USD $100,000
USD $75,295
Campaign funds will be received by Andrea Young
God's blessings on you, Kyle, as you heal from your injury. May He bless you, Andrea, and the children with peace, wisdom, and strength, in Jesus' name, amen!
(Glad now I didn’t get an Akita!) Tell your story, Kyle. You’re an amazing American hero. Good luck and God bless you and your faithful family!
Hope you feel better and heal.
Praying all goes well with you. Keep the faith and God bless you all!
Dear Kyle, Andrea and family, we continue to pray for you and hope that you would get the appropriate medical treatment soon. May God bless you always
I'm giving thanks that the J6 pardons came to fruition.
Hope each day gets a little better. Continuing to trust God's plan for all of you.
Hard to believe that you are being attacked this way. Lord, let up a little will ya'!
Loaves and fishes toward your need! and prayer for righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit for you all. So glad you’re together again!!!
Andrea and Kyle, it's been a long and difficult journey for you and I hope in some way we were able to make it a little easier for you. We wanted to make sure you knew you were never alone. God bless you and your beautiful family and I pray that only wonderful things come your way from now on. Take care and happiness always. Love, Ruthie
February 10th, 2025
He had surgery on his finger Friday and was in a lot of pain Friday and Saturday. He seems to be in less pain now. Thank God because my heart hurt so bad for him. He won’t take pain medicine other than Tylenol and Advil. Keeping him down has been a challenge since he is such a go getter. Hopefully his finger heals very fast so he can get back to work. He hates not being able to provide for his family right now. God has a plan and we just have to ask what is the lesson in all this. Thank you for everything!
February 4th, 2025
Things have been so wonderful since Kyle has been home. We are so thankful. This weekday we had a terrible turn of events. We had a visiting dog at our house and our dog and the visiting dog got into a fight. Kyle went to separate the dogs and he got the tip of his left index finger bitten off. His right hand was mauling as well. He won’t be able to go back to work very soon now. He has to have skin flap surgery on his finger but we have to come up with over 3000 dollars to even been seen and have the surgery. The dr office told him if you don’t have it then sorry about your luck. The doctor told us a the Dr visit that the surgery needed to be done within a week of being severed. I can’t believe this is how people are treated in the United States. We are in process of applying for emergency assistance. Please keep him in your prayers. Praying he gets approved for help to get this surgery done that is very much needed.i will keep you all posted on how things go.
January 22nd, 2025
We made it!! Praise God! Kyle is home and our family can start healing. We waited outside the prison for 3 hours waiting his release. He was so determined to get home. He drove straight home over 700 miles only stopped for gas. We are so blessed. Thank you all for your support. He will take a few days and get settle back in and then actively start looking for a job. I’m hoping being a j6er won’t make it too difficult finding a job.
January 9th, 2025
We made it through what I pray is the last set of holidays without Kyle. I can’t wait to go to Arkansas to pick him up and take him home. Praying this is the last day of me have to take on the roll of mom and dad and just be mom again. It will take time to get Jack and dad to know each other again as Jack was just 1 when Kyle was taken. Paige is daddy’s girl forever and will pick right back up wrapped around his finger. She reminds me that she is dad’s favorite at least weekly! Kalen has grown up into an amazing young man and will make dad proud. Finally I look forward to getting back to being a family again. I feel like I’ve really aged the last almost 4 years. All of the worry and extra things that life has thrown my way has taken a toll. I am so ready for January 20th. I hope we will know in advance so I can plan better how I will get him. Thank you all for your prays and support through these trying times. I don’t think we would have done so well without you. On to the next amazing chapter in life!
December 5th, 2024
This was the fourthThanksgiving’s without my love. I pray it is the last. One more Christmas and a new years to go. I can’t wait to get him home. The kids are doing good. They are looking forward to their dad to come home hopefully very soon. If he doesn’t get a pardon he will be in prison for about another 2 years before he can go to a halfway house. Jack will be 5 this month right before Christmas. He was 1 year and 4 months old when his dad was stolen out of his life. It is gonna so fun for Kyle to get to know our lil man. He can wait to play with him and do boys things together. Our 16 year old is into old cars and still playing the drums and guitar. He is so talented. Our daughter is doing so amazing in school. She has almost all A’s. I am so proud of her and so is her dad. She reminds me quite often that she is dad’s favorite! She is definitely a daddy’s girl. Thank you all your prayers. They haven’t gotten us through the last years. I cant express how much it means to us. I added a picture of our two dogs who have recently passed away. I found a cute picture of them when they were puppies and Kyle.
November 12th, 2024
I am so happy Trump won! Now we have to make sure he gets inaugurated. So much hope but a lot of fear about what can happen between now and January 20th. I haven’t updated in a while. My mom has been struggling with memory and we can’t seem to get a diagnosis. Her insurance was canceled and now we are trying to figure out what to do. I hate how horrible it is for seniors to get good insurance and good doctors. She had had pet scans and mri’s. All look normal for her age. Sometimes she doesn’t know where she is and unsure of everything. I’ve be researching to find out what is going on with her. I am at my wits end. Doctors don’t seem to care. This has been ongoing for over 2 years. I need my husband home now. I have So much on my shoulders without him. Thank you all for ur support and prayers. We definitely need them.
October 1st, 2024
September 6th, 2024
I have been checking my blood pressure everyday and it has been normal. I got sick with a virus a day later so maybe that was what was causing my blood pressure to skyrocket. It is back to normal now. I’m going back for my teeth cleaning this weekend! So crazy how your body will try to fight off something. Life has felt more calm lately other than worrying about the upcoming election. I know it is in Gods hands. The kids are doing good and enjoying being back in school. I have no complaints other than missing my husband so much. I imagine it might be a challenge to get use to him being home again when he does come home. I have had to do everything on my own. I will have to learn to let him help. It is crazy how much he did when he was home. He is definitely our rock.
August 27th, 2024
I got to see Kyle on Saturday with two of his sisters. It was really nice. I miss him so much. I got a call last Friday saying Kyle is eligible for a 90 day release program but that was a scam. They were trying to break my heart and wanted money for an ankle monitor. It was a DC number but they have called other Jan 6 families and some have paid. It makes me so angry they try and use the suffering for their financial gain. I was hopeful while I let the man tell me about the program. Deep down I knew it wasn’t real. Turns out I was right. These people are truly sick. Other than that things are going pretty good. I did go to the dentist for a deep clean and my blood pressure was too high so we needed to reschedule. I never had a problem with blood pressure before. It read 184/104 the first time and then 164/104 the second. The stress of life must affect me more than I let on. I feel fine so I guess that is good. I will be working on being calm and not letting stress get the best of me.
August 14th, 2024
I’m almost always very positive and hopeful through out this entire nightmare. The last couple days I feel the entire weight of the world on my shoulders. Another one of our dogs has started to limp and she isn’t feel well at all now. I pray it is not anything serious and the vet can help. How on earth can I lose 2 dogs so close together? These two dogs were best friends.
It's been roughly 3 years 4 months since our family has been torn apart. It seems like each day I am without my husband my light dims a little more. I woke up and I just don’t know how I got here. I need my husband. My kids need their dad. Can you please pray for me? I really need prayers right now. I’ve been avoiding social media as much as possibly lately. It makes me more sad and discouraged. Thank you all for everything.
August 12th, 2024
I’m going to see Kyle soon. I can’t wait to see him. It feels like forever since we have been face to face. The kids start school very soon. When Kyle comes home we are going to try homeschool for the kids. We can’t trust what they are being subjected to in schools anymore. Kyle’s release date is still June 19, 2027. Seems so far away. He has missed out of so much although time feels like it is standing still for me. I can’t move forward without him. Thank you all for your support. It means so much to us.
July 26th, 2024
Missing our buddy but he is no longer hurting. The vet did confirm he had bone cancer. This is very common in his breed. Kyle is doing good. He wanted me to let people know he now has to get to a computer to print off labels to write letters. There are only certain times he can get to a computer. He is working during those hours. He says it makes it difficult to get letters written back. He is doing his best. My sister in law is going to see Kyle next month and is going to let me tag along to help me get there to see him. The kids start school back up soon. I can’t believe how fast the summer has gone. The kids keep growing and growing. I wish I could keep them little so Kyle doesn’t keep missing out.
July 15th, 2024
My heart is broken. Tomorrow I will be taking our dog in to be put to sleep. He no longer wants to get up and move around. I tried to so hard to help him be here so Kyle can say goodbye to his best buddy. I know people say it’s just a dog but to me and Kyle he is like one of our children. I’ve been very blessed in life to have never experienced loss. I never imagined how difficult this was going to be. Please pray that we can stay strong during this difficult time.
July 11th, 2024
I can’t believe it is already well into July. Time is going much faster than i imagined. Hopefully it slows down once Kyle comes home to us. We are hoping to plan a trip next month to see him. I applied to get help to visit Kyle from Stand in the Gap foundation. They raise money so j6 families can see their loved one. Unfortunately they denied my application because helped me last March and only assist 1 time a year. One of the other stipulations on their website is they can deny assistance if you have received help from any other organization. Patriot freedom project has helped us in the past as well. With having other help I’m guessing I may be denied if I reapply in March. We will see! We have been so blessed to have been able to see Kyle as much as we have in the last year and a half. I can’t imagine only being able to see him 1 time a year especially for the children as they grow and change so fast. I am so thankful for all the help and prayers you have provided our family. You have helped in so many ways. You have helped with attorneys, help us to see Kyle, made sure we could talk on the phone with him before he was in the BOP, provided assistance for Kyle with commissary for extra food and hygiene Products and more! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts! You have prayed for us and given us so much hope. One day after our nightmare ends I will pay it forward and bless others as you have blessed us.
June 28th, 2024
President Trump posted our thank you video on Truth Social! It was so nice to see he got the video. Our little guy was so cute thanking him. Kyle’s unit has been put on a commissary restriction. This is due to some of the guys gambling. Punishment for all I guess. They can only order hygiene products and no food for a month. He said he loses 10-15 pounds when they restrict for a month. It is sad to think how he can lose weight sitting around doing nothing during previous restrictions. He thinks now that he is working he will lose more weight than before. He does say once in a while they will have a decent meal but for the most part they barely get enough for a small child. I don’t believe they are supposed to use this type of punishment for all.
June 24th, 2024
We were blessed to join other j6 families and be able to visit New Jersey attending an event at President Trumps golf club over the last weekend. All though the President was not able to make it we had a wonderful time. All the kids received signed maga hats from President Trump and he sent us a video from his plane. It was such a wonderful time. The kids got to spend time with other kids going through what we have the last 3 years. They have new friends for life! I hope to go visit Kyle next month. I have a ton of pictures to share with him from our adventure.
June 11th, 2024
Kyle started his job at UNICOR. He said it was the first time he felt like he wasn’t in prison. I think he said he will make like 36 dollars a month doing the job. Yikes! I guess it keeps him busy. He had been communicating with a journalist who was wanting to write a story about him. She finally made it to visit last weekend. She was able to visit for 2 and a half to 3 hours and she was removed from the visiting room with no reason given. It is so crazy to me how he isn’t allowed to share his side of the story. Even convicted murderers get to be interviewed. We are going to try to visit again in July if we can! I would go every month if it was possible! Our mastiff isn’t doing very good and I may have to really consider putting him down. I never imagined I would have to do this without Kyle. I don’t know if it is harder to put him down or know Kyle will never see his big baby boy again. I never thought it would hurt this bad. He was our first puppy together.
May 21st, 2024
We missed our 13 year anniversary this year. So much going on. I can believe he has been gone for our 10th, 11th, 12th and now our 13th year anniversary. I was looking at pictures of the kids from 2021 and pictures now. It is unbelievable how much they have changed and Kyle didn’t get to be here for it. For my birthday this year I am taking a trip to see Kyle this weekend. I can’t think of any thing more that I could want.
Kyle will be starting a job in prison making cupboards. He is a special hire because of his construction work history and knowledge of woodworking. It will help pass the time and he will earn lose one point on his recidivism. The end of this nightmare is in sight.
May 13th, 2024
Kyle’s little sister and her son tried to go visit Sunday and they did a scan on her clothing told her she could not visit for 48 hours because a substance was detected. This all came to conveniently after Kyle filed paperwork trying to get his points corrected. She was so disappointed for not getting to see her brother and for being accused of having a substance on her she most certainly did not have on her. She offered to give a urine sample. She had been camping and hiking all weekend with her son. Camping made her trip more affordable to see her brother rather than spending her money on hotels. I pray they do not try this on me next time I try to visit. I added a photo from Saturday night’s lights from Iowa.
May 9th, 2024
I got to visit Kyle this last weekend. I just got over having strep throat last week and after coming home i got sick with a virus. What a bad couple of weeks for me. It was lovely to see my love. Being sick stinks but I am finally feeling a lot better. I’m going to finish this week out strong. The kids are doing good. They are ready for school to be out for the summer. They are happy and healthy!
April 29th, 2024
This weekend weather was quite iffy so I stayed home and did not get to visit Kyle. Lots of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes. I’m glad I did because they canceled visits for Sunday again anyway. Going to try again soon. I really really miss him but he says to be safe and not risk it. He would rather wait a bit longer to see us than not ever see us again. I guess he is right. There is such an amazing reward waiting for us. Just to be able to be together again is something wonderful to look forward to.
April 23rd, 2024
It looks like visits are back open! I’m am so excited to go see the love of my life. Feels like forever since I’ve seen him. I ran out of vacation so I’m doing a quick down and back trip. I will be tired but he is so worth it. There is nothing wouldn’t do for him. He would do anything for me as well. One day we look back and laugh about this time in our life. No matter what we have grown to be better people during this hardship. We will pick up where we left off. Our daughter still tells me she is dad’s favorite. He says ya she is his favorite princess. I must be the queen then! Thank you so much for everything we would not get to visit if it wasn’t for you. It keeps us going and positive. Even if Kyles doesn’t get a pardon this won’t be forever and we have amazing things to look forward too.
April 15th, 2024
I’m hoping the prison opens visits back up so I can go see Kyle. I’ve started planning for the end of the month. I miss him so so very much. I know how much seeing me and the kids mean to Kyle. I can’t imagine how he feels every time we leave.
Our garage door came off track yesterday. Boy was that a nightmare. Since Kyle has been gone it has forced me to learn how to do more things I didn’t think I was capable of. After fighting with the door for quite some time our son and I were able to get the cables rewound and back on track. Definitely not how I wanted to spend my Sunday. Of course Kyle would have fixed it in no time! I try to look at the bright side of things and have learned to do things on my own and grown even in the worst of times. I will be a better help to Kyle when he comes home. I can’t wait!
April 4th, 2024
Kyle’s birthday is tomorrow the 5th of April. He will be turning 40. I’m still a bit upset I am not able to go visit this weekend for his birthday. The timing of the visit suspension came at the worst time. Visits should be back open after April 20th. I am going to try to make the trip after then. Our kids are all doing good and have adjusted to dad not being home the last almost 3 years. Our daughter still does cry for her daddy when she is upset or sick. She is definitely a daddies girl. I know it breaks his heart. She teases me and tell me that she is dads favorite. He agrees that she is dad’s favorite baby girl! We also got our son car finished from the shop yesterday. 4 tires, a full tune up and a coolant leak all fixed. It is now safe for him to venture out on his own. I worry every day now. I think we all worry once they start driving on their own.
March 28th, 2024
While trying to plan another visit to see Kyle we find out the prison he is in has suspended visits until after April 20th. I was wanting to have a visit with just me to spend time with him. My understanding is someone brought in drugs during a visit so now everyone has been punished for it. Super bummed about it but I can wait till May as much as I was wanting to go in a couple weeks.
Our 15 year old got his school permit a little while ago and had been getting himself to school recently. I believe it is so important to give him some independence and grow. He is bummed now because his car has the check engine light on and is running rough. It is in the shop now and hopefully isn’t to devastating to fix. He is hoping to get a job in July when he turns 16. I don’t think I have ever seen a kids wanting to work so bad.
March 18th, 2024
We just got back from visiting Kyle. What a long drive! I definitely say it is well worth it. The kids get a little bigger each time he sees them. It is really hard watching him be sad about the time he is missing with the kids. We have a 9 year old mastiff who is Kyle’s favorite who is having a hard time getting around lately. I didn’t realize how hard it would be thinking he won’t be around anymore when Kyle gets home. Our dogs are like our bonus kids. Kyle would always greet the dogs everyday after work by getting on the floor and loving them up. I am doing everything I can to keep him healthy so he can see Kyle again.Thank you for everything you do for us.
February 26th, 2024
So far he has not been able to get into the class. I’ve been dealing with getting proof his fines are paid in full. I can’t believe there is such a disconnect between the prison and the clerk of court updates on payment. I paid them off back in April. Thank God for you all or I would not be able to do so. They made him sign a paper saying they could take 250 from his books every 3 months for fines even though they are paid off. So frustrating! I am praying this gets resolved and don’t continue to take from him. Our 15 year old son wrecked his bicycle last night and got some yucky road rash down his side. He is okay just sore. Kyle is doing good and I am hoping to bring all the kids in a couple weeks to see him. I wish I could go once a month at least. Unfortunately he is too far away to make that happen. Kyle really is an amazing man. I don’t know how I got so lucky to marry him.
February 12th, 2024
I took a last minute decided trip to see Kyle this weekend. The visit was so wonderful Saturday. I am thankful for the time we got. Sunday visits were canceled. My guess it was because of the superbowl and being short staffed. I was bummed but still thankful. It is sad how people drive from all over the United States to see their loved one and book hotels and rent cars to only get half the time they should. The expense for not just my family but others families to make these long trips feels wasted. There are lots of little children coming to see their dads. I know how they feel when they too have to survive with their husbands ability to support the family. So sad for so many families.
February 7th, 2024
Kyle is going to see if he can get into a class today that can take a chunk of time off. My understanding is 2 years off. Please pray he can get in to this class. That could bring him home so much sooner. He could get into a halfway house 30 minutes away from us. That would be so wonderful. He could eventually get home passes to come a spend time with us there. Thank you all for all you do for us. All the letters Kyle gets keeps his spirts up. He wouldn’t be getting through this as well without you all!
February 1st, 2024
I went to see Kyle this weekend. I is always so nice to see him. I miss him so very much. I think this time it was the hardest to leave. I have been so tough but I feel like I want to cry every day because I miss him so much. I just want to get in the car and go again. It’s such a long drive. It takes roughly 12 hours to get there. As much as I want him closer it would mean starting over in a new place if we tried to have him moved. As terrible as the prison is he says he is lucky to be where he is. This has got to be over soon. Our kids need him and I need him. It is so hard being the loving comfort of being mom and having to be the disciplinarian too. Our daughter always reminds me that dad is her favorite and she is his favorite. Lol she is a stinker! She is definitely daddy’s girl.
January 17th, 2024
We had an awful blizzard here this past Thursday friday and Saturday. Jack and I had been stuck at my mom’s house since Thursday. We finally made it home Sunday afternoon. We ended up with 2 and a half feet of snow in our back yard. Then the temperature dropped down -40 windchill. What a winter! It is definitely a winter wonderland. The kids enjoyed not having to go to school. I am planning on going down to Arkansas to see Kyle next weekend as long as the weather allows it. I definitely don’t want to get stuck away from home again. Thank you for all you do for our family. Kyle says thank you as well. He feels horrible not being able to be here for us.
January 11th, 2024
We were invited to New Jersey for a January 6 event this past weekend. It was great! The Patriot Freedom Project rocks! The kids got to see the ocean for the first time. They loved it. We did however run into terrible winter weather and had to stop 2 times to stay in a hotel. It was wonderful to get away but I got really homesick trying to get home. We were supposed to be home Monday and didn’t make it till Wednesday afternoon. I’m so glad to be home. I am thankful for all the other January 6 families we got to meet and see again. They truely love our great country. God bless you all for everything you do for us. Kyle is hanging in there and seems to be doing well.
January 1st, 2024
Happy New Year! This has to be the year for us. Thank you all for sticking with us through all of the craziness. We have certainly been blessed. Kyle is doing good and hopefully can get the classes needed for the first step act. It is definitely not easy to do in there. We are planning to go see him the end of January weather permitting. It is so hard to go so long without seeing him. I definitely always have something to look forward too. We hope you all have a fantastic year!
November 30th, 2023
Another Christmas without Kyle is around the corner. I can’t believe how the time has flown by. It will be 3 years he has been gone in April. Not even halfway through this yet. I look forward to the day he gets to come home and spend Christmas and birthdays with the kids and me. We miss him so much. Hoping to get to see him maybe next year early in the year. Lots to look forward too! Thank you so much for everything you have done. Kyle says he should be able to order stamps so he can write back to those who have written him.
November 22nd, 2023
Tomorrow is the 3rd Thanksgiving Kyle has missed with his kids and myself. I wish he could be here. Another holiday passed and our youngest has his 4th bday coming up on December 20th. It will be another birthday and Christmas missed. I can’t wait to pick up where we left off together.
Kyle says the computers are down at the prison so he is unable to see if he has any letters and he isn’t able to respond. Seems like they hardly ever have stamps either. I am thankful he can at least call me once a day. He seems to be doing well and hanging in there. I found some old pictures from when our 15 year old was 3!
November 18th, 2023
I started working my new hours! What an adjustment. This week has been challenging getting on a different sleep pattern. Being with kids everyday is so exciting. I haven’t been on their schedule in so long. I have missed out on so much. My daughter sang a solo at her school Veterans Day concert. She did amazing. Wish Kyle was here to see how amazing she is. Our 15 year old is going to be starting jazz band. He has taught himself to play drums and is so talented. His teacher is helping him learn to read music but lets him play by ear as well. I am one proud momma. They amaze me everyday. Now that they are releasing the j6 tapes I pray this will bring Kyle home to enjoy our family with me. Yesterday was so hopeful for me. I saw a video where 2 officers bring a handcuffed man into the capitol and then I cuff him fist bump the man as they chat and the man walks away. Simply disgusting what they have done.
i was working at my job while extremely overwhelmed a 5th grade class came in and started singing the national anthem. We all stopped working out our hands over our hearts while they sang. I fought back the tears. That was what I needed. The others at work said that had never happened before. God definitely had a message for me that day! Thank you all so much for everything. God bless you!
November 9th, 2023
We were blessed to be able to visit Kyle this weekend. It was so wonderful to see him again. He really enjoyed seeing the kids. It is definitely a very long drive. It always takes me at least 12 hours to get there. Kyle is working on getting his points down. Once he gets down to 39 points he will get 1 year cut off his sentence. Although he called me today and there looks to be an error on his points and he has more than he should. Hopefully it can be sorted out. I paid his restitution off in April, thanks to you all! The prison is not reflecting that it has been paid. I have the cashed checked proof but they want a receipt from the clerk of court who won’t return my call. I sent the check in the mail along with the stub I received to return with it. I also reached out to his attorney. He quit responding to me as well. I hope I can get this sorted out or they will continue to take money from his books. It seems as though I am still being tested to show my strength through this process. Thanksgiving is coming up again. Just another holiday with out him. I pray for a miracle. I will keep taking one day at a time. I know it isn’t in our time but in God’s time when Kyle will be able to return to us.
October 30th, 2023
The kids did trick-or-treat tonight. it was pretty cold out. We are getting ready to go see Kyle this coming weekend. I miss him so much. I applied for a better shift so I can see the kids more than just weekends. Please pray I at least get an interview. Our kids need some kind of normal home life. I miss out on so many of the things like concerts and parent teacher meetings. It is bad enough Kyle is missing those things too. Kyle has been down lately. He seems to be feeling better now. I know we will get through this but it feels like it will be forever until we are together again.sorry it has been so long since I posted an update. Thank you for your continued prayers.
October 3rd, 2023
It’s been a while since my last update. The kids are doing good. Kyle did want me to let you all know he has not been able to write lately because the prison was out of stamps and now it is an issue of being able to order commissary. As soon as he gets stamps he will start writing you back again. Kyle says they have been locked down a lot lately due to staff shortages. I try to stay positive but I am so tired lately. We do look forward to a visit in November. Thank you all for everything!
September 18th, 2023
We just got home from our trip to St. Louis with Patriot Freedom Project. It was really nice to be with like minded people who support my family and other families like ours. We have our next trip to see Kyle the first weekend in November. It is going to feel like an eternity. It will come soon enough. Thank you all for all you have done for our family. It means the world to us.
September 8th, 2023
It has been a rough night. I got off work went to get my little jack and go home and our car broke down. It kept shutting off and the engine light came on. I was able to get it back to my sisters house. She gave us a ride home and she got pulled over for expired tags on the way home. She is finally starting to get her life in order after all her illness and I cause her to get a ticket. She still can’t work and can’t pay for her tags. I told her I would take care of it. I know everything will work out and the car will get fixed. I pray it is an easy fix and something silly.
September 5th, 2023
We made it home yesterday morning from our visit. This is the last visit for a while. I put an application in to one of the jan 6 foundations for help. Hopefully they can help us go again. I know there is lots of families that have not gotten to see their loved one as much as we have. I truly feel blessed. My mom is going to have a PET scan the 19th. She is not doing well again. They want to see if she may have dementia or if it is something else. Please pray for her. She is my rock and it has been difficult doing this with her not fully with me. I’m am just tired. I know God is with me and I can do this. I cut Jacks hair yesterday. I think he looks handsome!
August 30th, 2023
Paige has oral surgery tomorrow morning. Please say a prayer for her. I wish she had her daddy here to take care of her. We are also leaving Friday morning to go see Kyle. If it wasn’t for your support we would not have been able to see him as much as we have and I thank God for all of you. I hope Paige is up for the trip since she will be recovering from oral surgery.
August 25th, 2023
I got some fan mail today. No forward address either. Not very appropriate to post a picture of but I blacked parts of letters of the words. I will pray for this person! I hope they see they have been fooled and can admit it.
The kids started school and seem to enjoy it. I missed taking first day pictures. Thank you for all your prayers and support. We definitely wouldn’t have made it this far without you!
August 22nd, 2023
Kids are going back to school tomorrow. I did my best to get them what they needed for back to school. I will miss them so much. I will only see them on the weekends during the school year. It’s so hard knowing my kids are basically raising themselves with as much guidance as I can give them. Weekends are so precious with them. They really took both parents away from our children. I could get a second job but then I would never see them. Please pray Kyle comes home sooner than expected. We need a miracle!
August 16th, 2023
I’m am at the America First Warehouse in New York! Getting ready to get interviewed. Pray for me.
August 8th, 2023
Kyle loves getting letters. If you would like to write him he would love that.
Kyle Young #39706-509
FCI Forrest City Medium federal correctional institution
PO Box 3000
Forrest City, Arkansas 72336
August 8th, 2023
We are hoping to go see Kyle Labor Day weekend. I miss him so much. He has been in super spirits lately and he applied for a really good job in the prison. He should be able to get the job in 4-6 months. The job will help get his points down and work to be going to a low security prison eventually. The kids are doing great.Paige has her tooth removed the end of this month. Poor baby girl.
I got invited to attend an event in New York at the America First Warehouse. I have never been to New York and that is super scary for me. I grew up on a farm in a small town. I don’t even like going to the closest city here in my state. We shall see what happens! Please continue to keep us in your prayers. I feel at peace and I am absolutely sure this won’t last forever.
July 24th, 2023
Not sure when we will be able to see Kyle again. Hopefully we can make a plan soon. Paige has to have a tooth pulled. My poor baby girl broken one of her molars eating. Not much else going on with us. Still praying Kyle will come sooner than we expect.
July 16th, 2023
We are not sure when the next time we will be able to go see Kyle again. We will keep you posted on the plans. I have the worse luck and got a nail in another tire. It was not that long ago that I just replaced a tire for that same reason. I got it taken care of today. I hope I don’t get anymore flat tires. Looks like I’m a nail magnet!
July 11th, 2023
We got to see Kyle Saturday and Sunday! It was so awesome. The hardest part is leaving him behind. I know he will be home with us one day. Each time we visit it gets closer and closer to the day he will get to be home with us again. It is so important for Kyle to see the kids as they grow and change as they grow so quickly. I know it was a shock to see them the first time after almost 2 years. I go back and look at the pictures of the kids when he was taken and compare them to now. They have grown so much and I hate that he is missing out. We can never get this time back. Paige was 8 and will be 14 or 15 by the time he comes home. Jack was 15 months old and will be 7 or 8. I pray for a miracle and he is home sooner.
July 7th, 2023
I have been watching the prison website like a hawk. They finally took down to no visits notice. I am gonna give it a try and head out in the morning. Please pray they keep visiting for this weekend now.
July 5th, 2023
We were planning to go see Kyle this weekend. Hoping we won’t be canceled again. I looked up the website and it says visits suspended till further notice. I don’t know if it is because they didn’t allow them for the 4th or if it is suspended for this upcoming weekend. I’m so bummed but glad I didn’t book a hotel and lose again this time. I really hope they take the notice down and let us visit. Kyle finally got the picture we took from back in spring. He sent me a copy and am going to share. I miss him so much this would be three times we have been unable to visit. So far we have had a 50/50 chance of being able to see him. I am missing him like crazy and need a hug.
June 23rd, 2023
I heard from Kyle last night! They were locked down because of more overdoses. He hopes they won’t be locked down again because someone overdosed an hour after they got out of lock down.
Thank you so much for your support! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. He gets to continue to watch our kids grow and change even though he is over 700 miles away from us.
June 19th, 2023
We made it home last night. I still have not heard from Kyle since Thursday. He never goes this long without calling me. I’m guessing they are in lock down. I miss him so much.
June 17th, 2023
I’ve been checking the prison website all week to see if there is anything showing info for visits. Nothing to see there. So I got up early yesterday morning picked up the rental car and started the journey. About 2 hour out from Forrest city I checked the website site again, surely if it is a staffing issue then they would already know and have a schedule made for their staff right. Well no visits this weekend. It is just Paige and myself so we are gonna make the best of it. There is no way to plan for a trip to see Kyle without the chance of losing out with little to no notice. This really hurts my heart. I miss him so so much. I haven’t heard from him either. Vacation lost, money wasted and hearts broken.
June 15th, 2023
I leave tomorrow to go see Kyle! I can’t wait. However I was working on a ladder at work today and tried to step off backwards thinking I was on the bottom rung. Well, I was still on the third rung. Before i realized the floor was not there it was too late and I did a free fall on to my bottom cutting my arm on a table on the way down. I’m okay but a little sore. I imagine I will feel more sore tomorrow in the car on the way down to Arkansas. I’m too old to be falling off ladders. I am gonna bring Paige with me tomorrow. I won’t be alone!
June 11th, 2023
One more week before I get to see Kyle again. This time I am going by myself. I can’t wait. It has been a long long time since I was able to have a face to face conversation just me and the love of my life. Kyle loves seeing the kids but it is my turn.
It has been a long couple weeks as well. My sister who had heart failure over Christmas ended back up in the hospital with what they believe was a stroke. She just turned 40. It is unbelievable to me. Her and her 3 children are now staying with me. Thank goodness for bunk beds. She hasn’t been able to work or pay her bills due to her being so sick since Christmas. If you could please say a prayer for her and her little family. I am doing everything I can for her and my nephews. I am so worried we could lose her. Her boys are age 10, age 6 and 6 months. Her name is Angie. Thank you for your prayers.
May 29th, 2023
We got home around 1 am this morning. It was so nice to see Kyle 2 days in a row. This trip was the most difficult trip to date. I prepaid the hotel and when I called they couldn’t find my reservation so I rebooked through a different party so I got charged for both. Working on a reimbursement for the lost reservation. Then I show up to get a rental car and was told I could not park my car there. Ugh so frustrating! So I have to pay an extra 100 to book a different rental service Friday morning.I am thankful I was able to find one on short notice over a holiday weekend. I Don’t recommend enterprise. Sure they will pick you up as long as u live close enough. What a joke. They wouldn’t even work with me on finding a spot to park. I have never been treated to badly. I think the devil didn’t want us seeing Kyle. He wants to keep us down. It didn’t work though. For every problem God opened a door for us.
May 24th, 2023
Got to talk to Kyle 2 times today! What a great birthday present. It makes my day every time I get to talk to him. Yesterday our 14 year old son got his drivers permit. How exciting is that? Now it is my duty to teach him how to drive. Boy I feel like this is definitely in dads lane. I will do my best to be patient and not be that crazy mom while he is driving! Thank you all so much for everything. We leave soon to see Kyle. Please pray they let us visit. I have tried to call to see if they are having visits and never get an answer. Kyle said last weekend they canceled both Saturday and Sunday visits.
May 22nd, 2023
We are leaving Friday to go see Kyle. I’m really anxious because Kyle said this last weekend they canceled both Saturday and Sunday visits. I have already pre booked the hotel for 2 nights. Non refundable. I pray they have enough staff to let us see him. I don’t see how they can continue to do that to people. There is no way of knowing until Saturday whether or not you can visit. The phone number I try just rings and rings. If only they could post online in advance so people who already have very little don’t spend what they have for a wasted trip. Please pray we get to see him!
May 14th, 2023
Went to the Trump rally here in Iowa. When we got there we find out it was canceled. Darn tornado weather! Next time. I haven’t heard from Kyle for 2 days now. This isn’t normal. Getting worried about him. He may be locked down but normally it is for 1 day when they are on lockdown. I hope to hear from him tomorrow. Keep him in your prayers.
May 11th, 2023
My 14 year old son told me yesterday he was on a cliff by the river with his friends and the so called friends were teasing him telling him to jump. He told them no, I can’t swim. One of them went ahead and shoved him off the side in to the water. He said to me “mom I thought I was gonna die, I kept sinking and couldn’t get to the top of the water.” He said he was able to calm down and get to the top and was able to get out of the water. His so called friends did nothing to help. Neither one seems to care he could have died. It is so tough thinking he could have died yesterday and I would never have know what happened to him. He said he will no longer be friends with those other boys and will never go down to the river again. I’m so thankful he is safe and was able to talk to me about what happened. I don’t know how to raise boys like dads do. They need their father.
May 9th, 2023
Today is our 12 year anniversary. It is so sad to have been apart for our 10th, 11th and now our 12th anniversary. Wishing I could be there to see him on this special day. We are going to see him again the end of this month. I so look forward to the 2 day visit. Seeing the love of my life is worth the drive. Thank you all for your prayers and support that has gotten us through the last couple years of this nightmare.
April 24th, 2023
April 14th, 2023
April 14th, 2023
March 28th, 2023
I finally got the picture in the mail. We took this picture in January on the first visit with Kyle. I miss him so much. I miss the life we had. One day we can pick back up where we left off. It feels like in the mean time I am just standing still idly waiting for that day to come. The kids keep growing and changing. I can’t stop that from happening.I can’t wait to go back to visit in may. It keeps me moving forward having a weekend to visit to look forward to. I want to thank you all for making visits possible. If it wasn’t for your prayers and support we would not be able to go. Even in the tough times I feel blessed.
March 28th, 2023
I finally got the picture in the mail. We took this picture in January on the first visit with Kyle. I miss him so much. I miss the life we had. One day we can pick back up where we left off. It feels like in the mean time I am just standing still idly waiting for that day to come. The kids keep growing and changing. I can’t stop that from happening.I can’t wait to go back to visit in may. It keeps me moving forward having a weekend to visit to look forward to. I want to thank you all for making visits possible. If it wasn’t for your prayers and support we would not be able to go. Even in the tough times I feel blessed.
March 15th, 2023
Thank you all for your support. It means the world to us. Kyle is in good spirits. He is still saying the reason we were unable to visit Sunday due to a staffing shortage. The prison goes on lockdown during staff shortages. I’ve have tried to call and make sure they will be doing visits but no one ever answers the phone. Definitely devastating putting so much planning into make the trip and being turned away. I watched others being turned away as well. We were not alone in the heartbreak.
Kyle has a birthday coming up April 5th. He will be 39. This will be his 3rd birthday we won’t be able to celebrate together as a family. We are planning another trip in May around my birthday. Pray we will be able to visit both days!
March 13th, 2023
We got to see Kyle Saturday. We went Sunday to visit and we were turned away. They just told us visiting is canceled today. We drove over 12 hours so we can spend the weekend for visits. Jack was so devastated he screamed and fought me trying to get him back in the car. We made it home a bit disappointed.
March 2nd, 2023
It’s been a while since I have updated. We are leaving the 10th to go see Kyle again! I am so excited to see him. I know he is thrilled to see us too. Life is definitely quite challenging without my husband. My sister may have to have a pacemaker put in place soon due to her heart failure. My mom is showing significant signs of dementia which is so scary. she doesn’t remember so many significant things. It is breaking my heart. She is the best mom ever and it hurts to watch her forget and get confused. I’m am in need of a break and going to see my husband with our kids will be the cure. I know God does not give you more than you can handle. I’ve got this. Keep us in your prayers.
March 2nd, 2023
It’s been a while since I have updated. We are leaving the 10th to go see Kyle again! I am so excited to see him. I know he is thrilled to see us too. Life is definitely quite challenging without my husband. My sister may have to have a pacemaker put in place soon due to her heart failure. My mom is showing significant signs of dementia which is so scary. she doesn’t remember so many significant things. It is breaking my heart. She is the best mom ever and it hurts to watch her forget and get confused. I’m am in need of a break and going to see my husband with our kids will be the cure. I know God does not give you more than you can handle. I’ve got this. Keep us in your prayers.
February 8th, 2023
So my son calls me at work and says my 10 year old daughter and the one of our dog are not home and can’t find them. I told him to keep looking. Her cell phone kept going to voicemail every time I called. Maybe she accidentally let the dog out and is chasing him around town. It’s was getting dark and an hour and half later and still nothing. I left work in a panic praying nothing bad happened to her. I drive around town and still nothing. The dog hears me calling for her and comes home. Still can’t find her. I remember she asked if she could go with a friend to a swimming pool at a hotel early in the day. I told her no, not on a school night. Turns out she went ahead and told her friends mom that I said she could go. I had to call hotels to see if her friends mom was a guest. I explained to the hotel my daughter was missing and they said the could not give me information on the guest but would look and see and call me back. She called me back and let me know there were two little girls in the swimming pool and told the little girl she need to call her mom. She was in the next town over. Thank God I found her but I have never felt so scared in my life. Every bad thought a mother could have went through my head. I am so thankful I found her.
February 8th, 2023
So my son calls me at work and says my 10 year old daughter and the one of our dog are not home and can’t find them. I told him to keep looking. Her cell phone kept going to voicemail every time I called. Maybe she accidentally let the dog out and is chasing him around town. It’s was getting dark and an hour and half later and still nothing. I left work in a panic praying nothing bad happened to her. I drive around town and still nothing. The dog hears me calling for her and comes home. Still can’t find her. I remember she asked if she could go with a friend to a swimming pool at a hotel early in the day. I told her no, not on a school night. Turns out she went ahead and told her friends mom that I said she could go. I had to call hotels to see if her friends mom was a guest. I explained to the hotel my daughter was missing and they said the could not give me information on the guest but would look and see and call me back. She called me back and let me know there were two little girls in the swimming pool and told the little girl she need to call her mom. She was in the next town over. Thank God I found her but I have never felt so scared in my life. Every bad thought a mother could have went through my head. I am so thankful I found her.
February 7th, 2023
January 23rd, 2023
Today my daughter had her friends over for a birthday party and it ended with her being taken to the doctor and getting 4 stitches. Poor baby girl can’t catch a break. The party was a hit up till then though. She will be 10 on Tuesday!
January 20th, 2023
Kyle got 20 stamps yesterday. He will be able to start writing people back. Stamps are really tough to get.I have sent him a stamped envelope and he was able to get it and use it. Thank you all for making it possible for my family to unite together last weekend. It was so wonderful seeing and being able to touch the love of my life. It was starting to seem like he was not a real person. I am planning another trip in March. I know God will always provide a way. I will keep you all updated and any new news.
January 20th, 2023
Kyle got 20 stamps yesterday. He will be able to start writing people back. Stamps are really tough to get.I have sent him a stamped envelope and he was able to get it and use it. Thank you all for making it possible for my family to unite together last weekend. It was so wonderful seeing and being able to touch the love of my life. It was starting to seem like he was not a real person. I am planning another trip in March. I know God will always provide a way. I will keep you all updated and any new news.
January 16th, 2023
We made it home. We eventually got back to see Kyle by 1 pm Saturday and saw him for two hours. Our youngest did not forget who dad was. He asked him where his hat was. He did not hesitate to go sit on his lap and play. We came back on Sunday and we got to stay from 8 am till 3 pm. It was a long wonderful day. I got to hug and kiss the love of my life. The kids were able to get caught up with letting dad know how things are going for them at school and with friends.it was beautiful! This was visit was so need for us all. It broken my heart knowing he has to stay in that terrible place.I long for the day he can come home and we can pick up the pieces. I can’t wait for the next time we are able to go back. Thank you all for your prayers and support to make this possible.
January 14th, 2023
We are sitting in the parking lot of the prison. We were told we can not visit till 11 as they are doing count. We got here at 945. I just want to cry. Visits are supposed to start at 830 according to their website. Hopefully we can actually come back in at 11 and see him.
January 14th, 2023
We are sitting in the parking lot of the prison. We were told we can not visit till 11 as they are doing count. We got here at 945. I just want to cry. Visits are supposed to start at 830 according to their website. Hopefully we can actually come back in at 11 and see him.
January 14th, 2023
We are sitting in the parking lot of the prison. We were told we can not visit till 11 as they are doing count. We got here at 945. I just want to cry. Visits are supposed to start at 830 according to their website. Hopefully we can actually come back in at 11 and see him.
January 14th, 2023
We are sitting in the parking lot of the prison. We were told we can not visit till 11 as they are doing count. We got here at 945. I just want to cry. Visits are supposed to start at 830 according to their website. Hopefully we can actually come back in at 11 and see him.
January 11th, 2023
Best day ever! We got approved to go see Kyle. Thank you so much for praying for us. God is listening. It was truly looking like it would be impossible to be approved. We leave Friday morning. It is roughly 10 and half hour drive. Please pray for our safe travels. I can’t wait! He will get to re meet our youngest again. I hope he isn’t afraid of dad.
January 11th, 2023
Best day ever! We got approved to go see Kyle. Thank you so much for praying for us. God is listening. It was truly looking like it would be impossible to be approved. We leave Friday morning. It is roughly 10 and half hour drive. Please pray for our safe travels. I can’t wait! He will get to re meet our youngest again. I hope he isn’t afraid of dad.
January 10th, 2023
Well he was able to ask if we are approved to go see Kyle and it was a big NO. Kyle tells him I have not seen my wife and kids in two years. He then asked him for his name and was told he will get an approval paper when we are approved. I don’t know if that means he is going to process it soon or telling him he will just have to wait. Pray he gets the approval paper before Friday. We really need this.
January 10th, 2023
Well he was able to ask if we are approved to go see Kyle and it was a big NO. Kyle tells him I have not seen my wife and kids in two years. He then asked him for his name and was told he will get an approval paper when we are approved. I don’t know if that means he is going to process it soon or telling him he will just have to wait. Pray he gets the approval paper before Friday. We really need this.
January 9th, 2023
We are still praying to be approved by the prison to go visit Kyle this weekend. These people don’t care about the prisoners they are supposed to rehabilitate. We are going on 2 years not seeing Kyle. Hopefully we get good news tonight when Kyle calls! He needs to see us. It almost feels like he is not real anymore. If it doesn’t work out this weekend I will try again in March. Thank you for all your prayers. Kyle also wanted me to tell you if you have written him and have not gotten a letter back, it is because stamps are very difficult to get in the prison right now.
January 2nd, 2023
Kyle finally was able to call. He was in solitary confinement. He lost some privileges, and his email. He also had his release date extended to 06-19-27. Prison is a horrible place and misery loves company there. His name was drawn out of a hat and was told he had to fight or his consequences would be to be beaten up or stabbed. This is the politics that go on in prisons. Some people don’t make it out. People there who have long prison sentences don’t have anything to lose and love the power they hold, as that is the only control they have in their lives. I worry everyday about him. He is a very strong minded man and this will not break him. We are hoping to make the 10 and an half hour trip next weekend to visit him. We still don’t even know if we have been approved to visit yet though. I have not seen him for almost two years. I just want to be able to hug him. I pray we get approved to visit.
December 21st, 2022
Today our youngest son turned 3! Happy Birthday to him. He won’t get to hear that from dad this year. We still have not heard from Kyle. I know our little guy won’t remember but I know Kyle will remember not even getting to wish him a happy birthday. At this rate I don’t believe we will get to talk to him for Christmas. I wait by the phone hoping he can call. It will mark 2 weeks tomorrow not hearing from him. Not being able to see him in person for almost 2 years is as painful as it sounds. To take the little bit of communication we did have is evil. I miss him so much. The longer it goes without talking to him my older kids are always bring up memories they have of him. Please pray he will be able to call us soon.
December 21st, 2022
Today our youngest son turned 3! Happy Birthday to him. He won’t get to hear that from dad this year. We still have not heard from Kyle. I know our little guy won’t remember but I know Kyle will remember not even getting to wish him a happy birthday. At this rate I don’t believe we will get to talk to him for Christmas. I wait by the phone hoping he can call. It will mark 2 weeks tomorrow not hearing from him. Not being able to see him in person for almost 2 years is as painful as it sounds. To take the little bit of communication we did have is evil. I miss him so much. The longer it goes without talking to him my older kids are always bring up memories they have of him. Please pray he will be able to call us soon.
December 11th, 2022
I haven’t heard from Kyle since Wednesday. He is in solitary confinement for who knows how long. I worry so much about him. Our youngest son will turn 3 before Christmas and will probably not get to wish him a happy birthday. We probably won’t get to wish him a Merry Christmas either. Our prison systems are broken. They are not for rehabilitation they are for torture and mind games, not with just the incarcerated but with the families too. My children deserve to be able to speak to him over the phone. We still have not been approved to visit either. He will be in the Arkansas prison for 2 months on the 19th. He will also have been incarcerated For 605 days today. I know Kyle is a strong man mentally and physically. He will be okay. It is so hard not knowing when I will hear from him.
December 7th, 2022
Kyle has been in prison in Arkansas for almost 2 months now. He has still not been through orientation. Once he completes orientation he will be able to get a job or start classes. We still have not been approved to come visit either. The papers just sit on the desk of the person in charge of completing that paperwork. Hopefully some day soon we will be able to make the 10.5 hour trip to visit. I just want to hug him and see his face. It has been too long. Our prison system is in need of many improvements. These prisons are not rehabilitation they are creating more criminals. it is so sad to hear how terrible these prisons really are. I pray things will turn for the better. I pray for all the others in prison who are stuck in the system and have no chance. They are treated like animals in there. Pray for these lost men and women in these horrific conditions.
November 26th, 2022
Another Thanksgiving has come and gone without Kyle. We made the best of it. As much as didn’t want to I still made the whole dinner. I’m trying to continue making memories for the kids. I hope they can look back and know that I am trying the best I can. I am so thankful for all of you. Knowing how many people who stand with us gives me so much hope that it can’t be like this forever.
November 7th, 2022
I’m not sure if this will work. I put the link above. Gary McBride of M5 News has done some amazing investigations about January 6. Check him out of YouTube or Rumble. He shows us things about January 6 they don’t want us to see. This particular video shows Kyle in it. Take a look and share the video.
November 7th, 2022
I’m not sure if this will work. I put the link above. Gary McBride of M5 News has done some amazing investigations about January 6. Check him out of YouTube or Rumble. He shows us things about January 6 they don’t want us to see. This particular video shows Kyle in it. Take a look and share the video.
November 2nd, 2022
I’m still trying to wrap my head around how much longer Kyle will be in prison. Our 14 year old will be 19 and probably moved out and doing his own thing by then. He will have missed out on the important things fathers and sons do together. I can’t teach him how to be a man. Our 9 year old daughter will be learning to driving and no longer the be little girl Kyle remembers. Our 2 year old so will be in kindergarten or 1st grade. He missed all of the firsts with him. They learn so much in the first 5 years. He will no longer be that baby Kyle knew. When he comes home it will be like meeting for the first time. Thank you all for everything.
October 26th, 2022
I finally heard from Kyle! He is doing good. He says he will be at that prison for at least a year, year and a half before being able go to a low security or a camp. I pray he will be moved closer to home. Kyle loves getting letters. If you would like to write Kyle her is how to send a letter. Please write him and lift his spirits. Knowing how many stand with him keeps him strong. Thank you all so much for your support. We are able to stay in our family home and Kyle has been able to pay for his defense. God bless you! I still believe in God’s miracles! All in Gods time.
Kyle J Young
FCI Forest City Medium
Federal correctional institution
P.O. Box 3000
Forest city, AR 72336
October 26th, 2022
I finally heard from Kyle! He is doing good. He says he will be at that prison for at least a year, year and a half before being able go to a low security or a camp. I pray he will be moved closer to home. Kyle loves getting letters. If you would like to write Kyle her is how to send a letter. Please write him and lift his spirits. Knowing how many stand with him keeps him strong. Thank you all so much for your support. We are able to stay in our family home and Kyle has been able to pay for his defense. God bless you! I still believe in God’s miracles! All in Gods time.
Kyle J Young
FCI Forest City Medium
Federal correctional institution
P.O. Box 3000
Forest city, AR 72336
October 21st, 2022
I was able to find Kyle. I’m still waiting to hear from him. He will be located in Arkansas. Not at all close to home. According to google maps it is over a 10 hour drive. I am so heartbroken. It looks like they do allow visits. We won’t get to go see him very often with him so far away from us. I would have to take time off work to be able to make a trip that far for a couple hours to see him. My children will be so devastated. Our plans were to see him as often as every other weekend. Now we will have to plan it out like a vacation to see him. How do I tell them? Where is the light at the end of this tunnel?
October 21st, 2022
I was able to find Kyle. I’m still waiting to hear from him. He will be located in Arkansas. Not at all close to home. According to google maps it is over a 10 hour drive. I am so heartbroken. It looks like they do allow visits. We won’t get to go see him very often with him so far away from us. I would have to take time off work to be able to make a trip that far for a couple hours to see him. My children will be so devastated. Our plans were to see him as often as every other weekend. Now we will have to plan it out like a vacation to see him. How do I tell them? Where is the light at the end of this tunnel?
October 17th, 2022
I just got word Kyle was moved from northern neck jail. I don’t think he would be moved until after his restitution hearing, where they are trying to add additional money owed outside the plea deal. I just put money on his phone account which is not refundable. I am going to try to let someone else in the jail use if if they can. I will worry so much not being able to hear from him and not knowing where he will end up. Keep praying for Kyle. Thank you for all you do for us. It really means the world to us.
October 7th, 2022
I just got a post card in the mail. I will attach it to this update. These people are heartless. Why send hateful things to Kyle’s family? I am just getting my head wrapped around how much longer Kyle will be gone. I don’t know how I will raise these kids without their dad. My daughter needs him for an example of how a man should treat a woman. My sons need him to teach them how to a man and how a man treats ladies. They need to see these things in the home. I am doing my best but it is so hard being both mom and dad. Praying for a miracle. We are in prison right along with Kyle.
October 7th, 2022
I just got a post card in the mail. I will attach it to this update. These people are heartless. Why send hateful things to Kyle’s family? I am just getting my head wrapped around how much longer Kyle will be gone. I don’t know how I will raise these kids without their dad. My daughter needs him for an example of how a man should treat a woman. My sons need him to teach them how to a man and how a man treats ladies. They need to see these things in the home. I am doing my best but it is so hard being both mom and dad. Praying for a miracle. We are in prison right along with Kyle.
October 7th, 2022
I just got a post card in the mail. I will attach it to this update. These people are heartless. Why send hateful things to Kyle’s family? I am just getting my head wrapped around how much longer Kyle will be gone. I don’t know how I will raise these kids without their dad. My daughter needs him for an example of how a man should treat a woman. My sons need him to teach them how to a man and how a man treats ladies. They need to see these things in the home. I am doing my best but it is so hard being both mom and dad. Praying for a miracle. We are in prison right along with Kyle.
September 30th, 2022
I still can’t breath. I’m in shock. He was made an example of. This was a political sentencing. My daughter has been harassed by phone by an adult male. He kept calling and leaving nasty messages about her father. She is only 9. These people are unhinged. She called me in tears after she answered the phone and then hung up. He repeatedly called her and left messages about her father and how he is a traitor and our family deserves what is coming to us. Pray these people are stopped. My children will be the ones who truly suffer from this injustice. They will carry this for the rest of their lives. Even after Kyle does come home. They want to destroy family’s and destroy children to make broken adults. They have to face their peers everyday at school. God bless you all for standing against this evil with us. We can’t give up and we can not bend. We were chosen for a reason. I will no longer continue ask myself why we were chosen. I will ask myself what I can do with it.
September 30th, 2022
I still can’t breath. I’m in shock. He was made an example of. This was a political sentencing. My daughter has been harassed by phone by an adult male. He kept calling and leaving nasty messages about her father. She is only 9. These people are unhinged. She called me in tears after she answered the phone and then hung up. He repeatedly called her and left messages about her father and how he is a traitor and our family deserves what is coming to us. Pray these people are stopped. My children will be the ones who truly suffer from this injustice. They will carry this for the rest of their lives. Even after Kyle does come home. They want to destroy family’s and destroy children to make broken adults. They have to face their peers everyday at school. God bless you all for standing against this evil with us. We can’t give up and we can not bend. We were chosen for a reason. I will no longer continue ask myself why we were chosen. I will ask myself what I can do with it.
September 28th, 2022
Yesterday by far was the worst day of my life. Kyle was sentenced to a little over 7 years. Tell our kids was one of the hardest things I think I will ever have to do in my life. My world is crumbling around me. My best friend and my rock has been taken away from our family. I am still in disbelief and shock. How is this justice? My children will carry this time in their life for the rest of their life and that breaks my heart. Kyle took a deal as he had no option. My daughter received repeated phone calls last night and nasty voice messages about her dad. It included filthy language and language in the sexual nature. She is only 9 and she called me crying so hard I thought she was physically hurt. There is more than one side of what happen that day. It will be told. Pray for us please as we feel so helpless. The baby that Kyle left will be 7 by the time Kyle comes home. Our 14 year old will have finished high school by the time he comes home. Our little girl will be getting her drivers permit when he comes home. Please keep us in your prayers. I have faith that this is all in Gods plan. It is so hard to understand why it has to hurt so bad though.
September 25th, 2022
Kyle has been incarcerated for 527 days. I am getting ready for sentencing on Tuesday. I am so nervous I feel sick. We just want Kyle home. When we find out his sentence i will update on here. Pray hard for us and especially for Kyle to stay strong.
September 28th, 2022
Yesterday by far was the worst day of my life. Kyle was sentenced to a little over 7 years. Tell our kids was one of the hardest things I think I will ever have to do in my life. My world is crumbling around me. My best friend and my rock has been taken away from our family. I am still in disbelief and shock. How is this justice? My children will carry this time in their life for the rest of their life and that breaks my heart. Kyle took a deal as he had no option. My daughter received repeated phone calls last night and nasty voice messages about her dad. It included filthy language and language in the sexual nature. She is only 9 and she called me crying so hard I thought she was physically hurt. There is more than one side of what happen that day. It will be told. Pray for us please as we feel so helpless. The baby that Kyle left will be 7 by the time Kyle comes home. Our 14 year old will have finished high school by the time he comes home. Our little girl will be getting her drivers permit when he comes home. Please keep us in your prayers. I have faith that this is all in Gods plan. It is so hard to understand why it has to hurt so bad though.
September 25th, 2022
Kyle has been incarcerated for 527 days. I am getting ready for sentencing on Tuesday. I am so nervous I feel sick. We just want Kyle home. When we find out his sentence i will update on here. Pray hard for us and especially for Kyle to stay strong.
September 16th, 2022
It has been a tough week. It almost felt like the first week Kyle was taken from us all over again. Sentencing is coming quickly. I still am not sure if I will be going to D.C to attend. So many things that will make it a difficult for me to go. Pray for me and for whatever happens I make the right choice. We need lots of prayer as the prosecution is asking for over 7 years. No matter what happens we will get through this.
September 12th, 2022
Kyle has been incarcerated for 515 days today. I had a video call with him last night. He looks pretty good considering the circumstances. It is getting so close to sentencing and I am praying for a miracle. God please send him home to us. Please continue to pray for Kyle to return home to us soon. We need him more than ever. Thank you all for your support. Without you I would not have been able to keep up with all the bills and Kyle would have had to be defended by a court appointed attorney. God bless you all.
September 12th, 2022
Kyle has been incarcerated for 515 days today. I had a video call with him last night. He looks pretty good considering the circumstances. It is getting so close to sentencing and I am praying for a miracle. God please send him home to us. Please continue to pray for Kyle to return home to us soon. We need him more than ever. Thank you all for your support. Without you I would not have been able to keep up with all the bills and Kyle would have had to be defended by a court appointed attorney. God bless you all.
September 7th, 2022
Yesterday was a tough day. My mom came to stay with us for the holiday weekend. My daughter woke me up telling me Grandma is having chest pain and needs you. I rushed out of bed saw her and called 911. They were here quickly and I grabbed the youngest and followed the ambulance to the hospital. She is okay and resting today. Please pray for my family. The devil is testing us. God wins!
September 1st, 2022
Today is day 505 of Kyle being incarcerated. 505 days away from his family. We miss him so so much. I feel so guilty that I get to watch our youngest son grow and change and Kyle is missing all the milestones. He is missing seeing his personality develop and all the hilarious things he does unexpectedly. I know it breaks his heart. Our youngest was 15 months old when he last saw his daddy. He will be 3 years old in coming months. I pray he will be sent home soon and get to pick up where we left off. That you all for your support and prayers. They mean so much to us. Kyle is in good spirits, he is definitely a trooper.
August 26th, 2022
Today is day 499 of Kyles incarceration. It is 32 day until sentencing.This week has been rough and filled with blessings all at the same time. The kids are officially back to school. I received an early morning call from my mother that her apartment complex caught on fire. By the grace of God it didn’t not displace her. Her side of the building was untouched by the fire and smoke. I also should have hit a deer and I can’t explain how I didn’t hit it. The deer was on my windshield as it jumped over. It happen so fast I didn’t even brake. God definitely has had his hand on my precious family. I will update again soon to let you you all know how things are going.
August 26th, 2022
Today is day 499 of Kyles incarceration. It is 32 day until sentencing.This week has been rough and filled with blessings all at the same time. The kids are officially back to school. I received an early morning call from my mother that her apartment complex caught on fire. By the grace of God it didn’t not displace her. Her side of the building was untouched by the fire and smoke. I also should have hit a deer and I can’t explain how I didn’t hit it. The deer was on my windshield as it jumped over. It happen so fast I didn’t even brake. God definitely has had his hand on my precious family. I will update again soon to let you you all know how things are going.
August 23rd, 2022
Kyle has been incarcerated for 495 days. I can’t believe it will be 500 days soon.
Our kids start back to school tomorrow. I pray the kids at school are kind this year. One of my kids are super excited and the other kid isn’t so excited.
Thank your prayers. God is listening! Everything will work out in his time.
August 20th, 2022
39 more days till sentencing. One day at a time. Thank you all for your prayers and support. I look forward to the day Kyle will be reunited with his family. We need him dearly.
August 20th, 2022
39 more days till sentencing. One day at a time. Thank you all for your prayers and support. I look forward to the day Kyle will be reunited with his family. We need him dearly.
August 14th, 2022
Back to school is just another week away for our kids. I have one excited for school and one definitely not wanting to go back. This will be the second back to school Kyle will miss with the kids. I don’t even get to take them to back to school night due to my work schedule. Kyle always did that with them. I have some independent kids so I know they will find their teachers and their classes just fine. Please pray their first days back goes well for them.
August 8th, 2022
Kyle’s sentencing got moved back again. I am thankful it was only moved back 1 day and not 1 more month. September 27 is the new official date. Not knowing how much longer the kids and I will be separated is the hardest part. Praying there are not more push backs. I will get peace of mind on that day and will finally begin a count down till we are whole as a family again.
August 8th, 2022
Kyle’s sentencing got moved back again. I am thankful it was only moved back 1 day and not 1 more month. September 27 is the new official date. Not knowing how much longer the kids and I will be separated is the hardest part. Praying there are not more push backs. I will get peace of mind on that day and will finally begin a count down till we are whole as a family again.
August 2nd, 2022
I’m really missing my husband today. I wish I could see his face. We tried a video call and the video system wasn’t working. We settled for a phone call. I have not seen my husband physically since April 16, 2021. I pray for a miracle.
July 26th, 2022
My son saw his cardiologist today. He still has a murmur and now they see a small leak. We will have to continue our visits to the cardiologist to make sure the leak does not get worse. He said as long as he feels good we should not worry. We will keep and eye on it.
July 20th, 2022
July 14th, 2022
I haven’t updated in a while. I guess it’s because I have been heartbroken. Kyle accepted a plea deal. His sentencing was scheduled for August 25. It now has been bumped back approximately a week. Still waiting for final date. We have been taking one day at a time and continue to pray for him to come home soon. My daughter continues to break down crying missing her daddy. I wish I could give her a specific day for her to look forward too. We continue to wait to find out how much longer we will be waiting for Kyle to return home to us. Please continue to pray for us.
May 24th, 2022
Our 13 year old son had open heart surgery in 2018. He had a VSD fixed. He is scheduled for a visit to the cardiologist at the end of July for another follow up. While in surgery the surgeon noticed the blood flow was backwards and fixed it too. I learned from his cardiologist it would not have made a difference if he left it alone. Now there is a risk the unnecessary fix could leak in the future. It makes me sad I have to go through this next appointment without Kyle. I pray he will not have to have anymore surgeries on his heart and there is no more leaks. Please keep our son in your prayers.
May 24th, 2022
Our 13 year old son had open heart surgery in 2018. He had a VSD fixed. He is scheduled for a visit to the cardiologist at the end of July for another follow up. While in surgery the surgeon noticed the blood flow was backwards and fixed it too. I learned from his cardiologist it would not have made a difference if he left it alone. Now there is a risk the unnecessary fix could leak in the future. It makes me sad I have to go through this next appointment without Kyle. I pray he will not have to have anymore surgeries on his heart and there is no more leaks. Please keep our son in your prayers.
May 10th, 2022
Yesterday was our 11year wedding anniversary. This is the second one I have spent alone without the man I married. This is also the second Mother’s Day I spend without him as well. I pray no more important dates go by with him coming home to us. We are staying strong. Our 9 year old has her moments when she just unconsolably cries for her daddy. Our 2 year old doesn’t quit understand who daddy is. He knows who he is in pictures and his voice over the phone. Thank you all for your support. It mean the world to us. All of your prayers going up gives us strength to get through this trying time. After this is over we will be so much stronger as a family than ever before.
April 5th, 2022
Today is Kyle’s 38 th birthday. It is just another day incarcerated to him. His birthday present from me was a second phone call today! An extra 15 minutes to talk to me. He is keeping his head up and is in good spirits on his special day. Thank you for your support. Your support makes phone calls for Kyle possible. It truly means the world to us.
March 25th, 2022
Kyles next hearing in March 31. Getting closer to maybe having some answers. I’ve been sick almost all week with strep throat. I am thankful my older kids helped me take care of the little one. I don’t know what I would have done without them. I am starting to feel better and hopefully tomorrow will be normal. Please continue to pray for us. Thank you for your support and all your prayers.
March 6th, 2022
I talked to Kyle today and he wanted me to tell you thank you for everything and all the support for his family and for the January 6ers. They are seeing the results. They are seeing more willingness to be worked with now as well. God bless! We are moving forward with small steps. We are heading the right direction!
March 6th, 2022
I talked to Kyle today and he wanted me to tell you thank you for everything and all the support for his family and for the January 6ers. They are seeing the results. They are seeing more willingness to be worked with now as well. God bless! We are moving forward with small steps. We are heading the right direction!
March 5th, 2022
Kyle now has a new status hearing March 31st. Hopefully we will get some answers then. Thank you for your prayers and support. We are strong and will get through this.
February 27th, 2022
My daughter went to her fist daddy daughter dance tonight without her daddy. She was fortunate to have a wonderful friend who shared her dad with her. She told her dad that he has to take her next year. I pray he will be home and be able to do those things with her. He promised he would dance with her as much as she wanted when he comes home. She looked beautiful. I will add a picture to the photos on her.
February 27th, 2022
My daughter went to her fist daddy daughter dance tonight without her daddy. She was fortunate to have a wonderful friend who shared her dad with her. She told her dad that he has to take her next year. I pray he will be home and be able to do those things with her. He promised he would dance with her as much as she wanted when he comes home. She looked beautiful. I will add a picture to the photos on her.
February 7th, 2022
I haven’t posted an update in a while. Kyle had his hearing and as usual there was another continuance. Next hearing on April 14th. That will be exactly 1 year in pretrial detention. It’s been a long road and we have an even longer road to endure. Continue to pray for us as it doesn’t get easier. Thank you for your support. It really means the world to us!
January 11th, 2022
Friday is Kyle’s next hearing. I know each time he has a hearing I am expecting to know more and each time it just continues to drag on. Please say a prayer for Kyle as he prepares for Friday. There has to be an end to this nightmare. Kyle also asked me to let people know that if they write to include their address inside the letter if you would like him to write back. They are not allowed the original copies of their mainland are just give. Photo copies. A lot of the time he doesn’t get the full return address on the copies of the letter and envelopes.
January 3rd, 2022
Kyle has not gotten commissary for about 3 weeks due to the holidays and delivery mistakes and has not been able to get paper and stamps to write letters back to all who have written. He wanted me to apologize for not being able to respond to those letters. He is so grateful for them and says they give him hope!
The kids had a really good Christmas given the circumstances. We pray this year is going to be a good one. Happy new year to all!
December 22nd, 2021
November 29th, 2021
November 16th, 2021
November 6th, 2021
November 6th, 2021
October 19th, 2021
October 17th, 2021
September 28th, 2021
September 27th, 2021
September 26th, 2021
September 12th, 2021
September 10th, 2021
September 1st, 2021
August 27th, 2021
August 19th, 2021
August 9th, 2021
August 6th, 2021
August 2nd, 2021
July 29th, 2021
July 29th, 2021
July 27th, 2021
July 25th, 2021
July 24th, 2021
July 22nd, 2021
July 19th, 2021
July 17th, 2021
July 16th, 2021
July 16th, 2021
July 14th, 2021
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