
Rallying the Faithful: Crowdfunding on GiveSendGo for Faith-Based Causes

By: Alex Shipley on | Comments: 1
Crowdfunding has become a popular way to raise funds for various causes, including faith-based initiatives. One of the leading crowdfunding platforms for faith-based causes is GiveSendGo. The platform has helped raise millions of dollars for religious causes such as church building projects, mission trips, and charitable works. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of crowdfunding on GiveSendGo for these faith-based causes.

Access to a Large Network of Supporters
GiveSendGo is a popular crowdfunding platform among Christians worldwide, and it has a large network of supporters who are ready to give to faith-based causes. By using the platform, campaign owners can reach out with their campaign links on their social media platforms as well as by email and text to potential supporters who care about them and share their values and beliefs, making it easier to connect with people who are more likely to donate.

Safe and Secure Platform
One of the primary concerns for both givers and campaign owners across the board is the safety and security of their funds. GiveSendGo has taken several measures to ensure that donations are safe and secure. The platform uses industry-standard encryption and SSL certificates to protect all sensitive information, such as credit card details. In addition, the platform has a fraud prevention system that monitors transactions and flags any suspicious activity.

Easy-to-Use Platform
GiveSendGo is designed to be user-friendly, with a simple interface that allows people to create and launch a campaign quickly. The platform provides step-by-step instructions, making it easy for people to set up their campaigns and start accepting donations. The platform also offers a range of customization options, including the ability to add images and videos to the campaign page.

Emphasis on Prayer 
The platform has several features that promote prayer and allow supporters to participate in praying for the people and causes they care about. GiveSendGo's Prayer Partners are a dedicated team of people who have committed to praying for the needs of campaign owners and their causes. The platform also has a "Pray Now" button on every campaign page that allows supporters to submit their prayers and messages of support directly to the fundraiser. (Everyone can use prayer!) Additionally, GiveSendGo has a Prayer Wall, where people can view and pray for the needs of others. This page is open to anyone looking for some spiritual support for their prayer requests or even a community of people who are ready to celebrate their praises! These features not only encourage a sense of community among givers, campaign owners, and anyone who uses GiveSendGo but they also emphasize the importance of prayer in the success of faith-based initiatives. 

Cheaper Than Competitors
GiveSendGo is the cheapest crowdfunding platform out there. It has a 0% platform fee and operates off of a generosity model, meaning people only give to GiveSendGo when they choose to support us! GiveSendGo also recently lowered their third-party payment processing fee to 2.7% + $0.30, far cheaper than our competitors! This means our campaign owners can keep more and do more with the money they raise! 

Support for Religious Causes
Unlike other crowdfunding platforms, GiveSendGo has a heart for faith-based causes, making it an ideal choice for faith-filled fundraisers. In fact, GiveSendGo’s founders and many of its employees are believers who understand the struggle of finding support for their ministries and faith-based initiatives in a world that’s hostile to Christianity and religion in general. That’s why GiveSendGo offers a platform for people to raise funds for a wide range of religious causes, from Christian mission trips to Jewish charitable works. This makes it easier for campaign owners to connect with like-minded supporters who share their faith and values.

In conclusion, GiveSendGo is an excellent platform for faith-based fundraising initiatives. With its large network of supporters, user-friendly interface, emphasis on prayer, cheaper platform, and support for religious causes, it offers a range of benefits to campaign owners. By leveraging these benefits, faith-based fundraisers can rally their faithful supporters to achieve their fundraising goals and bring their initiatives to life for the glory of God!
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How GiveSendGo is Revolutionizing the Crowdfunding Landscape 

By: Alex Shipley on | Comments: 3


Crowdfunding has become an increasingly popular way for people to raise money for personal, creative, or charitable projects. In recent years, we have seen the rise of numerous crowdfunding platforms, but none are quite like GiveSendGo. GiveSendGo is a unique platform that is changing the face of crowdfunding and helping individuals and communities achieve their fundraising goals in a variety of ways.

Here are just a few ways that GiveSendGo is revolutionizing the crowdfunding landscape:

Created by Christians for Everyone 
GiveSendGo is a crowdfunding platform created by Christians, but it is a platform that is designed for everyone, regardless of their religious beliefs. While GiveSendGo's founders are Christians and so are many of their employees, the platform is open to people of all faiths, backgrounds, and beliefs.
The platform's founders wanted to build a space where people could come together to support each other and raise funds for their needs and causes. They were motivated by a desire to help people access the financial support they need to overcome difficult situations, and to create a community of caring and compassionate individuals who are committed to making a difference in the world. That’s why one of GiveSendGo’s slogans is that help and hope go hand-in-hand. 

Operating Off of a Generosity Model
GiveSendGo is also setting the standard for other crowdfunding platforms to follow by being the first crowdfunding platform to operate off of a generosity model, where the platform operates entirely on donations from users, rather than taking a percentage of the funds raised. 
This means the givers can be confident that a larger percentage of their donations is going directly to the cause they are supporting, rather than being siphoned off to cover platform fees.In recent years, many crowdfunding platforms have shifted to a similar generosity model.GiveSendGo's commitment to this model demonstrates the platform's dedication to its users and their fundraising goals.

Providing a Dedicated Team of Prayer Partners
One unique aspect of GiveSendGo is its emphasis on prayer and team of prayer partners. GiveSendGo understands that fundraising can be stressful and emotionally taxing, which is why the platform provides a dedicated team of prayer partners to offer spiritual and emotional support to campaign owners. This is a service that no other crowdfunding platform offers, and it is just one example of how GiveSendGo goes above and beyond to meet its users’ material and spiritual needs.

Upholding Freedom of Speech and Religion
GiveSendGo is a platform that values free speech and religious freedom. The platform has been recognized as a champion of free speech and has been praised for its commitment to protecting the right of its users to fundraise for the causes they believe in. GiveSendGo firmly believes in the First Amendment, and as such, it does not censor or discriminate against any fundraising campaigns based on their content, as long as they comply with the platform's terms of service.

GiveSendGo is revolutionizing the crowdfunding landscape by providing a unique and safe fundraising platform for everyone, operating on the generosity of others, providing a dedicated team of prayer partners, and upholding freedom of speech and religion. Whether you’re looking to fundraise for a project, cause, or someone you care about, GiveSendGo is the crowdfunding platform for you!

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GiveSendGo Provides a Platform and a Voice for Canadian Truckers!

By: Brieya Mikale on | Comments: 16
Canadian truckers are currently banding together in protest of government vaccine mandates and people all over the world are standing with them in support. So much so that they’ve raised over $10 million in donations which the creator of the campaign, Tamara Lich, says will be going to take care of the truckers convoy throughout their travels. However, shortly after the campaign had raised nearly half that amount, GoFundMe froze the campaign funds from being accessed by the convoy or from being given back to donors who requested refunds. Now, GoFundMe has also paused the campaign, preventing anyone else from donating to the truckers. 

GiveSendGo Co-founder Jacob Wells recently commented in a GiveSendGo press release on GoFundMe’s appalling actions. “This is yet another example of Big Tech becoming Big Brother, dictating how people should make decisions and raise money,” he said. 

Once again, GoFundMe is making decisions on behalf of people who have every right to have their voices heard and their causes shared. GoFundMe continues to censor campaigns they don’t agree with all while withholding people’s money. 

When will people learn that GiveSendGo should be the first choice in crowdfunding? We’re no longer just the alternative to these other crowdfunding platforms. WE’RE THE BEST OPTION AND THE REPLACEMENT!

As a free speech crowdfunding platform, we believe you have the right to raise money for what you believe in and donate to who you want to support. We treat you like the adults you are. It’s not our job to control what you do with your hard-earned money. 

Thankfully, these truckers finally found GiveSendGo where they can safely raise money without fear of censorship or loss of control over their funds. 

If you would like to join the freedom movement and support these Canadian truckers, here are a few links to their GiveSendGo campaigns!
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