Christian Patriot Legal Fees


 USD $65,000


 USD $51,812

Campaign created by Derek Kinnison

Campaign funds will be received by Derek Kinnison

Christian Patriot Legal Fees

Hello my name is Derek Kinnison and I am starting a fundraiser for legal defense fees in my federal grand jury indictment regarding January 6th. 
I am a 41 year old husband and father of a teenage daughter, I own a small business and work volunteer security for my church and am training to become a deacon. 
Some Brothers in Christ and I traveled to DC to answer the Presidential call of support and to keep a watchful eye on families, women, and elderly attendees for fears of them being targeted by groups wishing to do them harm. These groups wanted to infiltrate the crowd dressed in patriotic clothing. 
I did not enter the capital building!
February 19th at 6:02 am my house was raided by fbi and swat team, they broke fences, ripped off doors, used flash bang grenades, robots, and pointed guns at my young daughter and I.
The fbi tore my house apart, injured one of my dogs, confiscated thousands of dollars of my possessions and left. 
After almost four months of silence, on June 10th I received a phone call from the fbi stating I had an arrest warrant and I needed to cancel my work schedule and turn myself into the fbi in riverside within two hours or else they would have to come and get me and that would look bad. 
I am currently out on bond, I lost my second amendment protections and my ccw permit, meanwhile I have been hounded by reporters, doxed online with my address, phone numbers, and family members names. 
I have retained a great Christian Constitutional lawyer and am preparing for this fight of my lifetime. 
God has provided and given me some peace during this process but I am asking for any and all prayers for my family and I as well as my Christian brothers and this country. 

The first one to plead his cause seems right,
Until his neighbor comes and examines him.
Proverbs 18:17
Recent Donations
$ 100.00 USD
9 days ago

Thank you for sharing on zoom tonight 3/18/25. God, bless him and his family and that he get the support he needs and all the Jan 6ers from the govt who wrongfully tried him. Praying for all the victims will receive compensation.

Donna B
$ 25.00 USD
9 days ago

God bless you sir.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
9 days ago

May this be finished quickly!

Anonymous Giver
$ 23.00 USD
1 month ago

The Lord has heard the voice of my weeping. The Lord has heard my appeal and the Lord receives my prayer. Psalm 6:8-9

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

Thank you for standing for our Freedom

Jake Lang
$ 1000.00 USD
2 months ago

Welcome home patriot! God bless you!

Anonymous Giver
$ 300.00 USD
2 months ago

God Bless

Terry SF
$ 30.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 18.00 USD
4 months ago

You are in our thoughts and prayers that God will bless you and give you strength to carry on against the evil that is trying to take away your freedom for your protest at the Capitol.

Terry SF
$ 30.00 USD
4 months ago

Terry SF
$ 30.00 USD
5 months ago

God has great plan for you. Lean on Him!

Terry sf
$ 30.00 USD
6 months ago

In all times, Praise Him! And He will make your path straight!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
7 months ago

Don’t give up fighting these tyrants! My family will pray for you.

Pauline Grace
$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

$ 50.00 USD
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 35.00 USD
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
8 months ago

Prayers continue for you and your family. 🙏🙏🙏

Mike and Becky
$ 100.00 USD
8 months ago

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you., plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11. Derek, you are in our prayers every Tuesday night and Saturday morning men's Bible Study

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
9 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
9 months ago

Praying for their freedom, and to God be the glory soon and very soon


God is still breaking chains!

January 28th, 2025

He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness,  and broke away their chains. Psalm 107:14

Wow, one week free now! Sorry I didn’t update sooner, needed some time to decompress after the last 9 months in 5 federal prison facilities. I want to thank you all for your continued prayers, it truly is what got me through the rough times and the spiritual battles I faced in prison. Over all I am thankful for the learning experience as God purified me in these fiery trials! I have a new outlook on life, a much stronger faith, and a heart to help those behind bars who receive no rehabilitation and minimal exposure to the true uncompromised word of God. I’m looking forward to the next step in my life and to see where God points me in ministry/outreach. Thank you all again, and please know I prayed blessings upon you all and your families for helping and blessing myself and my family! May God richly bless you all! -Derek

Update #61

August 1st, 2024

August 1, 2024


1 Thessalonians 5 :17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Hi all you wonderful folks! We thank you for all your priceless prayers and support. This is Sherry, Derek’s mom. Wish he could do this update. Today is his birthday.

April 19 of this year was his sentencing date back in the capitol. I went back with them. Due to the SCOTUS ruling on the 1512 laws, we were hoping to delay sentencing because Derek was convicted of two 1512 laws and another felony predicated on those other two. He also had two misdemeanors. The judge refused to change the sentencing date but said Derek could delay his self-surrender for an additional month. He managed to get most of his home issues fixed and was going to start on mine when we got back.

 His sentence was 33 months for each felony concurrently and 12 months for each misdemeanor to be served concurrently with the felonies. HOWEVER: at the sentencing the judge remanded them into immediate custody! We were shocked and dismayed! He has been traveling through 5 different prisons. He is currently in horrible Victorville but we cannot visit because he is in transition. His final location will be Lompoc, CA, 4- 5 hours from home. But a much better location.

We have no idea when he will be re-sentenced or released. Derek entered the back chambers and said, “reporting for duty, Lord”. He has started or attended Bible studies wherever he went. He has the attitude of the Apostle Paul. As over the previous 3.5 years, Derek’s amazing strength and dedication to Christ he continues to uphold us as the head of our family. Time is very short until we meet our Lord in some fashion. Only one life, t’will soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last. God Bless you all, Jesus Watch Over You! JWOY

Amie, Derek, Fay and Sherry

Call for Prayers and Fasting 🙏🏻

April 12th, 2024

Pray without ceasing!

1 Thess 5:17

Hey everyone, I hope you are all doing well! I wanted to thank you all again for the prayers and support over the years now. I’m calling for a time of prayer and fasting next week starting April 16th through the 19th. The 16th SCOTUS will start to hear arguments in the “Fischer Case” which could unravel obstruction felony charges for hundreds of J6 defendants including myself and Trump. These felony obstruction charges have not been brought against any anarchist protesters who have entered the Capital building during protests for Philistine, I mean Palestine, or climate change etc. SCOTUS needs to protect first amendment rights! Also on the 19th I will be sentenced for my J6 case. 

Thanks again and may God Bless you all!

Scotus Update

February 27th, 2024

But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.

Amos 5:24

Just a quick update and prayer request.

 The Supreme Court will begin hearing arguments regarding the misapplied felony charge for J6ers of 18 usc 1512 obstruction of an official proceeding. This law was put in place for the Enron energy scandal in 2004 and dealt with shredding of files, it has nothing to do with protesting.  For many J6 defendants this is the only felony they have, Trump is also charged with this in his DC criminal case. 

Our in person sentencing hearing in DC will also be that same week. Please keep that in prayer 🙏🏻 

Thanks and may God bless you and God bless America 🇺🇸 

Three years later

January 6th, 2024

Good morning everyone, today marks the 3 year anniversary of January 6th 2021. Please take time to reflect and pray for the families of the four unarmed people who were killed on J6, Benjamin Phillips, Kevin Greeson, Roseanne Boyland and Ashli Babbitt. Please also reflect on the suicide deaths of those who could not handle the pressure of a weaponized DOJ coming after them, and also reflect on those in prison with aggressive sentences. Please see the link below for a new free 1hr documentary of the timeline of J6, it showcases how both the American people and the capital police were setup on this false flag event to weaponize the government against conservatives. This also explains the 4 deaths and numerous injuries. Please not that I did not step foot on capitol grounds until after 2pm as it was never our intention to go there, I did not go inside the building, I did not fight police, I did not steal or break anything yet was found guilty of felony obstructing congress from outside the building.

January 6th a true timeline, please watch and share. 

Merry Christmas!

December 26th, 2023

Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering. Heb 13:3

 Merry Christmas everyone, thank you all again for your prayers and support, I just wanted to ask everyone to remember and share the stories that 1,200 plus people have been charged or indicted for J6, some are approaching 3 years incarceration without trial! This is a travesty in America! If they can do this to them, they can do it to you! Please continue the fight for election integrity at your county level in 2024! Also please pray for the Supreme Court in their consideration to toss out the Enron era felony law of 18usc 1512 obstruction of an official proceeding as misappropriated for J6 protesters! This will effect hundreds of defendants! Thank you all and God Bless America!

Big SCOTUS Decision Tomorrow !!!

November 30th, 2023

Hey everyone, I hope you had a great thanksgiving!

I’m calling in another big prayer request that you pray for the Supreme Court to potentially throw out the misapplied obstruction of an official proceeding felony charge against myself and many January 6th defendants. This would be a huge win if it goes through! This decision is for tomorrow Dec 1st!!!

 And as always please continue to fight for free and fair elections for our country, despite what your county may tell you, the county has the ability to remove electronic voter machines that can connect to the internet… Yes your county and your county Sheriff!!! It’s not the state or your state AG. The best way anyone can help J6ers right now is to fight voter fraud, become a poll watcher etc.

 Thank you all again and may God Bless each and everyone of you, even the fbi, sedition hunters, US attorneys and anyone else who reads this. It is God’s will that all should follow Him, none should perish, and that we forgive each other and love our enemies. 

Verdict Reached

November 12th, 2023

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. 2 Cor 4:16-18 

 Hello all, sorry I didn’t get this out right away but a verdict was reached last Tuesday of guilty on all charges for all defendants. This sets the precedent that obstruction of an official proceeding can be applied even if someone like myself did not enter the Capitol Building. My family and I truly appreciate the thousands of prayers that have kept us going and helped us out TREMENDOUSLY in this trial. As of now no sentencing date has been set but I will keep you posted. I do plan on continuing the legal process and filing an appeal. 

Thank you all and may God Bless and work throughout your lives as He has done in mine! All glory and praise to the mighty God we serve, He is bigger than elections, bigger than court, and the creator of all! 

Going to the jury

November 4th, 2023

A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight.

Proverbs 11:1

 Hey everyone, just a quick update on the 3 1/2 week long trial: closing arguments will take place Monday and then the case will be handed over to the jury for deliberations. Please keep this in prayer and join me in a fast for Monday if you can. Thank you all and God Bless! 

Trial Update

October 25th, 2023

Then David took his shepherd’s staff, selected five smooth stones from the brook, and put them in the pocket of his shepherd’s pack, and with his sling in his hand approached Goliath. 1 Sam 17:40

 I’ve been asking for a very long time for everyone to pray for my lawyer and I to find our 5 smooth stones and only need one…

 We may have found that one smooth stone to use against the giant. I wish I could get into specifics but can’t at this time. Please pray for us that this can be used as a potential path for victory.

The trial will go much longer than anticipated.

Thank you all for your prayers, they have been the only thing keeping me going through this.

Calling all prayer warriors

October 9th, 2023

Unequal weights and unequal measures are both alike an abomination to the Lord. Proverbs 20:10

 Almost 3 years after January 6th, my February 19th pre dawn fbi raid, and almost 2.5 years after my June 10th federal indictment… the time is approaching for my trial in Washington DC. Thank you all for your prayers and support this past 2.5 years. You all have truly been a blessing to my family and I! I’m asking for specific prayers for the jury selection in my/our trial and prayers for my 3 friends/co-defendants and their families. You all are welcome to join me in a two day fast and prayer this Thursday and Friday Oct 12-13. Unfortunately the public phone line will be unavailable to listen in on the trial. This truly is God’s battle and He will go before me! I have a great peace and I accept His will over my wants. Thank you and God bless you all!

Great Thanks!

August 23rd, 2023

But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive. Gen. 50:20

I just want to thank everyone for the continued support as trial draws closer. The letters of support from everyone using patriot mail have been amazing! You can send letters to J6ers and they are all screened and forwarded to the person you are sending them to. I’ve received support from strangers all across America and even from Canada and the UK now! God Bless you all! The few hate letters (which are hilarious) from my Orange County fan club, cannot even hold a match to the abundance of overwhelming support I receive from strangers!

 I would also like to thank all of the sedition hunters who have spent hours in their basements scrolling through videos and pictures throughout the internet to categorize them for me! This has been a huge help and time saver for my attorney and I to build our defense! 

Prayer request: in early September the Supreme Court will be hearing arguments about the 18.usc 1512 obstruction of an official proceeding felony charge that many J6ers face, this charge has been argued not to fit the j6 narrative and if thrown out would help so many people!

I am part of a micro percentage who face this felony charge who DID NOT enter the capital… so how could I obstruct a proceeding from out side of a building? Especially when Congress had already been evacuated. This is called malicious prosecution.

God has given me a peace about this whole situation which I am truly grateful for. 

Thanks and God bless you all!

Update Great Thanks! Image
Time Sensitive Prayer Request

June 16th, 2023

Pray without ceasing. 

2 Thes 5:17

Hello all, I have and urgent prayer request!

Please keep me in prayer for a very important meeting on Tuesday 6/20.

I wish I could share more details at this time but the wrong type of mentally and spiritually disturbed people now follow my updates, unfortunately I had to turn off the messaging portion on this page which was nice to reply back to all of you individually due to flooding from miserable people who have nothing better to do. Seems the evil Marxist’s continue to try and shut down free speech. 

Pride goes before a fall. Paul refers to this life as light and momentary afflictions, and in heaven we will receive a new name!

God bless you all for your unwavering prayers and support. 

Yelling at a Child???

March 27th, 2023

I guess I have to say this. It has been brought to my attention that there is a viral video of a man yelling at a child at a school board meeting. Normally I don’t mind what false things people state about me, however this man is clearly not me nor was I at that meeting, however  since this video is viral my family has been receiving threats. I fully condemn any acts of racism as the Bible condemns racism,  and I hold children high as they are held high in God’s kingdom. I was taught red and yellow black and white they are precious in his sight. 

Here is the link to the video I will let you decide if it is really me, hint I am 6 foot eight and 255 pounds.


March 4th, 2023

Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints. Eph. 6:18

 Hello all, something big may go through regarding the civil lawsuit I am named in along with 33 other defendants, please pray for the softening of hearts, a big conversation will take place in a few days. 

Thank you all and May God Bless you and your families!

Keep fighting the good fight and expand God’s Kingdom!

Two years later…

January 7th, 2023

You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. Deuteronomy 6:7

I wanted to start by shining a spotlight on young Ethan for sending me this most precious, from the heart Christmas card, I don’t have a return address but little buddy you made my year already with that!

You made a 6’8 man cry… yes let my people go!

Out of the mouth’s of babes right!!!

What a blessing! That is why we fight for this CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, we fight for the next generation of wonderful children so they will know freedom instead of communism…

I want to encourage everyone out there to keep standing for the Judeo Christian values that this country was founded upon! 

Today mark’s the two year anniversary of January 6th, or as former Vice President biden says “July 6th” in a speech today…

Please reflect on where our country now stands, pray for our country, pray for our leadership, pray for the families of the four  unarmed patriots killed on January 6th. (Ashli Babbitt, Roseanne Boyland, Kevin Greeson, and Benjamin Phillips.) Pray also for the pre trial detainees in various jails as they await trial from almost 2 years behind bars, pray for the J6 trials being held daily, pray for the 1,000 current defendants and the 3,000 more the doj is after, pray for Ashli Babbitt’s mom Mickey as she was taken into custody TODAY while marching in the street for justice, and please continue to pray that my lawyer and I find our 5 smooth stones for this battle. My trial will be scheduled mid year. If the Lord is with me than who can be against me????

God Bless you all for your prayers and support!

Update Two years later… Image
Quick update!

September 11th, 2022

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

Eph 6:18

Here’s a quick update: my status hearing for 9-12 has been postponed. They are making changes with the prosecutors. 

Please pray to soften the hearts of the new prosecutors, our judge, and the jurors in DC. Pray that they can look at our case’s individually, with an open mind, and with balanced scales. 

As of today: Praise report, Dr Simone Gold and Pamela Hemphill (69 year old cancer patient) have both finished their 60 day prison sentences for MISDEMEANOR trespassing.

Four Patriots were murdered on January 6th.

We still have close to 40 behind bars PRE TRIAL!!! About half are military or law enforcement. 

Yes American POW’s are being held on American soil with no priors and no trial dates yet…

So far 871 people have been charged for January 6th, a couple have had charges dropped, 1 man was acquitted in a bench trial. Four have committed suicide, the handful of dc trials (except the acquittal) have turned back guilty verdicts, 407 have been convicted (mostly plea deals) and 254 have been sentenced. The max sentencing has been 7.3-10 years.

Please reflect and pray about this, read our Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights…

God Bless you all!

5 smooth stones…

August 26th, 2022

40Then he took his staff in his hand; and he chose for himself five smooth stones from the brook, and put them in a shepherd’s bag, in a pouch which he had, and his sling was in his hand. And he drew near to the Philistine.

1 Sam 17:40

It has been my prayer request to those around me to pray for my lawyer and I to find our 5 smooth stones (and only need 1!)

Others have faced this legal giant with swords and armor and failed. I pray that we can think outside the box for my legal defense as we continue this fight as I maintain my innocence .

These fundraiser campaigns have faced a lot of scrutiny online, we are trolled with messages, and the US attorneys have brought these fundraisers up in trials and sentencing. 

I am glad for this, that’s why I start every update with Bible scripture, I pray it will change someone’s heart for the better! God is the true author  and inventor of freedom. 

God’s word is written on the flesh of our hearts and everyone has a God shaped hole in their hearts that can only be filled by Him!

I greatly appreciate all of your  prayers and support ! 

May God Bless you and your families!

Been a while…

July 30th, 2022

11 This is what the Lord says to me with his strong hand upon me, warning me not to follow the way of this people:


“Do not call conspiracy     everything this people calls a conspiracy; do not fear what they fear,     and do not dread it.


The Lord Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy,     he is the one you are to fear,     he is the one you are to dread.

Isaiah 8:11-13

Here’s an update, our status conference got pushed out until September 12th so we didn’t have an appearance Thursday. The government offered a felony conspiracy plea deal…

I did not conspire with anyone to do anything nefarious!!! 

I did not enter into the capital that day which they know, I did not commit any acts of violence which they know, and I did not commit any acts of destruction which they also know because I am not charged with any of these crimes…       When did 4 friends taking a road trip become felony conspiracy??? 

Prayers up!

Happy Anniversary!!!

June 10th, 2022

One year ago today I was indicted and asked to turn myself in…

I remember clearly, I was walking out of the house with my water jug and lunchbox ready for my work, my wife’s phone was ringing on the counter, I glanced at the Los Angeles area code and told her jokingly it was probably about her car warranty…

As I was warming up my truck in the driveway, punching in the directions to my customers house and coordinating with my helper to meet me there for my big job that day, my wife walked out and said that call was the fbi and they stated to have me call back immediately…

By this time my new phone number was ringing and the fbi said referring to my February 19th raid… “hey remember when you told us that you wished we would’ve just called first…” well this is that call…

They stated I was federally indicted and needed to self surrender 25 miles away in 2 hours. I said well I have work for a customer and my helper is there already, they said you need to cancel your work today and if we have to come find you it won’t look good…

I didn’t want them to raid my house and traumatize my family AGAIN, so I agreed to self surrender and had to cancel my job 15 minutes before it started which is not how I run my business!

Upon my surrender, remembering the pocket constitutions the fbi photographed for some weird reason during the raid, I brought a handful to give them…

When I stepped out of the car they said whatever is in your hand leave it in the car, I said it’s ok these are pocket constitutions, they said we don’t need them, I told them it’s ok, these are free and I give them to everyone and I wanted them to have some… No lie, they put their hands out in front of them and took a step back and said “oh trust me we’re good.”

It was like I was holding kryptonite!

They then proceeded to push me up against someone else’s car in the parking lot and cuff me right in front of my crying wife and daughter. 

I was wearing American flag socks which they said I should leave in the car too because the marshals would need to take them off again in a search, too bad I didn’t realize I would be put in shackles that rubbed my ankles raw.

I remained in custody the better part of the day until a bond hearing, and was released on bond. 

The US marshals were very nice and made comments that this whole deal was BS!

 Thanks to everyone helping me in this fight! God Bless you and your families!

Status Update

May 28th, 2022

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

 I just wanted to give an update on our zoom court appearance yesterday, basically a trial date was not set for now, they will be extending the case out for another 60 days, defense attorneys did bring up the threatening letter the US attorneys sent out to try and scare everyone into a plea deal… the US attorney’s threatened to add a domestic terrorist enhancement to sentencing in a trial setting…

Max penalties (non consecutive serving) for my charges are 80 years in prison and $1,250,000 fines plus whatever a terrorist enhancement adds. 

The judge noted it and said those are just recommendations but ultimately he will decide if and when that time comes. Another defense attorney brought up that the US attorneys are adding extra charges via superseding indictments for those who don’t take a plea deal. That action is what pushed young J6 defendant Mathew Perna over the edge to the point of taking his own life. We still have around 60 defendants locked up pre trial right now, half are military… they are denied reasonable bail, basic human rights and due process! Yes America we are housing POW’s in our own country… let that sink in for a minute…

Please also remember that 4 Patriots were killed on J6: Ashli Babbitt (who was also stripped of her military honors and denied military burial) Roseanne Boyland (beaten and trampled to death) Kevin Greeson and Benjamin Phillips (both heart attacks from flash bang grenades thrown deep into the crowd)

That’s where everything stands for now. Keep your eyes on Jesus America 🇺🇸 

Rolling Stones!!!

May 11th, 2022

And they were saying to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance of the tomb?” And looking up, they saw that the stone had been rolled back—it was very large. Mark 16:3-4

Sorry it’s been a while between updates, I wanted to start off by thanking each and every supporter for the prayers and donations! This has eased some of the financial burdens of my legal bills that are quickly approaching the 6 figure mark between the criminal and the civil lawsuit. 

I wanted to also thank you all as this actual fundraiser was featured in a slanderous article in the “rolling stone” magazine, which attacks J6ers characters, our faith in the Most High God, love for freedom, the patriarchy, toxic masculinity and being the sole breadwinner for my family. This writer is a troll of Sebastian Gorka who is an awesome patriot and featured me on his radio show. 

Coincidentally this article came out around Resurrection Sunday which gives us the real meaning of rolling stone! 

Again I am thankful that the left is the party of tolerance because I couldn’t imagine how bad they would be if they weren’t so tolerant…

My family and I are truly grateful for every gift and every giver, and extremely grateful for the continued prayers! (Which is our greatest weapon!!!)

I wish this fundraiser had no need to exist and never expected blue collar American patriots to have to help with my legal bills. 

My next status hearing is may 26th, please keep that in prayer as they may come with an official plea deal which I will deny, and out of a vindictive attitude the government may (hopefully not) seek to file additional charges against me for not bowing my knee to tyranny. 

God bless you all and I pray for a great awakening in our country and for God to shed his light upon the darkness and expose the evils!

Renewed Hope

April 9th, 2022

When the whirlwind passes, the wicked is no more,

But the righteous has an everlasting foundation. Proverbs 10:25

I wanted to announce that this week a DC judge acquitted a J6 defendant who entered the Capitol building of the four misdemeanor charges against him!!!!

He faced trespassing and various disorderly conduct charges and at his bench trial the judge acquitted these charges!

 I pray that others will be relieved to hear this and stop taking plea deals!!! 

As for me I will keep pressing on for the fight as I face malicious felony charges for being in a patriot group, this is their first wave to advance from Marxism to socialism to communism…

The patriot groups were the first wave, these are usually people who take a bold stance and speak out against tyranny, maybe look scary with a camo hat as they train with each other on emergency responses or community preparedness teams… ok so your not in a patriot group right?

The next wave may be your gop or tea party group, not involved in politics…?

The next wave may be your church… not a person of faith…?

Well the next wave may be your second amendment… after that all bets are off!

We need to stop the purging of Patriots!

This is why I fight for freedom! I don’t just fight for my daughter, I fight for your children and grand children too! The next generation needs us!

Thank you all for your prayers and support in my legal battles, I never dreamed that I would face multiple felonies for standing outside of a building with medical gear in a backpack…

Latest Status Hearing Update

April 2nd, 2022

Thursday we had a status hearing regarding our case, the US attorneys were seeking another 60 day extension which the judge granted. My indictment was June 9th 2021, the 8th amendment “right to a speedy trial” is 70 days maximum. All who are charged in J6 have been asked to waive the right to a speedy trial to allow the government time to produce evidence to ensure trials are fair…

A DC judge magistrate recently was quoted saying “it seems the government has bit off more than they can chew with this one…”

The US attorneys reached out to my lawyer asking us to submit a plea deal to them which would save them time as they are very busy right now. They also said it would be good to get a plea deal in the pipeline “before things get worse” nice threat… now I am no prophet but what they may mean by that, is not if but WHEN I formally reject their plea deal, they may seek to bring additional charges against me in my indictment. They have been doing this in other J6 cases and that is what they did to another defendant Matthew Perna who had already signed a plea deal last fall, they kept putting off his sentencing and announced that they would look into seeking additional charges against him which pushed this poor young man to walk into the family garage and hang himself to escape the pain, burden, torment and bullying from a tyrannical two tier justice system. 

Please Pray for the Perna family who suffered a tremendous loss, as well as the families of these FOUR PATRIOTS who died on January 6th 2021

Ashli Babbitt 

Roseanne Boyland

Kevin Greeson 

Benjamin Phillips

In my case STANDING OUTSIDE “the peoples house” is not trespassing, no signage was in place, no announcements were ever made to disperse, no unlawful gathering was declared. You know who else was standing outside? About a million other people… this regime would love to prosecute them all.

I will not negotiate with tyranny to barter for the potential of a little leniency. 

This case will go to trial at some point!

Please watch and share this short video, I back the blue, but not the brown shirts!

God Bless you all and seek His kingdom first!

Trials have begun

March 18th, 2022

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.

James 1:12

Just wanted to touch base with a quick update, the second trial will begin this Monday the 21st, it is for Couy Griffin a Christian cowboy from Mew Mexico who spent 3 weeks in jail for holding prayers OUTSIDE of the Capitol building, Couy is only being charged with the two misdemeanor trespassing charges that almost all of the 760+ defendants are charged with. Yes he did 3 weeks in jail    PRE TRIAL FOR MISDEMEANOR TRESPASSING!!!!

Please pray for Couy and his Lawyers David and Nick Smith, they are the ones who officially brought the demand to know Pence’s whereabouts which is being hidden. 

My next status hearing is March 31st, not sure if they will try to schedule a trial date or kick it down the road again. 

A DC judge magistrate actually stated that it seems the government not off more than they can chew with this, and they are violating defendants 5th, 6th and 8th amendment protections. (Not to mention the 1st, 2nd and 4th!!!)

It’s becoming harder and harder to recognize our country these days…

Prayers up Patriots, normal is not returning but Jesus is!!!

Catching up a bit

March 7th, 2022

Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,

Eph 6:18

 Seems give send go has gotten a handle from all of the attacks against them, they were hacked and comprised due to them supporting the trucker’s convoy’s in Canada and the US.

Trust that evil doers are very creative and many campaigns were fraudulent and even some of the convoy’s largely promoted did not take their petitions to our nation’s capital for a redress of grievances, instead just had a paid traveling party every day in a different city. 

But I digress…

The first trial has begun regarding J6 and I think 2 more will begin this month, please pray for these trials as they are charging people with crimes based on mere statements and belief systems. It is a great perversion of justice. 

We also need to pray that the DOJ releases what time Mike Pence left the Capitol building on J6 since they were caught lying about Harris being there, Pence is the only reason they can legally use for the Capitol to be deemed restricted for the time he was inside the building. Yes folks the DOJ and US attorneys lied to a Federal Grand Jury about Harris being inside the building and subsequently had to issue superseding indictments to hundreds of people because of this… 

If they release what time Pence left then that washes away the whole trespassing on restricted building or grounds charges for many people. 

Please read and share this article!

Thanks and God Bless!

What the enemy meant for evil…

February 19th, 2022

Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,

1 Peter 3:21

Today February 19th marks the one year anniversary of our fbi raid, a day that my life changed forever. However in God’s perfect timing my church was holding a baptism today as I just learned recently about re-baptism.  I was baptized at 10 not knowing the true expression, I learned at a recent evangelism class that people can be re-baptized at an older age or different growth in your faith. Today my life also changed forever as this day was reclaimed for great celebration! 

God has truly turned this day from what the enemy meant for evil and turned it for good!

God  Bless you all and thank you for the continued prayers and support!

God’s Timing

February 8th, 2022

Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!

Psalm 27:14

I have wanted to do an update since Friday, however due to go fund me canceling the freedom convoy fundraiser, and that fundraiser effort moving to the non marxist Christian site give send go, there has been cyber attacks towards this site not allowing people to access it. 

My status hearing went ok last Friday, the US attorneys again asked for a 60 day extension which will bump us down to March 31st. 

I believe they the first January 6th trial will start February 28th, please keep these trials in your prayers as this is truly a David versus Goliath battle. 

Thanks and God Bless!


January 24th, 2022

Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.

Matthew 5:9

I just had to share that we had a great guest speaker at church yesterday by the name of Wes Bentley. He is with far reaching ministries and I encourage you all to look up what they do!

 I have had a bit of a struggle since J6 questioning everything and really wishing this was a more noble fight like protecting a church from persecution or overreach. 

Wes Bentley reaffirmed that men are called by God to protect those who can’t protect themselves, that is why I went to DC on J6, a couple weeks prior on Dec 12th several crowd members were stabbed while attending a rally, there were flyers circulating on the internet for antifa to dress up as Patriots and we knew there would be so many families, elderly, and women traveling by themselves, we didn’t go to listen to people speak, we we’re standing at the back of every crowd watching out for those who did, we didn’t go thinking an election would change, leaders don’t get put into place unless God approves… and yes God will raise up wicked leaders against his own people to break sin cycles (Habakkuk)

I trust God’s will! 

Thanks to Wes Bentley for the breath of fresh air in his testimony.

Oh and to my aunt who donated $5 just to blast my family on the fundraiser…

I forgive you, I know Jesus stated he didn’t come to bring peace but a sword to divide families… glad I’m on the winning side!

And to the anonymous troll who private messaged ranting about how my daughter would be better off if I go to prison…

Thanks for the laugh!

She is proud of her dad and knows the morally bankrupt spirit of the antichrist left is suffering under satans mass delusion!

 I also want to give a shout-out to those supporters from Sebastian Gorka’s radio show, you guys are awesome! Thanks and God Bless! 

Touching base and giving thanks!

January 23rd, 2022

“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” 

Phil 4:6

Hello all I’m sorry I haven’t done an update in a few weeks, the week of Jan 6th was pretty tough, my heart goes out to the family’s of the four Patriots who lost their lives last year and those who are currently in custody pre trial. 

I wanted to let everyone know that my next status hearing is February 4th and I’ve heard they are starting to schedule trials for the spring and summer. Please keep us in prayer. In the coming weeks I will be sharing the miracles that happened on my DC trip.


1 Year Ago Today…

January 6th, 2022

 “ ‘Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly. 

Lev. 19:15

Today marks the 1 year anniversary…

Four Patriots were killed, zero law enforcement were killed that day. The only bullet fired in the so called insurrection was from LT Byrd who killed Ashli Babbitt. My heart goes out to Aaron and the family. 

I ask that everyone pray for the families of the four Patriots who were killed last year and for the 60 ish Patriots currently locked up pre trial and denied bail right now. 

Here are some numbers as of today:

705 people have been charged or indicted, 172 have taken a plea deal…

0 trials have taken place!

The emperor has no clothes and I will not take a plea to a crime I did not commit!

I spoke with my lawyer last night, he was in court yesterday here in so cal… a man is charged with smuggling enough fentanyl from mexico to kill every man, woman, and child in my county… his bail was set for 1 million dollars… he couldn’t post bail but was released because of the wuflu virus surge!!!

Why do we have Patriots still locked up!?!?! 

Please continue to pray for the criminal cases, the 34 defendants in the frivolous civil lawsuit, and the defendants in the new lawsuit filed by the DC DA.

This will be a tough day for many families as is for mine but I still praise God and Thank Him for the gift of pain! 

I will be sharing the miracles of the DC trip in future updates  

Eyes on Jesus 2022!

Merry Christmas!

December 26th, 2021

My family and I are truly grateful and blessed for everyone's prayers and support, some are from strangers, some from out of state, and some even from other countries!
The biggest lesson I have learned from this terrible situation is to realize that Christ's love and the Holy Spirit still flows through His people. This penetrated the wall I had put up around myself. 
I hope everyone enjoyed a great celebration of Jesus' birth, the true and perfect sacrificial lamb for our sins!
Remember in these tough trials and tribulations we all face, normal is not coming back but Jesus is!
I just completed a great evangelism class at church to be a better disciple, and even for the darker thought of prison evangelism if it is God's will. I am in this for the fight and will not take a plea deal for standing OUTSIDE of "THE PEOPLE's HOUSE" with medical gear to help people. I was even on video removing my hat to sing the national anthem!
The emperor truly has no clothes in this fight. 

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12
Merry Christmas!

December 26th, 2021

Empty Seats

December 10th, 2021

They make ready their tongue like a bow, to shoot lies; it is not by truth that they triumph in the land. They go from one sin to another; they do not acknowledge me, ”declares the Lord.
Joshua 1:9

Hello all, a quick update, 
We had zoom court again, the government asked for a 60 day extension... again...
They did do something interesting as they issued a superseding indictment and we were arraigned again. I of course plead not guilty!
This new indictment only changed some verbiage. 
I just wanted to say thank you for all of your prayers and support! Although this extension is because we were asked to waive our right to a speedy trial I truly am blessed to be able to work and provide for my family and my legal fees. God has given me the strength to keep going and I just finished a great evangelism class on how to win souls for Christ!
Although I have been blessed I do ask you to please pray for the J6 prisoners who are being held without bond, pre trial... for them these 60 day extensions are torture. Please also pray for their families as they face empty seats at their Christmas dinner this year. 

November 26th, 2021

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name.” Psalm‬ ‭100:4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I wanted to take a moment to personally thank all
of you for your prayers and support, my family and I are truly grateful for you all and we pray the Lord Blesses you all and your families!
Check out this documentary about January 6th that was just released today, there's some familiar faces for sure 😉

The J6 documentary is available now only online. This was done by two Christian Patriots Nick Searcy and Chris Burgard who were there at the Capitol that day. This documentary dives into the personal stories of families affected by the alphabets and has some comedy relief and great insight from some heavy hitters in the Patriot movement. Nick and Chris have given back to Patriots affected and continue to support and fight to get the word out!
Important Update on the Stay!!!

November 11th, 2021

You, God, are awesomein your sanctuary;
    the God of Israel gives power and strength to his people.
Praise be to God!
Psalm 68:35

I wanted to humbly share this story about faith and the awesome God we serve. 
With my business I don’t have a guaranteed steady income, I had a couple delayed checks, when I present offerings I usually use cash because I don’t want to bargain with the government on what God calls us to do, Sunday I didn’t have cash on me so I wrote a check at church. Sunday night I went to view a special screening of the J6 documentary I was interviewed for called "Capitol Punishment".
This was held at Godspeak Calvary Chapel, the makers of the documentary Nick Searcy and Chris Burgard attend that church. 
They held a collection and wanted to split the donations to the Patriots impacted by J6.  The check I received from Godspeak/film makers was exactly 10x that amount I donated to my church hours earlier!!! Not only that, it put my savings towards the 20k retainer for the lawyer in the civil suit right where I needed to be, AND just today the lawyer in the civil suit lowered his retainer the exact amount of the Blessing from the film makers and Godspeak!
So I was asking everyone to pray for a stay in the civil suit which got denied late yesterday... Not the news I was looking for but I cannot get upset because God has overwhelmingly shown me that His hand is in this entire thing!
Our God truly is an awesome God and provides our daily bread!
For those who don't know my heart I truly want to let you know that this is about God's blessings and not "hey look what I'm doing everyone".
I have retained the Lawyer for the civil as of today and will continue this fight giving praise to God through this storm! 
Please continue to pray for all 661 people to date who've been charged in J6 cases. 

Here's the link for the Capitol Punishment trailer, it will be released on Thanksgiving day!
If the trailer won't play try later, as it only allows 100 views per hour I think.
Continue to Pray for a Stay!!!!

November 6th, 2021

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. James 1:12

Folks, I was really hoping to hear some news either way regarding this civil lawsuit, there is an extension to answer until nov 12th, this means if a stay is not granted then I have to retain another lawyer before the 12th for $20,000. 
I can't go into all the details regarding the criminal case but I will say that the narrative being pushed is that others will be charged to the same standards in a "group" setting according to the "conspiracy" felony charge, meaning we are being grouped up and not being charged with individual actions but the actions of other's as well. 
There is no more freedom of association nor innocence until proven guilty. Due process and rights to a fair and speedy trial with a jury of our peers is also not in play right now either. 
Pray for our country, pray for those held pre trial with no bond, pray for those thinking of taking plea deals just to have closure or a faster way out of the American political prisoner gulag system. 
Special thanks to Marjorie Taylor Greene for exposing the abuse of prisoners!
 I had the pleasure of meeting her a few months back when she spoke at my church and she was very compassionate about my story. 
Heavy Prayer Needed

October 28th, 2021

Hello all quick update, please continue pray this week for a Stay to be granted by the judge in the frivolous civil lawsuit against us. 
This is kind of a big deal right now as it's all on the judges desk and will be decided this week or early next week. A granted stay will provide a hold on the civil lawsuit while we sort out the details of the criminal case, if the stay is denied then I will have to retain another lawyer to file an answer by November 12th... That retainer is 20,000 plus travel expenses to dc for a jury trial which I don't have right now. I want you all to know that my family and I are extremely grateful for you all, while I am on bond I am still working as much as I can, still praying, and still fighting for freedom on the city and county level. God Bless
Pray for a Stay!!!

October 18th, 2021

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 chron 7:14

I was able to get a motion filed to ask for a stay in the frivolous civil suit until after the malicious criminal case is finished...
Please pray that the Stay is granted, and also please specifically pray for our Judge in the criminal case, Judge Lamberth to see the injustice in this and see the goodness in the hearts of myself and my friends, now co-defendants whom I traveled with. 
God Bless you all!
Status Hearing Update

October 5th, 2021

Again the case was postponed by the government to give them time to build a platform to distribute their evidence out. The case was postponed until dec 3rd, the judge was made aware of the civil lawsuit against us...
Still trying to find a lawyer for the civil lawsuit. ?☝️
Prayer Request

October 3rd, 2021

This coming Monday 10-4 is zoom court, it's a status hearing that the government will be asking for another 60 day extension while they are still trying to distribute the evidence. Also this Monday I may hire a lawyer for the civil lawsuit, Jared Woodfill from Texas, he's a Christian Conservative. Please pray for discernment in this hiring process and also pray for my criminal defense lawyer Nicolai Cocis. 

ROMANS 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus,... I declare an anointing to destroy every work of the devil in your life and that there can be no oppression of the enemy over you anymore.... I declare every chain and bondage to be broken off now.... I declare the lying spirit of the enemy to flee from you now... I declare freedom over you right now in the mighty name of Jesus... May you be full of Jesus's perfect peace, Amen.

September 24th, 2021

Hello all, 
Yesterday a man came up my driveway who I thought was a solicitor so I told him I wasn't interested... He set some paperwork down on the ground and walked off. It was the civil lawsuit filed by 7 DC police officers whom I've never met, seen or touched! Again I did not enter the capital, and if I had or if I interacted with police it would be a charge on my criminal indictment backed up by body cam footage...
This lawsuit is frivolous but I guess I am in good company, it only names 34 defendants ranging from Donald Trump, Roger Stone, all of the patriot groups on down to little ol' me. 
I guess it is illegal to be a patriot in these end times. 
My lawyer does not handle civil cases so I will need to find one who does, please message me with any recommendations. 
Oh and I guess fascistbook is kicking all Jan 6th fundraisers off calling us "dangerous individuals"
That I find amusing!
Here's the link if you want to read this frivolous suit:

2 Thessalonians 2:11-13
For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness. But we should always give thanks to God for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God has chosen you from the beginning for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the truth.

Renewed Strength!

September 19th, 2021

But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Thank you to my caring sister in Christ who sent me that verse!

I also want to give thanks to the patriots who attended the justice for J6 rally in DC yesterday and give special thanks to God for protecting everyone there!
Media and many nay sayers were sowing seeds of fear trying to get people to not attend the rally and saying "it's a trap"
The real trap is satans spirit of fear as we know that God doesn't give us a spirit of fear. 
Remember brothers and sisters we are called to be good stewards of this country and occupy until His return!

Thank you all my new extended family which God has put in the place of friends and family I lost due to my beliefs. 
Truly a God of restoration!
Kingdom Minded

September 14th, 2021

2 Timothy 4:18 And the Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for His heavenly kingdom. To Him be glory forever and ever. Amen!

 I wanted to share some good news with this update!
 I was able to get an online appointment with a nurse and she prescribed a new asthma control medication that has been working great for me! That has been such a physical and emotional stress reliever!!!
 I want to thank you all for your prayers and support, you all are blessings to my family in this tough time.
 I have not been served with papers in the civil suit but am looking for a lawyer who handles civil suits as my criminal defense lawyer unfortunately does not...
Message me with any recommendations!
in His service,
I’m being sued in a civil case now...

August 29th, 2021

No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the LORD.
Isaiah 54:17

So funny how the media works... a woman from church came up to me today and said she saw my name in the local "patch", I told her that was a while ago and she said no it was yesterday...
 I have not been notified or served yet but I'm being sued civilly by 7 capital police who are suffering from stress and injuries. 
I figured all 580 people charged would be named as well but actually only 34 including Donald Trump, Roger Stone, Brandon Straka, Joe Biggs, and other big names in the patriot movement plus 10 John Doe's. 
I guess I'm special! 
This is pure slander, I did not step foot in the capital nor clash with any police because there would be footage if I did. It just sucks they're associating me with racism and white supremacy which strictly goes against my beliefs in God's word that says we are all created in His image from one blood, we are called to love the foreigners, and to love the Jew and the Greek... 
Im glad I am a man of Faith and God has made me strong enough to fight this fight. 
Thank you all. 
Update #17

August 23rd, 2021

Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
1 Peter 5:8

Its seems the demons have been working overtime on me this week! My childhood asthma has returned and is getting worse, I've had some emotional ups and downs, and after getting a large contract job, my equipment just broke down...
But God has provided a way for me as I recognize this enemy attack, and still praise Him in this storm!
Please gather your prayer warriors specifically for my asthma, my lower back, and my wife's work situation. 
I thank you all for your enduring support and prayers!
As for my case the next court date is still 10/4 and we are still slowly receiving more discovery. I will meet with my lawyer next week to build a game plan. 
In His Service 
Update #16

August 16th, 2021

For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. James 3:20
Good morning all!
 Thank you for the prayers of safe travels for my lawyer Nicoli, he did return safely from DC last night from his " tour of the crime scene" that the US attorneys offered for defense lawyers. Gestapo agents would not let them take pictures of the outside of the capital or even make phone calls so he was not able to FaceTime me to get a feel for where I was outside or where we setup a triage area for people pepper sprayed or injured by police. 
Even though I did not enter he is still very glad he went, he learned a lot and got to speak with other defense lawyers about case details. He definitely gets the impression that this is very political and one sided. 
I will say that during the tour of the inside the capital police pointed out where the officer was pinned down against the metal detectors, but failed to point out the area where Ashli Babbitt was murdered!
Please pray for God to shed his light upon the darkness so this evil can be exposed!
Thank you and my family and I pray blessings upon you all for caring about us!
God Bless!
Update #15

August 10th, 2021

Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him. Isaiah 30:18

I am grateful for the traction, multi state, and now multi national following (thanks to Canadian support) of this campaign. This restores my outlook on humanity and God's people taking a stand to help one another, even strangers!
 I wanted to update you all the the US attorney's are hosting a "tour of the crime scene" this weekend at the capital. My attorney will be attending mainly for a meet and greet and to see the outside area since I did not step foot inside. Unfortunately no "defendants are allowed as we are banned from DC except for court dates. 
I am asking for prayers for safe travels and knowledge to be revealed to my lawyer "Nic"
If anyone has any evidence based articles or videos you would like to send me please feel free to message me thru the mail function here as well as prayers, scriptures, and testimonies.  I read and respond to all!
This week I asked for an extension and document sharing regarding the dhs/tsa wanting to revoke my hazmat endorsement on my commercial driver's license. I will keep you all updated on that as well!
 Thanks and God Bless you all!
Update #14

August 4th, 2021

Thank you all for praying for my lawyer and I for today! Please continue to pray for God to shed his light on my case and the 566 other Americans who are going through similar struggles. 
My case was extended 60 days today so the government can finish gathering and providing discovery. Pretty petty that they play the hurry up and wait games but I'm ok with it.
I actually asked my lawyer if we can get an extension until after the RAPTURE!!! 
Lol why not?
Anyways thank you all for the support from all over the country and even Canada!
Please know that my family prays for blessings upon you and your families as well, and feel free to reach out for specific prayer requests!
In His service,
Update #12

August 1st, 2021

It's currently 12:07 am Sunday august 1st, today is my 40th birthday! I was hoping to have a much better mid life crisis like getting an old mustang or something, but instead I have to fight charges brought against me by the country that I love... 
I want to share a story that happened at the rally in dc, many patriots were standing on the outskirts watching everyone's 6 for antifa infiltrators wishing to attack soft targets. We spotted a young kid with a half red half black beenie taking pictures, we said hey come here your antifa, he denied it but I pointed to his beenie and said we know those colors so you better fix that. He took it off and said ok, I replied what are you doing out here? Don't you know there's people chomping at the bit to catch antifa? I told him he was lucky we saw him first and to remember that some patriots saved him, and we're not your enemy... he then said thank you and you probably saved me more than once. I looked him in the eye and said "do you know Jesus?" Nervously he looked around and said well my mom... I replied dude I'm not talking about your mom I'm talking about you... do you know Jesus?!? He got quiet so I told him to think about it because that would give him the answers he's searching for.
For my birthday I am asking for prayers... prayers for my court appearance on Tuesday the 3rd at 1pm dc time, prayers for that young antifa kid, and prayers for the now 569 patriots (and growing daily) who have been charged in this mess.
 Thank you all for your generosity as it has been such a blessing! My family prays for you all daily!
Update #12

August 1st, 2021

It's currently 12:07 am Sunday august 1st, today is my 40th birthday! I was hoping to have a much better mid life crisis like getting an old mustang or something, but instead I have to fight charges brought against me by the country that I love... 
I want to share a story that happened at the rally in dc, many patriots were standing on the outskirts watching everyone's 6 for antifa infiltrators wishing to attack soft targets. We spotted a young kid with a half red half black beenie taking pictures, we said hey come here your antifa, he denied it but I pointed to his beenie and said we know those colors so you better fix that. He took it off and said ok, I replied what are you doing out here? Don't you know there's people chomping at the bit to catch antifa? I told him he was lucky we saw him first and to remember that some patriots saved him, and we're not your enemy... he then said thank you and you probably saved me more than once. I looked him in the eye and said "do you know Jesus?" Nervously he looked around and said well my mom... I replied dude I'm not talking about your mom I'm talking about you... do you know Jesus?!? He got quiet so I told him to think about it because that would give him the answers he's searching for.
For my birthday I am asking for prayers... prayers for my court appearance on Tuesday the 3rd at 1pm dc time, prayers for that young antifa kid, and prayers for the now 569 patriots (and growing daily) who have been charged in this mess.
 Thank you all for your generosity as it has been such a blessing! My family prays for you all daily!
Update #10

July 28th, 2021

For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict.
Luke 21:15
I wanted to talk about my lawyer, for the sake of online trolls I will just give his first name for prayer request purposes..." Nicoli "
His background is amazing, he is a Christian man currently representing whistleblowers facing charges from the abortion industry and their leaders aka the Democratic Party and satan!
Nicoli was born in Romania having to go to underground church in the woods and finally fleeing communism at the age of 13. 
I sought him out because I wanted a Christian lawyer. We pray every time we meet up before any discussions. Upon hearing only parts of his story I thanked him and told him that he is probably a bigger patriot than me! 
Please uplift him in prayer for wisdom and discernment as we go through hours of discovery. My next court date is aug 3rd 10:00am pacific. 
Thank you all brothers and sisters in Christ for your support and for those patriots out there who aren't believers... The time now is urgent, our country was founded on Judeo Christian values and we don't have our Declaration of Independence with our unalienable rights given to us without God.  Any non believering patriots you know please witness to them because they have already dipped their toes into the love for freedom!
God Bless you all! 
Update #10

July 28th, 2021

For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict.
Luke 21:15
I wanted to talk about my lawyer, for the sake of online trolls I will just give his first name for prayer request purposes..." Nicoli "
His background is amazing, he is a Christian man currently representing whistleblowers facing charges from the abortion industry and their leaders aka the Democratic Party and satan!
Nicoli was born in Romania having to go to underground church in the woods and finally fleeing communism at the age of 13. 
I sought him out because I wanted a Christian lawyer. We pray every time we meet up before any discussions. Upon hearing only parts of his story I thanked him and told him that he is probably a bigger patriot than me! 
Please uplift him in prayer for wisdom and discernment as we go through hours of discovery. My next court date is aug 3rd 10:00am pacific. 
Thank you all brothers and sisters in Christ for your support and for those patriots out there who aren't believers... The time now is urgent, our country was founded on Judeo Christian values and we don't have our Declaration of Independence with our unalienable rights given to us without God.  Any non believering patriots you know please witness to them because they have already dipped their toes into the love for freedom!
God Bless you all! 
Update #9

July 26th, 2021

Blessed be the Lord my rock who trains hands for war and my fingers for battle. 
Psalm 144:1
I've  been reading a lot through the book of Psalm ...
palms, palmist, palm reading... c'mon man, oh you know the thing...
Psalm is David's account of persecution from big government (Saul) and he goes through such a humbling time of prayer and worship to God. 
This is a spiritual battle fought with those hands folded and on our knees. Since returning home on January 8th I only fly George Washington's "An Appeal to Heaven flag on my house and truck. If you don't know the history of that flag please look it up!!!
 I lost my CCW and access to my 2nd amendment protections per bond release terms, and the worst thing is I cannot have any contact with my close friends aka "co defendants" This is an evil communist tactic to get us to divide and eventually turn on each other and say whatever they want us to say to incriminate each other. All of this really does not seem like the same America we all knew and love.
I just received a letter in the mail from DHS/TSA...
I have really come to cringe at these alphabet organizations!!! I thought ok here's the no fly list paperwork... upon opening this up I read that they are going to pull my hazardous materials endorsesment from my commercial drivers license under authority given by the good ol "patriot act 2001"  this is pretty ridiculous and violates the 14th amendment... Due Process... 
I have not been found guilty of any crimes nor am I charged with any crimes pertaining to hazardous materials... I had to pay for this endorsement, study and test multiple times, and had to travel and pay for the background check and livescan through the TSA.
 I will be filling an appeal to that.
 I wanted to personally thank Professor David Clements for helping myself, my friends, and many other great patriots with our fundraisers and prayer requests by posting to his platforms. This has been blessing beyond belief! I want to thank the many patriots who don't know me but have prayed and donated from the heart! 
Asking for donations is such a weird thing for me but my great Patriot Pastor Tim Thompson from 412 murrieta keeps reminding me of his sermon on the sin of pride. This whole thing has humbled me beyond comprehension. 
God Bless you all my Brothers and Sisters in Christ!
Update #8

July 23rd, 2021

I am so blessed by you all! My family and I are so grateful for the prayers and donations! The left truly is filled with the spirit of antichrist in all of their actions! This is malicious prosecution/persecution and most of us are all blue collar people who have suffered much loss through this process including homes, jobs, vehicles, credit scores, family and friends. 
We truly are in a spiritual battle for we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but against spirits and principalities! 
Update #7

July 21st, 2021

Today I received a call from Polly with give send go, she prayed for me and thanked us for going out there to protect and defend our God given nation! That tells us all that this is a good Christian/patriotic platform versus the communists at go cancel me!
So the US attorneys are hosting Capital tours of "the crime scene" this is only available for defense attorney's and investigators, seems pretty silly that this is the only way to see the capital building. Unfortunately many of those can't afford to send their attorney's out there. I am not sure if my attorney thinks it will be beneficial to my case yet as I did not, nor conspire, nor intend to enter the capital building to become the first king of America... I'm not fit for royalty anyway ?
This has been an amazing sight seeing the humanity, fellowship and brotherhood you all have shown me, much thanks y'all! ???
Update #6

July 15th, 2021

Hello all, sorry I've been behind on the updates. 
Thank you all for the continued support and prayers, the next big day to pray for will be aug 3rd for zoom court appearance. Going through discovery now. 
I will be having a fundraiser garage sale this Saturday July 17th at my home for those in the area please reach out to me. Lots of great camping, prepping, outdoor and man stuff!
God has given me such a peace about this but I want to remind everyone who reads this...
Do not be afraid, do not be quiet and do not put your head down! This is a spiritual battle and God does not give us a spirit of fear! 
This scare tactic is meant to silence those who speak out against evil, if you spoke out before, not it's time to shout! If you never spoke out then this is the time to get active! 
Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
Eph 5:16
Update #5

July 14th, 2021

Update #4

July 2nd, 2021

For I hear the slander of many; Fear is on every side; While they take counsel together against me, They scheme to take away my life.
But as for me, I trust in You, O LORD; I say, “You are my God.”
My times are in Your hand; Deliver me from the hand of my enemies, And from those who persecute me.
Make Your face shine upon Your servant; Save me for Your mercies’ sake.
Do not let me be ashamed, O LORD, for I have called upon You; Let the wicked be ashamed; Let them be silent in the grave.
Let the lying lips be put to silence, Which speak insolent things proudly and contemptuously against the righteous.
Psalm 31:13-18

Save this date: August 3rd 9am pst my brothers and I will be going to court via zoom in DC, if you can make it in person my good friends are holding a prayer vigil for us at the Temecula Duck pond 9am. 
Thank you all for the support, and special thanks to my "battle buddy" for telling me to dig into the psalms. 

Update #3

June 29th, 2021

The prayers and support you all have shown is amazing, I have never experienced this before and honestly am in shock!
My family and I are truly grateful for your prayers and generosity!
The next date to pray for is August 3rd! 
For the short time being court is being held via zoom so for once I am actually thankful for Covid restrictions! Once these restrictions are lifted I will be responsible for my lawyer's and my travel expenses for court in DC...
Sadly I vowed I would never return to that evil place where satan runs rampid ever again!
please continue to pray and share this story! Thanks and God Bless you all and your families! ???
Update #2

June 24th, 2021

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support! 
I want the message out of all this mess to be:
Phil 4:13!
 If you are a follower of Christ and or a Patriot you need to keep your head up, this is a scare tactic to make people fear the satanic tyrannical corrupt agencies, if you have become scared because of all of these similar arrests then they have already won... if you had wanted to join a patriot group but are scared about the bad press then they already won... if you were starting to become vocal to your local, county, state and country representatives but don't want your name out there anymore then they already won...
There are millions of us and thousands of them...
If you want to crawl back onto your couch and keep a low profile to keep the status quo then I will tell you this... "Today it was me, joe nobody who wants to protect people and backs the blue... never been arrested before, how much longer do you think it will be until it's at your church, workplace, or doorstep...
They hated Christ therefore they will hate us for being created in his image!!!!

please watch this inspirational testimony from Polish born Canadian persecuted Pastor Artur Pawlowski:
Update #1

June 18th, 2021

Thank you all soo much for your generosity in these unprecedented times! Honestly I am speechless and truly blessed. Please trust that my Lawyer and I are taking the stance of David ready to fight Goliath!
 I am asking for prayers for my brothers I traveled with, they are all suffering badly from cancel culture, one lost a job and his nursing license, one was evicted from his house (wife and 3 young children also) and the other lost his job this week and had his landlord state if he knew he was a Trump supporter he would've never rented to him. 
I also want to challenge the men who may read this to Stand Courageous, strengthen (or even begin) your relationship with Christ and become the spiritual leaders in your homes!
 Thank you all! ?

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.

  • Please pray for my family for His peace and enduring faith
  • The Trials for January 6th defendants have begun and are being scheduled, please pray for fair and balanced scales, to soften the hearts of jurors, prosecutors, and judges. Please pray the government releases the time when Pence left the building as his presence was the only thing that they could use to enforce trespassing charges for hundreds of defendants!