Defender of Ants Defense Fund Against Scientology


 USD $15,000


 USD $8,427

Campaign created by Pink Panther

Defender of Ants Defense Fund Against Scientology

This fund is a way for people to show their objection to Church of Scientology and the LAPD working together to silence protest and dissent by arresting Scott Hochstetter (DOA/Defender of Ants). The money will be used to retain counsel to defend himself from litigation brought on behalf of Church of Scientology.

Recent Donations
Sweaty Head Rag
$ 10.00 USD
1 hour ago

I am just a gross piece of material that slops all that sweat up day and night off that bald gross head. Please after you take down scientology find me and throw me in a washer, better yet just throw me in the trash. I know I stink so bad.

$ 47.00 USD
3 hours ago

This is the fight of all fights, here’s this week’s allowance.

Night-Mare A Dark Horse
$ 16.00 USD
3 hours ago

I'm a Dark Horse! An incalculable number! That 1 little Odd, that just took you under! I see when your lying! You may not know I care! But I see the power! Of Like, Sub & Share! Your problem, AAcon. There's thousands of me! We're not in a Cult & that's why we see! What's up with Aacon? Why's he scratching his head? I done told you AAcon! "I'm the Night-Mare you dread"! DOA, All the way! X&O

Emma D
$ 30.00 USD
6 hours ago

You are loved, appreciated, and supported, Scotty!! Fsciento and everyone doing their dirty work, including those who claim to be doing it to “save” the movement. I support truth tellers. I support the REAL anti-Scientology community. You will win this fight, Scott. And when you win, we all win.

Anonymous Giver
$ 47.00 USD
9 hours ago

Scottie…you got this and WE GOT YOU! #TheyNotLikeUs

Anonymous Giver
$ 47.00 USD
15 hours ago

Donating again in solidarity with the Sea Org members showing their support.

Sea Org Member 2
$ 47.00 USD
16 hours ago

I too am contributing my weeks wage for this cause in hopes we can be free one day! Much adoration for your work Sir!

Sea Org member
$ 47.00 USD
17 hours ago

Sir I decided to give you my weeks wage because I think its wrong what scientology is trying to do to you. I might not be able to buy toothpaste and toilet paper this week but the sacrifice is worth the cause. I did need to buy a new vest this week too because mine is too tight but I'll be ok. I just won't eat as much rice and beans for a few weeks. I hope you win so we can be free one day.

Debra Engelgau
$ 100.00 USD
23 hours ago

I'm corgisnhorses, lurker from Day 1. I have ALWAYS felt DOA is a good man. We are behind you and believe in you Scott.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 day ago

You got this DOA. we are all behind you. Luvs ya Scotty 😻

Night-Mare DOAs Nut Fund
$ 10.00 USD
1 day ago

Just a little help DOA! So you can freshen up you Nuts. We all know comfort is important, and after the Roasting yours have gotten over the last few months. A little TLC might be nice for yours. Treat your self, pic a Bougie place! A little Massage, Spit and Polish. Don't over polish like AAcorn. All us nut connoisseurs can see that, that Nude Nut is over done and empty on the inside! X's & O's.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 day ago

You can do it!! 🐜👑

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
1 day ago

You’ve got this Scottie!

$ 100.00 USD
1 day ago

“Don’t worry about the haters. They are just angry because the truth you speak contradicts the lie they live.”

$ 50.00 USD
1 day ago

No more cash bail; Best of luck on your case Scott! Free Palenstine. Free Mahmoud Khalil. Defund ICE!

Always a Minion
$ 100.00 USD
1 day ago

Hey Kaaron you’re the lowest of them all. Remove your strikes if you’re really against the cult. Earn some respect dude because right now you don’t have any. You mad because we raised the bond and now he can hire an attorney

Blessed be the Fruit
$ 20.00 USD
1 day ago

Oh to the megaphone god! May your servants be blessed 🙌 and show the righteous path to the pineapple glasses and regal cloak. Not as much as I wanted to donate, but every $ will help

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
1 day ago

This will be one of the most important cases since they went after Gerry Armstrong.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 day ago

Donating again. Please hire a top notch criminal defense attorney. Please focus & get your email correspondence in order. Organize all communication, find your copyright strike notifications et al. Up your game! Now! Moxon at your arraignment talking to the DA? In my opinion Scientology will do all in its power to get you convicited. Protesting & speaking out against Scientology is at stake here.

Sandy R
$ 200.00 USD
1 day ago

DOA is one of the most effective protestors against Scientology, which is why they go after him so hard. Isn't that why we're all here(to protest the cult effectively)? If other protestors rallied with him instead of against him, Scientology would be more afraid than in any other time in their history, but Scientology is doing a happy dance with the way things are going now. Keep going DOA!!


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