
How to Promote Your Giving Twosday Campaign

By: Alex Shipley on | Comments: 0
Giving Twosday is just around the corner, and it's the perfect time to start thinking about how you can maximize the impact of your campaign. At GiveSendGo, we believe in the power of generosity, and we're here to help you make your Giving Twosday campaign a resounding success.

One of our TOP tips is to share your campaign with your circle of friends, family, and community members because they’re often the ones most likely to donate to your campaign. They know you, trust you, and believe in your cause. Sharing your Giving Twosday campaign with them can be more effective than expecting support from strangers. People you know are the ones who want to see you succeed and make a difference. 
So, whether you're new to crowdfunding or an experienced campaigner, here are some effective ways to promote your Giving Twosday campaign and gain support for your cause. 

1. Leverage the Power of Social Media
Social media is a fantastic tool for spreading the word about your Giving Twosday campaign. Share regular updates, create engaging posts, and use popular hashtags like #GivingTwosday, #GivingTuesday, and #GivingTwosday2023 to reach a wider audience. Encourage your friends, family, and supporters to share your posts to expand your reach even further.

2. Personalize Your Message
Craft a compelling and personal story about your campaign's purpose. Share your passion, the impact your campaign can make, and why it matters. People connect with real stories, and a genuine, heartfelt, message can inspire others to support your cause.

3. Email Campaign
Don't underestimate the power of a well-crafted email campaign. Reach out to your contacts and let them know about your Giving Twosday campaign. Be sure to include the campaign link and explain how their support will make a difference. Personalize your emails for a more significant impact.

4. Engage with Your Supporters
Interact with your supporters through comments and messages on your campaign page on GiveSendGo. Express gratitude for their contributions and keep them updated on the campaign's progress. When people see your active involvement, they're more likely to stay engaged and share your campaign.

5. Partner with Influencers
If you have connections with social media influencers or local celebrities, consider partnering with them to promote your campaign. Their endorsement can significantly boost your campaign's visibility.

6. Collaborate with Local Businesses
Reach out to local businesses and ask if they'd be willing to promote your Giving Twosday campaign. Some businesses may even consider matching donations, providing an extra incentive for supporters.

7. Host Fundraising Events
Organize events or activities related to your campaign and use them to raise awareness. This can be a virtual event, a bake sale, a charity run, a church potluck, or any creative activity that aligns with your campaign's cause.

8. Create Engaging Visuals
Visual content is highly shareable. Design eye-catching images, videos, and graphics related to your campaign and share them on social media and in your campaign updates.

9. Send Personal Messages
Reach out to your friends and family with personal messages, letting them know about your Giving Twosday campaign. Sometimes, a direct ask can be the most effective way to gain support.

10. Share Regular Updates
Consistency is key. Keep your campaign fresh in people's minds by sharing regular updates on your progress, milestones, and the impact of their donations.

With these strategies in your toolbox, you're well on your way to promoting your Giving Twosday campaign successfully. Remember that every contribution, no matter how big or small, is making a difference. 

Now, go out and make this Giving Twosday one to remember! We believe in you!
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Skip the Coffee for a Day, Share Hope on GiveSendGo Instead

By: Alex Shipley on | Comments: 5

In a world where our daily lives often revolve around the pursuit of convenience and personal indulgence, it's easy to forget the profound impact that a small act of giving can have on someone else's life. We all have our guilty pleasures, like that $5 cup of coffee (sometimes more for those elaborate coffee orders) we grab on our way to work each morning. But what if we told you skipping that coffee just once a month could be the key to making a genuine difference in someone's life? Welcome to GiveSendGo, where a small sacrifice can make huge impact on the life of someone in need. 

Giving Up That $5 Coffee: The First Step
Imagine this: You wake up early for work and rush out the door. Maybe you didn't have time to make your morning coffee, or perhaps, going through that drive-thru is a morning ritual for you. Whether you have your eye on that intricate, frothy, spiced delight that costs a bit more than your regular brew or you're a fan of the no-frills black coffee that gets you through your day, it's all about the comfort, convenience, and routine that coffee brings.

But today, you decide to break that routine, to make a small sacrifice. Instead of indulging in your regular cup of coffee, you choose to put that $5 (or more) to a better use. On GiveSendGo, you have the unique opportunity to give that amount to a campaign that you care about. It could be about supporting a local community project, extending a helping hand to a family in need, or aiding a charity that tirelessly works towards a profoundly meaningful cause. That simple decision to forgo your morning caffeine fix becomes a powerful act of transformation, sowing seeds of hope, support, and change for someone else.

Join the Giver Army: Amplify Your Impact
Now, what if you take it a step further? Imagine making a small monthly commitment to join the Giver Army 2.0, a community of micro-philanthropists who pledge to generously donate for a year to supported causes by GiveSendGo Charities. With as little as $5 per month (skipping your morning coffee only ONCE a month), you can make a big difference in the lives of those in need.

Every month, GiveSendGo Charities combines the Giver Army's monthly donations into grants and awards them to qualifying campaigns associated with each selected cause. Whether it's supporting disaster relief efforts, funding medical treatments, or empowering educational initiatives, your combined contributions are channeled to where they are needed most.

The Ripple Effect: How Your Giving Impacts Lives
The beauty of GiveSendGo lies not only in the direct help it provides to those in need but also in the ripple effect it creates. Your $5, when combined with the donations of fellow givers, becomes a beacon of hope for someone in crisis. It can be the difference between despair and recovery, between missed opportunities and a brighter future.

Imagine the joy on a child's face when they receive the education they thought was out of reach. Picture the relief in the eyes of a family facing a medical crisis, knowing they have the support of a caring community. Envision the resilience of a disaster-stricken community, rising from the ashes with the help of your donations.

Start Giving Today
So, are you ready to be a part of something bigger than yourself? Are you willing to make a small sacrifice, skip that $5 coffee, and channel your money towards making a difference? GiveSendGo is not just a platform; it's a community and a movement for hope. It's a reminder that in our fast-paced lives, we can choose to be mindful of the impact we have on others.

Take the first step today. Visit GiveSendGo, find a campaigns that you care about, and start giving. Join the Giver Army, and make a huge difference, one small sacrifice at a time. Together, we can create a world where giving is a way of life, and the power of hope and compassion knows no bounds.
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Fundraising Ideas for Parents on GiveSendGo

By: Alex Shipley on | Comments: 1

Are you a dedicated parent with big dreams for your child? Whether it's funding educational pursuits, extracurricular activities, medical needs, or any other aspiration, GiveSendGo offers a platform that can turn your fundraising efforts into reality. Here are some innovative ways parents can use GiveSendGo to raise funds for their kids:

Education Enrichment: Give your child a head start in education by raising funds for tutoring, specialized courses, or even study abroad opportunities. Share your child's passion for learning and watch the community come together to support their academic journey.

Sports and Activities: Is your child passionate about sports, music, arts, or other hobbies? Create a fundraiser to cover costs related to equipment, travel expenses for competitions, or lessons. It's a great way to nurture their talents and keep them engaged.

Medical Support: In times of medical challenges, a strong giving community can make a world of difference. Fundraising on GiveSendGo can help alleviate the financial burden of medical bills, treatments, and necessary equipment, allowing your child to focus on recovery.

Dream Trips: What kid doesn’t like to travel? Make your child's dream vacation a reality by crowdfunding for travel expenses. Whether it's a family vacation, a school trip, or a solo adventure, sharing your child's enthusiasm can inspire generosity from friends, family, and the community.

Charitable Causes: Teach your child the importance of giving back by raising funds for a charitable cause close to their heart. Whether it's supporting a local charity, a community project, or an international initiative, involving your child in the process can be a valuable life lesson.

Entrepreneurial Ventures: If your child has an entrepreneurial spirit, GiveSendGo can be a platform to fund their business ideas. From lemonade stands to handmade crafts, showcasing their creativity can unite family and friends who believe in their potential.

Special Occasions: Celebrate birthdays, graduations, and other milestones by creating a GiveSendGo campaign. Instead of traditional gifts, friends and family can contribute to a larger goal that benefits your child's future.

Arts and Creativity: Is your child an aspiring artist, writer, or performer? Use GiveSendGo to gather funds for art supplies, writing workshops, or performances. Empower their creative journey and showcase their talent to the world.

Language Learning: In a globalized world, knowing multiple languages is a valuable skill. Raise funds for language classes or immersion experiences that can broaden your child's horizons and open doors to diverse opportunities.

College and University Funds: With the rising costs of higher education, funding a college or university education can be challenging. Utilize GiveSendGo to garner support for tuition, textbooks, and living expenses. Help your child stay debt free through their college or university career!

GiveSendGo is a platform where you can raise money for the people and causes that matter to you. As a parent, you can use it to fundraise for your children's dreams, education, and talents, creating a significant impact on their lives. Fundraise on GiveSendGo and make a difference!
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