USD $250,000
USD $220,801
Campaign funds will be received by Joshua James
Prayers and Support from Etowah County, AL. Thank you for your Service to our Great Country and God Bless you!
Better luck to you and know God loves you.
Continued prayers for justice and for your family,
Continued Prayers for you all.
Welcome home, Joshua!
God bless your family on this joyous occasion and in the next chapter of your life.
Many MANY Prayers answered! So thankful and will continue to pray for your family. Keep us posted if you need anything as your journey of FREEDOM and Healing begins.
Welcome back. You are all heroes and martyrs.
CONGRATS on this wonderful news! Prayers for your family as you moved forward with your lives!!
Praying for you all. God bless.
God is good, all the time..Praise Him!
Praying for you all. God bless.
May God’s goodness overwhelm you and your family this season, praying the new year will bring new beginnings…and freedom.
Merry Christmas! We are praying for a miracle.
Praying for you guys and hopefully a new administration will stop the political persecution. If you’re able, please use this to buy some Christmas presents for your kids.
February 13th, 2025
Here in Alabama we are experiencing heavy rain and are under flash flood warnings. Joshua was almost home from work, it was dark, and he hydroplaned and wrecked his truck. Lots of dents, lost bumper, two flat tires, busted back windshield and a bump on the head later….
We are so grateful he is okay and that he was close to home. We had a neighbor pull him out and we slowly drove home. The unfortunate thing is we only have liability insurance. It was one of the ways we cut bills down when he lost his disability pay due to his j6 charges. We just had to change my oil and put new breaks in my car this week. 🥴
We actually feel pretty calm considering and I am sure that is God. We know He is in control. Stressing won’t help the situation.
Remember us in your prayers. 🙏🏼
February 10th, 2025
Good Morning,
I hope this year is treating you well. Not much to update on our end. We received an electronic form of Joshua’s pardon certificate but are waiting on the official form in the mail. We have not been given any additional details of what this pardon means for us, however, we have been in contact with our state senator’s office and our local Va representative. They both are working hard to get Joshua’s military benefits back. The VA representative has informed us we never should have lost it and has sent official documentation to the VA demanding his benefits be reinstated and all lost funds be returned. He said it could take 4-6 months for a response. We are praying hard for a good outcome with that.
I will update as we learn more. As always, thank you for all your prayers and support over the years! We couldn’t have made it without y’all!
January 21st, 2025
I had wanted to update before now but it’s been a whirlwind with sentencing and holidays but today we are sobbing. The day we had prayed for after four years!!! All glory’s to God!!! And Thank uou President Trump. Thank YOU. Every single one of you have supported us whether through prayers or finances these last four years. We could not have held on if it were not for y’all! You’re like family to us. We love you all. A full pardon…. God bless you all. 🙏🏼
love, us
December 7th, 2024
Hello, I hope this finds you all well. We have 14 days until Joshua’s sentencing.
Unfortunately, due to lack of childcare I will not be able to attend his sentencing. Joshua and I felt it would not be in Wyatt’s (6) best interest to be present at sentencing. I will be at work anxiously awaiting the news and pray I am able to hear the news from Josh first as opposed to the news.
We have been in limbo for almost 4 years. I know we are luckier than some to have had Joshua home with us these 4 years, but the unknown has not been easy. What I can say is I have seen Joshua grow in his faith during this time which means so much to me. I’m praying that if he is sentenced to prison that it won’t be for too long and that he is in a location where he is safe and can meet someone who helps him continue to grow his faith. We remain hopeful and prayerful concerning the Judge’s decision and what’s to follow.
I feel like God has me in the right job although the pay is not what I need to be able to afford the bills on my own. The hours and location make it easy to get Wyatt to and from school without help. I love who I work with and a few of my colleagues have helped me grow my own faith. I will be asking for a raise and praying God continues to show me the right path so that we cannot lose our home and come out on the other side of this together.
We remain so grateful for all of you. We could not have gotten through this as gracefully as we have without your prayers and support.
I will update again on the 20th once we know the outcome.
September 28th, 2024
Hello and Happy Saturday!
I pray this update finds you well. If you are in the path of Hurricane Helene and are dealing with the aftermath of her destruction, please know we are in constant prayer for you. I wish there was something more we could do to help with any damage and/or loss you may be experiencing. In the past with events like these Josh would go help with clean up and donation supplies, but unfortunately, due to this case and his bond conditions and the lack of finances he won't be able to help and I know that pains him.
I am sorry it has taken a moment to follow up since my last post. We are usually going 90 miles an hour and I am typically driving when I remember I need to make an update. I am currently working the front desk at my second job while working on my continuing education for my real estate license.
I wanted to thank you all who made donations since my last update. Because of you we were able to pay the past due balance on the mortgage to stop the foreclosure process! It was a huge weight off our shoulders.
We are still struggling of course to stay current on the mortgage payments but are constantly working to be able to at least not be at risk for foreclosure again. I am going to have to delay a mortgage payment to be able to pay the $355 due to renew my license which needs to be done by Monday. I have toyed with just giving up real estate all together after 12 + years in the business since it is hard to work real estate and another full time job, however, if I maintain my license I can at least give referrals and receive compensation for referrals. Every little bit will help.
We have just a little over a month until Josh's new sentencing date. We are always praying for a miracle but also remaining realistic and trying to prepare for the worse. I love my current job and coworkers but I may be forced to find a better paying job if I am going to be the sole financial provider for a while. Or we may have to sell the house and find other living arrangements. I am just praying for guidance so I will know what the Lord wants me to do.
We are forever grateful land indebted to you and all of our supporters and prayer warriors. We thank God for you all remain in prayer for you always.
The James Family
August 19th, 2024
Good Morning,
I hate to come straight out and ask this, but we need your help. Since our last update we received notification from the bank that we have until September 3rd to bring our mortgage current. We have been pinching every penny since getting the letter. We need just over $2,000. As you know, all our emergency money (over $3,000) went to pay for Wyatt’s surgery (and we still received another bill wanting $700 more from the surgery center). We haven’t bought any groceries, I am working with a pair of scratched up glasses and we have even set our pride aside and signed up for the sacks of love program through the school to make sure at least the kids have food to eat.
We have been trying to come up with the money on our own, but after dropping our son at school this morning I got another flat. The second one in a month. We dropped to liability insurance only a while back as a way to save money. We have no way to replace the tire without taking out of the money we have been setting aside for the mortgage. So I come to you this morning in desperation. If you are able and feel led to donate we need your help. There will never be enough words to express our gratitude and thankfulness but we will spend forever trying.
I am attaching photo proof from the bank because if you donate I want you to see where the money is going.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. 🙏🏼
The James Family
August 13th, 2024
Good Morning,
We received word last night that Joshua’s sentencing had been pushed back again until Nov. 13th. This is good news! It gives us a little more time to try to put back money to better help the children and I with bills going forward. Our hope is to catch up on the mortgage and hopefully put some money back to help me keep the house if Josh does go to prison. Keeping the house is very important so we do not uproot the children anymore than necessary and because rent will be more than our mortgage and the mortgage is still more than I can afford on my own.
It has proven hard to work my full time job and juggle my real estate career but I am still trying. I am hopeful to get a few deals under my belt to help with future expenses if the worst happens. My current job has a lot of positives as far as guaranteed income and proximity to the kids school as well as my wonderful, Godly coworkers. However, the pay is not enough for me to take on the bills alone. I am placing it in God’s hands and also ask for your prayers over the matter. Whether a better paying job opportunity, a few real estate deals, or another side hustle that will help me provide better.
This past weekend, Josh’s attorneys were in town for a special project. I will share more when able.
As always, we pray this update finds you well and we are eternally grateful for your continued prayers and support.
The James Family
July 21st, 2024
So much has happened since my last update. First off, thank you all for your continued support. Whether it be prayers or donations. Those who have made donations since my last update … wow…thank you. You have no idea how much that helped. You made it possible for us to put gas in our tanks this week. Shelling out every last saved penny for Wyatt’s surgery really made things difficult.
Someone tried to assassinate Trump since my last update. 😱 We cannot believe we were alive to witness a presidential assassination.
Everyday we are grateful for each one of you. Praying for each and every one of you and our country.
James Family
July 10th, 2024
Hello! We are officially 2 weeks out from Wyatt’s surgery and he is cleared to resume normal activities ! Thank you Lord! It has been a tough two weeks with little sleep and lots of pain for him. He is finally back to his normal self and we cannot be more thankful. We are hoping this means he will be healthier going forward!
Did you see the news on the Supreme Court ruling regarding the Obstruction of Justice charge ? Still not sure what this means to us but hopefully it is a positive. Josh’s new sentencing date is two months away. We are so nervous about what this may mean for our family. I’m so nervous I can’t maintain the house and bills on my own. Please continue to pray for us. And as always we are praying for you all and grateful beyond words!
The James Family
June 19th, 2024
It has been a while. Things have been tough so I haven’t updated much.
Josh was supposed to be sentenced in May but due to the Supreme Court reviewing some of the charges they pushed his sentencing back until September. It’s a good thing, but also just leaves us in the unknown for longer. We are keeping our heads down and just working like crazy trying to hold onto the house and provide. It is definitely hard to work a full time job and try to have some real estate deals here and there.
On the 24th our 6 year old has to have his tonsils and adenoids removed along with sinus surgery. We are super anxious about that. Please remember him in your prayers. I’ve heard some horror stories when it comes to children and this surgery but I am trying to lean on my faith and know that Jesus will protect him. He needs this surgery desperately as he remains sick constantly. They also called this week to give me the amount due Monday prior to surgery. It will take every small penny we’ve saved but as I said he needs this surgery.
We covet and appreciate your prayers for or family in every aspect. We are so grateful for all your prayers and support over these last few years. We hope this update finds you well.
The James Family
March 16th, 2024
After spending the week contacting local apartments, income based or not, I have located one 2/1 that’s not income based but is half our mortgage payment that is coming available. I have been on the waiting list for income based apartments for over a year. I was approved for this apartment. So were two other people so it comes down to the first one to deliver the deposit gets it. May is fast approaching. I had to snag the apartment while it was available so I took every dollar I had to secure it.
Now I am working to sell any and everything possible to help get into the apartment and keep the house out of foreclosure long enough to sell it.
May 6, his sentencing, is right around the corner. I am praying we can work this out. Your help and prayers are so important and appreciated. If we can secure this apartment and sell the house we can get by during the unknown future.
Thank you as always for everything. 🙏🏼
March 14th, 2024
Thank you all for your help since our last post. We are still hoping to catch up on the mortgage and the goal most likely is to be able to sell the house when Josh is sentenced and get an income based apartment. I can’t afford all the bills alone even with two jobs.
i hope one day I can repay you all for your kindness, generosity and prayers.
I hope this finds you all well. 🥰
March 10th, 2024
It has been a while. I have been working two jobs and Josh had a good welding job. But we still cannot manage to cover all the bills. We are three months behind on the mortgage and as a realtor I know that means foreclosure process. Our hvac went out again so we had to use emergency heat this winter which means our electric bill went from $130 to $400.
I took a job at the hospital which doesn't pay well but the hours are perfect to be able to get our 6 year old to and from school. I am still doing real estate when I can. I have one pending deal....a potential client and one that fell through. You know real estate isn't guaranteed.
Our 17 year old dropped out of high school to homeschool so she could get a job to help. She has done two full weeks at work so far. Still trying to figure out this homeschool thing.
Our marriage is rapidly falling apart. His new sentencing date is May 6.
We are not doing well.
Please continue to pray....we need that the most. Thank you.
October 12th, 2023
Hey friends!
I’m on day three of my second job and I am enjoying it! My coworkers are so friendly and the public so sweet to work with! It’s a lot of info to absorb I am catching on !
My recent appointment with the specialist yielded little results. No answer for what is causing my issues yet but she is concerned for my kidneys. My blood pressure has stayed high since Josh’s arrest and the doctors concern is the stress and high BP had affected my kidneys so we are doing more testing and then a kidney biopsy may be necessary.
Thank you
October 2nd, 2023
Hi Friends!
I hope you are doing well! I just wanted to provide a few life updates. Josh has started a new job closer to home and I have secured a second job! I am currently going through the new hire process, but hope to get a start date soon. It is close to home, but later hours so I will be relying on Josh and friends to help with getting the kids from school everyday and please send all your meal prep ideas to help make dinners possible! haha
I go at the end of the week for my follow-up appointment with the specialist to get the results of my autoimmune testing. Anxious about that, but hopeful for answers and a plan of action for healing.
Wyatt just spent the whole week off from school sick, but was able to return today. Hopefully he stays on the path to healing and health!
We hope you are all well!
September 9th, 2023
Hello friends!
I have a few updates for you. Our daughter's boyfriend, Hayden, who was in the terrible accident this past weekend is home and doing well! He looks better and is stronger every day! When we look at his totaled truck and his injuries we are in awe that he is still with us, but we know it is all God! He isn't finished with Hayden yet. We are so grateful for all of your prayer for Hayden.
I saw a specialist yesterday and had x-rays and more blood work done yesterday to determine what auto immune disease I may have. The doctor said it would be 7-10 day before my results are back. If you will pray over that for me.
I have a job interview Wednesday if you will also pray over that for me. I have mixed feelings. I have been a full time realtor for 12 years. It is hard to think I once made enough money to provide for my family on my own with that income and now I am having to change careers after 12 years. My friend said it best...it is a temporary change and sacrifice. I will keep my real estate license active and work real estate when not at the other job, Lord willing I get the job. And it will give me an opportunity to meet more people who may need my real estate expertise.
That is all for now. I hope you are all well. And remember, if there is anything we can pray over for you please drop it in our messages or prayer box.
September 4th, 2023
Good Morning Friends…today I come to you with a very specific prayer request for someone very close to us.
Late Saturday night/early Sunday morning, my daughter’s boyfriend, Hayden, was in a bad car accident where his truck flipped several times. He was med flighted to the hospital where he currently is. He has a brain bleed, concussion, broken nose, lots of cuts and bruises BUT by the grace of God he is alive and on the path to healing. If you will remember him, his family and loved ones in your prayers we would greatly appreciate it. We pray for continued healing for him now and as he continues to recover. We had just seen him a few hours before and it is such a scary reminder of how quickly life can change.
After seeing his truck it is a miracle he is alive and we know it’s only because of God. God isn’t finished with Hayden and said this isn’t how his story ends. And we are so grateful for that. Please pray for his body and mind and pray for those of us around him so that we can help him in the best way possible on his healing journey. Pray his brain bleed heals with no lasting damage and that he recovers from this accident better than before. Thank you as always!!
September 2nd, 2023
Checking in on all our friends that were in the path of the recent hurricanes. We pray you are all safe and had no damage. As a Realtor and from personal experience, I know how devastating it is to have your home damaged and to live through the long process of repairs/rebuilding. We are praying for y’all and hope you’re all okay! If we can pray a specific prayer for you please don’t hesitate to put it in the prayer section of this page.
A small update regarding my health issue I mentioned last update. I have an appointment end of next week to see a specialist. I have been reading the book “Wild and Well” to get a jump start on whatever auto-immune disease this may be. Because of this health issue and other things, there will be some difficult and major changes in our family’s future. Thank you for always remember us in your prayers. 🙏🏼
With love,
August 25th, 2023
Hello Friends,
I hope this finds you well! If you have kiddos are they back to school? Ours are and it is so nice to be back into a routine. We watched our daughter cheer at the first football game of the season last night! Those are always good nights.
We are having some record high temps here in Alabama with a heat index of 114* for this weekend. Like previously mentioned, our a/c unit is out, but thankfully we were able to secure a window unit that helps some. It is putting in the work these days! I am looking forward to sweater weather!
If you will please keep me in your prayers. Living in stress for the past 3 years has taken its toll. I have not felt like myself since middle of last year and have been to many doctors with no answers. It has taken symptoms getting worse to finally get answers (hopefully). My RF Factors are high and I am being sent to a specialist. That could mean I have Rheumatoid Arthritis or an autoimmune disease (like Lupus for example...and this would explain a lot of my issues). Google of course provides you with a long list of possibilities for a high RF factor, but I am praying and waiting for answers from the specialist. None of these diagnoses are going to be easy, especially with January fast approaching. That is why I am asking for your prayers. I hope whatever it is, is the lesser of the diseases and I can begin a treatment plan to get me stronger for whatever the future holds.
Thank you as always for remembering our family and those like us in your prayers and for your continued support. We are forever praying for you and grateful. I will update when I know more.
July 31st, 2023
Hello Friends,
Just a quick check in. Last update I mentioned how Josh's sentencing would be in November. However, we have since learned that it has been pushed to January 26th in the afternoon. It is nice to have a little more time, however, the looming date is like a dark cloud hanging over our daily lives. Nothing much else to report on.
The kiddos start back to school next week. It will be nice to be back to a routine. I hope this finds you all well. You are always in our prayers and we thank God for you daily!
The James Family
June 21st, 2023
Happy Summer Everyone!
We hope everyone's summer is going well so far! We are getting some much needed rain in Alabama.
Josh's birthday was June 17....he is now 36 and I think having a midlife crisis as he is now digging into my skincare (haha)! We took him out to dinner to celebrate his birthday and Father's Day and are grateful to have been able to celebrate these special days together.
In regards to the case, I am sure you all have seen the sentencing results for those who did not take a plea. We have found out sentencing for Josh will most likely be in November. I can remember being scared for the new year to arrive because it meant we were that much closer to losing Josh and I cannot believe how quickly this year is passing. November will be here before we know it.
Since we have the fateful date in sight, Josh has made the difficult decision to turn in his notice at his welding job and attempt to focus solely on his pressure washing business in hopes to stay busy and be able to put more money away for the kids and I for our unknown future. He did not make this decision lightly, however, we have talked often about the long drive and gas and pay rate and how he is spending most of his pay getting to and from work and not making enough to help with the bills. If he can get at least one job a week pressure washing he can make anywhere from a week to a months worth of income compared to what he makes now. We both recently said if it wasn't for my recent real estate closing and donations from this site we would not have made it this far and would have lost our home.
With that being said...we are continuously grateful for your support rather it be donations or prayers. You all have been a vital factor in strengthen our faith and keeping our family afloat and together. If you will please pray we are able to get plenty of business for Josh and myself so that we can keep our home whatever the future holds. If we were forced to sale and get a rental I fear we would be worse off as rent prices are more than our mortgage.
Some happy notes: Our 16 year old made varsity cheer and got her permit! Her goal is to have her license before going back to school. I am excited for her and for the help she will provide for me in the future being able to work and drive, however, as a helicopter Mom I am not ready for the anxiety that comes with your child driving. I am sure many of you can relate.
Thank you all again. We thank God for you daily.
With love and gratitude,
The James Family
May 10th, 2023
Here is a photo of Josh fishing for our dinner tonight after work with our son. Our son snapped this excellent photo!
May 9th, 2023
Thank you to anyone who is still donating.
I wish there were ways to thank you other than words and to explain how much it is helping. Everything has been "payment arrangements" or services being cut off for a long time. I know we aren't anyone's problem or responsibility and I hate coming on here sounding desperate but desperate is what we are. It is day to day over here. Lots of reconnect fees adding up. We are several months past due on our cell phone bill which we have to have active due to work purposes so I have set up another payment arrangement which requires several hundreds to be paid by Sunday 5/14. I have been trying to sell anything and everything to bring in dollars to keep us afloat. The only thing left is my wedding ring and Josh is not ready for me to give that up yet. But if it comes to it that is what will happen.
We are approaching a year with no working HVAC, so no A/C and no heat. We survived the colder temps with heated blankets and two space heaters but now the temp is in the 80's and I am sitting in our home with windows open and box fans in the window and lots of sweating. It is too hot to sleep so far. And I am afraid it will only get worse. I am putting dollars a day into the gas tank to get the kids to and from school. Driving 2 hours at a time to show homes in hopes it results in a sale. I could refer it out but we can't spare a penny.
I am scared things will only get worse. I never imagine I would be considering a shelter in the future for the kids and myself. Or the fact we would have to sell our home and pay double in rent to barely survive.
It still blows my mind that this is the goal for our government. To make so many families, especially Veteran families, homeless. My husband has struggled with disfigurements and disability and PTSD all FOR his country and for less than 5 mins in the Capitol he (and us) have lost everything and we have to constantly worry daily if we should sell the house. We are on the verge of loosing our marriage as well.
We could use all the prayers and any help available. We are forever grateful and hope one day we are blessed to return the favor.
Audrey and Family
May 9th, 2023
Hello Friends,
I just wanted to take a moment to check in and say hello! I hope this finds you all well. Still not much news on our end. It has bee quiet as we await all the trials to play out before we will know when sentencing will be. It is so scary to have this unknown looming over us. It has been a long and rough few years with the unknown. I think about those who have been behind bars since this began and how long their families have been without them. I am grateful we have been able to have Josh home and that his conditions have eventually been loosened to allow him the opportunity to work and provide. However, his pressure washing business did suffer while he was unable to work and his welding Job is not even covering the bills/groceries. I do have a couple real estate closings in the pipeline and in the meantime I am working to get more clients and have recently applied for several remote positions. I am hoping to get one I can work in between school drop off and pick up. If you will please pray over my applications and my real estate career I would greatly appreciate it. I do not know how much longer we will have Josh to help with the finances.
Our daughter, Alivia (16), has cheer tryouts this week. Send prayers her way! Watching her cheer has been something that has brought us joy during this trial. We are going to get her permit on Friday. Eeek! I do not have the nervous system to teach her to drive...volunteers?! haha She will go visit family in FL in June and when she get back she is planning to get a job to help with bills.
Mother's Day is this weekend so I wanted to wish all you lovely Mothers a very Happy Mother's Day! I pray you are spoiled this weekend and make many wonderful memories!
Love and Prayers,
Audrey and Family
March 31st, 2023
I suppose you all heard the good news about Jacob Chansley. After the video evidence was released by Tucker Carlson showing Police Officers escorting him throughout the building was released it made it possible for him to be released from prison early! I pray he is able to take action for the injustice he received. It gives me some hope but still….I hope more video evidence is released and sheds more light for many others including Joshua. ❤️
Take care and thank you always! 🙏🏼
March 23rd, 2023
Hey Friends!
It dawned on me that I failed to mention an important win when I last gave an update. In January were successful in getting Joshua’s curfew lifted and ankle monitor removed after two years! 🙏🏼
This allows Josh to work longer hours and on weekends if needed and will help if he can get commercial pressure washing jobs that requires him to complete them at night when the businesses are closed.
This past week I also moved to a local, well known brokerage in hopes that foundation helps me further grow my business. My previous brokerage was an online brokerage and not well known in my area, but I joined it because it was the best move at the time of Josh’s arrest because everything was unknown. I’m grateful for my time with that brokerage but excited for the support of my new brokerage and colleagues.
I hope this finds you well and thank you for your continued support! ❤️
March 12th, 2023
Happy Sunday!
I wanted to take a moment to thank you all who have reached out or made donations this week. It could not have come at a better time and allowed us to catch up on a couple of past due bills and helped me re-open Josh’s CRM (customer relationship management) software so we could start contacting last pressure washing clients. Hopefully this will help us get his business off to a great start this spring season.
We are continually grateful for your support. 🙏🏼
We hope you have a blessed week and we will continue to update as we go.
The James Family
March 8th, 2023
Hello Friends,
It’s been a few months. I’ve been encouraged to RE-open this page and provide an update.
I’m sure you have been keeping up with the trials and the verdicts. It’s exactly what we expected, unfortunately, and why we made the very difficult decision we made last year regarding the plea.
Things have been pretty quiet on our end as we await the next step of the process which will be sentencing. While we are unsure of when that will be we are being told possibly this summer. Josh and I spoke last night about how scared we become as the seasons quickly change and the days tick away.
Josh has been working a job we are so grateful he was able to find so quickly, however, he has to drive an hour each way so with the pay and travel expenses we aren’t even able to pay our bills. With Spring approaching he spends his off days trying to drum up more business for his pressure washing company because he will make more income that way. He is going to try to get an extra day off from work to dedicate to pressure washing and bringing in more income. I am working hard to grow my real estate business to a point where it is steady and I am able to pay the bills and care for the kids on my own. However, everyday I ask myself “Do I walk away from this career I have built over 11 years and get an hourly job?”
As you all know from previous updates we lost Joshua’s VA disability and our health insurance. Since then we have also lost our home insurance, the VA has sent a letter asking Josh to pay back ALL his disability since he retired which comes out to $75,000. Our HVAC went out before Christmas and we didn’t get approved to finance a new unit so we spent the winter under heated blankets and near two small electric heaters. It still is not fixed. We have pinched pennies and made changes where we can to lower bills like moving our car insurance to liability only and wouldn’t you know right after that I back into something and badly damage the back of my car that I can’t afford to fix. Our daughter injured her knee and had to have surgery and now they have her in physical therapy twice a week and want a $48 co-pay each time. It all is taking a toll on our marriage and family. It’s just one blow after the other.
We are looking at things around the house that we can sell to help us get by and are even discussing selling our home and praying we find something affordable to live in. 😔 We will do what we have to do.
I have never wanted to come on here and ask for money because I know we aren’t the only ones struggling and there are people worse off. We have been so grateful to all of you that have supported us over these two unimaginable years whether it be prayer or donations.
First and foremost, If you will please pray over our family and our finances at this time. If you have been already we thank you🙏🏼. We know God will provide even though it doesn’t seem like it now. He will make a way. And if you feel led to donate …thank you. We are forever grateful for you no matter what. 🙏🏼❤️ We pray you are all well and I will update when I can.
The James Family
November 29th, 2022
I have made the decision to go ahead and shut down this page.
I have kept it open to bring our supporters updates and to keep in touch with those praying for us. However, it has become too much for my mental health.
I do not agree with the persecution that is happening to Josh or a lot of others in this situation, but I also did not get in this situation because of my choices or decisions. Supporting my children is now 100% up to me and the continuous hate I receive on my business profiles over something I DID NOT do and had NO say in the matter is ridiculous. People persecute me and try to prohibit my ability to support my children because of something “they think” someone I am married to did.
I am grateful for all of you who have donated, supported and prayed for us because we would not have survived this long without you. I don’t know what the future holds for us. It looks pretty bleak to be honest. But I am holding out faith that God has something greater in store.
Thank you all for everything. You will never be forgotten.
Happy Holidays.
November 22nd, 2022
I just wanted to leave this info here from this Godly man.... here is is message and his email...
lighthousechurch@ymail.com "Well, since Joshy has pled guilty, he has no need for a legal defense fund. And by your own admission in your latest update, he's found work. So naturally, you're going to go right on grifting on GiveSendGo because that's what MAGA maggots do, they lie and they grift."
This is not the only message he has left but apparently this "GODLY" man wants attention.
He clearly missed the message I am keeping this page open in order to update our supporters not continue to raise funds. If you continue to donate, thank you .... it still helps more than you know but we have paid for our attorneys. Anything extra helps the kids and I pay bills. Just na FYI since Josh has been employed it is NOT enough to pay our bills but we have been making arrangement with out bill collectors in order to do so. We have NOT asked for help to do so.
I think it is comical this supposed Christian leaves such loving messages on his churches behalf. I am more concerned for him than I am for ourselves.
We have put up with 2 years of assault and attack since this insanity began. I do have a limit. FYI commenting on this fundraiser leaves your personal info SOOOOO..... leave hate comments at your own risk. We are closely connected to the feds at this point. Take that as you will haters.
November 22nd, 2022
Hello friends,
Not much to update. Our heat has been out about two weeks at the house. I took my daughter on a trip for her 16th birthday because I had a closing and as soon as we came back the heat was out at the house. What luck we have. I bought us a few heated throws and one heater but looks like we need a new unit.
Josh's new boss tried to help us repair the unit but it needs replaced. We are going to try to apply for credit to replace the unit.
I am dreading the new year because our sentencing is fast approaching....
I am sorry I do not have much positive to say.....
love you all...
October 14th, 2022
Hello friends!
I am coming to you with a praise report! Josh received a job offer and today was his first day! He is able to use his welding skills at this job. We also received word his curfew has been extended to accommodate his new work hours and then some. 🙏🏼
Thank you all for your continued prayers and support!
❤️ - The James Family
October 12th, 2022
Hello Friends!
I hope October is treating you all well! I have no major updates, but small updates/prayer requests.
Joshua has been out and about putting in job applications. He is a certified welder so that is where he is focusing right now. He may have a really good opportunity that he is hoping to get, but the job requires travel and as we all know Josh has bond conditions/curfew. If you will, pray that if this job opportunity is meant to be that it all works out. Josh of course owns his own pressure washing business, but it is in the slow season and we need a steady stream of income. I think this will be good for Josh's mental health. Of course while he waits to hear on that job he is out at other interviews. We just pray the Lord's will be done.
Also, the trial has gotten underway. So that is always looming over us. The fear of the unknown. We have been focusing on our mental, physical and spiritual health to make sure we are fit for whatever may come.
We appreciate you always praying for us and for your continued support. If we can ever pray over you please do not hesitate to ask in the prayer box on the site.
The James Family
September 27th, 2022
Second update for the day ....
I was reading through some of the comments/prayers received on this site and can not personally respond as far as I can tell so I wanted to respond here in hopes it will be seen and maybe answer a question anyone else may have.
YES you have permission to share our story/donation link if you wish! We appreciate you doing so.
We have raised enough funds for the attorneys (thank you)!!! Any additional funds received helps with our bills and Josh's travel/stays to and from DC. Josh and Josh only has been traveling as required. I am not sure what will happen when it comes to sentencing regarding if myself or the kids need to go.
Josh's disability income paid for ALL our bills, but we have lost that due to the charges. We both are small business owners. I am a commission based realtor and Josh owns his own pressure washing business. He is now in the slow season/plus travel required for trial prep/trial takes up a lot of time. I have been a full time realtor for 10 years and typically I earned enough to take care of us. However, we moved back home a few months before covid hit and then with our local notoriety due to the case shortly after it has also seemed to affect my business growth. I managed to achieve some growth last year but this year has been a lot slower unfortunately. However, with my pending business and some payment arrangements we will scrape by this year, Lord willing.
I have been cancelling and consolidating where able to help. Josh has been looking for a seasonal job where possible, but a lot that he is qualified for require a background check. Home Advisor (where a lot of his business came from) intends to drop him due to the charges.
I keep this fundraiser open as a way to update y'all mainly but also because I do not know what the future holds for Joshua or the kids and myself. If you feel called to donate, share or only submit a prayer...thank you, thank you, thank you. Either way we are beyond grateful and could not continue without you. Regardless, we know you care and are praying for us and that God has us. There will never be enough words to thank you all appropriately.
Audrey and Family
September 27th, 2022
"You cannot have a testimony without a test."
Hello Friends,
I just wanted to take a moment to check in. It has been pretty quiet on our end as we keep our heads down and focus on working. Not a lot of updates over here, but a few.
We did officially loose our VA benefits completely as of Aug 1. That includes our military insurance and Joshua's disability pay. I was hoping the disability pay would last longer so we could put back all we could, but unfortunately it did not. And of course as soon as all that disappears I develop heart issues from all the stress and needed an ER visit at 3 am. After the ER visit I was able to get set up with Blue Cross and Medicaid for an affordable insurance plan and had an ultrasound done on my heart and wore a heart monitor for 3 days. I am awaiting those results.
Josh's busy season has ended so we are working at getting creative for odd jobs he can do though his business and also continuing to grow mine. We were able to get our youngest into Pre-K (Praise Jesus!) and the has been a huge blessing and help.
Jury selection began today for the first trial. It is expected to last 5 weeks. Unsure of when this will effect Josh due to his plea deal so we are in limbo there.
The end of 2022 is fast approaching and we are not looking forward to it because that means we are that much closer to possibly losing Josh for an unknown amount of time.
We are so grateful to have been able to secure his bond last year and have him home with us unlike a lot of others still incarcerated. We continuously praying for those still incarcerated as well as their families. We are thankful for all of you and those in our community as well for your continued prayers and support. We wouldn't be where we are without you all. We hope and pray you are all well!
If any of you are in the path of Hurricane Ian, please be safe and know our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Audrey and Family
August 7th, 2022
"They cried out to You and were delivered; they trusted in You and were not disappointed or ashamed." PSALM 22:5
Today's devotional speaks on dealing with disappointment. It asks " Are you dealing with disappointment right now? Did you expect a situation to turn out one way, and now it's ended up another way?" Boy do I feel that way. I never imagined in my life my family would be in a situation like the one we are in now. This experience has been so unimaginable that sometimes I am waiting to wake up from a this nightmare. Other times I am trying to make myself as physically and mentally fit as possible for what's to come. In high school I dreamed of working as an attorney or detective, but never in my life did I think I would be meeting FBI agents in person or dealing with the Federal Gov't...especially in this capacity.
I never thought I would face a situation where my husband would be facing prison time and as a commission based Realtor I would be 100% financially responsible for our 3 children and all the household bills. I keep kicking my self for moving home to Alabama from Florida because in Florida I had a thriving business and was the breadwinner. Moving states means basically restarting your real estate career from the beginning like I am a newbie and as an agent with a decade in the business that was hard enough not to mention covid hit a few months after moving back so that made growth even harder. While my career has grown significantly this past year compared to the year before it is still not where it needs to be to be the sole provider for my family.
Last month, due to Josh's charges, we lost our health insurance and this month we lost his disability pay. The disability pay is what took care of all the bills. We have lost over $4000 a month. That is a big and scary hit. On top of that we received a letter from the VA demanding we repay the disability pay received from Jan. 2021 to now. I do not see how they expect that to happen when Josh will be in prison with no income.
Trial prep begins this month and the trial is supposed to start in September. That means Josh will have limited time to work and bring in an income. I had hoped I had more time to put away as much money as possible and to grow my business to where I had a steady income coming in. I am trying to determine a route to put our youngest in Pre-K so I can have those school hours to focus 100% on growing my business or to get a second income if needed. This transition has been made harder by losing our insurance (our youngest isn't vaccinated). So now on top of the income loss I have to find a way to add a costly insurance bill to the mix.
I just passed my Alabama Broker's exam and am excited and hopeful at the possibility that comes with that and for the potential business growth from that. We ask that you continue to pray for our family. Knowing that so many of you are praying for us is more helpful than you know in helping us continue forward through this difficult time.
We hope you are all well and safe and we are always praying and thanking the Lord for you!
Audrey and Family
July 12th, 2022
It has been a while since I have provided an update. We have just been keeping our heads down and focusing on what we can control and our family. Not a lot has changed since our last update other than....
1. After 15 years of being a member, USAA has chosen to drop Josh as a client due to this mess and held our money for about 3 months causing us to fall behind on bills ....thankfully after a call from our attorneys they quickly sent us our money.
2. We have officially lost our health insurance through Tricare as a result of this nightmare....
It has been pretty depressing and the future seem scary, but we are holding on. We are still praying for God's intervention in this nightmare. I wish I had more to update you on, especially something positive. I pray one day soon I can give you a positive update. Until then we just wanted you to know we are still very grateful for all of you and your support and prayers during this time. You are constantly in our hearts and minds and we pray you are all safe and well.
The James Family
April 20th, 2022
As you have probably seen, we have made the difficult decision as a family to accept a plea agreement.
I want to thank everyone who has supported our family during this exceptionally difficult time. I know that Josh’s decision to enter a plea agreement will be a disappointment to some and undoubtedly upset others. This was not an easy decision. Our justice system places people in impossible positions.
We made the choice that makes it more likely that Josh would be home sooner than later instead of risking our future on a trial that would likely take away many years of his life and deprive him of the chance to raise his children. After a year of being in the thick of it and many lengthy talks with our attorneys, this plea best protects our hopes that we will remain a family.
We have received harassing calls to our work and personal lines, harassing postcards regularly, bullies online and constantly have to deal with what the media and papers CHOOSE to say which only stirs up more of the harassment each time. Every time an article or story is ran it is like bracing yourself for a car crash. I always think “ If they only knew our side…” I cannot begin to process how people can hate a stranger and his entire family and wish harm on them all because of what they have heard on tv.
Between the government, the media and social media everyone has decided who Josh is. It is hard to know people have a bad opinion of us. I want to defend my family and explain that they’re wrong. I want to convince him that we’re good people, but the truth is that I’m not in control of their opinions about us. I’m not a control of the view they have of us, or the light they choose to see us through and unfortunately, even what they say about us to others. We can only pray no one, including the keyboard warriors, ever have to experience what we have this past year and what we will have to experience it in the coming days, months and years.
We have had so much support from the local and online community such as yourselves…whether it be words of support, prayers, bringing food or making donations… We are forever grateful for you. We pray that we have your continued prayers and support going forward, we will need it. We are trusting that God is working this for good.
We hope that those who have an interest in this case will respect our family’s privacy.
With enormous love and gratitude,
The James Family
February 25th, 2022
It doesn’t seem right to give an update without acknowledging what’s going on in the world right now. What’s going on in Ukraine is heartbreaking. And scary. We’re in constant prayer for them and what this may mean going forward. It’s hard to find the words… which is a common theme for the last year or so.
An update on our case. Interesting information we learned this week after many attorney calls…
- D.C. is 91% Democrat base off voters from the recent presidential election. Which means our jury pool would be a majority of democrats. And we all know they like to compare J6 to 9/11. That facts and the way the govt/media is spinning it = no chance at a fair trial. I used to understand that you were due a fair trial, but apparently that isn’t a thing anymore. And yes, we have already requested a change of venue and it was denied. The ruling is your political affiliation has “nothing” to do with what your job is as a juror. But we all know it will 100% be biased.
-After going through all “reasonable doubt” scenarios we were told there is little chance we will win at trial. We’re almost guaranteed 15-20 years minimum. And it’s mainly because of the conspiracy terminology. Being held responsible for someone else’s words.
- We we’re also made aware we will forever lose Josh’s military retirement and disability. Which is our guaranteed income that pays most of our bills. Which also means we lose health insurance. So not only we will we lose that, Josh will be in jail unable to provide for his family (which he has been unable to do for a majority of the time since making bail) but everything will be left on me. Who has a commission based career. This wouldn’t be so alarming financially if we still lived in Florida because I was the breadwinner and made a great income, however we’ve moved twice in the past few years, Covid etc…my business is still trying to grow in our new home.
It all seems unreal. A nightmare. How can any of this be happening?
There is nothing positive going on currently. It all seems hopeless but we are still holding out hope and praying. God is the only way we are getting through this. We are still praying for justice and God’s intervention. Our mental health isn’t well. If you will please keep showering us with your prayers. 🙏🏻
We hope you are all doing well and we are forever thankful for you all.
Love, Audrey
February 4th, 2022
Our attorneys are working with me to be able to release a statement. Like I said before, the media guaranteed that we will not get a fair trial. All I want to do is to share who Josh really is and who our family really is and let the public make an informed decision. I of course cannot speak to the facts of the case although I wish I could.
We are so thankful to those of you have supported us with prayers, kind words and donations. We could not have made it this far without you.
We still need donations at this time. If you cannot donate, we understand. You can help by continued prayers, sharing our fundraiser, sharing Josh\'s or my business if you or anyone in our area could use pressure washing services or real estate services. Even if you are not local to our area, if you are looking to buy or sell real estate anywhere, I can refer you to an agent that will take care of you, and I will be a part of the process the whole way.
Right now, trial is set for July.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts and appreciate you more than words can express.
Love, The James Family
February 3rd, 2022
First of all, I want to apologize for it being so far in between updates. I think often of how I need to make an update, but time gets away from me and honestly, I like to pretend this is not our life when I can. I am sure you have seen the updates in the news. They did add the seditious conspiracy charge, which was not a surprise. We were told "take a plea or we will add worse charges."
- Stewart Rhodes was finally arrested, but ONLY after the defendants subpoenaed him to testify. It was about a week or so after the subpoena that he was arrested. Funny timing in my opinion.
- We have a local paper called The Arab Tribune. They are enjoying writing on the biggest story they probably have or ever will write on. They copy and paste what the mainstream news posts. They have even taken to publishing pieces defending their constant negative articles on Joshua and even began posting opinion pieces of the negative opinions of community members. Funny thing is, when all this started, I spoke with this editor, and he would not post what I had to tell him because it would be considered "opinion". I suppose posting our side would not be newsworthy or profitable. I cannot understand how these people sleep at night and I hope they never experience what our family has. The recent opinion piece they posted wants to know why Josh has not spoken out or "taken responsibility." Well, our very expensive attorneys have told us from day 1 not to speak out because it will only be used against us in court and our goal is to fight this in court, not the media. It is very frustrating to us that the media and government can say what they want, but "do not defend yourself or else". It is not fair. You would think our local paper would want a real story to write on as opposed to the same story mainstream media prints. But then again that would take actually work and effort on their part. Everyone keeps printing a photo of Josh mid-sentence to make him look violent. If only they shared what he was doing and saying in that moment, but then again that is not newsworthy. It is clear we will not get a fair jury trial thanks to the media. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Here are few thoughts/quotes I feel apply:
-Why do those who know the least, know it the loudest?
- Opinion is really the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding. The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another\'s world. It requires prodound purpose larger than the self-kind of understanding. - Bill Bullard
- Be careful of half-truths. You may have gotten ahold of the wrong half.
-Try being informed instead of just opinionated,
When a new charge is announced or news updates are released, I spend days deleting nasty and negative comments on not only Josh\'s business social media accounts, but also my own. People comment on mine "Don\'t use this racist!" And in real estate that is a serious and career altering accusation. I do not understand how my husband being in the Capitol for mere minutes makes me (or Josh) racist. But throwing the race card out is all the haters know how to respond right?
Facebook has prevented us from sharing our fundraiser because it "goes against community guidelines for supporting a terrorist or dangerous person." I will send the last of the funds to the attorneys this week. If this goes to trial, we will need $50,000 more for the attorneys and money for travel and stay in DC during the trial. We are hoping Josh can work a lot this Spring before trial to earn a good chunk of the money. And I am working as much as I can, but my business has suffered thanks to the media and gossip of those using this to their advantage.
We will lose Josh\'s military pay if convicted. That is our only guaranteed pay.
See Part 2...
February 3rd, 2022
I just typed a lengthy update. So lengthy is required being in 2 parts. When I hit submit it timed out and did not save!! I am hopefully going to be able to type it all up accurately again right now so stay tuned. It will be in 2 parts. Thank you!
November 18th, 2021
September 9th, 2021
September 9th, 2021
September 6th, 2021
September 1st, 2021
August 31st, 2021
August 17th, 2021
August 17th, 2021
August 17th, 2021
August 5th, 2021
July 2nd, 2021
July 1st, 2021
July 1st, 2021
June 30th, 2021
June 8th, 2021
June 2nd, 2021
May 26th, 2021
April 27th, 2021
April 17th, 2021
April 10th, 2021
April 5th, 2021
March 31st, 2021
March 24th, 2021
March 19th, 2021
March 16th, 2021
March 14th, 2021
March 12th, 2021
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.