Ann Widrig Konieczny


 USD $50,000


 USD $41,781

Campaign created by Amy A Mushinski

Campaign funds will be received by Ann Konieczny

Ann Widrig Konieczny

A beautiful, Catholic mother & homeschooler is in need of our prayers...

My best friend Ann was diagnosed with breast cancer in late 2022. After initial treatments seemed promising, Ann was devastated with the news that the cancer recurred locally and had spread to her sternum. On June 6th, Ann underwent a mastectomy. Because standard of care options offer her limited hope now, Ann is now pursuing treatment at a hospital in Mexico that specializes in stage 4 cancer. It's known to have excellent breast cancer success rates. The clinic in Mexico does not take insurance which is why I’m humbly asking for your help. 

Ann will need to take time off of work, so the family will need additional income to fill in the gaps while she undergoes treatments. They'll also need to help support friends and family who are generously giving their time to help her husband and their three small children while she is being treated in south of the boarder. 

The clinic in Mexico is a Catholic hospital that specializes in immunotherapies and other methods geared toward destroying existing cancer cells while trying to restore the immune system's ability to recognize and attack the cancerous cells on its own. They boast a 60-80% success rates depending on the type and severity of cancer. Given Ann's age and otherwise good health, there is hope that this could work and save her life! She recently spoke with a woman who had severely advanced stage 4 breast cancer (who was also written off by US doctors) and was declared cancer free 8 months after her treatments at CNM. She is still cancer free 14 years later.  

Information on the clinic:

Ann's beautiful new friend who was successful treated at CMN:

Prayerfully consider helping Ann & her family. Even the most modest donation will help us reach our goal. If you're unable, prayers are desperately needed and will undoubtedly be heard. Ann is offering up her sufferings for the sanctification of her family and her benefactors. We do not walk alone... 

Thank you,

Amy A. Mushinski, BFF

PS: LifeSiteNew's recently published a feature story highlighting Ann's journey! Her story is receiving national coverage to help bring in additional prayers & funding. Therefore, we’ve decreased our goal from 75k to 50k in hopes that we will raise the remaining 25k through their fundraising arm, LifeFunder. Click here for the article:

Recent Donations
Dc Michael Evans
$ 100.00 USD
3 days ago

Lydia Sexton
$ 50.00 USD
8 days ago

Dearest Ann, I will be remembering you in prayer, especially at Mass. May the Lord send you angels to comfort and assist you.

$ 25.00 USD
8 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
1 month ago

You will be healed

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
4 months ago

Dear ABBA Father in Jesus your sons powerful name I rebuke the cancer out of Anns body .. thank you 🙏 for the healing and grace you brought by dying on the cross and shedding your blood for the sinfull world🌍 We praise your all the Glory and Honour.. Blessed be your name Jesus..Amen..

Andrea Mellon
$ 50.00 USD
5 months ago

Praying for you Ann and family!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
5 months ago

We are praying for you.

Metz Family
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

The Faloons
$ 1000.00 USD
5 months ago

Wishing you the absolute best

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
5 months ago

May love and light always be with you, Ann.

Erik Randall
$ 200.00 USD
5 months ago

Danielle V
$ 50.00 USD
5 months ago

Sorry I couldn’t be at the benefit. God bless and have a great time!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
5 months ago

Dear ABBA Father in Jesus your sons powerful name I rebuke the cancer out of Anns body .. thank you 🙏 for the healing and grace you brought by dying on the cross and shedding your blood for the sinfull world🌍 We praise your all the Glory and Honour.. Blessed be your name Jesus..Amen..

Ritter family
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago


Update #10 Toothless in St. Louis! - Dr. Simon Yu to the rescue

January 27th, 2025

Hello everyone. It's Ann giving another update on my progress. I am now under the care of a chronic disease specialist in St. Louis (Dr. Simon Yu) who treats underlying causes of diseases, including dental infections, parasites, heavy metals and nutrient imbalances. Last November, I was blessed to meet a naturopath who used to work directly with Robert F Kennedy Jr. at Children's Health Defense who told me about him. Her husband was free of stage 4 prostate cancer within three months of working with Dr. Yu. (He was diagnosed with parasites and an infected tooth and treated appropriately.)  

I saw Dr. Yu for the first time earlier this month, and immediately had a sub-clinically infected tooth pulled. I will also be treated for parasites, mercury toxicity and excessive levels of glyphosate in my system. My food allergy and nutrient imbalance results are pending, but I will know more about my status with those aspects when I meet with him again in March.  

Dr. Yu believes the dental infection was paramount in the development of the cancer. The moment the tooth was out, I felt like something oppressive left me, and the constant, gnawing background agitation that I felt in my body for most of my life immediately left. I feel amazing and have an abundance of energy now. It is likely that that infected tooth was a chronic drain on my immune system for many years, and that the infection had spread to areas of my body where the cancer set up shop. I'm on a cocktail of antibiotics for a month to address the dental infection, and then will begin several cycles of parasite and fungal medications, including ivermectin, mebendazole, praziquantel, niclosamide and nystatin. Most of these medications also block important cancer pathways, and will hopefully help wipe out remaining cancer cells. After that, I will be on maintenance protocols for the rest of my life to address cancer stem cells.  

So, thanks be to God, I finally feel like I am on the road to real healing. This journey has certainly taught me how important dental health is to overall health and how stealthy some infections can be. I had seen a biological dentist two years ago when I was first diagnosed and had learned of this connection but was told I was fine because a CT cone beam scan of my mouth didn't show any signs of disease. Dr. Yu says he finds sub-clinical infections all the time. 100% of his breast cancer patients have dental protozoal infections (including me!). There is so much more to healing from cancer than the standard of care methods of cut, burn and poison. In the early 1900's Dr. Weston Price figured out the link between dental health and chronic disease. He was able to replicate 80 to 100% of the diseases in humans after injecting animals with the bacteria that he extracted from their infected teeth. Mind blowing!

So the journey continues. I will plan to have my next scan after completing at least three more months of Dr. Yu's treatments. Again, I can't express my thanks enough to all my benefactors and those who have prayed for me. I still have a lot to go through ahead, including many more trips to St. Louis and a lot of expensive medications. Please continue to keep me in your prayers, as you are in mine.

Update #9: 1st Post-Mexico Pet Scan...

November 1st, 2024

Dear Friends and Family,

This is Ann giving the update this time. First, I would like to humbly express my gratitude to everyone who has prayed for me and made my trip to Mexico possible. I'm forever indebted to you all and offer up my daily prayers and sufferings for you. I'm most especially indebted to Amy who has stuck with me through thick and thin for most of my life now, with this situation certainly being the thickest part yet. Isn't she the best???  

Our trip to Mexico was beneficial on so many levels, and I'm grateful to have had the extraordinary opportunity to be treated by Dr. Payan, who is truly a gift from God. In the last month, my energy, color and mental clarity have increased to the point that I'm feeling the best I have since my youth, and I've had simultaneously decreasing levels of pain in my sternum. Praise God!

I had my first follow up petscan last week, which marked my 3 month return from Mexico. While I (unrealistically) hoped I'd receive the "all clear," the scan showed no spread to any organs and signs of stabilization for the metastases within the sternum. Before leaving CMN Hospital, Dr. Payan told me to expect no more than stabilization at the 3 month mark due to the amount of time that the treatments need to play out (at least 6 months for the stem cell transplant, for example). We're basically trying to slow down and stop an out-of-control train before dragging it back to the station for dismantling, so to say. So I'm grateful to at least be tracking according to his plan at this time. He seemed pleased with my first scan report and said I should be encouraged by it. My conventional oncologist here in the States also seemed shocked that I didn't have any spread to organs given how viciously aggressive this type of cancer is and seemed comfortable with me continuing to "do what you're doing" until my next scan. I can't express how grateful I am to have to have a one-in-a-million oncologist who isn't criticizing me for taking an alternative path and even said to me "you're the boss" when it comes to making treatment decisions! God has been so good to me on this journey.  

Since returning home, I've been doing my best to keep up with Dr Payan's rigorous daily regimen of at-home treatments, medications, and supplements while trying to keep up with work, the kids and homeschooling. I'll soon be adding another hefty protocol for strengthening my bones (which has also helped some people reverse bone mets.) Please continue to pray for my perseverance and for complete and total restoration of my health. I'm eager to get this behind me so that I can help others going through this awful disease.   

Again, I'm so deeply humbled and touched by everyone's love and support!

With praise and gratitude,


Update Update #9: 1st Post-Mexico Pet Scan... Image
Update #8 Back in the USA safe & sound!

August 14th, 2024

Dear Friends,

You'll be happy to know that Ann & I are back! We arrived safely home after a month of intense treatments in Mexico.  As you can imagine, Ann's husband Michael and their three beautiful children are thrilled to have their beloved mom back home again. As for me, I've been happily reunited with my bed! 

So what happens now? While Ann spends the next few months resting, there are a few treatments that she will be able to continue at home. However, as far as tracking the cancer, we wait and pray until the next pet scan in 2.5 months. Cancer be gone!! 

Thank you all for your incredible support of Ann through donations, prayers, and beautiful words of encouragement. She has been overwhelmed by your generosity, especially those of you she doesn't even know! Stay tuned for more updates. 

Many thanks & blessings,

Amy A Mushinski BFF

Update Update #8  Back in the USA safe & sound! Image
Update #7 - St Charbel, Pray for us!

July 24th, 2024

Dear Friends & Supporters,

I'm happy to report that Ann's doctor here at CMS in Mexico is very happy with her progress. She continues to fight like a champ physically & dive deep spiritually. We have a strict routine of treatments daily that makes Ann and I feel like we're in an episode of Groundhog's Day, the movie! 

Today is a very special day: Ann has been invoking the intercession of St Charbel since I handed her the relic given to me. We continue today to ask for his healing powers to rid Ann's sweet body of any cancer.

On another note, Ann & I have been rather fascinated with the stories of healing and miracles witnessed by and through Fr James Blount SOLT. The other day, before we went to sleep, Ann turned to me and said, "I pray God lets me meet him one day!" The next morning I woke up to a text from a friend who's one of his spiritual directees, letting me know that Fr Blount was making a rare appearance in August at Malvern Retreat House, only a few hours from Ann's home. You see, Fr Blount has been on sabbatical all year and not scheduled to be doing any retreats in 2024. Wow - God answered that prayer fast. Ann & Michael are signed up & ready to go! 

Thank you all for your continued support & prayers for Ann. They are being felt and are more appreciated than we could ever express.

God really does hear the desires of our hearts. 

We pray on...

Amy A. Mushinski BFF

Update Update #7 - St Charbel, Pray for us! Image
Update #6 - The Secret Admirer...

July 16th, 2024

Dear Friends & Followers,

Late last night while Ann & I were praying our rosary, Ann's nurse walked in with the most beautiful bouquet of flowers! The card simply said "To Ann & Amy with love. OLMC pray for us."

Whoever you are, know that your flowers have brightened up our room. What an amazing gift on Our Lady of Mt Carmel's feast day.

You should also know, Ann received some very difficult news today. Her dear cousin Andy, who is only a few years younger than Ann, unexpectedly passed away this morning. Please pray for the repose of his soul and for her family. 

Humbled by your generosity,

Amy & Ann 

Update Update #6 - The Secret Admirer... Image
Update #5 - LifeSite News Article...

July 13th, 2024

Dear Friends & Followers,

We received exciting news yesterday! LifeSite News published the story of Ann's journey. In the article, Ann does a beautiful job opening up about where she believes this cancer really started. It's a story of great humility & vulnerability, two words most people run from a discussion about. Ann bravely bares all in her story.

Again, we wish to thank all of you for your most generous donations & prayers. The prayer are felt and the donations are more appreciated than we could ever express. You are ALL in the center of our rosary each night as we persevere each day through treatments. Here is the article...

Many blessings from Mexico,

Amy the BFF  (Best Friend Forever!)

PS: The attached picture shows Ann with her IV bag. Her nurse that day wrote "So do not fear for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God. ~ Isaiah 41:10 

Update Update #5 - LifeSite News Article... Image
Update #4 - We have arrived!

July 2nd, 2024

Dear Friends of Ann (& me!),

Ann & I arrived safely in Yuma, AZ yesterday, where we met Ulma, the Patient Care Coordinator who greeted us with such warm hugs!! She took us across the boarder, gave us a mini tour of San Luis then got us settled into our suite.

The Lord spared no time showing HIs hand in all of this: As we were walking into the CMN, Ulma asked Ann if she had a favorite number. Ann told her that she'd always liked 8. We got to the Cancer Wing, walked into room 8 where the whiteboard on the wall said, "Welcome to CMN Ann!"   

Before we had time to settle in & properly organize all of our things, they handed Ann a gown! Dr Payan came in and gave Ann the entire run down of the month ahead. As soon as he left, his amazing assistant, Ishmael, walked Ann down to the hyperbaric chamber for her first treatment, followed by several more after that. They waisted NO time in prepping Ann's body for the good fight ahead. 

Word's can't express how grateful Ann is for all of your love, support & prayers. Please keep them coming...


Update Update #4 - We have arrived!  Image
Update #3 - Mexico or Bust!

June 25th, 2024

Hello everyone! 

After reviewing the recent pathology report, Ann's doctors have asked that we get her to the clinic in Mexico as soon as possible. So, we're packing our bags and leaving Monday July 1!  If you're interested in seeing where we're going, click the video in the link...

Thankfully, Ann was approved for a load to cover the cost. Obviously we want her to be able to pay it off asap.  So, please continue to be generous and pass this link along to anyone else who may be sympathetic to Ann's story. Thank you to all who have so generously contributed so far.

I'm oddly excited to see what our dear Lord is up to. Let the adventure begin...

Amy A. Mushinski, BFF (Best Friend Forever!) 

Update Update #3 - Mexico or Bust! Image
Update #2

June 20th, 2024

Good evening friends of Ann (& my most generous friends), 

Our Ann unfortunately received more bad news yesterday: The prognostic indicators of Ann's pathology report from the surgery are less than favorable. To the extent that they are dismayed that she is still alive. No doubt it's the incredibly clean diet, the love of her family, and the prayers being send from around the world, that are keeping her going. 

We are humbled & grateful to all of you who have so generously donated to Ann through your prayers & financial contributions. Kindly consider anyone you know who you could share this fundraiser with. We need a bit more to get Ann to Mexico and the situation is now urgent. The sooner Ann is treated the better. We are hoping for a July 8 or better departure. 

With a humble heart,

Amy A. Mushinski BFF 

Update #1

June 10th, 2024

Dear Friends & Supporters,

I'm happy to report that Ann's surgery last week went well. She's been resting comfortably at home and truly feeling the prayers carrying her through. She mentioned several times how deeply touched she is by the outpouring of prayer & support. Please keep them coming! The battle is far from over, yet "our hope is in the Lord..." Psalm 39

For those of you who reached out and have hesitation about donating via Give Send Go, please know they are a Christian organization who only takes a percentage from your donation if you designate so on your form. If you are more comfortable writing a check, kindly contact me for Ann's address:

Stay tuned for more updates.  Many the Lord bless you for your most generous hearts.

Amy A. Mushinski, BFF

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.