
Bronx Fire

By: GiveSendGo on | Comments: 0

This morning, Tuesday January 2nd, 2018, a six alarm fire tore through an apartment building in the Bronx, killing 12 people and displacing many more.  The news articles say that it was a little child that accidentally started the fire. Of course the comments go from heartfelt condolences to people needing to make sure everyone knows that child should have been watched better.   

My heart hurts for those who lost someone in this fire. If you read the news articles about this fire, you will hear of heroes, a soldier, and people that stepped up and put themselves in harms way to try to help during this devastating situation. 

I think of the families of the ones that lost their lives. One minute celebrating the New Year and all the exciting things planned, a clean slate, a fresh start. The next minute plunged into grief and indescribable agony as their world has been torn apart. 

At GiveSendGo we see first hand how stories like these are happening all around the world, tragic, sad, unbelievable. We see campaigns started for people that have been dealt a horrible hand during this season of their lives.  We often cry and pray over  the campaigns that come in, as we hear of children passing away too soon and medical bills needing to be covered.  We share campaign stories of deadly and horrific accidents that have taken place where donating to financial needs is the only thing that might bring a little hope to the situation. 

We remind people that despite all the bad news, that there is hope, and that hope is Jesus.  He doesn't step in and take all the heartache and tragedy away. We don't always understand why and often won't ever know the answer to the "why?" questions we find ourselves asking.   We just know that Jesus does offer Hope. Hope for tomorrow. Hope that we will make it through this life -not unscathed but loved. Hope that we can have a relationship with God. Hope that we will one day see Him face to face.  

Today let us change our New Year's Resolution list.  Move losing weight, and finding a new job down a notch on our list. Let's add  "Share the hope of Jesus" to our #1 spot.  Let's not wait until tragedy strikes. Let's be introducing people to Jesus EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. 

Let's Shine Brightly. 

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