Carmelite Nuns Thank you for your ongoing support


 EUR €115,000


 EUR €107,208

Campaign created by Mother Irene, O,Carm

Campaign funds will be received by SISTER IRENE GIBSON

Carmelite Nuns Thank you for your ongoing support

Thank You For Helping The Carmelite Nuns of The Holy Face!
We are a small* Community of Carmelite Nuns faithful to the unchanging Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church. We spend our life in unceasing prayer and penance for the salvation of souls and to make atonement for the sins of mankind; including of course our own shortcomings.
We greatly value your prayerful and financial support so we can continue our life of prayer and maintain St. Joseph's Hermitage. You can contact us directly through our website:
  Please send us what you can. God bless and reward you.  

*We are small because we are only a new community. We are zealously faithful to the True Catholic Faith according to Holy Tradition prior to Vatican II.

PLEASE NOTE: We are NOT, and never have been, in any way associated with the Palmarian  group in Palmar de Troya, Spain, who share a similar title as ourselves. We are neither Sedevacantist or in schism with the Roman Catholic Church. 
Recent Donations
Michel Petit
€ 100.00 EUR
5 days ago

Dear sisters, deeply grateful for your prayers. Please could you remember my father in your prayers as I had dream that he might need such an intercession May God bless you

Andrew F Castaneda
€ 35.00 EUR
6 days ago

My daily prayers for the Carmelite Nuns of the Holy Face continues. May Almighty God blessing Mother Irene and community. Please continue keeping me and my intentions in your prayers. God love you!

Marianne Nair
€ 15.00 EUR
6 days ago

Sending prayers and blessings from Melbourne, Australia

€ 50.00 EUR
24 days ago

Anonymous Giver
€ 100.00 EUR
25 days ago

€ 30.00 EUR
1 month ago

Praise be to God for the work of these Carmelite Nuns. Never tire in your struggle against the evil forces of the world and know that your work is much appreciated. Sent from Aberdeen, Scotland.

Andrew F Castaneda
€ 35.00 EUR
1 month ago

Mother Irene and community, Thank you for you continued prayers just as I have the Carmelite Nuns in my daily prayers. My youngest son, Nicholas is struggling as is his mother, Hilda, with mental health issues. Please pray for him and his mother. very grateful to the end.

Michel Petit
€ 100.00 EUR
1 month ago

Dear sisters, deeply grateful for your prayers. Please could you remember my father in your prayers as I had dream that he might need such an intercession May God bless you

Regina Green
€ 25.00 EUR
1 month ago

God bless you, dear Sisters.

Marianne Nair
€ 15.00 EUR
1 month ago

Sending prayers and blessings from Melbourne, Australia

Anonymous Giver
€ 250.00 EUR
1 month ago

Merry Christmas Sisters.

€ 50.00 EUR
1 month ago

Wishing you a healthy and blessed new year My prayers are always.

€ 500.00 EUR
1 month ago

A Blessed Christmas to you, Sisters. Stay strong. May the Divine Infant shower you with many blessings! (Would you please keep me and the restaurant in your prayers. It's still going, but I'm trying to run away from it. May God's Will be done.)

John Lycett
€ 150.00 EUR
1 month ago

Dear Mother Irene and Community. May the glory of our Savior’s birth fill your heart with peace and love this Christmas. Thank you for your prayers.

Anonymous Giver
€ 150.00 EUR
1 month ago

Regina Green
€ 25.00 EUR
2 months ago

Dear Mother Irene and Community, please accept my humble Christmas gift to St. Joseph's Hermitage. Thank you for all your prayers and may the little King ever reign in our hearts and the world. God bless you and protect you.

Andrew F Castaneda
€ 35.00 EUR
2 months ago

Blessed Advent Mother Irene and community, my prayers continue for the Carmelite Nuns of the Holy Face. Please continue to include me and my intentions in your prayers. God bless!

Michel Petit
€ 100.00 EUR
2 months ago

Dear sisters, deeply grateful for your prayers. Please could you remember my father in your prayers as I had dream that he might need such an intercession May God bless you

Margaret Harold
€ 25.00 EUR
2 months ago

God bless you Sisters

Ajay Sharma
€ 100.00 EUR
2 months ago



June 15th, 2023


Ave Maria

Dear Friends and Benefactors,

It has been a long time since we updated this campaign, and we apologise to those of you who are not already on our regular mailing list. Thanks to your generosity, we are now living in the repaired farmhouse which is serving as our main house. The stairs were just recently completed, and only a few finishing touches remain to be done. In addition to providing for our daily needs, incoming donations are being set aside for the further development of the property.

The June Issue of our newsletter is now available on our website ( as are all previous issues. We are trying to publish them every two months.

Thank you once again, and be assured of our gratitude and prayers.

In the love of Our Lord and His Blessed Mother,

Mother Irene & Community

February Newsletter

February 1st, 2023


Ave Maria

Dear Reverend Fathers,

Dear Friends & Benefactors,

Greetings from Ireland on this Feast of St. Bridget!

We are pleased to share with you Issue 22 of our newsletter which is now available on our website.

Please be assured of our profound gratitude for all you do and have already done for us. In return, we assure you of a share in the benefit of our daily prayers and sacrifices. While we do try to acknowledge all financial donations, which of course are much appreciated, your prayers have helped us and are helping us more than you know; and we cannot thank you sufficiently for them. May God Himself be your reward, and may the light of His Countenance shine upon you all!

In the love of the Holy Face of Jesus,

Mother Irene & Community

Update February Newsletter Image
November- Newsletter

November 3rd, 2022

Ave Maria
Dear Reverend Fathers,
Dear Friends and Benefactors,
The November Issue of our newsletter is now available on our website: As always, we are much indebted to you for your support. In return, we assure you of our grateful prayers; but we are just as much in need of your prayers, for the spiritual warfare is intense. 

As mentioned in the newsletter, a new video is available here, allowing you a little glimpse into Carmelite life as lived here at St. Joseph's Hermitage.

If you did not send in a list of your departed loved ones last year (in which case we have this list of names saved on a word document and printed out already), please feel free to do so in order for them to share in the benefit of the sacrifices, prayers and all Holy Masses being offered here at the Hermitage for the Holy Souls throughout the month of November. We know the month of the Holy Souls has already begun and we apologise for our delay in sending out this invitation. However, as the saying goes, "better late than never"! 

Handmade Christmas cards are also available. Each is unique, but some examples are shown in the attached photographs.

United in prayer, under the mantle of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel,

Mother Irene & Community
Update November- Newsletter Image
Our Great Carmelite Fast Begins today!

September 14th, 2022


Ave Maria!


Dear Rev. Fathers, Friends & Benefactors,

Our Carmelite Great Fast begins today - 14th September -Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.  According to the Holy Rule of St. Albert, all Carmelites are to fast from this day until Easter Day. In our Community which is dedicated to making Reparation to the Holy Name and Face of Jesus, this fast consists of just one full meal per day. We share this information with you to give you spiritual strength because we are the praying heart of the Catholic Church and are here to offer sacrifices for you and your loved ones. Since we are all a part of the Mystical Body of Christ, we as spiritual Mothers in the Heart of the Church, choose to deny ourselves the satisfaction of material food so that God will look kindly on you, our spiritual children, and fill your life with good things (cf. Psalm 103:5). Our daily prayers and penance rise up like incense before the Throne of God for your prayer intentions. We humbly ask you in return to continue to support us by your prayers and whatever alms you can afford. Soon we shall be six Sisters in Community. This means we need to build more 10x8 ft. Cells for individual members which cost min. €3,500 each. 

May God bless and reward you and may He make His Face shine upon you and give you His peace.

In Jesus' Name

Mother Irene of the Holy Face.



Update Our Great Carmelite Fast Begins today! Image
Our Community is growing!

September 10th, 2022

 + Ave Maria

Dear Rev. Fathers, Friends & Benefactors

We wish to share with you a short video to show you for your spiritual edification. We are now four Carmelite Religious present. Two more candidates will be joining us next month. More vocations means more Cells need to be built. Though these 10x8 wooden garden sheds cost minimum €2,900 each when fully converted into dwelling Cells for individual Sisters, they work out to be far cheaper than having to build an extension onto our main house. We do our best to support ourselves by the work of our hands as indeed we all must do. However, the cost of building material here in Ireland has skyrocketed. Because we have answered the call to spend all our hours in intercessory prayer and penance for you and your loved ones, we depend on your support to help us build St. Joseph's Hermitage. Please send us what you can. No donation is too small and you can be certain you will be richly rewarded both in this life and the next for your charity. In Jesus' Name, we beg God's blessing on you and your loved ones.

Newsletter Issue 20 now available!

August 17th, 2022


Ave Maria

Dear Friends and Benefactors,

Our latest newsletter is now available on our website for all who wish to read it.

Be assured as always of our grateful prayers for you all.

Mother Irene & Community
Update Newsletter Issue 20 now available! Image
2 young Postulants join us!

August 3rd, 2022



Dear Rev. Fathers, Friends & Benefactors,

It is with much joy we share the news of the growth of our Religious Community. On 25th July, two beautiful young ladies joined us to begin their formation to become Carmelite Nuns. At present there are four more young aspirants in the pipeline waiting to join us. More vocations mean more "Veronicas" to wipe and honour the Holy Face of Jesus and make reparation for all our sins. 

Because of your ongoing support, we have been able to repair the small old house on our land. It is  now serving as our Refectory, Kitchen, Library, temp. chapel, sewing room, office, and Community Room. But with the increase in candidates, we urgently need more Cells/cabins. The house is not large enough and has no bedrooms for individual nuns to sleep in it. Each Sister therefore needs a separate Cell/log cabin. These cost approx. 3,000 euro each because they are fully insulated with PVC door and window and solid fuel stove.  

Please continue to help us as best you can. We pray every day for all our Benefactors and each month a Mass is offered for your intention. May God bless and reward you and thank you again. 

Update 2  young Postulants join us! Image
Update #21

June 29th, 2022

Ave Maria

Dear Rev. Fathers, Friends & Benefactors,

Although the next issue of our quarterly newsletter is not due until August, we are pleased to be able to give you a new update on the development of our little Community. The best news of all is that we are expecting two new postulants who are planning to arrive in late July. This will be a true answer to prayer, and we are much indebted to you all for your prayers for this intention. We continue to beg God to send us a permanent chaplain - surely He will not refuse us this additional grace, especially when so many of you are persevering in your prayers for this intention also!

We are hoping to have the main house livable by the time the postulants arrive, and are doing as much of the interior work as we can ourselves so as to make it happen. We have just finished making a few more bookshelves for the library. This is an important room in any monastery or convent, since good Catholic books are an essential tool for providing newcomers with a good formation. The kitchen has had the plumbing connected, but as you can see in the recent photograph, a good deal remains to be done before we can move in.

Last week the Blessed Sacrament was transferred into one of the completed rooms in the refurbished farmhouse which is destined to be our main building. We made our weekly Holy Hour there, and had the additional consolation of Mass on the Feast of the Sacred Heart, offered by a visiting priest. Although it is a much more fitting abode for Our Lord than the shipping container, it is very small - too small to allow for the growth of our Community. We have therefore started setting aside funds for a permanent chapel, and we are counting on your charity to enable us to obtain it.

The exterior plastering of the house was completed last week also, but the cost of basic materials like cement and wood has increased considerably in recent months and so we are obliged to beg for your charitable assistance once more. Even though we know that many of you are experiencing financial hardships yourselves and therefore cannot give as much as you would wish, whatever you may be able to contribute to the building of God's House will be gratefully accepted, and carefully recorded in the Book of Life. Some day you will receive it back a hundredfold.

We are confident that through you, St. Joseph will continue to provide for our needs, and we thank you in advance for whatever help you may be able to give, as well as for all you have already given. 

With the assurance of our grateful prayers, as always, we remain

Your Sisters in Jesus, Mary & Joseph,
Mother Irene & Community

Update Update #21 Image
Update #20

May 6th, 2022


Ave Maria

Dear Friends & Benefactors,

We sincerely apologise for failing to keep you updated more regularly on the progress here. With the good weather and long daylight hours here at last, we must use every opportunity to plant this year's crops, stain our wooden Cells, work on the house, etc., It means that the office work has been somewhat neglected...However, you have not been forgotten in our prayers and sacrifices which of course is our main Work in the heart of the Church.

Since our last update, there has been much progress. Coloured cement tiles have been laid on the entire ground floor, and now that we have sealed them with a clear varnish, they look just like traditional terracotta tiles - at a fraction of the cost. Upstairs, laminate wood flooring is now in place. We did most of the work of laying it ourselves, with help from one kind volunteer. The skirting boards have also been installed, although many of them have yet to be painted. The stairs are in place, but they too have yet to be stained and varnished...

This very moment the electrician is finishing off the electrical work, and the plumber has done a great deal already.  One solid fuel stove was purchased second hand and is in good working order, while a range cooker is waiting to be installed.

The outward appearance of the house has changed little in the last 6 months, but hopefully during the summer the builder will find time to plaster it. We would love to be able to cover it with flagstone to give it a more monastic appearance, but this would likely be too costly. 

It is hopeful that we may be able to move into the house this summer. Still, there remains much work to be done in the development of St. Joseph's Hermitage. After the house, the erection of an enclosure wall is one of our most urgent needs. 

One of the largest rooms in the house will serve as a temporary chapel, but it is our hope to erect something more permanent at some time in the future, as soon as circumstances will allow. Tentative plans are even now being drawn up for that purpose. Any donations which may not be required for the house or necessary development (such as the enclosure wall) will be carefully set aside for the future chapel - which is the most important part of a monastery.

Overall, the progress on St. Joseph's Hermitage has been good and our hearts are full of gratitude, not only to God Who is so visibly blessing us, but also to you dear friends, since it is through you that He has done so. May He Himself be your eternal reward! 

Very gratefully yours in Jesus, Mary & Joseph,

Rev. Mother Irene & Community

Update #19

April 24th, 2022

Dear Friends and Benefactors,

We apologise for our slowness in posting updates to our progress on the house. Because we are few in number, we must do much of the manual labour such as cooking, gardening, painting the newely plastered walls of the house, varnishing the floor tiles etc., plus our most important work- namely our Liturgical prayer from 4.30 am. It leaves us little time to sit at a computer. We want to thank you all most sincerely for your ongoing support. Progress on the house continues. We still must pay for plumbing and electricial appliances.   

We ask for your support in this endeavor. The Nuns are intensely and sincerely grateful for every gift they receive. 

Update Update #19 Image
Update #18

April 24th, 2022

Update Update #18 Image
Update #17

April 24th, 2022

Update Update #17 Image
Update #16

April 24th, 2022

Update Update #16 Image
St. Joseph's Hermitage and Oratory

February 20th, 2022

Dear Friends, Benefactors,

We want to thank you all once again for your  support both spiritual and financial. We are at the stage of putting on the first coat of paint inside the newly refurbished house. As yet there is no electricity, plumbing, flooring or permanent fittings. Due to necessity, we are still using an old shipping container to serve as an Oratory to house the Blessed Sacrament. Unfortunately the wet Irish weather is having its toll on this storage container.   We depend on your ongoing support so we may be able to continue building of Saint Joseph\\'s Hermitage with a proper Oratory to house the Most Blessed Sacrament. Unlike many Vatican II Religious Congregations, we do not receive any financial support from parishes or diocese because we are firmly rooted in Holy Tradition and are faithful to the unchanging Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church. 

We shall soon be entering into the holy season of Lent. You and your loved ones will be included in our daily prayers, penance, Masses and sacrifices. 

May God bless you all and bestow on you many graces during the weeks ahead. Please share our campaign and video on social media and make our needs known.

 Your Sisters in Christ

Mother Irene & Community


St. Joseph's Carmelite Hermitage building progress Feb, 2022

February 9th, 2022


Ave Maria

Dear Reverend Fathers,

Dear Friends & Benefactors,

The February Newsletter Issue 18, is now available on our website.  

Thanks to your most generous contributions, we continue to make steady progress in the building of St. Joseph\'s Carmelite Hermitage.  We thank you from the bottom of our heart for your ongoing support both spiritual and temporal. We continuously give thanks to God the Father, through Our Lord Jesus Christ, for the charity He has inspired in you in helping us in all our needs. We likewise plead with Him to bless and protect you and your family in this life and the next. 

As mentioned in Newsletter Issue 17, Blessed Oil of the Holy Face and various other sacramentals are available from St. Joseph\'s Hermitage. Your generous contribution will enable us to continue in the building of Saint Joseph\'s Hermitage. We are still using an old shipping container to serve as an Oratory so your on-going support is much needed to build a small Oratory fit for the King of kings. Please share our campaign on social media. Thank you. 

May God reward you 

With the assurance of our grateful prayers, Mother Irene & Community

Storm Barra has torn off the roof of our temporary oratory!

December 7th, 2021

Ave Maria
Dear Friends and Benefactors,
We wish to thank you most sincerely for all your support. We are making good progress on the house. There is still much work to be done before we and Our Eucharistic King - Our Lord Jesus Christ - can take up residence in it. This morning, storm Barra  torn off the roof of our shipping container oratory which means it will now leak rain. Our Eucharistic King needs a secure house as do His brides as soon as possible.
May God bless and reward you all for your ongoing support and may Emmanuel find a welcoming home in your heart this Christmas,
In union with Mary and Joseph.
Mother Irene & Community
Carmelites of the Holy Face. Ireland
Carmelites of the Holy Face - Newsletter Issue 17 and Updates

November 3rd, 2021

Ave Maria
Dear Reverend Fathers, Friends & Benefactors,
The November Issue of our Newsletter is now available on our website. 
In it you will find an update on the progress being made at St. Joseph's Hermitage. We wish to thank each and every one of you for your charity which has made it possible for us to have such favourable news to share with you. While we are truly being blessed in the temporal realm, we ask you to kindly continue to pray that God will bless us with a permanent chaplain so that nothing will be wanting in the spiritual realm. The house will soon be able to provide adequate and secure lodging for a resident priest, as well as a more suitable Oratory in which to house the King of kings.

Meanwhile, we continue to pray for you all. During this month of November, we are offering an extra penitential rosary daily for the souls of the faithful departed. We invite you to send in the names of all your dear departed whom you wish to be remembered in our prayers and sacrifices during this month. A list of these names will be printed out and placed upon the altar for the rest of the month of November and also given to a Catholic priest who will offer the Tridentine Mass for them.

As mentioned in our Newsletter, Blessed Oil of the Holy Face and various other sacramentals are available from St. Joseph's Hermitage.
House repair progress- Holy Face blessed oil from the Carmelite Nuns.

September 23rd, 2021

   Ave Maria
Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
We write to you today to give you all a brief update on the progress which has been made recently at St. Joseph's Hermitage.
As we are especially dedicated to the Holy Face of Jesus, we had for a long time been wanting to imitate the Holy Man of Tours, who kept an oil lamp perpetually burning before an image - similar to our one - of the Holy Face. Since the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross (14th September), we have finally been able to keep an oil lamp constantly burning in our own little Oratory before our Holy Face Image, which has been touched to the Veil of Veronica in Rome. We offer this small token of our homage in gratitude to God and to you, our dear benefactors, for whom we pray daily before His Holy Face. The oil from this lamp has been blessed, and after burning for the past week, it is now available for those of you who wish to receive it. Please see the attached document.
If you would like to receive this oil, we ask you to contact us through our website (, and also let us know the address you wish it to be posted to, if you have not already done so. As we have already received a number of requests for this holy oil, please understand if we do not respond to you as promptly as we should. We will take note of your request, and will do our best to send your packet as soon as we can.
Meanwhile the repair work on the house continues, thanks to the support you have so kindly given us. The new rafters are now in place and the roof should be completed within the coming fortnight. We have also had electricity connected to our 3 cells and the temporary Oratory. The interior of the house has yet to be done, and we are dreading the bill for both the plumber and the electrician; however we trust in God and in the charity with which He has filled your hearts. He Who provides for the birds of the air and the lilies of the field will continue to provide for us too.
We assure you, as always, of our profound gratitude for your support; and of a daily remembrance in our prayers.
May God bless and reward you a hundredfold for all you have done and continue to do for us!
Your Sisters in Christ,
Mother Irene of the Holy Face O.Carm
& Community


  Carmelite Nuns of the Holy Face, Co. Cork. Ireland

  • Inspired by the Holy Man of Tours, blessed oil burns daily before a Relic Image of the Holy Face in the Oratory of the Carmelite Nuns of the Holy Face, Rep. of Ireland. The Carmelite Nuns are a Traditional Catholic Community who follow the 1962 Breviary and Latin Rite Mass. The Nuns are especially dedicated to making Reparation to the Holy Name and the Face of Jesus. 
  • The holy oil has been blessed by a Traditional Catholic priest using the old rite blessing.
  • The blessed oil burns perpetually in an oil lamp before a Relic Image of the Holy Face which has touched the True Veil of Veronica in Rome. This Relic Image bears two engraved episcopal wax seals.  It hangs directly above the Tabernacle where the Most Blessed Sacrament is reserved.
  • bottle with 5ml of blessed oil.
  • A suggested donation of $10.50 (approx. €9.00) covers the cost of materials and international shipping.
  • The blessed oil is free.
  • We shall also include other light weight blessed sacramentals free of charge.


Besides the Holy Oils which the Church reserves for use in the Sacraments, the Church also recognizes the use of blessed oil by the faithful as a sacramental. The purpose of this oil is primarily for healing and protection from harm; but the oil can also be used to pray for all the blessings which the oil represents; that is, all the riches which are ours in Christ Jesus. Blessed oil may be used by the faithful to bless themselves or someone they have authority over (parents to children, husbands to wives, God-parents to God-children). Beyond this, lay people should not bless other lay people since they do not have authority over them. The simplest way of blessing with oil is to make the sign of the cross on the forehead while saying the accompanying prayers. Other parts of the body can also be blessed especially when the need for healing may be localized in one or several parts of the body. Blessed oil may also be used in cooking.

If using on another, it is advisable to inform them that you are using blessed oil, which is not the Holy Oils of the Church, and that you are not administering a Sacrament of the Church. [Only a Catholic priest has the power to administer the Sacrament of Extreme Unction.]



Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano's blessing and support to Mother Irene & Community

August 31st, 2021

Ave Maria
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Greetings from the Carmelite Nuns of the Holy Face in Ireland!
We wish to keep you updated on the building progress of St. Joseph's Hermitage here in the mountains of County Cork.

Thanks to your charity and support, the work on the old house is progressing well. Even as we write, the builders are working on re-roofing the house. As yet we do not have electricity and we are still waiting to receive a government grant to enable us to drill a well. 

Our vegetable and herb garden did exceptionally well. A local farmer kindly provided us with four loads of farm yard manure which made all the difference. Also, our prayer/shrine garden which we planted for you, our benefactors, has provided us with many beautiful flowers to adorn the Sanctuary of the Most High God. 

As if this were not enough to show His love for us, Our Divine Spouse has heard our prayers once again through the most powerful intercession and tears of His Blessed Mother and ours. As confirmation that  we are doing God's Holy Will and are in good standing with the Catholic Church, we recently received a letter of support and Apostolic blessing from the holy prelate, His Grace, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano who was former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States. Please take time to read his letter and share it with family and friends.

Once again, we wish to thank you all most sincerely for your support and beg you to continue to assist us according as God inspires you. We are here for you. Both day and night we make intercession for you and your loved ones before  the Tabernacle of the Most High God. We carry you spiritually with us as we go about our daily chores and as we gather together to pray the Canonical Hours. 
On your part, we ask that you would continue to pray for our Carmelite Foundation that God will bless us with a chaplain and the financial means to build St. Joseph's Hermitage. 

May God grant you all every gift and blessing and may Our Blessed Mother Mary keep you all safe under her Mantle.

Rev. Mother Irene of the Holy Face, O.Carm & Community
Update #9 August Newsletter. A message of "HOPE"

August 2nd, 2021

Ave Maria
Dear Friends & Benefactors,
We are please to publish our latest Newsletter. With so much spiritual darkness about today, we hope this short writing will help to lift your spirit and bring you hope. Yes for genuine Christians everywhere, there are dark days ahead as we know the spiritual war has only just begun. But we must lift up our eyes as Christian Soldiers, and, hold fast to the Cross of Jesus, we must march forward with great hope and expectation of a glorious victory. For those who keep God's Commandments and fear Him alone, a glorious crown of victory awaits them.                                            We continue to play our part in making intercession before the Throne of God for all your needs. God bless you all and thank you for your on-going support.
Update #8

July 22nd, 2021

"The Lord will send forth a blessing upon thy storehouses, and upon all the works of thy hands: and will bless thee in the land that thou shalt receive."   Deut. 28:8
Ave Maria
Dear Friend,
We wish to thank each and every one of you for your on-going support to our cause. Work on the old house is slow because we could only afford to hire one builder who divides up his time elsewhere as do most non-contractor builders.
The good weather has encouraged us Nuns to plant vegetables, shrubs and flowers. In transferring the shrubs and flowers from our former land in Corran South to our new land, we decided to build a shrine garden or prayer garden so as to keep all of you in our heart and prayers. Here is a short video link to our efforts. May God bless you all and reward you for your charity. In Jesus' Name. Mother Irene of the Holy Face. O.Carm & Community.

June 23rd, 2021

Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you...Matt. 5:11

June 23rd, 2021

"Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for My sake: Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is very great in heaven." Matt.5:11
Dear Friends and Benefactors,
We write to you with a heart full of gratitude in that we have been found worthy to share in a very small way in the sufferings of Christ. This update comes to you a day after we attended the final local district court hearing. As can be expected, the godless mainstream media continues to spread lies about us saying we are not a part of the Catholic Church and that we are affiliated to a schismatic church in Spain. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are not recognised and approved by the local Bishop; nor do we have the support of the diocese, since by simply holding fast to the Traditional Catholic Faith, we are necessarily opposed to the modernism of Vatican II which they follow. Our love and zeal for the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ and established on the Rock of St. Peter is pure and uncompromising. We zealously adhere to Her infallible teachings according to the unchanging Magisterium of the Church.
As to the outcome of the court case, a fine of €1,000 was imposed for an alleged breach of planning regulations, but the Judge did not insist on the removal of the wooden fence from our former site, which the local Council had attempted to have us do. The builder is making good progress with the repair of the old house here at St. Joseph's Hermitage, and so there is good reason to hope that from now on we will be able to live our Religious Life in peace.
We are full of gratitude to you also, dear friends and benefactors, for your continued generosity in supporting us by your prayers, funds, and your moral encouragement. May God also grant to you a very great reward in Heaven!
Your Sisters in Christ,
Mother Irene of the Holy Face O. Carm. & Community
Update #5

April 30th, 2021

Ave Maria
Dear Friends and Benefactors,
Please see issue 15 of our quarterly Newsletter. We sincerely thank you all for your ongoing support in helping us to rebuild our life and St. Joseph's Hermitage. On this upcoming Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, May 1st, we wish to assure you all of our prayers for you and your loved ones living and deceased.  Please continue to keep us also in your prayers and share our link with family and friends.
In Jesus' Name. Mother Irene & Community.  

Technical GSG problem solved!

April 13th, 2021

Dear Friend and Benefactors,
Due to some technical problem in our GSG campaign page, many of the donations sent to us were not displayed for several days. The benefactors' email addresses were also not displayed on our settings. Due to this, we are unable to contact individual donors to thank them. If you have sent in a donation to us very recently, please be so kind as to send us your email address. We would very much like to communicate with you personally to thank you and send you a small packet of sacramentals as a token of our gratitude. We can be contacted via our website: 
May God bless you all and reward you a hundredfold for your charity.  
Great Progress!

April 10th, 2021

Surréxit Dóminus Vere, Alleluia! 
Dear Friends and Benefactors,
Due to the help you have given us by your prayerful and financial support, things are progressing rapidly in our new Hermitage of St. Joseph. With God's blessing and the powerful patronage of St. Joseph, a JCB digger has been on site performing some necessary groundwork: burying waterpipes and electric cable ducking, laying down hardcore for the driveway, clearing around the old house in preparation for repair work, turning the soil for our vegetable garden, poly-tunnel, and much more. Two weeks ago, two generous benefactors donated and helped us plant 10 apple trees, so our orchard is already in place!
There is enough work here for a dozen nuns. Alas, we do not even have half that many, so we must apologise for failing to keep you more regularly updated on our progress.

Please do continue to pray for us, and support us in whatever way you can. We are deeply thankful to you all, and assure you of a grateful remembrance in our prayers, as well as God's blessings for yourselves and your loved ones. With every gift of 25 euro or more, we will gladly send you a packet of sacramentals if you write to us with your full postal address. We are here for you and are always praying and making intercession for you before the Tabernacle of our Eucharist Lord and Risen Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him be highest glory and praise forever. 
Your Carmelite Sisters in Christ,
Mother Irene & Community
Building Blocks for Saint Joseph's Hermitage!

March 5th, 2021

Ave Maria
Dear Friends and Benefactors,
We want to keep you all up to date with our progress. Last Monday we were able to move our three 10x8ft  garden sheds (our temporary lodging), to our new land in the mountains. Both of us spent the last few days levelling the sheds and refitting the galvanised roof. So far we have no volunteers to assist us, save the invisible help we are receiving from Saint Joseph. 
As you can see in the photos, we have ordered some building blocks so as to begin repair work on the old house as soon as possible. We do not have sufficient funds to hire building contractors to re-roof and rebuild the house. Much of the funds we received from generous benefactors in the last thirteen months have gone towards the purchase of this new land. 
We ask you please to continue supporting us as best you can. Please also share our link with family and friends on social media so that we may be able to repair the old house and have at least a room to serve as an Oratory for the Blessed Sacrament. 
We thank you all from the bottom of our heart for all your support and we assure you of our unceasing prayers for you and your family. With every donation we receive over 25 euro, we will happily send you a packet of sacramentals if you send us your postal address.
May God bless and repay your generosity a thousandfold!
Your Sisters in Christ,
Mother Irene & Community
Update #2

March 3rd, 2021

Ave Maria
Dear Friends and Benefactors,
Thank you very much for your most generous donation. We have been working round the clock the last two days as the hauliers have moved our three small sheds to our new land. Thank God we have the weather on our side now and we are both in good health. We shall post another photo shortly. We would not be able to do this work if it were not for your kindness and that of our other generous benefactors. Please continue to keep us in your prayers and share our GiveSendGo link with family and friends so we may be able to have the old derelict house repaired. 
God bless and reward you a hundredfold and be assured of our prayers for you and your family.
In Jesus' Name
Mother Irene & Sister Anne Marie 

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