
30 Days of Giving Quotes, Bible verses and more

By: GiveSendGo on | Comments: 0
1.  “It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.” 
-- Mother Teresa

2.  “No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” 
-- Charles Dickens

3. “It is possible to give without loving, but it is impossible to love without giving.”
-- Richard Braunstein

4.“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” 
-- Winston S. Churchill

5.  “If a person gets his attitude toward money straight, it will help straighten out almost every other area in his life.”
-- Billy Graham

6.  Give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.
-- Deuteronomy 15:10

7.  Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.
-- Proverbs 3:27

8.  “Remember this—you can’t serve God and Money, but you can serve God with money.”
-- Selwyn Hughes

9.  “I judge all things only by the price they shall gain in eternity.”
-- John Wesley (1703-91), English evangelist and founder of Methodism

10.  “Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give.” 
-- Ben Carson

11.  “As base a thing as money often is, yet it can be transmuted into everlasting treasure. It can be converted into food for the hungry and clothing for the poor. It can keep a missionary actively winning lost men to the light of the gospel and thus transmute itself into heavenly values. Any temporal possession can be turned into everlasting wealth. Whatever is given to Christ is immediately touched with immortality.”
--A.W. Tozer (1897-1963), American pastor and writer

12. “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
--Acts 20:35

13.  “Always give without remembering and always receive without forgetting.” 
-- Brian Tracy

14. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him wouldn’t perish, but would have eternal life.
-- John 3:16

15.  "The more you give, the more comes back to you, because God is the greatest giver in the universe, and He won’t let you outgive Him. Go ahead and try. See what happens"
--Randy Alcorn

16. "The measure of a life, after all, is not its duration, but its donation"
--Corrie Ten Boom

17.  Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.
--Luke 6:38

18.  “The value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving.”
-- Albert Einstein

19.  A lack of generosity refuses to acknowledge that your assets are not really yours, but God’s
-- TIm Keller

20.  I do not believe one can settle how much we ought to give. I am afraid the only safe rule is to give more than we can spare.
-- C.S. Lewis

21. The world asks, ‘What does a man own?’ Christ asks, ‘How does he use it?
--  Andrew Murray

22.  “No person was ever honored for what he received. He was honored for what he gave.”
– Calvin Coolidge

23. And he would answer and say to them, “The man who has two tunics is to share with him who has none; and he who has food is to do likewise.”
--  Luke 3:11 

25. After giving something to God, you are no longer accountable for it. Your blessing is based on your giving, not on what others do with the gift.
--  Ed Cole

26.  Give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.
--  Deut 15:10

27.  God has a way of giving by the cartloads to those who give away by shovelfuls.
-- Charles Spurgeon

28. God is always trying to give good things to us, but our hands are too full to receive them.
-- Augustine

29. God loves a cheerful giver. 
-- 2 Corinthians 9:7

30. There are three kinds of givers -- the flint, the sponge and the honeycomb. To get anything out of a flint you must hammer it. And then you get only chips and sparks. To get water out of a sponge you must squeeze it, and the more you use pressure, the more you will get. But the honeycomb just overflows with its own sweetness. Which kind of giver are you?


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GoFundMe Alternative

By: Heather Wilson on | Comments: 10
It seems that now a days as soon as a financial need becomes known somebody immediately heads to Gofundme to start a campaign. Gofundme has done a wonderful job in making a name for themselves in the crowdfunding business. This would be great, but recently we have heard that Gofundme has taken a stance against Christians and has been taking down campaigns that they did not agree with.

So what does that mean for the body of Christ? How can we as Christians stand by and support gfm with full knowledge that is what is happening? Especially now that there is, a crowdfunding site designed for Christians by Christians. Being a Christian platform is not the only thing that sets us apart from gofundme. Here are some frequently asked questions: 

Who has less fees? 
 GiveSendGo has less fees. Actually GiveSendGo, as a platform, takes NO Fees.  We operate on donation only. Why use a site that takes between 5%-10% out for themselves? We want you to raise the money you need to raise.  So financially it is a no brainer. Give a way the money you earn or keep it .... hmmmm 

Is it easier to share campaigns on gofundme? 
No, GiveSendGo has all the same social media and email sharing options with just a click of a button. Also every campaign allows you to create a custom url link,  to make it easy to share your campaign.

How about setting up a campaign?
GiveSendGo has created a simple process that takes you step by step creating the different pieces of your campaign. You can stop and save anytime during the whole campaign create process, so if you need to take some time gather information, or if you get interrupted, when you log back in your campaign will be ready to pick up where you left off. 

How secure is my bank information? 
Givesendgo uses the same payment processors as a multitude of other sites.  It is completely secure with state of the art credit card processing security features. And no worries Givesendgo does not have access to your bank information as it is stored on your payment processing account with you having total control over your donations and deposits. 

A couple more facts you may not know. 
Each month, we give 10% of the donations given to GSG back to active campaigns on our site. We’re the only crowdfunding site that believes so much in what you’re doing that we put our money where our mouth is. We love being Givers!

The most valuable currency is God’s love. Only God can meet the deepest needs of each heart. That’s why we’re grateful to have individuals and organizations dedicated to praying over our campaigns. We pray for eternal results because those are ultimately the only outcomes that matter. The God we serve will ALWAYS be bigger than money.

We are one of the only platforms that allow for recurring donations. If someone wants to give you a set donation amount for a set amount of months it just takes a couple clicks. Then the giver can also login and track their donations or end them if necessary. 

Do not just take our word for it, see what people are saying about GSG:

"We used GiveSendGo to raise money for families in need. It was really important to us that every dollar that people donated went to the families and was not wasted on fees. Excellent platform with excellent customer service." Rachel Naomi Co-Founder Lift Me Up

"Giving to a campaign under GiveSendGo feels great in part because I know all the funds are going right to the cause. And I love this concept so much that I always voluntarily donate a little more to GiveSendGo so they can keep it going."   Tanya Zaleski Sylvester Generous GSG Donor

So, the next time you need to raise money, or know someone who does, point them in the direction of GiveSendGo.  You'll be glad you did.
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Life Crisis and Christian Crowdfunding

By: HEATHER WILSON on | Comments: 0
Are you or someone you care about experiencing a life crisis? Perhaps a Christian
crowdfunding campaign could ease some of your stress.  Although every day brings new challenges, there are times in each of our lives that could better be described as a crisis.

Oxford Dictionaries describes a crisis as “a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger…”

Are you feeling down and out right now? Do you feel like you need help? Here are some things to consider as you navigate a stretch of troubled waters and are thinking about Christian crowdfunding.

Should I Start a Christian Crowdfunding Campaign?
Crowdfunding is still relatively new. There are people in your circles who won’t be able to give you a solid answer to that question. Hopefully, you’ll have a few friends, coworkers or neighbors who offer input. Some may suggest you start a campaign without ever asking them. This is a good sign that you should consider a campaign. You can also ask the opinion of others if they don’t speak up. There’s a wide range of things you may need financial help with. Grief counseling, funeral expenses, a major vehicle repair and medical bills are just a few possibilities. Beware of the “No-Help Philosophy” There is a philosophy floating around out there that doesn’t reflect the heart of God.

It goes something like this:
“Never ask for help. You need to take care of your own problems yourself.”

The free gift of salvation God offers from our sin shouldn’t be accepted if that philosophy is fully applied. After all, salvation is all about God helping us out of a crisis
that we couldn’t get out of alone. Should we all be careful not to scam a system? To ask for help when we really don’t need it? Absolutely. But we must be equally careful not to reject a form of relief from intense trouble God provides.

Not only are there spiritual lessons for the one receiving the gift. There are lessons forthe giver. Life has a way of reversing roles, too. It’s quite possible that the roles of the helper and the helped will be reversed and it could be sooner than later. God grows us and tests us in both scenarios.

Pray For Discernment

God provides wisdom and answers through others around us. But to stop there would be shortsighted. Ask God for wisdom, peace and discernment about whether to start a campaign. God’s answer for everyone is a little different. It may be that others are suggesting that you start a campaign but you don’t have peace about that decision. Persistently pray for an answer. You may fear others won’t care about your crisis because it seems petty next to the extreme examples in the news. Again, ask God for wisdom. No need that God’s children have is petty in his sight. Remember, He cares for the sparrow. Certainly, your troubles are near to his heart. And He will provide a way out and relief at the proper time. Some of his help may come through Christian crowdfunding. It’s worthy of consideration as you walk a difficult road for a season.

A Final Thought
Although financial giving can be a huge help during trouble, it doesn’t heal grief. Nor does it provide the right perspective when things feel like they’re unraveling. That’s why GiveSendGo believes so strongly in prayer. May God bless you and your family during this hard time!
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