Support honest indie music from a Texas patriot


 USD $500


 USD $71

Campaign created by Bill Boyd

Campaign funds will be received by Bill Boyd

Support honest indie music from a Texas patriot

I am a lifelong musician and songwriter. Jesus Christ Is my personal saviour and redeemer. Ever since I was a little kid and saw my first Elvis movie on TV, being a "guitarman" has been my dream. So I've spent most of my life honing my skills and chasing the dream. Unfortunately, as many can attest to, for most it remains unfulfilled dream, and for a few a total nightmare. No longer does it seem there's any tangible avenues for a musician to make a real living at doing what they love, while developing and polishing their talents, without selling your soul, or at the very least selling out to the corruption, greed, and pure evil the big time music business has become. I know this because I was once caught up in the whole bait and switch scam, that convinces young and not so young artists alike, too lay aside their personal beliefs, values, even the very things that makes each one's talent uniquely special and beautiful. The greed machine, belches out the smog of wanton lust of power, control, and the almighty profit margin they can grift out of countless aspiring entertainers, writers, and artists. Some who with a little nurturing and space to master their craft, might have penned the next "I CAN ONLY IMAGINE" or "I WALK THE LINE", sadly many will like myself go largely unheard, and remain in obscurity, no matter how many times they allow themselves to be recreated at the whim of some "expert" who knows nothing about nothing, especially music the universal language of the soul and gift to humanity from our Lord. After finally realizing when after the umpteenth time I bowed myself to THEIR TERMS, THEIR RULES, THEIR CONDITIONS, THE GATEKEEPERS STILLED DENIED ME ENTRANCE INTO THE CLUB.....I realized I was never going to be accepted by a corrupt/criminal/contol cult that is rotten at it's core and satanic at it's highest levels, I thank God I never got in, See, that's the nightmare, it's the ones who did "get in the club" who are the biggest losers in the whole vicious plot. Controlled, bought, sold, and dancing bears, and trained seals who are led around to perform tricks for their supper until they are used up then these poorest of creatures are tossed aside as the beast is moving on to it's next lamb to devour......December 2020, I launched the production, recording of the first album to be released under my own label Pik-Tone! Records......the album "Or'ange Sunshine and other songs" came out August 31 2021. as a digital only release as of to date, till such time as capital is raised for a CD version to be put out. I have a dream and goal of seeing Pik-Tone! Records growing and taking on other artists and projects in a partnership setting in which, not greed, but rather honest upfront integrity is the standard and making music that speaks to the human soul spirit and heart by telling stories that need to be told, uplifting the best parts of people, mourning the sad, celebrating the glad, and putting a song on the people's lips that makes a joyful noise unto the Lord. I'm not asking anyone to donate or give unless you want to, but I appreciate any who do, I have totally funded all I done to date, which sadly leaves me very limited of means in which to get the word out, making tours/ appearances, funding subsequent releases and creating a footprint in the market place, and operating outside the corporate cabal's influence and control. This is my way of doing what I can to make difference. Most of all, I appreciate your prayers and encouragement,regardless of any financial help which is greatly appreciated as well. God Bless You and God Bless America!!  Any support you are able to give will be greatly appreciated....

Recent Donations
A Sevier
$ 60.00 USD
16 days ago

keep up the good music

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 6.00 USD
1 month ago


Update #1

December 4th, 2024

Here we are the last month of 2024, I am looking forward to 2025 being the start of much better days ahead for our country the USA, and the world as a whole, knowing God is in control and the best is yet to come. I have been working on an album the last 18 month's or so entitled "The Name Of Love" whose concept is a collection of songs about love from different viewpoints and each song either has the word love in the title or lyrics or both all written, performed, recorded, engineered, mastered, and to be released by my record label Pik-Tone! Records. The songs and album definitely have a strong 80's sound and feel to them but deal with each of their subject matter in a very modern and current sense of enlightened awareness with the steadfast conviction God holds everything in His Hands. If you are so led to contribute to this campaign, I have a very earnest need for support in order to file copyrights, pay for distribution services, manufacturing costs for a small limited run of CDs of the album, as well as promotion and production costs all of which I've been funding solely myself as best I can on a limited income and budget largely from work I pick up as a carpenter/handyman, and the occasional local music gigs that are few and far between since Covid and events impacting economies of live venues. It would truly be a blessing to receive any financial help and it will be used to make the completion and release of "The Name Of Love" a reality much sooner than it is within my means right now. I thank you for your interest and value your prayers, encouragement and listening audience more than whether you're able to donate, God Bless !!

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.