house in February. I will update as much as possible, please keep us in your prayers. God bless you.
October 24th, 2023
Hello everyone. Just checking in, I am going to publish my campaign to hopefully raise funds for the event in texas and to start my foundation officially. Hopefully I can get help getting internet, i miss everyone and feel so out of the loop on everything. I also have my family group and Jan6_Detainees pages that I am not able to run well without internet. I will be starting some more new doctors, meds, and therapies...I am pooped. Please keep up your prayers for my family. I haven't been able to speak to Bobby and I miss him so much, I hope I can even get a home phone. Please keep writing him letters, he isn't getting many. God bless you all!
October 6th, 2023
I have been missing everyone. I had no internet for three weeks with no service call, I drove to town daily and called. I am trying to get started with a new better company but it is a $677 startup, I am reaching out for help. I am hoping soon. Thank you again, God bless you.
September 27th, 2023
Hello Patriots. I spoke with a great mortgage man who gave me some wonderful advice and I am feeling hopeful for the first time in a really long time. I am going to God willing keep my home. As many of you know i run the Jan6_Detainees social media pages among other things. Our festival was attacked rather heavily this year by antifa call to action, bad press (including CNN), and of course the feds...we still had fun and so much good came from it. I am really looking forward to next year, we are also planning something huge in Texas on January 6th!! They are making it really me however, I found evidence in my shed that they are actively interfering in my life and I shared it on my detainees pages. I am also wanting to raise funds to officially start my foundation, to hopefully facilitate getting the reach i need to make this event as big as impactful as possible. This is going to be January 6th on an election year, we must make America great again and free our Jan 6 political prisoners! God bless you and thank you again for everything.
September 21st, 2023
I have been trying to find other houses, but haven't found anything that i can afford in my area. I don't want to lose my home, but I also don't want to lose my doctors so I am trying to stay in the area. I have equity in my home so am looking into special loans and praying things work out. In the meantime I had my second nerve ablation done in my spine today, this side hurt so much worse than the other side did. I am having my vertigo addressed in physical therapy or through my ENT when he checks my thyroid again. Bobby is not in a great place, but is trying to keep his spirits up. I wish he had another Patriot there with him. Please keep praying for my family and any help is appreciated, as always. I am still working on the upcoming event on January 6th in Texas! It should be great.
September 14th, 2023
Hi everyone. I have had a tough time of it lately. I have new diagnosis', new therapies, new treatments, and new doctor referrals. I have been really absent and out of the loop here lately, my internet hasn't been working and my phone works on wifi calling at my house. It has been over a week and no one has come out so I am looking for new service. On a sad, but not terribly unexpected note I received my foreclosure notice yesterday with an auction date of January 10th. I am talking to someone about my options. This has been such a long hard road. God bless you all for loving us and praying for us.
August 23rd, 2023
Hi family. The news still isn't good on the financial front. I am hoping to get renters in in time to help save the house. We need help with commissary and whatnot to get Bobby established in the new prison. He has to buy all new belongings. I am still so upset that he is so far away. I miss him so much. They have taken so much from us already. Please continue to pray for our family. I appreciate all your love and support, as do my children. Thank you all so much for seeing through their evil narrative. The truth is getting harder for them to hide. God bless you all.
August 10th, 2023
Hello everyone. Bobby left DC and spent some time in Oklahoma, he is now located in Big Spring Texas. I thought that he was supposed to be closer to home, but it is ten hours away. I thought we could see him more often. I hate that they keep messing with us. I am still waiting for that check from the IRS to save me. My doctor's are still adjusting meds and treatments. I definitely have good and bad days. I am advertising for a roommate now and hope God grants me a good one. I'm sorry for the delay, i have been down in spirit and in health. God bless you all for all your help and prayers.
July 27th, 2023
July 25th, 2023
Hello everyone. I desperately need help. I am behind on everything. My check from the IRS has been delayed again, up to 120 more days. I am going to lose everything, if i can't get some help. I have pawned or sold almost everything i have. Please help if you can, if you cannot help financially then please pray. The financial stress has my lupus flaring. I can't lose my home, my doctors and treatments are all here as well. Please help. Thank you all so very much for your love and prayers.
July 14th, 2023
Hi all. We had some hit pieces done on our festival, including from CNN! They were propaganda however, if they truly thought we were up to no good they would have been there to report (or so you would think). It did manage to hurt our attendance, but we still had an amazing time together and we had some fantastic speakers. We will be having another festival in Dallas January 6th and next years Jan 6 Truth and Light Freedom Festival will be held on July 5-7th. I love my Jan 6th family, they are so amazing and I love spending time with them. I pray next year that Bobby will be free to attend, God willing they all can. I'm still struggling with finances, please pray this check gets here soon enough to save me. I hope everyone had a happy independence day. Thank you so much, God bless you all.
June 30th, 2023
Hello everyone, I am so sorry that I was down in my last update. I tried so hard not to get my hopes up, but after two and half years it was impossible to think that he might not be able to come home. It was very hard to accept. God willing he will be able to go to a halfway house and not a prison. Hopefully we can see him more often then we are able to now. On a good note, we are able to have our festival next month in Missouri. I am so excited and I look forward to seeing everyone and spending time together. I appreciate all of you so much for taking time and sending prayers and love to our family. God bless you all and thank you for all you have done for my family.
June 26th, 2023
Sentencing was a nightmare. I prayed so hard that he would get sent home with time served. Similar, even worse cases received less time. I am so sad that he can't come home. I am going to advertise for a room mate so that i can hopefully stay in my home, but i just don't know anymore. I am trying not to let it get me down, but I am pretty down right now. Please if you are unable to donate, take just a moment to pray for us again. I love and appreciate you all so much.
June 15th, 2023
Hi everyone. I need prayers again, please. I am in a rather desperate financial situation still and need help and prayers. I am awaiting an IRS check, but it could take up to 60 days and I cannot make it that long. Also, please if you have any airline miles available I am trying to get myself and my daughter to DC for Bobby's sentencing. Thank you everyone so much for all the help and prayers that you have given to me and my family.
June 9th, 2023
Hello everyone. I am still having financial trouble, and am terrified to go into foreclosure again. Not to mention other bills. Bobby's sentencing is on the 23rd and I am so scared, please dear lord, let him come home. We can do this together. I miss him, my daughter misses him, his dogs miss him, and he misses all of us. Please please keep praying for us, and that he can come home. On the plus side, the festival is coming together nicely and I think it will be a success. I appreciate all of you, whether you can help with donations, messages, or prayers. Thank you all so much for doing what you can, God bless you.
June 4th, 2023
Hello everyone. I had an amazing week in DC, I was able to be there for the 300th night at freedom corner, I was able to attend the 1st annual Ashli Babbitt Memorial Day Freedom March, and i had an amazing two hour visit with my Bobby! We miss him so much. His sentencing is on the 23rd at 10, I am praying that the Judge will be moved to send him home with time served. We are ready to have our family reunited. Also more great news, we are holding our second annual Jan 6 Truth and Light Freedom Festival July 7-9th in Rogersville Missouri. More information coming soon....Please pray we get the donations, speakers, and guests we are working on. Don't forget to follow the @Jan6_Detainees on Twitter, Truth Social, Gettr, Facebook, and Parler. We appreciate all the continued love and support from all of you. Also, we could still really use airline miles to make it to sentencing. You are all such a blessing! God bless you all.
May 29th, 2023
Attending the first annual Ashli Babbitt Memorial Day Freedom March today! I'm so excited to be here for such a great event. I think how it could have been my son that day. I am so grateful that I got to hug him so tight on Friday, I just wish that I could bring him home with me. I go back home on Wednesday and it is bittersweet, I think two more days here and I can see my son again, but my daughter is ready for me to get home, and I honestly have things to take care of at home. I'm going to get ready for the walk and then will spend my evening at the vigil. Thank you all so much for the continued love and support.
May 28th, 2023
I love so much to be in DC with my wonderful J6 family!!!! I was so happy that I was able to spend the 300th night of the Freedom Corner vigil!! I've managed to be there about once a month thanks to the generosity of wonderful Patriotic Americans donating money and airline miles. If you have enough miles to donate, so that my daughter and I can make it to Bobby's sentencing on June 23rd at 10 am, that would be so amazing. Please pray that Judge McFadden is moved to let him come home with time served. Please also follow and share my @Jan6_Detainees pages on Twiiter, Gettr, Truth Social, and Parler!! I'm very excited about our festival this year! We don't have much time to plan, but I think we will do great!! Thank you so much for all your continued love and support.
May 27th, 2023
Hello again, :) I'm in DC and was able to see Bobby for a two hour visit!!! I miss him and hugging
him is beyond what words can express. His sentencing is June 23rd, please pray for him
and that the Judge is moved to let him come home. Also, if you have any airline miles that you can donate,
so that my daughter and I can make it to his sentencing, it would be such a blessing! I am falling
behind again, I am considering a roommate or renting the house out altogether. I don't want to lose it,
please pray for Divine wisdom, that I will know what to do. We will be holding our festival again
in July, last year was so amazing! It was really good for our J6 family. Please also pray it's successful!
May 7th, 2023
Hi everyone, I am so sorry that I haven't updated in awhile. I started some new therapies this month and also got to go see Bobby for a two hour visit!! I miss him so much and cannot wait for the day that he can come home to Alyssa and I. His sentencing is in June, and I pray he can come home with time served. I want to thank everyone that helped me save my house from foreclosure!! I still struggle to pay for everything, but i am safe for now. I am hoping the new therapies help me with my health and give me more 'good' days. I will also be starting hydrotherapy twice a week, so it shouldn't be as hard on my body as the other physical therapy was. Please continue your prayers, I appreciate you all so much! I hope to meet every one of you some day.
March 21st, 2023
Hello Patriot family. Bobby has been in the hole since March 8th and won't get out until Friday. He will still be on restrictions for 15 days after that, i miss him. It is sad, he was attacked and just defending himself, there were eight witness statements to that effect. I am still $2,500 from saving my house!! I am still wading through disability. My lupus has been kicking my butt. I love and thank you all so much! Please keep praying for us
March 13th, 2023
Hello, Alyssa has been steadily getting better, she has diagnosis now and we are trying work with her illness. She is trying to work as a hostess, because working overnights at walmart was way too hard on her body. My health has been a problem and I've been going to a ton of appointments. I still have appointments set up out until august with specialists. I have now been diagnosed with Lupus and osteoarthritis on top of my already diagnosed RA, fibromyalgia, and degenerative disc disease. Also lesions on my brain that they are further testing, the belief is due to PTSD, Migraine Syndrome, or my autoimmune disorders. Two of my doctors recommend disability so i am going to start that process. As you know I have been fighting to save my house. I am getting so close, I'm just almost out of time and ideas. Bobby recently accepted a plea deal and is awaiting sentencing on June 9th. I pray they let him come home with time served. Thank you all for being so amazing and hanging on to faith with all of us. Please keep praying for my family, all j6ers, and our country.
March 10th, 2023
I am so very happy that people who watch mainstream media and who have no idea that we have political prisoners in the United States are finally getting to see a glimpse of what happened on January 6th! Please write your congress men and women and ask that they demand the release of jan 6th political prisoners and that all of the video to be released to everyone! I'm still in the fight to save my house! Please keep praying for us. Thank you all so much.
March 6th, 2023
Hello everyone! Thank you for the prayers, I sold it! It gets me that much closer to keeping my home. My battle isn't over yet, but I'm getting closer. Alyssa and Bobby got to visit for two hours along with two of his best friends! I will get to go see him on St. Patrick's day weekend! I cannot wait to hug my son again!! He has his plea hearing tomorrow and I am so nervous. I hate that our beautiful Patriots are being pushed into these plea deals, otherwise are threatened with absurd stretches of time. I just wish they could all get exonerated and allowed to come home. I have met the most wonderful people through this experience and have definitely found purpose and passion in this fight. God bless you all and God bless our country.
March 6th, 2023
Hello everyone! Thank you for the prayers, I sold it! It gets me that much closer to keeping my home. My battle isn't over yet, but I'm getting closer. Alyssa and Bobby got to visit for two hours along with two of his best friends! I will get to go see him on St. Patrick's day weekend! I cannot wait to hug my son again!! He has his plea hearing tomorrow and I am so nervous. I hate that our beautiful Patriots are being pushed into these plea deals, otherwise are threatened with absurd stretches of time. I just wish they could all get exonerated and allowed to come home. I have met the most wonderful people through this experience and have definitely found purpose and passion in this fight. God bless you all and God bless our country.
March 3rd, 2023
Hi. The last buyer fell through, but i have a new one tomorrow. I think he is serious, but I'm selling for alot less then i need and alot less then it's worth. It gets me that much closer to saving my home, so i'll take it. Alyssa just landed in DC and will get to see Bobby tomorrow along with two of Bobby's closest friends. I am so happy for them all!
March 1st, 2023
Hi everyone. I have someone coming tomorrow for my Blazer, please keep praying they buy it! I need it to sell so badly. Alyssa is leaving on Thursday to see Bobby on Friday!!! Yay!! She is going with two of his friends, he put in for a two hour visit, I hope that happens, but an hour is better than nothing. First time in two years that my children get to see one another. I am so happy! I wish I could be there as well, but the jail changed how many visitors are allowed at one time. I will get to see him on St. Patrick's Day. This is our year, we are finally getting awareness and the support is so much stronger. Thank you all for being so kind and loving. Your words and well wishes fill us with hope and happiness.
February 23rd, 2023
Still no sale. I updated my ad, so I'm hoping that works. Please keep praying that it sells or that we get what we need. My truck also broke down and i am working on a couple fixes, please pray I can fix it without a mechanic. I thank you all for everything and for keeping us in your thoughts. The phones and tablets have been out for a few days. That was scary. Thank God that they are back up and running.
February 18th, 2023
Hi everyone. The sale fell through. I have others interested, please continue to pray for a serious buyer. On the plus side, I think Alyssa and I will both be able to visit Bobby next month. Sadly not at the same time, she is going with two of his friends and I will get a solo visit. I'm trying to be able to visit one of the other guys in the other time slot or maybe even two hours with Bobby!!
February 17th, 2023
Thank you all for your prayers and love. The sale of my vehicle is put off until tomorrow, it blew a hose off the radiator. The potential buyer is coming tomorrow with a mechanic to see if (please God) it is just the hose. I feel he is very serious about buying it. I'm also planning a trip to DC again to see my wonderful patriotic son, and Alyssa should get to see him too with a couple of his friends. These guys are still being threatened with horrible amounts of time and are being forced to take crappy unfair plea deals or subjected to horrible sham trials in the evils of the DC court system. Please continue to pray for all of our patriots as well as our country. Please follow the guys on our social media pages on twitter, gettr, truth, and parler @Jan6_Detainees Thank you all so much.
February 12th, 2023
I am praying that I can make it to DC to see Bobby again next month. We are also trying to get Alyssa there to see her brother for the first time in over two years!!! I know how exciting it is and I am so excited for both of my children!! Please pray for us, that we can see each other. Also, I am trying to sell a car and I have someone interested. Please pray that the sale goes through smoothly. I feel encouraged that we will finally get the 14,000 hours of video released and pray that it leads to pardons for all our J6 Patriots! Thank you so much for your continued support and prayers.
February 1st, 2023
Hello everyone. Seeing my son was so bittersweet, I wish i could hug him and never let go! I wish i could take him out of that horrible place and bring him home. I wish i could afford to go see him every Friday for that hour long visit. We are getting more awareness out about our political prisoners. I was on a twitter space tonight, where a man had no idea that people were still being held for January 6th!! How is this possible! When will this nightmare be over!?! Thank you everyone for your prayers. God bless you all.
January 19th, 2023
Hello you beautiful patriots. I am over the moon happy that i finally got to see my son and hug him for the first time in two years on Friday. We were supposed to have two hour visits if we are from out of state, (which we all are). However these evil people try to hurt us as much as possible, so they did not allow two hour visits. I'll be honest, I expected for them to cancel the visits all together, but thanks be to God that we got an hour. I'm told the very vile, hateful Deputy Warden Landerkin shut down our two hour visits before they even started. You should look her up, she's pure evil. It was so bittersweet, to see my son and hug him, but not be able to take him out of there. He kept saying that it didn't seem real. Yesterday was two years since he turned himself in (with no criminal history). I can see what this place has done to him and I just want to bring him home. They are trying to break them down and crush their spirits. I want to bring all of our loved ones home. I was supposed to go to Reawaken america in nashville this weekend, I have passes, but can't afford the flight. Any airline miles that you don't need laying around? Please don't stop praying, calling your representatives, and sharing the plight of the jan 6 patriots and their families. Please follow and share @Jan6_Detainees on Twitter, Gettr, Truth, and Parler.
December 29th, 2022
Today is Bobby's 26th birthday, 709 days pretrial now. I miss him so much, I hope they all get to go home soon. We are all strong and know the truth shall set them free, but the truth is has been so slow coming out. It's coming now and they can't stop it. I just pray that not much more time goes by. I was on the phone with him, when all the guys in the pod sang him happy birthday. I am so grateful for them all having one another, that they are not alone in there. I can't believe that DC still won't let them have visits!! Not even video visits!! It is beyond cruel. I am going to go to DC and be there for the 6th. Please find a J6 solidarity rally near you or hold one if you cannot make it to DC. If you can do neither, then please pray and join us at A4Justice. Thank you all so much for your prayers and love. XOXO
December 22nd, 2022
Hi everyone. I'm trying to go back to DC so I can wave to my Bobby and pray that he can see me!! I'm hoping to be able to go to Washington DC for January 6th!! There are some great things planned for that day! If you can make it, please let me know, I would love to meet you in person!! The horrible Gulag still refuses to let our guys have visitation, although the other inmates in DC do. We can't even get video visits! I haven't seen my son's face in almost two years!! Remember that he has zero criminal history, no contact 'assaults', and no damage done!! Bobby turned himself in 702 days ago!!!! Come on House investigations, come on Twitter Files, come on pardons for Jan 6ers!! God Bless you all for seeing past the narrative and also for being true Patriots. Thank you for all your love and support through the most horrible time in our and our loved lives. Without all the wonderful God fearing Patriots like all of you, it would be even more unbearable. Please follow their social media at pages on Twitter, Gettr, Truth, and Parler @Jan6_Detainees. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!!
December 20th, 2022
I miss my Bobby! The tides are turning patriots!! Our day is coming and our loved ones are going to be free, I know it! So much is happening, so much truth is coming to light. Conservatives in the house of representatives, our own investigations, Twitter files exposing the corrupt!! I am feeling so hopeful that i will hug my son this year. Thank you all so much for your prayers!! I didn't get what i asked for, but I got what I needed. Thank you Lord!! Please continue your prayers, there is truly so much power in your prayers. Hug your loved ones tight this holiday season. Love to you all.
December 11th, 2022
My son Robert 'Bobby' Gieswein has been unconstitutionally detained 691 days today. I miss him so much!! I pray the release of the Twitter files helps get the ball rolling on the freedom of all the January 6th detainees. As well as our House of Representatives taking office next month and starting our own investigations! Some good news is Bobby got a new judge and we are close to having a new attorney. We definitely appreciate your prayers, well wishes, and donations through this. Please keep praying, we are winning! finally!! Also I have been having financial problems and have applied for a loan, please send prayers that it will be approved. Thank you all so very much. When this is said and done, i pray we can all meet one another and our family can thank each of you for all the love and support. God Bless you all.
December 3rd, 2022
Hello everyone. My son Robert 'Bobby' Gieswein has been incarcerated pretrial for 684 days, no criminal history, he caused no injuries and no damage. He has been assigned a new judge and I pray we are close to attaining a new attorney for him. I know that we are on the side of good and God!! I am am so excited that we took the house back (regardless of widespread cheating, again) and there will finally be some investigations into what really happened that day. I pray it gets my son and all the other patriots home, where they belong, and our country back. I never imagined that i would ever have to go this long without hugging my son. I cannot believe this nightmare has gone on for so long and how many lives have been destroyed. Please keep praying and writing our loved ones in the DC Gulag. Please follow our social media pages @Jan6_Detainees on Twitter, Gettr, Truth, and Parler God bless you all, I think it's happening!!
October 8th, 2022
The service for four year old little Wyatt is in Oklahoma on Monday, so Alyssa and I are taking a roadtrip
to say our goodbyes and hug our loved ones. Sadly Bobby won't be able to attend either in person or
virtually. I am so ready for this nightmare to be over, and my son to be back home with us. Please
everyone get out and vote in the midterms, we have to take our country back!!
October 6th, 2022
Hello Patriots. We have had a tragedy in the family and I am asking for prayers, please. My niece was in a car accident, she was in surgery for 6-7 hours. She has a long road of healing ahead of her mentally, physically, and spiritually. She will live, but her four year old son Wyatt Wayne tragically died in the accident, as well as two people in the other car. Please pray for both families, I know they need it during this time. The service will be sometime after my niece gets out of the hospital, we aren't sure yet when that will be. I know it is a long shot, but we were hoping Bobby could get out to attend services. I was told he may be able to attend livestream. I don't think the Gulag will allow that either, but I guess we see. Thank you all so very much for your prayers and love.
September 30th, 2022
I had so much fun at the solidarity rally in dc! The hardest part is having to leave Bobby there in that horrible place. I have been working hard on looking for work from home that will allow me to focus more time on the @jan6_Detainees pages on Twitter, Gettr, and Truth. I sure miss my son! Alyssa is doing better and has gotten a job, so far so good! I pray the red wave happens and that it brings our loved ones home!! I know it would improve her health as well as mine to have Bobby free again. I thank everyone for their continued prayers, love, and support. God bless you all and God bless our country!
September 19th, 2022
Hello Fellow Patriots!! I'm heading back to DC for a Jan 6th solidarity rally next weekend! I am so excited, it's just so hard to go there and have to leave my son there when I come back home. I still can't believe that it has been 608 days since Bobby turned himself in. That's 608 days pretrial with no criminal history, it boggles the mind!! 608 days since I have hugged my son! We miss him so much, it's nice just to be able to stand where he can see me so I can wave like a maniac! I pray soon, I can bring him home and this craziness will all be behind us. I am hoping to find a job from home for several reasons, so please pray for me to find a great one! I appreciate all the love and prayers. I have received so many messages of love and support. I am going to print them all out and make a scrap book. A book of all the prayers and love that I can show to my son when he finally comes home! Thank you all so very much!
August 21st, 2022
Hello everyone. Alyssa tried to work, but it ran her down pretty quickly. We got expedited to the specialist, yay! She has has a new diagnosis of fibromyalgia and the doctor is doing more tests. I feel like we are on the road to answers, finally! I am trying to get to DC this weekend to join those that have been there this entire month to peacefully protest the unconstitutional political imprisonment of our loved ones and join them in song and prayer. I am excited to hopefully see my son through a window or something. I'm not sure if that is even possible, but prayers please. I love and appreciate all the love, prayers, and support from all of you so very much. God bless you all, God bless America and I pray we get our guys and our country back soon. WWG1WGA
July 20th, 2022
I miss my son! I never thought that I would ever be away from him this long, it seems like a lifetime sometimes. I pray they all get to come home soon. I see the truth coming out, but it seems that the people with power aren't helping. Bobby's trial was originally set for February, then April, then August, now October. How can they keep violating their rights this way!?! He has been incarcerated pretrial for 547 days now. I miss him so much!! On a good note, Alyssa's health has improved to the point that she is able to get a part time job. We finally have an appointment with a Rheumatologist in November, it has been a long hard road and I pray we get some answers and a diagnosis. I am hoping to attend a rally in Tampa this weekend to bring awareness to our political prisoners. I think it would be a great opportunity for me and all the 1/6ers! Also if you would like to get updates on the men in the DC Gulag, I run social media pages on Gettr, Twitter, and Truth Social under the name @Jan6_Detainees you can also contact the patriot mail project and write to these wonderful patriots! God bless you all and thank you for everything you have done for us.
July 7th, 2022
Thank you to everyone that have donated or prayed to help my family!! You have all been so wonderful and such a Godsend! I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a long time, but I have been so busy working to get my son and all the other 1/6ers home! I run social media pages for some of the detainees in the DC Gulag, please follow us on Twitter, Gettr, and Truth Social @Jan6_Detainees. We also just put on an amazing Independence Day weekend festival/Jan6 retreat in Rogersville MO. It was such a blessing and we all needed it so much. I love my 1/6er family, they are some of the most amazing people you could ever meet. We hope to do it every year and I pray that all the 1/6ers, as well our country will be free by the next one. Bobby is still in DC, I can't believe i haven't hugged my son in eighteen months, I miss him so very much! He is holding in there the best he can. Please feel free to write to him: Robert Gieswein #376980 1901 E St SE Washington D.C. 20003 If you want to write to the others, please look into the Patriot Mail Project, these letters are amazing for our loved ones and really help them through these dark times. I cannot express my gratitude in words sufficiently, Thank you all so much and God Bless you!
December 18th, 2021
September 2nd, 2021
August 23rd, 2021
August 6th, 2021
August 3rd, 2021
July 30th, 2021
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