USD $50,000
Campaign funds will be received by Elinor Mele
Our dearest brother, Ron Mele was present at the events in DC on January 6th, 2021. He had an unfair trial like many J-6ers, and was wrongly sentenced to 33 months in prison. He went to court a few days ago for sentencing and unlike most J-6ers, wasn’t allowed to go home to tie up loose ends before having to report to prison. They took him immediately into custody. He wasn’t even allowed to say goodbye to his sweet wife Elly and his 2 step children. Elly is now left to save their home on one income. As a strong Christian family they have always put others’ needs first—now that they’re in need, we are asking for help for them during this very difficult time. Anything you give will help with their mortgage and any other household needs while Ron is away, and would be very much appreciated. God bless you all!
Know you and Ron and your family are in my prayers!
Know you and Ron and your family are in my prayers!
God is good
Know you and Ron and your family are in my prayers!
Merry Christmas Ron, we are praying for you
Know you and Ron and your family are in my prayers!
Praying for peace in all circumstances during this time.
Know you and Ron and your family are in my prayers!
"I so appreciate your generosity! Thank you for your continued prayers. " By Elly Mele
Know you and Ron and your family are in my prayers!
" Thank you! We appreciate your donations and your continued prayers! " By Elly Mele
Know you and Ron and your family are in my prayers!
"Thank you 🙏🏼 for your support and prayers 💕" By Elly Mele
In Jesus name, we pray.
"Thank you for your prayers and support. God bless you! " By Elly Mele
Your husband's situation truly disturbs me. It can happen to anyone. What else can we do to lift up Ron? Can we send gifts or letters to him?
" I will private message you his address. He loves letters. Thank you for your support 🙏🏼 It is greatly appreciated. " By Elly Mele
Love You Elly, Remain Strong. Jimmy and Blair will continue to carry you onward!
You’re in our thoughts and prayers.
"Thank you for your generous donation and prayers Elly M 💕" By Elly Mele
Prayers for the family!❤️
"Thank you for your prayers and support. 💕" By Elly Mele
"Thank you for your support. God bless you too 💕" By Elly Mele
I cannot even imagine what you are going through and I am so sorry that your family must endure this. Injustice drives me insane. I keep you in my prayers.
"Thank you for your generous donation and prayers 💕 " By Elly Mele
January 22nd, 2025
Praise God for the honor and glory that belongs to Him for this victory! A heartfelt thank you to President Trump for keeping his promise to pardon these incredible Patriots. My husband Ron was released from prison at 11:30 PM last night. We attempted to drive home, but the roads were too treacherous, so we decided to take shelter in a hotel for the next two days since all the roads are closed. It’s honeymoon time with my hubby, and my heart feels complete once more! I deeply appreciate all your love, support, and prayers. God bless you all!
December 6th, 2024
As Christmas approaches are hearts are hurting that Ron will not be home for Christmas but there is much to be celebrated as it is the birth of our Lord and Savior.
Ron has completed his horticulture class and received his certificate such an achievement for him. I am so proud of him. He told me that it’s very cold in the prison, but he was able to purchase some long johns through commissary.
Please continue to pray for him and our family as we navigate this difficult time emotionally and financially.
All of you who receive my updates can you please share our fundraiser page? It is greatly appreciated.
May the spirit of Christmas bring you comfort and strength, and may God bless you and your family. Wishing you a Merry Christmas filled with love and hope! 🎄
If you would like to send Ron a Christmas blessing and write him a letter here is his address. Cards are not acceptable in the bureau of prisons. When writing your letter it has to be on the front side of the paper only.
Ronald Mele #49805-509
P.O. BOX 5000
November 14th, 2024
October 29th, 2024
Ron is doing well. I can’t believe he has been imprisoned for over 6 months now.
We miss him dearly. Since his felonies fell off we are praying for a transfer or home confinement to finish out his 1 year misdemeanor sentence. The Bureau of Prison's is reviewing his case and have to update it into the system. The review has been well over 30 days and no word of his transfer.
Overall Ron is doing well. He has Bible study and horticulture every day so that keeps him busy. He also is working out in the rec yard Ron. Ron has such a good sense of humor about prison life when we talk on the phone, he is always making me laugh so that lifts my spirits knowing he’s ok. I know our Heavenly Father is always watching out for him giving him strength, peace and comfort in order to get through this difficult time.
God is always good and faithful.
Thank you all for your continued prayers and donations. I couldn’t do it without y’all.
God bless always
Joshua 1:9: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
August 30th, 2024
So the Government is dropping the 1512 felony charge but I heard the Government’s trial attorneys are “considering” adding another felony under 18 U.S. Code § 372 - Conspiracy to impede or injure an officer. This is very disheartening and frustrating.
I heard they are doing this with many cases who had the 1512 felony charge dropped. This is vindictive prosecution.
We are in an up hill battle so please continue to pray for Ron and our finances so I can continue to provide for our family while he’s away.
Thank you for your continued love and support as we navigate through this difficult season in our lives.
God Bless you!
Ephesians 6: 10-18
Elly Mele
August 5th, 2024
I heard from Ron’s Attorney and it looks like the Judge that sentenced Ron won’t even look at Ron’s case because he has to serve a year for his misdemeanor charges. The 1512 felony charge should fall off as soon as the supreme court sends fisher back to the DC circuit.
Please continue to pray for yearly release for all J6 political prisoners.
May God comfort and strengthen them and their families through this difficult journey.
Thank you for your prayers and donations. Our family couldn’t do it without you.
Elly 💕
July 20th, 2024
This week has been crazy sorry I haven’t given an update in a while. The AC stopped working in the house and it needs to be replaced. Then the AC went out in our truck. I also need to get new tires on our other car. I guess it comes in threes. It has been very difficult not having Ron home, he always takes care of all that stuff. God is so good. He continues to provide for me and our family. We have a wonderful Life Group and a wonderful church so many people have stepped up to help in miraculous ways. You know who you are ☺️
so I thank you from the bottom of my heart.❤️
I am still waiting to hear back from our attorney regarding them dropping the 1512 felony charge for Ron and other defendants. Please continue to pray for Ron and the other J6 defendants that they can go home soon to be with their loved ones.
Update from Ron himself.
From Ron:
Hello Everyone, As the days that seem to slip by so slowly, I look at the calendar and can't believe it has been just shy of 3 months that I was was removed of my personal property in the DC courtroom, making as much eye contact with Elly as I possibly could before being rushed behind the doors escorted by US Marshals and immediately restrained from my wrists to my ankles. The rollercoaster of emotions have been as active as a young child with a brand new Duncan YoYo on Christmas morning! I try to stay positive, remain as strong as possible but sometimes... sometimes I am not as strong as I want to be. The numbness to the environment that surrounds me in here tries to alter the way I think and go about my daily routines. I really only have a couple ways to escape the madness that allows me to have time to reflect on my thoughts and find some peace in this loud, concrete and steel realm of a bad dream, and that is (1) sitting in the Word reading my bible, listening to Paul's experiences throughout his imprisonment for unapologetically spreading the truth about Christ Jesus. The solace I find in my reading is supernatural.. heavenly. The peace I soak in even during the moment of the verdict, is unexplainable. (2) Sitting down at my little desk in the quietness of my cell, door closed, pad of paper and pen sitting in front of me as a potter does sitting at his spinning wheel, clay and water ready to go. Just as he slowly depresses his foot on the pedal to start spinning the wheel, I visualize my thoughts and images of Elly and begin to create a lyrical timeless creation one would refer to as a "Love Letter". That time with her in those moments play a crucial part of my maintained sanity, just as time spent nose down into my bible does. The constant noise of this place, along with the disrespect individuals have towards others and the foul language provides me several opportunities to "work on myself" :) The days are long and the experiences are repetitive mirroring Groundhog Day but that will change here shortly. Due to this facility have a shortage of trades classes and jobs to obtain, staying busy is a challenge. I can always get a job in the chow hall washing dishes with a pressure washer wearing a rubber jump suit constantly soaking wet or I can choose to push a lawnmower and mow 20 acres in the humid 100 degree weather (soaking wet) but that doesnt seem too appetizing. I am eligable to participate in the "First Step Act" that President Trump initiated and it greatly reduces the time served by inmates who qualify, actively participate in FSA approved programming as well as contunuing to do "good time". We only have one class here that qualifies for that and the waiting list is massive! The class is "Horticulture" and is offered by a local college that will provide me with a certificate of completion, college credits and a place for me to "escape" to when this place becomes too much to handle. Probably should use a different word like "retreat" to rather than the other LOL. They only accept 15 students for every 16 week course.. I pop in and greet the instructor often and did what Ron does best and.. BOOM he sought me out one day in the rec yard and offered me a spot in his class starting in a week or so! I will be spending M-TH 7:30-2:30PM in a greenhouse or a classroom honing in my inert "green thumb" and actually learning something in the BOP (Bureau of Prisons) and taking it homw with me. This class will take me through the holiday season where it will finally be cooler here! The greenhouse over the next couple months will be a sweat locker and I will love it! I am also taking other program classes that apply to my FSA... Resume Building (really? nailing that!), signed up for a job fair where I will interview with local business is rural Louisiana willing to hire a felon (will def nail that one too!) and guitar lessons every Tues and Thurs preparing for the campfires sipping on some bourbon and telling prison stories in the form of sad folk songs LOL :-) Either way you look at it, I feel alive and really miss each and everyone of you! Thank you for supporting Elly and I through all of this. Anything you may send for commissary, can you send directly to Elly? She is the gatekeeper. Having commissary helps me feel normal, they have really good protien bars, and various snacks that keep me from getting hangry :-0 My phone minutes are at zero and wont regenerate umtil Tuesday the 16th (today is the 14th) so I am not able to speak to you as much as I would like to. But I think about you all often. Letters seem to be the best way to communicate as I have all my emails read and pre-approved before the go through. Now with what happened to Trump, probably will take 2 weeks for them to go through compared to the current 7 days or so!! Please pray on that for me! I miss you all very much! ~Ron
July 1st, 2024
We have a win!
Thank you Jesus!!!
The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has overturned the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) use of 1512(c)(2), a statute pertaining to obstruction of an official proceeding, in cases related to the events of January 6th (J6).
This ruling signifies a major win for those political prisoners.
There are a still a lot of loopholes to get through so please pray for Ron and other J6ers that everything goes smoothly and they drop the 1512 c charge. 🙏🏼
If so Ron could be home by the end of the year.
God bless y’all
Elly Mele
June 27th, 2024
Those of you that sent cards to Ron some have been denied. Ron said it depends on the officer on duty that day. So I guess it’s best to write a letter.
Ron has received many books, letters and cards. He wanted me to thank you! He said he always looks forward to getting mail. He feels the love 💕
Some of you asked me if Ron needed Commisary. Yes, he does that way he can purchase the items he needs each month. You can send him money through https://www.westernunion.com
Ronald Mele 49805-509
Anything helps🙏🏼
What is Commisary?
A prison commissary is a store within a correctional facility, from which inmates may purchase products such as hygiene items, snacks, clothes, writing instruments, etc. Typically inmates are not allowed to possess cash; instead, they make purchases through an account with funds from money contributed by friends and family members.
Thank you for your continued support and prayers.
God bless you
Elly ❤️
June 21st, 2024
Happy Birthday to my amazing husband Ron. He has received many letters and birthday cards. Thank you so much for making him feel special on his birthday.
Thank you, Jesus for giving my husband another day of life.
God bless you all and thank you for your continued prayers, love and support.
Elly 💕
June 13th, 2024
So yesterday I found out that Ron is at his final destination, which is Oakdale Louisiana. He will not be transferred to the good old state of Texas. It’s about a 6 hour drive for me. I know that God has him there for a reason. 🙏🏼
Thank you for all your continued prayers and support.
Today is a hard day for me. I’m missing him a lot. 🥺
God Bless y’all
Elly ❤️
June 12th, 2024
Pray warriors we need your prayers!!!
I just found out that the Supreme Court will make their decision regarding the 1512 c charge within the next 48 hours.
If this charge goes away many political hostages will be released from jail.
As for Ron all his felony charges will be dropped. He then will only have to serve time for his misdemeanor charges.
The judge gave him one year for the misdemeanors. If Scotus rules in favor of the people, Ron’s attorney will request a resentencing from the judge.
When I spoke with Ron yesterday, he received some mail. He was so excited he said he stood there by the mail cart like a kid in a candy store. Thank you to all who sent him a letter or birthday card.
Many blessings to y’all
Elly ❤️
June 6th, 2024
Ron was recently transferred again to Oakdale, Louisiana. He does not have a designated area as of yet so he may be in Louisiana for a while.
Ron told me he does like it there and he is able to have rec time outside.
He said the transfer was brutal 😞 I cannot go into detail here. I am just so grateful that he got through it. God was definitely with him giving him strength and peace through it all.
Ron’s birthday is June 21 so let’s flood him with letters showing our love and support for him.
Here is the address.
Ronald Mele #49805-509
P.O. BOX 5000
June 5th, 2024
Good morning ☀️
Ron is now in Oklahoma at a holding center.
I haven’t heard from him yet but hopefully I hear from him soon.
Please pray that he will be transferred to Texas soon.
God Bless 💕
June 4th, 2024
Ron was transferred today. Please pray for his peace, strength and comfort during this transfer. I don’t know where he will end up until he gets there. I will do another update as soon as I find out.
Thank you all for your support and prayers. I made my first mortgage payment since Ron has been gone with all your donations. I am so grateful God has been providing for our family during this difficult time.
Thank you
God bless ya’ll
Matthew 6:26-34
May 23rd, 2024
Ron is doing well. He is still in Philadelphia. It could be another couple weeks before he is transferred. Please pray that they will transfer him to TEXAS soon so I can visit him. We miss Ron so much. We are a family of four so when I cook dinner, I bring out four dinner plates every time then reality sets in…. he won’t be here for dinner for awhile 😔
Last night, I watched a documentary that just came out on May 18 called THE WAR ON TRUTH it brings awareness to what is happening in our country regarding January 6, definitely have a box of tissues in hand.
It’s only $7.77 to watch it online.
Here is the link https://hisglory.tv/
Thank you all for your continued prayers and support.
God Bless
Elly Mele 💕
May 14th, 2024
Ron is still in Philadelphia and doing good. He gets up at 5 AM every morning for chow time. He told me he has been working out everyday and he feels great. In the evening they have a daily Bible study. There is a pretty rough guy with tattoos all on his face that walks around with an attitude who popped in on the Bible study then walked out, 2 minutes later he came in with his Bible and sat down! Everyone prayed over him and he walked out with a different attitude! PRAISE GOD!! God is doing amazing things!!!
Ron told me there is a possibility that he could be moved on Thursday. The next location would be Oklahoma so most likely they will put him on a Conair flight to transfer him.
Thank you for your continued prayers .
May 6th, 2024
I’m so relieved it has been six days and I finally heard from Ron.
He’s still in Philadelphia in general population with his co-defendants, Derek and Erik.
Tony was separated from the group to a different section of the prison. My husband told me not to worry that they are out of their cells most of the day. The food is much better there, he eats three times a day. He also has a good cellmate from the Dominican Republic, Ron said he’s the best cellmate he could ever ask for , he’s very clean and doesn’t speak any English so Ron is teaching him English and he is helping Ron with his Spanish. Ron said everyone is super cool there and they all get along and everybody works out together. There is no segregation between races. I feel God working in all ways through Ron’s journey. Thank you so much for your prayers. We really appreciate your donations it takes a lot of stress of me and my family during this difficult time.
Ron told me he was the corn hole champion at the J6 pod in DC. 😂He misses all the guys there.
Ron sends his love to y’all 💕.
God Bless you
May 3rd, 2024
I haven’t heard from Ron in the past few days but I found out that he was transferred to FDC In Philadelphia.
I don’t know how long he will be there or when he will be transferred again but most likely he will go to Oklahoma next.
Pray requests
Please pray for Justice and freedom for all J6 prisoners and their families.
Pray that Ron will soon be here in his home state and the transfer goes smoothly for him. Please pray for his health, safety and that his body and mind stay strong in the Holy Spirt.
Thank you
God Bless ❤️ Psalm 71
April 30th, 2024
I got a phone call from my husband today and he said medical came in and took his temperature and bloodwork, that means he’s being transferred. I heard he possibly could be transferred to Oklahoma for a month and then transferred here in Texas. We will not know where he will land in Texas until he is actually there , please pray that he ends up in Bastrop Texas. The closest federal prison to our home is Bastrop. It’s about two hours. I may not hear from him for a couple of days or weeks. Please pray that this transition goes smooth for him. Please pray for me that I have peace because I feel anxiety, not knowing where he’s going to end up. I just have to release my fears and trust in the Lord with all my heart.. ❤️
God bless you all 💕
April 29th, 2024
I spoke with Ron on Sunday he said he had his first church service. They also have weekly Bible studies. He also received a Bible from one of the inmates.🙏
He says it’s like a brotherhood in there and everybody shares their commissary. He was telling me how awful the food is so he is really looks forward to getting his commissary which comes once a week. During rec time, he is able to go outside so he enjoys playing corn hole.
I spoke with him today and he seemed a little down, which is to be expected. I told him to keep his eyes on Jesus and it’s normal to have off days, especially when your freedom is taken from you.
I am having a hard day today, missing him a lot. This weekend is our daughter’s Prom and he will miss it. It makes me sad that many families are torn apart for being there that day on Jan. 6.
I feel for all of them especially the ones who have kids and they can’t be there to watch their kids grow up. So much time lost 😞
My son and I mowed the lawn together and edged, it’s not easy. While edging we took a few chunks out of the grass, I swear it’s like art work trying to get that fine edge. I am sure we will have it down by the time my husband gets back. It was nice having that quality time with my son.
I will have another update as soon as Ron is moved to his home State.
Thank you for your continued prayers and donations.
Galatians 2:20
We are forever grateful 😇
God Bless
❤️Elly Mele
#FreeJ6ers #Justice #GodAlwaysWins
April 27th, 2024
Ron was on a YouTube channel last night April 26th talking from the DC jail. The channel is called Northern Neck Patriots (@nnpatriots) if you fast forward to 1:22 min you will hear him speak.
Please pray for all the political prisoners some have been treated horribly and have been locked up now for over 3 years without a trial.
Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering. Heb 13:3
Thank you all and may God Bless and work throughout your lives as He has done in mine! All glory and praise to the mighty God we serve.
God bless
❤️Elly Mele
April 26th, 2024
Good news. My husband Ron and the other men were moved to the J6 pod today.
Praise God, we thought they were going to be in protective custody for at least two weeks.
He said when they walked into the pod the other J Sixers greeted them with Commissary and were very welcoming. He said the place is very clean and he has his own room with a window. They also have TVs in there and games.They are also allowed to go outside.
I can sleep better at night, knowing he’s in a better place than being in a cell 23 hours a day with one hour of rec time.
Thank you for your continued prayers and your donations.
God Bless ❤️
Elly Mele
April 25th, 2024
Thank you all for your prayers and donation’s. Ron called me today and he was very concerned about me. I told him about the givesendgo, he was so incredibly grateful and he wanted me to express his sincere gratitude for all your generosity and prayers.
Ron expressed to me that he is locked up 23 hours a day with one hour of rec time. He said it is also very noisy so that is hard to deal with. The food is awful, but sometimes tolerable. He gets his commissary next week so he’s really looking forward to that. Please pray that he gets moved to the January 6 pod within the jail very soon for they have a lot more freedom there. They sing the National anthem every night at 9:00 in the J6 pod. If you would like to stand in solidarity with them at 9:00 and say the national anthem with them here is the link to watch it live on YouTube you can find the nightly vigil @ 4ashliJan6Vigil, they read the roll call at 8:45 every night of all the incarcerated individuals. Mickey Ashley Babbitt Mom holds the vigil every night along with other Jan 6 wives and husbands in honor of her daughter and all those who lost their lives that day.
Please pray that the Supreme Court will rule in our favor in June. If so my husband’s felonies will drop and he may be home at the end of the year.
Many blessing's to all of you.
Thank you for all your continued support and prayers. God always wins.
❤️ Elly Mele
April 23rd, 2024
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.