Missionaries Frank and Luz Williams

Monthly Goal:

 USD $2,000

Total Raised:

 USD $27,970

Raised this month:

 USD $70

Campaign created by Frank Williams

Campaign funds will be received by Frank Williams

Missionaries Frank and Luz Williams

Today the heat index is 106 f and the electic bill is $200 and it needs to be paid so it is not cut off. The response to Jesus is huge but the need for pastors is huge but those qualifed to be pastors in extremely few. this weekend our mission team was divided and part of our team travelled to Batangas while others were still in school, still taking classes to be better qualified for their futures. To tell you the truth the heat has been very brutal upon me, I raced to the bathroom unsuccessfully with a touch of Diaherra and did not make it in time. I felt like I was about to pass out, as I waited for the bathroom. So the air condition of the Mission House was a healthy alternative as I recover. This weekend we had 15 people in our Mission House, where they can sleep, eat, shower and rest in the care of the Lord. Everyone was fed, able to relax and shower and recover from the Extreme heat..We are currently plowing ground to reopen a church in the Subdivision of Tres Verde Rosa. It failed because they had no pastors, and Jesus has compassion upon these sheep, because they are scattered as sheep that had no shepherd. My father planted gardens every year, and each spring he had to plow the ground again, and it is the same way with churches. If you do not plow the ground, the ground will become less ferile and the ground will detiorateThe Holy Spirit has led some to give as much as $500 A MONTH, MANY NOT AS MUCH, we appreciate all of the blessings that you are with us in the Philippines. we need your help. Believe me extreme heat of 106 F does sap strength from you, your help matters, Perhaps you can only give $20 per month, praise God for what you can do. Some can do $100 this month, praise God is your limit maybe $50 per month, it all adds up. Thank you for what you can do. We know that his best is yet to come. Our goal is $2000 per month, and that is if every item of need is taken care of, we often Rob Peter to pay Paul, and we do not think that is right we want Paul to be able to help Peter too.
Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
2 days ago

Holly family
$ 50.00 USD
9 days ago

We love y'all we wish it could be more.

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
14 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
24 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
2 months ago

The Hollys
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Merry Christmas We love and miss you

Farmer Dan
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
6 months ago

Janie Dunn
$ 200.00 USD
6 months ago

Hello precious saints Frank & Luz. Had to search way back to locate this donation app. We’re attending On Fire Christian, Pastor Chuck Salvo, New Cut Rd. We’re fasting & praying for revival in USA beginning with the church! Our January 2024-21 day fast is bearing fruit! God is cleaning house! Having AWAKE Revival 3 days, 3 services per day October 11th,12th,13th @ On Fire. Appreciate prayers!

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
7 months ago

Keep pressing on!


Update #164- I will help you, and He keeps doing it.

March 3rd, 2025

As we enter the last month of the Jewish Lunar Calendar of 2025. I looked into the western sky to see evidence that we have entered the last month of the Jewish Calender the Month of Adar, I am reminded the the Spring Equinox is quickly approaching. I try to be as alert as possible because Psalm 19:01 The heavens declare the Glory of God and the firmanent showeth His Handiwork...The Scriptures show us that Jesus frequently looked to the sky and spoke to our Father in Heaven, I do that too, I go out and look to the sky and I pray and I try to pay attention to the Glory that I see that God has given. I am not an expert but I do look to heaven expecting answers when I pray.
Our God continues to answer. For at least 6 years He continues to do the impossible. The other day, I was reminded of a young woman for whom I prayed many years ago. The doctors gave her absolutely no hope, they did not know what to do. So I joined many other Believers who prayed, when the doctors said No way...The other night I saw evidence that She still lives today, because Our God got involved. I was one of the People of God who prayed and against all odds she lives today.

The heavens declare the Glory of God Psalm 19:01 Jesus would look to the Sky and talk to Our Father, I follow His example. I found that many times He moves in Darkness and He does not tell us what He is doing. Have you ever looked up on a cloudy night and not been able to see the moon? Have you ever looked up during the moons new moon phase? The moon did not cease to exist but during those times you have to trust that the Lord did not remove the moon during the Noon Moon phase....Somehow I got out of the boat and I still need Jesus and he keeps doing the impossible every single Month.

I want to thank all of those who continue to plant,water and fertilize seed....our Father continues to give us increase. In one church we have not been able to visit, or water seed, we had to trust our God for the Increase....somehow that church has multiplied into at least 5  different Churches...how did that happen? Our God still does miracles...Zachariah chapters 12 and 14 can not be ignored....things are happening even though the world says it is impossible.  I am going to go there the World keeps trying to tell us that there are zero nations on the West Bank of the Jordan River, although they continue to bicker over a nation that is not suppose to be there for the past nearly 78 years It turns 78 on May 14Th 2025...but Somehow it is still there proving that God is 100 % accurate he testifies that He is coming back even though 3 world Religions Islam, Judaism and Christianity do not like to cover this subject but it tells us that in Zechariah 14 that the Battle of Armeggedon is coming and I need to warn People about what it says. That Messiah will return and when His Feet tough down on the Mount of Olives that mountain will split 4 ways to the North, to the South, to the East and to the West. In Revelation chapter 13 he warns that 666 is coming and you can not stop it....We are told in Romans 13 that we are to pray for all of our World Leaders even if  we might not agree with their personal Agendas we are still to pray for them.

When is it ever wrong to apply the written Word of God and Pray for our Government leaders? When is it ever wrong to apply the written Word of God in our personal Studies....we have more than 600 videos to facilitate as we give our very best to be completely transparent as we teach the Written Word of God. 

You can find our youtube Channel World Changers for Christ, I do not know everything but We have given him 100 % agreement to do for us before He even asks. We trust Him in all of our ways. He promises that He will lead our path.

Thank you to all who help us to continue to plant,water and fertilize seed before we know what He is doing. Thank all of you in advance.

Update #163 first update of 2025

January 7th, 2025

As Missionary Disciples, my wife Luz and I plant and water seed where ever Our Father allows, We have the promise that Our Father will handle the harvest. Our Father allowed my wife and I to plant and water seed in the Bataraza, Community of the Republic of the Philippines. Our resources have been very low, so we had to pray and ask God for wisdom on all of our spending and His help. We just recieved reports that the two Churches into which we were allowed to plant and water seed and trusted to God our Father for the harvest. Our God has blessed all of the seed that we have watered and planted and now the two churches, now have 3 more, All of them are healthy Churches, God our Father keeps his Word. He keeps his promises. Jesus promised that This Gospel will be preached unto all the World and then he will return. We believe his promises. He tells us to learn the Parable of the Olive Tree found in Joel Chapters 1 and 2. The Olive tree dies and then is reborn and when the Olive Tree lives again we know that the harvest if coming. Well Israel was literally reborn and replanted in May of 1948 and now the Olive Tree is now 76 years of age and will soon age to 77. The prophetic hour glass is Israel and the signs around the World indicate plainly that we are running our of sand. How much sand it left? I do not know, but I believe that evidence clearly supports what we are running out of sand. Here in the Philippines we see the evidence that Red China is preparing for the 3rd World War. Luz and I want to work faster to make sure that all of our neighbors have the opportunity to worship right next to you where you worship every week. If we do not reach for your neighbors, who will do it? Thank you for we are trying our very best. Google now reports that 90% of the World Population now has internet access through Smart Phone usage. We also use Youtube and Google to reach tor their smart phones too, Can you help us to continue to reach for the smart phone of Your neighbors? They might want to sit right next to you where you worship? If we do not reach for them, who will? Frank and Luz Williams Missionary Disciples of Jesus Christ House of Visions Southeast Asia Republic of the Philippines. A little bit of something is better than 100% of nothing. GiveSendGo.com/frankluzwilliams

Update #162 jigsaw Puzzle December 2024

December 7th, 2024

We are seeing more of the Big Picture, there are so many pieces to this jig saw puzzle, We see the big picture on the box. Thank you to all who help us by planting seed, giving us more time to get Born Again Believers pulling together in this Spiritual Tug Of War.

In Guardalajara, Mexico there is one who translated for me in , now working in Mexico. Another from is now in the Dominican Republic. You might say this is impossible. It is impossible, but with the God that we serve All things are possible. 

Thank you to all who help with seed to plant. God our father is helping us to do the Impossible. Your seed is helping us to reach out to the more than 7000 Islands of the Philippines and we now reach for the 90% or the world Population who now have internet access through their Smartphone use. you are helping us to reach out and to plant in very fertile ground. We sew into fertile soil and we expect the massive Harvest . Thank you to all who are helping. 

Praise God a little bit of something is better than 100% of Nothing.

Thank you to all who can help, and have already helped. 

if you want to add anything you can at GiveSendGo.com/frankluzwilliams

All things are possible with the Awesome God we serve. Praise God the Best is still to come.

Update #161 update - Almost December 2024

November 27th, 2024

This will not apply to everyone, You know if you are addressed in this preordained promise of God our Father. You know who you are, The Holy Spirit will speak to those who are qualified. I believe that this is a preordained promise to those who qualifty. Is is found in Malachi chapter 3, And you know who you are, and if you  qualify for this. I like the promise so I will remind those who qualify...you know who you are. Malachi 3;10 ...Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of Hosts, If I will not open you the windows of heaen, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be enough for you to receive it

This preordaingned Promise is only for the believers, If you are not a believer you do not qualify for this promise, you can not recieve the promise that you do not believe in.

The Holy Spirit has already told you if you qualify. We plant into fertile ground and Jesus teaches that when we plant seed into fertile ground the harvest will be better. We are expecting a Harvest of people to be Born Again due to seed planted. We keep our promise of Confidentiality, we do not allow the left hand to know what the Right hand is doing. 

I know that blessings are coming for all who help us to plant this seed here in the Republic of The Philippines and on to Youtube where Google reports that 90% of the World Population now has access to the Internet using their Smart Phones. I know that this is fertile ground. I expect that many of you are using your own version of Smart Phone. This is seed for people to be Born Again, you know who you are. You know if you are doing the best you can, we know that a little bit of something is better than 100% of nothing. We expect the mighty Harvest promised. You know if you are participating as we pull in this Spiritual Tug of War for Team Jesus, We know that when Born Again Believers do their part for team Jesus, We know that Team Jesus will win. 

Thank you to all who do their very best


House of Visions Tanza Cavite Southeast Asia Philippines. 

Update #160 Great promises for those who have planted Seed. Promise from God November 11/11/2024

November 11th, 2024

This great promise is for those who have already planted seed. This is found in Proverbs 19:17  He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD and that which he hath Gieven will He pay him again.

What a tremendous promise, also Psalm 40:5 Many, O LORD My God, are they wonderful works which thou hast done, And they thoughts which are to Us Ward (His Children):They cannot be reckored (counted) up in order unto thee (To give Him adequate thank you's): if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than than can be numbered (Huge Promise).

Praise God our God continues to do the impossible, We keep confidence and do not allow the left hand to know what the Right hand is doing. But I can tell you that What our God is allowing us to do, in the name of Jesus, is incredible. We pray and ask for Wisdom before we spend anything. Our God continues to do the impossible. Out God continues to do it all. Thank God, for those who have been faithfully giving 100% of their little bit, instead of 100% of nothing at all. The promise is written and We know that His very best is still to come.

We thank you and remind you that it is written that when you plant seed, you lend to the Lord, and That Our God repays all of His debts - He will repay. Praise God for His best is still to come. 

I encourage you to keep looking to heaven expecting as you pray.

Thank you for I know that He does not lie, He still does miracles.

If you want in on the blessings you can at 


House of Visions Tanza, Cavite Philippines. Southeast Asia, Philippines

Thank you for this is his promise Thank you Father in advance.

Update #159 10/19/2024 Many O Lord God are thy wonderful works.

October 19th, 2024

Many O Lord are your wonderful works.  You have done them all. And your thoughts to us your children are without number, if we try to declare them and give you the glory for all that you have done, they are not countable. This is written in Psalm 40:5. Our God continues to do the impossible. With people there are things that are impossible. But You are MY God, You and My Lord and with my God nothing is impossible. 

We Keep confidence and we keep our Lord to try to not allow the left hand to know what the Right Hand is doing. But our God he keeps track and he has promised in Proverbs 19:17 He that has pity upon the poor lendeth to the Lord and that which he has given will He (the Lord) will he pay Him Again.

This is not a slot machine, those who have given you give to the Lord, and the Lord will repay Him Again.
He has written again in Psalm 41:1 Blessed is he that considers the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of Trouble. Some of you saw what he did with Hurricane Milton of the Coast of Tampa. thought to be one of the strongest on record, projected to cause great amounts of Damage. Many called upon the Lord and He kept that promise. Our God has miracle working power. 

Our God is not done yet. Thank you to those who do your very best. We keep your confidence and know that His very best is still to come. Thank you for your little bit of something instead of 100% or nothing. Thank God for we know that your best is still to come. We want to help those in need, knowing that you will repay. Thank you for your best is still to come. We thank you inadvance for what you are about to do. 

Thank you to all who do what you can do. Helping us with our House of Visions Frank and Luz Williams

House of Visions Southeast Asia Philippines.

Update #158 Update for August 2024 a few days early

July 26th, 2024

Jesus explains that you store your treasure in Heaven, where moth, rust and theives can not break through to steal. Then Jesus links this to children. Jesus explains that we are not to forget, or neglect the Children, for they are fertile ground that produces a potential 100 Fold Return, But investing in children requires more labor and paying attention to providing good ministry for children. Children act like children and require more intense study and decication to reaching them like children. You have to be prepared to allow Children to act like children. Sometimes you might want to bribe the child to be obedient by rewarding them with a lollipop or perhaps their favorite Cookies. Therefore the wise will try to focus on a smaller group of Children. Teachers prefer to be able to give better attention to a smaller group of children so that each child gets their best attention (focus) possible. So with a smaller group, each child receives better attention, and better bribes, for you do remember that children require better care, and to be treated like children. 

Recently we had the opportunity to focus on the pre kintergarten Generation of 2024. We were able to rent the upper room at Jollybee's and focus on the prekindergarten Crowd and their families. We were able to treat them to chicken and Potatoes and an ice cream sunday for the whole family. The Lord allowed us to bless the children and their family right there in the Upper Room of Jollybee's. (the Philippine competition to McDonald's. The upper room was full of people and we planted good influence for Jesus in each family present. We want to influence generations with the Good news of the Personal Presence of Jesus Christ. This was successful. 
 The Lord also allowed us to promote the presence of Jesus Christ in far off places from Tanza, Cavite by investing in Families in the Southern Areas of the Philippines, Far off communities and Provinces in the Name of Jesus Christ. Jesus multiplied each seed and he made the seed to multiply and to reach all across the Philippines to influence Families with the Knowledge of the Personal Presence of Jesus Christ in their lives. We believe that the Best is still to come.

We know that Jesus Christ is alive today, and that He has miracle working power. Many times we have to improvise and find ways to get around difficult circumstances so we pray and Ask for the Help of God our Father, for without Jesus Christ and God our father, all of this is impossible. But with His Help, his Touch all things are possible. Thank you for your little bit for a little bit of something is better than 100% or nothing.

jesus Multiplies your little to better allow us to help many. Thank you father for how you are multiplying the seed planted to do the impossible to reach more, for it is your Touch, your blessing that allows us to bless people in the Name of Jesus Christ your son. Thank you for your little bit for it is better than 100% of nothing.

Even if you can only send $10 if is better than $100 of what you do not send.

Thank you for the best you can do, of any amount at GiveSendGo.com/frankluzwilliams

House of Visions Tanza, Cavite, Philippines.

Update #157 Without the Help of God our Father, this is impossible

July 16th, 2024

I can not overemphasized that everything that is happening here in the House of Visions, is completely impossible without the Hand of God our Father. None of this could have happened without The Hand of God being directly involved. He has answered prayer that in only a way that God Our Father can do. We can not do anything to imitate. His Hand must be directly involved. We can not imitate, or manufacture what Only God Our Father has Done. He has helped us to provide seed financially to accomplish what Only The Hand of God can possibly allow. He has allowed us to feed families scattered throughout the Philippines. Many were families down on their luck going through horrible consequences. He has been doing all of it. I want to move faster because we have seen what He is doing. What He has been doing has been so inspiring that we want to move faster. But we must continue to walk in His presence, Not to get a head of Him, but to walk in his Presence, we want to do things His way, We want God our Father to get all of the Honor, all of the Glory, all of the praise. 

There are more than 7000 Islands of the Philippines. I want the people of the Philippines to know the Presence of Jesus Christ. for In Jesus Presence all things are possible. He has allowed us to house people who had no shelter, no place to live, no place to continue their schooling, their careers. He has made all of this possible. Without His Help all of this is completely impossible.

I can not possibly boast enough to help you to see why we want to run faster. Because this is awe inspiring to see how God our Father continues to move for His disciples who enjoy the presence of Jesus Christ His Son. Jesus rose on the third day, He continues to move in the presence of Those who enjoy His presence. Jesus did not climb back on that cross, Jesus Christ never re-entered His tomb. He continues to move today and He still has miracle working power. Makes me want to run, faster, to help more, with His presence. Some of you have planted Seed into the Kingdom of heaven, we try to invest in children, scholars, musicians, students, kintergarten students and their families. What we see is amazing. We want to move faster, more quickly. We pray over all the seed and seek His Help with every investment for His Kingdom, we pray for a 100 Fold Return.  We thank those who give, for a little bit of something is better than 100% of Nothing. Thank you for what you do today, We expect His best is still to come. We know that when you give to the Poor, you lend to the Lord and that the Lord pays all of His bills. 

Thank you for your little bit of something as oppossed to 100% of nothing. Thank you for your seed. The Lord will repay. 


House of Visions Tanza Cavite Southeast Asia Philippines.

Update #156 July 3rd 2024 update

July 3rd, 2024

Our God lives today and continues to do the impossible. We are committed to keeping all confidentiality agreements with all. However we will boast about How Our God has allowed us to invest the seed that He multiplies to spread out throughout various locations over the more than 7000 islands of the Philippines. The Lord has allowed us to plant seed to support Universities students who are blind. Helping other scholars with Housing and tuition, transportation needs, Make up and other hygenic needs, The Holy Spirit allows us to provide safe housing so they can study, shower, and do other things to be attractive for their self image. We want scholars to have a healthy self image here in the Philippines. The Lord has allowed us to plant to influence the Pre Kintergarten Class of 2024, allowing us to rent the upper room of Jolliebees in Tanza, Cavite, feeding the pre kintergarteners and their families with a good healthy meal, including ice cream. Yes people enjoy ice cream every once in a while. The Jesus tells us to love our neighbors as we love our selves, do you ever treat yourself to ice cream? So he tells us to plant our seed in heaven where, moth, rust and theives can not steal or break through. God has allowed us to quietly do this across the more than 7000 Islands of the Philippines. Our God Lives today and He still is active today, We try to boast upon what Our God still does, for He lives today, Over 2024 years ago He Resurrected from the Dead, he still does signs and wonders in the Presence of His Disciples (students) that enjoy His presence. He is alive and still does the impossible for His Disciples who enjoy gathering in His Presence. I have to boast because our God is alive and We pray over every single seed that we plant, We plant the seed, and Our Father In Heaven takes care of the Harvest.

So you help us for we know that with Jesus Christ the best is still to come. More is on the way for everyday with Jesus is better than the day before.

when you invest a little bit of something it is better than 100% of Nothing thank you for planting your very best seed, Our God repays all of His debt. Do not rob God and He will take good care of what you plant into his Kindgom.

GiveSendGo.com/FrankLuzwilliams  House of Visions Tanza, Cavite Southeast Asia the Phillipines

Update #155 June 29th 2024 - This is impossible

June 29th, 2024

As we prepare to begin a new month, I must report that I have no idea what is about to happen. I can not explain anything that He has done. I can not explain how our God has allowed us to somehow invest in children all across the Philippines. We have promised to keep confidence and so we continue, because I could not possibly make this stuff up if I wanted. Somehow he has allowed us to rent out the upper room at Jollibee's Tanza Cavite, and to invest in the pre kintegarten generation of 2024. Feeding the families and loved ones of those not yet sent off to kintergarten in this area of the Philippines. Yet he allowed us to plant influence into these children and their families. Somehow he has allowed us to plant into families in Palawan and the communities of Bataraza, Brooks Point and somehow into some in northern Palawan. Blind Students who are off to University Study. How? I have no idea how our Living God does anything that He does. He just does it.

I know that although I can not explain it, He continues to do it every single month. It is amazing to testify as to what I have seen Him do, I can not explain what I have seen Him do, but He continues to do, what I can not begin to try to explain, Praise God as we are about to walk into July 2024. What more is He about to do? I do not know but I want to thank God for any seed that He inspires you to plant. Repeatedly he has taken all of your little bit of something and to multiply it much more than you believe is possible. A little bit of something is better than 100% of nothing. Thank God for the very best you can do. Jesus still does the miracles. Thank God for any seed you can plant. 


Update #154 June of 2024 This is impossible

June 20th, 2024

I must give God our Father credit for all that He does, for without his help this is completely impossible. We got an update on how our God has blessed some of the seed that we have planted into the Kingdom of heaven. He allowed us to plant seed into the education of students born totally blind, we will respect their privacy and provide no details. but God has blessed these two scholars born Completely Blind and allowed the students to flourish with the University and College Studies. Both students excell and God is providing the multiplication of seed that we have planted in his name. For without His help this is completely impossible. 

When we plant we do so as secretly as possible , not allowgint the left hand to know that the right is doing. We want to encourage the seed that you plant as you do not allow the Left hand to know that the Right is Doing. All across the Philippines he has allowed us to bless families across the Philippines, not telling people that we have explicitly giving for their needs. We offer it completely in Faith and because You have helped us with Seed we have been able to plant seed for others.  Recently we were able to plant seed into the Pre Kintegartedn Generation of 2024, The Lord allowed the Upper Room of the Jolibees Tanza Cavite to be full of children (pre- Kintegarten) and feed many family members. Praise God the influence of Jesus Christ was felt by those children and their families. We know that with Jesus Christ the best is still to come. We thank you for the little bit of something is better than 100% of nothing. We know that when we plant into children we are planting into Fertile Ground. 

We thank God for what He does as he Multiplies the Seed that you have planted. With God His best is till to come. 

We appreciate your seed planted at the GiveSendGo.com/frankluzwilliams

House of Refuge Tanza, Cavite, Philippines.

Update #153 Thank God for when He does things I do not understand

June 2nd, 2024

The past few days, Once again my God has moved in ways that I do not understand and in ways that I can not possibly explain. On paper, it appeared to be totally impossible, No way for this to happen. Somehow I still found my wife and I in the Middle of the SM Mall in Tanza, Cavite at the Chowking Resturant waiting for dinner. I kept asking Lord, How is this possible? This would seem to be totally impossible. Somehow our God worked it all out.  Did I explain that it looked to be totally impossible. This could not be happening and yet it did happen.

To all of you who have helped plant seed. We use wisdom and self Control before we spend anything and this appeared to be impossible. Yet, our God did the impossible. In Luke 15;31 it is written "All that I have is thine." Not one to take things for granted I said Father your word ways this, but We do not want to be frivolous with anything, Help us Father. And He kept his word. I prayed. "Father God we never want to put you to any foolish tests. Again praise God, He kept His Word.

Some of you, I know well enough to know that you watch money like a Hawk. You also obey the Word of God with regard to planting seed. You are reliable with the seed of God. Even when it makes no natural sense at all God our Father continues to honor His Word.

Thank you for believing God our Father when it makes no earthly sense at all.

Thank you for helping us on the Mission Fields ot the House of Visions in Tanza, Cavite, Philippines.

Somehow God will repay, even when earth might say, there is no way for this to happen. Somehow God our Father makes a way where it would seem to be impossible.

Thank you for your best today. Remember a little bit of Something is better than 100% of Nothing.

Praise God in Advance for what you can do.


Update #152 May 15 th 2024 - Lay up for yourselves treasures treaures

May 15th, 2024

Here in the Mission fields of the Philippines we pray over everysingle expenditure. For we are purposely laying up treasures in heaven. We have decided to lay up treaures in Heaven, we have followed the leading of the Holy Spirit to invest in Children, which Jesus identifies as 100 Fold return, Planting into fertile ground that has the best return. Children require more time, more effort, more proper care for without doing it properly with prayer and leading of the Lord, Children can be a source of Chaos and Confusion. They require more effort, more love and higher quality teaching. Children will act like children, Some want immediate gratification, so therefore because they want a quick harvest they will shy away from planting into Childrens ministry. 

Here at the House of Visions we have decided to plant in heaven for the children are worth the time and the effort in Matthew 18 the disciples ask about being the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven and it is recorded right here. -  At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven- so let us please continue the written Word, and why we are planting into children in this House of Vision missionary outreach.  2 And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, 3 and said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. 4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. 

Children require more care, more love, sometimes you have to bribe them with candy, snacks, and reward them with positive reinforement. When we plant into children we are doing for the least of these my brethren, for then we have done it unto the Lord. We intentionally plant into the long term investment which brings the best return (100 fold return). To keep this brief we plant for the future, knowing the return is greater because we are following the teaching of Jesus and planting into the future.

We are seeing the rewards of this long term investment. Some of you know that some of your best crops require the most patience. We want to thank you for your faithfulness. We are seing positive results. We are seeing rain, when none was in the forecast. Thank God, we serve the Risen God and He is still doing signs and wonders for those Disciples who enjoy His presence. 

Jesus Does live today, and i thank those who have helped with our planting seed into children. The best is still to come. Thank you for to those who plant a little bit of extra instead of 100% of everything. For the little bit continues to add up. Thank God he continues to multiply in ways that we just can not make this up.

Thank you to those who can add a little bit of something instead of 100% of nothing. Praise God for doing as he leads you to do, We are planting into Children. Praise God that our Savior lives and still answers prayer, We also continue to pray with you. Just do what you can, we plant and Our God takes care of the Harvest. Thank God in advance.


Tanza, Cavite, Philippines

Update #151 our God continues to move

May 5th, 2024

on this the 5Th day of May, Our God continues to move with His Disciples who enjoy the Presence of Jesus Christ. and I will copy it from Bible Gateway for it describes what is happening for us here at the House of Visions Tanza Cavite, Philippines - 30 And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: 31 but these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.

it says but "which are not written in this book" - For Jesus knew that we would still need His Presence here at the House of Visions in may of 2024. I just can not make this stuff up. Jesus did not climb back into His tomb and he still continues to move today in 2024. Great things are happening. We do not want to rush for Ismael, when we know that Isaac is on the way. We thank you, for we know that Air Conditioning (better, for less horse power) that will supply better air conditioning and lower the energy cost substantially. God spoke and said to "Use wisdom and Self Control" in all of our spending. We know that God and His Son Jesus Christ are not finished yet.

I could refer to news taking place in the South China Sea,but our God is not finished yet. The best is still to come. Thank you for your seed.

Missionary Ambassadors Frank and Luz Williams House of Visions


Update #150 This is still impossible with out the Help of God our Father. I can not make this up.

April 23rd, 2024

On two different dates in 1982 and the other might have been in 2012, 2013 I was told to write down my God Provided Vision. So, I did was not able to preserve those documents, I did as I was told. I kept telling God as I was writing down His God provided vision, Without Your Help this is completely impossible. Then the third time was at the Beginning of this Covid 19 pandemic, he echoed part ot it to me to open our house of Vision, which was part of both of those Visions I wrote down previously. I again said "Father , without your help, this is completely impossible. I heard Him whisper back to me, i will help you.

As I write here right now, earlier today the heat index was 114 F Praise God He provided rain, which was not forecast and the heat index has dropped to 101 F. Thank God for that. I think back and I remember that all of this is completely impossible. Circumstances have been so formidable I have to honestly admit, that I can not make this up. But He has helped every step of the way.

Here we are on April 23, 2024 and I just can not make this up. He has shown me visions that many things I wrote down in the previous two written Visions , that I believe what Jesus told the apostle Thomas. "Blessed are those who have not seen (the manifestation of the promise) and yet believe. Then I remember his promise from Hebrews 11:1 Now, Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things unseen, for by it the elders obtained a good report. 

This is what we continue to ride upon as we wait for the substance of the manifestation of His Promised Visions. It feels closer than ever before. I still have the Budget, we pray for wisdom and self control in all of our spending, We pray everyday, we want to remember the words of John the Baptist He (Jesus) ,must increase but I must decrease". We intend to be so very easily transparent that it is easy to see more of Jesus, and less of ourselves.

Jesus Continues to move in the presnence of His Disciples, and I can not make this up. He continues to move in ways that I can not make this stuff up.

I will keep this brief, I thank God for all who continue to plant seed for our harvest for a little Bit of Somethins is better than 100%of nothing. We plant into the treasures of Heaven and we plant in very fertile ground, the Little Children and the children are fertile ground that has a 100 Fold Return. I like planting into children, they can bring Chaos and Confusion. But we follow the instruction "where ever two or three are gathered together in my name, I will be there in the midst. I know this to be true. He has kept his word with me, for I too am just one of His Disciples. I was Born Again at the Evangel Tabernacle in march of 1970 and 54 years later. He has continued to move in the presence of this disciple. I share this good news for He always keeps his word.

I feel so close, but I must continue to walk with Jesus and wait for His perfect timing. For I know that with Jesus (Everyone in this world needs Jesus) His very best is still to come. He has said behold, I come quickly.  Luz and I want to be crossing the finish line at our very best. 

I will resist the urge to use this update to preach, for I promised to try to keep this brief. 

Thank you to all who can send  100% of a little bit, instead of  100% of nothing.

Thank you all from the House of Visions Southeast Asia Tanza Cavite


thank you in Jesus Name

Update #149 Review - What has God done? Jesus Still moving among his Disiples (students) in the Philippines

April 10th, 2024

One of the first things is I had to learn the best, least expensive way to travel, since we do not have an automobile, I had to learn quickly. So we began to to use Jeepney's (Jeeps Converted into small buses needed to move people in an safe, economical way. This involved much walking through Metropolitan Manila which required walking quicklky to get from one important stop to the other, This required climbing many stairs and walking quickly to get to the next bus top for travel by electric train, or the next jeepney. Walking quickly required much walking on long stairways and many sidewalks, which required stepping over people sleeping on the sidewalks and long stairways. Many times I had to step over those who slept on the sidewalks and walk ways because they had no place to go. It was horrible, so I began to ask the Lord to give to us a compassionate way to make things better.

Then came the Covid 19 Pandemic. the economy world wide went seemed to fall into the toilet. Many lost their jobs, were unable to continue their progress in schools and universities, many lost their jobs, lost their incomes. This was horrible. A young man came to what we were using as a House of Refuge (For us) and asked if we could "Adopt" him. The Lord told us to do this and so began our house of Refuge. I honestly said Father God without your help this is completely impossible. We do not have the finances to do this, And I heard him whisper "I will help you". So we began. This young man was an excellent musician and had valuable computer skills, so The Lord said to take our Missionary Ministry and to take it onto Social Media because the leadership around the world was telling people to shelter in place, Not to go to school, not to go to the grocery, not to go outside, So we adapted to social media ministry and the Lord put us in a neighborhood with more than 20,000 people. We were across the street from the local leadership of the neighborhood and we had one of the busiest blocks in the Philippines, In my humble opinion. We began to sing, and praise every day, and to do social media ministry and God opened doors for us to feed hungry people, teach some of the local children, feed some of them, Teach them the Bible, and we had pastors begin to visit our House of Visions, and God provided a mechanism where we began to step forward as "Front liners. The Lord opened away so that we could work with local pastors to deliver Food to hungry people and do bible studies in those homes. God began to bless, opportunities came for us to travel to Coloocan City deep into metro Manila, and God continued to bless. we were able to do meetings in the mall in Coloocan City and doors began to open so that we could work with more pastors through the Christ the Strong Foundation network of Churches.

Some staying at our House of Refuge were very skilled musicians and they began to make music, sing praise and Worship and as we would deliver food to hungry people and do Bible studies with these local pastors, The Holy Spirit moved and people were born again, and those churches began to grow. And so we continued Social Media Ministry to help keep our costs very low and still take Jesus to the hopeless around the world. I believe we have heard from all  7 continents of this world, Many far away nations more deeply into Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America. several places in the United States.

One grandmother in South Carolina asked for Prayer of her grandson, born Blind. so we began to pray and ask Jesus to get involved. We continued to pray with the grandmother and God began to work for that grandson. The grandmother announced that doctors were going to get involved with the care of her grandson, and we continued to ask Jesus to do the impossible, We continued in intercessory Prayer, and the grandmother replied that Jesus Did Get involved and now her grandson was able to see, this grandson born blind now had perfect vision because Jesus Got involved. 

We began to pray for those in far away locations fighting with Covid and the Lord continued to get involved and continued to answer. We have to give 100% or the credit to Jesus Christ and he inspired people just like you to invest and to plant seed and Jesus continued to multiply each gift of seed planted. In the last year, he somehow made it possible to feed more tan 13,000 meals to hungry people, that is a low estimate, but when you are hungry and Jesus makes a way to feed the hungry you do not argue with the Lord, you say thank you Lord for what you continue to do. He has opened the way to feed hungry people in far away places in through out the Philippines, Far off in the Island of Palawan where we have two churches that we are able to pray with and you have helped us to pastors that we have trained in the past. And through the Christ the Strong Foundation of network of Churches we have worked to pray with pastors and local churches and do things that we could not do but we cooperated with local churches and pastors. our music people provided praise and Worship to churches that did not have talented musicians. We continue in our social media Ministry and we hear from all 7 continents and pray because they are too far from us, and they have leadership in those nations and we pray for those and do not interfere with what God is doing for them in their nations. We pray and God does it all. 

We continue to give God our Father, all of the praise, all of the honor and all of the glory for Our Father does it all through Jesus Christ His Son. We pray and ask the Lord to give us wisdom and prayerful control over every thing we spend, we want Jesus to be so clearly seen, So that we shine more of Jesus and less of our selves, We know that Jesus must increase and we must decrease. And He continues to do it all.

We have scholars drawing close to graduation and those who have been able to find good employment, but we do not forget those, we do not neglect them we want them to allow Jesus To Shine Brightly through How he blesses them. Jesus still does it all.

The heat has been very intense, and since we use jeepneys and Tri cycles (small taxi cabs operated by a motorcycle with a very small passenger compartment) My wise has been dealing with health issues due directly to intense heat. We focus our attention more on Social Media Ministry and how we can best support and encourage the various leadership of the Christ the Strong Foundation network of Churches, mainly to support with musicians as we have very talented musicians, and scholars who have helped lead the children, which helps these churches to continue to thrive and to grow. Sometimes we help and the very annointed pastors grow due to the help provided behind the scenes with our Musicians and Scholars.

We know that the best is still to come, we plant into children which according to Jesus is like planting seed that takes longer but has a record of Producing 100 Fold return. We want people to be Born Again to be educated and seed that continues to grow and fruit that remains. We are seeing progress. Children learining how to pray and to sing to God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 

When you see what Jesus is doing in the presence of His Disciples (His Students) it makes you want to fun faster, but we have to walk with Jesus and not get ahead of him. We continue to plow ground for a better harvest. One Vision he has provided is to help faciliate the resurrection of God Provided Visions to men and women of God who have been wounded and off course, and not today where they really want to be. We know that as God begins to provide Resurrection of His God Provided vision that they will know that Only God our Father can do this. This is completely impossible, but we know that the best is still to come. With Jesus Christ, help is on the way. 

A woman of God prophesied Frank, God is providing to you and your wife and great testimony, well you just can not make this stuff up. The best is still to come, We know things that we must keep quiet, we have learned the value of Keeping Confidence, not telling everything that we know, Allowing God to do what He wants to do, we know that His best is still to come, we just can not make this stuff up. What God does is better than our imaginations. 

We want to thank those who have faithfully planted and invested seed, God continues to move in the presence of His Disciples (Students, we still are students of Jesus Christ). Jesus lives today, he did not go back into that Tomb. He still lives today and still answers prayer. Jesus Christ is still -just one prayer away. We know that the best is still to come. 

We want to thank you for your best, for a little bit of something is better than 100%  of nothing at all. Thank you for the seed we are expecting 100 fold return, planting into fertile ground for Jesus. The best is still to come.


House of Visions here in Tanza, Cavite, the Philippines the heat index yesterday was 104F and we expect it to be over 3 digits again today. Thank you for what God inspires you to do.

Update #148- This is completely impossible

April 5th, 2024

Since the very beginning of this Missionary Outreach here in SouthEast Asia Tanza House of Visions, I have been honest with God our Father- Without your help this is completely impossible. We do not have the finances to do any of this without your help.

He continues to come through today- this is completely impossible withour his help. The finances are not nearly enough. But each month men and women of God, just like you have been faithfully providing Seed to plant in this work of God and Our Father has continued to multiply this sead. This continues to be completely impossible. Every single day, He provides the way to feed at least 36 Meals to hungry people, Some on far away islands such as Palawan and way to the south in Vasayas, Philippines. This past weekend two of our traveled to Isabella Philippines for a funeral. 

If you have been keeping up with the news, this very week a Magnitude Earthquake of 7.2 struck the Island Of Taiwan, one of our neighbors just barely to the north of the Philippines. Praise God has spared the republic of the Philippines. We continue to pray for those affected by this magnitude 7.2. Earthquake (lindoll as it is called  in the Philippines). As i Write the heat index outside is 104F very hot and the forecast, as this is not yet the rainy season is less than possible 5% in the overnight hours.

Thank God for his faithfulness and what He inspires you to invest in His kingdom as you know a little bit of something is greater than 100% of Nothing at all. Every year farmers around the world plant with no promise of the harvest to come. Thank you for planting into the Kingdom of God. we plant and our Father provides the harvest. Thank you Father to those who plant faithfully. We know that His best is still to come.

Remember when you give to the least of these, you give unto the Lord. He He repays all of his Debts. Thank God for your faithfulness, I know that He will remember you.

He sees, he notices and our God will repay.

Thank you for all that you do.


Update #147 Jesus is still moving today through his Disciples (students) in the Philippines

March 22nd, 2024

In the Gospel of John chapter so it is written and I quote-30 And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: 31 but these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.-I see no where in scripture that Jesus every crawled back into His grave, anytime, anywhere in History.

Jesus still lives today and He still has miracle working power. In the Philippines here at the House of Visions he has provided more than 13,000 meals to the hungry. as you have planted seed into the hands of his disciples as we allow Jesus to continue to do it. all. We refuse to take credit for what Jesus Continues today, for he still has miracle working power. Because you provide seed, Jesus multiplies and there is absolutely no way that we had the financial means to do this. As we continue to walk with Jesus more deeply into 2024. This is still competely impossible without His Help. There is no way that this is possible.

I believe that you as a seed planter know that Jesus is Alive and He continues to do miracles in the presence of his Disciples. Yes, that includes you. People should be reminded that Jesus Christ is not dead. He continues to live today, He still hears the prayers of His Children. We are asking God for the impossible for He is the only one who can do the impossible. We can not imitate what Only Our God can do. He still works through Jesus Christ His Son today as we walk more deeply into 2024. We are asking Him to help resurrect Visions that He has given to men and women of God. Some you may know, have been detoured, thrown off course, perhaps they have been wounded by people in the church. Remember that Joseph was thrown in the pit after he shared his dreams to his dad and by his siblings. We are asking God to help facilitate the God Provided Visions of Men and Women of God to lift Jesus So very High, that Jesus is easily idenfified. Jesus says that every eye shall see him (Revelation 1:7).

Google reports that 90% of the population of the world now has internet access. And we know how the internet can help us to preach Jesus to move people around the World. How much time do we have left to reach the last 10%. I do not know but in the meantime we still must feed the children, the poor, and the least of these my bretheren, for when we help the least of these our bretheren, we have done it unto Jesus?

Thank you for a little bit of something is better than 100% of nothing. Thank you for what you do. We thank you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, for without Him, we can do absolutely nothing. For this is really impossible with our Jesus.


Update #146 Miracles that He has done recently with the Seed you have planted.

March 16th, 2024

I want to testify, that I can not explain how our God did any of the miracles written in the BIble. I just know that he does it all. After talking to Thomas the Apostle, most famous for His need of proof of Jesus Resurrection . The Gospel of John reports that Many THings Jesus Continues to do in the presence of His Disciples. SInce Jesus lives today, We know that Jesus Continues until this very day to do signs and wonders in the presence of His Disciples. I am one of His Disciples and Since March of 1970, over the last 54 years I have seen Jesus do so many things in the presence of His Disiples, and I am just One of His disciples. God our Father works though Jesus Christ His Son and He does it all. 

Just this week I wanted to update, what I have seed God our Father complete through Jesus CHrist His son. This estimate is probably an underestimate. But just yesterday He supplied at least 36 Meals, to hungry People, Per day and helped provide at least 24 Showers (in the Hot weather of the Philippines showers are required at the end of the day to sleep with any comfort. 

For the year we have probably underestimated but He has provided (This is impossible for us, because We have never had the finances for this) This has all been through Faith in God Our Father, but He has done at least 13,204 Miracle Meals (We never had the finances for this, and this is if they do not want seconds). He has also provided at least 252 Showers, when we did not have the finances to do this, This continues to be Impossible.  and 12 places for people to sleep at night. We do not have enough beds, matts, or cushions.  We do not take credit for anything that Only God our Father, through Jesus Christ His Son, Has done.

This is not possible, Just like I can not explain exactly How God our Father raised Jesus on the Third day, He still lives today and still has miracle working power. He still inspires you to help with seed that we plant into children, some of whom have been orphans, Some who lost homes due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, some have been able to return to their educations and careers. and We continue to plant and allow God our Father to handle the increase, the harvest.

Thank you, we believe Jesus when he promised - Blessed are those who have not seen (Manifestations of His Promises) and still believe. He has given us the vision to help facilitate the God Provided Visions of men and women of God, who have somehow been wounded, find themselves on Detours, and somehow sidetracked,

We know that Jesus must stay in the center, He must always be the star of the show. and that when people begin to See God our Father resurrecting their Visions of the past, they will know that this is something that we can not manufacture, We can not make this up. They will know and recognize that This is the Hand of God Our Father, through Jesus Christ His Son, for only His hand can make this happen. Thank you for planting Seed. We believe that the best is still to come.

Thank you for planting seed. We want Jesus to continue to be the Star, and to lift Jesus Christ Higher and Higher.

Thank you for planting Seed, we pray over everysingle expenditure. We want Jesus to be Highly Glorified.  

Our Vision includes being so very transparent that It is much easier for People to See Jesus, instead of our own ambitions. We know that Jesus must increase and we must decrease. May Jesus Christ easily be identified. Thank you for what you plant, thank you for being who called has called you to be. 

Missionary Ambassadors Frank and Luz Williams - Southeast Asia- House of Visions Tanza, Cavite, Philippines.


Update #145 How does this world? Can i be Frank with you?

February 29th, 2024

Recenly in a private communication I did not know how to best explain that I keep confidential sources and information private. How do we accomplsih anything? It is always a miracle. I can not take credit for anything good that happens. We pray over every single expenditure, and so many times, I call on the Scripture= Trust in the Lord, with all of thine heart, Do not depend on you own understanding, In all of thine ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.

So many times, I still say Father God, this is absolutely impossible. I must be Frank with you and all who walk with us as we Walk with Jesus to do these things that are completely impossible. I pray every day, Father God I do not understand. How are we supposed to do this?

We use wisdom and self control over our expenditures, we pray about everything, for this is completly impossible. There is no way that we will take credit for anything Good that happens. Today, thank God we received money in the bank account that came from one of you. Thank God you heard from God and were inspired to help. This is completly impossible. There i absolutely no way that anyone reading this would want to trade places. 

We were inspired to change the name of Our house of Mission from the House of Refuge, to the House of Visions. because where there is no vision the people will perish, For when we teach about Jesus, we have to give them dreams and Visions so that the people will not perish. 

We feed hungry people first, We love and educate children. When we help a little child in the Name of Jesus, we are planting seed into fertile ground most likely to produce a 100 Fold Return. We want to place seed in the most fertile ground, most likely to produce a 100 fold return, a 100 fold crop. 

We pray over every single expenditure for a most probably 100 Fold return. We sometimes must decide between buying Gasoline, or feeding children, We are most likely to feed Children.

Sometimes we are helping on far away islands and far away provinces of the Philippines and somehow He still does miracles. I can not explain How he does it, any more than I can explain How He Rose again, on the Third day. I definitely do not know, how He does many things, I just know that somehow, today He is still Rolling Stones.

Thank you for your continued help as we walk into March of 2024. Somehow He is till Rolling Stones.

If you would like to plant seed in what we are doing in the authority of Jesus name, remember He is still doing everything. We do not take any credit for what He keeps doing.

If you would like to plant seed go to our crowd funding site GiveSendGo.com/frankluzWilliams thank you and we will see what God will do with the seed you are planting. Thank you very much.

Update #144 This is still impossible withour your help.

February 24th, 2024

This is my 2nd attempt. I messed up the first update. When you called me to do this, I correctly stated that without your help oh God, this is completely impossible. You have helped all of the way, but you are calling for more. I can not do this without your help.
As a child, I was able to play like a child, I could play in the backyards and playgrounds, but they are not as plentiful in the Philippines as in the United States. I want children to be able to play like children, but the play areas do not appear to be as safe as they were when I was a child. You teach the Golden Rule: to do for others as you would have them to do for you. So, with your help, this is our Goal. To be so transparent that the world can clearly see more of Jesus and Less of ourselves. 
You have helped us to feed many children, raised many in the nurture and admonistion of the Lord. But you have called us to try to do more, this is completely impossible without your help. I want to do more, I want to do better. Without your help this is 100% impossible. 
You have chosen me, and without your help, I can not do it. I need more help. A little bit of something is better than 100% of nothing. I want children to be able to safely play, like a child should be able to play, I want more children to be raised in the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord. I want more to expererience your love and your grace. For planting seed into children is 100 Fold return. I need more so that you can handle the harvest of 100Fold return as we plant in the fertile soil of Children.
Forgive me this is the 2nd attempt at the update. We ask for 100 Fold return as we plant into the fertile soil of Children, in Jesus Name. Bless the 100Fold seed planted into children. We want people to be able to see more of Jesus and less of our selves. This world desperately needs Jesus and the children of this world need Jesus to shine so brightly. We need to plant more of Jesus into the fertile soil of Children.

I need a little bit of Something instead of 100% of Nothing. We need more father, bless it in Jesus Name for 100Fold return of seed planted into children.


Update #143 Wisdom and self control with our expenses

February 20th, 2024


Update #142 2/11/2024 God continues to provide

February 11th, 2024

As we journey through February our Father God continues to do the impossible. We were able due to your Godly generosity able to feed hungry families on the island of Palawan, and we will keep the names in confidence, but as a young mother went into labor, we were able to feed others in the church, who had lack and Praise God we were able to supply food for Hungry Families. In the south of the Philippines a family in Vasayas was hungry, and our Father stretched your generosity and a hungry family in the south of the Philippines in Vasayas was provided with food when they were hungry.

When you see what God is doing it makes us want to run faster. But we must remember to walk with Jesus. Just think that when you get to heaven you will hear the Lord Jesus saying to you. “Then I, the King, shall say to those at my right, ‘Come, blessed of my Father, into the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you fed me; I was thirsty and you gave me water; I was a stranger and you invited me into your homes; 36 naked and you clothed me; sick and in prison, and you visited me.’

37 “Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Sir, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you anything to drink? 38 Or a stranger, and help you? Or naked, and clothe you? 39 When did we ever see you sick or in prison, and visit you?’

40 “And I, the King, will tell them, ‘When you did it to these my brothers, you were doing it to me!’ (Matthew 25:34- 40)

Thank you for your generosity for you are helping us to Feed the least of these my brethen, you were doing it to me). 

Remember a little bit of something is better than 100% of nothing.


Update #141 Update for 2/2/2024 God continues to move

February 2nd, 2024

When we started the House of Refuge, I told God the Father, "this is impossible". "This is too big for Luz and i to do this without your help. For this is impossible, without your help". We were honest at the Beginning and we are honest today in February 2, 2024. Without him moving upon people just like you, this is completely impossible. Without Him inspiring people just like you, He has continued to do the impossible every single month.
As we begin our journey into February 2024, it remains to be impossible and everything that has happened has been by the Help of Almighty God inspiring men and women of God, just like you. Our House of Refuge is much too small, there have been saturday nights when we have had as many as 20 people, we have had to make adjustments, pull out pads for which people used to sleep. The Lord Helps us to feed the hungry, allow time for showering, and getting dressed. Sending some of our very talented people to help lead in praise and Worship Services for churches throughout the Provinve of Cavite. You have helped us to feed hungry in churches in the Province of Palawan and way down to the south in Vasayas. You have helped us to help in many churches throughout the Philippines. We have been able to help those trying to complete studies for High School and College Classes. God our Father has helped us to take care or those who have been hungry, felt helpless, and just to help feed families needing assistance. You have helped us to helpJesus as recorded in Matthew 25;34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

Yes this is what you have helped us to do- to literally help Jesus. I will print the scripture so that you can see what your help has allowed us to do in Jesus Name.
Matthew 25::34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Thank you for your assistance of Our God is still doing miracles and you continue to play a very important part. You help to pay the bills- to others who might want to help please to to GiveSendGo.com/frankluzwilliams 

Update #140 Boasting as we keep important confiance.

January 21st, 2024

As Missionary Ambassadors we must maintain important confidence (secrets) and still boast on what God our Father continues to do even as you read this update. On the Lord's Day, you have given to us seed that we have invested in difrerent Provinces of the Philippines. Provinces in the Philippines is much like different states in North America. Your seed that you have invested. we have prayed over and the Lord has inpired us to plant your seed in more than one Province in the Philippines. That means you have helped us to provide food for the hungry who were going to bed and going to school each day with inadequate food for each day. We prayed and sent help, God is blessing. We have musicians and singers helping to praise God in churches that needed help in praise and Worship portions of their work. We continue to pray and intercede for men and Women of God on perhaps 7 continents in this world. There are some things where Intecessory Prayer is requested, appreciated and provided because The Holy Spirit directs us to do just that. The Bible tells us that Jesus sits at the Right Hand of God our Father where he intercedes (prays for the saints). If Jesus engages in prayer for the saints (People just like you) who are we, if we do not follow His example?

The seed you have shared is working today, We know that Our God wants us to facilitate (help) the resurrection of God Provided Vision and as they see the Visions of the past being Resurrected. they know that this has to be the Hand of God our Father. We do not have the knowledge or strings to pull, This must be the hand of God our Father. Reviewing we know that everything that we have witnessed here from the House of Refuge, has been due to the active Hand of God working for us. We have seen so much that He continues to do. We will never claim credit for what only God our Father could have done through Jesus Christ His Son. Jesus teaches that when we gather in his name in groups of two or three, I am there in the midst. We continue to see as He continues to keep his promises. Our goal is to be so transparent (See through) that it is much easier to see Jesus At work. and lifted so highly that it is really tough not to see Jesus at work. For we give Him all of the praise, and all of the glory, all of the honor, for Our God continues to do it all.

Some of you have been given God Provided Visions, and our Father inspires us to pray for you, Some of you have been wounded, detoured (knocked off course). We expect His God provided Visions to you , to be Resurrected by His Hand,His inspiration and that His best is till to come. His promises are written down. His word goes forth and will not return empty.

 Please read carefully from the Gospel of Mark chapter 12 41 And He sat down opposite the [temple] treasury, and began watching how the people were putting money into the [l]treasury. And many rich people were putting in [m]large sums. 42 A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which amount to a [n]mite. 43 Calling His disciples to Him, He said to them, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, this poor widow put in [proportionally] more than all the contributors to the treasury. 44 For they all contributed from their surplus, but she, from her poverty, put in all she had, all she had to live on.”

Please notice that Jesus sees how you give, and that even the Gift of the widow is noticed.

We remember a little bit of something is better than 100% of nothing.

Thank you for the seed you give, we pray for 100 fold return as we seek to plant in very fertile ground.


Update #139 update for 1/16/2024 To feed hungry people.

January 16th, 2024

As we walk with Jesus, I have to remind everyone that Jesus continues to do it all. He told us to feed the hungry, and to begin this compassionate boardging house, for those crushed by the worst economic period for the whole world, Hope seemed to vanish from the World. I said , But Father God, this is impossible, without your help. He responded back, "I will help you". I gladly report that He has kept his word, for He continues to do everything. According to Human knowledge this has been completely impossible. I can never explain how He has done things, even when it seemed more impossible than before, He has kept every promise.

Then I read in Matthew 18 many things, so I will just briefly share with you, what He has whispered. the more than can be done. and accoring to humans, this too is impossible, And I reminded Him without you this is completely impossible. He continues to assure me, I will help you. He plainly states in Matthew 18:5 Whoever receives and welcomes one [b]child like this in My name receives Me; We intend to do as much as He will allow to help as many children as possible. Jesus spoke that when ever two or three gathered together in my name 0 For where two or three are gathered in My name [meeting together as My followers], I am there among them.” So we want to be obedient and reach more for the little children to allow Children to be children and to feed the hungry children in smaller groups to make sure that quality ministry is provided to the children, including good breakfast and good meals. I can document that Jesus fed hungry people as part of his ministry, and since Jesus did this, who am I not to follow the promise of Jesus and provide quality food for people in groups of two or three, Good food, Good quality ministry., because Jesus has promised to be there and that is what the hopeless in this world needs is the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord said that you can provide high quality ministry because I will be there. In the Bible 3000 people were converted in just one day, and the Apostles continued to feed hungry people. We will continue to follow Jesus example in ministry, We want Jesus Results so we want to follow Jesus more closely and Let Jesus Continue to do even more as we walk with Jesus as closely as Possible in 2024. I have been praying and studying this more closely, be want more for Jesus in 2024. 

Thank you for being like a modern Barnabas, who also was known as Joseph "36 Now Joseph, a Levite and native of Cyprus, who was surnamed [g]Barnabas by the apostles (which translated means Son of Encouragement), 37 sold a field belonging to him and brought the money and set it at the apostles’ feet.
Barnabas is documented in the Book of Acts to be the one who went looking for the Apostle Paul after the revival broke out in Antioch. Barnabas had a great anointing that came from God. and so do you. If you do a search of the Scriptures using Barnabas in your concordence, scripture docoments that his role was very important and so is what you are helping to do.

Thank you for a little bit of Something is better than 100% of nothing. We pray over every single expenditure, as our desire is to be so transparent that it is easy to See Jesus lifted so high. We know that when we follow his Instructions to gather at least in groups of two or three, He will continue to be there to bless His name and Lift his name higher. Thank you for what you have done and as you are inspired by the Holy Spirit. I know that Jesus will repay.

Frank and Luz Williams

Tanza Cavite House of Refuge


Update #138 1/22/2024 God is moving

January 11th, 2024

We love what God is doing. We want to run faster, but we have learned that it is wise to Walk with Jesus and not run ahead of Him. He continues to do it all, and when we see how he has done it all, it inspires us to move faster.We must continue to walk with Jesus and do as He continues to teach us, because He does it all, we want to please him. He teaches us to reach out to children, and this we will continue to do where ever He allows us to have influence in Jesus Name- It is written Therefore, whoever [a]humbles himself like this child is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 Whoever receives and welcomes one [b]child like this in My name receives Me; 6 but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble and sin [by leading him away from My teaching], it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone [as large as one turned by a donkey] hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. Jesus teaching is very clear and easy to understand - 10 “See that you do not despise or think less of one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven [are in the presence of and] continually look upon the face of My Father who is in heaven. 11 [c][For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost.] I do not suppose I have to highlight what Jesus is teaching to make things more clear. We reach children here in Southeast Asia, The House of Refuge in Tanza, Cavite. We continue to allow children to act like children. Planting into the lives of children is planting in fertile ground and will have 100 Fold return, this is good, says Jesus Christ. So we plan to follow His teachings in every way, where ever He allows us to have influence in Jesus Name (With His blessings and Authority) for He has declared this. We follow his commands in ministry for it is written - 20 For where two or three are gathered in My name [meeting together as My followers], I am there among them.” We will not complicate his message, we will continue to walk as closely to His written Word and His promises and mix it with intercessory prayer.

This works well with Children, and allowing Children to act like Children. We work to hard to control the quality of the message to the children, even as they may act like children. We want the message to the children to be clear and easily understood.

I remember that children enjoy candy, if treated with the Love of Jesus, allowing the Children to act as children and mixing in the Love of Jesus, sometimes children will respond well to a little candy, and on birthdays, this can include ice cream mixed with cake. Remembe since we control the size to just two or three, it is much more affordable to feed hungry children.

We want to continue to plant into fertile ground, because the more fertile the ground the better the expected Harvest, and we are committed to helping Feed hungry Children.

Jesus often fed hungry people in His ministry, and since this is documented as how Jesus did this, who are we to suppose that we are smarter than Jesus (For all of the miracles we have seen here in the Philippines, is because Jesus does it all. We will not take credit for what Jesus continues to do.

We want to thank those who have given your very best to help us to reach the poor and those who struggle through the Out reach of the House of Refuge Tanza Cavite, Philippines for it is written - He raises the poor out of the dust

And lifts the needy from the ash heap- of you are facing depression sometimes your self image may make you think you livein the dust or that you live in the in the ash heap, but God has better plans for those who are Born Again, and you are called to better thing if you have been Born Again.

He has promised- Blessed [by God’s grace and compassion] is he who considers the helpless;

The Lord will save him in the day of trouble.


The Lord will protect him and keep him alive;

And he will be called blessed in the land;

You do not hand him over to the desire of his enemies.


The Lord will sustain and strengthen him on his sickbed;

In his illness, You will restore him to health.

Praise God for all He has done and will continue to do, remember a little bit of something is better than 100% of nothing. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Thank God for what he does through the faithful just like you.


Update #137 God does not lie

December 16th, 2023

Back in the 1970\s the preferred Bible Tranalation was the King James Version, but my extended family used the Catholic Latin Vulgate version. This made it tough for me to witiness to my catholic Friends, I had to recall verses from the King James and find the verses in their Catholic Version and hope they could understand. Then the Living Bible came out, it was billed as "Like reading the Newspaper" I loved this, I could witness more often and read the scriptures, there were like reading the newspaper, evan Billy Graham was using this BIble.Therefore even in 2023 I prefer using language that people will most easily understand. I like communicating and being understood, it words real well here in Southeast Asia, House of Refuge Tanza, Cavite, Philippines.

I want people to more easily understand the good news Matthew 25- “Then I, the King, shall say to those at my right, ‘Come, blessed of my Father, into the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you fed me; I was thirsty and you gave me water; I was a stranger and you invited me into your homes; 36 naked and you clothed me; sick and in prison, and you visited me.’

37 “Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Sir, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you anything to drink? 38 Or a stranger, and help you? Or naked, and clothe you? 39 When did we ever see you sick or in prison, and visit you?’

40 “And I, the King, will tell them, ‘When you did it to these my brothers, you were doing it to me!’ 41 Then I will turn to those on my left and say, ‘Away with you, you cursed ones, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his demons. 42 For I was hungry and you wouldn’t feed me; thirsty, and you wouldn’t give me anything to drink; 43 a stranger, and you refused me hospitality; naked, and you wouldn’t clothe me; sick, and in prison, and you didn’t visit me.’

44 “Then they will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and not help you?’

45 “And I will answer, ‘When you refused to help the least of these my brothers, you were refusing help to me.’

Then I became aware that some are more like the Apostle's who have walked and talked with the Lord for a longer period of time, They will recognize good news when they hear it.this is documented in the Living Bible in Luke chapter 24.8 Then they remembered 9 and rushed back to Jerusalem[b] to tell his eleven disciples—12 However, Peter ran to the tomb to look. Stooping, he peered in and saw the empty linen wrappings; and then he went back home again, wondering what had happened.and everyone else—what had happened. 10 (The women who went to the tomb were Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Mary the mother of James, and several others.) 11 But the story sounded like a fairy tale to the men—they didn’t believe it.

I then realized that those who had spent the greatest amount of time walking, eating and learning from Jesus did not believe the good news. Is this even possible in 2023 as we head into 2024?

I want to thank all who have done a little bit of something instead of 100% of nothing. I thank God that as Good news is coming you have done your best with a Little bit of Something instead of 100% of nothing.
Thank you as your faith continues with a little bit of something instead of 100% of Nothing. You help us to do for the little ones who believe in me, Jesus certainly notices and we thank Him for those who help us with the LIttle Ones that Believe in you, for you are doing it for Jesus. He does everything and continues to do miracles as we walk into 2024 together for Jesus Christ. Thank you in advance.

Update #136 It has to be the Hand of God

December 9th, 2023

Since the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic, I have told the Father, this is absolutely impossible without your help. We must have your help because this is not possible. Well contininurally He has continuted to do the impostle. He continues to help us to feed hungry people. Jesus often feeds the hungry in the Bible and he moves upon Men and women of God to help feed hungry people.
Jesus fed the 5000 men, not counting the women and children, he moved upon the Apostles to feed the hungry people in Jerusalem, they gathered every single day in the temple and the apostles continued to follow Jesus and fed everyone of them.  The Bible says in Acts 2:41 So then, those who accepted his message were baptized; and on that day about [h]3,000 souls were added [to the body of believers]. 42 They were continually and faithfully devoting themselves to the instruction of the apostles, and to fellowship, to [i]eating meals together and to prayers.

43 A sense of awe was felt by [j]everyone, and many wonders and signs (attesting miracles) were taking place through the apostles. 44 And all those who had believed [in Jesus as Savior] [k]were together and had all things in common [considering their possessions to belong to the group as a whole]. 45 And they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing the proceeds with all [the other believers], as anyone had need. * Food was not free, so they began to organize to work in one mind and one accord, People did what they could to continue to help to chand the world. for JESUS. and many of you today continue to give a little bit of something instead of 100% of Nothing. 
He continues to use many of you to do your very best of a little bit today. Remember when you help those, one of these the least of my brothers, you do it unto me. It is written these are the Teachings of Jesus. He still lives today and He still has miracle working power. Thank you in advance


Update #135 The Lord put on my heart to begin to pray for Every God Provided Dream of the past 53 years

November 29th, 2023

I was Born Again in March of 1970 at the Evangel Tabernacle in Louisville, Kentucky. I have known of many God provided dreams to many men and women of God, many were detoured and some have been forgotten due to circumstances unexpected. We are dedicated to helping to facilitate the God Provided Visions of men and women of God of the last 53 years. People such as Terah (The Father of Abraham, Abram) was given the promise of Canaan and on his way things happened, he had a son (Haran) who died, and Terah was detoured from his destination and got delayed, and he died in the place where he was detoured. Men and women of God may have your goals, but things happen in life, and you get detoured. Some who get detoured are never able to return to the path of their destination. We are praying for every single God Provided Vision going back to the time when they were Born Again. 

We pray for every single sincere prayer and every single prayer that you have lifted to the Lord. There are some things that only our Father in Heaven can do. A move of God can not be manufactured, can not be imitated or manipulated. Every Thing that God has done here in the Philippines, is His Work, He has done it all. We do not take credit for anything that He has done. Many have been Born Again, we work with Pastors in multiple provinces and islands of the Philippines. What He has done we give Him 100% or the honor and the praise, We trust Him to do even more. 

Our Vision is to be so transparent that it is easy to see we are promoting the Kingdom of Heaven, The Kingdom of Daddy God in heaven, where you must be Born Again. The Apostle Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:17-17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ [that is, grafted in, joined to Him by faith in Him as Savior], he is a new creature [reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit]; the old things [the previous moral and spiritual condition] have passed away. Behold, new things have come [because spiritual awakening brings a new life]. 

If you want eternity in the Kingdom of God (Our Father) you must abide by His Rules, in His Kingdom - So we teach his written constitution (the Bible) and many have been Born Again. Our goal is to teach many children that they can be, and must be Born Again.

When I arrived my goal was to do cruscades for Jesus, and the covid 19 pandmic begain and devastated the economy of the Philippines. People all around us, were losing homes, careers, education, their futures, losing hope. The Lord led us to begin our House of Refuge Mission House, I said Father God this is impossible, how are we supposed to help so many people, we can not do this without you be directly involved. Many times we have as many as 17 people sleeping on the Floor, God has allowed us to feed them, take care of hygenic needs, helping them with homework and accomplishing the pursuit of their Education, we know that His best is still to come.

We continue to pray for the God Provided Visions of those in your country too. If God will do it for us, He is more than willing to do it for you. So we are praying for His promise given in Acts 2‘And it shall be in the last days,’ says God,

‘That I will pour out My Spirit upon all mankind;

And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,

And your young men shall see [divinely prompted] visions,

And your old men shall dream [divinely prompted] dreams;


Even on My bond-servants, both men and women,

I will in those days pour out My Spirit

And they shall prophesy.


‘And I will bring about wonders in the sky above

And signs (attesting miracles) on the earth below,

Blood and fire and smoking vapor.


‘The sun shall be turned into darkness

And the moon into blood,

Before the great and glorious day of the Lord comes.


‘And it shall be that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord [invoking, adoring, and worshiping the Lord Jesus] shall be saved (rescued spiritually).’

I believe this God Provided vision is not just for Luz and I as Missionary Ambassadors of the Kingdom of Heaven. We believe that this promise is for everyone who believe that God's promises are for all who will hear Him speaking to you.

This is not easy to do, you must believe the written word of God. to Step out and take chances based upon His Word. We are praying for this Move of God to catch and overwhelm you too. We give Him all of Praise, all of the Honor, and all of the Glory for what He will continue to do.

Thank You to all of you, who partner and engage with us in intercessary Prayer. We want to know and to pray for the God Provided Visions he has given to you. With God as your partner, who knows what He is waiting to do (yes this means you too).

Thank you for when you give a little bit of something it is better than 100% of Nothing.

Lord bless this one, who reads and participates

Frank and Luz Williams Missionary Ambassadors of the Kingdom of Heaven

Southeast Asia, Tanza, Cavite, House of Refuge


Update #134- All day journey from Landmark, Tanza, Philippines to Calubas. Laguna, Philippines

November 20th, 2023

We awoke at 5am Philippine Standard time, showered and shaved did breakfast. The journey if by bus was 4 and one half hours one way, Our trip was necessarily a round trip. Fortunately the Lord, provided transportation by private automobile with the driver and the journey would take approximately  1 hour. This included cost of tolls, paying the driver and the cost of Gasoline. We enjoyed the presence of Jesus the whole trip. When we arrived in Calumbas, Laguna, we had to ask for directions from a tricycle driver (cab driver).

When everything began, our keyboard player began the praise and worship music, it became evident that The presence of Jesus was indeed there. He began to do things that can not be manufactured or imitated by Human beings. We prayed for every single home in the apartment Complex. Many people were voluntarily prayed for, we anointed them with oil, began climbing all of the steps for every floor of the building, May have been 5 levels (I should have counted, the apartments on each floor but I did not do that).

I say misty eyes as the Presence Of Jesus moved upon all for whom we prayed. When the eyes of people for whom you pray begin to fill up with evidence of Tears, it is an indication that they too can feel the presence of Jesus Christ. There is no substitution for the real Presence of Jesus Christ. We then journeyd to another complex, full of people for whom we prayed. Again the evidence was easily visible that they too felt the tangible, very real presence of Jesus Christ.

As we are Missionary Ambassadors, this is what we want for people for whom we pray to be able to feel the genuine presence of Jesus Christ. This is why we are here, to be so transparent that the Manifest Presence of Jesus Christ is more easily available for all with whom we share this good news- that you must and can be Born Again.

It was a very gratifying day, Jesus Presence was so real, it touched real lives and real hearts. Thank you for all of you, who help us to represent the Kingdom of Heaven -where Jesus shares the Good News- that you must be Born Again- You can not enter, you can not enjoy, you can not dream of the Kingdom of Heaven, unless you have been Born Again.

Our God provided Vision is for every single God provided Vision to manifest for the past 53 years (We began praying for every single God Provided Vision given to true men and women of God, from the time I was Born Again until the present Day. I serve a Great Big Awesome God and He inspires a Great BIg Awesome Vision. We also pray for every single God Provided Vision that he has put in your heart from the Time that You too were Born Again. 

We praise Him in advance for everything that only He can bring to pass. You can not manufacture or imitate the real Presence of Jesus Christ. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Thank you for doing a little bit of something and not  100% of nothing. Thank you in advance. We know that when He begins to move for you, you will recognize that He is beginning to answer prayers that only you will recognize. We serve the Living God and He still in the business of answering Prayer.


Update #133 Update of November 2023

November 12th, 2023

I was Born Again in march of 1970 and I have wintessed the Miracle Working Power of Jesus Christ multiple times in the past 53 years. Jesus does it all, He did it all. He deserves fll of the Honor and the Glory for He continues to do it all.

In the past 53 years there have been so many God provided visions of many Godly men and women of God. and we pray for every single God Provided Vision of all God Inspired men and women of God. We pray for every single God provided Vision or every single God Inspired man and woman of God. Jesus is to be glorified, for With out Jesus we can do nothing. 

Our Vision is to help facilitate every single God Provided Vision of God. we want to help facilitate His God Provided Vision. We want to be so transparent that it is easy to see that our desire is for Jesus to recieive all of the Glory, Honor and Pray, for Jesus does it all. We want Jesus to be lifted So very High that one would have to tell God our Father that their eyes were closed so that they could not see Jesus Lifted so High. We pray for His Spirit to be poured out upon the earth like a tsumani upon the Whole World. We want Jesus to be lifted so very high, so that all possible can see Jesus lifted High.

We want every one to know that they can be Born Again. Jesus told Nichodemus- "3 Now there was a certain man among the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler (member of the Sanhedrin) among the Jews, 2 who came to Jesus at night and said to Him, “Rabbi (Teacher), we know [without any doubt] that You have come from God as a teacher; for no one can do these signs [these wonders, these attesting miracles] that You do unless God is with him.” 3 Jesus answered him, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless a person is born again [reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, sanctified], he cannot [ever] see and experience the kingdom of God.”

We wamt everyone to know about this good news. We thank you for walking with us every step of the way. We welcome you to continue to lift Jesus Higher, that is our God Provided Vision. We want Jesus to be Gloriified as we continue to walk with Jesus together.

Thank you for doing your very best, from the Very Abundance of your hearts. May Jesus Be Glorified as we seek to lift Jesus Even Higher. Thank you in advance.

Missionary Ambassadors

Frank and Luz Williams - House of Refuge- Southeast Asia, tanza Cavite, the Philippines.

Update #132 What do you believe?

October 30th, 2023

Back in 1690 many scholars made agreements on how to interpret the Bible and along the way it was decided that some people are eternally deprived, these people it was decided have no chance to be Born Again, it was decided before they were Born. As  Missionary Ambassadors we Believe all scriptures were Given By Inspiration of God and that when the Holy Spirit moved upon the heart of the Apostle Paul and inspired Who so ever shall call (pray) upon the name of the Lord (messiah) shall be saved (Born Again). 

As missionary Ambassadors, we know that God wants everyone to have the opportunity to Be Born Again. Jesus told Nicodemus that Unless an individual is Born Again, they can never enjoy the Benefits of Eternity in the Kingdom of Heaven. Because we Believe the Holy Spirit wants everyone to have the opportunity to be Born Again. that we have to give them that option.

Instead of taking my word for it- I will place here what the Holy Spirit gave to the Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 10: For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in Him [whoever adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Him] will not be disappointed [in his expectations].” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Gentile; for the same Lord is Lord over all [of us], and [He is] abounding in riches (blessings) for all who call on Him [in faith and prayer]. 13 For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord [in prayer] will be saved.”

14 But how will people call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how will they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher (messenger)? 15 And how will they preach unless they are commissioned and sent [for that purpose]? Just as it is written and forever remains written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!”

There is much chaos, fear in the World right now, we want everyone  possible to have the chance to be Born Again. If you agree we need your help. A little bit of Something is better than 100% of Nothing.

Just do what you can do. Thank you for how you help "one of the least of these" for you to it for the Lord, or you do not do it for the Lord.

According to Jesus He will ask you. According to Matthew 25:34 “Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father [you favored of God, appointed to eternal salvation], inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; 36 I was naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me [with help and ministering care]; I was in prison, and you came to Me [ignoring personal danger].’ 37 Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink? 38 And when did we see You as a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? 39 And when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ 40 The King will answer and say to them, ‘I assure you and most solemnly say to you, to the extent that you did it for one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it for Me.’

41 “Then He will say to those on His left, ‘Leave Me, you cursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels (demons); 42 for I was hungry, and you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me nothing to drink; 43 I was a stranger, and you did not invite Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me [with help and ministering care].’ 44 Then they also [in their turn] will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or as a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister to You?’ 45 Then He will reply to them, ‘I assure you and most solemnly say to you, to the extent that you did not do it for one of the least of these [my followers], you did not do it for Me.’

According to the Bible Verses above Jesus will ask you, one day.

Remember a little bit of something is better than 100% of nothing at all. Just do what you can- Thank you in Jesus name.

Update #131-How quickly is the water temperature increasing on the Frog in the Pot?

October 27th, 2023


Update #130 The front of our campaign features an example of the Compassionate House of Refuge

October 2nd, 2023

The original goal was to engage in campaigns for Jesus that would lift Jesus so high, that it would be difficult not to see Jesus as we were promoting the Kingdom of Heaven and His way of Doing the Right thing. Then we were interrupted by the Covid 19 Pandemic, which struck the World, and seemed to throw Hope out of the equation, people lost every thing, their careers, Homes, Jobs, their educations their families. Children were encouraged to stay home, the elderly were told to stay home, and not to go shopping, the protocols were very strict, people were discouraged from Going to the House of God. People, unelected goverment officials were very scared and operated from great fear. The Holy Spirit spoke to my wife and I to adapt our Missionary Activity to make hope available through Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God, and Jesus command to Seek ye first the Kingdom of God (God's recommended way of Going things the right way) and all these things shall be added. This was to open the House of Refuge, or we call it the house of Refuge which has essentially been a compassionate Boarding House, we have a mix of people needing assistance, and I have told the Lord, Without Your help this is impossible. He kept assuring me- "I will help you:. He has kept his promises, I do not understand how he has done it, but every month, he has continued to do the impossible and make a way, where it did not seem possible.

Some are scholars, working on their classes, some are musicians and singers, music has often been practiced and offered to the Lord as praise and Worship. there has been much study of the Written Word of God, and prayer for all of the saints, (which has included prayer for many of you). This campaign features video that has been preserved to give you an example of How the Holy Spirit has used, tained many to use their talents to praise His name. We have been blessed to be able to help students in other communities, other islands, in difficult times. We remember Jesus Teaching on the "Golen Rule" Do unto others as you would have them to do unto you, and Jesus Instruction to "Love your neighbors as you would love yourself.

We are reminded by 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 that whatever we do, if we do not do it with Charity (compassionate) Love it accomplishes nothing. We are reminded by the Holy Spirit to treat everyone with Compassionate love. 

We have had the grandmother communicate with us about her grandson who was born Blind, and at nearly 5 years old she asked us to pray, for a Doctor, who wanted to attempt to give sight to her grandson, it seemed very medically challenging, she asked us to ask Jesus to get involved, and we here in Southeast Asia, the Philippines, began to pray for that little boy on the east coast of North America. The grandmother communicated that everything was successful and that her grandson who was born unable to see for nearly 5 Years,was now able to see.

We serve the Risen Savior, I was born again in March of 1970, in Louisville, Kentucky and since that time I have seen the evidence of the Risen Savior, I have seen the evidence in various cities in Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri, Tennessee, West Virginia, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, in Habana, Holquin, Santiago De Cuba, Camaquey, Las Tunas, Cuba. I have seen the evidence here in the Philippines, in mutliple cities. I have to report that Jesus has done all of the work, I claim absolutely no credit, for What Jesus Has done. He deserves all of the Praise, the Honor, The Glory for all that He has done.

He continues to life, and He still has miracle working Power. and he provides evidence every day around the World to those who are willing to acknowledge the Work that He is still doing. He continues to fulfill His God Provided Vision with Pro Vision, here in our House of Refuge, here in Tanza, Cuba, and do to His God Provided Vision, I know that He intends to do more. We must continue to walk with Jesus, practice the Golden Rule "Do unto others as we would want them to do unto us, to Love others as we would love ourselves. To do the right things, doing things His way. to practice Ministry promoting the Kingdom of Heaven, doing things His way, of doing the right things so that we are so transparent that Jesus is easily identified and gets all of the Praise the Honor, and The Glory. to Insist as much as possible to make sure that Jesus Christ is Gloried.

We serve the Awesome, Mighty God, and He has given us these Gig Awesome Dreams- we thank those of you who have been Born Again, the Only way to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and those who have been God Inspired to help promote this Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven. We believe that his best is still to come. Thank you for those who help to serve these, the least of my brethern, for Jesus teaches that when you do, you do it unto Me. Thank you for sharing a Little bit of what God inspires you to do, instead of 100% of nothings. Because the Little Becomes much when you trust it into the Master's Hands.


Update #129 He is Still the Miracle Working, Promise keeping, Light in the Darkness, He is our God, that is who He is.

September 27th, 2023

The Holy Spirit has revealed that  some of you have had financial difficulty, and you are faithful in your support for this God Provided Vision for Providing for this Vision. Even when you have had financial Troubles. Our God has somehow continued to provide even when you were experiencing financial troubles. He knew the thoughts and the Intentions of your heart. Jesus Does all of the Work, He continues to Spead to People who love this God Given Vision with Pro-Vision. Help for this God Provided Vision. Remember when you help one of these "The least of these my bretheren, You have done it unto me" 

I can not tell you exactly how he does it, but Jesus Christ has continued to do His work. All of this is His Credit, His Work, We give Him all of the Praise, Honor, and Glory. Jesus does it all. He is still the Miracle Working, Promise Keeping, Light in the darkness- He is still my God- that is who He is.

We are inspired to want to run faster. But we want to be So Transparent that is is easy to See Jesus lifted High, He continues to do it all. He does all of the Work, He has always provided, Sometimes He inspires you to Help Him, and this month He helped when you were going through your financial Hard times.

We are committed to following the Golden Rule- Do unto others as you would have them to do unto you and to Love Our Neighbors as we love ourselves.

Our House of Refuge is packed to capacity, many saturday nights we feed as many as 16 Scholars, Spiritual Orpans and We want each one to Know that they are Seen, Loved, and Treated as we ourselves would want to be treated. All of our Sleeping mats are occupied, Every one is fed, They have proper hygiene, and sleep safely, undistrubed. We want everyone who comes, are noticed, Appreciated, Loved, Treated as Jesus Teaches. Jesus teaches to do unto others as we would want others to do unto Us. We want to apply His word, His way to our personal lives and Ministry here at the House of Refuge (our Mission House).
 Jesus teaches that those of you, who hear my word, and does them (applies them to our personal lives, and Ministries) are like the Wise who builld upon Solid Rock. When the Storms of Life come (and they will come) those built upon the solid rock (The teachings of Jesus) will stand because they are built upon the Firm Foundation (teachings and methods of Jesus Christ). This is how you are helping us at this House of Refuge.

Thank you for your faithfulness for when you do your best, Jesus promises just like you do for these "the least of these my Brethren, You do it unto Me (Doing it for Jesus).

Thank you for your faithfulness in giving to this Work for the Lord Jesus Christ. For Jesus will repay, He is a debtor to none. When you give to the Lord, you lend to the Lord.

Thank you again for your very best. Only what you can do, a little bit of something is better than 100% of nothing.

Missionary Ambassadors
Frank and Luz Williams - House of Refuge
Tanza, Philippines.


To Clarify our Vision

September 22nd, 2023

Our purpose is to lift up Jesus and to conduct campaigns for Jesus to life up Jesus More clearly. Along the way the Covid 19 pandemic interrupted our plans. I heard the Lord say adjust the campaign to lift Jesus up higher to social ministry. We want to be so transparent that the World can see more of Jesus Christ and less of our ministerial Ambitions. We want people to see more of Jesus and less of our own ambitions. When the Lord spoke to us to begin the House of Refuge (Mission House) it was to meet real needs of real people in the Philippines., Every weekend we probably have at least 16 people coming to eat, sleep, practice music and to be better prepared so help in local churches, mission houses. These are people who are scholars, musicians, young people completing their education.
Our house of Refuge is at full capacity, all of the matts (used for sleeping because we do not have enough beds) are completely full. People come, eat, sleep, shower and rest and the Lord has done all of the work, using many of you to help pay the bills. Jesus has inspired you to help to pay all of the bills, that includes Food, Internet, and Electicity needed to keep the air conditioning working. Jesus Christ is doing all of the Work, all of the miracles. I do not know exactly how He does it, but He gets all of the Honor, Glory, and Praise he is doing all of the Work.
I believe you should know that we make the effort to be very transparent so that you know that we pray over every single expenditure (including my cell phone) which needs a connection to my US Sim Card to use if more effeciently to reduce costs to lift Jesus Higher.
 We see the evidence that We serve the Living God. We are inspired and we want to run more quickly, but We are committed to remaining in the Center of His will. He continues to give us Vision to serve Him better. To do more to lift Jesus Higher. But the Holy Spirit said that He will continue to support the Vision that He has provided.

Thank you for assisting us. We want to fulfill 100% of the vision He has provided, may his Angels speak to those who also share this same Vision. your help is needed and appreciated. With His Help we want to move more quickly to lift Jesus Higher and Higher, not just in Southeast Asia, the Philippines but where ever He allows. We want Jesus To Shine more brightly for He is the Only Hope for this lost and dying World.

Missionary Pastors Frank and Luz Williams

Southeast Asia, the House of Refuge Tanza, Philippines.

Update #127 Jesus continues to bless our House of Refuge by doing the impossible

September 18th, 2023

When we arrived in the Philippines, our plan was to lift Jesus Higher in Campaigns for Jesus. The Lord blessed our efforts to lift up His name, then suddenly the Covid 19 Pandemic struck. It had devestating effects on lives and finances all around the World. The Lord spoke to us to open our Mission House (House of Refuge) and I said Lord God, How are we supposed to do this? This is financially impossible to do what you have asked us to do. Our mission house was too small and somehow he continued to help us to do the financially Impossible. We began to minister to our neighbors near by we started ministering to children. Then in the middle of the pandemic we had to move to a larger Mission house, More expensive too. And once again, I said Jesus How are we supposed to do this? he continued to help and we added social media missionary efforts. The ministry continued to grow. I said Lord how are we supposed to pay for this? He continued to work out ways that I could not understand. He continued to make a way that looked impossible. we now have more scholars who want to come to our House of Refuge. and We have to remind the Lord, we will do as you ask us to do. We want to Practice the Golden Rule - Do unto others as we would want them to do for us. and to love our neighbors as I love myself. We want to have show mercy to recieve mercy. We want to be so transparent for Jesus Christ so that Jesus is easily seen, and our own personal Ministerial Ambition is 2nd to Continuing to Lift up the Name of Jesus so that all the world can see Jesus first.
So how Jesus keeps making a way, paying bills somehow, making a way to do what seems to be impossible. We want to do more, we are inspired to want to run more quickly, but we must continue to walk with Jesus and not make assumptions for Him. We want to remain in Jesus Perfect will. 
I have been Born Again since march of 1970 and in the past 53 approximate years. I have witnessed Jesus do some many things that I can not explain, that I can not take any of the credit for what He continues to do. 

Isaiah 1:19 promises If ye be willing and obedient, And we want to be willing and obedient in reaching people with the Good news of Jesus Christ. We enjoy blessing people with the good news of Jesus Christ. we are both Willing and obedient. Thank you for all of those who want to claim these promises too. God's promises are true. We want to thank you for all who give their very best. Jesus does all the work, He gets all of the Honor, The Glory, all of the Praise. This is 100% his work.  He promised in Matthew 2535 for I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: 36 , and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. 37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? 38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or , and clothed thee? 39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? 40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. I believe that Jesus keeps His promises. Thank you for your very best in advance.

Missionaries Frank and Luz Williams

House of Refuge

Southeast Asia, Tanza Philippines.

Update #126 I can not explain how He does it but He is doing it again.

September 13th, 2023

I can not explain How Jesus was able to walk on water or rise after 3 days. I just know that I serve A risen Savior, I was born again in March of 1970 and I can boast that I have seen Jesus do so many things, I can not explain how He did it but He has done it so many times. Here in the Philippines the goal was simply to lift Jesus Higher in campaigns for Jesus, and During the Covid Pandemic he told us to open the Mission House, we now fall it our House of Rufuge. He continues to do the impossible and pay the bills financially and He is the One who does it. We do not take any of the Credit for His Work. Jesus has done it all. Many saturday nights we have over 15 eating, sleeping, taking care of their hygeine.  He has done it all. Some are scholars completing course work toward their College and University School. Many depart on Sunday mornings to take care of Praise and Worship services for fine pastors, who lack singers and musicians.  The Lord Jesus Christ continues to do the financially impossible. We still have challenges we must face between now and November. I can not explain how He is doing it, but somehow He is doing something, Praise God from whom all blessings Flow. Thank you for being a part of what He is doing in the Name of Jesus Christ His Son. To Jesus Christ we give all of the praise, the honor, the Glory, I must give Him all of the Praise, Honor, and Glory. Thank you for listening to His voice and doing your very best. This is exactly what you have done for Jesus Christ in His name through our House or Refuge -  Matthew 25:34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: 35 for I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: 36 , and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. 37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? 38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or , and clothed thee? 39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? 40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. 

Update #125 Praise God, His House of Refuge thrives because of the Miracles he provides

August 26th, 2023

When the Covid 19 Pandemic hit here in the Philippines, the Lord instructed us to turn our Mission House into a House of Refuge. We literally had young people impacted by the quarantines and protocols, who had lost their jobs, their careers, their place to eat, sleep, shower and the ability to earn money to pay their bills. The request was more or less, that we would adopt them. So, in effect, that is what they did. There have been many saturday nights when we have had as many as 15 at our House of Refuge, eating, sleeping, taking showers, and the House of Refuge, with people such as you, shouldering the bills. This required Miracle Working Power from Jesus Our Redeemer. There was no way for us to be able to meet these financial needs. This is your House oh Lord, we must have your miracle working power, flowing through GiveSendGo to help us Oh Lord. Jesus keeps touching us by providing sometimes without the assistance of GiveSend Go. We are thankful no matter what source Jesus uses to meet the needs. It appears as if the House of Refuge will have to double in size, because we are often packed. People sleeping on the floors, on rubber mats at night. They have to eat, shower, the men need to shave, just like you do every day. We have to feed hungry people. Many of our scholars are also musicians. They have provided Praise and Worship to the neighborhood of the House of Refuge and other churches throughout the provice of Cavite, Philippines. We have inquiries from scholars as far away as the Island of Palawan, to be able to catch an airplane to come to our House of Refuge. Yesterday as I informed the Land Lord of our need to double in capacity, he literally cried.

Some of these decisions will need to occur in just a few days. We have to step out by Faith (It is definitely by Faith). We must feed these hungry musicians and scholars, we must buy food, pay the electricity the, Internet, water bill all of these responsibilities and bills you pay where you live right now. Each month our Jesus has been doing financial miracles and more to keep this House of Refuge active and operation.

Recently we prayed for a little boy born blind in north America 5 years ago, We prayed recently, the grandmother requested for Jesus to get involved in the situation, She emailed us, stating that every thing was a success and her grandson (nearly 5 years old) was now able to see. Yes, Jesus touched the eyes of a blind little boy in North Carolina North America, and that little boy can now see. This is the God that we serve, this is His House of Refuge. how can I now tell him "God this is too big". Thank you for your on going prayer, supplication and financial support. Jesus continues to do Miracles for the Benefit of Children of God seeking refuge, here in the Philippines. Our God is Awesome. 

You are one that Our God has chosen as one of the most important parts, He uses you to help to pay the bills. You are one of the most important in this missionary Ministry. Thank you for Giving to the Lord. I see many people who have been rescued because you have given. Thank you for your continued help in advance. We have to buy more toilet paper and food. Thank you again, for giving to the Work of God here for the House of Refuge here in Tanza, Cavite, Philippines.

Update #124 The God of Miracles

August 23rd, 2023

I can not explain any of the supernatural works of God, but He continues to do them. I was not planning to begin a mission house during the Covid 19 Quarentines. I heard his voice and said."God this is financially impossible.: And even though I was telling him what I thought, he somehow continued to do the miraculous, He supplied those who were hungry, those who lives were interrupted by the Covid restrictions and Protocols, those who no longer had anywhere to live, to shower, to sleep, to eat. Somehow Jesus Continued to provide even when it was Financially impossible. He continues to supply the need, I can not explain how he continues to do it. He continues to talk to Children of God like you to continue to do what seems to be impossible, and He multiplies every single dime, as we pray over every single expenditure. We are inspired by what We have seen him do, and we want to run more quickly. We do not want to be guilty of Assuming God into responsibilities, we want always to remain in the center of His will. Our Payer is that He will help us to stay so Transparent that people can see more of Him and less of ourselves. We want people to see Jesus lifted High. We are not smart enough, so we do not want to take credit for anything that He has done. We continue to want to see Jesus lifted high. We want to stay so transparent that people can see that our desire is to be so clearly transparent that they see this is His Work, and not ours. For without Jesus we can do nothing. Every day here in the Mission House we worship daily and have our many times of Intercessory Prayer and Supplication where we engage in Supplication for all of the saints in agreement with Ephesians 6;18. Signs seem to be indicating that this Mission House will possibly turn into more of a House of Refuge. Not that we are actively looking, but waiting for Him to send those who need to be here in His House of Refuge. For He is the one paying all of the bills. How can we not help those that He sends? We thank you for being faithful and doing what He tells you to do. Thank you in advance for doing as He whispers into your ears. We engage in intercessory Prayer and Supplication every day for you. May his Supernatural Hand continue to rest upon you and to bless you and your family, with supernatural guidance. For without Jesus, we can do nothing. Thank you for your very best today, and To God be all of the Honor and the Glory in advance.

Missionary Pastors Frank and Luz Williams. 

Update #122 for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: Romans 8:26

August 10th, 2023

 As I sit hear praying with the Temperature of 89 F and the heat index of 104 F, I promise is it very hot and we pray over every single expenditure, for we want to please God with integrity and respect, to be so transparent that people under stand, this must be the work of God, Frank is not smart enough to do this on his own. It must be the hand of God.

We have people in other provinces that have expressed desire to work with us here in the Mission House, that requires prayer, because we are pleased that God is blessing, but we do not want to get ahead of Christ, but remain in the center of His will. We see evidence that our God is about to "move mightily", but we do not want to be guilty of Assuming, but to wait for His Confirmation, To God be the Glory for everything He is doing. We want to boast in Christ, we must wait to be in the center of His will. When you see the evidence of What He continues to do what inspires us to run faster. But we must wait upon him and not run too quickly. We thank all of you  for your intercessory Prayers and Supplication, One sign that we are doing Has his blessings upon it. A two year old says- I want to go to the Mission House, of our Big Big Daddy God. As David once wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Chost.Psalm 84:2   My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the Lord:" Our desire is that all of the Children of God will long and faint for the courts of the Lord. 

Thank you for your intercessory Prayers and Supplication, I can assure you those prayers are mutual in your favor. Thank You Father. -Praise God from whom all blessings flow.!  GiveSendGo.com/frankluzwilliams.

my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God.

Update #122 for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: Romans 8:26

August 10th, 2023

 As I sit hear praying with the Temperature of 89 F and the heat index of 104 F, I promise is it very hot and we pray over every single expenditure, for we want to please God with integrity and respect, to be so transparent that people under stand, this must be the work of God, Frank is not smart enough to do this on his own. It must be the hand of God.

We have people in other provinces that have expressed desire to work with us here in the Mission House, that requires prayer, because we are pleased that God is blessing, but we do not want to get ahead of Christ, but remain in the center of His will. We see evidence that our God is about to "move mightily", but we do not want to be guilty of Assuming, but to wait for His Confirmation, To God be the Glory for everything He is doing. We want to boast in Christ, we must wait to be in the center of His will. When you see the evidence of What He continues to do what inspires us to run faster. But we must wait upon him and not run too quickly. We thank all of you  for your intercessory Prayers and Supplication, One sign that we are doing Has his blessings upon it. A two year old says- I want to go to the Mission House, of our Big Big Daddy God. As David once wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Chost.Psalm 84:2   My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the Lord:" Our desire is that all of the Children of God will long and faint for the courts of the Lord. 

Thank you for your intercessory Prayers and Supplication, I can assure you those prayers are mutual in your favor. Thank You Father. -Praise God from whom all blessings flow.!  GiveSendGo.com/frankluzwilliams.

my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God.

Update #121 I can't ever explain any of the miracles that Jesus still does today.

August 1st, 2023

Romans 10:9 the Apostle Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost tells us directions for those who have been Born Again.- ...That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus , and shall believe in thine heart that  that God (our Father) hath raised him from the dead (I serve the risen Savior), thou shalt be saved. Too me that is saying that we who have been Born Again should have something to boast about.

I have been serving Jesus since March of 1970, when I was Born Again, and down through the years I have so much to boast about, when I have seen the evidence of What he has done, so many times, I have much to boast about. But, I can never begin to explain How he did it. No way for me to explain how and what He has done. So many miracles so many changed lives. Hope shining in dark places. I can not explain any of the miracles in the BIble, or anything I have experienced in this life.

That includes what I have seen on the Mission Fields, like somehow being transported into the book of Acts. He is the one who does it all, I have to boast on what I have personally seen. So many times He has done what has been financially impossible. A grandmother in North America asks for prayer for her grandson who was born blind. We agree to ask the Lord to answer the need of that little boy born blind. I asked my wife to check on the grandson, and the grandmother informs my wife, that something is happening, and ask that we ask Jesus to do His part. We agree in prayer and check with the grandmother and she responds that her grandon can now see. Thank God we serve the Risen Savior, who still lives today. He is no longer on that cross, nor tied to the necklass of that bracelet in your pocket or in your purse, He lives today. He still gives sight to little boys born blind. I repeat he still gives sight to little boys born Blind, touching people in north america when We ask from the Philippines, the little boy now is able to see in 2023. Our God still answers prayer in 2023. I can not explain how He does it, I trust Jesus by Faith. 

Here in the Philippines, we see Jesus Change hearts and Lives, we do not want to give up on anyone, asking God to have mercy upon those that appear to have no hope. The God we serve still does miracles. It is time that we remember the teaching of Jesus and apply it to our personal lives. Do unto Others as you would have them to unto you (Known as the Golden Rule). To treat our neighbors as we would treat ourselves. To have mercy as he teaches in the Lord's Prayer. Forgive others as we forgive others who have sinned against us. To have mercy on people by faith as much as possible (We ask him to help us to forgive people (By faith). We must be honest with God.

We those in the Philippines facing what seems to have no answers. but We must pray and give it over to Jesus. We engage in intercessory and supplication every day here at the mission house, we include you too by faith. For all the Saints as instructed by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 6:18.

Thank you for helping us, we include you too in our times of intercessory prayer and supplication. I believe that His very best is still to come, for us and for you too. Thank you Father God in advance.

Missionary Pastors Frank and Luz Williams

Tanza, Philippines.GiveSendgo.com/frankluzwilliams

Update #120 Our God continues to do Miracles

July 22nd, 2023

Circumstances led us to believe that we would be required to move to a new mission house. After much prayer, the owner of the Mission House, requested that we not move and to remain in the Mission House. Our prayer was that if He did not want us to move that the owner would request that we not move and make repairs to make the mission house more livable. God answered our prayers and the owner requested that we remain in the current mission house. God continues to bless the ministries we continue to pray and engage in supplication, and His blessings continue and the Work of Jesus Continues. The Lord allows us to help people in far flung locations in the Philippines. We pray over every single expenditure and pray over each child, each family. Watching as Jesus Changes lives, we have invested in scholars throughout the Philippines and faithfully pray for each and ever student. Some are close enough where they can eat, sleep, and shower in our mission house, others are on islands, where they are under the care of people we trust to help take care of their needs. We are determined to continue to walk with Jesus, we are inspired to run faster, but we must continue to walk with Jesus to be in the center of His will. We do not want to run ahead, we must wait for His perfect Timing, even when we want to run, we must walk in the Center of His will. Thank you for your faithfulness, we want to honor Jesus in all that we say and all that we do to make sure that He gets all of the Honor and the Glory. We believe that His best is still to come. Thank you for your faithfulness. To God be all of the honor and The glory.

Update #119 Praise God from whom all blessings Flow.

July 12th, 2023

I must brag on Jesus at this time. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. When I look at what He is doing it makes me want to weep with Joy, and I love to brag about what Jesus is doing. We serve the Living Savior, He is in the world today. I heard the Lord whisper to me to Google the top 5 Concerns of teens in the Philippines. The results gave me a list of 10 things and not just 5. Number 1, was depression. Depression over comes many who do not see a pathway for their futures. They can identify zero hope, no path in to the future. That also makes me weep, but not with Joy. I try as a Missionary to see, with the eyes of Jesus, to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I think of our Awesome Savior, who Lives within My heart. We who know Him must be prepared to tell people our own stories of what Jesus Christ has done for us, Especially if we tell People that we Know the Risen Savior. We must tell people what Jesus has done for each and everyone. So that they too will want to serve the God that you serve.What do we have to praise Him for? Psalm 113:6 Should remind us what we have to brag about - Who is like unto the Lord our God,

who dwelleth on high,

6 who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth!

7 He raiseth up the poor out of the dust,

and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill;

That inspires me to want to run faster, to do even more. We must remain in the center of His Will. to Walk with Him and not to get ahead of Him. But on the inside, I want to run faster. Thank God for people like you who hear the Lord whisper to them, who help us to brag about Jesus. When you hear the stories of those with whom we Labor for the Lord it will make you want to weep with Joy that you know the Risen Savior, that You know Him and talk to Him. We due to your assistance are helping us to help many scholors in different areas of the Philippines. Praise God that some of the scholars live with us here in the Mission House. One grandmother on the east coast of North America asked for prayer her grandson was born blind. I responded that we would pray that God would provide help for the Little Boy to be able to see. I asked my wife to check on the Little Boy. God wasproviding a way, and she asked for Prayer that Jesus would help the doctors. We began to pray and after two weeks. I asked my wife to check with the Progress of her grandson. The grandmother reported that her grandson could now see, Jesus heard our prayers here in the Philippines and touched the Little Boy on the east coast of North America and the little Boy was now able to see. Praise God, we serve the Living Savior, inspires you to want to run faster. We thank God for those like you who do their very best. Thank You Father God for people just like you.
 Due to necessity we must relocate our mission house to an area, where it is more heavily conjested and the rent is higher. I want our Light and Love for Jesus to shine greater. we want to serve Him with Honor and Glory in everything we do. To Glorify the Living Savior. He is worthy to be praised. I am inspired to run faster. In the land once identified by King David of Israel as Ophir in Plsalm 45:9 it is reported by the Weatherchannel.com to be at 101 F at 10:00am Philippine Standard time. Please pray and make intercession with us as we mutually pray and make intercession for you too. Praise God from Whom all blessings Flow.

Update #118-CALL UNTO me, And I will answer thee, and whow you great and mighty things.Jeremiah 29;12

June 20th, 2023

As missionaries we tell the people that we serve a supernatural God, who can hear our prayers, and we teach and preach His Word, for he has answered our Prayers, so we share our testimonies and try to be World Changer's for Christ. Sometimes God has the solution in Believers half the world away. Yes, sometimes God has given the solution to people half the world away, but they do not know about the need, when God has given to you the answer. So I must reach out to you. Sometimes you have the answers that you can share with Missionaries so that we can show that God sometimes will speak to people half the  way around the world to give the answers to their Prayers. I had many experiences before I came to the Philippines, and I know he gives the answers to people in other locations of the World. My presence here is to be a world changer, for Jesus Christ. I have many allies like you, who help us to be World Changers for Christ too. We need the answers that he sometimes will share to you. Many children here, very rarely eat breakfast, but God has blessed many of you with the opportnity to eat Kellogg's Frosted Flakes in the mornings, sometimes your children. As missionaries we not only want to improve their Spiritual lives, but we want to improve their quality of their children's Lives, through Hanitarian Projects, God has called us not just to improve their Spiritual Lives, but God has also called us to help make things better for the children and the families of the Philippines (where ever God sends us with His good news). I remember in the 1980's President Ronald Reagan suggested helping people in their home nations, or the day would come when they came for help in the United States. Today in the real world, this is what is reality in the United States, (people beyond number) coming across the Rio Grande seeking Help. He has called Missionaries to do what many of you can not do, we want to share the Love of Jesus, in the name of Jesus to help peopld not only with the Gospel, but to enjoy Life, more abundantly through the message of Jesus Christ, many of you are helping us do just that here in the Republic of the Philippines. The big message of the celebrity Singers was Do Something now. We are doing it here in the Philippines, but we need your help, your expertise. We are attempting to Do it now. We serve the God of the Now. I believe that God is talking to some of you now. Some are helping us faithfully, but to others, I believe He is telling you, to Do something Now. I have seen so many miracles here in the Philippines, so many I would have to brag about what I am seeing in the Name of Jesus. I am not ashamed to brag about the miracles I see Jesus Doing in the Philippines. We need more help, I am inspired to want to run, but I must be patient to see things done properly, in Jesus Name. When Contractors build a house, they have to follow proper procedure, and we as Missionaries must follow proper procedure, We want to run, but we must walk with Jesus to see things are done the right way. Some of you are business leaders and you know the value of following proper protocol. That is what we want to do in the Mission Fields, to follow proper protocol, to make sure money is spent wisely, to do things following the right protocol, Sometimes we need to pour the Foundation, and put down the Plumbing before we put in new bathrooms, or we create problems in the Future, because we ignored Proper Protocol. Help us to continue to walk with Jesus Following the proper protocol. Some of you have connections with Kellog's or Post Cereal\s that can help us to feed hungry children in the Philippines, you have the right connections, to help us do things for Jesus, in a more speedy way, with proper connetions to feed hungry Children the right way, with Milk to Enjoy and spoons for the Frosted Flakes. Help us to be the Hands of Feet of Jesus to help establish ministries like The Lord's Kitchen (A ministry in Louisville, Kentucky started by Waymon Rodgers of the Evangel World Prayer Center in Louisville, Kentucky, becuase we can adapt that ministry for the Republic of the Philippines here in Southeast Asia. You can be part of the solution today, and help to be a world changer for Jesus Christ, today!. Yes we need help today to do this better to be more quick to be the Hands of Jesus, today, Right where you are. GiveSendGo.com/frankluzwilliams

Update #117 He did it again in June of 2023

June 9th, 2023

I can not explain How he did it, but Jesus has done it again. Like the song from Carrie Underwood , I can not do this On my own, I am letting Go, give me one more chance- Jesus take the wheel". He did just that. We are enjoying that Jesus did just that. We can not do this on our own.

Many times we have as many as 15 scholars and young missionaries helping here in the Philippines, we help students far away from this Mission House, in completely different islands and Provinces, such as Puerto Princesa and in the municipality of Batangas. and Jesus continues to take the wheel and with His help we rest upon the full faith and Credit of the Lord Jesus Christ. We invite you to do the same. Rest upon Jesus Too. When your finances look as if they have been ruined and you can see no way to make it. Remember Proverbs Chapter 3: Trust in the Lord, with all thine heart, and lean not upon thie own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and he shall direct thy paths.

We had to fall back and rely upon that verse here in the Mission Fields of South East Asia, Philippines and He kept his word. We want to encourage you to continue to trust in the Lord, Even when you do not know what is happening, and you do not know How to pray. the Holy Spirit takes control, I do not know How he does it, he just does, and he keeps his Word.

Some of you are facing strange situations in your finances. And you do not know what is going on. We ask the Lord to help us to do unto others, as we would want people to do unto us. Jesus Golden Rule is 100% Luke 6;31 is good advice. At the Mission House we try to be gentle and strong and apply the Golden Rule of Jesus Christ.

We reommend that you do the same. If you would like to be more deeply involved in this Missionary Ministry here in Southeast Asia, Philippines. Go to GiveSendGo./frankluzwilliams and just do your very best today, thank you in advance.

Update #116 Did jesus Lie to you?

June 4th, 2023

We are here in southeast Asia, the Philippines. and I suppose some of you do not believe our needs. So many times he has moved upon your hearts, when the bank account says no way, somehow he has moved upon many of your hearts and you have responded so graciously.  But this time I suppose many of you are sitting back, and not listening to Jesus and want to see what is going to happen if you do not listen. Even now as I speak to you our mission house is full and we have no money to feed the people. Some of you, are not caring about our report, and you do not listen to the Word's of Jesus Who said "12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.Matthew 7;12. Many do not care what Jesus Says, or you ignore Him. I suppose those on this site, are not believed when we explain what we are doing? People just wake up and travel to foreign nations, because they believe the cries of those who need help. Jesus told me to open this mission house here in the Philippines, and he said I will speak into the ears of the faithful and they will help supply the need. Are there any faithful on this sight you would want someone to help you if you were trying to meet needs, in the Name of Jesus on the Mission Fields? I believe giving people the help I would want if I had the need. Jesus is teaching us to help like we ourselves would want help if the roles were reversed.I suppose this means you would not want help? Please do your very best to help us here in the Mission Fields of Southeast Asia. We need your help today. Thank you for sending your very best, today.

Update #115 I am asking for help with the bills

May 31st, 2023

I have been here in the Philippines. the harvest is great but the laborers are few (no one really wants to help to pay the bills today). The crowds are big, but help to feed the sheep is not very much this month. We need to pay the electric Company $200 and we need to buy the groceries $200 and we are way short of our budget the experts tell us we need $2000 per month.We are no where near this hoped for goal. We have had miracle after miracle and God has always used people like you to pay the bills. But this month people must have closed their ears to his Whisper, let someone else do it? We are out of Peso's and no one is going to help the missionaries take care of the needy in the Philippines. Some will say, I Told you, it was impossible to do. This is too big to happen in the day in which we live. I am asking you to hear the whisper of the Holy Spirit into your ear (are you still listening). I appreciate how you have responded each month. How Jesus has multiplied the bread and the sheep every month here in the Philippines, but you have decided that you can not help with the little bit, every month anymore. We need a miracle we have been able to wait upon the Lord for a miracle every month without fail. We need a miracle today. Please here from God, and help to do it again? YOu can tell Jesus you are not going to help any more, that is up to you. We need for you to do your best, one more time, Lord God we need your help from Psalm 41 Blessed is he that considereth the poor:

the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.

2 The Lord will preserve him, and keep him alive;

and he shall be blessed upon the earth:

and thou wilt not deliver him unto the will of his enemies.

3 The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing:

thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness.

4 I said, Lord, be merciful unto me:

heal my soul; for I have sinned against thee.

5 Mine enemies speak evil of me,

When shall he die, and his name perish?

6 And if he come to see me, he speaketh vanity:

his heart gathereth iniquity to itself;

when he goeth abroad, he telleth it.

7 All that hate me whisper together against me:

against me do they devise my hurt.

8 An evil disease, say they, cleaveth fast unto him:

and now that he lieth he shall rise up no more.

9 Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread,

hath lifted up his heel against me. Thank you for your very best today.

Update #114

May 27th, 2023

Update #113

May 27th, 2023

Earlier this year, our driver took us to eat a seafood lunchin the neighboring City of Ternate, it is in the mounatins near by, had he not been driving I could not tell you how we got there. I ceased to know where I was along the way to Tenate'. I heard an internal voice from the Lord that said, more or less. 

Frank I am taking you a way that is not familiar to you, will you still trust me, If I take you away that is not familiar to you? My Answer is that we will go where you lead, we alway trust you. In ternate all was new to me, I was at a much higher altitude high in the air. And right now, here in Tanza, I can not tell you the our exact path into the Future we have to trust the Lord, even when we do not know exactly the way he is taking us.

We began our Missionary Ministry and followed his direction during the Covid 19 Pandemic, we started our Mission House here in Tanza, People came to the Mission House during the covid 19 pandemic and quarentines. People's careers were put on Hold, classes for students were interrupted, careers for workers were interrupted. People lost their Jobs and could no longer pay for rent, we recieved Children in Distress and no where to go for shelter. We received those the Lord sent to us, we did not advertise for people, they began to arrive. We provided meals, a place of Shelter, where they could shower, sleep, eat their meals, pray and make supplication to the Lord. We provided praise and Worship and Bible Study. 

After the pandemic, our focus is still the same, we still remain a house of Refuge ror People needing a safe refuge, to eat, sleep, shower, and engage in practice and Worship of the near by churches. Our Mission House remains the same, we hear rumors that our mission will grow. We are praying about beginning a new phase of Ministry we have given a temporary name, The Lord's Kitchen where we can help the door, and provide praise and Worship to our Lord God, where pastors who are discouraged can be encouraged and locatl pastors can get assistance and double as a sancturary and worship, praise God and be a center of Refuge, a place of Safety and Shelter that is often needed by many people, not just in the Philippines.

My wife and I have gone into areas such as Brook's Point in Palawan where a Woman a Professor, was contined to her bed. We listened to the Holy Spirit, and prayed for her under the direction of the Holy Spirit, God healed her and raised her up (It was the work of God) and she attended the Ressurection Celebration and the Lord moved us here to what was once known as the nation of Ophir (Psalm 45:9 during the reign of King David of Israel), currently the temperature is 102 F) and we are waiting for an approaching Super Typhoon approaching the Island of Luzon off to the east. It is projected to head to northern Luzon and Travel into Communist China, We praise God for the Rain that he provides.

We currently have bills to pay here, and and they total about $200 or an electic bill of 8400 Philippine Pesos. We do have an image of what we believe the Lord's Kitchen ministry that we believe God will provide, but we have these bills that we must pay, they do not give to us any discounts because we are doing the Lord's work for the Lord's Kitchen (our mission House). We still serve as a house of Refuge to those facing a place of no where to sleep, no where to rest, to sleep on the Floor, or to shower, It is not plush, but it is where they can rest in Peace, and to know they are in the Shelter of the Lord Jesus Christ. We want to do more, (when you See What Jesus does, you want to run faster), but we must continue to walk in the center of Jesus Plan, we are tempted to run faster, however we must walk as He walks and we have to wait on Him until he confirms His desire to move where He moves. Your assistance is needed and Appreciated. we know that with Jesus, His best is still to come, Thank you for what you do, we ask that you continue to help us as the Lord Whispers into your ear. We pray over every expenditure, asking the Lord to help us when the Finances tell us that it is impossible. We believe that the answers, are on the way, thank you, for doing what the Lord whispers into your ears. With your help, we can wait and be patient we trust in His voice, we trust to help more people to find a place of refuge in the Middle of this storm, Thank you in advance.

yes, we do need help, thank you for doing what you can as he whisper's into your ears.

Missionary Pastors Frank and Luz Williams.

Update #112 Please Father, we want to walk in your perfect will, praying for more mercy

May 25th, 2023

Praise God, GiveSendGo. has been a blessing for us in the last year in which we have used this platform. Thank God that we are making progress, we are not running as fast as we would prefer, but progress is taking place, our electric bill here at the Mission Fields is at 8400 Philippine Pesos which is nearly $200 dollars, so father God we need miracle provision to pay for this bill too. No discounts are provided to us on the Mission Fields of the Philippines, the business still expect their money on time every month. Frequently our mission house in Tanza is full we have as many as 15 people needing a place to sleep, shower, eat, study and Praise the Lord. Every month God miraculously provides. whispering into the ears of those Just like you, who answer from the Abundance of their hearts and God is glorified when you do. Now we are in serious prayer and supplication for the start of our Mission House, we do not have details, but our plan is to open the Lord's Kitchen so that God will be glorified and touched with the Love of Jesus, and for people to be fed the Word of God and real food. It does no good if we simply tell hungry people God will provide rest and Food for them, if we can not assist them with their hour of need. This we are told in the Book of James. We want to be able to continue to provide real help, in the name of Jesus. In our Mission House, we worship, pray and make supplication for the saints (This includes you) every single day. Our vision is for this to continue in the Ministry of the Lord's Kitchen and to allow for the Praise and Worship of God every single Day so that God will be glorified every day of the Weak. Not during selected days of the Week, but 100% every day of the week. Thank you so much to all who have listened to the Holy Spirit whisper into your ears. WE are anxious and prepared to Run faster with God, in the center of His Will, because when you see the evidence of What God has already done, it inspires you to want to run faster in His will of Course. We really walk by Faith and not by signt, we live it and do not simply preach it. The heat index here in what was identified in the reign of King David as documented in Psalm 45:9, presently identified as Tanza, Philippines the heat index is presently 105 f, thank you Father for Any rain that you supply. Thank you to all who can send your very best today, thank you in advance, in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord, thank you, and this includes you too. To God be all the glory and we remember you every day in prayer and Supplication for all saints, this includes prayer for you too. thank you today, In Jesus Name.

Update #111 following the lead of the Lord

May 16th, 2023

Since May of 2022, GiveSendGo./frankluzwilliams has helped us through very strong times, Our Mission House has successfully house our praise and worship team to provide Music Ministry to the Christ the Strong family campaign in Naic, Hillsview subdivision and helped provide assistance to our churches in Palawan Province in Bataraza and Tarusan, our young Missionary Jabez, excelled in the proviencial games, and won three Gold Medals in Gymnastics, including the High Bar competition, He brags about Jesus and wants to come live with our team in the Future, he wants to be a champrion for Jesus, and you have helped do this and support Young Believers in nine different churches through out the Philippines. You have helped to pay all of the Bills, thank you because we have never had enough money and it continues to be the Work of the Lord Jesus. Christ.

I heard he lord tell me to make wise investments for His money, Because of His leadership we use social Media to reach the Whole World for jESUS cHRIST, jESUS PROPHESIED THAT THIS gOSPEL OF THE kINGDOM SHALL BE PREACHED IN ALL THE WORLD AS A WITNESS TO ALL NATIONS AND TO CONTINUE OUR mission here in the Mission Fields of South east aSIA pHILIPPINES.  we will continue to minister to all here at the Mission Field and reach out with the good news of Jesus Christ using social media to make proper adjustments. The Philippines have more than 7000 islands and more than 77.75 of the Population are connected to social media using their Smart Phones that means we can more aggressively reach out to every single smart phone in every nieghboorhood of the Philippines, in Each province by programming for their Smart Phones, God has helped us to prepare for this adjustment, we will still be doing campaigns in Local churches, we will be helpint to Plow Ground for each church, and follow Jesus Instuctions to cast our nets on the right side of the boat. We will be fishing the same waters, but Jesus said to cast our nets to the right side of the boat. WE WILL STILL need your partnership as we do what the Billy Graham minissies in using Smart Phones to reach out to all 7000 islands in the same way that Billy Graham ministries reach our for the masses, 100 of the people of the World are reachable using smart phones, Kathryn Kuhlmans ministries have adjusted to Smartpones and so has Benny Himm, Oral Roberts, and Lester Sumrall ministies are doing the same thing, and they have all graduated to residence in Heaven, we are adjusting to reach more people for Jesus in every neighborhood, every municipality and Every Province of the Philippines, we need your help as we cast our nets to the right side of the boat. We are being obediant to the leadership of Jesus Christ. We want to use your investment as wisely and effieniently as possible for a very abundant harvest. Thank you in advance for your cooperation, we expect the best is still to come. Our assistance has dropped by $750 dollars per month, and God has still miraculously provided. We need your help, your help is always appreciated and we pray over every expenditure. Thank you for your help in advance. We make Prayer and Supplicationevery day in the Spirit every daym watching there unto with all perserverance and supplication for all saints, thank all of you in advance, thank you in the name of Jesus Christ we want to run because we believe it is important to take the Gospel into all the world,and we can do it efficiently from the Philippines. May God's blessings rest mightily rest upon you, and be multiplied. We appreciate and need our help, we believe that His best is till to come, we know He will not forget you, He remembers and He will reward. 

Missionaries and Pastors Frank and Luz Williams. givesendgo.com/frankluzwilliams.

Update #110 Thank God for the introduction of Give Send Go.

May 11th, 2023

God provided to us The Help of Give, Send, Go in May of 2022 so we have been using this God Send since last year. What a help it has been for me. Down through the years, I have devoted my service to Jesus Christ since 1982 and God has sent "Angels" to help me financially many times since 1982. I could be located in various locations throughout the State of Kentucky and in times of Great Financial Need he provided "Angels" who would show up and provide greatly needed help.Many of these people would qualifty as unnoticed heroes, those who are too often in the back ground doing what needed to be done, without recognition, just because they love the Lord. One such person was the un named women with the issue of Blood who said, If I can just touch the hem of His Garment, I know I shall be made whole, and she received her miracle. the Bible does not mention her name in any of the four gospels but she has been revealed in historical documents that are used to supplement what the Bible Does not reveal. Writings that have been preserved by the Vatican (they may be the best library of Material that helps to support the historical accounts of the Bible) indicates that she was the wife of Zacheus and Writings from Nicodemus, Not Inspired, but lead to document information not found in the bible) document her name as Veronica , Who enrountered Jesus on his road to be crucified, About the same time that Simon, The Zealot, began to carry the cross for Jesus) she took a portion of her garment, and used it to wipe the face of Jesus, and somehow his face was preserved on her garment, Rumors indicate that this garment survives until the current day). Her name was not documented, nor the exact account in the Bible, none of the four Gospels. But our Lord Jesus Christ, knows her name, He has not forgotten, her act of Kindness. 

     I am convinced that I have been helped through the years by several unknown Heroes, sent because of their Love For Jesus, who have helped through letters and contributions not captured by Give Send Go. they have sent help, that was defininitely needed here in the Philippines. He has helped many times through out the years, Let me tell you, several times he has been brutally treated by Men and Women, of God who should know better. Many who do things for the Lord are treated brutally, and in crushing ways by People who claim to represent Jesus, but they are Wolves who dress like Sheep. False Pastors, False Prophets, False Apostles< who brutally treat too many unseen, unknown heroes.

    Twelve years ago, the Lord helped me to identify one unrecognized hero, the Holy Spirit told me to encourage this man of God, to encourage him, because too often he has been discouraged and brutally treated by "Men and Women" of God. Many times these people are too often forgotten, The Lord told me to enrourage these people, to lift them up, to encourage them to know that Jesus has not forgotten them, and Jesus Remembers, what they have done.

   Jesus remembered the woman who cast in All that she had, but the wealthy cast in from their abundance, but Jesus Remembered the woman who gave little, but it was " All that she had".. I want to speak to those who have given their best, and been too frequently forgotten and brutalized. This happens far too often in the Body of Christ. it happens to often it has been memoralized in the Bible. This is why the Holy Spirit encourages me to write, that He notices everything you give, He does not forget, He will repay.

  Here on Give Send Go. you are given the ability to give secretly as an annonymous source, i can see the email address of the giver, I write so that you know that you are apprciecate  you and that we (my wife and I) are able to pray and make supplications for you. You are not forgotten, The Word Supplication means to Beg Spiritually for you in Prayer. So that allows me to tell you that  we remember you in prayer and supplications that we Spiritually Beg for God's Blessings upon you, no one else know how we pray for you, but Our Father Knows and now you know that we do not forget you, we pray and make supplication for you.

Thank you because this week, the heat index has hampered the Work of my Wife and I. we got so sick that we had to make changes to our missionary routine. Jesus teaches that the Harvest is plenty but the laborers are few. What that means to you, is when someone is Born Again, there a few Qualitied Believers, who are called into extreme heat conditions (it is 105 f right now) who are called to Pastor, the harvest. We know that Jesus teaches in the Parable of the Sower, that if a farm is not tilled, plowed, every year that the ground (the Church) becomes less fertile, and the farm, the garden will deterorate every year and become less fertile, less productive because it was not cared for appropriately, we must continue to plow every spring, every year if the Harvest is going to be more productive.

Thank you to every one of you, who has had God whisper into your ear to help us here on the mission fields of South East Asia, Philippines. Your help makes a sincere difference. I would gladly brag more about how God has used your gifts to do so many miracles. You helped you really did, God blessed your little bit for His purposes. Thank you for what you have given to the Lord. thank you for your best gift of any amount today.

Update #109

May 8th, 2023

The heat index right now is already 102 f at 9:24am the Lord awakened me this morning at 1:35 am and the song was He did not bring you this far, to leave you, He did not teach you to swim to let you drown, he did not build his home in you to move away, He did not lift you up to let you down. 
    The temperature is 102 f right now, the more qualified among you, are not here in this heat, you are right there.You do not have to answer the call of the Holy Spirit because we have and we are here right now. Yes, it is miserable heat, Yes, students have died due to the extreme heat, The Lord awakened me at 1:35 am to encourage me with that song by the Imperials.
    When you see the Lord lift a college professor, out of bed, to make a full recovery, and attend the Resurrection Sunday Services, it Inspires you to want to run more quickly, it encourages you to want to run faster.When the Mission House has 15 people to rest and to complete their assignments, when musicians stand at the Keyboard to practice Music they sing to the Lord. When food is completed, on the Table, you appreciate the sacrifices they have made, the adjustments they have made. You can not just push 15 people out of the door of the Mission House. God is doing so much in their lives. The miracles are not finished yet, Our God is still performing Miracles, His work is not finished yet.

    One day this week, 4 local pastors arrive unexpectedly at the Mission House, talking about the Work of the Lord, adjustments to the video display to be more accurate about what God is doing. The need to wait on Jesus to keep him at the center of all that is done. We agreed and made adjustments to please Him. He is the center, of everything we do. Without His help we can do nothing at all.We make adjustments, we pray, we adjust so that we can better please the Lord. All of this is for his honor, and glory, for His praise.

  None is this is possible without Him, remainging at the center, in the middle of all that we do. The work is far from complete, we adjust to the temperatures, we make changes to make things more comfortable for all who live at the Mission House (15 today). So we want to thank you, to those who have helped pay the bills. You help to make it so that Jabez way off on the Island of Palawan, wants to come and to help us as Missionaries. He brags about the young Missionary he knows, and wants to be like her. Your help has been multiplied to help us in so many ways.

Thank you for your help.Thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to whisper into your ears. Our reliance is completely upon the Lord Jesus Christ, and you hearing his whisper, as we pray over every bills, Every trip to the grocery store, when we buy soap for the laundry. we pray over everything we spend. It is all the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Without Him, nothing is possible. Thank you for your faithfulness. The harvest is great but the laborers are few. There are not many who are not here, that want to come and teach the new believers, to read their bibles, and pray. How to put on their full armour of God (It is too hot to put on all of that spiritual armour). Yes, it is extrememly uncomfortable, this is very true.
     We appreciate every single penny, given to the Work of God. Some are giving their absolute best, The Lord Appreciates your work, and yet he has promised that the oil will not run out, until the need is met. Thank you for giving to the Work of the Lord, May you allow God to fill up every empty container so that you can hold all of the oil he supplies for you. Thank you for hearing the Whisper of the Lord. He is the miracle working, promise keeping, Way Making God we have come to depend upon. He never stops working. He is not finished yet, thank you for helping His work. We will adjust as He leads us, we will do as he asks and depend upon His Miraculous power. Thank you for doing as He whispers into your ears.

Missionary Pastor Frank Williams

Tanza, Cavite, South East Asia, The Philippines.

Update #108 Conditions have changed for the better

May 4th, 2023

It has been nearly one year since we started GiveSendGo and we have to update much of the information to be more accurate. When we started this compaign with GiveSendGo. We were transitioning from a Mission Mouse that was much too small and into the current Mission hOUse, we had the opportunity for a much larger mission house with two floors, that did not pan out, then we looked and were signed to an agreement to a Mission house that was a bit more expensive than what I was comfortable with, but Internet was important to the agreement and it was not available so we had to bow out, This Mission house becace available it was much better for out budget and Internet Service was available to we were able to save big time on the monthly budget and plus we had inteternet that was available and that was so important for our access to GiveSendGo.com which is very important for our budget.

 Because of the Favor of God satuday night we had this mission house full of 15 individual, Some who became career less due to the Covid 19 pandemic, some had their classes interrupted and had no place to continue their recovery and return to class, interrupted by the Covid 19 Pandemic and nearby churches needed help, and the Lord helped us to help two services each week, social distancing was required at the time, and God began to rehabilitate those churches, the crowds began to grow, we had to relocate to the Clubhouse at Hillsview, Naic and things were looking up for the church. So the church grew and our mission house, our primary mission remained full and our musicians continued to provide music for the church in Naic, at the Clubhouse and the crowds soon began to push the limits for the Clubhouse in Hillsview Subdivision for section two. 

We were too crowded and It was apparent that we had done what was needed in Hillsview Naic, Clubhouse for section two, Our primary focus was still upon the Mission House, for it was the home of all of the Musicians, where they could eat, sleep, and shower, sleep safely at night, we had to take care of the Mission House and there was a local neighborhood that needed a resurrecion of the local church, that basicly died during the Covid 19 pandemic. The Harvest Jesus said was great but the laborers are few, the Trained Pastors are few. Jesus looked at them with compassion as she that were scattered, and faint, as she that did not have a qualified pastor. Agriculture teaches that you must plow the ground every year, or the farm deteriates becomes less fertile. so we must till the ground. The heat index hit 106 f yesterday. News reports indicate that children passed out in schools and had to be rushed for Emergency Medical Care and some may have died. It was so hot yesterday that I tried to shelter from the heat inside with Air Condition, and the electir bill Arrived and we need $200 not to be disconnected and we still have to pay internet and for food and water. So unless We catch up on the Electric everything will be disconnected. and that means all ot those people will be homeless, so we need your help to keep the basic Mission House Open we need according to budget about $2000 per month we need a miracle, We are getting heavy rain right now, Praise God because it keeps the heat much mored moderated. There are more opportunities arriving for our Missionary Outreach here in this area of the Philippines. We need your assistance, we need $200 right now just to catch up and stay current, and we expect the miracles to continue, but We need your help just to continue. The heat sapped me completely of Strength and left me unable to make my way to the bathroom, yes it sucked that much energy and Strength from me, I am closer to 60 now that I am to 50. So we need your help, you are the ones to help to pay the bills. Making you the most important link to helping in the Philippines. Thank God for all that you do, we need your help. The God of Miracles has moved upon your hearts so many times, but changing conditions require your help, at least in the Temporaray. Reminds of the song by the Imperials, He did not bring us this far, to leave us, He did not teach us to swim to let as drown, He did not create His Home in us to move away, He did not raise us up, to let us down, Your help is needed $200 is needed right now. There will be testimories to give with your help. Thank God as he Whispers into your ears, that you will do your best to help us.

Update #107 I want to live and be like you.

April 30th, 2023

The other day I received a video call from one of the Chilren in our care, he has a Biblical name and a prayer in the Bible remembered for His name. He had a huge smile on his face and he was dancing (in the past he was an orphan abandoned into our care, one of our pastors took him as if he was her own, took care of all the responsibilities of a mom caring for her baby, all of the responsibilities) he has gone to school, completed his school assignments, been well nourished and provided excellent hygeine and a good safe place to sleep every night) so he was smiling and dancing with Joy before the Lord, and I could see this on the smartphone, I was so over come with Joy that I began to weep for Joy seeing how the Holy Spirit has allowed us to make a big grabe difference in his life, and many just like you helped us to do it. When you see the benefits and blessings upon those needing great help, it makes you weep with so much Joy. Inspires you to want to run more quickly to help more, in the Name of Jesus Christ, our great I Am.  the Miracles continue to flow, we are hearing feed back of growing responsibilities to come, to extend our Missionary Ministries to many of the other 7000 islands of the Philippines. We want to reach every smart phone in every barrangy (neighborhood), every municipality, in every province (State) of the Philippines and with your help, we can do this. The Holy Spirit inspires us to want to run more quickly to help more people, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and King.Let me explain when you see the miracle working, promise keeping work of Jesus, it inspires you to want to run faster, to attempt to do more, and you have been one of the most important parts of this missionary Ministry, because you help to pay the bills, we have the promises from God, and He whispers to you and you are a super, very vital part, His promise is that you will not be forgotten. The news reported yesterday that several children have collapsed in the schools (the heat index yesterday was 104 (F) and 103(F) This morning. The make adjustments to our ministry schedule as needed. Yesterday we had 15 people in our Mission House, and by His Power, and your help, every need was met, everyone was fed, showered,took care of important hygeinic requirements and Our Mission team was divided into 3 completely different destinations, some into Passai, Others to Batangas, others to Naic Cavity we had parts of our Praise and Worship team providing praises to God in three different locations, the same thing this morning. Our team was split into 3 different locations, for the glory of God.Our electric bill is 7000 Pesos this month and it is due ($150) dollars, perhaps the Holy Spirit will whisper for you to cover a portion of that bill, some maybe inspired to double the assistance, I former missionary to China, sent much needed help from Louisville, Kentucky where she does ministry in parts of Louisville, Kentucky while working with the elderly that help came at just the right time, please help us to agree with her in her prayer needs for her Missionary work with the elderly of Kentucky. We hear from many states and we agree with all of them in prayer. Florida, Missouri, the Carolinas (North and South) the Dakotas (North and South) And from precious people in the state of Paul Bunyan (MInnesota). Yes we pray for all of our partners every day in intercessory prayer, people helping us to do the financially impossible and making them possible in the Authority of Jesus Christ. The best is still to come. We look forward to more love and care in the authority of Jesus Christ (that is why we are here). We believe that with your assistance the financially impossible will be accomplished, and what He does here in the Philippines, He is willing to do for you there, too. Thank you for your best gifts today, however he whispers into your ear. With Jesus All things are possible, and to Him we offer All of the praise, all of the Honor and all of the glory, we desire to expand the scope of ministry that it will be obvious that this is only Done by His hand, People will say that Has to be the hand of God for that to be happening. The prayer of Jabez - Lord, won't you bless me in deed, expand my coasts, bigger responsibilities so all will know that this will be a failure without Jesus in the MIddle, His hand of Greatness is always required and that He protect us from Evil, that we can spot it way off, so we can do everything required to avoid the evil in Jesus Name, His Honor and His Glory. Thank you for your best effort (as he whispers into your ear). Thank you in advance, I know His best is still to come, and He gets All of the Honor, All of the Glory, and all of the praise, in the Name of Jesus Christ, our messiah, Our Lord and King. Thank you Jesus in advance, and may God richly bless you in return.Missionary Pastors Frank and Luz WilliamsTanza. Cavite.
Update #106 the miracles of our Great I am (Jesus Christ) and the future.

April 27th, 2023

We serve the miracle working God, who makes for us waters in the dessert. He makes a way for us, when there appears to be no way. He provides water, when it appears that we are in the dessert. So many times since we began this Missionary Work in the Philippines (South East Asia) There seemed to be a future that was impossible to accomplish without Jesus, Praise God, He has walked with us, through the times when the heat index was over 100 f (Including today), he has provided to us water to drink (including today) when water was not in abundance. He has made it possible to help children who have been neglected (Abandoned By their Families) by their moms and Dads and yet including today Jesus has given us the honor of watching children dance before the Lord with very big smiles and having them ask us to pray for them over the smart phones, Let me say these things cause you to weep with great joy, it leaves me speechless only able to thank God for his Faithfulness, knowing that without the hands of Jesus, we can do nothing. It is very easy for me to brag about what God has done, using controbutions from people much like you, to bless ordinary people, children who struggle in life due to neglect, but The Presence of Jesus, blessing every resource you have shared to us, He has multiplied every single dime. As we continue we here the promise from Jesus to do even more. The best is still to come.Today we have recieved reports that the need for our ministry is very likely to grow nationwide, through all of the Philippines, there are more than 7000 islands in the Philippines. Without Jesus this is Impossible, but I keep hearing the Lord promise, I will help you. People just like you have heard the whisper of God into your ear, and you have been very faithful. This space is not large enough for me to share all of the Promises he has to Believers just like you. When you need assistance, He promises that your assistance will arrive, the best is still to come.The Holy Spirit is helping us to support young missionaries, and students throughout the nation of the Philippines, and to pray for many in the United States, who have requested prayer, and we hear needs and requests from people on 7 continents. This is accomplished because he uses incredible people, just like you to help to pay the bills. Our Electric bill this month is more than 7000 philippino pesos ($150 dollars) we do appreciate your help however the Holy Spirit whispers into your ear to help today. Remember when you walk in the presence of Jesus Christ - All things are possible. Thank you again, for your best you can send, the sooner the better, it is appreciated.
Update #105 13 people have died in this area due to heat stroke today.

April 22nd, 2023

As I type this update the heat index here right now is 100 degree's fahrenheidt and 93 celsuis. Due to the extreme heat we have had to delay visitation in the Neighbood or Tres Verde Rosa and we have stepped up our Missionary Efforts on Youtube and facebook and other social media platforms, we have heard from people needing hope from all 7 continents in this world. Many from the United States and Cuba, some from Mexico and the America's many American states. people concerned about making ends meat. The Holy Spirit continues to do the miraculous for us as we minister across all 7000 islands of the Philippines. We have people representing us for Jesus on the Island of Palawan, where we have two churches, and eight churches on the island of Luzon in the provinces of Cavite and Laguna. We also have young missionaries in Bagtas, Bataraza and Tarusan. Our God continues to allow us to provide hope to children on the streets and children with very little, if any support from their parents, who have been abandoned. children in broken homes, and very little help from Men and Women of God in their neighborhoods. Our mission is to allow the Grabe' power of God to shine forth, with love  The tagalog word Grabe means that Our God has "Wow" powered blessings for His Chilrden, and "Wow" powered Love for Believers in Jesus Christ. and that our God is Serious in His Love toward us, his children. We must carry on even when the heat index is over 100 and 13 people have died because of Heat Stroke just today. We give our absolute best for jESUS cHRIST OUR Messiah and Good Shepherd. We appreciate your assistance because it is far from easy on the Hot and Humid Mission Fields of Cavite, Philippines. We can see breakthroughs but we can not accurately determine how soon those greater blessings will arrive, We are Faithful even when we have not seen all of the Manifestations of His Promises. We know His best is still to come. We must pay for the Air Condition and the Food required for the Mission House. We normally house and feed an average of 12 people each day. Thank you for your help we pray over every expense and He somehow does the Miraculous. Thank you in advance. Do the best you can and we ask God to pour out his Blessings upon you too.
Update #104 Using the Nuclear Option

April 19th, 2023

Not speaking about policits but both Democrats and Republicans will not take the nuclear option off of the taple as far as their options, and As Missionary Pastors on the Mission Fields of Southeast Asia, it would be unwide to take the nuclearn option off of the Table. The apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:12 that we wrestle not against fleah and blood (Human beings) but against princapalities and powers (Demonic forces) Spiritual Wickedness in High Places (Talking about Spiritual Warfare) in 2 Corinthians 10:4 he tells us that we are human beings in Spirtual Warfare but our weapons are not carnal (Human) but mighty through God (power of the Holy Spiritual) to the pulling down of Strong holds to pull down every High thing that exalteth itself before God and we are to use these spirittual warfare against the wiles (The Tricks and lies of The Devil- In Romans 8:27 the Holy SPirit uses the following language Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. 27 And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. 28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Key phrase is groaning that can not be uttered. If you groan many times you are miserable and using language that should not be uttered in your learned languages. that the Holy Among us might not approve of The Nuclear Option) the equivalent of an American Foottall team throwing the "Hail Mary" Pass out of desperation. So we as Missionary Pastors are throwing the nuclear option - Praying with groanings( under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit) that no human can (utter and approved by the Holy) And thowing the Nuclear Option under the leading of the Holy Spirit) Knowing that He answers prayer and is in control, we know that his best is still to come. We know that everything that has been accomplished here in the Philippines is because of the Hands of Jesus and without Him we can do nothing. When you see His manifestations, you weep for Joy and you are inspired to run faster, so that is the case here in the Philippines. we weap for Joy and Are inspired to fun faster. So because we believe the coming of the Bride Groom maybe sooner than we think, we want to run faster. so we are throwing the Nuclear Option so that we can run faster.. So thank you for your partnership and we need your continues support as we throw the nuclear option because we want to run faster with your partnership wanting to accomplish more for Jesus, More quickly in the center of His will. We need your prayer support as we throw the Nuclear Option (Hail Mary in Football passes) the (Nuclear Option) for the touchdown we are throwing long so that we can score more quickly. Thank you for listening to the Whisper of the Holy Spirit) and give your best (in accordance to His whisper) and we thank you in advance for your agreement in Prayer. We are thanking God for the touchdown as we intend to always :score" for Jesus Honor and His Glory, thank you in advance! thank you Jesus! in advance.
Update #103 May is usually the warmest month for the Philippines

April 16th, 2023

It has been very hot and the heat is just beginning, normally may is the hottest month every year for the philippines. We have been unduring Spiritual Welfare, I appreciate your prayers, it slows down what we want to do. For this reason we must walk more carefully, as we want to stay in the Center of God's will. We have established the World Changers for Christ channel on youtube. to help us in my vision of taking the Gospel into every barrangay and muncipality in every province of the Philippines using the technology of Youtube. It requires 1000 subscribers (NO cost to subscribe). We have been able to rescue children in danger of being homeless with no help to them. God has allowed us to protect, house, and feed all of them. We make sure that each is well supervised, because we know the Wolves will pretend to be sheep so that they can harm sheep, but we Serve the Good Shepherd, and we know His voice, and he keeps doing amazing things to help keep the Mission House open, we are currently plowing spiritual ground in the subdivision of Tres Verde Rosa, as you know if the soil is not properly plowed fertile ground can detiorate, and we must plow a garden that has been seriously neglected since the break out of the Covid 19 quarantines slammed the Philippines and teen age children so we are asking God for Wisdom as we want to continue to walk with Jesus and need His continued presence, as Our Goal is to always honor Jesus in all the we say and do. Thank you for helping us to plow this spiritual ground. I believe the best is still to come. Thank you in advance. Missionary Pastors Frank and Luz Williams.

April 3rd, 2023


Update #101 Thank you for your faithfulness

March 28th, 2023

Many times near the end of the month, there are bills that are due, and we thank God for those who are faithful. We have a number of people who live, sleep, eat and shower at our Mission House here in Tanza, Cavite, Philippines. They are here during the holidays and their birthdays. Recently we celebrated two birthday's. celebrating with ice cream and birthday cake. During the pandemic, because we were provided with identification to show that my wife and I had special frontliner status, we often had the opportunity to help Ricardo and Leny Custodio deliver food to the children of God, families in the community, we would visit these homes, and deliver eggs to the home so that none would have to be hungry and be able to feed their families. Praise God, Because of the Miracles provided by our mighty God, no family had to do without. God was faithful. We recently were able to celebrate birthdays for two families. We would often visit homes with small children, many had hope sucked out of their lives by the covid 19 pandemic....God allowed us to restore hope to their lives by providing these children with M&M candies. Praise God Missionaries were able to demonstrate that Jesus loves them and has a future for them because we are Representatives of the Great God, providing Hope to them by giving them a little bit of candy. Children deserve candy every now and then, given to them by Missionaries in the Authority of Jesus Name. Hope was restored. Makes you so happy that it makes you want to cry with happiness. Jesus Wept after Lazurus' death and his family cried, Jesus wept too. When you see hope restored by the generosity of people like you, hearing the whisper of Jesus into your ears. it inspires you to want to run faster. But we must stay with Jesus, walk with HIm and stay in His presence. Thank you for what you do, when you see hope restored and tears of Happiness in their eyes, it makes you swell up being so happy that you want to cry. Again we thank you for everything you do, because in the Hands of Jesus He multiplies it. needs are met, you have provided happiness in the name of Jesus.I want to share this promise with you from Psalm 41;1 Blessed is he that considers the poor: the Lord will deliver Him in TIme or Trouble. Because you help us to care for the poor. the Lord Remembers you, and he remembers to cless you, and he Remembers to be generous in his rewards, His blessings to you. thank you again for hearing from the Lord whispering to you and send your best today. Great promises from the Good Shepherd Jesus CHrist. He does not forget, and he will help you in your times of Trouble. Thank you in advance for your very best, no matter how small your best may seem to you, because your little becomes much when you place it in the Master's Hand, thank you in advance, for what you can send today. Through you, the poor are helped in the name of Jesus, thank you for your kindness, the Lord will repay. Our God pays His debts, you will not be forgotten.

Update #100

March 25th, 2023

When I first began, he Gave me a vision of entering a small mission house in an abandoned building, it was small and forgotten, I walked in and went up a flight up steps, at the top of the Stairs I turned around and ehe mission house was much bigger and criowded with people who needed help, I said Jesus How am I going to help all of these people, and he assured me, I will help you.

In Holguin Cuba, I entered a crowded church where an older Missionary was in the middle of a service praying for the needs of the people. I went in asking the Lord to allow me to help without drawing attention to myself and to glorify Jesus Christ. the Presence of the Holy Spirit could be felt tanginly in the sancturary. I entered quiettly praying silently, Then a young girl perhaps about 10 years old, came up and grabbed my sleeve and began to pull me to her mother, who was crying over a lifeless little girl, perhaps two or three years ago. the Young girl and Her mother obviously wanting prayer for the lifeless child. As a former Emergency Medical Technician, I knew how to do a very quiet patent assessment and to check for the pulse of the little child, laying lifeless in her mothers lap. I checked for the pulse in the wrist of the little child, in the lap of the crying mother, and I could not find a pulse, I found myself, weeping with compassion like Jesus Wept for the people morning Lazurus in John Chapter 11. Over come by the Holy Spirit, I could not resist the need to cry as I prayed for the lifeless child. Praying in Spanish for the little child and the child began to stir, And the ten your old little girl stopped crying and the Mother began to smile with Joy, her little child was displaying evidence of LIfe restored. I was So happy because I knew that without Jesus, I am nothing, and how lost I am without Jesus Presence helping me to pray for this lifeless child. I was so happy, I was weeping with Joy.I knew that without Jesus the little child would remain lifeless, so signs of life, but Jesus Presence, changed everything, in His presence all things are possible. I knew that unless you are in the pHysical Presence of Jesus, you can not expect to touch the Hem of His Garment. Here in the Philippines, He continues to do the impossible, it is so inspiring it causes me to weep with Joy. It makes me want to run for Jesus More quickly. I know that we must remain in his Physical Presence of Jesus. I want to thank you for assisting us to wait in the Presence of Jesus CHrist. It reminds me of the Words written by Mylong Lefevre and covered by Elvis Presley - "Without Him, I can do nothing, with out Him, I would surely fail. without Him I would be drifting, like a ship without a sail. you can here the cover of the song by Elvis Presley - Without Him, I can do nothing.in the book of mark chapter 12, jesus is watching as people give and he noticed the giving of the poor older woman, who gave all that she had, and was noticed by Jesus, He saw and recongnized how She gave to him from her heart. I can tell you that when you see the work of Jesus in the Philippines, It inspires you to want to run faster. It is exciting and it inspires you to want to run faster. Thank you for allowing us to see miracles because of the Presence of Jesus Christ. We are watching Him do the miracles in the neighborhood of Tres Verde Rosa, Tanza, Cavite. In tagalog it iw worded at Ang Milargros sa Tres Verde Rosa - the Miracles of Tres Verde Rosa, it is a community that was severely hammeered by the Vovid 19 Pandemic under the nationwide quarantines across the Philippines, I have seen the evidence of Jesus Words to these young men and young Women (Preteens) the quarantines were very strict, very severe, they were required to stay home from School and churches as it seemed to them like Hope was being sucked out of this world, Jesus was there, And said in John 10:10 I have come (The hero is here) to give you life and life more abundantly. It is incredicble to represent Jesus Christ the Hero, who provides life and life more abundantly. We teach the promises of Jesus and APplying those teachings right away for not just life, but Life more abundantly and to see the evidence that He has called them and they survived the very intense quqranttines that must have felt much like standing in the Gates of Hell and provided with Hope from Jesus Christ our hero who rescued these preteens and to teach them about the protections available to them by entering the secret place of the Most High (Psalm 91) and knowing the protection of Jesus Christ (our Helo) , the Only Hope available in this hopeless World. Thank you for your faithfulness, The Bible shows us that He notices and that your help is not forgotten, Jesus Knows your name and multiplies what you trust to him. Thank you for hearing as he Whispers into your heart. In Jesus Name. Jesus is writing new names down in Glory due to your Help. The best is still to come. 

Update #99 without Jesus How lost I would Be.

March 25th, 2023

Update #98 without Jesus I can do nothing.

March 25th, 2023

Update #97Without Him, I can do nothing

March 25th, 2023

Update #96 pleased to report that Jesus hand continues to do miracles at Tres Verde Rosa. tanza, cavite, Philippines

March 19th, 2023

Jesus continues to do miracles. we have no more room for growth at this neighborhood tres Verde Rosa. We continue to be able to teach the Bible to these young adults and were able to feed all of them this week feeding them fresh bread and sweet iced tree, no one had to go home hungry. We continue to pray for The hands of Jesus doing the miraculous here in the subvisision of Tres Verde Rosa which is in a key location near the center of Tanza, near the SM mall. we want to make it easy to find Jesus and continue to minister to these young adults and their parents. Jesus promise is Upon this Rock, I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail. He continues to do the work, things that are impossible for us, are possible because he is doing His work. Thank you for helping us facilitate another miracle of Jesus Christ. For we serve the reason Savior, he is in the world today. I know that He is risen no matter what they say, I see his hands of Mercy and I hear his voice of cheer and every time we need Him He is always here. This week we have the internet bill , the electric Bill and the rental on the Mission house. We always need the favor of God. He has promised that some of you will hear, and help pay the bills to keep the mission house open and to pay the bills for this resurrected Work of Jesus here in this subdivision of Tres Verde Rosa, Tanza, Philippines. thank you for your best gift today. Jesus notices all that you do for His Honor and Glory. please follow and partner with us in prayer, this is His Work, He is building His Church. Thank you for your help. I know that He will honor you.

Update #95 The Miracles of Tres Verde Rosa, Tanza

March 14th, 2023

jesis notices more than you think -

Mark 12:35 And Jesus answered and said, while he taught in the temple, How say the scribes that Christ is the Son of David? 36 For David himself said by the Holy Ghost, The Lord said to my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool. 37 David therefore himself calleth him Lord; and whence is he then his son? And the common people heard him gladly.

38 And he said unto them in his doctrine, Beware of the scribes, which love to go in long clothing, and love salutations in the marketplaces, 39 and the chief seats in the synagogues, and the uppermost rooms at feasts: 40 which devour widows’ houses, and for a pretence make long prayers: these shall receive greater damnation.

41 And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. 42 And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. 43 And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: 44 for all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.

Jesus mind was centered on the teaching of the Word of God, on the doctrine that Jesus according to the Word of God was the son of Davie( IN physical Line to be King.

 Jesus was aware of the offerings and he noticed the poor wideow, he did not call attention to how much was cast into the offering by the more wealthy, Jesus noticed the giving of the poor widow woman how she gave all that she had (That is enormous Faith, all that she had, all her living, great faith. Jesus noticed that she gave all that she had, all her living Jesus notices your needs and how you struggle to pay the bills, and He called attention to how she gave all that she had. Not easy to do, takes enormous faith to do that. the Others gave from their abundance.

when you give your best to help us with the Miracle at Tres Verde Rosa, Jesus notices no matter how small the gift, he knows that you give as he whispers in your ears. We are seeing the Mirales of Tres Verde Rosa as Jesus resurrects a church that was considered dead. This past week we saw attendence triple over the previous week, the first Bible Study, and we see the Miracles with everyone who comes to experience at be a part of the Miracle at Tres Verde Rosa. perhaps you will also pariticipate in the Miracle of Tres Verde Rosa. do what ever he whispers into your ear and Jesus will multiply and do another miracle and you are playing a part. GiveSendGo.com/frankluzwilliams.

Update #94 Miracles of Tres Verde Rosa

March 12th, 2023

the hand of Jesus is upon us as he continues to bless us miracles that should be impossible, but they continue because this is His Work, and without him this is impossible.

this week the crowd reached was triple the amount of last week. We continued to pray over the miracles of Tres Verde Rosa, this is a church that died during the covid 19 quarantine. The sheep were very faint (Weak) and highly scattered and missing because they were sheep that did not have a shepherd. Jesus is full of compassion and he asks in Isiah 6 who shall I send, and I said, even though send my wife and I and he went us to tres verde Rosa a church that died because they did not have a shpherd and my wife and I said. Lord send ut and so he did. Without the help of Jesus it is impossible. I asked the Lord Jesus how are we supposed to do this, this church is dead, and I heard the Lord say - I will help you, and we continued to pray for His blessings, for without Jesus it is impossible. Then I remember the Words jesus Spoke to Peter - upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. this is Jesus Work, we must have him at the center of every message, every prayer. every song , and the crowd tripled over last week. this is evidence of the Miracle working power of Jesus Christ. we thank you for your on going partnership and prayers, we appreciate all who can hear from God and provide today what ever he wispers into your ears today. This is the work of the Lord Jesus Christ - the harvest is great but the laborers are few and without good shepherds (Pastors) Sheep get weak and get lost. Jesus helped us to find triple the amount as last week. when this happens you begin to weap with the Love of God. to see so many young people touched by the Good Shepherd (Jesus Christ) it makes you cry with happiness. thank you for doing your best right now, the Lord sees what you give and He will repay appropriately.He is going a great work here in the Philippines. we want to see even more for Jesus as he does the Miracles at Tres Verde Rosa, Tanza, Cavite.

Update #93

March 6th, 2023

Update #92 miracle of tres verde rosa

March 6th, 2023


Update #91

March 2nd, 2023

Update #90 miracle attres verde rosa, tANZA

March 2nd, 2023



February 27th, 2023

when i was younger 9(I (can't believe i am now using the phrase, when i WAS YOUNGER)THE lORD GAVE ME A VISION OF WALKING INTO A MISSION HOUSE CLIMBING THE STEPS AT THE TOPi TURNED AROUND AND THE mISSION HOUSE WAS FULL, MUCH BIGGER MANY MORE PEOPLE THAN I eXPECTED TO BE ABLE TO FIT INTO THE MISSION HOUSE) AND i REMEMBER ASKING lORD HOW AM i SUPPOSED TO BE ABLE TO HELP TAKE CARE OF ALL OF THESE PEOPLE) i WILL HELP YOU, SEND PEOPLE TO HELP( I DO -NOT UNDERSTAND WHY i AM WRITING IN ALL CAPS )  S9 HERE IN THE pHILIPPINES it has been so much larger than i was expecting, reaching more than I expected doing more than expected and I keep asking lord. How are we going to pay for all of this and the Lord answered i Will help you, and he has. So he has shown me much bigger visions and I ask Lord how are se supposed to do all of this and he keeps ansering, I will provide the help for you and not there are churches that are closing because of a lack of trained pastors. and I say how are we supposed to do all of this and he keeps saying I will help you, I will send you help. we see 4 churches in danger of closing due to no pastors, I remember jesus saying the fieid's are ripe and ready for harvest but the laberors are few, I say yes, this is true. how are we supposed to do this and again he answers, I will help you. and I say lord, how are se supposed to help, he answers, I will help you and send you help. How lord are we supposed to pay for this, and he answers, I will help you. I answer , yes lord, we need your help.

Update #88 Praise God for the God of Miracles

February 18th, 2023

Our bank account hit it's lowest amount, and the God of Miracles spared us from Disaster. None of you would volunteer to trade places with our financial status. We Depend upon the Holy Spirit to whisper to you, to help us become His Hands and His voice. Since the break out of the pandemic, we have never had the funds to allow us to accomplish what has been accomplished so far. It has had to be the hands of Jesus to multiply each gift. to help feed people and families at 8 different churches, on at least two different islands, and 4 different provinces. Helping to house students, homelesss students, many who would be homeless with out the Lord helping us to do what is financially impossible to do.

We also remember those in your nation, we have heard testimonies in finances that Had to be the Hand of Jesus, or many would have been late with your mortgage, and your rent. Some families would not have been eating, unable to feed your children and grandchildren. But each month the Hands of Jesus has made it possible here in the Philippines and in your nations too. I do not know How he does it, but He does the miraculous.

I want to thank you to those, who hear from God and give their very best today. His hands will move again. Yes, The miracles will fall again. Thank you for sending your very best today.

Update #87 We Serve the God of Miracles

February 12th, 2023

As Missionary Pastors my wife and I brag about our awesome God. He is the One who still does miracles. I can never explain how are God does the miraculous, I can never explain how He continues to do the impossible, but he does. This week we were told that we needed to open a couple extra bank accounts, how are we going to to that? One couple in Kentucky donated to us a thousand pesos. It arrived just when it was needed. Another business woman in El Nido, Palawan sent another needed amount of Philippine Pesos. It is helping us to do what was impossible for us.

We have been dealing this week with the effects of a nagging cold, 95% healed, but still waiting for 100% Manifestation of the complete and total healing. I keep hearing reports and testimonies for those for whom we have prayed in Florida. This retired man of God needed 100% Recoveries from two fractured spines. The testimonies are in and he has recovered 100 %. Our God is an awesome God.

Our God continues to give us Big Awesome Visions, for He is our Big Awesome God. Without His touch, and approval these things are so huge that it can also come to pass because of His involvement, When it comes to pass, the testimony will be that it had to be the Hand of Jesus Involved because Frank and His Wife Luz are not smart enough to do this without the blessings of God.

Thank you for your very best that you can send today, because He whispers it into your ear, into your heart. With Jesus involved, All Things are possible. Thank you for partnering with us today.

Update #86 Persistent Rumors of another pandemic coming-we must be prepared

February 10th, 2023

Social Media News continues to report rumors of another pandemic and as I take inventory, no one seems to be adequately prepared. We try to be wise and strategic about all of our spending. We do represent the Lord Jesus Christ and want to glorify him with every cent we spend. We never hit our fundraising goals, so everything that is accomplished is due directly to the Hand of Jesus, for without Him, none of this is possible. I look into the future, all that needs to be done, and I ask the Lord, how are we going to be able to accomplish any of this? Nothing appears possible to me. Without the Hand of Jesus, I know it is impossible. The price of a dozen eggs is higher now than at the beginning of the pandemic. Inflation is impacting the budget for every student, every child, every kilo of rice. Bacon is far more expensive now, and our budget is never close to being met. If we did not have a budget, a goal, we would probably not have any money to spend to honor Jesus Christ.. The squeaky wheel gets all of the Greece (spelling is in error).  One of our partners implied that a very generous donation was on the way. Depends upon your preferred definition of generous, but did not match my imagination. We need the Holy Spirit to speak to you and place a generous amount on your mind, for it is needed for February 2023. Allow the Holy Spirit to whisper to you, and send your best right now. It is appreciated in advance.

Update #85 February 2023 Our God of Miracles is still on the throne

February 5th, 2023

Our God is still on the throne. So many times I can not explain how all the bills have been paid. It makes absolutely no sense. Not long ago, the Lord allowed me to see eggs every where. In a yard that did not belong to the Mission House, eggs were everywhere, on the side walks, on the front porch, the living room, in the path ways. I heard the Lord say, I have the eggs under control. Eggs continue to flow, God continues to supply our mission house with eggs. I see that there are rumors about the food provided to the birds, the chickens, the hens. Some of you, remember your savior, you continue to give and tithe, and your chickens continue to lay eggs in abundance. Some started to skimp, to cut back, and now the eggs are not as abundant as they used to be. God continues to pour out His blessings upon those who are generous. Who is sitting on the throne of your heart. He has continued to do the miraculous for us in the Phillippines. We continue to feed the street children, we continue to help the children whose parents forgot to supply thsir children a few years ago. People are being Born Again, we are celebrating and worshipping more in the Mission House, we need gasoline and to transport them to safe worship services. Sometimes that means here in the Mission House, as our venue.

The Lord said - Frank I am taking you a new way, The path will look a little different, I will never leave you or forsake you. Those who continue to trust me, I will lead them. I will protect those who continue to walk with me, the Good Shepherd. Thank you to those who continue to walk with Jesus, who continue to trust in Him. I will make the way like the Good Shepherd does. Thank you for your best gift today.

Update #84 It is Amazing watching God somehow perform Miracles

January 31st, 2023

Every Month, I have to look at what God has done and say, Lord, I do not know How you do it, Thank you, for your touch. I do not know How He does it. Without His hand, none of this is possible. Paying bills with money we are not supposed to have. Taking care of bills, when the budget says, this is impossible. God touches the hearts of various people, to sit down and send the money (some in your mail box, others through GiveSendGo.com/frankluzwilliams each month it is miraculous. Now we have the bills and responsibilities for February. The Lord has miraculously allowed us to provide for families in Tanza, Bataraza, Naic, some somehow in Sauda Arabia. We pray for grandmother's raising their children, with very little, if any assistance from the parents of the children. The Lord makes a way for us to pay for clothing the children would not have access to. Help them to buy uniforms and school supplies, for class assignments, to pay for the internet access, telephone communication, food. Supplies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Birthday supplies, normally cake and when it is available vanilla ice cream to go with the cake. We teach the children and the families in 9 churches the teachings of Jesus, and to apply these teachings to their lives. John 10:10 The Thief, comes onlyh to kill, steal, and to destroy. Jesus arrives- I have come (Jesus the Hero) so that you can have life, and life more abundantly. We must apply the teachings of Jesus and He somehow blesses not only with Life, but Life more abundantly.

Opportunity knocks, to improve our social media ministry, to bless more people with the Good News of Jesus, and more abundantly miracles as we apply His teachings to our lives, somehow, He multiplies the reach of every single dollar, everything is somehow, mysteriously multiplied. I can not tell you how, He does it, but He does.

Thank you for hearing from God, and allowing His hand to multiply what you give, and how He blesses you in return.

Thank you for your best gift, and for sending it for Him to bless every day, just like now.

Update #83 Jesus Christ Our Miracle Worker

January 27th, 2023

This past sunday at the Christ The Strong Foundation Church in Naic, Cavite located temporarily in the Hillsview Royale Subdivision Club house two, we were again honored by the Personal Presence of Jesus Christ, where everything is possible in His Presence. We witnessed the Manifestation of some of His Promises,and lives were impacted and blessed by the Touch of Jesus Our Savior. The Clubhouse was full, we had a second meeting a few hours later. then we traveled to Tres Verde Rosa where we did a 3rd Celebration. I love it when Jesus shows up with His physical Presence. The more frequently He is invited everything is more enjoyable as a Missionary. We insist on walking with Jesus, not getting a head of Jesus, we need His presence constantly. We know His Presence is imperative. We are behind schedule for our budget. This week He provided approximately 50 % of our needed budget. It is miraculous when some of you, hear from God, and send your best to partner with us, and theen he multiples your gifts.

One vision it to enhance our Social Media Missionary Outreach, as it allows us to deliver the Hope of Jesus to every continent in the world. Our concentration is the Philippines, but He blesses many of our friends in other nations and continents. We receive testimories from the east coast of the United States, including the Carolina's and parts of Florida. One man of God, has committed to helping us to build a place of worship very close to the Highway from Naic to Tanza, Cavite here in the Philippines. This does not happen without Jesus touching the hearts of our friends, just like you. We need to enhance our compter capabilities to do a better job of blessing you and our friends throughout south east Asia (the Philippines) and throughout the world (Yes, that includes our friends in the United States).

Our monthly Goal is $2000. This is what we need to improve our Social Media Presence through a Better Computer. That is the amount needed to enhance (make things better) that is also what we have is our target budget for each month. Somehow Jesus multiplies each gift (even when it is not near the budget) and he meets every need. Because of His Hand of Blessing we help support ministry in 8 different churches in 4 Provinces and Islands of the Philippines. Sometimes we are able to bless children on their birthday's with Cake and Ice Cream when ever possible. Jesus promises Life and Life more abundatly (John 10:10) and abundance includes ice cream, when He inspires partners like you to help us). We feed the hungry, encouage students to continue their studies, do their homework, complete their assignments. Some of our young missionaries are completing College and University Studies, while many are still in kintegarten and elementary, Middle School and High School Classes. You help us to continue delivering Hope to those with no Hope with out Jesus. You nelp us to inspire real people, with the Dynamic Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus still answers prayer, and You help us to deliver that "Wow" message of Jesus Christ, because our Savior still has the "Wow Power" that changes hearts, lives, and futures". 

Thank you for what ever He whispers to you to sin, as soon as possible, and for some of you, right now.

Thank you in advance.

Update #82 Safety Last from 1923 Starring Movie Star Harold Lloyd

January 24th, 2023

So the other day, I find the movie Safety Last from the year 1923 starring silent movie star Harold Lloyd. It is one of the most famous silent movies in History and features silent movie star Harold Lloyd in love with his sweet heart, who needs better money to build a life, to start a life together with his sweet heart. The Department Store for who he works does not offer a huge salary to work with, probably average for the year of 1923. The General Manager is looking for a publicity stunt that will attract thousands to watch in front of the store. Harold Lloyd and his friend have the idea of being the Evel Kenievel of 1923 and climb the exterior of the 12 Story Department Store and attacting 1000 people to see if he can successfully reach the top. I was interested, Could Harold Lloyed successfully reach the top. I started to watch the movie, I began watching as he started to climg the building. He was afraid of heights, he was not a very good acrobat. There were many distractions that would divert his attention as he began labor to reach the goal.There were many distractions for Harold Lloyd in the movie and I experienced many distractions too. The movie was made in 1923, when he started to climb the building and I was unable to complete watching the movie and 100 years later, I still was not able to complete the movie. 100 years later, I was unable to witness his successful climb to the top. I was distrac5ted every time I wanted to finish the task of watching him successfully complete the job. In 100 years, beginning in 1923 he began to climb the building and now in 2023, I have been distracted from watching him in the movie that he had successfully made it to the top.

As Missionaries we have the assignment of climbing the Mountain with Projects for the Glory of Jesus Christ.  and we face challengous as we reach for the top, in the name of  Jesus CHrist. We have heard from Jesus that you maybe a partner that will help us make it to the top, for the Glory of Jesus Christ. We definitely are encouraged as you partner with us. We are doing things that can not be done without the direct involvement of Jesus our Lord. Your help is encouraging and Jesus Multiplies every dime given for His Honor and Glory. It is encouraging as you hear from God, and give your little to His hands and we see the results as he multiples each gift, and completes each task that we know is not possible without His Touch upon each donation that you give into His Hands. 

Thank you as you give unto the Lord today. Trust us as He multiplies your gift and with us, watch to see, how he will use your gift to glorify the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you for giving in Jesus Name.

Update #81 Update - We serve the God of Miracles 1/21/2023

January 21st, 2023

I believe that we are on the brink of a seismic financial breakthrough. Every thing we accomplish is the result of the Blessings of Jesus hand upon us. The financial miracles He has provided so many times, have been real miracles.We have been provided with land upon which to build the first location for the Lord's Kitchen in the temporary location of the Hillsview Royale Subdivision. We seek and invite the personal presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in all of our meetings because when you experience the Personal Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, in that atmosphere all things are possible. You can not expect to touch the Hem of the garments of Jesus Christ unless you are in His personal Presence. Many times, our bank account has been completely empty with the monthly electric bill due tht next day, and when you are late, you know about the additional late fee's they add to your account. Then the Holy Spirit whispers into the ears of one of you, our partners, and you believe the voice of Jesus urging you to do your best, and then from the Love of Jesus, and the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit cmes the miracle donation from perhaps your account of $800. I turn and share the news of the miracle to my wife, and it is much easier to sleep and prepare our message to the people, bragging about what Jesus Christ has done (without His hand being involved it is impossible). We received an email recently from one of you who sent a private message (The insurance money came through, your donation is on the way, it is so big that we want to send it through old fashioned US Snail mail (GiveSendGo is a faithful and dependable partner and a safe way to donate using the Internet, several times your donations have come at just the right moment). The promise is that the amount donated is bigger than what we expect. We are greatful even though we do not know the amount). We can only pray about the possible amount, and how we can use the amount provided to us, in the most honorable way to glorify God. After arriving in Manila, God opened the door for us to enjoy and benefit from the Rose of Sharon Mission House. It was far more beautiful than I expected. Modern Bathroom, modern swimming pool, nice kitchen, airconditioned rooms and reasonable prices. While enjoying the Rose of Sharon Mission House the Lord spoke to me - Frank, you are at one of the best door ways into the Mission Fields of Asia (The Seven Churches of Asia are mentioned in the Bible Book of Revelation). I said, Lord if you help us, I want to make it more comfortable for Missionaries to travel into more hazardous areas of Asia. In fact there are not many Mission Houses in the Philippines. The Lord spoke to me, make it as easy, and as comfortable for others to follow your example and go into the Mission Fields of Asia, and the Philippines are found in southeastern Asia).

The Holy Spirit gave me the vision of starting locations for the Lord's Kitchen and the KIngs Table Missions throughout the Philippines, and as we find the key people to help us, to start these mission Kitchen's and Kings's Table in your area too. This is a big responsibility and we want to do things in the way that Jesus Christ gets the most honor and glory.

Remember the children of Israel, if you have been Born Again, you too, are one of His Children, he told them to find the Promised Land a locationt that would flow with Milk and Honey. This requires prayer and planning and finding the right people to help do this for His Kingdom (Not our own), His Honor and His Glory. Many of you are experts and qualified to help us more than you ever believed would be possible. I know that He is speaking (perhaps to you) and that you are prepared to help right now. We continue to pray over these visions and dreams, knowing perhaps you can help today, right now. I look right now at street children the Lord helps us to feed, to get ready for school and sunday school. To plan birthday parties for, with Birthday Cake and Ice Cream when it is possible. Remember Jesus tells us not to forbid the children from coming to me. With your help, Jesus has been helping us to help 8 churches on 4 different islands and provinces of the Philippines. Yes, 8 different churches, with good pastors and their families in those 8 different churches. Jesus multiplies every dime, every penny.. I just feel like something good is about to happen, and believe it could be this very day. Yes, we need your help, Jesus Multiplies it and each gift does far more than you may believe. Thank you so much for any amount you can send today. Thank you in advance. I believe you are helping to provide a tsunami move of Jesus Christ throughout the World today.

Update #80 What are you doing here Elijah?

January 17th, 2023

Elijah following a great victory at Mount Carmel, faced a sudden attack, a threat. Elijah was challenged and now he was depressed. The Holy Spirit says that many of you have experienced great victories and now you face new challenges. You now face depression and despite the victories he had won for you, you now face depression and the Lord is asking you, what are you doing?

Some of you have been very close to ministry and life has brought you to the place you now have stepped away from the "Front Lines" of ministry. You no longer prepare messages and teachings for others, now your routine has changed. Did God change His call upon your life or have you stopped listening for His direction, have you stopped listening for his voice? Has your focus changed, have you stopped hearing from God? Has He changed the message for your life. Are you falling for temptations that you have given to God years ago. Have you stopped submitting yourself to our God, have you taken a vacation from resisting the devil, does he no longer flee from you.

Return to your first love, return to the spark He has given you in the past. Dust off your Bible, sharpen your sword, be the Man or Woman of God He has called for you to be. He remains faith ful. Do your best today and Our God will do the rest.

God is talking to some of you to give your best today, the best gift of the past 3 years. He has not forgotten you, do your best today, and watch what He will do for you.

Update #79 Jesus Continues to move on the Mission Fields of the Philippines

January 10th, 2023

We continue to receive prayer requests and testimories from all the continents and people from many nations. Received a testimony from one woman of God, who made an unwise decision and asked for God's help. A few weeks later (one month) she received a financial blessing that resolved the bad purchase. The Blessing was only possible because of the Direct Involvement of Jesus Christ in her finances. Though out 2022, the testimonies continued to come in, things only Jesus Christ could do. We hear prayer requests from around the World, and God continues to do amazing things.

We serve an Awesome Mighty God, He answers prayers that are not explainable. He has helped us to acquire property for new ministry, that we were not able to afford. Our venues continue to be packed, we see new families, new children and visitors from throughout the province and nearby communities. Jesus continues to bless us with His Personal Presence, and when Jesus is involved, all things are possible. Things only Jesus Can do.

We know His best is still to come, thank you as he blesses every gift you make, somehow multiplying and accomplishing what only Jesus Christ can do.

Thank you for your best gift today.

Update #78 January 5th 2023

January 5th, 2023

We serve a miracle working God. Our donations are far below our goal for January 2023. This is an example of How Jesus has been directly involved in this missionary ministry. Donations are not anywhere near to what they should be, but Jesus continues to multiply and to supply in a miraculous way. Our God supplies our need, He opens doors, he provides the way, when the way has not been provided. The money is not there, yet Jesus continues to bless. We still feed the children with out proper parental support. When the children have no one to make sure they eat properly, when no one provides for the supervision the children need, the Lord Jesus helps us to be parents the children do not have. The teachers to help the children learn, when no one in this world is stepping in to meet the needs of these children, somehow Our Jesus makes the provision, He makes the way to supply what these children need. Many have not been able to afford proper housing, proper food for ther families, and yet our God has made it possible for us to continue to help people in 8 different churches,in 4 different Provinces of the Philippines on two different island's. Our God is making it possible for us to do what is impossible, without our Lord Jesus being directly impossible.

We thank those who partner with us, and help as the Lord speaks to you to help, with your very best. Again, we thank you to those who do what they can, and the Lord Jesus Multiplies every gift, he multiplies the food, and feeds thousands. Just like the miracles written about in the 4 Gospels, Jesus continues to do, somehow in the present. We are $800 behind our goal, $800 less than this time in December of 2022. Thank you, for what you can do today. Do your very best, and count on Him to bless you too.

Yes, do your very best today, and allow Him to multiply your gift, what you provide today.

Update #77 Vision for 2023

January 2nd, 2023

Recently a man of God treated us to a local tour of many areas around Naic, and Tanza, Cavite Philippines. High into the neighborhood mountains we traveled, far above Naic, and Tanza, Cavite' and into the regions of the Province of Cavite' where we had not yet personally visited. Many times our driver took us in ways, and directions, in areas where we had not yet had the opportunity to visit. Then I heard the Holy Spirit way - "Frank, I am taking you in new directions and new ways, do you continue to trust me, when I take you in new ways, new directions, do you still continue to trust me?".

Yes, Lord I have trusted you completely since 1970. I trust you with my future, and where you lead me, even when I have not been there before.  As we have started  2023, we head in new directions as we follow the direction of the Holy Spirit. The Lord has mentioned to me new areas of Cavite' and of the Philippines. He has referred to Manila, and Tondo, Laguna Province and other nearby provinces. I have communicated with those in the Palawan Province and El Nido, and the Island of Coron Palawan. We continue to trust the Holy Spirit. So often we have not hit the target of $2000 per month and yet, He continue to Help us to accomplish those goals that are impossible without His Touch, without His Touch. With Jesus involved, all things are possible.

One vision for 2023 is to eastablish the 1st location of the Lord's Kitchen, do demonstrate with the Lord Jesus Christ, it is possible to establish not just life, but life more abundantly for the Lord's Children. With Jesus Christ we can show that Jesus helps to establish with His   Blessings a Land that Flows with Milk and Honey. We can open the Lord's Kitchen, or the King's Table. Jesus fed thousands in ministry and He teaches us to do unto others as we would have them to do unto us. How many want us to practice and demonstrate the Golden Rule as we brag and teach about Jesus? How many believe that when Jesus offers His best to His children, it is foolish to say, Lord, we do not want your best. Even when you promise your best, I do not want it? Jesus teaches us to teach and preach His best. Through out this Ministry, Jesus makes the way possible to do what is impossible without Him. We thank you for your partnership as we teach His best, just as He teaches us to teach and preach it. Thank you, in advance as we preach and teach just as Jesus commands us. Thank you for your very best today.

Update #76 Our Miracle Working God

December 24th, 2022

Our God is Alive and He continues to move for His Children. We have always been short on money, never have we reached the budget of $2000. Jesus Christ continues to show, and to do what the experts tell us to be impossible. Thank you to those who listen to the voice of the Lord, and give their very best. We believe that His best is still to come. 

We are trusting God for the first version of the Lord's Kitchen in the Philippines, Jesus Christ gives not just life, but Life more abundantly (John 10:10). Teaching that as we obey His Word, that He will continue to outpour His Blessings. We invite you to partner with us, and we Believe that you will see Jesus in action, for He lives and His blessings are still to come.

Send your best as we start on 2023, we expect Him to bless you too.

Update #75 We are short of our budget. The Lord Keeps making a way.

December 21st, 2022

Our Budget financially is the goal that many of you would require for your best efforts for the Lord in the Philippines. The experts generally require a budget of $2000 per month. The Holy Spirit continues to inspire us to do our very best for His honor and glory. We have never had our preferred budget. The Lord Jesus Christ, continues to bless us and make a way, where it is impossible with out His approval, with out His help. We can definitely benefit from more help. Jesus allows us to feed orphans, many street children, provide housing for those in need, help people in 8 different churches in 4  different provinces on two different islands. There are more than 7000 islands in the Philippines. because of His Help we allows us to do the impossible in Jesus Name. Most of you are unable to do more in your home country, but somehow, He is making a way, that is impossible in our home. He is helping us to make a difference. Thank you to those who give as you are inspired by Jesus and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. 

Thank you to those who can give your best before Christmas, and before the end of 2022. Thank you for your very best. Our God will not forget you, and He will remember you, in your time of need. Thank you for your best gift today.

Update #74 Holy Day Miracles, Jesus continues to answer prayer

December 19th, 2022

The Hand of Jesus continues to be upon our missionary ministry. We have never hit our desired budget, the experts all say that we do not operate with the money that is really needed. Although this is a fact, every venue has been packed out, we have used multiple venues, including a venue at the Stadium Mall in Naic, and it was expensive and too small. We have used the temporary setting of the Clubhouse of Phase Two, of the Hillwview Royale Subdivision and it contines to be packed out, and the Lord add new families and new children every week. We have been provided prime real estate on the main highway on the border between the municipalities of Naic, and Tanza, Cavite'. Now we have to depend upon the Lord to build the new venue, which will include the ministry of the Lord's Kitchen, to provide meals to some of the hungry, to help the children of God to better enjoy the dream, the vision, of a land to flow with Milk and Honey. It is a vision of God, we must take one step at a time, with Jesus Christ our Lord. We walk in His Presence, one step at a time. Keeping Jesus at the center of everything we do.
We always operate with a budget that is much too small, and Jesus continues to bless every thing given, with miracles. He has allowed us to feed and help, some of the orphans, some of the children on the street, children from broken families. Some how he has allowed us to treat some of the children on their birthday with not only Birthday Cake, but also some ice cream. Jesus still touches lives, and helps us to stretch His Chain of Grace. He touches the lives of children from broken homes, and heals broken hearts, and gives those with no hope, new hope for the future, one day, at a time, from walking with Jesus.

This week is the Holy Day of 2022, speeding to the beginning of the New Year walking with Jesus. We do not have enough money, but we have Jesus at the center of it all. When you walk, purposely in the manifest presence of Jesus Christ, anything is possible. We take what you give, lift it up to Him and He blesses and helps stretch each offering, to do what is impossible for us, but He stretches it. So far this Holy Day Season of December of 2022, He has multiplied only $300 given and somehow He stretches it. If you can help us during this Christmas Holiday, we know that He will bless it, and will bless you too. Thank you for your best gift, you can send right now. Thank you in advance.

Missionaries Frank and Luz Williams

Update #73 We Fall Short of our Goals, and Jesus still does the miracles.

December 15th, 2022

Jesus is correct.

Jesus teaches this is the truth. The harvest is amazing but the laborers are few. The response is terrific but the help does not exist. The teachings of Jesus are so powerful, but the people to help to preach this good news barely exists. There are some who are Good Samaritans for Jesus, but there are very few who will help the Good Samatitans are not abundant. 
The experts believe we need $2000 each month, but the total raised so far for the ministry in the Philippines has been less than $6000. We have not met our fund raising budget at all this year. Yet, I have to brag because Jesus continues to do the miraculous for us every month. This is the Holy Day Season, we celebrate the Birth of Jesus in just a few days. We are far short of our fundraising goals. We see the miracles every single month, Jesus continues to keep changing hearts and minds.

We fall short of our fundraising goals every month, yet our God has opened doors for the Missionary Ministry to acquire land for ministry for the Christ The Strong Foundation church in Naic, Cavite, Philippines and locate a team of expert builders to help built the "Lord's Kitchen", the new santuary (Church Building), conduct multiple feedings around Naic, Cavite, Philippines and yet we have not hit our fund raising goals, at all.

When you invest in the Work of God, with our Missionary Team, we feed the hungry, help educate children, families about the teachings of Jesus, the Benefits of applying the teachings of Jesus in their lives. We do not have the budget we would prefer, but our Savior Blesses every amount dedicated to His Work. Our goal for this Holiday Season (December 2022) is $2000 but we have recieved $300. Our Savior will bless and help us to get the very best value for what you give. We do this for His honor, His Glory, we do this for Jesus Christ, Our Savior.

I know that He will bless what you can send right now. Some of you may not have given in December 2022 but you way be able to help us with $2000, $1000, $500, $250 , $100, or another smaller amoung. Little becomes much when you place it in the Master's Hand. Thank you for your best gift in Debember 2022.

Update #72

December 9th, 2022

Update #71 We Fall short of the Goal and Jesus still provides

December 9th, 2022

The experts tell us that to run our Missionary Ministry properly our goal should be to raise $2000 per month. Every month there are people who do not believe that Good Samaratans, Missionaries do not deserve $2000 per month, and do nothing to help to reach that goal. Jesus teaches us to do unto others as we want people to give unto you.  Many of these are goats, they look much like sheep, they dress much like the sheep, but they have no respect for the shepherd. They go where they want, they listen to whom they want, but take no responsibility, they want to look like a Believer, they want to hang around the Believers, but they claim no Shepherd, they do not even listen to the Shepherd because they are not a sheep, they are a goat, they have no pastors. 

We are asking for help from those of you, who know you belong to the Shepherd. Jesus Divides the Sheep from the Goats, so our request is only to those who know that you Belong to the Shepherd. We are in the middle of the Holy Day Season and your help is needed. We need help this week. We are short of the budget. We need an extra $500.

Thank you to the sheep who give on a regular basis, and we are asking that if God has blessed you, that you will hear from God and give in the authority of Jesus our Savior. Give when you have not given before, because right now, you can.  Thank you to those who can send $1000 or $750, $500.

We help people in 8 different churches, in 4 provinces, on two islands. As you help us, you are helping the God who sent us. He promises that as you help us to plant, our Father in heaven shall bring in the harvest and it is great. Your help is needed today.

Update #70

December 8th, 2022

Update #69 Help for the Good Samaritans

December 8th, 2022

In the Bible the a man of God leaves Jerusalem and is headed to Jericho, we are not told why he is heading there, but he is attacked, and severely wounded and left to die. Today many ask, why did you leave Jerusalem. why did you leave safety and start on this journey? You were attacked after you left your place of safety? Why did you start on this adventure? You have been beaten, you are in bad shape, now you need help. How did you decide to allow yourself on such a dangerous trip? How did your husband lose his Job? Why did you not engage in the bad behavior that would have helped you to keep your job?

Many today are in trouble, they are in dangerous situations, in places that no one willingly chooses to face. One woman was thrown at the feet of Jesus, the righteous accussed her, asked her probing questions. The righteous were ready to judge her, prepared to stone her. Jesus got down on her level, looked her in the eyes and proceeded to help. Others are inconvenienced, they avoid looking into their eyes. They do not want to help, almost never do they want to help. Some have the right kind of heart, they help when it appears those you help will never be able to pay you back. Jesus thanks those who help when it appears that no repayment is possible.Jesus condemns some, who never help. Never take action to help those who appear like they will never be able to repay. Jesus says these will be thrown into outer darkness.

Which one is you? Are you able to give your little to help those who will never be able to repay? What will you do? What can you do? Jesus is watching and listning. He knows exactly who you are. What can you do today?

Update #68 We are in the Holy Day Season, We thank you in advance for your help.

December 4th, 2022

So far we have continued to help children, who do not have Christian Parents. We have housed them, clothed them, helped get them ready for school and have been teaching them to live for Jesus. In the Philippines many children do receive some cake for their birthday, but as a Missionary of the Lord Jesus Christ, we have introduced ice cream to be served with Birthday Cake. We show children the love of Jesus Christ. Teach them about taking God Provided talents and investing them in His Kingdom. We are seeing the Love of Jesus, and the Bible changing hearts, changing lives, by teaching and showing to these children, the Love of Jesus Christ. Thank you for partnering with us as we teach them about Hope through Jesus Christ our Lord. We can definitely use your help, in the Name of Jesus this Holy Day Season. Without Jesus we can do nothing. He is our partner, that means when you help us, you are helping Jesus too this Holy Day Season. Thank you for your best gift today.

Update #67 Short of Goal for November, but Look at What God continues to do.

November 30th, 2022

We depend upon the Hand of Jesus in this Missionary Work of God here in the Philippines. The experts tell us, tell us that this Missionary Work of God requires a Missionary Monthly Budget of $2000. In November we did nor reach 25% of our goal. But because we seek His involvement every day, every week, our venues are packed and somehow we are still able to help support 8 Different Churches in 4 different Provinces of the Philippines. Because of His Hand we are still able to minister street children, with out parental assistance, and helping to support 8 different churches, shows that His Blessing are upon us, that we do not spend the money frivolously. We thank you for those who help to support the ministry, and those who have helped in the past, those who give what they can, when they can.
We enter December after reaching less than 20% of our goal for November. Please do what you can by helping us to do even more for Jesus in December of 2022. As you do your best, know that we ask for His Wisdom and Guidance as we give our very best efforts for His Honor and Glory. Jesus Never fails. Please walk with us and we walk to honor Jesus Christ.

Update #66 Without Jesus we can do nothing. Submit yourself to God.

November 28th, 2022

In the Book of James, the Holy Spirit teaches us about prayer, and submitting ourselves to God. To submit means to continue to seek, and to enjoy the personal presence of Jesus Christ, every day in our lives. He teaches us to seek His Kingdom, His will (The will of Jesus), His daily bread. We see the Hand of Jesus multiplying our efforts to do the impossible. His hands are involved just like He has fed the thousands in Israel,so that we can see that with Jesus is involved, all things are possible. Without Jesus nothing is possible. Without Him we can do nothing. We are now in the Holy Day Season and Music celebrating the coming of the Light of the World into this world of Darkness has started from our Musical Missionaries and we know that in His Presence, everything is possible. Thank you to those who can hear today, and give as led by the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to multiply what you can give today. To bless people in the Name, the Authority of Jesus Christ, our Messiah, the anointed of God the Father, to destroy the works of the Devil. Even though we have not yet hit our monthly Goal, His Hand continues to help us to accomplish what the experts tell us is impossible. Jesus Blesses every gift, for His Honor and Glory. Thank you in advance.

Update #65 Preparations for Thanksgiving Service for later today.

November 24th, 2022

So far today we have spent 3000 Philippine Pesos preparing for our Thanksgiving Service for 2022. Thanksgiving Day is not a national Holy Day like it is in the United States, there are no American Football Games to watch, and acquring turkey is something that we could not accomplish in 2022. We will emphasize how thankful God has been to us and this ministry since the end of the Nationwide Quarentine approximately on the 1st of March 2022.  The Hand of Jesus continues to rest upon us, as we seek to glorify His name. He allows the Manifest Presence of Jesus to move in our services. As you know that when ever the Manifest Presence of Jesus dwells, everything is possible. Many of you have the opportunity to be involved in Holiday Shopping that many of you recognize as Black Friday. We here want people to Focus and seek the Manifest Presence of Jesus Christ, as you know, if you want to touch the hem of Jesus Garments, you must be in His Manifest presence of Jesus.

we thank you for each of you, who will hear the Holy Spirit whispering to you today, to give to our work for Jesus here in the Philippines. We spent 3000 Philippine Pesos earlier today, We were not able to secure the turkey we wanted. We will remember to engage in prayer for the benefit of all our partners. Thank you in advance for your best gift today. May you recieve His reward for what you do in His Name.

Update #64 Do unto others and you would have them do unto you.

November 21st, 2022

Jesus teaches that when you do it for the least of our brothers (those who do not look like they will be able to return your favor, you do it unto the Lord. In Louisville, Kentucky a friend and I were soul winning on the Belvedere in Louisville, Kentucky across from The Humana Building. This older man was all alone, we agreed that the Holy Ghost sent this man. We did not have much money, but we decided to take him to White Castle to feed him, buy as a small dinner, and to eat with him. We witnessed to him, prayed with him and paid his bus fare to travel all the way to Owensboro, Kentucky to find his family. The man cried and testified that no one had ever showed him this kindness before, in the Name of Jesus. We took him to the church, where he could sleep. The next morning he was gone. A couple of years later, I was pastoring in Hardinsburg. Kentucky, eating breakfast at Hardy's. This was a sunday morning, a well dressed man came up and asked if he could eat and talk with me, He told me how he was down, had no home, nothing to help and asking God to send him Help to prove that God Answers Prayer. He was at the Belvedere, nothing to eat, nothing to sleep, and two young believers began to share the love of Jesus with him. They bought him hamburgers and fries from White Castle and gave him a place to sleep, and paid for his bus trip to Owensboro, Kentucky. Years later this man had changed his life, through trusting in Jesus Christ. He had a good paying job and was taking care of his family, and he wanted to identify himself purchased breakfast for his family at home, and paid for my Breakfast before church, and taking breakfast to his family. When you give unto the Lord, sometimes the Lord will allow you to see what He has done, because you heard from the Holy Spirit and did what they could in Jesus Name. We need your best gift today. We serve Jesus Our Savor, he touches your gift and blesses it with His Hand. Thank you for your help today.

Update #63 Update, move of God

November 19th, 2022

This morning part of our team participated in another feeding in Phase 3 of the Hillsview Royale Subdivision. Each Phase has 100 homes, and so we are pleased that somehow they came up with enough food to feed people in another 100 homes. Our Father in heaven knows exactly who we are, and how much money we do not have. Yet our people, ask for God's Blessings and the Hand of Jesus multiplies what we do not have and makes a way where there is no way. We are short of our goal for November 2022. This week we only raised $30 and we have a long way to reach our monthly goal of $2000 and you can do the math, that means we still need $1930 to reach our goal for November and since we are in the Holy Day Season, we are asking our God to help us to do miracles. Today, we have another Teen Age Missionary arriving at our Mission House here in Tanza, to work with our team in Naic, Cavite', Philippines. This is an excellent young singer, who also plays the guitar (Electric and Acoustic). We thank you for partnering with us with finances and prayer time. We know our God will continue to help us to do the impossible. What He is doing for us, He is more than willing to do for you. In James we are reminded that many times we have not, because we did not ask. Partner with us, do the best you can, and we appreciate your gift of love, from the bottom of your heart. Thank you in advance.

Update #62

November 17th, 2022

Update #61 We have testimonies so far this week, thank you Father God.

November 17th, 2022

Let us brag about what has happened this week so far. We were able to raise 15% of our goal. That has been an average of $4 dollars per day. Perhaps the Lord has been whispering to you, to help us on the Mission Fields of the Philippines. Perhaps you did not believe that your little donation would be enough. If you can only donate $5 that is larger than the average of $4 per day we have had given every day so far of this week, yes $4 per day. Has the Holy Spirit given you $24 dollars this week? $6 per day over 4 days equals $24 dollars. Has the Holy Spirit given you $30 per day, or even $30 for this week? A little bit of something is better than all of nothing. We pray over every donation, we ask God to multiply every gift. Remember how Jesus Fed thousands with just a few loaves of bread and a little bit of fish? We started using GiveSendGo.com/frankluzwilliams back in March 2022 and we have not hit our targets, but God has multiplied each and every gift. So far the hand of Jesus has multiplied every gift, and because of His Hand of Blessing (Hand of Jesus) we have been able to help, to feed, families, people in 8 different churches in 4 different Provinces of the Philippines on two different Islands. That is not shabby at all, and many of you have helped. We have packed out every venue, including the Stadium Mall venue in Naic, Cavite' Philippines. Our crowds are coming to Jesus Christ, adding children and families every single week. Jesus is correct the harvest is tremendous while the help for us to do more has not been very much. Yet, The hand of Jesus has multiplied what we have been able to do with each gift.
Now we are in the beginning of the Holiday Day Season, we have good news to share to the poor, and we can help to heal broken hearts, those who have lost their dreams, lost their homes. But our Good News comes from Jesus Christ (John 10:10) I have Come! Jesus lives and we are Missionaries want you to know that He is Alive and His presence is Here, and He promises I bring you life, and Life More abundantly. (John 10:10) and that is His promise to you too. When you invest your talents in the Kingdom of Heaven, he promises to multiply your talents, to bless you. Can you Believe the promise of the Lord Jesus Christ, for with Jesus all things are possible. Thank you to those who are able to dedicate to Jesus, your best gift , from the bottom of your heart. Your best gift of any amount today. Be blessed in the Name, the Authority of Jesus Our Savior, Our Messiah today.

Update #60 The Holy Spirit continues to move, Jesus is moving in our midst.

November 13th, 2022

Needed to brag about the way Jesus remains in our midst. We are proud to report that Jesus showed with His Manifested Presence of the Holy Spirit twice at the Clubhouse Phase Two for the Christ The Strong Foundation Church in Naic. From the abundance of their hearts many of those who have benefitted from the Grace of God that you have partnered with us to share, stepped up and volunteered for a Breakfast gathering for those in the Hillsview Royale Subdivision Phases two and three. It was packed out.

So our God is using your partnership to build this missionary Good Samaritan Outreach in Naic, Tanza.  We are still financially behind are target for the month of November 2022. This is the Holy Day Season, and if anyone should be singing and celebrating the Hope given to them by Jesus Christ it must certainly should be the Children of God, those who enjoy His manifested presence. Thank you for hearing from God. We want to thank you in advance for your best gift you can send today. Just do your best and the Holy Spirit will multiply your effort back to you. As you work with us, Missionaries, you are also working with the God who sends us. We incurred 6000 Pesos to help feed the poor. Our Goal is to help the 8 different churches we try to help in the Philippines, in 4 different Provinces. What we do for Jesus here, can be duplicated for the Glory of God where you live too.

Update #59 Unexpected Electric Bill, sudden help needed, thank you advance

November 8th, 2022

We all ways try to be wife with our spending. Sometimes after we help to supply food, meals for families in churches, sometimes they need it faster than we anticipated and then all of a sudden we see the cut off date for the Electric Bill for the Mission House. For November 8th we have only accumulated $50 in November of 2022. How many of you can budget your bills for $50 when we help 8 churches in 4 different Provinces here in the Philippines. We appreciate your best gift today. Remember as Missionaries we are also the Good Samaritans here in the Philippines, and we need your best gifts today. We would not ask if it was not necessary. Thank you, again for being Faithful.

Update #58

November 5th, 2022

Update #57 Update and casting Vision for November and Decembet 2022 and early 2023

November 5th, 2022

We started on here March 1st 2022. The Hand of Jesus has been upon us. We have ministered to the sick, ministered to street children, ministered to the ill, and people in trouble in 8 Different Churches in 4 different Prospects, on two islands in the Republic of the Philippines. It has been the Hand of Jesus doing all of these miracles. Not I here the Lord instructing me to share to you our next vision.

All of our venues have been packed full. Now He is telling me to begin prayer and preparation for the 1st Lord's Kitchen Venue and Ministry. We are looking for a great venue and commercial kitchen for our 1st Lord's Kitchen. We are looking for our best venue and a commercial kitchen for the 1st Lord's Kitchen. Jesus taught ' I have come to bring you life, and life more abundantly (John 10:10). Jesus taught to use our talents correctly and to use our talents to build the kingdom of heaven. Yes, Jesus teaches to invest in your talents and to use them for His Kingdom and it produces LIfe More Abundantly.  We must teach what Jesus Taught and feed like Jesus. Jesus had a great ministry exemplified by feeding hungry people. If Jesus teaches us to feed the hungry, we His Missionaries, his Good Samaritans should follow and teach like Jesus.

We will continue to look for a bigger venue (We have packed all of them),now we want to be obediant to Jesus and help to feed the hungry.  This will not happen over night, We need your prayers, and your help as we continue to lead people to Jesus and Feed as many as we can, and to complete the 1st location of the Lord's Kitchen. Some of you need to pray about coming here to the Philippines and share your expertise, share your knowledge Here for Jesus. We need experts for making 2% Milk available here in the Philippines nationwide starting with the Lord's Kitchen near Naic, Cavite, Philippines (Near Timalan, next to the highway bridge to Tanza).  Help us as we work to erect the first Lord's Kitchen venue in the Philippines. Thank you in advance for your help with this project. When you help us, you are also helping the God who sends us Matthew 10:40

Update #56 We are Good Samaritans for Jesus located in the Philippines

November 1st, 2022

In Jesus tragedy of the Good Samaritans people fall into trouble. They fall meaning they did not plan for this too happen. Too often people ask, How did this happen to you? Like a change of intended actions would have kept them from falling into tragedy. Many never intended to fall into such horrible circumstances. Jesus tells us to follow the actions and example of The God of all comfort, and the Father of all mercies (2 Corinthians Chaper 2-3) who comforts us in ALL of our tragedies, so that we can offer comfort to any who have fallen to this type of tragedy, from the comfort that He has rescued us.
In October we were able to act as Good Samaritans in eight different churches in four different provinces of the Philippines, on two different islands (Luzon and Palawan). We have secured the largest venues available to us, and we have packed out each venue. We are in contact with business leaders in charge of a long abandoned retail location in Timalin area of Naic, Cavite' Philippines. We do not know exactly what he will allow us to do next. but He allowed us to find the largest venue in the Stadium Mall in Naic, we the Holy Spirit allowed us to pack it out and every expense from the Stadium Mall this past week have been completely paid. It is a miracle, proof that the Hands of Jesus have been directly involed in this Missionary Work of God. Our next vision is to be able to open an early version of the Lord's Kitchen Christ the Strong Foundation, we want to feed breakfast to children, and offer a good lunch who join us in lunch time Bible Studies. Jesus teaches us that the theif has come to kill steal and destroy, but I have come (Jesus has come) to provide LIfe, and LIfe more abundantly (John 10:10) not my promise, but the promise of Jesus Christ. With your partnership we want people to learn that in the Personal Presence of Jesus Christ, everything is possible. It is after all the promise of Jesus our Savior (John 10:10). Your best gift today, will help us in this Holy Day Season as we begin being Good Samaritans here in Naic, and Tanza, Cavite' here in the Philippines.

Update #55 Testimony and Casting a Vision

October 31st, 2022

The Hand of Jesus has been involved in our Missions here in the Philippines. Since the lifting of the two year nationwide quarantines around March 1 2022- We have found the largest venue's we can find, and each time we have packed out every venue, our crowds have been massive. We packed out the largest venu available in the city of Naic. Cavite. In the name of Jesus we want things to be better for the people of the Philippines.
  One vision, God has given us is to open up a new mission, here in the Philippines and name if after the LORD's Kitchen, based in Louisville, Kitchen. The Lord's Kitchen was opened on Christmas Day of 1988, and in the name of Jesus they have fed hungry people every day. They brag about Jesus and feed hungry people.
As a Missionary in the Philippines, I see the need to open Missions known as the Lord's Kitchen to combine teaching the Bible, Bragging on Jesus and feeding people with good qualitiy meals to people who want to show up to hear about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We want to make things better in the Philippines for those dedicated as a child of God. We want to give people the opportunity to come to a breakfast bible study, to enjoy cereal and milk breakfast options made available by Missionaries to bless them in the Name of Jesus our Messiah.
We did not come to the Philippines to make money, but to minister to the People in the Name of Jesus. To show what Jesus Promised in John 10:10 The Thief comes to steal, kill and Destroy, but Jesus came to offer Life and Life more abundantly. In the Name of Jesus.

We never hit our fundraising budget. We want to lead Millions of people to the personal presence of Jesus Christ - where in His Presence everything is possible. This is one vision, to make things better for the people when they willingly gather in the personal presence of Jesus Christ. The Gospel of Jesus, available to the poor, to those who labor, in the Name of Jesus. We need partners, additional Good Samaritans. Your help is needed, the vision is huge, but our God gives to us a great big dreams, and awesome visions, for our God is Awesome. Help us, in the name of Jesus, when you help us, you are also helping the God who sends us.

Thank you for your best gift today.

Update #54 Testimony of How God is using GiveSendGo.com warning about GoFundme.

October 29th, 2022

I want to brag about the excellent customer service provided by GiveSendGo and the fact that GiveSendGo offers an excellent prayer team that as Missionaries find to be very helpful. I comfortably recommend the excellent customer service and the prayer ministry. It is very trust worthy and has really been helpful to us as Missionaries.

Go Fund Me offers no customer support. I supplied GoFund me with all of the data requested. They have no customer service team, they can request information that you have already provided to them. So since they offer no Customer Service, they come across as someone trying to scam you out of financial information to illegal sneak money out of your financial accounts. They provide no customer service mechanism to ask why they request information that they should already have. They have currently stolen $ 130 dollars given by people who decided to give to our Missionary Campaign. They are holding $130 hostage so they can scam us out of financial information to steal other funds from our financial accounts. Yes, information required to steal your indentity and no customer service to ask why they are seeking information needed to steal finances. They have $130 provided by those who have donated money to the Work of God. They have not refunded the money that they have stolen. They have not informed the donors of how they have stolen the money. That they have stolen $130 dollars given to help us to be Missionary Good Samaritans. They steal the money meant for the Work of God in Missionary Work, they help us to be Good Samaritans and help those in distress. Warn everyone that the Number 1 competitor for GiveSendGo steals money and does not offer reliable customer service. Check out their lack of customer service. Check it out for yourself.

GiveSendGo offers top notch customer service, and an excellent prayer ministry that we as Missionaries find to be very helpful.

Thank you for those who hear from God, and help us to help people, we are Missionaries representing the God who sent us. He remembers those, who do what they can to help us. He will repay. GiveSendGo.com/frankluzwilliams 

Update #53 Important Testimony and an unexpected challenge

October 28th, 2022

We want to report an unexpected testimony and one very unexpected challenge. This sunday we have scheduled our largest venue so far, the Stadium Mall in Naic, Cavite for this sunday October 30th the start time is 3:00pm. Each week due to the hand of God upon our missionary efforts each venue has been too small, and the crowd has always been too big. The venue is also the most expensive venue, it is so expensive that we had to rent it out for only one week. We are looking for a good venue  that we can use each week to brag about Jesus. This is way beyond our monthy budget. Even though this is a fact, it is too expensive for us, somehow God has paid the entire cost of the Stadium Mall. He has paid the entire amount of more than 10,000 Philippine Pesos.

We want to praise God, because this is miracle provision for us. We look to be wise with our funds. What was unexpected is that GoFundMe (The number 1 competitor of GiveSendGo) has stolen $80 dollars from our Missionary Ministry. Yes GoFund me has stolen $80 sent to us by donors just like you. GoFundMe offers no customer service. No Customer Service, they have refused to send the $80 they have stolen back to the donors. So unfortunately $80 needed to pay important bills here in the Philippines has been stolen by Go Fund me and they provide zero customer service. On the other hand GiveSendGo not only provides customer service, but they make prayer available to everyone who uses GiveSendGo and we have benefitted from the Prayer they provide to others, just like us.

We want to thank those who partner with us, and our God continues to do what should be impossible for us. Many times, I do not know what we are going to do, or how we are going to pay bills. So many times he talks to people Just like you to help us to do what should be financially impossible. Thank you, so much for those who choose to help us. It is like you really choose to help our Ministry to be Good Samaritans, so that we are better able to help those, who need the help of those of us who can help those who need the Good Samaritan where we have influence. In Matthew 10:40 Jesus promises that those who help us, are helping the God who sent us with this mission, Know for certain that Our God remembers and will not forget what you have done for Him. Thank you for your best gift today.

Update #52 Walking by Faith and Not by Sight

October 25th, 2022

This month we are walking a new path, The Lord asked me "Frank, I am taking you in a path you have not been before, will you still trust me?". 

My answer is yes, Lord, my LIfe belongs to you. We trust you as we sincerely walk by faith in reality. So many times in the last 52 years, I have been in tough situations, and so many times things have looked impossible. Each time, Frank will you trust me, when you can not see, how I am going to answer your prayers? Each time, Yes Father, I trust you.

This morning I received the electric bill, due by 2 November 2022 for P4650,42. Yes, Father, you know about this bill, we need to buy groceries and help the street children, and people who need ministry assistance in eight different churches, in four different Provinces of the Philippines. 

I do not know how God is going to help us with this need, but I know that He will. We serve a Big Awesome God, who has given this Great Awesome Vision. Many of you, are called and God has promised to honor those, who honor us and Partner with the God who has sent us. I encourage you, to listen to our God, and give from the Bottom of your heart. We thank you for your very best, in advance. Thank you for what you do for Him.

Update #51 The God of Miracles, the Lord God Omnipotent Reigns

October 22nd, 2022

One of my favorite songs back in 1974 asked this question - Is there anything too big, for the Lord to do? Is there something you have been wanting down deep in your heart, that you thought He might not give you? 

Well you've got to be careful when your are thinking that way. Because the Giver of Gifts is still giving, the Giver of Life is still Living....." - the band that sang the song is the Archer's and they just released their 50th year anniversay Album and not only are they still singing, the Giver of Gifts is still giving and the Giver of Life is still living.

Things really get tough on the Mission Fields, finances get very thin. It is much harder to walk by Faith than it is to talk about it. Thank you to those of you who faithfully hear from God, and walk with us, financially He promises in Matthew 10:40 that those who help us, Honor the God who sends us, and that you will not lose your reward.

Thank you for your best gift today.

Update #50 This is our 50th Update since March 1, 2022

October 17th, 2022

Jesus Promised Matthew 10:40 Those who receive you, receives me, and the God who sends me. When you help us, you help the God who sends us. 

We have updated 50 times since March 1st 2022. You have been helping us since the nationwide quarantines were lifted here in the Philippines this spring. The missionary work here has been growing quickly since the spring of the year. We are helping 8 churches in 4 different provinces. We can not make these things up. What is impossible with man is possible when we have the Hands of Jesus blessing every cent that is donated. We are able to help so many street children, so many children from single parents, broken families, so many who lost their jobs and getting back to work. Eight churches in 4 Philippine Provinces. 

Every venue we have rented has been too small. Jesus is correct that harvest is ready, abundant, but the help is not enough. We have asked the Lord to open up to us, at least for one sunday the Stadium Mall in Naic, Cavite. Through the Hand of God, we will have one sunday at that location on the last sunday of October. This looked impossible, but our God opened the door. Land for a new ministry location is being given to us, we will post pictures as quickly impossible. Your help is appreciated as we want to continue missionary efforts as we move forward.

Our goal for October 2022 is $2000 and we have less than two weeks. Our God continues to do the impossible, we appreciate your help. Your best gift today is appreciated.

Update #49 One Year Ago, we were still under the Nation Wide Quarantine here in the Philippines

October 15th, 2022

Two years ago the world wide quarantines came down. Churches around the world closed. Hope seemed to be gone from the world. Government leaders discouraged you, from celebrating birthday parties, Christmas Holidays, you were urged to stay away from Thanksgiving, not to sing out loud.

The Hand of Jesus allowed us to continue to feed the street children, broken families, those who lost their jobs, lost their homes, those sick and afraid to get medical help. Before we joined this sight, the Lord continued to open doors, and allow us to help the least of these. In the Spring of this year, we were able to unite with GiveSendGo.com/frankluzwilliams . We still find ourselves under budget, yet the need continues. Our God continues to do what should be impossible, yet somehow He keeps touching us with His Mighty Hand.

This time of the year, heading for the Holy Days, Hope is needed even more. Because you partner with us, there will be people who come to you to tell you, I am here today because you gave.

Allow the Holy Spirit to talk to you, your best gift today, will help many people to meet you in heaven, because you gave.

Thank you for your best gift today, it is needed. As you help us as Missionaries, you also give to the God who sends us. Thank you for hearing from the Lord.

Update #48 Updates - Bataraza, and Tarusan Palawan province of the Philippines

October 12th, 2022

God continues to open new doors, and the Hand of Jesus is richly helping us with the impossible here in the Philippines. Our God has allowed us to help churches, and families in Bataraza, and Tarusan, Province of the Philippines. We keep getting back reports that Revival continues to grow through the Palawan Province. See are seeing picture evidence of the Holy Ghost continuing to move. Getting reports from the city of Puerto Princesa, and in Brookes' Point, Narra, and Quezon Palawan, around Port Barton, El Nido, and Coron, Palawan. 

Your help is appreciated here on the Island of Luzon and here in Naic, Cavite, into Laguna , old Manila (Tondo) and those who believe God has called you to participate in what He is doing on the Mission Fields of the Philippines. We are below needed budget for October 2022. Your best gift today, is appreciated in advance. Jesus Promises that as you help us accomplish your assignments you are helping the God who sends us. Thank you in advance, for your best is still to come. By Faith,we will do what ever is possible to encourage more to come into the Personal Presence of Jesus Christ, where all things are possible. 

Update #47 We must consider going to a bigger venue, the Stadium Mall in Naic, Cavite'

October 9th, 2022

So many times, we have had to pray and make decisions, when there seemed to be no earthly answer. God has blessed our Missionary Ministries in Naic, Cavite' so much that we no longer have room at the Clubhouse at the Hillsview Royale Subdivision. We must have more seats, and the Lord seems to be saying that we need a bigger venu, that is also easier for people across the Province of Cavite' to come on sunday mornings. Our Children's church continues to grow every week, more families, and we must move and we must have this miracle. We are helping to support 8 churches in  4 different Provinces of the Philippines. We are helping to feed families of pastors in 4 different provinces. None of this can we do had it not been for the direct hand of Jesus, allowing us to do what seems to us, to be impossible. So far the donations this month (October) seem to say, no way, this is impossible. I believe our Father in heaven is talking to some of our partners, to give their very best even now. We need for some of you, to hear from God, and to stretch your faith. I know that when you hear from God, and give your best, that all things are possible. Thank you, again, in advance, for your absolute best in the name of Jesus our Messiah.

Update #46 The Hand of God, we are at 2.5% of our goal for October.

October 6th, 2022

The Hand of Jesus is obviously upon us. He continues to allow us to accomplish those things that are fiscally impossible without His help. He helps us to feed the hungry, even when we are short on money. He continues to allow us to train, encourage children, to help 8 churches in 4  different Provinces of the Philippines. We have a promise from God from Matthew 10: 40 He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.  Quite simply those who help us in the Mission Fields, are also helping Me (Jesus Messiah, Son of the Living God). 

We know this to be  true, he repeats in Matthew 25: 
35 For I was hungry and you fed me; I was thirsty and you gave me water; I was a stranger and you invited me into your homes; 36 naked and you clothed me; sick and in prison, and you visited me.’ (The Living Bible). It agrees completely with the KJV too. 

Thank you, to those who hear from God and can give their very best gift today. It really helps, it makes a difference as we do the Work of God here in the Philippines. 

Update #45 Oh, How I love to express what God has done miraculously through you our partners!

October 3rd, 2022

When the quarantines came down nationwide, and world wide, some of churches closed (around the world) and have still never opened back up. Here in the Philippines we were in a very little, over crowded mission house. The Holy Spirit said, Adapt the way you do Missionary Ministry, add the social media ministry and give Hope to the world, not just in the Philippines, but all around the world. God began to do the miraculous for us here. We continued to feed our hungry neighbors, through quarantine, our Little Mission House continued to feed our hungry neighbors, sent to our house a Five Star general here in the Philippines. Some how God gave us special front liner status, we received special recognition from the then office of the President of the Philippines, granted credentials from interpol here in the Philippines. God opened doors for us to minister to some of the armed forces of the Philippines, and some how God opened the door for us to minister to the National Police of the Philippines. Our mission house was too small, the Lord allowed us to move to a bigger Mission house, brought more children to our mission house, God opened the door to churches, that were soon full, and we had to open more services. God allowed us to begin delievering eggs to many people, doing prayer meetings in Bible Studies in private homes and the Holy Spirit continued to bless. Soon our venues for services were too small, we did not have enough seats. Because or those of you, who hear from God, we are able to help churches, and feed people in two provinces of the Philippines. You help us to minister to 8 churches on the Island of Luzon, and two more churches in the province of Palawan, where you partner with us to help more than 10 churches throughout the Philippines. On top of that one of the wealthy business people in Naic has donated land for the work of God here in Naic, Cavite, Philippines.

Without the hand of God, none of this is possible. Without the Blessings of Jesus, and Him inspiring you to partner with us, none of this is impossible. Because you partner with us, we are able to help those in great distress, to do the impossible, but it gets done because of the Hand of Jesus, and He has inspired you to partner with us in this work. 

We are short of our goal for October 2022, But we know that because of His Hand of Blessing, and because you listen as He whispers to you to help, that because we are committed to the personal presence of Jesus Christ, all things are possible. When you get to heaven, so many will be there, that you have not met, because you heard from God and gave. The Lord promises that you will not be forgotten, You will be entitled a huge reward. Just read Matthew 10:40 and forward. Our God keeps His Promises, and thank you for giving your best, today.

Update #44 Help provided to our churches in Palawan Province

October 1st, 2022

Early one morning we received urgent notice that a two year old girl was rushed to the hospital in Bataraza, Palawan with a tough time breathing. In the emergency room treatment was given, because of your help, we were able to help the mother with the prescription medicines required. 

We are also able to provide help for this rapidly growing church. The Youth Group is exploding with New Believers and a growing youth group, excellent band, and a team of teens who dance for Jesus. The crowds are growing rapidly as we encourage people to come to experience a personal relationship in the Presence of Jesus, in the power of the Holy Ghost. Yes, this church and the one in Tarusan are both rapidly growing churches in southern Palawan. 

our church Christ The Strong Foundation Naic, Cavite' is also growing rapidly. Due to crowd capacity we have been using the Clubhouse of Phase two - on Sunday Mornings. To get a good seat, we recommend arriving prior to 9:00am and our Music for the service begins by 9:30am. We invite all who live within traveling distance and we see many new families and young professionals, students every sunday, We appreciate your assistance as we begin to pray for our needs and goals for 2023. Your help is appreciated and needed as we head for 2023.  We are short and with God's help we can get on budget for October 2023. $2000 is our goal. 

Update #43 Because you gave, the Lord allowed u to

September 24th, 2022

Because you gave, the Lord allowed us to help our churches  in the Palawan Province, one in Tarusan, and the other in Bataraza. We were able to assist a young single mother whose two year old was rushed to the hospital, and could not afford the medicine. Because you gave we were able to provide 3000 pesos for her medicines. We were able to provide money to the church in Bataraza, to help the pastor to feed his family, and to pay some of his bills.

One team is traveling to Tondo (poorest neighborhood's of Manila) and help has gone out to a church and his church in Cabuyou, Laguna. We are looking for missionaries to visit us this week from the United States too. Our goal, our purpose is to lead the lost into the presence of Jesus Messiah, because in His Presence, all things are possible. Our financial goal is to raise $2000 by October of 2022. We are thankful that our team, hears from God. When you hear the Lord, He is prepared to use you, to make a difference.

Update #42 Thank you for your help, we need some help as we approach October

September 21st, 2022

Jesus is correct the fields (the harvest is awesome), but venues are too small. So many being Born Again, we are trying to get the seed, well fertilized to bring in the Harvest. Take care the harvest. To feed the lambs, feed the sheep. We are short on the budget as we prepare for October. We need $2000 for our budget for the end of the year, have bills that must be paid. Thank you for your best gift today.

Update #41 Lord, we thank you for another miracle offering today, in advance!

September 13th, 2022

We keep seeing new families every week, many new children, the childrens services are growing so quickly we are going to need more room just to minister for all of the Children. We need a miracle offering. The Lord promised me that He would send faithful partners, who want souls to come into the Kingdom of Heaven. They want souls to meet them in heaven, who will be able to say, that I am here today, because you Gave. Please say Yes Lord, and send your best to Him today.

Thank you Lord for Millions to come into your Kingdom because you gave to the Missions Field. Thank you Jesus, in advance because this one here is giving into your kingdom.

Update #40 Thank you for helping us. Please share the need with others

September 6th, 2022

The Lord gave the vision of going into the mission fields. I went into a small mission, climbed the steps to the next level. The Mission was now much bigger, the people attracted to the presence of the Lord Jesus was so much greater. I said Lord, how am I to help so many, and the Lord spoke I will speak to others who love Me (Jesus) and they will respond and help you because I called them to do something now and not later. The need continues to grow, the response of bringing people into the presence of Jesus continues to bring a great harvest, the need is greater, the people coming to Jesus is greater and I appreciate your help even more. My wife and I willingly give everything we have, some of you have been given so much and for the Lord you are willing to do more. The cost of round trip air tickets to the Philippines is easily $2000 and the time be make yourself available to the Lord. Some of you can not come right now, but you are still very important, some of you are the most important part of this ministry, you help us to pay the bills. The Gospel is free, but the expenses are not. The need is great, the response of inviting people into the presence of Jesus is huge, we can definitely use some of your help and expertise. $100 helps us to rent a house, turn it into a small church and it will soon be packed our. $50 helps us to put gas into a small bus and bring people to church. $20 helps us to feed hungry children or treat them to ice cream and cake if it is their birthdate. $50 can help us to help grieving families after the death of a family member. If you have a sudden death in your family, what kind things do you do to help the family following the death. Help us in Jesus Name to have compassion and show more of Jesus and His presence. Thank you for your best gift today.
Update #39 Emergency help for hurting families

August 25th, 2022

We minister to the poor, everything you give goes for the work of God. Our church in Tarusan Palawan had a death this week, gas for the vehicle is less than $5. We run lean, that will purchase two kilos of gasoline. Palawan is a plane flight away. Your help, helps us to supply pastors to visit those in need, when they need to see someone in their homes. 

We supply two churches in Palawan and one more here in Naic. This sunday we are scheduled to be in Cabayou Laguna. Your best gift today, makes a difference. Helps us to help people in distress.

Update #38 Wise as Serpents, harmless as Doves

August 23rd, 2022

Jesus teaches us to be Wise as Serpents and harmless as Doves. He tells us to preach the Word, to be instant in season and out of season. For the time will not put up with (will not appreciate) sound doctrine (good teaching) but heap to themselves teachers (because they have itching ears). As Missionaries we are not here to scratch your ears, but to preach sound doctrine (good preaching and teaching).

We have experienced miraculous provision, which should inspire Believers to give more to the authentic works of God. Even when we do not have the money necessary, He provides 500 Square meters for the work of God, and that does not inspire the help we need in the Philippines. Jesus is correct the fields are ripe and ready for harvest. He is correct the laborers are few. There is not an abundance of Help, and we do need the help and we do appreciate the help that you provide, 

To raise money it would seem that we should be inspired to scratch the ears that itch. We should look for messages that people like the most. But instead we ask the Lord to write and to preach what is needed on the Mission fields of the Philippines. Two years ago when the quarantines started around the world, churches across the world closed. The Lord whispered to me, not just to encourage the people in the Philippines, but to encourage Believers who would listen anywhere in the World. To give hope to people looking for Hope. I was Born Again in 1970, I began in "ministry" back in 1982. I could plainly see, that the Hopeless in this world, need Jesus Christ, for He is the only Hope for this world that is hopeless. 

Even during the darkest times of the quarantine we continued to preach Hope in Jesus Name. There are people who need hope all over the world. Many reach out to us from many nations, and not just the Philippines. We get many messages from across the United States, and from people who have known me since 1982. The Hope through Jesus Christ is available right now to all who will accept it. We are based here in the Philippines. With your help, we preach Good News to the Philippines and to all who will receive. Our service is to the Lord, and you help us to being Hope, through the Love of Jesus. And with your help, your partnership, we will go where the Father allows and provides what is needed to things the right way. We already knows that He does the miracles. We give to Him our best, but He takes what we offer to Him and makes it so much better. Thank you for your best gifts today.

Update #36 Why are you there, in the Philippines?

August 20th, 2022

The Lord has blessed me to brag about Jesus in a few nations, the question that I am frequently asked is , "Why are you here?, or sometimes it is Why are you there?" , it is during those times when you allow the Holy Ghost to give you the best replay, and the Best answer always comes from the Holy Ghost,

Jesus answer to this question comes in the Gospel of Luke 4: 18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, 19 to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.   The best answer is always to tell the truth, allow the Lord to give you the best answer.

This question is asked by Believers, Government officials, those who grant you permission to be in their nations, "Why are you here?"

Recently we taught the people at Christ The Strong Foundation, In Naic, Cavite to allow God to teach them to dream big, to allow the Lord to give them huge visions, for we serve an awesome mighty God. I spoke to them dreams and visions given to me by our God. 

God granted to the Christ The Strong Foundation Church in Naic, Cavite' with  500 square meters to start a new work of God in Naic, Cavite. We appreciate our partners, thank you in advance for your best gift today. Those who help us in Jesus Name, are giving to the Work of our God who sends us Matthew 10:40 . We are short of the fund raising goal for this month, we know that He has a miracle on the way. Thank you for your best gift today.

Update #36 Why are you there, in the Philippines?

August 20th, 2022

The Lord has blessed me to brag about Jesus in a few nations, the question that I am frequently asked is , "Why are you here?, or sometimes it is Why are you there?" , it is during those times when you allow the Holy Ghost to give you the best replay, and the Best answer always comes from the Holy Ghost,

Jesus answer to this question comes in the Gospel of Luke 4: 18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, 19 to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.   The best answer is always to tell the truth, allow the Lord to give you the best answer.

This question is asked by Believers, Government officials, those who grant you permission to be in their nations, "Why are you here?"

Recently we taught the people at Christ The Strong Foundation, In Naic, Cavite to allow God to teach them to dream big, to allow the Lord to give them huge visions, for we serve an awesome mighty God. I spoke to them dreams and visions given to me by our God. 

God granted to the Christ The Strong Foundation Church in Naic, Cavite' with  500 square meters to start a new work of God in Naic, Cavite. We appreciate our partners, thank you in advance for your best gift today. Those who help us in Jesus Name, are giving to the Work of our God who sends us Matthew 10:40 . We are short of the fund raising goal for this month, we know that He has a miracle on the way. Thank you for your best gift today.

Update #24 We are short of our monthly goal, but He has supplied 500 Square meters for new ministry

August 14th, 2022

Our monthly goal is $1000 per month, as you can see, we are far short of our goal for this month. As missionaries we assist the Christ The Strong Foundation of Churches, and a donor in Naic, has gifted 500 Square meters for the work of God in Naic. Soon we will dedicate the sight and post pictures. We have been blessed by rain this month, so we have been slow about getting pictures of the new site. As soon as we can get those pictures, we will gladly share. We have an opportunity to open a new church in Tres Verde Rosa, Tansa Philippines but your help is sought to help pay the rent as we  will transfer the Mission House to this more central location. 

The gift of 500 Square Meters demonstrates how God is moving behind the curtains, to help us with those things that are impossible with Human Beings.  Thank you in advance for partnering with us as we continue to walk with Jesus. For without Him in the middle, this will be a colossal failure. We are appreciate your best gift today, in Jesus Name.

Update #24 We are short of our monthly goal, but He has supplied 500 Square meters for new ministry

August 14th, 2022

Our monthly goal is $1000 per month, as you can see, we are far short of our goal for this month. As missionaries we assist the Christ The Strong Foundation of Churches, and a donor in Naic, has gifted 500 Square meters for the work of God in Naic. Soon we will dedicate the sight and post pictures. We have been blessed by rain this month, so we have been slow about getting pictures of the new site. As soon as we can get those pictures, we will gladly share. We have an opportunity to open a new church in Tres Verde Rosa, Tansa Philippines but your help is sought to help pay the rent as we  will transfer the Mission House to this more central location. 

The gift of 500 Square Meters demonstrates how God is moving behind the curtains, to help us with those things that are impossible with Human Beings.  Thank you in advance for partnering with us as we continue to walk with Jesus. For without Him in the middle, this will be a colossal failure. We are appreciate your best gift today, in Jesus Name.

Update #24 We are short of our monthly goal, but He has supplied 500 Square meters for new ministry

August 14th, 2022

Our monthly goal is $1000 per month, as you can see, we are far short of our goal for this month. As missionaries we assist the Christ The Strong Foundation of Churches, and a donor in Naic, has gifted 500 Square meters for the work of God in Naic. Soon we will dedicate the sight and post pictures. We have been blessed by rain this month, so we have been slow about getting pictures of the new site. As soon as we can get those pictures, we will gladly share. We have an opportunity to open a new church in Tres Verde Rosa, Tansa Philippines but your help is sought to help pay the rent as we  will transfer the Mission House to this more central location. 

The gift of 500 Square Meters demonstrates how God is moving behind the curtains, to help us with those things that are impossible with Human Beings.  Thank you in advance for partnering with us as we continue to walk with Jesus. For without Him in the middle, this will be a colossal failure. We are appreciate your best gift today, in Jesus Name.

Update #24 We are short of our monthly goal, but He has supplied 500 Square meters for new ministry

August 14th, 2022

Our monthly goal is $1000 per month, as you can see, we are far short of our goal for this month. As missionaries we assist the Christ The Strong Foundation of Churches, and a donor in Naic, has gifted 500 Square meters for the work of God in Naic. Soon we will dedicate the sight and post pictures. We have been blessed by rain this month, so we have been slow about getting pictures of the new site. As soon as we can get those pictures, we will gladly share. We have an opportunity to open a new church in Tres Verde Rosa, Tansa Philippines but your help is sought to help pay the rent as we  will transfer the Mission House to this more central location. 

The gift of 500 Square Meters demonstrates how God is moving behind the curtains, to help us with those things that are impossible with Human Beings.  Thank you in advance for partnering with us as we continue to walk with Jesus. For without Him in the middle, this will be a colossal failure. We are appreciate your best gift today, in Jesus Name.

Update #24 We are short of our monthly goal, but He has supplied 500 Square meters for new ministry

August 14th, 2022

Our monthly goal is $1000 per month, as you can see, we are far short of our goal for this month. As missionaries we assist the Christ The Strong Foundation of Churches, and a donor in Naic, has gifted 500 Square meters for the work of God in Naic. Soon we will dedicate the sight and post pictures. We have been blessed by rain this month, so we have been slow about getting pictures of the new site. As soon as we can get those pictures, we will gladly share. We have an opportunity to open a new church in Tres Verde Rosa, Tansa Philippines but your help is sought to help pay the rent as we  will transfer the Mission House to this more central location. 

The gift of 500 Square Meters demonstrates how God is moving behind the curtains, to help us with those things that are impossible with Human Beings.  Thank you in advance for partnering with us as we continue to walk with Jesus. For without Him in the middle, this will be a colossal failure. We are appreciate your best gift today, in Jesus Name.

Update #24 We are short of our monthly goal, but He has supplied 500 Square meters for new ministry

August 14th, 2022

Our monthly goal is $1000 per month, as you can see, we are far short of our goal for this month. As missionaries we assist the Christ The Strong Foundation of Churches, and a donor in Naic, has gifted 500 Square meters for the work of God in Naic. Soon we will dedicate the sight and post pictures. We have been blessed by rain this month, so we have been slow about getting pictures of the new site. As soon as we can get those pictures, we will gladly share. We have an opportunity to open a new church in Tres Verde Rosa, Tansa Philippines but your help is sought to help pay the rent as we  will transfer the Mission House to this more central location. 

The gift of 500 Square Meters demonstrates how God is moving behind the curtains, to help us with those things that are impossible with Human Beings.  Thank you in advance for partnering with us as we continue to walk with Jesus. For without Him in the middle, this will be a colossal failure. We are appreciate your best gift today, in Jesus Name.

Update #24 We are short of our monthly goal, but He has supplied 500 Square meters for new ministry

August 14th, 2022

Our monthly goal is $1000 per month, as you can see, we are far short of our goal for this month. As missionaries we assist the Christ The Strong Foundation of Churches, and a donor in Naic, has gifted 500 Square meters for the work of God in Naic. Soon we will dedicate the sight and post pictures. We have been blessed by rain this month, so we have been slow about getting pictures of the new site. As soon as we can get those pictures, we will gladly share. We have an opportunity to open a new church in Tres Verde Rosa, Tansa Philippines but your help is sought to help pay the rent as we  will transfer the Mission House to this more central location. 

The gift of 500 Square Meters demonstrates how God is moving behind the curtains, to help us with those things that are impossible with Human Beings.  Thank you in advance for partnering with us as we continue to walk with Jesus. For without Him in the middle, this will be a colossal failure. We are appreciate your best gift today, in Jesus Name.

Update #24 We are short of our monthly goal, but He has supplied 500 Square meters for new ministry

August 14th, 2022

Our monthly goal is $1000 per month, as you can see, we are far short of our goal for this month. As missionaries we assist the Christ The Strong Foundation of Churches, and a donor in Naic, has gifted 500 Square meters for the work of God in Naic. Soon we will dedicate the sight and post pictures. We have been blessed by rain this month, so we have been slow about getting pictures of the new site. As soon as we can get those pictures, we will gladly share. We have an opportunity to open a new church in Tres Verde Rosa, Tansa Philippines but your help is sought to help pay the rent as we  will transfer the Mission House to this more central location. 

The gift of 500 Square Meters demonstrates how God is moving behind the curtains, to help us with those things that are impossible with Human Beings.  Thank you in advance for partnering with us as we continue to walk with Jesus. For without Him in the middle, this will be a colossal failure. We are appreciate your best gift today, in Jesus Name.

Update #24 We are short of our monthly goal, but He has supplied 500 Square meters for new ministry

August 14th, 2022

Our monthly goal is $1000 per month, as you can see, we are far short of our goal for this month. As missionaries we assist the Christ The Strong Foundation of Churches, and a donor in Naic, has gifted 500 Square meters for the work of God in Naic. Soon we will dedicate the sight and post pictures. We have been blessed by rain this month, so we have been slow about getting pictures of the new site. As soon as we can get those pictures, we will gladly share. We have an opportunity to open a new church in Tres Verde Rosa, Tansa Philippines but your help is sought to help pay the rent as we  will transfer the Mission House to this more central location. 

The gift of 500 Square Meters demonstrates how God is moving behind the curtains, to help us with those things that are impossible with Human Beings.  Thank you in advance for partnering with us as we continue to walk with Jesus. For without Him in the middle, this will be a colossal failure. We are appreciate your best gift today, in Jesus Name.

Update #24 We are short of our monthly goal, but He has supplied 500 Square meters for new ministry

August 14th, 2022

Our monthly goal is $1000 per month, as you can see, we are far short of our goal for this month. As missionaries we assist the Christ The Strong Foundation of Churches, and a donor in Naic, has gifted 500 Square meters for the work of God in Naic. Soon we will dedicate the sight and post pictures. We have been blessed by rain this month, so we have been slow about getting pictures of the new site. As soon as we can get those pictures, we will gladly share. We have an opportunity to open a new church in Tres Verde Rosa, Tansa Philippines but your help is sought to help pay the rent as we  will transfer the Mission House to this more central location. 

The gift of 500 Square Meters demonstrates how God is moving behind the curtains, to help us with those things that are impossible with Human Beings.  Thank you in advance for partnering with us as we continue to walk with Jesus. For without Him in the middle, this will be a colossal failure. We are appreciate your best gift today, in Jesus Name.

Update #24 We are short of our monthly goal, but He has supplied 500 Square meters for new ministry

August 14th, 2022

Our monthly goal is $1000 per month, as you can see, we are far short of our goal for this month. As missionaries we assist the Christ The Strong Foundation of Churches, and a donor in Naic, has gifted 500 Square meters for the work of God in Naic. Soon we will dedicate the sight and post pictures. We have been blessed by rain this month, so we have been slow about getting pictures of the new site. As soon as we can get those pictures, we will gladly share. We have an opportunity to open a new church in Tres Verde Rosa, Tansa Philippines but your help is sought to help pay the rent as we  will transfer the Mission House to this more central location. 

The gift of 500 Square Meters demonstrates how God is moving behind the curtains, to help us with those things that are impossible with Human Beings.  Thank you in advance for partnering with us as we continue to walk with Jesus. For without Him in the middle, this will be a colossal failure. We are appreciate your best gift today, in Jesus Name.

Update #24 We are short of our monthly goal, but He has supplied 500 Square meters for new ministry

August 14th, 2022

Our monthly goal is $1000 per month, as you can see, we are far short of our goal for this month. As missionaries we assist the Christ The Strong Foundation of Churches, and a donor in Naic, has gifted 500 Square meters for the work of God in Naic. Soon we will dedicate the sight and post pictures. We have been blessed by rain this month, so we have been slow about getting pictures of the new site. As soon as we can get those pictures, we will gladly share. We have an opportunity to open a new church in Tres Verde Rosa, Tansa Philippines but your help is sought to help pay the rent as we  will transfer the Mission House to this more central location. 

The gift of 500 Square Meters demonstrates how God is moving behind the curtains, to help us with those things that are impossible with Human Beings.  Thank you in advance for partnering with us as we continue to walk with Jesus. For without Him in the middle, this will be a colossal failure. We are appreciate your best gift today, in Jesus Name.

Update #23 Coming soon, the ground breaking expected soon.

August 10th, 2022

Pleased to report that we expect to soon break ground on the new addition for the Christ the Strong Foundation Church in Naic, Cavite.  With 500 square meters we definitely need your partnership as we go forward. We will need a temporary structure so that we can begin having missionary/ministry events at the new site. We continue to move forward in our missionary activity in Naic, Cavite in the Hillsview Royale Subdivision. There are 125 homes in each phase, and there are 10 phases. So many families. We have been packed at every venu and all of the seats have been full. We feed hungry people, we help families in crisis, help to educate children and this is just in Naic. We have two active Missionary teams in the Provinces of Cavite' and Palawan. Our mission team in Bataraza, and Tarusan support two churches. One in each community. We are now looking for a place to begin ministry in Tres Verde Rosa, Tanza. We know that his best is still to come. We are scheduled for Naic this weekend. We also have coming activities scheduled for Cabayou, Laguna and soon an event scheduled for Manila Metro.  We rarely have had our monthly budget but the LORD continues to provide in miraculous ways, one of which was the donation of 500 square meters to the Christ The Strong Foundation Church in Naic, Cavite. Your help is both appreciated and needed. Thank you for your best gift today.

Update #22 The Miracle of 500 square meters of land

August 2nd, 2022

Praise the Lord, His Hand continues to move in unexpected ways. Since we arrived in the Philippines, our God continues to move with miraculous power, and authority in ways that we can not explain. Without His hand in the middle, these things just do not happen, you just can not make this up. In Naic, Cavite' the Christ the Strong Foundation Church was tucked away in the Hillsview Royale Subdivision, the church quickly continues to grow especially during the nation wide quarantine. We social distanced, and the church was too small. We added extra services, it will still too small. We began to meet in multiple homes, do prayer meetings, and the Holy Spirit blessed us with His presence. After the quarantine, we added chairs, continued multiple services, continued prayer meetings. Moved into the clubhouse, ordered extra chairs, and we are now out of chairs. No matter what we did, the Holy Spirit continued to add new Believers, new families, new children. Then on monday, came the surprised, someone stepped forward to give to the church 500 Square Meeters on the Main Highway of Naic, next to the Jail and Police Station . God continues to move and to honor our ministry to bless the people of the Philippines. Our Ministry has two active Mission Teams on two provinces of the Philippines. One team, here in Cavite is working with the Christ The Strong Foundation in Cavite', Laguna, and Tondo. Our second team on the island province of Palawan is working in two churches in Bataraza, and Tarusan.  
The point is that Jesus Christ continues to have His hand directly involved in our efforts to Glorify His name in the Philippines. Thank you, for your help. Jesus Promises in Matthew 10:40 that those who help us, as Missionaries, are also helping the God who sends us, and that He will repay. We have not hit our financial goal for July and now we are in August, we thank you for anything you will do for us today, for this current month. Thank you in advance.

Missionary Pastors Frank & Luz Williams.

Update #21 Good News, 300 new chairs have been ordered. The Crowds are growing

July 24th, 2022

The Fields are ripe (ready for harvest) but the laborers are few. The venu is full, we have all of our chairs out, new we have had to order another 300 more. New Chairs (plastic) are available for $20 per chair, but we must purchase them 3 at a time to get the discounts. We have a team of speakers, we have two missionary teams in two provinces of the Philippines and God continues to keep His hand in the middle. Doing things that we can not do without His help. Jesus Promises in Matthew 10:40 that Those who receive us as Missionaries, also receive the One who sends us. We do this unto Jesus our Messiah. Our God keeps his word.  The church is also looking for a base guitar too and that will probably cost around $250. Then we have rent on the mission house, and we must pay for transportation and groceries too. As you can see, it is a miracle every month. You can see that we often do not reach the monthly goal. God stretches each dollar, every gift. Every month it looks impossible, but somehow, our God meets the need. He speaks to partners much like you. Thank you again, for your best gift. If you have the call to come to the mission fields, we can help give you the best advice on buying round trip airplane tickets, and finding a place to eat, sleep, shower. Eventually the Lord will provide us with a bigger Mission house, until then we follow Him step by step, day after day. Thank you in advance for what you can do this late in the month.

Update #20 - Our Mission House was full packed on Saturday and Sunday.

July 18th, 2022

Our honored guest each service is our Lord Jesus Christ - When He graces our praise and worship with His manifested presence. This was again the case at our Mission House, on Saturday and Sunday, our Mission House was packed to capacity, we were able to feed all of the hungry and the music of our praises rose to heaven from our Mission House. Our mission house was so full of those praising Jesus, that we spilled out on to the front porch and some of our praisers spilled out onto the street in front of our Mission House.

Why would anyone want to sing praise without wanting to attact the blessings of the presence of the Holy Spirit. It is our goal at every meeting, at every venue, is the manifest presense of the Holy Ghost. Our mission comes from Jesus Christ our Lord (Jesus Messiah) to glorify His name, to seek His presence, For He is Good.

Our mission is to testify about what Jesus has done in our lives (we must tell the lost, what a difference, what Jesus has done for us, each and everyone, what Jesus has dond for us). When you have a great message, you are driven to share it with those who need the answer.

The goal seems to be impossible, we do not have the money to make it happy. But when you receive us as Missionaries, you also receive the God who sent us Matthew 10:40. We thank all of you for the efforts, the price you pay, knowing that you will receive a reward for your help. Our God is Faithful and He does not forget. Thank you in advance.

Update #19 You helped us to reach one monthly goal-thank you, our need continues this month too.

July 12th, 2022

There are many months that we do not reach our monthly goal. We continue to ask God to do miracles each month to accomplish the impossible. We must have the Hand of Jesus in the middle of our ministry every day. His vision He has given to us is impossible without Him in the middle. Many times we move with money we do not have, believing in advance that he will be the Key to our success. For four years, We have to step by faith, because the bank account each month, says it is impossible.

He has called us to help to build His Kingdom, each month, the assignment is daunting every month. Jesus teaches that those who help Missionaries, are also helping the God who sends us as Missionaries and that you will share in the rewards Matthew 10:40. Your help is always appreciated, and is always needed, and the Lord will remember and reward you for your effort. Thank you for your best gift today.

Update #18 Facing the Impossible again this month

July 6th, 2022

Years ago, I was told by Denominational Leader's that becoming a Missionary, and or a Evangelist, would lead to me starving. No one encouraged my decision. When, in Cuba, I saw the awesome manifestations of the Holy Spirit, it was like walking into the book of Acts. I had experienced many manifestations of the Holy Ghost before going to Cuba on a short term missions field, but what I witnessed in Cuba were much more frequent, and very powerful. The Lord gave me a vision/dream and I was looking into a very starry sky. I heard the scripture from Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the Glory of God, and the firmament shows his handiwork. I began to shout praises to the Lord, and I heard the Holy Spirit ask me - Frank, would you like more of this?  My decision was Yes! Father, I want it all. I began to fall upward toward heaven, and it was like being in a rocket ship through the Universe, My praise got louder and louder and I woke myself to reality praising God.

I scheduled more Missionary trips to Cuba, got more experienced in Missionary Work, and I said - Lord, I want more of this. I began ministry back in 1982, and I kept being drawn more deeply into ministry. 

In 2018 - I heard the Lord say - Are you going to wait until you can retire, before you give me your very best, or are you bold enough to give me your very best now, while you are still healthy. I have been truly walking by Faith and not by sight since Christmas Eve 2018. 4 years here in the Philippines, I have seen the Lord do the impossible and it inspires me to run faster. But the Lord continues to say Step by Step, Day by Day, stay in the center of My will. Let people see it is not because of riches, but because of My Hand, so you can brag about me.

Matthew 10:40 those who receive you as a Missionary- receive the one who sent you....I believe you hear the call and feel the pull to be more deeply involved. It has been the most rewarding experience of my life. We will continue to pray for you. Thank you for helping us to pay the bills. Every month it is walking by faith, and not by sight..

Missionary Pastor Frank and Luz Williams
Update #17 My word's are not enough to describe what God contines to do in the Philippines

July 4th, 2022

The Gospel tells us that the Women knew first about our Risen Lord. They ran to tell the Apostle's, the cream of the Crop, about the risen savior. Is tells us that the news to the Apostles, seemed to be to the Apostle's the cream of the Crop as just idol tales. To the Apostle's the good news seemed to be like stories too hard for them to receive, and then something stirred inside of Peter and Peter got up and began to run. Here in the Philippines and from my experience on the Mission fields of Cuba, I have seen so many manifestations of His reality, and I realize that to many of you, our testimonies seem like "stories" that are just stories to good to be true. Honest Christians read the Bible in the same way, it is simply too good to be true.

If you take time to read my updates, those are real experiences, He continues to come through for us, to do what was so impossible for us to believe at the time of each update. When the Covid 19 quarantines went into effect around the World, so many prohibitions given to keep you from the House of God, it seemed that Hope had vanished from the Lord. My wife and I, among many of you, faced the impossible. We are called to brag on Jesus, and seemed to be silenced by the Governments of the World. We adapted on Missionary Mission and began to preach Hope through Jesus Christ to those feeling the hopelessness in the World. We began to brag about Jesus to every nation, to every one who had ears to hear what God continues to speak to those who Believe in Him. 

Many people heard his voice, they got up and continued to brag on Jesus. This continues to happen here on the Mission fields of the Philippines, and He continues to do for us, what seems to be impossible for us in the moment. Hebrews 11: 6  tells us that to come to God, you must Believe that He is, and that He is the rewarded of those who diligently seek Him. What an awesome promise. He never leaves us, never forsakes us. In the Philippines we find that the fields are ripe and ready for harvest, but the laborers (Missionaries) are few (not enough). Our venues are too small, our travel budget is too small, and our ability to feed the hungry, is too small. Remember Jesus tells us to do for others, as we would have them to do for us, the Golden Rule. The manifestations have been so numerous, we want to run faster. We depend upon many of you to hear from God, and give as if you would want someone to give to help you to do this same work.

We know it looks impossible, it looks in the natural that this can not be done. We know that some of you want to come, you are certainly welcomed. We can help counsel you on how to find better deals, so that each dollar spent will give you more value. But, you are the One who has to be ready to get out of your comfortable financial boat, your financial security, and actually live by faith and not by sight. Jesus promises that those who recieve us (as Missioinaries) also receive the One who sends us (Jesus Christ, Jesus Messiah) and that when they help, they share in the reward (He gives to the Missionaries) and that when you give a cup of water, only in the authority of a student, you will not lose your promised reward. 

We need help (more missionaries) here in the Philippines, until you are prepared to come (to the Philippines) we can help you to prepare, and you can help us to pay some of the bills.

When inflation has you down to your last $20 remember that we must trust him to meet all of our needs, according to His riches in GLory, and not according to what our Bank account says. 

Right now the exchange rate is 55 Philippine Pesos for every $1 given. Give your best and allow the Holy Ghost to stretch it to meet the need. Partner with us, help us to better prepare you to come to the Philippines too.

Thank you in advance.

Update #16

June 27th, 2022

Praise the Lord! We had another great week. We get to see, with our eyes, the way the Lord Jesus continues to have His hand in our missionary ministries here in the Philippines. The Lord allows me to receive the testimonies and the videos from our Missionary Teams in Bataraza, and Tarusan Palawan (Island Province of the Philippines) and it keeps me excited. Makes us want to run faster, but we walk with Jesus, step by step, and day by Day. We want to remain in the center of His will. We want to continue to have His results. 

We pray for dreams and visions that are so big, that things would be a total disaster without His hand in the middle of all that we do. We started a new Youth Ministry, aimed specifically toward the young in Naic, Cavite', of the Philippines. The venue was packed, I am greatful to see how God is using members of our Missionary teams in Palawan and here in Cavite'. It makes us want to run, but we want to be careful to remain in the center of His will.

We have a huge electric and gas bill $200. Our Father in heaven has never failed us, never neglected us, the Miracles continue to flow. I want to thank those who partner with us, and we pray that more of you will be inspired to give every month. We see the manifestations of His  promises, and we want to run faster, but we want to remain in the center of His Will. This is His Ministry, it is His Work.

He promises in Matthew 10:40 He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me. 41 He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward. 42 And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.

That is a great promise, those who receive us, receive the Lord and we receive the promise given to Missionaries and those who help us, receive the same rewards. Thank you in advance for your best gift, of any amount, today.

Update #15 Making adjustments

June 9th, 2022

When the nationwide quarantines were implemented in the Philippines, we were caught in Belmont Hills, General Trias. Services nationwide were shutdown, it became bad for the people of this Philippines, hope for the world seemed to disappear and hope was also in short supply in the Philippines.  We are on a very busy corner in Belmont Hills, we heard the voice of God, began doing praise and worship all day, and my wife began to minister to our neighbors, the Lord allowed us to feed some of our neighbors, pray with our neighbors, and help some of our neighbors with emergeny assistance. Just like with the widow in severe debt in the old testament, the oil continued to flow, we were able to help our neighbors, even when we did not have the financial resources, and yet our flow of oil (Assistance from God) continued to flow. We began to do Bible Studies on line, and the ministry continued to grow. We started to hear from people all over the world, and across the Philippines. We continued to netword with Bishops and Pastors across the Philippines, God allowed us to connect with key members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, we somehow recieved special badges giving us Front Liner Status and connected to Interpol here in the Philippines. Opportunities came for us to teach and member to portions of the Philippine National Police, God opened doors that should have been shut. We did not have the money to do, what God was allowing us to do. He continued to supply us what was needed to feed hungry people, shelter those who had lost homes, jobs, careers, helped to teach and minister to children. We had to move because our mission house was too small, moved into a bigger mission house, and God provided the rent and electricity and helped us to pay the electric bills. We connected with the Christ the Strong Foundation Churches in the Provinces of Cavity and Laguna, cooperating with Bishop Albert Josef in Naic, Tanza, Paradahan, Trece Verde Rosas, Tondo, and Cabuyou (Spelling may be off).

People are being Born Again, scheduled for Water Baptism, our venues are packed, out of seats, transportation costs are still increasing, inflation has impacted our light and gas (cooking and our lights, Fans) and god Still has been allowing to feed meals to hungry people, and we are still teaching children how to read and write in English and Tagalog (Philippino Language). The harvest is ripe and the help (Missionaries) is few. God is blessing us with souls and families, but our teams are not big enough. 

We have two teams active on two islands here in the Philippines. Our teams in Batarasa, Palawan (two churches in Bataraza, and Tarusan), and the team here in Cavite' working with the pastors of the Christ The Strong Foundation. We often do not have the budget, but God is helping us to pay the bills. Some of you have been helping us to miraculously pay the bills. We are asking that the faithful continue to help and that some of you will hear from God and help us to do more. Take on projects that are so big, that everyone will know, God's Touch, the Blessing of God has to be with us, or everything will be a total disaster. Consider being part of our team, to accomplish what can only happen with His touch of blessing upon every aspect of this work of God here in the Philippines. Some of you can not come right now, but you can partner with us, and watch How God blesses your investment in His Kingdom. Thank you for your best gift today of any amount. Big or small, our God Blesses it all. Thank you in advance for anything you can send today, in Jesus Name.

Update #14 Short of our goal for the month of May

May 29th, 2022

We too watch the news, and we also face rising food costs and our Electric Bill is due the 2nd of June 2022 and we still need $160. We thank God for all of you who help us to walk outside of financial boat, and walk by Faith on the financial water. Thank you for hearing from God. The Gospel is free, but the expenses of the Ministry are real, they do not give us a discount on the electric bill, the transporation cost, including gasoline, diesel, and repairs on the vehicles we borrow. The crowds continue to challange the capacity of our venues. The Lord keeps sending us new families, many with children. If you have not yet given to the Lord in June, we appreciate your best gift in any amount as it helps to pay the bills. Thank you again, for your best gift, of any amount. You are appreciated and we continue to pray for you.

Update #13 Thank you for partnering with us, allow us to Brag about Jesus

May 25th, 2022

As you can see, each month we rarely hit our goals for that month. Let me testify that even though we do not hit our goals, His hand remains upon us, and He multiplies what is given and somehow, he stretches each gift and the Glory and Honor all goes to Him. When we have plenty of money it might seem that we are doing the work, but the reality is that it is because of the Hands of Jesus upon our missionary ministry, He is doing all the heavy lifting.

Each week there are more families, more children coming to the Clubhouse we rent for the Hills View Subdivision Phase two. The Holy Ghost allows the music to echo through the whole neighborhood, and through the alleys and valleys that take the praise and worship, the Good News to the neighboring communities, where are close enough that they follow the music, some walk, some on public tricycles (little taxi cabs powered by motorcycle) and rides provided by their neighbors. So many people finding Hope through Jesus Christ our Lord.

This week we recieved an electric bill of $140 dollars, due June 2nd 2022. Thank you for your faithfulness, children and families are being Born Again and following Jesus. There will be people you will meet in heaven because your gift allowed them to hear good news from the Missionaries and our team bragging about Jesus. You help us to pay the bills. Your help is appreciated here on the Mission Fields and will  be remembered in heaven. Thank you for what you do, in the authority of Jesus Christ.

Update #12 The fields are ripe, but the Missionaries are few.

May 21st, 2022

Jesus Promised - Lift up your eyesLift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. Here in the Philippines I am able to verify that this is true. We go into the mission fields, far short of our budget, doing things the bank account says is impossible for us to do. We find the people to be responding to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When the covid quarantines came upon the world, and the Philippines, we adjusted the way we did missionary work, and God continued to honor His promise, fields continued to be productive, the harvest has been abundant. We did Bible Studies in homes across Naic, Cavite. The Holy Ghost continued to be present, and all of our home studies were packed. We found that our venues were not big enough, we began to do two services on sundays. We did not have enough seats, we did not have enough room. We began meeting some on the beaches, and in the clubhouse. People continue to show up. We have a small bus that makes many trips 50 minutes in each direction to pick up more people who want to come to the house of God. You know the cost of gasoline, and God continues to send more, more children, more families. People come even when the heat index easily climbs up to 105 F. We know that if we can find bigger venues that God will continue to send in the harvest. 
The Lord continues to inspire us to get out of the financial boat, and walk on financial water. We have people requesting prayer from around the world, and six continents. We get requests and pray, and we receive the testimonies of What our Father has done to honor His Son.

In addition to our Missionary Campaigns for Jesus here in the Philippines, the Lord is bringing our missionary ministry through social media to people needing Jesus around the World. His hand continues to bless us. We need a better camera (Smart Phone), can use a more modern computer (This one is 10 years old and has been refurbished).  Our Father continues to allow us to do what is financially impossible according to our bank account. If the Lord is speaking to you about coming to the Philippines, we want things to be more comfortable for you, want you to have a pleasant experience. But if you can not come right away, you can partner with us, and help pay the expenses (the Gospel is Free, but the expenses are real). Allow yourself to hear from God, and be the one God uses to help buy another, better, refurbished computer, better smart phones to use as our camera. Help us to reach out to the lost through good quality social media.  Some times you might think that you want to do more for the kingdom of God, just listen to the Lord, and do what He allows you to do, send your best today. Allow Him to multiply your little and accomplish more in the Name of Jesus.

I believe that we are living in the very last days of the Church Age (The Age of Grace) and that soon the Door of Heaven will be opened and the Rapture takes place. Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you, to reach more in Jesus Name.

Update #11

May 11th, 2022

As Missionaries we literally walk by Faith. Most of the time we not now hit our monthly budget, and somehow God continues to speak to hearts. Every gift is appreciated. Many in the Philippines are fortunate to earn $25 dollars. Some earn as much as $200 in one week, and their tithes are 10% of what they earn. Most of the time, our expenses as Missionaries are more than what we receive. God continues to supply, making it somehow possible to do things the bank account says that we can not do. $20 is a lot of money in the Philippines. That means your little bit, may not accomplish much in the United States, it feeds many families, many meals every day, 3 times a day. We feed some of the widows, some of the orphans, some of the children with only one parent, we help teach some of the children how to read in English and the Filippino language (fortunately my wife is a very skilled educator, and many of our missionaries have excellent teaching skills). We are teaching many to play music and to sing. We have missionary teams on two islands, the Island of Palawan, and the largest island of Luzon. We network with Bishops and Pastors on two islands, we were honored with Special Frontliner Status during the pandemic and were recognized by the out going president of the Philippines. We want to continue to have influence in Jesus name, with the newly elected President of the Philippines Bongbong Marcos.

I want you to know that we ask God to multiply every offering, and the Hand of Jesus continues to have his hand upon His work. We are looking for people to help us to pay the bills. The Gospel is free but the food, the electric and gas bills are not free, and the transportation are expenses. The Harvest is very ripe, but the Missionaries available to help on the ground here are few. Thank you, for your faithfulness. We only ask you to partner with us in Jesus Name. 

Update #10

May 10th, 2022

We have moved our sunday services to the club house of the Hills View Subdivision Section II, the acoustics are so good that the melodies of our praise team carry over into the two adjoining Subdivisions. Not only are we out of chairs at the clubhouse, but many sit outside and listen to the praise and worship and the message. The number of children drawn to our sunday services continues to grow. Not only is our Missionary Ministry here in Tanza, and Naic, Cavite growing, but also our Missionary Outreach in Bataraza, on the Island of Palawan is also growing at our Jesus Christ Our Hope church in a predominantly Islamic region of the Philippines.

On the Mission Fields, many times we have to start new ministries on Faith, before the money arrives. We are making the effort to post video and other pictures to demonstrate how God continues to multiply every gift.  Dannibelle Hall wrote and sang "Ordinary People, God uses plain old ordinary people. He uses people who will give Him all, no matter how small their all may seem to be, because little becomes much, when you place it in the master's hand.

Thank you for doing as the Holy Spirit speaks to you. Everything helps us to pay the bills of the ministry. The Gospel is free, but the gasoline, the electric bill, the food, rent for the venue is not free. Thank God, that Jesus speaks to you, and you help.

Update #9 Planting Churches, and Training the Next Generation

April 28th, 2022

As Missionaries we are fulfilling the great Commission - We are planting churches, and training leadership for the next generation. Our Father's hand is upon us, during the Pandemic when the World was under quarantine, We were allowed to continue, He gave us Favor, and as Missionaries front liner status, and appointed as Missionaries with Interpol. God allowed us to minister to parts of the Philippine Military and the National Police. For missionaries in a nationwide quarantine that requires the Favor of God. 

Now that the national quarantine is over we must pick up the pieces of this next generated who were not allowed to go to school, not allowed to go outside, not allowed to go to work, pursue their careers, not even allowed to really enjoy life as children. 

In the Name of Jesus we give a little of the Abundant Life promised by Jesus Christ. We know that with your Help, the Lord will continue to multiply His Blessings in Jesus Name.

Update #8 The Golden Rule

April 23rd, 2022

Jesus teaches in Matthew 25:35 for I was an hungry, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and you gave me drink: I was a stranger, and you took me in: 36 naked, and you clothed me: I was sick, and you visited me: I was in prison, and you came unto me. 37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we you an hungry, and fed you? or thirsty, and gave you drink? 38 When saw we you a stranger, and took you in? or naked, and clothed you? 39 Or when saw we you sick, or in prison, and came unto you? 40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me. 

Luke:30 31 And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. 

Psalm 41:1 1 Blessed is he that considereth the poor:the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. 2 The Lord will preserve him, and keep him alive; and he shall be blessed upon the earth: and thou wilt not deliver him unto the will of his enemies.

When you help us to achieve these goals, you share in the blessings and the promises. We want to thank you in advance. Your help in any amount is appreciated.

Holy Week concluded with Resurrection Sunday 2022 - Great News!

April 18th, 2022

During Holy Week we helped sponsor young people for the Christ The Strong Foundation Churches Vacation Bible School. There were more than 100 youth and young adults attending. We concluded the Vacation Bible School when 28 New Believers were Baptized in Water. This is our purpose in ministry to lead new people to trust Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. In the last 3 weeks, cooperating with Missionary Donna Hope Lazaro in Davao, Philippines (South of here) 52 New Believers have been baptized in water. 40 of those New Believers by our team of missionaries and pastors just south of the Metro Manila, area of the Philippines.

We appreciate all of you who have been helping to pay the bills. The Gospel is free, but feeding the hungry with meals, helping some of the widows and orphans, helping to educate students, giving people a place to live, our Mission House is completely full. We know that the Hand of God is upon us, as He continues to grow this missionary ministry here in the Philippines. To God be all the Honor and Glory, It has to be the hand of God. 

Holy Week concluded with Resurrection Sunday 2022 - Great News!

April 18th, 2022

During Holy Week we helped sponsor young people for the Christ The Strong Foundation Churches Vacation Bible School. There were more than 100 youth and young adults attending. We concluded the Vacation Bible School when 28 New Believers were Baptized in Water. This is our purpose in ministry to lead new people to trust Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. In the last 3 weeks, cooperating with Missionary Donna Hope Lazaro in Davao, Philippines (South of here) 52 New Believers have been baptized in water. 40 of those New Believers by our team of missionaries and pastors just south of the Metro Manila, area of the Philippines.

We appreciate all of you who have been helping to pay the bills. The Gospel is free, but feeding the hungry with meals, helping some of the widows and orphans, helping to educate students, giving people a place to live, our Mission House is completely full. We know that the Hand of God is upon us, as He continues to grow this missionary ministry here in the Philippines. To God be all the Honor and Glory, It has to be the hand of God. 

Update #5

April 13th, 2022

This week we are sponsoring two young members of our team to attend 3 Day of Bible Training camp with The Christ The Strong Foundation network of Churches. In our church in Bataraza, Palawan Province of the Philippines, our young Missionary Team is growing rapidly. In Puerto Princesa the team we worked with in 2019 is also involved in a massive move of God, conducting youth campaigns in various muncipatlies. The Harvest is full, but the laborers are few. We are cooperating with Pastors and Missionaries across the Philippines. In the last two weeks 24 new Believers have been Baptized in Water, and others are being scheduled to also follow in Water Baptism. God is blessing our efforts in the Philippines.  Thank you to those who help pay the bills. The Gospel is free, but the costs involved to house and feed our growing team are real. God is doing something special here in the Philippines. 

Update #4

April 9th, 2022

This past sunday we held services at a crowded beach in Naic, Cavite, Philippines. The beach was full of services so we did three services at the beach, one of them was to Baptize new believers in Water. We also included team building exercises to build the team, teaching how to operate as part of a team. In Davao missionaries we cooperated Baptized another dozen new Believers. The harvest is ready, but the laborers (Missionaries) are few. 

This week we are scheduled at the Club House for the Hills View Subdivision Phase two. This is a good location because we can be heard and seen by the neighborhood. The Club House provides shelter if we should get rain, and it allows our music and message to be clearly heard. We have packed this venue before, but it offers the neighborhood a good place to hear and see what we are doing to promote Jesus Christ in the community. 

Please keep us in prayer as we brag about Jesus. We have His promise that He will never leave us or forsake us, and that these signs shall follow Matthew 28:18-20 and Mark 16;15-20.

Update #2

April 4th, 2022

Each of our services have been full packed, standing room only. Yesterday we had a large cottage at the beach in Naic, Cavite, Philippines it was also full packed. We did 3 services at the beach. We were honored to Baptize a dozen people in water, in the Name of the Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost, In Jesus Name. We must find a bigger venue, for our services each week. We continue to feed meals to the hungry every day, we provide shelter to those who need shelter every day. We are helping teach children how to read, how to pray every day. Each month we pay the mortgage for some here in the Philippines. We believe that God's Best is still to come. We also are inspired to improve Christian Missionary Radio, Television and Social Media here in the Philippines and throughout the World. 

Update #2

April 4th, 2022

Each of our services have been full packed, standing room only. Yesterday we fad a large cottage at the beach in Naic, Cavite, Philippines it was also full packed. We did 3 services at the beach. We were honored to Baptize a dozen people in water, in the Name of the Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost, In Jesus Name. We must find a bigger venue, for our services each week. We continue to feed meals to the hungry every day, we provide shelter to those who need shelter every day. We are helping teach children how to read, how to pray every day. Each month we pay the mortgage for some here in the Philippines. We believe that God's Best is still to come. We also are inspired to improve Christian Missionary Radio, Television and Social Media here in the Philippines and throughout the World. 

Update #1

March 19th, 2022

God continues to show us favor. Our missionary ministry here in the Philippines continues to grow. We cooperate with the churches of the Christ The Strong Foundation in the provinces of Cavite, and Laguna and in Metropolitan Manila in the Tondo Community. In the community of Naic, the CSF Church in Hills View Phase two have been full packed, standing room only. We are looking for a bigger venue that will sit a larger crowd. We expect our God will continue to draw multitudes to be Born Again, and scheduled for Water Baptism.

Thank you for sending your best gift of any amount today.

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.

  • A family in the Carolina's in requesting prayer for their two year old grandson born blind. Asking God to give this young boy sight. If this can be corrected by surgeons, Let it be Done, in accordance to the God's Will.
  • Super Natural Provision for this Ministry and those who partner with us.
  • Received a prayer request for a man of God undergoing surgery for a broken back, praying for a complete, total recovery, praying for an excellent recovery.