
Summer Fundraising Causes to Raise Money for on GiveSendGo

By: Alex Shipley on | Comments: 0

Everyone knows that summer is a time for fun in the sun, but it’s also a great time to make a difference and help those in need. Whether you’re looking to raise funds for a charity close to your heart, support a local community project, or help someone in need, GiveSendGo is the perfect platform to get started. So what are some summer causes can you raise money for on GiveSendGo? 

Beach Clean-Up Projects
Beaches are a popular destination during the summer months, but unfortunately, they often become littered with trash and debris. Organizing a beach clean-up project can help to keep our beaches beautiful and clean for everyone to enjoy. By raising funds on GiveSendGo, you can fund travel expenses and purchase supplies such as trash bags, gloves, and other equipment needed to make the project a success.

Summer Camp Scholarships
Summer camps can be a life-changing experience for children, providing them with an opportunity to make new friends, learn new skills, build their confidence, and even help lead children to the Lord. Unfortunately, not all families can afford to send their children to summer camp and prices are continuing to rise every year. By raising funds on GiveSendGo, you can provide scholarships for children who would not otherwise have the opportunity to attend camp. Raise funds for your own kids, raise funds as a church to provide scholarships, or raise funds for your kids’ friends! No matter what, they’ll never forget their summer camp experience! 

Disaster Relief Efforts
Usually, summer is peak time for vacations, breaks from school, and opportunities to make memories, but it can also bring severe weather conditions such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfires. These disasters can cause immense damage and displacement of people. By raising funds on GiveSendGo, you can provide support to those affected by these disasters by giving to people with relief campaigns or you can start a campaign for people you know that have been affected. 

Animal Shelters
During the summer months, many animals are surrendered or abandoned, and animal shelters become overcrowded. By raising funds on GiveSendGo, you can donate to animal shelters to help with the care of these animals, including food, medical care, and shelter.

Church Events
Churches put on some great events during the summer such as block parties, fish fries, and concerts. Or maybe your church is planning some summer mission trips that need funding. No matter what your church has planned, GiveSendGo is the place to fundraise for these needs, especially since GiveSendGo understands the importance of prayer and faith in God. 

In conclusion, summer is a fantastic time to make a positive impact and help others. By raising funds on GiveSendGo for any of the causes mentioned above or any other cause you’re passionate about, you can make a difference and spread joy and kindness in your community. So, let’s get fundraising, and have a great summer!

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Raising Money for College Tuition on GiveSendGo

By: Alex Shipley on | Comments: 1

Congratulations to all graduating seniors! It's an exciting (sometimes scary) time as you start to plan for your future, and we know that the cost of college tuition can be a daunting hurdle to overcome. But don't worry, because GiveSendGo is here to help you raise money for your college education. 

Here are some tips for raising money for college tuition on GiveSendGo:

Create a Compelling Campaign: Your campaign page is the place where you have a chance to tell your story and explain why you need help paying for college. Maybe you’re a first-generation college student, looking to avoid student loans altogether, or simply want to build up your savings throughout your college career. Make sure to include details about your academic achievements, future goals, and why you're passionate about your chosen field of study. You can also add photos and videos to your campaign gallery to make your campaign more engaging and personal.

Spread the Word: Once you've created your campaign, it's time to start spreading the word. Share your campaign on social media, email or text it to family and friends, and even consider reaching out to your church as well as local businesses and organizations. The more people who know about your campaign, the more likely you are to reach your fundraising goal.

Offer Perks: Offering perks to your donors is a great way to incentivize them to give. You can offer anything from a personalized thank you note to exclusive merchandise or even a personalized video message. Get creative and think about what perks would resonate with your audience.
Host a Fundraising Event: Hosting a fundraiser is a fun and effective way to raise money for your college tuition. You can organize a bake sale, car wash, or even a charity run. Get your family and friends involved and make it a community event.

Keep Your Donors Updated: Once you start receiving donations, make sure to keep your donors updated on your progress. Share updates on your campaign page and social media, send personalized emails, and even consider creating a newsletter. Your donors want to know how their money is making a difference, so make sure to keep them in the loop.

With these tips, you'll be well on your way to raising money for your college tuition on GiveSendGo. Don't be afraid to get creative and have fun with your fundraising efforts. Remember, every dollar counts, and with hard work and dedication, you can achieve your dreams of going to college. Good luck!
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Spring Cleaning for a Cause on GiveSendGo

By: Alex Shipley on | Comments: 0

Spring cleaning is a time-honored tradition many people look forward to each year. It's a time to freshen up your home, get rid of clutter, and start anew. But did you know that spring cleaning can also be a great opportunity to support a cause on GiveSendGo? Here’s how!

Sell your old belongings: One of the best ways to use your spring cleaning for a cause is to gather up all of your old belongings (clothes, kids' toys, furniture) and sell them. Then, you can use the funds to make a donation to a GiveSendGo cause of your choice. Not only will you be decluttering your home, but you'll also be helping others in need. And if you don’t know of a cause or someone who has a GiveSendGo campaign you want to give to, consider joining our Giver Army and donating your funds to a cause through our charity branch, GiveSendGo Charities. 

Host a garage sale: If you have a lot of items to sell, consider hosting a garage sale. This is a great way to get rid of unwanted items while also raising money for a cause you care about. Advertise your sale on social media, and be sure to let people know that a portion (or all) of the proceeds will be donated to a GiveSendGo cause.

Donate to a local charity: If you don't want to sell your belongings, consider donating them to a local charity. Many charities accept gently used items, and your donation could help someone in need. You can then make a donation to a GiveSendGo cause with the money you would have spent on storage fees or a professional organizer.

Volunteer your time: Spring cleaning isn't just about getting rid of unwanted items. It's also a time to spruce up your community. Consider volunteering your time to help with a local park cleanup, community garden, or beach cleanup. You'll be doing something good for your community while also getting some exercise and fresh air.

Start a fundraising campaign: If you're passionate about a particular cause, consider starting a fundraising campaign on GiveSendGo. You can use your spring cleaning as inspiration for your campaign. For example, if you're decluttering your closet, you could start a campaign to raise money for a homeless shelter. Or maybe you’re getting rid of your kids’ old toys, so you start a campaign to support foster children. 
Spring cleaning is a great opportunity to support a cause on GiveSendGo. By selling your old belongings, hosting a garage sale, donating to a local charity, volunteering your time, or starting a fundraising campaign, you can make a difference in the lives of others while also freshening up your home. So, put on your cleaning gloves and get ready to make a difference!
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