Monthly Goal:
USD $10,000
Total Raised:
USD $1,555
Raised this month:
USD $175
Campaign funds will be received by Jennifer Zeller
My name is Brent Bowlby. I've been illegally kept from my children for over 5 years and over 3 years. I have been in a constant battle to have my father's rights enforced, but Sherburne County Minnesota and CPS has prevented this from happening.
I am being jailed in Sherburne County because a journalist contacted my ex for comments before publishing a story on how CPS has been working with my ex to make sure I would not see my children again. All without going to court and losing my legal rights as a parent.
I have spent over 5 years fighting for my children and now I am broke, my 1st Amendment rights have been stripped from me and I can no longer afford legal representation.
If you can help it would mean a great deal to me. The proceeds will go to help me raise funds for a lawyer and cover other related expenses.
Thank you and God bless you.
Brent Bowlby
God speed!!
Wish I could send more. However I can help you with your defense. I represented myself in family court & paid criminal court. I can help if you share. MA is like MN. Dem strong holds feminist strongholds that push for these policies.
Praying for you, and giving what I can, when I can!
As a fellow minnesotan I am disgusted with how this is happening
Sending prayers to you and your children. Thank you, Buck Angel for making me aware of this travesty.
Praying for you!
Brent, My heart breaks for you and for your children. My daughter too was pushed into a gender transition, not by a parent, but by a transgender social worker at her middle school. I am currently suing her school for abusing her, and doing this all in secret. If ever you want to connect to other parents who are going through something similar, please reach out via email:
January 15th, 2025
Brent wants to thank everyone who is keeping him in your prayers! The next step is a pre-trial that begins on April 7th, 2025. Brent is going to continue to comply with the current order until the matter is completely resolved.
God is good! Thank you for your continued support. Ultimately, Brent just wants to be reunited with his kids and have the nearly six year battle over. He has never wavered in his love and support for his minor children.
January 12th, 2025
Dear Family, Friends, and All Who Will Listen,
I write to you as a father who has witnessed first-hand the devastation that arises when families are attacked, when children are led astray, and when corrupt systems enable these evils to continue. My heart aches over the lies that deny who we are, created in God’s image, and the cruelty of parental alienation that tears at the sacred bond between parent and child. I must speak the truth about these destructive forces, and I must explain why I will never stop fighting for my children and for other children facing the same injustice.
From the very start, God intended families to be the cornerstone of society. Genesis 2:24 says, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” Psalm 127:3 tells us, “Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from Him.” Whenever families break down, whether through relentless attacks on moral values or the insidious practice of parental alienation, children suffer. And I have seen that suffering with my own eyes.
Parental alienation, which drives children away from one parent through lies, manipulation, or misuse of authority, violates God’s command to honor father and mother. Exodus 20:12 reminds us to “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.” Ephesians 6:1–4 instructs children to obey parents and warns fathers not to provoke children to anger. When a parent deliberately alienates a child from the other parent, or when a court stands by and allows this to happen, it breaks God’s design and creates deep emotional and spiritual wounds.
I know the pain of this alienation all too well. I have fought against corrupt court decisions that, instead of protecting children and upholding justice, have actively allowed or even encouraged the estrangement of children from a loving parent. These courts ignore the biblical mandate found in Micah 6:8, which teaches us to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God. Through bias or negligence, such institutions shatter families and cause needless harm to innocent children.
I also witness another harmful lie: the idea that we can change or reject the biological sex given by our Creator. Our society pushes children toward life-altering drugs and irreversible surgeries in the name of “affirmation,” yet Scripture clearly states in Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” Romans 1:25 warns about those who “exchanged the truth about God for a lie.” When children are given harmful treatments and told they can define their identity on whims, it is not freedom but bondage. It sacrifices their well-being on the altar of political correctness.
With everything that is happening in our world, it is easy to feel hopeless. But as Jesus warns in Matthew 18:6, we must never lead children into sin; we must protect them at all costs. That is why I cannot remain on the sidelines. As a father, I am called to fight for my own children and for others who are likewise caught in the devastating grip of family breakdown, parental alienation, and destructive ideologies.
Standing against these evils means taking action. Ephesians 5:11 tells us, “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” And Isaiah 5:20 warns of the dire consequences for those who call evil good and good evil. Therefore, I will:
Protect the Children:
I will speak out against harmful “gender-affirming” practices for minors and stand against parental alienation that robs a child of a vital relationship. I will advocate for laws and policies that shield children from these abuses.
Restore the Family:
I will encourage other parents, reaffirming the role of mothers and fathers in providing love, stability, and spiritual guidance. I will remain steadfast in my beliefs so they can recognize and resist the lies of this world.
Pray and Act:
I will pray for our nation and for justice in family courts. I will support leaders and organizations devoted to championing biblical values and fighting corruption. Above all, I will share the hope found in Jesus Christ with those who feel lost or confused.
This battle is not just about my family, or even about families like mine. It is a spiritual conflict that affects our entire society, and even the world. The enemy seeks to steal, kill, and destroy, but Christ came to give life and give it abundantly. Joshua 24:15 says, “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” I stand by these words, trusting that God will guide me and my household through every trial.
I am determined to confront the evil of parental alienation, the corruption in the courts, and the false ideologies that threaten our children. I do this not out of anger or hatred, but out of love and obedience to the One who created families for our blessing. To anyone reading this whether friend, family member, or concerned citizen, I ask you to stand with me as I stand for truth. Help me ensure that children can know both parents, that their identities are respected as God created them, and that our society returns to the moral foundation God intended.
My prayer is the same as 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” May we unite in humbling ourselves before God, seeking His grace and wisdom. May He heal our families, our children, and our society.
I will never stop fighting, because I cannot turn away from God’s call to protect the children He has entrusted to us. Thank you for taking the time to read my heart in these words. May the Lord bless and keep you always.
In faith and determination,
Brent Bowlby
A Father Who Will Never Give Up
January 12th, 2025
Brent was in court on Friday, 10, 2025, on yet another new false (HRO) Harassment Restraining Order against him by his ex. This is just more of the same lawfare that Brent has endured over the past 6 years while his children have been prenatally kidnapped.
January 5th, 2025
The Fair Parenting Podcast Episode 62 is part 1 of a discussion with Brent Bowlby about his 7 year family court case:
The Fair Parenting Podcast- Brent Bowlby's 7 year court case
December 15th, 2024
Brent went on Buck Angel's Podcast to discuss what is happening in his case. Released Dec 9th, 2024:
A Father's Fight for His Child- BUCK U: LIVE
December 9th, 2024
November 23rd, 2024
Brent Bowlby, subject of our reporting at The Distance, faced Judge Mary Yunker for a hearing in Minnesota yesterday. He is accused of harassing his ex-partner, Kelly Magda, by talking to us about her years-long campaign to keep his children from him and secretly transition his daughter.
Mr. Bowlby reported that his hearing was very brief and explained that the court has a dilemma to resolve before he returns to court on 15 January in the new year.
The 01:09:57 podcast can be heard here:The Distance Magazine Podcast Update with Brent Bowlby
November 22nd, 2024
Liz Collin from Alpha News discuss The Bowlby Fiiles podcast with the creator of the podcast, Matt Osborne.
The discussion starts at about the 17 minute mark: Alpha News: Educate with Liz Collin.
November 21st, 2024
Brent had an "Omnibus" hearing scheduled for 1:30 PM in Sherburne County Court with Judge Yunker on 11/20/2024. The hearing was never held and instead judge Yunker issued a continuance until January 15, 2025 because the Judge "Conflicted" everyone because the court needs time to resolve the issue of finding legal representation for Brent. This situation occurs when:
1. Conflict of Interest: All potential defense attorneys, such as the public defender’s office or previously appointed attorneys, are unable to represent the defendant due to ethical conflicts (e.g., prior relationships with involved parties, representing co-defendants, or other conflicting duties).
2. Legal Requirement for Counsel: The U.S. Constitution and Minnesota law guarantee the right to effective legal representation in felony cases. If no qualified, conflict-free attorney is available, the court cannot proceed.
3. Appointment Process Delay: Identifying and appointing a conflict-free attorney, especially for complex felony cases, may take time. This can involve searching for a qualified private attorney or contracting with an alternative public defense service.
4. Case Complexity: Felony cases often involve intricate legal issues, multiple parties, and sensitive evidence, making it crucial to ensure the attorney assigned can focus solely on the defendant’s interests without any conflict.
Why a Continuance is Necessary
Fair Trial: The court must ensure the defendant's right to a fair trial by appointing an attorney who can effectively advocate for them without divided loyalties.
Avoiding Appeals: Proceeding without addressing conflicts could lead to claims of ineffective assistance of counsel, which could overturn a conviction or lead to costly retrials.
Practical Considerations: The delay ensures that the newly appointed attorney has time to review case materials and prepare an effective defense.
In these cases, the court typically reschedules the proceedings to allow time for the conflict to be resolved and a new attorney to be assigned. While this can be frustrating, it is a necessary step to protect the integrity of the judicial process.
November 21st, 2024
November 13th, 2024
Bill discusses with Matt his research articles on Maternal Gatekeeping and aspects of the Brent Bowlby case.
Struggle of men/fathers and the intentional and unlawful misconduct of the "officers of the court", including Judges. *U.S. v. Lanier
The article is behind a paywall, but the site offers a seven day free trial. I highly recommend this podcast.
American family courts are in crisis.
God Bless,
Brent Bowlby
November 7th, 2024
🚨 An alarming update 🚨
Please copy and repost. I haven't yet received official legal representation, and I have two weeks before I am in front of Judge Yunker. The promises of help have not yet happened. Maybe they will. Maybe they won't.
Judge Mary Yunker: A Troubling Judicial History and Its Impact on Brent Bowlby
Judge Mary Yunker has held a prominent role in Minnesota's judicial system, but her history raises significant concerns. After earning her Juris Doctor from Northwestern University School of Law in 1980, she served in various legal roles across Minnesota, culminating in her appointment as a judge in the Tenth Judicial District in 2004. She served until her retirement on November 15, 2021, but her tenure was far from uncontroversial.
One of the most tragic cases under Judge Yunker’s oversight involved 8-year-old Autumn Hallow, who died after enduring abuse from her father and stepmother. Despite clear signs of concern, Judge Yunker failed to enforce Autumn’s mother’s parental rights, which would have seen her returned to her mother’s care. Following this heartbreaking outcome, Autumn’s mother filed a $30 million lawsuit against Sherburne County, which was later settled out of court. Judge Yunker quietly retired shortly after this case, but her controversial judicial decisions have had far-reaching consequences.
Brent Bowlby knows this all too well. Judge Yunker has been overseeing Brent’s family court case since 2017. For years, she did not enforce his parental rights, leaving him powerless in his relationship with his children. Instead of protecting his rights as a father, she allowed years to pass without upholding due process. Many saw her retirement as a step toward accountability for her handling of family court cases, but she has since returned as a Senior Judge, serving statewide. Now, alarmingly, she has been assigned to preside over a new case against Brent, this time a felony charge for an alleged non-violent harassment order violation due to a journalist contacting his ex and a non-threating email from Brent to his ex on or about July 23 2024.
This situation raises serious questions. How can a judge who failed to protect a father’s parental rights for years, and who was involved in one of Minnesota’s most heartbreaking family tragedies, be allowed to return and oversee the very man she previously neglected to support? The inconsistency is troubling, and Brent’s case deserves the attention of the public and legal advocates alike.
Brent Bowlby needs our help to ensure he has the best possible defense. Legal battles like these are costly, especially when fairness and justice seem at risk. We ask you to support Brent in his fight by contributing to his legal defense fund at:
Every donation will go toward securing skilled attorneys to advocate on his behalf, providing him with the legal resources necessary to navigate this challenging time.
Your support is not only for Brent it’s a stand against judicial inconsistencies and a call for accountability. Please join us in supporting Brent’s right to a fair trial by contributing to his legal fund today.
November 2nd, 2024
Brent was bailed out of Sherburne County Jail on October 31, 2024! He is happy to be home after spending 20 hours a day in lock down. This tragic story is gaining traction and we are grateful for everyone who has been praying for Brent and his family! Even though the story is gaining in popularity and traction we have a long way to go in a short period of time to raise funds for the the upcoming legal battle that includes a jury trial. We are very grateful to those who have been able donate to this cause, and we ask that you keep us in your thoughts and prayers. If you can, please help by making others aware of Brent's plight. We know that with God all things are possible. Thank you for any donation. any amount is appreciated and know that you are making a difference!
Thank you and God bless!
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.