The Truth for Life Education Project


 CAD $50,000


 CAD $100

Campaign created by Derek Rogers

Campaign funds will be received by The Atomic Biology Insitute

The Truth for Life Education Project

Hi, my name is Derek Rogers, and I am putting up this GiveSendGo campaign on behalf of my father, Tom Rogers,  and the Atomic Biology Institute. 

He has worked part-time for about twenty years and full-time for the last seventeen years on fixing a major problem in our Western society that many of you will agree is a major need in our day.

My father along with some scholars who are helping him, have discovered and developed a number of ways to help reverse the downward trend that many have clearly recognized in our society. This work is rooted in a new science called Atomic Biology. Here are some excerpts and details from Tom's story to help explain:

   As a new believer in 1987, Tom Rogers, who has a background in engineering, research, construction, and manufacturing, realized that he likes to know how things are made. Because of this curiosity, his first major question as a new believer discovering that there is a Creator was, "How does this 'Creator' actually create living things like us?"

   He has earned awards in biology, chemistry, and physics, and that knowledge helped him to begin researching to find true answers for life.  After several years of following this curiosity part-time, new evidence began stacking up.  However, some of it showed clearly that key parts of what was being taught in the public education systems were either pure speculation with no logical foundation or outright falsehoods regarding the true origin and cause of life.

   So, another question arose.  Why would the life education leaders do this?

   One shocking answer came from an evolutionary professor at Harvard University who stated, “We take the side of (evolutionary) science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism. It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door.” 1 (Bottom line -emphasis added).

1  Lewontin, R., Billions and Billions of Demons, The New York Review of Books, New York, NY, January 9, 1997. 

   This is blatantly anti-God and anti-science as true science is to be encouraged to follow evidence wherever it leads and to share that information widely without reprisal.  So, this current exclusive and enforced teaching of evolution-only as the origin and cause of life, indicates where many education problems are stemming from.  It is now shown to be false.

    During two decades of Tom's fascinating part-time research, some discoveries were absolutely mind-boggling.  In 2007, one discovery in particular, changed his part-time curiosity to an irresistible full-time calling.  It seemed like virtually all of his previous education and experience had been a preparation for the significant work of shining a bright light on the verifiable Truth of our Creator's enormous works and care for each one of us every second of every day.

   Consider this verifiable example:  (Fasten your seatbelt !) ...You have probably heard words to the effect that "life is in the blood."  Those researchers who specialize in blood work will tell you that each of us requires a complete new batch of red blood cells (RBCs) within about every 120 days because our RBCs wear out in that time.  A scientist by the name of C.J. Pallister found that a 150 lb. male 'receives' about 2.3 million newly made RBCs every second, 24/7.  Another named G.J.Tortora determined that each RBC is made of about 280 million molecules of hemoglobin, and a third scientist, Max Perutz, found that each molecule of hemoglobin is made of approximately 10,000 correct atoms.  So when you do the math, this 150 lb. male is being given about 2,300,000 X 280,000,000 X 10,000 correctly sorted, selected, counted, and precisely assembled atoms every second.  This is about 6,400 Quadrillion correct atoms every second, 24/7, just to build his needed replacement red blood cells.

You can get a close number of correct atoms being assembled for your new red blood cells by putting your weight in pounds over 150 and multiplying by 6,400,000,000,000,000.

Does this begin to give you an idea of how much your Creator works and cares for you? 

And this isn't a half of His work for each of us just to make our new RBCs because the atoms for them have to come from our eaten foods which He has to make from the dust of gardens and fields, etc. with wastage for uneaten roots and leaves.

   Then, for each of us, there are another roughly 80 trillion complete cells that our Creator had to create, sustain, repair, and periodically replace to maintain our personal life.

   But wait, we were taught in public schools and even in upper grades of many Christian schools, by law, that "evolution" does this somehow and that no God or Creator is needed (nor allowed in public school teaching).  So what about that?

   Here is the maddening, depressing, confusing, soul-destroying problem:  This strictly enforced teaching over the last 60+ years, even against the better judgment of many teachers and professors, is now destroying the faith of about 75% of Christian students who enter college or university with their faith intact but graduate without it.  Many Christian parents who were taught evolution as the exclusive origin and cause of life, have now been overwhelmed by this evolutionary teaching and are leaving the church and their faith behind.  A Canadian study calls it "Hemorrhaging Faith."

   We don't talk much about Public Enemy #1, subtle old Satan himself, but it seems to us that he picked up on Darwin's Theory of Evolution and appointed some biology education leaders to enforce this teaching exclusively over the last 60+ years, with the clear purpose of separating our students from God.  And he is winning!

   Well, ladies and gentlemen, here is the truly significant part:  The Theory of Evolution is now factually falsified regarding both the origin and cause of life.  This is verifiable in many ways but most clearly by this fact:  Scientists have been trying for over 70 years to produce a living cell from elements (like making a carrot cell from dirt as God does), but they cannot come anywhere close. They simply do not have enough intelligence.  Evolution, by definition, has no intelligence to use and is, therefore, truthfully, not even able to start assembling cell parts out of atoms.

    So it is verified that super-intelligence, far above mankind's level, is essential for precisely assembling correctly selected and counted atoms into living cells for our grown foods, then brilliantly rearranging the atoms from our foods to make our highly complex cell parts, cells, and us.

   There is only one such super-intelligent entity known to mankind and that is our Creator, the triune God of our focus nations (USA, UK, Canada, and Australia).

   Over the last three decades, with input from 45 scholars, Tom's team with his own funds, discovered and developed the God-based life science that our Creator has probably been using since the beginning.  

   The science is called "Atomic Biology" and is nick-named "God's Biology."  It is designed to be a legitimate, logical, and clear replacement for Darwinian evolution as the true origin and cause of life to be taught in our schools, colleges, universities, and churches.

   What respectable teacher or professor is going to want to continue teaching a verified falsehood when a verified truth has been discovered and developed to replace it?

   It is understandable why Godless mainstream science has not wanted to go to this level of biology because once you approach the essentials for making living cell parts and cells out of atoms, you immediately have to face the need for super-intelligence and enormous reliable caring works for making our foods, our cells, and our life.  

      Now, your help is so crucially needed to enable the publicizing of this Truth for Life, to reverse the trend away from belief in God, and to encourage education departments to teach Truth as opposed to falsehoods regarding life.  It is a huge job and hopefully you can see that it is a worthy one to play a part in. 

    It is time to remind our citizens why our founding fathers counted so heavily on the wisdom and caring works of our Creator to continually produce food and life for every one of them.  They did not have the science but they had the common sense to recognize brilliant, supernatural works for life and use the wisdom of the triune God of the Bible. Establishing Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, and Easter national holidays are only a few of the ways God is highly recognized by our governments.  And don't be concerned about the "separation of church and state" misconception because God is not the church and government is not a religion.  The church cannot create any living thing. 

   Please help ABI (The Atomic Biology Institute) deliver “The Truth For Life Education” with the purpose of informing students and all citizens of the wonderful evidence of God’s great work and care for each one of us every second of every day.

    Much of this information will be helpful for Denominations, Christian School Associations, Seminaries, Homeschools, and Christian clubs at schools, colleges and universities, as well as all public education locations.

  Please send your help and forward this message to friends.

  Blessings to you and yours.  Prayers would also be appreciated. You can also read more at

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$ 100.00 CAD
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