
Jesus: The Perfect Passover Lamb 

By: Alex Shipley on | Comments: 1

The Passover is a significant event in Jewish history that commemorates God's deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. The Passover lamb was sacrificed, and its blood was placed on the doorposts to protect the Israelites from the angel of death. The Passover meal is observed annually as a reminder of this miraculous event. (Read more on the Passover in the book of Exodus).

But the Passover has a deeper meaning as well. It points to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who gave his life on the cross to save and provide hope for humanity from sin and death. He was God’s plan for salvation from the beginning of time. Through his death and resurrection, Jesus fulfilled the Passover in a way that no other sacrifice could.

First, Jesus was the perfect Passover Lamb. In John 1:29, John the Baptist calls Jesus "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." Jesus was without blemish, just as the Passover lamb had to be. His blood was shed to provide redemption for all who trust in him, just as the blood of the Passover lamb protected the Israelites.

Second, Jesus' death on the cross occurred during the Passover celebration. He was crucified on the day of preparation for the Passover, the same day that the Passover lambs were being slaughtered in the temple. This was not a coincidence; it was a divine appointment that God had orchestrated to show that Jesus was the ultimate Passover sacrifice.

Finally, Jesus' death on the cross inaugurated a new covenant between God and us. In Luke 22:20, Jesus tells his disciples that the cup of wine he shares with them represents "the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you." This new covenant fulfills the promise that God made to Abraham, that through him all nations of the world would be blessed.

Through his death on the cross, Jesus fulfilled the Passover in a way that no other sacrifice could. It also serves as a reminder of God's faithfulness, redemption, and provision. He provided blessings and deliverance to the Israelites as He does for us now through Jesus Christ. As we remember the Passover, let’s also celebrate the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made for us and praise him for the redemption he’s provided.

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Top 10 Questions People Email GiveSendGo's Customer Service Team

By: Alex Shipley on | Comments: 0

At GiveSendGo, we understand that running a successful crowdfunding campaign can be challenging. That's why we're here to help answer some of the most frequently asked questions our customer service team receives. In this blog, we'll address some of the top questions we receive and provide you with answers to help you successfully manage your campaign.

How do I receive a payout?
At GiveSendGo, we strive to make the payout process as simple and transparent as possible. Here's a quick overview of how the payout process works:
To receive a payout, you need to complete the identity and banking verification process, wait for the initial waiting period to end, and have a balance available for payout. Once these conditions are met, you can request a payout by clicking the "Request Payout" button in the Payouts section of your campaign dashboard. The funds will be transferred to your bank account within one to two days after approval.

How long does it take to receive approval for a payout request?
After you submit a payout request, it takes one to two days for our team to review and approve it. Once approved, you can expect the funds to reach your bank account within one to two additional days.

Why haven't I received my payout yet?
There could be various reasons why you haven't received your payout yet. It could be due to incomplete verification, insufficient funds available for payout, or a delay in approval by the verification team. It's recommended to check the status of your verification and ensure that you have a balance available for payout.

When will my funds be available for payout?
Your funds will be available for payout three days after the successful donation has been made to your campaign. After the initial waiting period, the "Request Payout" button will appear in the Payouts section of your campaign dashboard whenever you have a balance available for payout, and you can request a payout at any time.

How do I change the recipient?
If circumstances change and the recipient can't receive funds, we can help change the recipient. We need confirmation from the organizer and current recipient to ensure the funds go to the right person. Changing the recipient may not always be possible, but we'll try our best to find a solution. If the recipient has passed away, please read this article on what to do. Contact our support team at to change the recipient, and we'll work with you to find the best solution.

Can I hide the givers’ donation amounts on my campaign page? 
Yes! You have the option to toggle the on/off switch next to "Just show giver name and not donation amount" in your Donation Settings to your preferred setting.
When this option is switched on, givers and visitors to your campaign page will only be able to see the names of other givers, and not the amount they gave. However, if this option is switched off, the givers' names and their donation amounts will be visible to other givers and visitors on your GiveSendGo campaign page.In addition to this, you can also make all givers anonymous, show/hide the total amount raised, and turn comments on/off from the same settings page.

How does GiveSendGo determine which campaigns are featured on the home page?
Sharing is the responsibility of the campaign owners. We have thousands of awesome campaigns on GiveSendGo and wouldn't be able to just pick some over others. To keep it fair, we have an algorithm that puts campaigns in our trending section based on shares and donations.

How do I refund my donor(s)?
GiveSendGo may approve requests to close a campaign and refund donors in certain circumstances. However, it's important to note that these refunds do not include any additional amounts donated to GiveSendGo by the giver, percentages donated to GiveSendGo by the campaign owner, or the original processing fees charged by the payment processor. Non-USD currencies are subject to the current conversion rate. This policy is to ensure fair and transparent processes for all users, covering the costs of processing and managing refunds.

How do I connect my campaign to my bank account?
Choose who will receive the funds: yourself, someone else, or an organization. The recipient must be over 18, reside in the payout country, and complete KYC verification with our payment processor. Provide contact info for non-self recipients. We'll send instructions to add banking details for payouts. If you're the recipient, provide banking details and submit the info.

How do I update my bank account information?
To update your bank account, send an email to from the email address associated with your account.

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Who is Going to Give to My Campaign?

By: Alex Shipley on | Comments: 0

One of the biggest questions we often hear from our campaign owners is, "Who is going to give to my campaign?" It's a valid concern, and we understand that it can be intimidating to ask for help from your friends, family, and community. However, we want to encourage you to share your campaign with your inner circle because those are the people most likely to give to your campaign.

Studies have shown that the majority of donations to crowdfunding campaigns come from people who know the campaigner personally. That's because those who are closest to you are often the most invested in your success and want to support you in any way they can. We’ve seen this to be especially true on GiveSendGo. So, if you're hesitant to share your campaign, we urge you to take the leap and share it with those closest to you. Here are some tips to make the process a little easier:

Start with a Personal Message:
Instead of just sharing your campaign link on social media, start with a personal message explaining why your campaign is important to you and why you need their help. This will help your friends and family understand your situation and will encourage them to support you.

Share Your Campaign Everywhere:
Share your campaign link on all of your favorite social media platforms, through email, and even through text message. The more you share, the more likely people are to see your campaign and support it.
Give Updates:
Don't forget to give updates on your campaign's progress which you can do through your campaign dashboard and will appear as updates on your campaign page. Share milestones and accomplishments, and thank your supporters publicly. This will keep people engaged and interested in your campaign.

Be Grateful:
Remember to always be grateful for any support you receive. Even if someone is not able to donate, they can still leave a prayer message for you and share your campaign with their own network, which can help to spread the word even further.

While it's true that your campaign may not go viral and attract strangers to donate, it's important to remember that your friends, family, and community can make a big difference. So don't be afraid to share your campaign with them and ask for their support. Remember, you're not alone in this journey.

Thank you for choosing GiveSendGo to help make a difference in your life and the lives of others.
If you have any further questions please send us a message through our contact page here.
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