Help Free the Tiger King Joe Exotic


 USD $250,000


 USD $420

Campaign created by NCLU

Campaign funds will be received by National Constitutional Law Union

Help Free the Tiger King Joe Exotic

In 2019 Joe “Tiger King” Maldonado (of the famous Netflix show) was wrongfully convicted by false testimony and suppressed evidence. He was sentenced to 22 years in federal prison on 17 charges of paperwork violations and 2 bogus counts of attempted murder for hire. His government-appointed lawyers didn’t put on a serious defense for him by calling witnesses or introducing evidence. The main witnesses in the trial who accused Joe of murder for hire (including the alleged hitman) have since RECANTED their testimonies in sworn affidavits. This information alone should be enough to release him from prison.

After his trial he spent 11 months in solitary confinement to prevent him from effectively appealing his case. Since being in federal prison, he’s lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal expenses, trusting the wrong lawyers to do the work they were hired and paid to do -- proving his innocence and getting him out of jail. Sadly, they did not take the time to call, email, or visit Maldonado to hear his side of the story or review the mounds of evidence that Joe has on hand in the form of emails, text messages, bank statements and legal documents that prove he was framed and falsely convicted.

John Pierce had recently heard Joe Maldonado on the Rumble program Loomer Unleashed hosted by John's friend and client Laura Loomer. While on her program, Joe was asking for lawyers to please step up, hear his side, and take his case. John Pierce, along with his partner Roger Roots have done just that. They immediately sprang into action and offered to get in the fight for Joe. John and Roger have since made two visits to the Federal Medical Center in Ft. Worth, Texas where Joe Maldonado is currently being held. They have spent many hours with Maldonado listening and reviewing the evidence that he has been desperately waiting for someone to hear. The information he provided without a doubt proves his innocence. Joe has not only been wrongfully convicted, but he’s also been taken advantage of by individuals and corporations making money off his name, brand, personal footage, and music. In return, Joe has received absolutely nothing. There is a tremendous amount of ground to be covered in his case, and the John Pierce Law Firm is actively working on his appeal as well as lawsuits to recover compensation for the damage that has been done to Joe. While John Pierce and Roger Roots have agreed to reduce their legal fees on behalf of Maldonado, he still needs your help financially with all of the legal work that will be required to obtain justice.

Please donate today and help free the “Tiger King!”

Recent Donations
$ 100.00 USD
19 days ago


Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
1 month ago

Frances Gray
$ 20.00 USD
6 months ago

Agrapidis Agrapidis
$ 20.00 USD
6 months ago

Forceofecho - you have my address! LETS GET JOEY FREE!!

Michael Reiland
$ 20.00 USD
7 months ago

Send me my letter Joe. Thank you for getting the world through the beginning of the covid 205 Craddock Ave apt c5 San Marcos, TX 78666

Stewart Wells
$ 50.00 USD
7 months ago


Abbie-Rose Attaya
$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

Instead of going out to dinner tonight- I’m going to skip and send it to you. KEEP SPEAKING UP JOE!- You are so close!! #FreeJoeExotic !!!!!!! All my love, Abbie

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

Please Help Joe out everyone, he’s an innocent man and he’s suffering in prison! Joe was wrongly convicted & ALL the new evidence will show this was a conspiracy against Joe to take what he worked so hard for, he’s a wonderful individual that puts to much trust in everything and everyone in hopes they’re as caring and loving as him! Please help! Stay strong Joe! sending all my Love.RA


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