USD $1,490
Campaign funds will be received by Doulos Missions International
Our Doulos Training School (DTS) is a ministry of Doulos Missions International (DMI), providing three years of free Bible, theological, and discipleship training. We founded DMI seventeen years ago in 2006, in order to make disciples in fulfillment of the Great Commission, and after returning to the States following our four and a half years as residential missionaries in Central and Eastern Europe, we established the DTS in 2015 with the same goal of multiplying disciples. None of this could have been accomplished, except by the Lord through what we have said and done.
By the grace of God, we have graduated ten students, and currently have six students enrolled. All of our current students and graduates, except for one in England, are in various countries of Africa, including Uganda, South Sudan, and Kenya. These students and graduates include a number of people with ministry callings, and some that are already serving in ministry, such as three graduates who are pastors, and three of our current students who are serving in ministry -- one as a preacher, one as a missionary, and one as an evangelist.
Most of these students would never have been able to afford this sort of training, if it were not offered free of charge. You can see what they themselves have said about the impact this has had on their lives in our DTS Testimonies. You may also see our DTS Photo Album of current students and graduates. We have also highlighted the ministries of two of our DTS graduates here on this web page.
Missions trips are being planned this year to Albania and England, funds permitting. There is also the possibility of missions trips to Bulgaria or Hungary, again funds permitting.
All contributions to Doulos Missions International are tax deductible, and you will receive a receipt for tax purposes. Doulos Missions International is a IRS Code 501c3 tax exempt charitable organization.
this is my tithe/offering unto God for His glory and for salvation of souls. Pray for me.
this is my tithe/offering unto the Lord for His Glory and for salvation of souls. pray for me.
God bless you brother
hello Len, I'm just updating my cc because I had fraud again.
this is my tithe/offering unto the Lord. Please pray for me.
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