

By: Hudson Taylor Wells on | Comments: 0

To be honest, I’m terrified.
What can I say? It is simply the truth. Is it okay to feel this way? Is it okay to let the world know? How vulnerable can I be?

The truth is I am terrified. Not just afraid, but terrified. I know what some of you are thinking…Overdramatic, but, I kid you not. Look at it through my lenses:

For 6 years I have dedicated my life to a specific job that has required certain skills and special knowledge to complete.. The problem is, when it comes down to it, I have no control as to what will happen next.

You see, I get “paid” – if you can even call it that – by individuals who have decided that they like me enough to fund me, or they see the work I am doing and want to help fund the job. This leaves me and everything I invest myself into and puts it at the hands of a group of individuals who have a lot of other things going on for them and a lot of other focuses. In a regular 9-5 job, growing in a skill set or working overtime would get you ahead in life. Not in this business. Doing what I do requires that I give up everything – a comfortable home, job security, health benefits, regular income, a normal routine, etc – for the sake of something else or someone else.

Well then, why do I do it?

I do it because I know the value of what I am doing. Sure, I get paid $1.50 an hour, but I don’t do it for money. I do it for Him. I do it because I know that the reward in the end will be worth it.

Here is my problem though.

Not only am I terrified of what may come in my life, but I am terrified of letting people know I am terrified. In this line of “work” you need to be strong. You need to have all your ducks in a row, because if you don’t, that $1.50 and hour becomes $.75 an hour, and now I can’t pay rent.

But, I post “Terrified…” on Facebook anyways, and immediately I will have a slew of messages from “concerned” people – some who really do care – and then about a dozen comments under my post, sharing inspirational scripture that they think will help me or some ridicule as to the content of my character. All of these things coming from hearts of gold, I’m sure, but all that ends up getting translated to me as “you’re not doing your ‘job’ right.” In a moment of weakness, I slip up and let the world know what is going on in my heart, and it takes that phrase and runs a mile with it.

Well goodness, what am I to do? Take the hint and end it all? Keep pressing on with perseverance? Take it as a sign that He wants me to give it up?
I have no idea. I didn’t study for this part of the test apparently. So, I keep trucking along. Hoping it gets better. I start a new campaign that will hopefully get more support behind me. This takes away from other tasks at hand that I need to focus on and now some supporters are getting antsy.

“What is he up to” they wonder. “I’m not supporting him so that he can just ‘hang out’ and ask for more!” they say. - - - I sit in silence. Not sure what to do.

You see, I spent 6 years doing this. I don’t “know” anything else. I didn’t go to college because I thought this would be what I would do with the rest of my life. In fact, all of the learning I have done has been so specific to this ministry these past 6 years that, there are really no jobs out there for me to be beneficial to. I will need to start at the bottom no matter where I go, and the only entry level job out there is maybe some dishwasher or fry cook (both respectable jobs which I have both worked as). I can do it. I just feel as though I wasted 6 years preparing myself for nothing. Goodness, if people knew my mind went there I would get sermons galore in my email tomorrow. I know the “right” answers, I have taught them to people, but in a moment like this, many things are tested.

Faith is a funny thing. It keeps the fire burning even when there seems to be no oil left. It will always take faith to press through the hard times. It will always take faith to move forward into an unknown area. It will always take faith to believe the Words that Jesus spoke so long ago. That if I seek His kingdom and righteousness all of these things will be added to me. That is a bold statement, but a true one.

  Sometimes fear mascaraed as wisdom, making us try to find our own solution to these problems, but true Wisdom is rooted not in fear itself, but the fear of the Lord. It is rooted in the places that put Him, the great God Almighty, into the equation. True wisdom would be involving Him into this situation and recognizing the answer. Wisdom isn’t about getting rid of fear; it is about putting it in the right place. It’s okay to be afraid. As long as you have allowed the Lord to take preeminence, you will step out of this okay. “Courage isn’t the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” -  Courage is about putting fear in its place and moving on from there. My relationship with the Lord looks very peculiar to people. I am very honest with Him. I figure that the God of the universe can handle my emotions and distress. I find that admitting I have a problem is the first step, and if I admit it to Him, it opens a door to Him that allows lasting healing to come in.

To be honest, I am terrified. I don’t know where I will end up or how long this season will last, but Jesus takes preeminence. Knowing how He loves me will casts out any inappropriate fear I have and replace it with confidence in who He is. I’d rather be confident in who He is than who I am. He is a much stronger person. I’d rather rely on His strength than my own, because my own would leave me here in a ditch of fear, unable to move. When it is on Him, I simply don’t need to worry.
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New Years Resolution #1

By: Heather Wilson on | Comments: 0
New Years Resolution #1: Faith
It was by faith Able brought a more acceptable offering
It was by faith Enoch was taken up to heaven without dying
It was by faith Noah built and ark to save his family
It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave his home
It was by faith Sarah was able to have a child
It was by faith Abraham offered Isaac as a sacrifice
It was by faith Isaac blessed his two sons
It was by faith Jacob blessed Joseph’s sons
It was by faith Joseph, when he was about to die confidently spoke of God’s bringing Israel out of Egypt
It was by faith Moses’ parents hid him for three months
It was by faith Moses chose to share the oppression of God’s people
It was by faith the people of Israel went right through the red sea
It was by faith Rahab the prostitute did not die with all the others

Having been raised going to church since I was a child, I read all the names above and recall many things I learned about each of these men and woman of faith. How they obeyed God, how they overcame obstacles, how they made hard choices, how they knew God. Heard God. Followed God. How exciting things happened because of their faith.
So often I want the exciting outcome, but I am too afraid to step out in faith to what God has called me to do.  This January, as much as I want to lose weight, keep up with the laundry, and read more books, those will not be what I will resolve to do.  I want to resolve to step out of the comfortable. To obey even when it does not make sense. To grow my faith in God. To live a story of faith for the generations to come.
As 2017  comes to an end and we look back on a year filled with highs and lows, faith and failure,  let us rejoice that we serve a God that wants to use us. Let's celebrate that His mercies are new EVERY morning.
So, even though we do not know what God has in store for us, let’s agree in 2018  we are going to be, as we say at,  Shine Brightly! 
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5?Ways to Build Interest in Your Campaign

By: GiveSendGo on | Comments: 0
If you're about to begin a Christian crowdfunding campaign, the last thing you want is a campaign no one notices. You may fear invisibility and that the amount given to your cause may not meet your need. Although there are some things that are out of your control, there are many that you can influence. Here are 5 things you can do to build interest.

Include Video
Facebook faithfuls know there is power in a video. Even with the ease of access to making videos, there are still a surprising amount of campaign owners who don't take advantage of this technology. If you include a quality video, you'll set yourself apart from many others who don't. You'll reach more people since some won't stop to read about your campaign but will watch a video. Also, videos tend to be shared more on social platforms, especially if they are compelling and well put together.

Be Sincere
Sincerity is tough to stage. In most cases, potential givers will be quick to notice if you have it or not. And although sincerity matters in all forms of crowdfunding, it could be argued that it's most important in donation crowdfunding which is what Give Send Go is all about.A great way for people to see you are sincere is through video. But if you're not careful, it could have the opposite effect.  Eye-contact is huge when it comes to photos and video. If you struggle with eye contact, you're not alone. After all, videography likely isn't something you do for a living. There are several ways you can be sure to make eye-contact during your video. You can use a teleprompter but you don't necessarily need a high-tech gadget. You can have someone hold up the written words you wish to say so they're easily visible to you. Another option is to memorize your lines. Along with this, do your best to smile and keep potential donors interested by using an enthusiastic tone of voice.

Use Emotion
The use of emotion is an aspect of sincerity but is worthy of extra attention. Most people don't give just because of spreadsheets and facts. They give because a cause grabs at their heart. It's true that if emotion is taken too far it can be overdone and appear to lack authenticity. Yet, many are afraid to show emotion in video and their writing. In the writing world, people quickly lose interest if what they’re reading doesn’t show emotion. Readers need to feel something. Be open about how you've felt through your triumphs and challenges. It's ok to share about anger, bewilderment, elation, anticipation, fear and anything else you're feeling.  Every person you reach out to will understand that range of emotions. They’ll connect with you on a deeper level because you were open with them.  Along with this, be sure to be as transparent as appropriate. Blogger, Jeff Goins, once shared that if bloggers don't feel at least a little uncomfortable after posting an article, then they probably weren't as transparent as they should've been.  The same could be said for campaign owners.

Utilize the Power of "You"
The power of "you" is essential to draw potential givers in. It's also called the second person. Yes, share about yourself and your campaign but use the word "you" in your writing and video as well.  Essentially, what you're doing is including potential donors in your mission. If you want an example of second person usage, read over this article with new eyes. It wouldn’t be as interesting and motivating to read without the second person.  There’s an inviting quality to the second person. Be conversational and remember to draw others in using this approach. Include others like you’re talking right to each of them individually. If you get them interested, they’ll be more likely to get involved with your cause.  If you remember that crowdfunding is always a team effort, second-person usage will come easily.

Keep Sharing Your Christian Crowdfunding Campaign
This one has been mentioned in previous posts but is worth repeating. Provide consistent exposure to potential donors. One-time sharing will not get you the results you need.  Provide updates on social media through writing, photos and video. Consistently use email to your advantage.  Often, it’s not that people aren’t interested in your cause. It’s just that they have hundreds of other things clamoring for attention in their crazy lives.  Provide as much visibility for your campaign as you can without being obnoxious. 

Are you in the process of a Christian crowdfunding campaign on or have you had one in the past? If so, what are some ways you found to build interest in a campaign that you would add to this list?


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