Becoming Awesome Ascension Coaching App


 USD $55,555


 USD $28

Campaign created by Peter DeBenedittis

Becoming Awesome Ascension Coaching App

Support the Creation of an Ascension App that Will Transform ThousandsOur goal to raise $55,555 to create a ground-breaking tool moving ascension teachings & processes into modern times so everyone can access an effective program able to transform them in as little as 6 months.  This app will:• Individually guide each person through a journey that transforms consciousness, allowing one to move up levels of Ascension as quickly as they choose.• An AI will be built in to track progress and recommend the next steps to take based on the pathways we’ve outlined for achieving the most spiritual growth possible in the shortest amount of time.• Whenever a user asks a question, the AI will scan through all our 3 books, hundreds of channeled videos and scores of recorded sessions to provide answers, including attributing if the answer came from Peter, Tracy, Our Higher Selves or one of the Spirit Beings we channel.• Videos, handouts, graphics & written explanations of every effective ascension process we’ve found will be included so that users can access them as often as they choose when they’re ready to climb that step in their ascension journey• Facilitate monthly group meet-ups were all users can interact with, ask questions & receive direct activation transmissions from Tracy & Peter, as well as be a gateway to connect with a community of others on their journey to ascended consciousness.Help us make this possible with your donation! Any donation is appreciated. Make donations for these amounts to receive the following benefits:$200—Receive One Month Free when the app launches. We're targeting late 2025 for our launch date. We’re looking at charging $259 a month for this amazing tool that can provide 24/7 guidance and support. Your Donation Now of $200 saves you at least $59 on your first month when the app goes live.$1,000—Receive Six Months Free when the app launches. We’re going to give a subscriber 6 months of app usage if they pay for 5 months up front. This will give a person a $1,554 value for only $1,295. By donating $1,000 now, you’ll receive even greater savings. Your $1,000 donation will give you six full months of access when the app goes live. We project that most people will be able to move into a fantastic state of consciousness if they work process 20 minutes a day for the first several months, and then commit to doing a major clearing process once a week for another several months. With consistent effort for 6 months, most people will transform into previously unimaginable states of consciousness. Donate $1,000 now to book your passage to the higher realms in as little as six months!$5000—You'll receive LIFETIME access to the app, plus be given 1 year of f access to the app you can gift to anyone you choose. In addition, you’ll be invited to be a beta tester. This will give you the access to these powerful tools months before anyone else. By offering your feedback in the beta testing process, you’ll be leaving the mark or your goodwill and intent to heal thousands who will follow in your footsteps. $10,000—Become an Investor. You’ll receive all the benefits of a $5,000 donation plus 5% of net profits until you've received 20 times your investment. Given the successes we’ve seen in the sessions, weekend intensives and retreats we’ve offered, we’re confident in saying that most people can move to very nice levels of consciousness with six months of effort. Most people will have to spend only $1,295 to launch themselves into ascension in a big way. Consider how many workshops, classes and programs there are offered for as much as $3,000 to $5,000. Many are not nearly as effective as Becoming Awesome processes and few are as comprehensive as what our Ascension App will provide. When our app hits the market - offering a reasonable shot for huge ascension gains in just 6 months for a comparatively low price - we’re certain thousands will take advantage of this opportunity.Once 1,000 people have subscribed for 6 months, we will have generated $1,295,000 in revenues. We estimate $295,000 go to expenses paying for the AI usage fees, our support team & accounting costs. This leaves $1,000,000 in profit. By investing $10,000 now, you’ll receive $50,000 once 1,000 people sign up for 6 months. We are limiting the total investor opportunities to only 5 people, and are capping $10,000 investor returns to 20 times your seed donation. You'll be able to receive a $200,000 when 5,000 people have signed up for 6 months.  Spiritual development will be the largest growth industry for the next decade as millions open to the new frequencies of the Golden Age. Our app will be and important tool, especially for younger people who are used to interacting and learning through apps.Act now if you want to participate as an investor. And please know there is no guarantee. The figures presented here are not promises. No guarantee is given and no return on investment is implied. These are only estimates we think are reasonable.$15,000—Super Investor.  You’ll receive all the benefits of a $5,000 donation plus 5% of net profits until you've received 25 times your investment. When 1,000 people have subscribed to the app for 6 months, your return will be $50,000.  You'll continue to receive payments at 5% of net profits until $375,000 has been returned to you.Please remember there is no guarantee implied here. The figures presented here are not promises. No guarantee is given and no return on investment is implied. These are only estimates we think are reasonable for you to receive if you become a Super Investor.Meet Our Ascension App TeamWe’re asking for your support to pay the app development company and cover the costs of AI interface while we train the AI to work with our materials. Everyone else on our team is giving their time freely during the development and start up phases of this incredible endeavor.Peter DeBenedittis, PH.D. is the project originator and team leader. He’s the author/co-author of the 3 books in the My Ascension Handbooks series. He’s a channeler for hundreds of Becoming Awesome videos on YouTube and has been giving channeled spiritual clearing & coaching sessions by donation for 3 years. Spirit has been guiding him towards creating this app for 2 years, since it first told him to prepare for his messages to “get really big.” Working with Tracy, Peter will create most of the educational content and processes that will be on the app.Tracy Juechter is the co-author of 2 books in the My Ascension Handbook series. She’s been channeling vlogs on YouTube for 6 months and has offered powerful clearing processes by donation for over a year. Most of the content on the app will be a synthesis of everything she and Peter have learned from their teachers and downloaded directly from our connection with Spirit.John Bunker is a professional digital curriculum designer. He’s worked for major universities porting traditional classroom-based courses to online formats. John is working on his own channeled book teaching ascension wisdom. He’ll be designing the teaching modules placed in the app.Vivian Yap is a consultant for a major world-wide computer producer. Her role will be to train our AI to understand our material and sort through all our books, videos & recorded sessions to provide relevant answers to app users. Jean Piere Delima is the graphic artist and video editor who produced all the videos on the Becoming Awesome Youtube Channel. His role will be in creating graphics and interfacing with the app development company. Your donation of any amount makes you part of this incredible project. You can help bring practical ascension tools and teachings to thousands in a format accessible to the planet’s youth. Many Blessings & Much Gratitude for your support!
Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 28.00 USD
1 month ago

Hi Peter & Tracy- Wishing you loads of luck in raising all the funds you need and sending a prayer too!


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