Monthly Goal:
USD $1,600
Total Raised:
USD $0
Raised this month:
USD $0
Campaign funds will be received by Alliance for Land Liberty
After years of standing up for our Liberty in Delta County, We are now ready to go full time.
Our goal is to create a paper and digital newsletter that will keep people up to date on the goings on of topics that effect Delta County. We wish to create a platform where the community can stay in touch, contribute meaningfully to debates and help solve the problems our county faces.
One step that is missing in our political system here is a way for the public to contribute and communicate their ideas to their political officials. This is one of our goals.
We need your help to pay part-time staff to build this platform for the people.
We are asking for recurring contributions so that we can build our organization. So if you can spare $1 a month please do.
Thank you!
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