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Craig Freeman Brain Tumor Fund


 USD $50,000


 USD $16,020

Campaign created by Julia Wurst

Campaign funds will be received by Dawn Freeman

Craig Freeman Brain Tumor Fund

On December 23, 2023, my dad went to the ER for a possible heart attack or stroke. After many tests, it was determined that neither of those things happened but his symptoms were not going away. Finally, his doctor requested an MRI and it came back that he had a brain tumor. For those interested, it is a high grade, fast growing, stage-4 glioblastoma. He was able to get into a neurologist in Denver fairly quickly and had brain surgery on March 8th. They were able to take out the majority of the tumor, located on the right side, but it had already pushed through to a dangerous area and surrounded a couple blood vessels. So a small portioned needed to remain. This leftover piece will be treated with radiation and chemo starting on April 8th. 

What’s Covered?

Medicare and a medical sharing plan they’ve paid into will help significantly. Bills have started coming in and we are so blessed by friends and family who have already made contributions; food, money, cards and many prayers. Craig will also have short term disability through his job for a couple months. Nathanael’s aunt and uncle have generously offered to let my parents stay at their house during his appointments and treatment. 

What’s Not Covered?

Gas and travel expenses to and from Denver. The big thing is his time off work and additional medical expenses that may exceed the maximum amount. We aren’t sure if he’ll be able to work again in the same capacity. While we hope and pray for his complete healing, not worrying about going back to work will be a huge stress relief for both my parents as they navigate their new reality and plan for an unknown future. We are also unsure if he’ll need home care or specialized rehabilitation. 

This news along with the severity and fast pace has us all in various stages of stress and wondering what the future holds. We have a family reunion planned for June and hope this will be the perfect time: after treatment and some recovery time. We are all praying and asking for your prayers for Craig’s healing and remission. His mood remains generally positive even though physically his body is very tired and his left side weak from the tumor surgery. 

If you can help financially, any amount is appreciated! If you can share this campaign we would appreciate it. And your prayers are always welcome!

For those who would like to send snail mail or prefer to write a check, they have a PO Box. 

Craig Freeman

PO Box 682

Syracuse, KS 67878

Prayers are especially needed at this time. 🙏🏼🩷

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
16 days ago

Keep fighting we'll keep praying. -- One of your fellow agents in Christ.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 150.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for you on this difficult journey, trusting God is with you along the way. May his love and peace surround you. R&B

Fellow Agent
$ 5000.00 USD
1 month ago

To God be the glory, bless His holy Name.

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
2 months ago

Encouraged by the new direction. Praying daily for you, Craig. With Dawn by your side, we believe your healing is on the way!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for Craig and family to be comforted; knowing that whatever comes their way, they are receiving divine wisdom and guidance to make the highest and best decisions regarding the care of his body, mind, and spirit. Knowing that all is well in their world. Amen.

Liz Harms
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for Craig and the family!

Diana Beatson
$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

Sending prayers to Craig and to the Freeman Family for a good outcome with the tests.

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

Kristy Hess
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Prayers for God's wisdom, strength, stamina, mercy, love, grace and healing hands to touch all of you and give you peace that passes all understanding. May HE bless you with others to come along side and provide for all your needs and also shoulders to cry on and lift you up! And big ole bear hugs to!!

Curt and Sara Jo Dillard
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

We are praying for Mr. Freeman and the entire family.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Hang in there!

Jackie Wagner
$ 500.00 USD
3 months ago

I pray this new treatment works! Love you, Jackie

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Sending love and prayers. Joel & Jill

Amy Simkins
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

We are praying for a full and complete recovery. You are held in Love.

Shea and Marie Kennedy
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Praying for your Dad and your whole family.

Lisa Lung
$ 50.00 USD
5 months ago

Sending love and prayers.

Jackie Wagner
$ 1000.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Praying God sustains you and your family with love and miracles through this uncertain and painful time. D&J


New Care Givers

September 23rd, 2024

With Dawn working at the Christian Academy it became necessary for Craig to have additional help. Isela comes in the morning and Kay takes over in the afternoons till Dawn gets home. They do a wonderful job of making sure Craig is safe and well fed and entertained. They take him for walks and watch movies and news. We are so blessed to have them to help with his care. Thank you everyone for your generous gifts, we could never do this alone. Treatments in Oklahoma are continuing and hoping to start physical therapy back up. Even though Craig is often confused he still loves to sit and enjoy a good conversation. He is eating better and sleeping well. Still not able to read, but can remember his Bible and teach us all something from the Word. 

Thank you everyone for your prayers. Dawn

Update New Care Givers Image
Continuing Alternative Treatments

August 14th, 2024

School is back in session and that means my mom is back to work. We had been worrying about leaving dad home alone but it seems that a couple people have stepped up to help. Their pastor is even driving my dad to Oklahoma for his treatments. Each treatment is over $1000 so we are so grateful for all the help and dad will continue receiving them as long as he can. 

Note from mom:

Dear friends and family thank you so much for all your support as Craig battles this horrific brain cancer. Craig has said no to anymore chemotherapy so we have opted to a more functional approach. This is only possible because of your generous support. I have seen some very small improvement in his walking and his executive function. Yesterday he was remembering a sweet memory of his dad, Jim Freeman, and how he was a really good dad. Even stories I had never heard. I am heading back to school but we are continuing his treatments of ozone therapy and infusions in Oklahoma for as long as we can. Each treatment is $1200 and not covered by Medicare. Please continue to keep us in your prayers for we know God is our great healer. So happy we are in His hands. He is scheduled for 4 weeks of treatment starting next Tuesday Aug 13th. Please pray for Craig specifically on those days for his body to fight the cancer and continued improvement. Thank you everyone for taking this journey with us, it would be impossible without you. Dawn

Update Continuing Alternative Treatments Image
Going the “Natural Route”

July 17th, 2024

It can be really hard to change course. After seeing my dad go through brain surgery, radiation and chemo he was very weak but in good spirits. Once he was approved for a second round of chemo he looked and felt so awful. He quit everything and decided to take a break. Thankfully the break was short and he’s back on a path towards healing with a new functional medicine doctor in OK, about 2 hours away. Dad is too weak to continue physical therapy at the moment but is determined to make the trip to OK twice a week for infusions and other treatments. (I honestly don’t know all the things he’s doing.) 

Next week it’s off to Denver for an MRI to see what’s happening with the tumor. At this point there is a lot more out of pocket expenses since the alternative treatments are not covered by Medicare and only partially covered by their secondary insurance policy. Our family appreciates all the help and prayers! 

Update from my mom:

We have been beating up the cancer with all we had, now it’s time to build up Craig’s body to continue the battle. Last Friday Craig had a port put in his vein so more help could be infused into his body. Driving to Oklahoma to receive treatment and that we are praising God we have found. Time, travel, cost and I’m tired, but happy to do it. We are going to do several sessions before we go to Denver next week. At that meeting with Drs we will see where the tumor is after an MRI. Please pray for these treatments and what we will discover next week. Thank you for walking this journey with us. Love to all of you and thank you for your prayers, encouragement and generous support. We are paying cash for the treatments and they are very expensive. Dawn

Update Going the “Natural Route” Image
A Winding Road

June 28th, 2024

The saying “healing isn’t linear” has become a heavy reality. After the initial brain tumor surgery, radiation and chemo treatments dad was optimistic about his healing and future. We had a wonderful family reunion with all the grandkids coming together and I have been grateful for my extended time in Kansas. 

Dad’s bloodwork has been looking great and he was given the all clear to start another round of chemo. After finishing three of the five days he said he wasn’t going to do it anymore. He felt terrible, worse than the first round. The Optune cap, the electromagnetic therapy, was also giving him a hard time. We’re unsure if he’ll continue that treatment at this time. His symptoms seem to be getting worse which we noticed before this round of chemo. Our optimism is rocky as we’re unsure how to proceed. Because this tumor is so aggressive it feels like time is not on our side. 

Note from my mom:

One week ago Craig was given the all clear to start another round of chemo. He was also doing the electromagnetic cap and it appeared to be going well. Then we had a little turn around and he is not tolerating either of those therapies. We have been to see a functional Dr and yesterday he had his first round of infusions; ozone, nutrition and hydrogen water. It appeared to make him feel a little better but he is still struggling with everyday life and very fatigued. Praying the alternative treatments will be helpful and give him strength.

Prayer requests:

1. the alternative therapies will give him energy to continue his physical therapy and bring relief 

2. That God would bring healing to his body and brain 

3. Stamina for mom and the rest of the family to know how best to help

4. Guidance on which therapies to continue 

A Winding Road

June 28th, 2024

The saying “healing isn’t linear” has become a heavy reality. After the initial brain tumor surgery, radiation and chemo treatments dad was optimistic about his healing and future. We had a wonderful family reunion with all the grandkids coming together and I have been grateful for my extended time in Kansas. 

Dad’s bloodwork has been looking great and he was given the all clear to start another round of chemo. After finishing three of the five days he said he wasn’t going to do it anymore. He felt terrible, worse than the first round. The Optune cap, the electromagnetic therapy, was also giving him a hard time. We’re unsure if he’ll continue that treatment at this time. His symptoms seem to be getting worse which we noticed before this round of chemo. Our optimism is rocky as we’re unsure how to proceed. Because this tumor is so aggressive it feels like time is not on our side. 

Note from my mom:

One week ago Craig was given the all clear to start another round of chemo. He was also doing the electromagnetic cap and it appeared to be going well. Then we had a little turn around and he is not tolerating either of those therapies. We have been to see a functional Dr and yesterday he had his first round of infusions; ozone, nutrition and hydrogen water. It appeared to make him feel a little better but he is still struggling with everyday life and very fatigued. Praying the alternative treatments will be helpful and give him strength.

Prayer requests:

1. the alternative therapies will give him energy to continue his physical therapy and bring relief 

2. That God would bring healing to his body and brain 

3. Stamina for mom and the rest of the family to know how best to help

4. Guidance on which therapies to continue 

Family Reunion and New Treatment

June 20th, 2024

Since the last update, dad has been resting a lot and getting bloodwork done to see when he could restart chemo. Jules, Bea, Tim and his family all came to Kansas for a big “Cousin Camp” and time with dad. He just recently started a new electromagnetic treatment called Optune.

From my mom: Craig says about the Optune device that it can be difficult. 

Craig has been hooked up to his Optune device now for a week and a half. It sends electromagnetic waves to his brain and confuses the cancer cells. This keeps the spindles from lining up and multiplying. Reminds me of high school biology. It’s a lot of work for both of us but we are starting to get use to it. Chemo will be starting again. His doctors are encouraged by his blood work so all is moving smoothly.

Thank you to all our friends and family for the many encouraging notes and generous gifts. There are many days that are difficult and you are a big part of the team that helps us through the trying times. We thank our Savior for all of you and know we cannot fight this battle alone. Love, Dawn

Financial Needs:

We still don’t know if dad will be able to go back to work and the Optune device has a monthly rental fee in the hundreds. Your contribution will go towards him being able to wear it longer. We appreciate anything you’re able to give at this time. 

Update Family Reunion and New Treatment Image
Home After Treatment

May 10th, 2024

An update from Dawn:

We have been home from Denver for a week and we have seen mostly positive progress. Exercise by walking on the driveway and doing daily functions mostly on his own. A big thank you to my sister in law, Natalie, who is a retired nurse and came to help our transition. This is his time of rest until we go back on May 22nd. Thank you to everyone who has given financial gifts through gift send go and to those who have sent money to us privately. We are well over 1/2 way to our goal. We had no idea of all the expenses that immediately would come our way. Thank you for your generosity and prayers. Jesus has been walking this painful path with us along with all of you. Much love, Dawn

Update Home After Treatment Image
The End of Radiation: Family Reunion

April 25th, 2024

"Is there still hope?" My dad asked me that question one afternoon after we met with the radiologist and had just asked him all the timeline questions no one with cancer wants to hear. My mom, a detailed planner, needed to know what the doctors had seen in all the patients they've treated. But my dad felt a little discouraged by what they said. "There's always hope dad! With God, there is always hope." With tears streaming down his face, he nodded and renewed his stance that he could move forward and it wouldn't all be in vain. Fighting for your life is never in vain. "I want to be there for my grandkids." I can't think of a better reason to live. 

My quick trip to Denver left me with a few conclusions. Even though this tumor progression was super fast, my dad is a fighter. He's not going to give up. As long as there's a plan and a treatment, he's ready to try it. He's already been through major brain surgery, radiation and oral chemo. Without my mom, this whole process wouldn't be possible. No one can navigate going through treatment for aggressive brain cancer without support. Finally, it does seem that the tumor has stopped growing and may have even shrunk, Just based on his behavior and symptoms we are encouraged by his progress. Also, he's still him. There's no dementia or aphasia. He may not always know what day it is, but he knows us and remembered every name of the doctors and staff who treated him. Plus, he's still laughing at jokes!

Timeline Going Forward

Friday, April 26th - Last day of radiation and chemo

Rest of April through May - Rest at home, find in-home care to give my mom some relief

May 22nd- 1st MRI post treatment and starting Optune electromagnetic therapy (Dad will have to wear a helmet device for 18 hours/day)

Going forward he'll get an MRI every month to monitor the tumor. Month 3 after radiation will tell us the most about his progress, so there's still a lot of waiting. But we wait with hope. 

Prayer Requests:

1. Able to wean off steroids

2. Side effects of the steroids be minimal

3. No infections or pneumonia 

4. MRI's to be clear and inflammation to be down

5. Disability approval

6. Reliable home care personnel

Note from my mom:

Prayer and Praises for Craig. We are almost done with his radiation/chemo treatments and have a much better picture of what we are dealing with. The praise is it appears the tumor has stopped growing and his decline has stopped as well. We come home with a much needed rest for Craig before he goes on maintenance of short chemo therapy and electromagnetic therapy. This is hopefully going to continue to arrest the growth of the tumor. We are praying this will either the tumor or keep it from doing anymore harm. Praying he will have many more years and he will be able to recover what he has lost. Thank you family and friends. 


Update The End of Radiation: Family Reunion Image
Day 3: From My Mom

April 10th, 2024

Craig is tolerating both the radiation and the chemo. He slept great last night. His short term memory is not good, but he can converse about all kinds of topics. He knows all the names of the radiation team, but can’t remember what day it is, strange. His walking is not good and his personal GPS is terrible. I can’t leave him for a minute or he will get lost. The confusion in his head is just as bad, no change. I am starting to get my feet back under me and making headway on all my work, insurance, bills, and house repairs from last year’s hailstorm. 

Everyday I have some activity for Craig or someone for him to visit with. He struggles with TV and music, not sure why. He can read a little if not too tired. I am convinced that Jill and Mike are really angels in disguise because they take such good care of us. The weather has been beautiful and praising God every day for his love and protection surrounding us. Thank you for your prayers. Love ❤️ Dawn

Update Day 3: From My Mom Image
Day 1: Radiation Starts

April 9th, 2024

“Gosh, I hope this works,” my Mom told me after Dad’s first radiation treatment at the University of Colorado. “This whole thing turns your life upside down.” My parents left their Kansas home to journey four hours to Denver, where they’ll stay for the next three weeks. She’s been working full time at her school job, preparing to be gone from her kids, while packing and getting Dad ready for the trip. She also has to keep a close eye on him, because he tends to get lost easily, his spacial awareness severely impaired from the pressure of the tumor. Remember Dustin Hoffman in the movie “Rain Man?” My Dad feels like that. It doesn’t make sense but certain clothes, letters, prints just bother him. He can’t help it and my Mom does her best to be patient and accommodate him so he can stay calm. The brain does weird things when it’s in peril. 

The actual treatment went well. Everyone at the hospital is kind, cheerful and upbeat. They know the journey every cancer patient is on and how difficult this is. Dad is feeling very emotional and just trying to get through every day, while my Mom keeps him on schedule with his meds. 

Good things to share: their church has given them many meals leading up to this week, so my Mom could focus on getting ready. The house they’re staying at has a motorized chair going into the basement so Dad doesn’t have to navigate stairs. 

Thank you for going along for the ride with us. Please pray Dad doesn’t lose too much more weight and can tolerate the chemo and radiation. 

Update Day 1: Radiation Starts Image

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