Campaign funds will be received by Heather Hudson
When you have finished reading Cody's story, please visit to help get medical care for Cody and the other vaccine injured in severe medical need.
Cody's APS blood clotting case has shown to become treatment-resistant, and he has a chance at using a cancer treatment off-label that shows promise to reduce the antibodies that cause his antiphospholipid syndrome, severe blood clotting condition. We need help by sharing his story with politicians and news outlets. Just like myocarditis, for decades, APS has been known to take place after vaccines. Prayers, well wishes, and any donation, no matter how small, will help with his healing and extensive medical expenses. He gets no government help, but we are fighting for it.
He has been battling the most severe form of autoimmune APS blood clotting disorder since 2021, when he was hospitalized with a catastrophic auto-immune blood clotting event that left him with a pulmonary embolism, leaky heart valve, left ventricular hypertrophy, pulmonary hypertension, and what is now a known stroke (missed by the hospital in 2021) which left him with right side weakness and unable to walk without assistance at age 21 after his COVID mRNA vaccine.
He has recently had an additional stroke and more APS brain injury. He also has APS-related thrombocytopenia, which is an insidious aspect of APS that brings about bleeding of internal tissues and open sores on his skin along with the clotting of veins and arteries.
He did not have COVID infection, as shown in all of his hospital tests and the nucleocapsid blood testing - all negative.
In 2023, his case became acute again, and in 2024, it is now a terminal disorder after he had blood clotting in all four limbs and five brain events, including a large frontal lobe stroke this past March. His prognosis has moved to the point that his only chance is to try the off-label drug rituximab, which is hoped to lessen the antibodies that cause his triple positive, treatment-resistant antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) blood clotting disorder that is attempting to take his life. Cody's case was published and peer-reviewed early on in his disease progression. We now know more. And this information can also help others.
Our hope is that rituximab will allow him to live through this aggressive blood clotting disorder. This is an IV drug that is infused over the course of hours. According to medical studies, it is shown to be helpful to lessen blood clotting events for those with severe APS, and in some rare cases, the patients have gone into remission.
We have been pushing for over six months for this treatment for him. He now has a rheumatologist who is willing to let Cody try it to save his life. Cody will have to have infusions once a week for an unknown period of time. We are awaiting a response from insurance to see if they will cover it. Still, the co-payments will be more than we can afford. Cody needs your help.
Cody has other extensive medical bills and has many specialist and therapy appointments several times a month. The details of his courageous journey can be found on my (Cody's mom's) substack, including the full journal of his plight since early October 2023, when his case became acute and now is terminal unless the off-label drug is able to give us the miracle we are praying for. Cody needs your help and prayers.
To be clear, donations and sharing his story will have just as much impact as a donation if you cannot give. His story is important as it can save lives. Every doctor that he saw of about 15 doctors in three hospitals and several specialties did not know that APS can take place after vaccines and that severe form has shown promise in some patients when they are treated with Rituximab (according to several studies dating back many years).
Also, know that any donation, no matter how small, will help Cody see specialists and have the gas money to get to the specialists, as well as to ensure he can obtain his life-saving blood thinner, which is expensive and not easy to obtain. Our family is financially devastated by these medical bills.
Donating will also help Cody to have a future instead of medical debt, so if he can go into remission, he can focus on his education and advocacy and be free to accept invitations from other states to speak out without being limited by the financial devastation of his medical treatments, hospitalizations, and ongoing treatment and prescriptions. Donations are much needed, but spreading his story, sending it via email to news stations, emailing it to your state representatives, local representatives, and senators, and giving it to your pastor will all help just as much! His story can save the lives of countless others suffering like him!
Here is an excerpt from the Substack journal I wrote about his plight: A raw, pointed, emotional journal documenting the slow decline of my son, left with terminal illness after his COVID-19 vaccine -and his abandonment by our government. He is one of countless others. A mother's Anthem Substack: Cody's plight -
January 2024…
The pressure in your brain from the narrowing of your veins is giving you migraines, your eyes hurt, and you have pressure in your head. Who will help, the hospital wasn’t able to. I am watching you die? Am I watching you die? How do I know? I have to think fast! God help us…I call your independent doctor and tell him there are no more options and that the warfarin left you with clotting in the brain despite treatment. Immediately, your doctor and Dr. Vaughn put a different treatment plan together. The 2023 blood clots began the first week of October 2023, and it wasn’t until days before January 2024 that the last brain CT was read, showing the vein narrowing from clots. Together, these honorable men who are doctors and dad and I have a plan. God help us to help you.
Each day, journaling and logging your treatment and symptoms. Dad and I ask, are you are in pain? How much pain? We inspect the lower portion whites of your eyes to see the amount and coloration of the vessels visible in your eyes. Look up son, hold your lower lid down. If the vessels are heavily impregnated with blood or more vessels are reddened, we know you are likely to bleed. Your nose will bleed, and your skin can bleed. You can also have blood in your sputum. Did your nose bleed? Did you cough up blood? How is the pressure in your head?
We have to assess the pressure in your brain. You are weak; you fell today. How many times today? You come up the steps and fall. I want to protect you from this, but you are clinging on to your independence. “No, Mom, I will do it myself,” you say. Son, I feel like a , I don’t know what to do. Sometimes, I have to talk to you and explain that we have to step in and protect you. We make compromises… sometimes they are unspoken, sometimes they come with tears, and every time, I am in awe of your strength. On days we know you are weaker, Dad is behind you, and I am in front of you to catch you. You are 24 years old; you lean on your dad or your mom to walk. I know, we know this crushes you. We walk together and vow to find a way to help you feel empowered.
You are slowly transitioned from warfarin to the new medication, and in about five days, I see your eyes brighten. In about six days, I see you getting up from your chair a little stronger. In a week, I see you getting up to make your own hot tea again. After two weeks you are walking outside to read your book and take in some sunshine.
I am proud of you for the small steps. Still, I know that on most days, you feel as if your body is a prison. I know that it is very difficult to help with some things that would make your life better. We are financially ruined. So, how do we find a way to improve your setting and your mindset?
Since the pulmonary embolism (PE), something that you have struggled with has been the damage to your pulmonary system. When you turn to the side or bend down, sometimes the pain is so great in your lungs/ribs that your vision fades to black. When you ride in the car, a speed bump is agony; a pothole is agony as your lungs had so much pressure from the PE that it damaged your sternum and it damaged your lung lining. Not many people understand or know this pain. When you fall asleep in the car, these pains wake you; sleeping doesn’t help. I think out of all of your pain, this pain, I pray, will ease for you more than any other. I want you to have your freedom.
I can’t take you out for a drive. I can’t whisk you away for a change of scenery. What do I do? You are pent-up, frustrated, and broken down, and it's my job to find a way to help keep your spirit up. Music… if I play music, hot tea… if I make you a hot tea, maybe a fuzzy, sweet soul? If I get your kitten and place him on your chest, will your heartache ease now? If I send you a funny kitten meme or a picture of a muscle car?
[We need help spreading the word of his story to news stations, politicians, pastors, and parent groups. Cody also needs prayers and/or any donation, no matter how small, so that he can have life-saving medical treatment. Please help in any way you can. Any donation or story share helps; even one social media share, one email to a news station, and one email to a politician helps. APS has been known to take place with vaccines for decades. This is not a conspiracy; this is a fact of this life-threatening disorder.]
Please be PROUDLY ANTI-VAX... speaking TRUTH is how we WIN and help others avoid this pain & suffering. My entire paternal side of the family was wiped out by the C19 jab. Speak boldly.
This tiny contribution is offered as a (very small) effort to help you.
Dear Heather, to you and all the many parents out there, including myself and my beautiful daughter Rachel, who look at our suffering children and pray for the day when this evil is behind us. I so admire you and all those out there fighting for our children’s lives. God bless you, know that you are not alone, we are with you in spirit and truth, Shelly Laginha
VSRF live
Keep on fighting Cody!
Sending prayers
Thank you for sharing Cody's story on the VSRF livestream!
Keep going Cody!
May God bless you and keep you.
I will keep your family in my prayers! God is so unbelievably good. He ALWAYS answers prayers in a way that melts hearts.
Dearest Cody - Continued fervent prayers for you and your family.
I am so proud of you mommy lioness. Your strength and love is admirable. Your son knows such love. May you find a bit of comfort, reading my respect and admiration for you.
Praying for Cody and all the vaccine injured.
I strongly support Cody's Law. Blessings.
Prayers for your family
February 3rd, 2025
Urgent: The first vaccine injury law in the nation to bring the injured expedited medical care has been filed in Florida. We still need a Florida Senate Co-sponsor. Cody's law is filed as HB 149-2025.
Your help is needed to get Cody to Florida's capitol to Bring The Receipts to the Florida Senators.
We have until the 28th of February to get a Senate co-sponsor.
We are hoping to have Cody physically bring printed copies of Cody's medical summary, the summaries of several other vaccine-injured cases, the 15-page House Congressional report on Covid-19 section on vaccine injury, and the recent 9-page letter to HHS by FOURTEEN U.S. Attorney Generals, seen by the Florida Senators.
Congress and 14 US Attorney Generals are seeking answers as to the abandonment of the vaccine-injured by HHS, and their words need to be read by the Senators.
We need help with the cost of transportation and lodging to get Cody to the Florida Senate. He can only travel about half an hour at a time before stopping due to his blood clotting disorder. We will need to stay the night. Our family is financially devastated by his injury and needs help to make this trip.
We have all the media (receipts) printed now, and the good news is that a generous humanitarian and kind soul donated Cody's manual wheelchair, which is a Godsend and blessing. We desperately need this help. Thank you to the amazing donor, one of the kindest people we know.
Right now, we need help getting Cody to Tallahassee. Please donate if you can.
Cody also still needs an electric wheelchair that costs about $1200 for longer treks.
Ultimately, we want to go to Washington to bring these same materials to the offices of each elected official.
Any amount helps. Thank you.
January 10th, 2025 Your help is needed to get Cody to Florida's capitol -Tallahassee- to physically bring printed copies of Cody's medical summary, the summaries of several other vaccine-injured cases, the 15-page House Congressional report on Covid-19 section on vaccine injury, and the recent 9-page letter to HHS by FOURTEEN U.S. Attorney Generals.
Congress and 14 US Attorney Generals are seeking answers as to the abandonment of the vaccine-injured by HHS.
Our family is bankrupted by Cocy's medical bills and the cost of transportation, medication, and caring for Cody with no help from the government.
We are taking this to every official in Tallahassee. We need help funding this trip.
Cody can't travel to make an impact without a wheelchair.
Cody still needs an XL lightweight wheelchair that we cannot afford. I have muscle disease and can't lift more than about 15 lbs, and Cody is 6' 3" tall. It is an expensive chair because it needs to be lightweight and big enough for someone this tall. Please help if you can. The manual chair is $777 on Amazon. He also needs an electric wheelchair that is about $1200 for longer treks (pic below).
We desperately need this help.
Ultimately, we want to go to Washington to bring these same materials to the offices of each elected official.
Any amount helps. Thank you.
October 22nd, 2024
Cody needs your help and financial support, but others also need your help to support to get medical care for the vaccine-injured. Please donate to help Cody and then visit
Story below...
While many independent physicians are taking a stand (and leading by example) to call out global medical complex failures that became headline news in the Covid-19 pandemic, it is clear that our “mainstream” medical and public health institutions, and social safety nets, as a whole, have fallen to depths so low that the experiences we have had in encountering these agencies and institutions have been so bleak and unthinkable that they would likely seem like fiction to others when attempting to tell our story.
It seems the only way to shed light on the decay of our nation’s fallen public health, medical, and social safety nets effectively, for this mother, is to write about our family’s heartbreaking experience and to take action to help the desperately ill to get medical care.
Along with many others in this movement who have become family to us and shown us strength in our darkest days as our beloved son Cody fights for his life after his COVID-19 vaccine injury, we do not stand alone.
Countless other injured individuals, bereaved families, and the families of the injured are living through hardships that are not easy to write about or to live through. The COVID-19 vaccines and pandemic protocols have brought loss of life and illness on a level none of us could have imagined. We are a nation in tears and with shattered hearts over the failures of our public health officials and leaders in a great time of need for our nation.
We are all calling out for help for the injured and justice for the injured and bereaved. I am calling on all who read these words to share Cody’s story and -which includes the stories of others in desperate need of medical care, like Cody- to help those injured by the COVID-19 vaccines or hospital protocols.
We all need to draw attention to the medical abandonment of our injured citizens who were left without medical care and treatment after they were injured from the COVID-19 shots.
In a united voice, we must demand the end of heartwrenching failures that have left them without care as they suffer these injuries.
Many know that my world stopped in its tracks in 2021, and my son’s world literally stopped in its tracks when my vibrant, 21-year-old son, Cody, took two COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. Since October 2021, he has been fighting for his life after he was left with an insidious autoimmune blood clotting disorder called antiphospholipid syndrome APS, linked to his COVID-19 vaccines. At age 24, he is a multiple stroke victim and can no longer walk on his own. He has suffered heart injury and pulmonary embolism (twice), a partially collapsed lung, infarcts in the lung and brain, severe stenosis of the brain, and more. He has the worst manifestation of APS disease, called triple-positive APS, and he becomes treatment-resistant, leaving him vulnerable to unpredictable blood clotting, strokes, and also bleeding from thrombocytopenia. Cody is fighting for his life.
What is even more unbearable is knowing that Cody is one of countless others fighting for their lives and that we must all fight for them.
For these reasons, we ask you to please learn about Cody’s background story and the story of how people like Cody —who did what their government asked them to do by taking the COVID-19 vaccines and then were abandoned and provided no medical care or means for diagnosis, treatment, and life-saving drugs when they fell desperately ill and unable to work.
We are asking for your support for Cody’s Law, which was written with the goal of asking our state governments to do the right thing to provide the requested expedited medical care to these individuals who are now disabled, severely injured, rely on medications or treatments to live and are unable to work, fell between the cracks and are abandoned without care. This is similar to the compassionate allowances program through our disability programs, which expedite care for cancer patients.
Cody’s Law serves as a template for other states. Supporters from coast to coast are asking to help bring Cody’s Law- expedited medical care for the Declared Emergency Countermeasure-injured to their state legislators, and we intend to help them do just that. This is just the beginning.
Sign the petition here:
You may sign from any state, as the goal is to get a version passed in each state.
Thank you for helping Cody. Please help the others by signing the petition next.
Thank you,
Cody's Mom
April 1st, 2024
April 1st, 2024
Hospital photos
March 31st, 2024
Photos of the journey.
March 31st, 2024
Cody's fight for life.
March 31st, 2024
We will ad a few photos of Cody's journey here...
March 31st, 2024
Photos below
March 31st, 2024
Photos added
March 31st, 2024
I have written an extensive and emotional update on Cody's continued struggle to live through his aggressive blood clotting disorder. He has had setbacks and also progress on and off since the last update. He has extensive medical bills and has many specialist and therapy appointments several times a month. The details of his journey can be found on my (Cody's mom's) substack, including the full journal of his plight since last October 2023, when his case became acute again. Cody needs your help.
A mother's Anthem Substack: Cody's plight -
Here is an excerpt from the Substack journal:
A raw, pointed, emotional journal documenting the slow decline of my son, left with terminal illness after his COVID-19 vaccine -and his abandonment by our government. He is one of countless others.
January 2024…
The pressure in your brain from the narrowing of your veins is giving you migraines, your eyes hurt, and you have pressure in your head. Who will help, the hospital wasn’t able to. I am watching you die? Am I watching you die? How do I know? I have to think fast! God help us…
I call your independent doctor and tell him there are no more options and that the warfarin left you with clotting in the brain despite treatment. Immediately, your doctor and Dr. Vaughn put a different treatment plan together. The 2023 blood clots began the first week of October 2023, and it wasn’t until days before January 2024 that the last brain CT was read, showing the vein narrowing from clots. Together, these honorable men who are doctors and dad and I have a plan. God help us to help you.
Each day, journaling and logging your treatment and symptoms. Dad and I ask, are you are in pain? How much pain? We inspect the lower portion whites of your eyes to see the amount and coloration of the vessels visible in your eyes. Look up son, hold your lower lid down. If the vessels are heavily impregnated with blood or more vessels are reddened, we know you are likely to bleed. Your nose will bleed, and your skin can bleed. You can also have blood in your sputum. Did your nose bleed? Did you cough up blood? How is the pressure in your head?
We have to assess the pressure in your brain. You are weak; you fell today. How many times today? You come up the steps and fall. I want to protect you from this, but you are clinging on to your independence. “No, Mom, I will do it myself,” you say. Son, I feel like a ; I don’t know what to do. Sometimes, I have to talk to you and explain that we have to step in and protect you. We make compromises… sometimes they are unspoken, sometimes they come with tears, and every time, I am in awe of your strength. On days we know you are weaker, Dad is behind you, and I am in front of you to catch you. You are 24 years old; you lean on your dad or your mom to walk. I know, we know this crushes you. We walk together and vow to find a way to help you feel empowered.
You are slowly transitioned from warfarin to the new medication, and in about five days, I see your eyes brighten. In about six days, I see you getting up from your chair a little stronger. In a week, I see you getting up to make your own hot tea again. After two weeks you are walking outside to read your book and take in some sunshine.
I am proud of you for the small steps. Still, I know that on most days, you feel as if your body is a prison. I know that it is very difficult to help with some things that would make your life better. We are financially ruined. So, how do we find a way to improve your setting and your mindset?
Since the pulmonary embolism (PE), something that you have struggled with has been the damage to your pulmonary system. When you turn to the side or bend down, sometimes the pain is so great in your lungs/ribs that your vision fades to black. When you ride in the car, a speed bump is agony; a pothole is agony as your lungs had so much pressure from the PE that it damaged your sternum and it damaged your lung lining. Not many people understand or know this pain. When you fall asleep in the car, these pains wake you; sleeping doesn’t help. I think out of all of your pain, this pain, I pray, will ease for you more than any other. I want you to have your freedom.
I can’t take you out for a drive. I can’t whisk you away for a change of scenery. What do I do? You are pent-up, frustrated, and broken down, and it's my job to find a way to help keep your spirit up. Music… if I play music, hot tea… if I make you a hot tea, maybe a fuzzy, sweet soul? If I get your kitten and place him on your chest, will your heartache ease now? If I send you a funny kitten meme or a picture of a muscle car? .....
October 20th, 2023
This is a particularly rough week for Cody, as Cody's medical case has become acute again. Cody has now suffered repeated blood clots again in October 2023 after his 2021 COVID-19 "vaccines" despite being fully anticoagulated. He will always suffer from his blood clotting disorder that is linked to his 2021 COVID-19 vaccine as he was left with an insidious blood clotting disorder.
He has now been told this week that he has a new DVT and a small PE. He has been in and out of the hospital twice this week. His "vaccine" was over two years ago when he was 21. At that time, he suffered a massive autoimmune event/PE after the shots and coughed up blood for months, left with a lifelong blood clotting disorder, weakness, walking with a cane, and autoimmune disease. His medical case is a published case study.
He is coughing blood again this week and lies in the balance of low platelet numbers and blood clotting. he has to see three new specialists and have extensive testing outside the hospital.
Please consider helping Cody with his medical bills or help him to simply buy a book as he is homebound for the next three weeks as he works to recover. Any amount helps.
He can't work as of October 2021, and the government "vaccine" compensation programs are defunct and it is widely known that reforms are needed. he gets no help with his medicine, medical bills, or unemployment, as is the case with all of the COVID-19 vaccine injured.
More information can be seen on my SubStack, "A Mother's Anthem." I am Cody's mom (Heather), pulling for him and caring for him. I take him to all of his appointments and, when has been well enough to do so, to publicly speak about his story.
April 2nd, 2023
Just a quick update, we have been to Tallahassee to meet with legislators, testified via written and zoom call in Maryland and met with Dr. Cole and other powerful voices in this movement in Orlando this last week.
We are still hoping to attend other speaking engagements that are upcoming. Cody is unable to work and is going to college thanks to the help of a family friend. But every day is tough.
Cody remains walking with a cane and has his blood clotting disorder, but he is an honors student and we are proud of him.
Any donation helps, even $5.00 helps to get him to school or to help get us to speaking and legislative or legal appointments. Please consider helping this young man in his journey to finish college and to bring the truth of Covid-19 vaccine injuries to others, thank you!
November 30th, 2022
Hello, we are happy to say that Cody has written a "Dear College Student" letter to Yale this week for
an event bringing awareness about the college vaccine mandates with the keynote speaker Dr. Naomi Wolf.
A team of volunteers and advocates are beaming with pride over his ability to shine through his injury and help others.
We are also speaking alongside his courageous Dr. B to 100 health professionals and physicians in Canada this week, bringing his story and my research to help children and loved ones that live in Canada and are suffering.
We will have more updates and will provide links to the work Cody and I are doing to help save lives.
God and power that is greater than we are with us as we take this journey.
Heather Hudson
Mother to one brave young man
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.