USD $10,358
Campaign funds will be received by Ann P
God bless you !
God bless you all J6 political prisoners. May God free you and heal you!
God bless you! Saw you with Shemane on Sunday.
Stay strong my brave Patriot friend!
Chris, I pray that everyone who committed crimes against you will be exposed and brought to justice. May our Lord and Savior completely heal your body and spirit! Thank you for standing as an American patriot.
God Bless You !
Praying for all of our J6ers who were unlawfully persecuted
Heard you on Sandy Rios. God's strength is made perfect in our weakness.
What happened to you and all the other J6er's is beyond wicked and evil, but just as God did for Joseph in the Old Testament.... Genesis 50:20....But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive. May God bless you, your family, and your future assignment, I think you've earned it.
So glad you made it through. Prayers are with you. Yes! ...liberty and justice for all! Because we are ONE NATION UNDER GOD!!
Never give up, never surrender
Hang in there brother.
Thank you Chris
March 6th, 2025
Pardon Day 45
Yes it is true that myself and almost all J6'ers are out of prison, but WE ARE NOT "FREE".
J6'ers have lost everything and the little we do have left many of us are on the verge of losing the little bit we have left. I cant even get the medical attention I need.
Please consider helping a J6'er.
Thank you again to the GOAT POTUS Donald Trump for the Pardon that got me home to my beautiful wife, and to our LORD & Savior Jesus Christ for all His Mercy.
February 18th, 2025
Chris is in need of many medical tests, biopsies and consultation and is need of your help. His truck also just broke down. We are barely making it with Faith guiding the way.
February 10th, 2025
Thank you to My LORD & Savior Jesus Christ. My Faith saved my life.
Thank you to the GREATEST President this country will ever have, Donald J. Trump.
My beautiful wife Trish for being my Warrior Princess. I love you so very much. Forever & Always
To ALL you great American Patriots that wrote to me, funded my commissary, and prayed for me & Trish.
I need your help & support. I am in need of a lot of medical testing and procedures to determine where my health stands at this point. I am also exposing the intentional malicious inhumane mistreatment us J6'ers endured at the hand(s) of the FBLie, the dishonorable judges and the jails & prisons at all levels of staff.
Please consider helping a Patriot that stood up for this country.
January 24th, 2024
Chris was taken from DC a little over a week ago and has since been in 9 facilities. This is known as diesel therapy and it’s basically legalized torture. Please pray for him and his health. BOP website says he’s currently in Miami. Not sure where he’s gonna end up or when but I know he needs serious prayer. God bless you all- Brittany
January 16th, 2024
Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, has declared a "New Era" regarding the House of Representatives investigation of the events surrounding January 6, 2021.
In light of the evidence Republican Representative Clay Higgins of Louisiana has eluded to in his interview with Tucker Carlson, Representative Higgins claims that without a doubt protestors on January 6, 2021 were "SET UP", and there is a vast amount of evidence proving it!!
There are NO MORE EXCUSES for Political Prosecutions NOR for Patriotic American's to be held " HOSTAGE " in a judiciary system that seems indifferent to the TRUTH!!
January 6th detainees, inmates, and prisoners are classified at the highest risk categories, held in involuntary protective custody (many times in solitary confinement), DENIED basic inmate rights and privileges like video visits with family and certain commissary items, basic first aid, and a TOTAL LACK of medical treatment for chronic medical issues.
"We the American People" MUST call our Congressman and Senators and DEMAND ACTION!!
Congress needs to directly withhold funds from the DOJ & FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force and also direct funding for prosecutor's that are prosecuting crimes related to January 6, 2021.
There is NO realistic threat posed by the vast majority of "Politically Persecuted" J6 Defendants to warrant the violation of thousands, and possibly tens of thousands of Patriotic Americans Civil Rights!!
"We the People" MUST approach this matter with a level of belligerence rarely seen!!
It is not just your duty, it is your obligation as Americans to contact your elected Representative's and demand they ACT on the very voices of the American people that put them in office.
This is their primary duty as "We the People's" Representative's!!
You must also contact CNN, NBC, MSNBC, FOX NEWS, and Patriotically friendly press like the Gateway Pundit, Revolver News, Bannons War Room, and insist they put Congress on notice and demand Congress ACT, not just investigate, and to immediately defund the DOJ, prosecutors and the FBI until the "Persecution by Prosecution" is STOPPED!!
They must also call upon the Judiciary Branch to ACT with equity, and "Dismiss", or at least "Stay" ALL J6 cases with "Cause to review" while also releasing ALL detainees, inmates, and prisoners "In the Interest of Justice".
Government only has the authority because "We the People" consent!!
"We the People" NO LONGER CONSENT to the continued "Persecution by Prosecution" of January 6th Defendants!!
When ALL of the truth of January 6, 2021 is exposed, the last 3 years will be a blight on all 3 Branches of Government.
If "We the People", or they, care about the governments credibility this MUST be addressed IMMEDIATELY, and remain FRONT & CENTER in everyone's daily agenda.
J6 picks the lock, it's well past time to TAKE ACTION!!
January 14th, 2024
What constitutes cruel and unusual punishment?
Is the point of incarceration to protect society from an alleged criminal, or has it become policy to further persecute by causing suffering beyond moral reasoning upon individuals?
These are the questions "We the People" need to be asking each other while utilizing our unlimited and vast resources.
What purpose does it serve to allow "de facto" mistreatment of its prisoners and inmates in jails and prisons across the country?!
Let us examine the case of Christopher Worrell, a current inmate at the DC Department of Corrections, often referred to as the "DC Gulag".
It received the nickname " DC Gulag" in part due to the severe mistreatment of Christopher in 2021.
In October of 2021, Senior Judge Royce C. Lamberth, to his credit, held the DC DOC Director Quincy Booth and the Warden Wanda Patton of the D.C. Jail (DC Gulag), in contempt of Federal Court for the mistreatment of Christopher as it pertained to his preexisting cancer treatment, and a broken hand.
The "DC Gulag" was caught altering and omitting Chris's medical records and REFUSED to comply with a court order issued by Senior Federal Judge Lamberth.
Despite the mistreatment in the "DC Gulag" that nearly killed Christopher Worrell during his 8 months of incarceration, for 3 years federal prosecutors maintained in court filings and in oral arguments that Mr. Worrell was fabricating and faking his illnesses. In November 2021, Judge Lamberth released Christopher immediately to the U.S. Marshals after a court hearing due to the fact that he was concerned for Chris's safety in the "DC Gulag" and feared "retribution" against Chris from the "DC Gulag" staff.
OH!! The sad state of affairs, where in jails and prisons across America, victims are punished for speaking out about their mistreatment!!
Chris went home and he was told by doctors his cancer had accelerated to a Stage 3 condition due to the blatant "Deliberately Indifferent" medical mistreatment at the "DC Gulag" by DC DOC employees, and Unity Health Care !medical staff where Dr's Mitchell and Crenshaw over watched the medical treatments of all inmates.
In 2022 Chris endured 6 weeks of chemotherapy, of which Chris suffered severe allergic reactions. Chris also underwent multiple surgeries removing ALL of his teeth so doctors could gain access to his jaw bone and perform bone grafting to his badly deteriorating mandible in an attempt to save the remaining bone.
This was not "faked", but even right up t sentencing, prosecutors representing We the American People continued their claims that Chris was " fabricating and faking his illnesses" in an attempt to avoid trial which had to be postponed 3 times while Chris underwent many medical treatments.
Understandably, Chris developed PTSD symptoms, and a genuine fear for his life should he be returned to the negligent care of the jail and prison system in America!! In late spring of 2023 Chris was finally well enough to attend trial, and was convicted on all charges. (No surprise there in a railroad system the DC District court had proven to be.)
A reasonable person might doubt a conviction for 18 USC 111(b), assault with a dangerous weapon, where for nearly 3 years the FBI combined with the testimony of witnesses for the prosecution have all testified they "have no idea who Mr. Worrell's target was".
Christopher also wore a body camera on the day of January 6, 2021, and despite having downloaded nearly 7 1/2 hours of footage to his laptop, which was confiscated by the FBI, the government claims no such footage exists.
A reasonable person could also conclude that it would show who Chris did, or perhaps DID NOT pepper spray.
In August 2023, Chris suffered a major anxiety attack as he truly "feared for his life" upon returning to the "DC Gulag" or her sister jails and prisons.
Chris also felt the sting of tortuous mistreatment an neglect while also suffering from the deprivation of his Right(s) to confront his "Accusor" in court as to his alleged assault.
Chris chose to, out of a genuine reasonable "fear for his life", to "go on the run" for a period of 45 days.
This wasn't something Chris took pride in, it was rather an act of survival. When Chris was captured at home he suffered a major anxiety attack, and was found unconscious by the FBI.
During Chris's PTSD driven anxiety attack Chris also took a bottle of pain pills deciding if he was going to die slowly and painfully in the custody of our prison system he would rather take his own life.
Chris is very humiliated and embarrassed by this momentarily rash decision, and he credits his Faith in God with sparing his life.
ONCE AGAIN, prosecutors testified that Chris "faked" this event despite being hospitalized for multiple days while undergoing detoxifying procedures.
Since Chris has been in custody for just over 3 months his medical issues have worsened, and have AGAIN been ignored!!
Chris is suffering from open sores and lesions, swollen legs and feet, body pains and cramps, and is also watching his Lymphoma grow on his face and head.
Chris has also found statements in his medical records PROVING he has not been examined.
One of the many errors he found states Chris's tonsils are "PRESENT" and "NORMAL"!!
Chris had his tonsils removed 18 years ago!!
It may not seem like a big deal, however, this shows the symptomatic neglect of Chris and other prisoners.
A simple examination or review of Chris's existing medical records would show the truth!!
Other January 6th inmates have also suffered as well. Broken hands gone untreated, faulty pace makers installed and then ignored, strokes going untreated, and medications for chronic illnesses being delayed and/or denied are just a few examples.
Many advocates for J6 inmates have contacted Congressman Byron Donalds to detail the mistreatment of Chris. Representative Byron Donalds has expressed his desire to form a Committee to hold Congressional hearings, and to then supeana January 6th inmates to testify before Congress about the inhumane mistreatment they have endured while in custody at DC DOC's "DC Gulag", and her sister jails and prisons. ******* CALL TO ACTION *******
Chris and other inmates are imploring fellow Americans to contact Congressman Byron Donalds and others, and demand Congress to convene an Investigative Committee and ask, "How much is too much?" and what "Cruel and Unusual Punishment" can Americans tolerate from our jails and prisons?!
PLEASE contact: Mercedes Price-Harry
202-807-8967- Call or Text
Mercedes.PriceHarry@mail.house.gov - EMail
If it happens to one it can happen to all!!
PLEASE also go to givesendgo.com/4Patriotsupport and help Chris raise money to pay his fines, and fight his Appeal and Civil suit against D.C.
"UNITED WE STAND"- Chris Worrell
January 10th, 2024
Chris would also love to connect and text with you. He said you can download the gtlgettingout app and look for him under the Washington DC CDF and CTF facility and his inmate number is 377183. The facility blocks hate messages and they are not approved if they violate their standards so don’t waste your time if you’re looking to be ugly! Thank you! -Brittany
January 9th, 2024
Chris's medical neglect has continued in the DC Gulag!!
It took the doctors at the Gulag 9 DAYS to get Chris his heart meds even though he arrived with 4 days of meds from the previous BOP facility.
Chris also requested a high protein and vegetable diet and was REFUSED!!
Dr Crenshaw said he didn't "qualify" for a special diet despite having a very rare form of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma which is also an immune deficiency disease that requires constant care and maintenance even when in remission.
Chris was also singled out by Dr Crenshaw while at medical the other day. She approached him and handed him a mask and told him, "you won't be seen if you don't put on a mask" despite at least 6 other inmates in medical that were not told to nor had a mask on proving Dr Crenshaw's deliberate discrimination against Chris.
Dr Crenshaw is one of the same doctors that were directly responsible for Chris's deliberately indifferent mistreatment at the DC Gulag!!
Their blatant and intentional 8 months of mistreatment resulted in Chris coming home with a Stage 3 cancer issue.
Their mistreatment of Chris also resulted in the Warden & DC DOC Director being held in contempt of court after the US Marshalls caught the jail omitting and changing Chris's medical records and also refusing to submit his records to the court when they were requested.
Chris has also suffered from anxiety and PTSD attacks because of his mistreatment and what he had to endure in 2022 and 2023 medically.
Please find it in your hearts to share Chris's story and to also help him.
Chris has to pay fines of over $2100 or they will take all his commissary money until the fine is paid in full.
Chris also needs to raise a lot of money for his appeal or he will lose his appeal option.
Chris wants you all to know that he is so very appreciative of you all for the love and support you have shown him.
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.